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长期以来,科学家们对白垩纪-古近纪(K-Pg)之交陆地上生物大灭绝事件的趋势与灭绝速率争论不断。这些争论主要集中在脊椎动物上,尤其是非鸟恐龙。尽管如此,在理解K-Pg之交的生物响应以及相关的生态系统扰动时,植被的演化也是一个重要的组成部分。本文综述北半球内白垩纪晚期至古近纪Aquilapollenites古孢粉地理大区的孢粉地层学:在美国,晚白垩世生物组合以一系列关键门类的出现为标志,其中三冬期—坎潘期过渡期以Aquilapollenites以及相关的三突起型属的出现为标志,而马斯特里赫特阶的底界以睛形型的Wodehouseia属与Kurtzipitessp.的出现为标志;Wodehouseia spinata生物组合带以较大的个体与复杂的壁构造为特征,其中一系列的被子植物孢粉单元在K-Pg之交的记录中消失了,这使得K-Pg灭绝事件容易识别;具孔类花粉和Momipites与Caryapollenites两个属的关键种的出现,标志着古近纪孢粉植物群的复苏。近期的资料涵盖了北美大陆的大部分记录,而中国、欧洲和南半球的更多研究将更有助于理解全球陆地生物圈对K-Pg之交撞击事件的响应。  相似文献   

The Gurpi section in western Shiraz, faulted Zagros range of southwestern Iran, contains one of the most complete Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian sequences. The lack of a good fundamental paleontological study is a strong motivation for investigating calcareous nannofossils in southwestern Iran. The Gurpi Formation is mainly made up of grey shale. As a result of this study, 23 genera and 47 species of nannofossils have been identified for the first time. This confirms the existence of biozones CC14–CC26, which suggests the age of Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian. All Early Santonian to Late Maastrichtian calcareous nannofossil biozones from CC14 (equivalent to the Micula decussate Zone) to CC26 (equivalent to the Nephrolithus frequens Zone) are discussed. Additionally, the zonal subdivision of this section based on calcareous nannofossils, is correlated with planktonic foraminiferal zones (Dicarinella asymetrica Zone to Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone). We can also learn about the predominant conditions of the studied sedimentary basin that was in fact a part of the Neotethys basin with the existence of index species of calcareous nannofossils indicating a warm climate and high depths of the basin in low latitudes.  相似文献   

Palynological investigation of the Cretaceous Abu Roash, Bahariya, Kharita, Alamein, Alam El Bueib and Betty formations, encountered in the Gebel Rissu-1 well, north Western Desert, Egypt yielded 27 species of pteridophytic spores, 24 of gymnosperm pollen, 25 of angiosperm pollen and 11 of dinoflagellate cysts in addition to some acritarchs, foraminiferal test linings and freshwater algae. This enabled us to recognize five miospore biozones arranged from youngest to oldest as: Classopollis brasiliensisAfropollis cf. kahramanensisDichastopollenites ghazalataensis Assemblage Zone (Late Cenomanian); Elaterosporites klasziiSofrepites legouxaeAfropollis jardinus Assemblage Zone (Middle/Late Albian–Early Cenomanian); Pennipollis peroreticulatusDuplexisporites generalis-Tricolpates Assemblage Zone (Early Aptian–Early Albian); Tucanopollis crisopolensisAfropollis sp. Assemblage Zone (Barremian) and Appendicisporites cf. tricornitatusEphedripites spp. Assemblage Zone (Late Neocomian).The Early Cretaceous Kharita, Alam El Bueib and the Betty formations encountered in the Gebel Rissu-1 well are interpreted to indicate oxic proximal and distal shelf deposits, characterized by type III/IV, V kerogen, which is gas prone but having little potential to produce hydrocarbons. The Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash and Bahariya formations are characterized by a distal suboxic–anoxic and marginal dysoxic–anoxic environment, and their kerogen type III/II indicates gas/oil prone nature. The Bahariya and Kharita Albian–Cenomanian sediments in the present study witnessed the onset of a semi-arid to arid climate, with local or seasonal humid conditions, based on the continuous high abundance of the elaterates pollen and Afropollis-producing plants that inhabited the paleotropical humid coastal plains.  相似文献   

Land-derived pollen and spores and marine dinoflagellate cysts were extracted from the Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments of the West Tiba-1 borehole, northern Western Desert, Egypt, On the basis of the recovered palynomorphs, of known stratigraphical significance, the following stages were assessed: Bathonian-Oxfordian (Middle-Late Jurassic) and Hauterivian, Aptian-Early Albian, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian, Early Cenomanian and Late Cenomanian (Early-Middle Cretaceous). No palynomorphs diagnostic for the Berriasian, Valanginian and Barremian stages (Early Cretaceous) were depicted. Based on the nature and composition of the identified palynomorph content, five informal palynomorph assemblage zones were recognised. These are: the Gonyaulacysta jurassica-Korystocysta kettonensis Assemblage Zone (PI, Bathonian-Oxfordian), Ephedripites-Aequitriradites verrucosus Assemblage Zone (PII, Hauterivian), Afropollis jardinus-Duplexisporites generalis-Tricolpites Assemblage Zone (PIIl, Aptian-Early Albian), Nyssapollenites-Elaterosporites Assemblage Zone (PIV, Late Albian-Early Cenomanian) and Assemblage Zone PV (Early-Late Cenomanian). The latter zone was differentiated into two subzones, namely the Classopollis brasiliensis-Elaterosporites klaszii Assemblage Subzone (PVa, Early Cenomanian) and Afropollis kahramanensis-Triporates Assemblage Subzone (PVb, Late Cenomanian). The time stratigraphy of the studied interval was revised. The occurrences and types of the dinoflagellate cysts, extracted from the studied succession, reflect a general shallow (shelf) marine pal˦oenvironment.  相似文献   

Marine and non-marine facies of the Permian–Triassic boundary stratigraphic set (PTBST) are well developed in South China. Palynological assemblages enable subdivision and correlation of the Permian–Triassic boundary (PTB) rocks. Three palynological assemblages are recognized across the PTBST in two terrestrial PTB sections in western Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, South China. Assemblage 1 (Xuanwei Formation) is a Late Permian palynological assemblage dominated by ferns and pteridosperms, with minor gymnosperms. Most taxa are typical long-ranging Paleozoic forms, but the appearance of Lueckisporites confirms a Late Permian age for this assemblage. Assemblage 2 (PTBST) is marked by an abrupt decrease in palynomorph abundance and diversity, and thriving fungal/algal(?) spores. Assemblage 2 is still dominated by ferns and pteridosperms, with a few gymnosperms, but is characterized by a mixed palynoflora containing both Late Permian and Early Triassic elements. Most taxa are typical Late Permian ones also found in Assemblage 1, however, some taxa of Early Triassic aspect, e.g. Lundbladispora and Taeniaesporites, appeared for the first time. In Assemblage 3 (top Xuanwei Formation and Kayitou Formation), the proportion of gymnosperm pollen increases rapidly, exceeding that of ferns and pteridosperms, but the abundance of palynomorphs is still low. Typical Early Triassic taxa (such as Lundbladispora, Aratrisporites and Taeniaesporites) are present in greater abundance and confirms an Early Triassic age for this assemblage.  相似文献   

Planktonic foraminifer distributions in seventeen stratigraphic sections of Upper Cretaceous hemipelagic and pelagic sequences of northern Bey Da?lar? Autochthon (western Taurides) yield six biozones such as, Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone, Dicarinella asymetrica Range Zone, Radotruncana calcarata Range Zone, Globotruncana falsostuarti Partial Range Zone, Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone, and Abathomphalus mayaroensis Concurrent Range Zone. Two of the zones, Dicarinella concavata Zone and Dicarinella asymetrica Zone, are identified in the massive hemipelagic limestones of the Bey Da?lar? Formation, of Coniacian-Santonian age. They are characterized by scarce planktonic foraminifera and abundant calcisphaerulids. The other four biozones are determined from the cherty pelagic limestones of the Akda? Formation and indicate a late Campanian-late Maastrichtian time interval. The planktonic foraminifera observed in these four biozones are diverse, complex morphotypes (K-selection), suggesting open oceans. The assemblage of the Abathomphalus mayaroensis Zone shows that the latest Maastrichtian record is absent throughout the northern part of the autochthon. Two main sedimentary hiatuses are recognized within the Upper Cretaceous pelagic sequence. Early to middle Campanian and latest Maastrichtian-middle Paleocene planktonic foraminifera are absent in all measured stratigraphic sections. Hiatus durations differ between sections as a result of diachronism of onset of the hemipelagic and pelagic deposition and the post-Santonian and post-Maastrichtian erosional phases. Drowning event and the early-middle Campanian and latest Maastrichtian-middle Paleocene hiatuses in the pelagic sequence are attributed to regional tectonics during the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Recent collecting in exposures of the lowermost Burgersdorp Formation (Beaufort Group), of the Karoo Basin of South Africa, has revealed a previously unknown fish fauna from the Early Triassic (Scythian), lowermost Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (CAZ), which forms an important component of the total vertebrate assemblage. The newly discovered fish material includes lungfish, saurichthyids, and a large microfauna that includes numerous isolated chondrichthyan teeth, two fin spine fragments, and actinopterygian scales and teeth. The latest fish finds, together with the lowermost Cynognathus Assemblage Zone vertebrate faunas, make this Karoo Basin Assemblage Zone one of the most diverse Early Triassic faunal assemblages, comparable in faunal diversity to those from the Czatkowice Formation (Poland) and the Arcadia Formation (Australia). The presence of the lungfish Ptychoceratodus phillipsi in the early Middle Triassic Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (Subzone B), and in the underlying latest Early Triassic Cynognathus Assemblage Zone (Subzone A), indicates that these lungfish could serve as range index fossils within the CAZ, and thus are potentially useful biostratigraphic markers across the Early-Middle Triassic boundary. Furthermore the ‘new’ fish fauna provides a vital marine realm link in particular with the faunas of Madagascar and Australia, that is unavailable using the tetrapod faunal elements of the lower CAZ.  相似文献   

A moderately various calcareous nannofossil assemblage of 44 species assigned to 24 genera is identified in samples collected from the Shahdar section and 18 genera and 43 species in Namazgah section. Testing of calcareous nannofossil has permitted recognition of few important coccolith events in stratigraphic interval occupied by the uppermost layers of Cretaceous in the Shahdar and Namazgah sections. These events are correlated to the CC24–CC26 of Sissingh (Geol Minjbouw 56: 37–65, 1977) in two sections. According to these biozones, the age of the studied sections in Shahdar and Namazgah is Early Maastrichtian–Late Maastrichtian. On the basis of paleoecological interpretation, the last layers related to the Cretaceous deposits in two sections were deposited in shallow marine environment in relatively low latitude, and the depth of the basin from the Cretaceous deposits toward Fajan Formation is minimized.  相似文献   

Abstract: A rich assemblage of planktonic foraminifera has been studied from an outcrop of the Gurpi Formation, the hydrocarbon source rock in the southwest Iran, Deh Dasht area (Kuh-e Siah anticline). Based on the distribution of the planktonic foraminifera, eight biozones have been recognized that included: Dicarinella concavata Interval Zone (Earliest Santonian), Dicarinella asymetrica Total Range Zone (Santonian to Earliest Campanian), Globotruncanita elevata Partial Range Zone (Early Campanian), Globotruncana ventricosa Interval Zone (Middle to Late Campanian), Radotruncana calcarata Total Range Zone (Late Campanian), Globotruncanella havanensis Partial Range Zone (Late Campanian), Globotruncana aegyptiaca Interval Zone (Late to latest Campanian), Gansserina gansseri Interval Zone (Latest Campanian to Early Maastrichtian). These biozones indicates that the Gurpi Formation deposited during the Early Santonian- Early Maastrichtian. These biozones are compared to the most standard biozones defined in Tethysian domain. Based on distribution of morphotype groups of planktonic foraminifera, planktonic to benthic ratio (P/B) and content of carbonate, nine third-order sequences are recognized.  相似文献   

Well-preserved and abundant Jurassic–Early Cretaceous palynomorph assemblages were recorded from the Kabrit-1 well, north Eastern Desert, Egypt. Thirty-one rock-cutting samples were analyzed and six rock units were differentiated. Seventy-one palynomorph species were identified from the productive samples. Six palynozones were differentiated, and they covered all the studied succession except for a palynomorph barren interval present in the uppermost part. These palynozones arranged in ascending order are as follows: two palynozones were recorded from the Middle-Upper Jurassic (Gonyaulacysta jurassicaLithodinia jurassica Assemblage Zone and Klukisporites pseudoreticulatus- Systematophora penicillata – Escharisphaeridia pocockii Assemblage Zone) and the other four palynozones characterize the Lower Cretaceous deposits (Pilosisporites trichopapillosus – Cribroperidinium orthoceras Assemblage Zone; Dicheiropollis etruscus Interval Zone; Murospora florida – Afropollis operculatus Assemblage Zone and Afropollis jardinus Range Zone). We infer open marine conditions during deposition of the lower part of the Khalig El Ayoun Formation (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian) and within the Kharita Formation (Albian), and shallow marine or coastal environments during deposition of the remainder of the studied succession. Paleobiogeographically, Late Jurassic index terrestrial palynomorph species documented here are in common with those previously recorded from North Africa, while marine dinocyst species are common to those documented from the West European and North American province. During the Early Cretaceous, the recorded terrestrial microfloral species were similar to those previously recorded from the West African-South American Province, while the marine dinocyst species were still related to the West European and North American marine palynofloral province.  相似文献   

The Triassic?Jurassic (Tr?J) boundary marks a major extinction event, which (~200 Ma) resulted in global extinctions of fauna and flora both in the marine and terrestrial realms. There prevail great challenges in determining the exact location of the terrestrial Tr?J boundary, because of endemism of taxa and the scarcity of fossils in terrestrial settings leading to difficulties in linking marine and terrestrial sedimentary successions. Investigation based on palynology and bivalves has been carried out over a 1113 m thick section, which is subdivided into 132 beds, along the Haojiagou valley on the southern margin of the Junggar Basin of the northern Xinjiang, northwestern China. The terrestrial Lower Jurassic is conformably resting on the Upper Triassic strata. The Upper Triassic covers the Huangshanjie Formation overlaid by the Haojiagou Formation, while the Lower Jurassic comprises the Badaowan Formation followed by the Sangonghe Formation. Fifty six pollen and spore taxa and one algal taxon were identified from the sediments. Based on the key-species and abundance of spores and pollen, three zones were erected: the Late Triassic (Rhaetian) Aratrisporites?Alisporites Assemblage, the Early Jurassic (Hettangian) Perinopollenites?Pinuspollenites Assemblage, and the Sinemurian Perinopollenites?Cycadopites Assemblage. The Tr?J boundary is placed between bed 44 and 45 coincident with the boundary between the Haojiagou and Badaowan formations. Beds with Ferganoconcha (?), Unio?Ferganoconcha and Waagenoperna?Yananoconcha bivalve assemblages are recognized. The Ferganoconcha (?) bed is limited to the upper Haojiagou Formation, Unio?Ferganoconcha and Waagenoperna?Yananoconcha assemblages are present in the middle and upper members of the Badaowan Formation. The sedimentary succession is interpreted as terrestrial with two mainly lake deposit intervals within Haojiagou and Badaowan formations, yielding fresh water algae and bivalves. However, the presence of brackish water algae Tasmanites and the marine?littoral facies bivalve Waagenoperna from the Badaowan Formation indicate that the Junggar Basin was influenced by sea water caused by transgressions from the northern Tethys, during the Sinemurian.  相似文献   

Three palynological biozones are proposed for the Maastrichtian Stage of South Carolina. In ascending stratigraphic order, the biozones are the Carolinapollis triangularis (Ct) Interval Biozone, the Holkopollenites chemardensis (Hc) Interval Biozone, and the Sparganiaceaepollenites uniformis (Su) Interval Biozone. Integration of the biostratigraphy with lithologic and geophysical log data suggests that within the study area, the upper and lower boundaries of each zone are bounded by regional unconformities, and that a three-fold subdivision of the Maastrichtian Stage is warranted. The biozonation is based on the analysis of 114 samples from 24 subsurface and three outcrop sections from the Coastal Plain of South Carolina; samples from an additional seven subsurface and 18 outcrop sections from North Carolina and Georgia were examined to evaluate the geographic extent of the biozones. One new genus and five new species of pollen are described, and emendations are presented for two genera and one species of pollen.  相似文献   

A total of 165 samples were collected from the Qom Formation investigated in a stratigraphic section north of Deh Namak, in Central Iran. From these, 35 genera and 47 species of benthic foraminifera were identified. The age of the studied section is Early Miocene (Aquitanian to Early Burdigalian) based on the occurrence of Borelis melo curdica, Meandropsina anahensis, Meandropsina iranica, Elphidium sp. 14, Peneroplis farsensis, and Triloculina tricarinata. The thickness of the Qom Formation is 401 m of which 161.2 m is early Burdigalian in age. Foraminiferal assemblages in the Deh Namak section are referable to the Borelis melo group-Meandropsina iranica Assemblage Zone and Miogypsinoides-Archaias-Valvulinid Assemblage Zone of [Adams, T.D., Bourgeois, F., 1967. Asmari biostratigraphy. Iranian Oil Operating Companies, Geological and Exploration Division, Report1074 (unpublished) 1–37.] described originally from the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

Marine and continental deposits from the Tjörnes area in northern Iceland were studied to obtain their pollen/spore content. Six Pollen Zones (PZ) were defined in the Early Pliocene Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group. The pollen is most diverse during the deposition of the lowest Tapes Zone (PZ 1) and the lower part of the overlying Mactra Zone (PZ 2). Local pollen from marshland, levee and foothill forests was deposited on a large coastal plain. The pollen spectrum reflects transgression and deepening during the second part of the Mactra Zone (PZ 3) and the lower part of the Serripes Zone (PZ 4). Gymnosperm pollen derived from the higher inland plateau increases in PZ 3. This background pollen was of minor importance during periods with an extensive coastal plain (PZ 1, 2, 4, 6). PZ 5 did not yield sufficient pollen for analysis. The pollen analysis allowed refinement of the sea‐level variations based on sedimentology and molluscs. Pollen of warmth‐demanding plants is recorded throughout the Tjörnes beds and the Early Pleistocene interglacial deposits. Warmth‐loving species indicate summers 8°C warmer than today during deposition of the Tapes Zone, and at least 5°C warmer during the rest of the Tjörnes beds. The Pliocene vegetation of Iceland matches well that of the present‐day western European maritime temperate climate. The drastic cooling at the onset of the Quaternary led to a marked vegetation impoverishment, already noticeable in the Early Pleistocene Breidavík Group.  相似文献   

We report the first record of anilioids from southern South America, a region where they do not live today. The fossils come from the Allen Formation (Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian) at Bajo Trapalcó and Bajo de Santa Rosa localities, Río Negro province, Argentina. The remains consist of several vertebrae, most of which belong to the mid–posterior precloacal region of the column. Comparisons to other extant and extinct anilioid taxa indicate that these remains represent a new taxon, Australophis anilioides gen. et sp. nov. Australophis is morphologically closer to Palaeocene Hoffstetterella from Brazil and extant South American Anilius than to any other snake. These taxa might be closely related, in which case they would represent a lineage distinct from that including Cylindrophis and uropeltids. The two lineages must have diverged by the Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the genus Aquilapollenites in Upper Cretaceous and Neogene sediments of northwestern Pakistan is reported here. Aquilapollenites amplus, Aquilapollenites reductus, and Aquilapollenites sp. occur in the Maastrichtian palynomorph assemblage from an outcrop sample of the Mir Ali section, northern Waziristan. Aquilapollenites medeis in the Neogene Murgha Faqir Zai Formation of the Pishin Basin, Balochistan, is considered a reworked Cretaceous specimen. The Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Asian plate on the Tethys margin are considered to be the source of Aquilapollenites spp. in these samples.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty nine samples have been studied from the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian of three deep wells drilled in Jiza’-Qamar Basin, Eastern Yemen to determine the calcareous nannofossil zones and the age of the sediments. Forty-seven calcareous nannofossil species were identified and four biozones were determined in the present study (CC21–CC24). These biozones are assigned to the Late Campanian–Early Maastrichtian ages. Most of the studied species in this work refer to tropical–subtropical environment. The Campanian–Maastrichtian Boundary was determined in Al-Fatk well based on the last occurrence of Eiffelithus eximus and the last occurrences of Uniplanarius sissinghii and Uniplanarius trifidus.  相似文献   

The palaeogeographic setting of the studied Ain Medheker section represents an Early Campanian to Early Maastrichtian moderately deep carbonate shelf to distal ramp position with high rates of hemipelagic carbonate production, periodically triggered by mass-flow processes. Syndepositional extensional tectonic processes are confirmed to the Early Campanian. Planktonic foraminifera identified in thin sections and calcareous nannofossils allow the identification of the following biozones: Globotruncanita elevata, Contusotruncana plummerae (replacing former Globotruncana ventricosa Zone), Radotruncana calcarata, Globotruncana falsostuarti, and Gansserina gansseri. The following stable C-isotope events were identified: the Santonian/Campanian boundary Event, the Mid-Campanian Event, and the Late Campanian Event. Together with further four minor isotopic events, they allow for correlation between the western and eastern realms of Tunisia. Frequently occurring turbidites were studied in detail and discussed in comparison with contourites.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental implications of a section in the Upper Senonian to Lower Eocene carbonates of the Tripolitza Platform in central Crete are discussed in this paper. The lower part (upper Campanian–lower Maastrichtian) of the succession consists of about 75 m of thickly bedded, light to dark grey limestones, dolomitic limestones and dolomites that were deposited on an inner carbonate platform. It is characterized by stratified bioclastic rudist facies (shelly limestone) associated with foraminifera and especially with species of the Rhapydioninidae family. These are overlain by 35 m of crystalline light grey dolomites that were deposited on a very restricted internal platform, characterized by intertidal-supratidal facies. The overlying 75-m-thick light grey dolomitic limestones and dolomites are characterized by the presence ofRhapydionina liburnicaStache, and in the uppermost part byNeobalkhania bignotiCherchi, Radoicic & Schroeder, dating it as Late Maastrichtian. The facies, cryptalgal laminites with fenestrae of varying dimensions, suggest relatively extensive subaerial exposure. Possible pedogenic textures are common in this sequence and especially in the uppermost part, which coincides with the K/T boundary. The presence ofPseudonummoloculina heimi(Bonet) at two levels in the Maastrichtian succession suggests transportation of Middle-Late Cenomanian sediments from emergent blocks of the platform during this period. A gap is suspected, for regional stratigraphic reasons, between this horizon and the next which containsSpirolinasp. and “Pseudochrysalidina” sp., dating it as Early-Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

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