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The study analyses the numbers of days with strong winds in Krakow during the period 2000?C2007 using anemometric records and fire department data. Patterns are identified in the seasonal and annual variation of strong winds. Particular attention is devoted to extreme events. Based on measurements, the study finds that strong winds mostly occurred in winter. Fire department call-out data show that repair of damage caused by strong winds and gusts of wind was needed equally as frequently in summertime. Strong winds accompanying summer storms are often of a local nature and are not always recorded by weather stations. Wind damage was mapped using requests for fire department assistance.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates that the orbital climatic diagram (OCD) built on the basis of the simplified and general concepts of mechanisms for climatic response to orbital forcing can be a reasonable alternative to Milankovitch’s and his followers’ discrete insolation curves, which are widely used in paleoclimate interpretations. Comparison of the OCD and the oxygen isotope record LR04 indicates a fairly good match (considering the simplicity of the OCD construction and interpretation) in 0–1240 ka. The study discusses some discrepancies in the chronology and structure of the LR04 and OCD. It was shown that climate response may differ from that predicted by orbital insolation forcing on the basis of the generally accepted mechanisms causing transformation of orbital signals. It was shown that a shift from a dominant glacial periodicity of 41 to 100 k.y. (Middle Pleistocene transition) took place at ~1240 ka. Since then, the 100-k.y. eccentricity cycle has not been interrupted. Therefore, strictly speaking, the revised numbering of marine isotope stages (MIS) should be adopted for the interval of 1240-900 ka to reflect realistic 100-k.y. cycles instead of 41-k.y. cycles, similar to the interval of 900–100 ka.  相似文献   

Time-series data on upper-ocean temperature, Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) measured currents and surface meteorological parameters have been obtained for the first time in the southern Bay of Bengal at 7‡N, 10‡N, and 13‡N locations along 87‡E during October–November, 1998 under BOBMEX-Pilot programme. These data have been analysed to examine the diurnal variability of upper oceanic heat budget and to estimate the eddy diffusivity coefficient of heat in the upper layer. Diurnal variation of near-surface temperature is typical at northern location (13‡N) with a range of 0.5‡C while the diurnal range of temperature is enhanced to 0.8‡C at the central location (10‡N) due to intense solar radiation (1050 W/m2), clear skies and low wind speeds. At the southern location (7‡N), the diurnal variation of temperature is atypical with the minimum temperature occurring at 2000 hrs instead of at early morning hours. In general, the diurnal curve of temperature penetrated up to 15 to 20 m with decreasing diurnal range with depth. The VM-ADCP measured horizontal currents in the upper ocean were predominantly easterly/northeasterly at southern location, north/northerly at central location and northwesterly at northern location, thus describing a large-scale cyclonic gyre with the northward meridional flow along 87‡E. The magnitudes of heat loss at the surface due to air-sea heat exchanges and in the upper 50 m layer due to vertical diffusion of heat are highest at the southern location where intense convective activity followed by overcast skies and synoptic disturbance prevailed in the lower atmosphere. This and the estimated higher value (0.0235 m2/s) of eddy diffusivity coefficient of heat in the upper ocean (0–50 m depth) suggest that 1-D processes controlled the upper layer heat budget at the southern location. On the other hand, during the fair weather conditions, at the central and northern locations, the upper layer gained heat energy, while the sea surface lost (gained) heat energy at northern (central) location. This and lower values of eddy diffusivity coefficient of heat (0.0045 and 0.0150 m2/s) and the northward intensification of horizontal currents at these locations suggest the greater role of horizontal heat advection over the 1-D processes in the upper ocean heat budget at these two locations.  相似文献   

Tessema  Israel  Simane  Belay 《GeoJournal》2021,86(4):1767-1783
GeoJournal - Climate variability and change make agricultural sector a risky venture for smallholders’ farmers. This paper presents an assessment of smallholder farmers’ perceptions of...  相似文献   

Weathering is essentially a leaching process and thus, one way of determining the extent of weathering is to monitor the mobility of different elements. Rate of loss of elements in a weathering profile can be determined by comparing the concentrations of …  相似文献   

Hydrographic data collected on board ORV Sagar Kanya in the southern Bay of Bengal during the BOBMEX-Pilot programme (October–November 1998) have been used to describe the thermohaline structure and circulation in the upper 200 m water column of the study region. The presence of seasonal Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the study area, typically characterized with enhanced cloudiness and flanked by the respective east/northeast winds on its northern part and west/southwest winds on its southern part, has led to net surface heat loss of about 55 W/m2. The sea surface dynamic topography relative to 500 db shows that the upper layer circulation is characterised by a cyclonic gyre encompassing the study area. The eastward flowing Indian Monsoon Current (IMC) between 5‡N and 7‡N in the south and its northward branching along 87‡E up to 13‡N appear to feed the cyclonic gyre. The Vessel-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (VM-ADCP) measured currents confirm the presence of the cyclonic gyre in the southern Bay of Bengal during the withdrawing phase of the southwest monsoon from the northern/central parts of the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

The study was carried out on the Sulejów dam reservoir (Central Poland). Water and sediment samples were collected between February and October 2006. Sulfur compounds in the sediment were chemically extracted and subjected to isotopic analysis.Large variability of SO42− concentration in the water column (from 10.3 to 36.2 mg/dm3) and the isotopic composition of sulfur (δ34S from 2.1 to 5.4‰) was observed. The main identified sources of SO42− were watercourses, surface runoff, and phosphorus fertilizers.Both oxidized sulfur species (SO42−) and its reduced forms were found in sediments. Particular sulfur forms were characterized by large variations in both, concentrations and the isotopic composition of sulfur. SO42− in the sediment and in the water column had different genesis. Bacterial oxidation of organic sulfur and its binding in SO42− were observed in the sediment. Under reducing conditions, oxidized and organic sulfur is converted to H2S which reacted with Fe or other metallic ions leading to metal sulfide precipitation. Monosulfides were shown to have a very low concentration, ranging up to 0.07 mg/g of sediment. The transformation of elemental sulfur from sulfides through their chemical oxidation occurred in the sediment.  相似文献   

Bursting the Limits of Time by the distin- guished historian of geology Martin Rudwick is a massive, two-part book. The first part contains what he calls a synchronous history of what eventually became historical geology in western Europe between the time of de Sans- sure's epoch-making ascent of Mont Blanc in 1787 and the discovery of the Kirkdale hyaena cave by Buckland in the winter of 1821-1822,  相似文献   

The reconstruction of the climatic history during the past several hundred years requires a sufficient geographical coverage of combined climate proxy series. Especially in order to identify causal connections between the atmosphere and the ocean, inclusion of marine records into composite climate time series is of fundamental importance. We present two skeletal δ 18O chronologies of coral skeletons of Diploria labyrinthiformis from Bermuda fore-reef sites covering periods in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and compare them with instrumental temperature data. Both time series are demonstrated to display sea-surface temperature (SST) variability on inter-annual to decadal time scales. On the basis of a specific modern δ 18O vs instrumental SST calibration we reconstruct a time series of SST anomalies between AD 1350 and 1630 covering periods during the Little Ice Age. The application of the coral δ 18O vs temperature relationship leads to estimates of past SST variability which are comparable to the magnitude of modern variations. Parallel to δ 18O chronologies we present time series of skeletal bulk density. Coral δ 18O and skeletal density reveal a strong similarity during Little Ice Age, confirming the reliability of both proxy climate indicators. The past coral records, presented in this study, share features with a previously published climate proxy record from Bermuda and a composite time series of reconstructed Northern Hemisphere summer temperatures. The coral proxy data presented here represent a valuable contribution to elucidate northern Atlantic subtropical climate variation during the past several centuries. Received: 9 November 1998 / Accepted: 13 September 1999  相似文献   

Palaeogene sediments of the Hampshire Basin were a sensitive recorder of fluctuations in climate and eustatic sea level as Earth's climate transitioned from the global early Eocene ‘hothouse’ to the early Oligocene ‘coolhouse’, accompanied by the first permanent continent-scale glaciation of Antarctica at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. A study of the Palaeogene sediments of the Hampshire Basin is not only interesting from a palaeoclimate perspective, but the marine middle Eocene formations are renowned for containing some of the most abundant and diverse Palaeogene fossil assemblages in the world. In this article, I take you on a tour of the geological evolution of the Hampshire Basin from the end of the Paleocene through to the Pleistocene. I highlight some of the best exposures where sediments can be studied at outcrop and representative fossil assemblages can be collected, along with the economic and archaeological significance of these Palaeogene sediments.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of spectrophotometric observations of the latest cycle of activity of the symbiotic binary Z And from 2006 to 2010. We estimate the temperature of the hot component of Z And to be ≈150 000−170 000 K at minimum brightness, decreasing to ≈90 000 K at the brightness maximum. Our estimate of the electron density in the gaseous nebula is N e = 1010−1012 cm−3 in the region of formation of lines of neutral helium and N e = 106−107 cm−3 in the region of formation of the [OIII] and [NeIII] nebular lines. A trend for the gas density derived from helium lines to increase and the gas density derived from [OIII] and [NeIII] lines to simultaneously decrease with increasing brightness of the system was observed. Our estimates show that the ratios of the theoretical and observed fluxes in the [OIII] and [NeIII] lines agree best when the O/Ne ratio is similar to its value for planetary nebulae. The model spectral energy distribution showed that, in addition to a cool component and gaseous nebula, a relatively cool pseudophotosphere (5250–11 500 K) is present in the system. The simultaneous presence of a relatively cool pseudophotosphere and high-ionization spectral lines is probably related to a disk-like structure of the pseudophotosphere. The pseudophotosphere formed very rapidly—over several weeks—during a period of increasing brightness of Z And. We infer that in 2009, as in 2006, the activity of the system was accompanied by a collimated bipolar ejection of matter (jets). In contrast to the situation in 2006, the jets were detected even before the system reached its maximum brightness. Moreover, components with velocities close to 1200 km/s disappeared at the maximum, while those with velocities close to 1800 km/s appeared.  相似文献   

Arid and Alpine ecosystems are known for extreme environmental changes during the Late Quaternary. We hypothesize that the world's largest Alpine arid ecosystem however, the Alpine Steppes of the Tibetan highlands, remained ecologically stable during the LGM and the mid-Holocene. This hypothesis is tested by distributional range of plant species, plant life forms and rate of endemism. The set of character species has a precipitation gradient between 50 and 350 mm/a, testifying for resilience to precipitation changes. 83% of the species have a wider vertical range than 1000 m used as a proxy for resilience to temperature changes. 30% of the species are endemic with 10 endemic genera, including plate-shaped cushions as a unique plant life form. These findings are in line with palaeo-ecological proxies (δ18O, pollen) allowing the assumption that Alpine Steppes persisted during the LGM with 3 to 4 K lower summer temperatures.During the mid-Holocene, forests could have replaced Alpine Steppes in the upper catchments of the Huang He, Yangtze, Mekong, Salween and Yarlung Zhangbo, but not in the interior basins of the north-western highlands, because the basins were then flooded, suppressing forests and supporting the environmental stability of this arid Alpine grassland biome.  相似文献   

Water samples from the Wujiang River, a typical karst river system, were analyzed for major ion concentrations and δ^34S values of dissolved sulfate in order to identify the sources of sulfate, quantify the sulfate export flux and understand the role of sulfur cycling in chemical weathering rate of carbonate. Spatial variations in sulfate concentration and sulfur isotopic composition of tributaries over the catchment area are obvious, allowing to decipher S sources between rocks and atmosphere. According to the variations in sulfate concentration and isotopic composition, it is inferred that sulfate ions in the upper-reach river waters may have three sources, rain water, sulfate resultant from oxidation of pyrite in coal, and sulfate from sulfide deposits. In the lower reaches, the S isotopic composition of the samples lies mainly on a mixing trend between evaporite sulfate and rainwater sulfate, the contribution of sulfate from oxidation of pyrite being lesser. A pronounced seasonal variation in both content and isotopic composition of sulfate characterizes the Wujiang River. The average sulfate concentration of the waters is 0.65 mmol/L in winter, 0.17 mmol/L higher than that in summer. River water δ^34S values range from -15.7‰ to 18.9‰ in winter, while the δ^34S values of river waters in summer vary to a lesser extent than in winter, from -11.5‰ to 8.3‰. The δ^34S values of the main stream range from -6.7‰ to -3.9‰ in summer, averaging 3‰ lower than in winter. This indicates that in summer, when the discharge increases, the contribution of a source enriched in light isotopes to the atmosphere or the oxidation of pyrite in coal is more important.  相似文献   

The Arman’ Flora from volcanogenic-sedimentary deposits in the Arman’ River basin and Naraula Formation in the Nel’kandzha-Khasyn interfluve includes 82 species of fossil plants comprising liverworts, horsetails, ferns, caytonealeans, cycadaleans, ginkgoaleans, czekanowskialeans, conifers, gymnosperms incertae sedis, and angiosperms. The Arman’ Flora appears to be of Turonian-Coniacian age, as it is close to the reliably dated Penzhina and Kaivayam floras from the Northwest Kamchatka and to Tyl’pegyrgynai Flora of the Pekul’nei Ridge. The dating is consistent with isotopic dates (40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb SHRIMP) characterizing the age of plant-bearing sequences. Based on the considered position of the Arman’ Flora in the scheme of Cretaceous florogenesis, a leading role in that florogenesis was played by the gradual invasion of floras by new, angiosperm dominated, plant communities. These communities initially populated unstable habitats in the coastal lowlands of Northeast Asia and Alaska, gradually invading with time the Asiatic intracontinental areas. The peculiar combination of Early and Late Cretaceous plants characteristic of the Arman’ Flora is strong evidence that Cenophytic plant communities dominated by angiosperms colonized areas still populated in the Late Cretaceous by Mesophytic communities. Absence of Mesophytic and Cenophytic taxa mixing in the Arman’ Flora burials suggests a replacement of plant communities as whole rather than of separate plants by more advanced taxa.  相似文献   

Marine carbonate rocks of the Delhi Supergroup of northwestern India show little deviation in whole‐rock δ 13Ccarb and δ 18Ocarb values, which generally are around 0 and –10‰ respectively. These narrow ranges and almost constant δ 13Ccarb values persist despite close sampling through long sections. The data suggest that the global rate of organic carbon burial was probably constant during deposition of the Delhi Supergroup. The nearly invariant C isotopic profile of the Delhi Supergroup is similar to C isotopic profiles of Mesoproterozoic carbonates older than 1.3 Ga, as reported from different parts of world. Carbonate units on the western margin of the Delhi Supergroup however, have on average moderately positive δ 13C values (from 2 to +4.96‰). These high δ 13C carbonates may represent the Mesoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic transition (from ~1.25 to ~0.85 Ga), a period characterized by high positive δ 13C values globally.  相似文献   

Microorganic pollutants such as polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) are known to be present in urban ambient air. These organic compounds are prone to atmospheric transport and deposition over long distances, thus enabling them to accumulate even in regions remote from their sources. Deposition from the atmosphere can be via direct deposition and exchange with crops that may be directly or indirectly ingested by humans. It can also take place via wet and dry deposition and air-water exchange. Following their deposition, these microorganic pollutants tend to accumulate in soils, sediments and in human and ecological food chains. There are many reports in the literature on the atmospheric concentrations of microorganic pollutants, but there are few reports and data in Asia. This study was performed in Singapore to determine the relative amounts of persistent organic pollutants and TPHs in ambient aerosols. One of the important sources of these organic compounds in Southeast Asia is thought to be biomass burning (vegetation fires). Hence, air sampling was conducted during both smoke haze and non-haze periods. The data obtained from this study will be presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Durlston Bay in Dorset, southern UK, type section of the Tithonian-Berriasian Purbeck Limestone Group, has been intensely studied with regard to its marginal marine palaeoenvironments, rich fossil biota and evidence for earliest Cretaceous climate change. Here we appraise aspects of these topics, incorporating new field observations. We offer changes in charcoal density as a further line of support for a mid-Berriasian moistening of the climate, but suggest that the primary driver of palaeoenvironmental and biotic changes observed through the Purbeck succession was varying input of marine water, with climate change having an overlying and often more subtle influence.  相似文献   

New field measurement techniques are allowing researchers to better understand how surficial properties affect the temporal and spatial variability of dust emissions. In this paper we review the current understanding of the dust emission process and present new field measurements that examine how three surface properties: roughness, crust strength, and temporal changes of surface properties affect dust emissions. These data were collected using three unique measurement systems developed by our team. Roughness exerts considerable control on the entrainment threshold and emissions of dust from a surface. We have carried out a series of experiments designed to quantify roughness effects on aeolian sediment entrainment and transport in a shear stress partitioning framework. Our results show that the model of Raupach et al. (1993) provides very good agreement with available data to predict the amount of shearing stress on the intervening surface among roughness elements, relatively independent of their size and distribution. However, element size affects the aeolian sediment transport process beyond that attributable only to the reduction of surface shear stress caused by the roughness. Additional interactions of the elements with the saltation cloud appear to reduce the transport efficiency and potentially dust emissions as well. The effect of crust strength on dust emissions was assessed using a newly-developed pin penetrometer, which can measure crust strength in-situ. Previous researchers suggested that variation in crust strength even within a small area could lead to considerable spatial variability in dust emissions. Our measurements showed that crust strength is highly variable over a scale of centimeters. This variability may help to explain some of the observed scatter in field measurements of dust emissions for what appear to be homogeneous surfaces. Variability of dust emissions in time and space was also evaluated using a new instrument, the Portable In-Situ Wind Erosion Lab (PI-SWERL) developed to measure dust emissions from soil surfaces.  相似文献   

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