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基于蒸散发互补相关原理,定量分析和预测了引黄灌溉发展对甘肃景泰灌区年潜在蒸散量的影响。景泰灌区从1972年开始引黄灌溉,年蒸发皿蒸发量和潜在蒸散量随着灌溉引水消耗的增大而减小,其中空气动力学项下降的趋势非常明显,潜在蒸散量的变化主要受到风速下降和相对湿度增大的影响,与引黄灌溉有密切关系。根据互补相关平流-干旱模型分析了年潜在蒸散量随灌区耗水量的变化规律,并在假定年降水量和年潜在蒸散量中辐射项保持多年平均值的情况下,预测了不同耗水量情景下的年潜在蒸散量。  相似文献   

新疆塔里木灌区水盐问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐碱化和次生盐渍化是威胁塔里木灌区农业生产的主要因素之一。作者主要以水田向水盐平衡为指导分析了塔里木灌区当前水土资源利用方式下的灌区田间尺度的盐分动态、灌区尺度的盐碱化趋势及影响因素以及农田排水的解决对策,估算了地下水临界深度及灌排比,初步探讨了当前节水农业条件下灌区所可能存在的主要问题。文中最后强调:理论上应加强对灌区作物需水研究及水盐运移与聚集规律,特别是节水条件下的根区土壤盐分平衡问题研究;实践中通过完善灌排管理、提高常规灌溉技术的灌溉效率,逐步进行种植业的结构调整,是塔里木灌区灌溉农业持续发展的基础。  相似文献   

张久潮  曹淑萍 《地质通报》2007,26(11):1494-1498
介绍了天津城郊污染区土壤Cd元素的赋存形态,探讨了Cd的赋存形态对蔬菜的影响。研究区土壤中Cd的污染程度高,以蔬菜种植为主,水溶态、离子交换态和碳酸盐态这几种容易(或在一定条件下容易)被作物吸收的Cd含量占65.2%;而有机态结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和残渣态等难被作物吸收的Cd含量低,仅占23.3%。污染区大白菜、芹菜和油麦菜3种蔬菜中的Cd与土壤中Cd的全量、Cd的多种形态都呈较明显的正相关。油菜、芹菜和油麦菜样品存在超标现象。  相似文献   

In Egypt, wastewater has been used for irrigation in areas with fresh water scarcity; however, continuous applications may cause potential risks. Thus, the current study aims to map the spatial distribution of soil contamination and human risks of long-term wastewater irrigation due to the exposure of heavy metals. Soils from nine sites in Al-Qalyubia Governorate, Egypt, were sampled and analyzed. Wastewater irrigation resulted in a buildup of heavy metals in soils compared to Nile fresh water-irrigated soil. The pollution index (PI) showed the decreasing order of Cd?>?Zn?>?Ni?>?Cu?>?Co?>?Pb?>?Cr. The soils were out of the safe domain, as the integrated pollution index of Nemero’s (IPIN) exceeded the safe limit of 0.7. The enrichment factor (EF) exceeded 1.0, proving anthropogenic effects. The geo-accumulation index (Igeo) indicated high threats associated with Cd. The calculated hazard index (HI) indicated that humans exposed to such contaminated soils would have a potential health risk, particularly children. It is recommended to perform a treatment to the wastewater used in irrigation to avoid such threats.  相似文献   

石家庄污灌区表层土壤中重金属环境地球化学研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
对石家庄市污灌区上、中、下游3条剖面中的农田表层土壤重金属元素Pb、Hg、cr、Cd、As、Cu、Zn的含量、污染状况、形态等进行了调查与研究.结果发现.研究区表层土壤中的重金属(除As外)在污灌区上、中、下游均有不同程度的富集,其中Hg、Cd含量较高,下游表层土壤中重金属平均含量均高于上、中游.运用Muller的地积累指数法进行了污染评价,结果表明,以河北省土壤背景值计算,As未对研究区表层土壤造成污染,研究区上、中、下游表层土壤受到了Hg、Cd的污染,主要为轻度一中等的污染程度.研究区表层土壤中Pb、Hg、Cr、As、Cu、Zn的形态主要为残渣态,Cd的形态主要为离子交换态和碳酸盐态,Cd具有一定的生物有效性和潜在生态危害性.  相似文献   

The Nubia Sandstone aquifer system is one of the most extensive groundwater systems in North Africa, covering an area of about 2,000,000 km2, including parts of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, and Chad. In the Western Desert of Egypt, the Nubian formation has a thermal gradient of 1.1–5°C 100 m–1 with the exception of the East Oweinat area, located in the southern part of the Western Desert. This is the only part of this huge system where ground-water occurs under unconfmed conditions in an area where the Nubian sandstone crops out and is underlain by shallow basement rocks; in this area groundwater has no thermal characteristics. The aquifer system in the East Oweinat area attains a relatively high hydraulic conductivity. The direction of groundwater flow is generally northeastwards but is distorted at faults and fracture zones. Chemical analyses of groundwater in the area indicate a low salt content and suitability for irrigation purposes. As the estimated recharge to the area is low compared with the foreseen irrigation water requirement, the development of groundwater in the East Oweinat should be based on groundwater mining. Although the evaluation of the groundwater resources in East Oweinat has indicated that groundwater can be extracted at a rate of 4.7×106 m3 d–1, the long-term economics of extraction that can sustain large-scale development projects has to be assessed.  相似文献   

Soil genesis and clay mineralogy studies play an important role in sustainable soil and agriculture management. Soil properties are highly affected by geomorphic position. To study the physicochemical soil properties and clay mineralogy related to geomorphic surfaces, 12 representative pedons on different landforms in the Mahan-Joupar area, central Iran, were selected. Soil moisture and temperature regimes of the area were aridic and mesic, respectively. Rock and mantled pediments, alluvial fan, inselberg, plain, and transitional surfaces were among the different landforms studied. Alluvial fan was also divided into stable and unstable surfaces according to detailed field studies. Argillic horizon found in stable alluvial fan surfaces was attributed to the presence of a more humid paleoclimate in the history of the area. Coating of calcite on clay films observed by SEM showed that clay was illuviated in more humid periods of the past and then followed by calcium carbonate illuviation during arid climates. Smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite, and palygorskite clay minerals were identified by X-ray and SEM observations. Finally, a close relationship between the geomorphology and soil genesis and clay mineralogy was found in the area.  相似文献   

Geogenic dust is commonly believed to be one of the most important environmental problems in the Middle East.The present study investigated the geochemical characteristics of atmospheric dust particles in Shiraz City(south of Iran).Atmospheric dust samples were collected through a dry collector method by using glass trays at 10 location sites in May 2018.Elemental composition was analysed through inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry.Meteorological data showed that the dustiest days were usually in spring and summer,particularly in April.X-ray diffraction analysis of atmospheric dust samples indicated that the mineralogical composition of atmospheric dust was calcite+dolomite(24%)palygorskite(18%)quartz(14%)muscovite(13%)albite(11%)kaolinite(7%)gypsum(7%)zircon=anatase(3%).The high occurrence of palygorskite(16%-23%) could serve as a tracer of the source areas of dust storms from the desert of Iraq and Saudi Arabia to the South of Iran.Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the sizes of the collected dust varied from 50 μm to0.8 μm,but 10 μm was the predominant size.The atmospheric dust collected had prismatic trigonal-rhombohedral crystals and semi-rounded irregular shapes.Moreover,diatoms were detected in several samples,suggesting that emissions from dry-bed lakes,such as Hoor Al-Azim Wetland(located in the southwest of Iran),also contributed to the dust load.Backward trajectory simulations were performed at the date of sampling by using the NOAA HYSPLIT model.Results showed that the sources of atmospheric dust in the study area were the eastern area of Iraq,eastern desert of Saudi Arabia,Kuwait and Khuzestan Province.The Ca/Al ratio of the collected samples(1.14) was different from the upper continental crust(UCC) value(UCC=0.37),whereas Mg/A1(0.29),K/Al(0.22) and Ti/Al(0.07) ratios were close to the UCC value(0.04).This condition favours desert calcisols as the main mineral dust sources.Analysis of the crustal enrichment factor(EF_(crustal)) revealed geogenic sources for V,Mo,Pb,Sr,Cu and Zn(2),whereas anthropogenic sources affected As,Cd,Cr and Ni.  相似文献   

The Kouh-e Zar mining area with iron oxide-rich types of Cu–Au (IOCG)-type gold mineralization is located in a fractured zone between two main “Darouneh” and “Taknar” faults in 35 km northwest of Torbat-e Heydarieh. In this study, the hydrogeochemistry and water quality of groundwater were examined for irrigation uses. Totally, 11 groundwater samples were collected in semi-arid area surrounding the mine. According to the irrigation water quality indices such as sodium absorption ratio, sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, residual sodium bicarbonate, potential salinity, salinity index, salinity hazard, permeability index and magnesium hazard, the water resources were appraised suitable to unsuitable. Na+ was a dominant cation and HCO3? was a dominant anion in the water samples. Fortunately, SO42? content is low (<?250 mg/L) in the water samples because of low-sulfide content mineralization in this mine. Water–rock interaction was defined as the controlling process on groundwater chemistry based on the Gibbs diagram. Calculated saturation indices revealed that the anion and cations in groundwater originated from dissolution of minerals and evaporation process. In the case of dominant Ca2+ and Mg2+, they were originated by dissolution of carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and aragonite. Na+ was likely originated by plagioclase weathering in the brecciated volcanic rocks. Though the sulfidic mineralization is not so high in the Kouh-e Zar area, however, considering the existence of metalogenic mineralization in the Kouh-e Zar area, there is also a risk potential of release of toxic elements into the groundwater on which further deep investigation is ongoing in the area.  相似文献   

Unsafe lead (Pb) concentrations in leafy vegetables raised in urban and peri-urban agricultural production systems have been reported across cities in Northern Nigeria, even though Pb concentrations in soils are within regulatory safe levels. This study examined the soil enrichment, adsorption and chemical species of Pb in urban garden fields irrigated with untreated wastewater at three industrial locations in Kano, northern Nigeria. Total Pb in the soil profiles ranged from 9 to 91 mg kg?1 and decreased rapidly from the surface to the subsurface layer, but attaining nearly constant concentration at depth ≥1.2 m in the profiles. The potentially labile Pb maintained fairly constant concentration with depth up to 0.9 m, but decreased fairly rapidly with depth thereafter. There was a significant Pb enrichment of the soils, extending up to 30–60 cm depth in the soil profiles. The adsorption of Pb by the soils increased drastically with pH, and attained maximum adsorption at pH ≥ 7.0 in the surface layer, and at pH ≥ 6 in the subsurface layer. The surface soils adsorbed between 85 and 97 % of added Pb at pH ≤ 5. Free Pb2+ activities in soil solution accounted for between 46 and 87 % at pH 5–7 of total dissolved Pb (PbT). The quantifiable chemical species of Pb in solution consisted mainly of PbOH+, PbSO 4 · , PbCl+ and PbOH 2 · which accounted for between 0.9 and 26 % of PbT in soil solution at pH ≥ 5.0, but declining to between 0.1 and 2.1 % at pH ≥ 7.5. There was no apparent equilibrium between Pb2+ activities and known Pb-compounds in the soils. It was concluded from the data that reports of excess Pb concentrations in leafy vegetables raised in these soils are consistent with high free Pb2+ activities maintained in soil solution by these predominantly sandy-textured soils.  相似文献   

Impacts of irrigation with treated wastewater effluents on soils and groundwater aquifer in the vicinity of Sidi Abid Region (Tunisia) are evaluated. The groundwater aquifer was monitored by several piezometers, where monthly water levels were registered and groundwater salinity was evaluated. This resulted in characterizing the spatial and temporal evolution of the hydrochemical and hydrodynamic properties of the aquifer, showing thereby the impact of artificial recharge. Piezometric maps for pre-recharge and post-recharge situations were developed and a comparison study of both piezometric situations was considered. The piezometric evolution map showed a generalized rise of the piezometric level in the vicinity of the irrigation zone. The extent of recharge was shown to increase with time as the groundwater level increase, which was localized in the vicinity of the irrigation area, reached more extended zones. Several groundwater samples were withdrawn from wells and piezometers and analyzed. Examining the corresponding physical and chemical parameters showed an increase in the concentrations of nutrients (28 mg/l for NO3 and 3.97 mg/l for NH4) in the groundwater aquifer below the irrigation zone, which confirms again the infiltration of treated wastewater effluents. The evolution of soil salinity was examined through chemical analysis of soil samples. Electric conductivities of soils were generally shown to be less than 4 mS/cm while the irrigation water has an electric conductivity that may reach 6.63 mS/cm. This might be explained by the phenomenon of dilution and the capacity of soils to evacuate salts downward.  相似文献   

硒(Se)是人类和动物必需微量元素之一,为科学预测作物硒含量,实现富硒土地资源合理开发利用。本研究系统采集并分析了13042个表层土壤样品和313套玉米、164套马铃薯及其对应的根系土样品,研究了该区土壤Se含量分布特征及影响因素,分别建立了马铃薯、玉米可食部分Se含量的BP神经网络预测模型,对富Se农作物种植区进行了合理规划。结果表明:土壤Se含量均值是0.164μg/g,空间分布不均匀,研究区内清水河平原地区出现富硒区且连片分布。研究区土壤硒元素含量主要受其成土母质控制,岩石经风化剥蚀、随河水迁移和农业灌溉,伴随着有机质含量增加,造成第四系冲洪积平原Se含量增加。研究区马铃薯、玉米籽实富Se率分别为82.32%和38.02%,且重金属含量不超标,具备开发富硒农产品的潜力。农作物籽实Se含量主要与根系土中Se、S、pH和有机质含量有关,通过作物籽实Se含量预测模型规划出研究区富Se马铃薯种植区面积为1050.11 km2,富Se玉米种植区面积19.19 km2。该认识可为当地富硒农产品种植区规划及作物种植调整提供依据。  相似文献   

周文辉  李雪珍  李永春  高琪  杨忠芳  段轶仁 《地质论评》2023,69(1):2023010015-2023010016
硒(Se)是人类和动物必需微量元素之一,为科学预测作物硒含量,实现富硒土地资源合理开发利用。本研究系统采集并分析了13042个表层土壤样品和313套玉米、164套马铃薯及其对应的根系土样品,研究了该区土壤 Se 含量分布特征及影响因素,分别建立了马铃薯、玉米可食部分Se含量的BP神经网络预测模型,对富 Se农作物种植区进行了合理规划。结果表明:土壤Se含量均值是0. 164 μg/g,空间分布不均匀,研究区内清水河平原地区出现富硒区且连片分布。研究区土壤硒元素含量主要受其成土母质控制,岩石经风化剥蚀、随河水迁移和农业灌溉,伴随着有机质含量增加,造成第四系冲洪积平原 Se 含量增加。研究区马铃薯、玉米籽实富Se 率分别为 82. 32 % 和 38. 02 %,且重金属含量不超标,具备开发富硒农产品的潜力。农作物籽实 Se 含量主要与根系土中Se、S、pH和有机质含量有关,通过作物籽实 Se 含量预测模型规划出研究区富 Se 马铃薯种植区面积为 1050. 11 km2,富 Se 玉米种植区面积 19. 19 km2。该认识可为当地富硒农产品种植区规划及作物种植调整提供依据。  相似文献   

湖南洞庭湖地区土壤中Hg的来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hg污染已成为全球性的环境问题,尤其是Hg对土壤的污染,因其具有隐蔽性、不可逆性和长期性的特点,对陆生生态系统构成潜在的巨大威胁,因此查明土壤中Hg的来源非常重要。运用生态地球化学填图的指导思想,对湖南洞庭湖地区土壤剖面分析和成土过程研究后发现,表层土壤中Hg含量的高低与成土母质中Hg的含量有很好的对应性,成土过程对土壤中Hg的含量也有显著的影响。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to evaluate trace metal distribution and identify their sources in the Maharlou Lake. Trace metals (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) and major elements (A1, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P) were investigated in water and surface sediments. There was a negative relationship between the depth of water and heavy metal concentration. Metal concentrations in water and sediment samples show a high variability and decrease in this order: Al〉Fe〉Ni〉Co〉Pb〉Zn〉Cu〉Mn〉Cd. In the northern parts of the lake, especially at the inflow of drains and the Khoshk River of Shiraz City, metal concentrations are higher in both water and sediment samples. In order to assess the heavy metal enrichment in sediment samples, trace metal concentrations were normalized for Al. Except for Mn, all metals are enriched relative to average crust and average sedimentary rocks. Also, the results showed that stations located at the northern coast of the lake, have higher enrichment factors (EF) than the other stations. The results of this study showed that the Khoshk River and other drains are the main pollutant sources of the Maharluo Lake.  相似文献   

选择广泛分布于岩溶地区的黄壤,通过对室内三轴剪切试验,测定含水率和干密度交互作用对土壤抗剪强度指标的影响。试验表明:(1)在相同干密度情况下,黄壤粘聚力c随着含水率的增加呈现出先增加后减小的趋势,在相同土壤含水率水平下,粘聚力c随干密度增大而增大;黄壤内摩擦角φ在各干密度条件下均随着含水率增加呈明显减小的趋势,衰减速率基本一致;同一含水率水平下,内摩擦角φ随干密度变化不明显,土壤干密度为1.6g/cm3内摩擦角相对较大。(2)含水率和干密度的交互作用对黄壤粘聚力c有显著影响,粘聚力c在1.3~1.7g/cm3范围内随着干密度的增大而增大,且每一个干密度都有一个特定含水率与之对应,在这样一个交互作用下粘聚力c达到最大。(3)含水率和干密度的交互作用对内摩擦角φ影响相对较小,同一干密度下,其φ值差异不大,随干密度的增大缓慢增大,相对而言,含水率对内摩擦角φ的影响更明显,黄壤内摩擦角φ随含水率的增大呈非线性下降。   相似文献   

采用间歇灌溉进行土壤盐分淋洗的适用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为比较一次性灌溉和间歇灌溉在盐分淋洗效率方面的优劣,采用HYDRUS-1D两区模型模拟分析了不同频次灌溉条件下的土壤水盐运移过程。结果表明存在一个间歇灌溉具有更高淋洗效率的最大深度,并将其称为临界深度。对砂土的模拟显示在灌水总量为20 cm时,随着潜在蒸发强度从0 mm/d升高至6 mm/d,临界深度从60 cm以上降为0 cm;而在潜在蒸发强度为2 mm/d时,随着灌水总量从10 cm增加至40 cm,临界深度相应从20 cm增加至接近80 cm。比较而言,透水性好、不动水体占比高、两部分孔隙之间水分和溶质交换能力差的土壤,临界深度更大;对黏土、黏壤土、壤土、砂壤土和砂土分别进行模拟显示偏砂性土壤具有更大的临界深度,在灌水总量和潜在蒸发强度分别为30 cm和2 mm/d时,黏土和砂土的临界深度分别为56 cm和大于100 cm。总的来看,对于间歇灌溉是否能提高盐分淋洗效率不能一概而论,引入临界深度可以在一定程度上解释研究者们对于间歇灌溉是否能提高盐分淋洗效率的不同认识。  相似文献   

甘肃永靖黑方台地区灌溉诱发作用与黄土滑坡响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黑方台地区自灌溉以来,诱发了大量的滑坡,但缺乏系统地对研究区的滑坡历史分析研究 在黑方台滑坡历史分析的基础上,研究灌溉引起的地下水位上升过程与滑坡的历史关系,对比分析不同时期的地下水位对滑坡稳定性、滑坡体积及后壁垮塌速度的影响.历史数据分析表明,灌溉引起的水位上升与滑坡发生的频率、体积存在明显的相关性,选取的典型滑坡稳定性计算结果显示滑坡具有多期逐级后退式特征,随着灌溉时间的增长,滑坡体积逐渐减小,但发生频率逐渐增大,基于DEM数据计算的滑坡变形也验证了计算结果.研究成果基本反演了灌溉引起的黄土滑坡历史过程,对黑方台滑坡的综合治理提供了数据支撑.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb), as an environmental hormone, acts as an estrogen in animal and human bodies, and its environmental pollution can result in many procreant anomalies, such as maladjustment of incretion, weakening of procreation function and descending of genital immunity. Experiments on pot-growth of paddies and corns in this study indicated that these crops did not show any macro-toxic symptoms in the observed contents of Pb added (0-4000 mg/kg) in soils. However, lead in soils can be easily absorbed by crops and accumulated in the different parts of plants. Statistical analysis showed that Pb contents in the crops are strongly positively correlated to the Pb contents in soils. In the crops, the Pb contents of roots are highest, tens to thousands of times those of straws and seeds. It is suggested that the root is a barrier of Pb absorbed by straws and seeds. Based on this fact, Pb pollution in soils can be gradually reduced by planting crops and subsequently removing the roots from the soil. This biotechnology may be used in environmental remediation, which embraces the quality of sustainable agricultural economy and a healthy environment.  相似文献   

In this study, the total concentration and speciation of trace elements (As, Cr, Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, and Ni), in sediments of the Maharlu saline Lake, SW Iran are investigated. Comparison with sediment quality guidelines, calculation of the enrichment factors, and trace metal profiles in the Khoshk River inflow point indicate that Maharlu Lake is in the threat of contamination, especially with respect to Ni and Cd. Sequential extraction analysis reveals that elemental speciation in this lake is strongly affected by oxidizing condition of the lake water. The studied elements (except Cr) are mainly associated with oxide phases, as a result of prevailing oxidizing conditions of the lake and also probably due to the source of elements. The ratio of metals in mobile fractions to sum of fractions in lake sediments is very low. However, metal ratios (except for Cr) in mobile fractions are much higher in surface sediments, indicating the impact of anthropogenic loading of trace metals in the recent years.  相似文献   

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