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广元枯水季农业用水盈亏分析及水资源潜力挖掘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算了广元枯水季节(11~5月)的农业需水及农业用水盈亏情况。计算结果表明:在正常年景下,枯水季水资源能够满足同期农业生产用水;枯水年,农业用水存在较大亏缺:无论是正常降水年还是枯水年,枯水季自然降水不能满足小春作物生长发育需要,必须实施全面灌溉。在此基础上,进一步提出了广元枯水年枯水季开源节流措施和水资源潜力挖掘途径。  相似文献   

雷州半岛农业高效用水的途径与措施   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
从系统观点和实际出发,雷州半岛农业高效用水应从输水配水、田间灌水和作物耗水3个途径着手,其技术体系包括水资源合理开发利用、工程节水措施、农业节水措施和管理节水措施。  相似文献   

阐述了干旱灌溉农业区农业发展的主要指标应当是每方水的经济效益,简化可用水产比,单位是:kg/m3。从提高水产比的目标出发,得出了多种高效用水措施。综合使用这些技术,可大幅度提高水产比,用现有的水生产出比目前总产量多20%~50%,甚至更多的农产品。  相似文献   

澳大利亚节水农业概况及节水措施邓天宏方文松(河南省气象科学研究所,郑州·450003)1澳大利亚节水农业概况澳大利亚位于10.41°~43.39°S之间,平均海拔300m,80%的土地年降水量在600mm以下,且年际间存在着很大的变化;土壤平均湿润指...  相似文献   

李守谦  马忠明 《高原气象》1993,12(2):217-222
本文根据我国缺水地区近年来对节水农业的研究成果,从基础理论研究、水资源管理,优化配水,节水工程建设、微灌技术的研究与应用、地面灌水技术的改进、地面覆盖节水技术、化学物质节水技术等方面,对我国缺水地区节水农业研究的现状进行了综合论述.我国缺水地区对节水农业的研究已取得了重大进展,但还必须进一步深化理论研究,开发利用新的节水技术,使农业生产向节水、节能、高效的方向持续,稳步发展.  相似文献   

干旱缺水是制约通辽市农业生产的主要问题,水资源短缺与浪费的矛盾日益突出,提高水资源利用率,应对气候变化,发展节水型农业已迫在眉睫。及时准确提供灌溉预报信息是实现节水灌溉的重要环节,也是拓宽气象服务领域的重要内容,对区域农业可持续发展有重要意义。通辽市气象局根据当地气候特点和农业生产的实际,利用内蒙古气象科研所研制的"内蒙古半干旱区农田优化灌溉预测技术",从2005年开始陆续对通辽地区玉米田进行了灌溉信息预报的试验示范工作,取得一定的效果,现总结如下。  相似文献   

利用安顺市各县(市)1978-2007年每日4个时次地面水汽压和降水资料,计算了每个站的可降水量,分析了该市可降水量的时空分布和多年的变化趋势。结果表明安顺市具有较大的人工增雨潜力,合理开展人工增雨工作,可有效缓解安顺市水资源时空分布不均问题。  相似文献   

程月星  孙继松  戴高菊  张慧洁 《气象》2018,44(12):1529-1541
利用常规气象观测资料、风廓线资料、北京观象台多普勒天气雷达产品、多普勒雷达变分同化分析系统(VDRAS)的反演资料和地面自动气象站客观分析资料,对2016年7月27日北京地区出现的一次雷暴大风天气的环境条件特征、风暴结构特征及演变机制进行了分析。结果显示:本次雷暴大风天气过程出现在弱天气尺度强迫环境中,较好的热力不稳定增强机制促使线状对流发展为弓形回波,形成雷暴大风天气。探空曲线中低层接近于干绝热的环境温度直减率和下沉对流有效位能突增等现象,对预报大风天气有较好的指示意义。上游雷暴的冷池出流与山前偏南暖湿气流在北京西部形成了明显的风向辐合,在强烈的扰动温度梯度和地形抬升的共同作用下,位于地面辐合抬升最强处触发新生单体并迅速发展。新生单体与风暴主体合并下山过程中,由于地形作用抬升了冷池出流高度,与平原地区偏南暖湿气流形成显著的不稳定层结,产生显著的扰动温度梯度,触发不稳定能量使雷暴在下山过程中强度增强。多普勒雷达产品上也表现为强的反射率因子核,并出现回波悬垂和有界弱回波区等特征,速度产品上可看到一对明显的端点涡旋。在冷池不断加强和端点涡旋对后入气流不断加速的共同作用下,后侧入流气流加强成为后侧入流急流,在低仰角速度产品上表现为显著的大风区。后侧入流气流将环境中的干冷空气夹卷进入云体,通过蒸发作用产生负浮力,使冷空气加速下沉,加之降水粒子的拖曳作用,最终造成剧烈的地面大风。  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effects of climate change on agriculture in Northern Norway. It is based on downscaled climate projections for six different municipalities combined with interviews with farmers, advisors and administrative personnel in these municipalities. The projections document large climatic differences both between and within the different municipalities. The main predicted climatic changes include increasing temperatures and precipitation as well as increased frequency of certain types of extreme weather events. Despite challenges such as unstable winters, increased autumn precipitation and possibly more weeds and diseases, a prolongation of the current short growth season together with higher growth temperatures can give new opportunities for agriculture here. The impacts are expected to differ both within and between municipalities and will require tailored adaptive strategies. Most of these however should pose no difficulty implementing, having an agronomical basis that farmers are accustomed to cope with.  相似文献   

频发的极端高温事件将导致城市用水量增长,增加城市供水设施的运行风险。综合采用气候相似性、终端用水模拟、供水管网系统水力学模拟等方法,构建了极端高温事件对城市用水量及供水管网系统影响的定量评估方法。以北京某新城区为研究案例,模拟结果表明极端高温事件将使日用水量较夏季常态增加5.7%,人均日用水量增加19.83 L,其中早晚用水高峰时段增幅较大,导致供水管网系统中不能满足28 m水头要求的节点比例增加了约13个百分点。  相似文献   

This paper presents the methodology for assessment of drought episodes and their potential effects on winter and spring cereal crops in the Czech Republic (in the text referred to as Czechia). Historical climate and crop yields data for the period of 47 years (1961–2007) have been integrated into an agrometeorological database. The drought episodes were determined by three methods: according to the values of the standardized precipitation index (SPI), percentage of long-term precipitations (r), and on the basis of the Ped drought index (S i). Consequently, the combined SPI, S i, and r indices have been used as tools in identification of the severity, frequency, and extent of drought episodes. Additionally, the paper also presents the S i drought index and its potential use for real-time monitoring of spatial extension and severity of droughts in Czechia. The drought risk to crops was analyzed by identifying the relationships between the fluctuation of crop yields and drought index (S i) based on the multiple regression analysis with stepwise selection. In general, models explain that a high percentage of the variability of the yield is due to drought (more than 45% of yield variance).  相似文献   

The threat of global climate change has caused concern among scientists because crop production could be severely affected by changes in key climatic variables that could compromise food security both globally and locally. Although it is true that extreme climatic events can severely impact small farmers, available data is just a gross approximation at understanding the heterogeneity of small scale agriculture ignoring the myriad of strategies that thousands of traditional farmers have used and still use to deal with climatic variability. Scientists have now realized that many small farmers cope with and even prepare for climate change, minimizing crop failure through a series of agroecological practices. Observations of agricultural performance after extreme climatic events in the last two decades have revealed that resiliency to climate disasters is closely linked to the high level of on-farm biodiversity, a typical feature of traditional farming systems.Based on this evidence, various experts have suggested that rescuing traditional management systems combined with the use of agroecologically based management strategies may represent the only viable and robust path to increase the productivity, sustainability and resilience of peasant-based agricultural production under predicted climate scenarios. In this paper we explore a number of ways in which three key traditional agroecological strategies (biodiversification, soil management and water harvesting) can be implemented in the design and management of agroecosystems allowing farmers to adopt a strategy that both increases resilience and provides economic benefits, including mitigation of global warming.  相似文献   

Summary  Surface radiative fluxes play a major role in the energy exchange process between the atmosphere and earth surface and are thus very crucial to climatic processes within the atmospheric boundary layer. Based on four years REKLIP (REgio-KLIma-Project) data set of measured radiative fluxes and additional supporting meteorological variables, the surface radiation regime for selected lowland site (Bremgarten 212 m a.s.l.) and mountain sites (Geiersnest at 870 m a.s.l.; Feldberg 1489 m a.s.l.) in the southern Upper Rhine valley region (south-west Germany) has been reported. Time series of radiative fluxes and surface albedo showed significant inter-site differences. Possible reasons for the observed differences have been made. Downward atmospheric radiation A l at the study sites was parameterised in terms of air temperature, vapour pressure and cloud amount, all of which strongly govern the variation of A l . Effective terrestrial radiation amounted to about 50% of absorbed shortwave radiation at the study sites annually. During clear sky conditions, global solar irradiance G s constituted about 76.0% of the incident extraterrestrial solar irradiance at Feldberg mountain site but only 68.5% of that at Bremgarten lowland site. Annual cumulative of net radiative flux R n amounted to 1722 MJm−2 yr−1 at the lowland site, while that at Geiersnest and Feldberg mountain sites constituted 84% and 73% respectively of the corresponding magnitude for the lowland site. In the same vein, annual mean of radiation efficiency (defined here as R n /G s ) amounted to 0.32 in Feldberg, 0.37 in Geiersnest and 0.41 in Bremgarten. Consequently the annual available energy, of which net radiative flux is representative, was smaller at the mountain ous sites relative to the lowland site during the study period. Inter-annual variability of net radiative flux, its constituent variables and derivatives at the study sites were generally below 10%, with longwave fluxes showing the lowest fluctuation. This renders the measured data quite suitable for modelling purposes. In winter, mean daily sums of R n showed a slow rise with cloud amount N at the lowland site but a sharp rise with N at Feldberg mountain site. In summer however, mean daily sums of R n declined significantly with N as well as Linke turbidity factor at the study sites. Received June 24, 1999 Revised November 2, 2000  相似文献   

为全面和系统研究北京及周边地区阵风锋各方面特征,使用2006—2015年暖季(5—9月)北京多普勒雷达探测资料及北京、河北、天津自动气象站观测资料对北京及周边地区的阵风锋过程进行综合统计分析。结果表明,346次阵风锋过程有232次触发了对流,占总数的67%,表明阵风锋对雷暴具有较强的抬升触发能力。阵风锋在6—8月出现的日数占5—9月阵风锋总日数的85%;出现的时段主要是午后至傍晚(12—21时,北京时),维持时间0.5—3 h;阵风锋在北京东南方向生成的数量最多,且触发对流的次数也最多;其次为偏东和东北方向;偏南和西南方向生成阵风锋数量居中,而偏北、偏西和西北地区阵风锋个例相对较少,触发对流的比例也相对较低。产生阵风锋的母风暴中48%为孤立雷暴(包括孤立多单体和超级单体风暴),31%为雷暴群,21%为飑线;97%的母风暴最强回波在50 dBz以上,阵风锋的回波强度为10—25 dBz。91%的阵风锋移动速度集中在10—60 km/h,84%的阵风锋与母风暴的最大距离为1—60 km;在母风暴回波强度减弱到30 dBz以下时,80%的阵风锋能够继续维持的时间不超过2 h。阵风锋母风暴向东...  相似文献   

基于2000-2015年MODISNPP遥感数据,利用橡胶产胶潜力模型得到了中国橡胶主产区年橡胶产胶潜力;利用橡胶树种植气候适宜性区划的研究成果,得到了中国橡胶主产区橡胶气候适宜区分布;在此基础上分析了不同气候适宜区橡胶产胶潜力的差异及不同高程上橡胶产胶能力的差异.结果表明:(1)中国橡胶主产区中,云南橡胶产胶潜力最高...  相似文献   

“98·7”北京大暴雨的中尺度分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
李廷福  廖晓农  俞连芬 《气象》1999,25(5):44-48
对“987”北京大暴雨过程中的雨团、雷达回波、地面风场(流场)及气压场进行了分析。分析结果表明:大暴雨过程具有明显的中尺度特征,偏东风的中尺度切变线,风速辐合线和中尺度低压系统在大暴雨过程中发挥了重要作用  相似文献   

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