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The Bonarelli Horizon is an important regional marker level in the Umbria-Marche Apennines. It is characterized by consisting of black bituminous shales that yield a distinctive radiolarian fauna. Black shales referable to the Bonarelli Horizon are also present in the Southern Alps. The horizon is of uniform lithology and contains radiolarian assemblages of late Cenomanian-early Turonian age throughout both the Umbria-Marche Apennines and Southern Alps. Several new radiolarian taxa have been recognised and described from the Bonarelli Horizon of both areas. Two new species are defined in this paper, namelySethocapsa bossoensisandXitus picenus.  相似文献   

浙江天台晚白垩世蛋化石生物地层研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
晚白垩世天台盆地产有丰富的恐龙蛋化石和恐龙骨骼,目前发现17处化石点,分布于街头镇、平桥镇、白鹤镇、坦头镇、屯桥乡以及县城-国清寺-下朱村一带,面积约为230 km2.特别在城关北侧三角区内,面积仅有15 km2,却是天台县化石点集中区域.这些恐龙蛋化石为原地埋藏,产于上白垩统两头塘组和赤城山组.本文初步描述7种类型恐龙蛋化石:天台长形蛋(新种)Elongatoolithus tiantaiensis sp. nov.、国清寺树枝蛋(新种) Dendroolithus guoqingsiensis sp. nov.、张氏巨型长形蛋(新种)Macroelongatoolithus zhangi sp. nov.、张头槽圆形蛋(新种) Spheroolithus zhangtoucaoensis sp. nov.、石嘴湾副圆形蛋(相似种) Paraspheroolithus cf. shizuiwanensis、树枝树枝蛋(相似种)Dendroolithus cf. dendriticus、椭圆形蛋(未定种) Ovaloolithus sp. .  相似文献   

An ostracod biostratigraphic study was performed on 425 samples from the composite geological section constructed by using cores taken from five selected wells drilled in the Late Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation in the Songliao basin.A total of 19 ostracod zones are established in the formation,of which 3 are newly established and 3 are revised.The 19 ostracod zones are described in detail.This study provides a basis for the detailed stratigraphic division and correlation of the Qingshankou Formation and the Gaotaizi oil reservoir in the oilfield in the Songliao basin.  相似文献   

鲁东诸城盆地白垩系由下向上包括林家庄组、辛格庄组和红土崖组。下白垩统林家庄组为杂色粗碎屑岩系;上白垩统辛格庄组为杂色细碎屑岩系,红土崖组为砖红色砂岩、砾岩互层沉积夹玄武岩(73.5Ma),为恐龙化石埋藏层位,并与区域上莱阳青岛龙及恐龙蛋化石等产出层位可以对比。诸城地区晚白垩世时期主要为冲洪积沉积环境,辛格庄组上部为洪泛平原粉砂岩—细砂岩—灰质土加积序列,局部夹扇中辫状河砾岩、粗砂岩,红土崖组下部与下伏辛格庄组顶部过渡部位是冲积扇泥石流、辫状河和洪泛平原粉砂泥质砾岩、砂岩加积沉积序列。识别出与冲积扇沉积体系相关的3种埋藏相类型:冲积扇泥石流、洪泛平原和辫状河河道(砂砾岩),前二者是研究区主要的埋藏相类型。所含化石主要为鸭嘴龙的残体骨骼,个体大小参差不等,互相间可叠盖一起,同时也有孤立发育的骨骼化石。高密度、单一种类恐龙残体骨骼化石的沉积、埋藏特征代表了恐龙集群埋藏—沉积事件。  相似文献   

Facies evolution and vertical changes within the Late Cretaceous sequence of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin reveal fluctuations of intra- and extrabasinal circumstances. Evidence of periodic oscillations is recognized and two categories of aperiodic event indications are distinguished according to their significance and lateral persistence. Several lithoevents may be related to eustatic changes, while others indicate the independent evolution of the basin, influenced by epeirogenetic movements of segments of the Bohemian Massif.  相似文献   

黑龙江沿岸晚白垩世恐龙生物群化石产地的初步预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李萍 《世界地质》2005,24(2):118-122
根据对黑龙江沿岸孙吴、逊克和嘉荫保兴-炮台店一带晚白垩世地层与嘉荫乌拉嘎、龙骨山等含恐龙化石群的渔亮子组(K2y)等对比及在前三个地区已发现部分恐龙化石的线索,初步预测孙吴北部、逊克东南部和嘉荫保兴-炮台店等三地区可能为较大规模的恐龙化石群产地。预测区含恐龙化石的晚白垩世地层均属河流-湖泊相沉积,除恐龙外,尚可能发现叶肢介、介形类、鱼、龟鳖类、鳄、鸟类及被子植物等伴生化石。上述地区下伏于渔亮子组的太平林场组(K2t)和永安村组(K2yn)等地层,也有含恐龙化石的可能性。  相似文献   

胶东诸城晚白垩世恐龙骨骼化石地球化学及埋藏学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶东诸城发育了世界罕见的晚白垩世中晚期恐龙化石集群埋藏点,主要分布在诸城市东南的库沟、恐龙涧、西见屯和臧家庄。本文通过薄片鉴定、电子探针、常量、微量和稀土元素分析等方法技术,系统研究了诸城恐龙骨骼化石微观特征与地球化学特征,分析了恐龙骨骼埋藏成岩过程,厘定4个化石集群埋藏层的相对层位关系和骨骼沉积物来源方向,探讨了恐龙死亡的可能原因。研究表明,研究区恐龙骨骼化石主要矿物成分为磷灰石和方解石,也零星含有Fe、Mn、BaSO4及SiO2等矿物成分;骨骼化石和围岩主量、微量与稀土元素分析显示,CaO、P2O5、F、REE、Y、Sr和Ba、U高值且远高于围岩,其中CaO、P2O5、F、Sr和Ba的高值是由于原始骨骼组成中这些元素背景含量高,而REE、Y及U的异常高值是成岩过程中吸附作用所致;骨骼中Rb、Th、Nb、SiO2、Al2O3、TiO2、Zr、Hf含量低于围岩是由于它们属于亲沉积碎屑元素,都来自母岩的风化产物;骨骼化石中稀土元素表现为轻稀土富集型,稀土配分模式与上地壳相似,并具有Eu轻微正异常和Ce负异常特点;研究认为,骨骼与围岩较高的Sr、Ba含量及稀土元素异常系源于干旱气候与氧化环境的浅埋藏成岩作用;依据不同化石点骨骼中磷灰石矿物与方解石矿物组成的对比、骨骼与围岩主量元素分子风化率指数及REE、HREE、LREE与(La/Yb)N、(Ce/Yb)N和(La/Sm)N、δEu、δCe等参数的对比,研究区4个集群埋藏的恐龙化石层相对层位关系由下至上分别厘定为库沟、西见屯、恐龙涧与臧家庄;骨骼围岩沉积物源主要来自下伏青山群火山岩与莱阳群沉积岩的剥蚀产物;研究区上白垩统红土崖组下部不到100m厚的地层中恐龙化石异地集群埋藏层的多次出现表明,集群埋藏不是一个简单孤立事件,恐龙的死亡也可能受制于干旱气候的影响,特别是环境背景的Sr和Ba等元素有可能是环境毒素;干旱缺水、缺少食物、有毒元素散布可以导致恐龙集群死亡;骨骼在季节性洪水或阵发性泥石流的作用下由诸城西北向东南搬运和堆积。  相似文献   

The genus Knoblochia is established for fossil insect eggs. The fossils are small, longitudinally ridged, ovoid to round with projections on both ends. Their thin perforated wall is covered by minute papillae, inner surface of the wall is smooth or covered by rectangular files of cells. Fossils assigned here to Knoblochia cretacea were earlier assigned to the genus Spirellea, which encompass a heterogenous complex of small fossils being or resembling angiosperm seeds from the Late Cretaceous. The majority of species of the genus Spirellea clearly represents remains of angiosperms. However, fossils described by Knobloch and Mai (1986) as Spirellea kvacekii are distinct, particularly in having external walls perforated, neither apex nor basal projection showing any absition scar or micropyle in the botanical sense. Attribution of these fossils to insects led us to designate the new name Knoblochia cretacea with a new holotype for fossils of this kind. Comparison of Knoblochia with insect eggs of species of Phasmatodea and Lepidoptera, and seeds of Stemonaceae showed clear affinity to insects. Due to the high amount of extinction among insects since the Cretaceous, the systematic affinity of Knoblochia remains open.  相似文献   

The Bonarelli Level (BL) from the upper Cenomanian portion of the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) is characterized by the presence of black shales containing high TOC concentrations (up to 17%) and amounts of CaCO3 near to zero. In the absence of carbonate and, consequently, of relative carbon- and oxygen-isotopic data, the elemental geochemistry revealed to be a very useful tool to obtain information about the palaeoclimatic and palaeoceanographic evolution of the Tethys Ocean during the OAE2. Based on several geochemical proxies (Rb, V, Ni, Cr, Si, Ba), the BL is interpreted as a high-productivity event driven by increasingly warm and humid climatic conditions promoting an accelerated hydrological cycle. The enrichment factors of peculiar trace metals (Zn, Cd, Pb, Sb, Mo, U) provide further insight about the H2S activity at the seafloor during the organic-rich sediment deposition and permitted us to evaluate the use of Ba as palaeoproductivity tracer in conditions of high rate of sulphate reduction.By comparing geochemical records from the reference Bottaccione section (central Italy) with those previously obtained for the coeval Calabianca section (northwestern Sicily), different degrees of oceanic anoxia were delineated and ascribed to different abundance and type (degradable or refractory) of organic matter, which are limiting factors in the bacterial sulphate reduction reactions and in subsequent euxinic conditions at seafloor in the Tethys realm. Based on a ciclostratigraphic approach, consistent fluctuations at 100 ky scale in the chemostratigraphic signals from the two sections are inferred to be expression of a strong orbital-climatic forcing driving changes in the oceanic environment during the BL deposition.  相似文献   

对贺兰山地区上田组的植物化石开展研究,此次鉴定出12属14种,结合前人资料,上田组植物化石共计20属35种。其中,真蕨纲和种子蕨纲9属19种,占54%;苏铁纲4属6种,占17%;楔叶纲1属4种,占11%;松柏纲3属3种,占9%;银杏纲2属2种,占6%;分类位置不明的种子1属1种,占3%。该地区植物化石组合以中国北方型Danaeopsis-Bernoullia植物群的属种占主导地位,同时混生了中国南方型Dictyophyllum-Clathropteris植物群的分子Dictyophyllum,且苏铁类占一定的比例,反映了晚三叠世末期贺兰山为半干旱的亚热带大陆型气候,且正在向湿热发展。  相似文献   

Three taxa of Late Cretaceous aquatic angiosperms, Queruexia angulata (Lesq.) Krysht., Cobbania corrugata (Lesq.) Stockey et al. and Nelumbites cf. extenuinervis Upchurch et al. from Jiayin of Heilongjiang, NE China, are described in detail. Among them, Cobbania and Nelumbites from the Upper Cretaceous in China are reported for the first time. The aquatic angiosperm assemblage of Queruexia-Cobbania-Nelumbites appears to imply a seasonal, warm and moist environment in the Jiayin area during the Santonian-Campanian time.  相似文献   

Three taxa of Late Cretaceous aquatic angiosperms,Queruexia angulata(Lesq.)Krysht., Cobbania corrugata(Lesq.)Stockey et al.and Nelumbites cf.extenuinervis Upchurch et al.from Jiayin of Heilongjiang,NE China,are described in detail.Among them,Cobbania and Nelumbites from the Upper Cretaceous in China are reported for the first time.The aquatic angiosperm assemblage of Queruexia-Cobbania-Nelumbites appears to imply a seasonal,warm and moist environment in the Jiayin area during the Santonian-Campanian time.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of nodosaurid dinosaur: Zhejiangosaurus lishuiensis gen. et sp. nov. is erected herein. It is characterized by the sacrum consisting of at least three true sacral vertebrae, 5 caudal dorsal vertebrae fused to form the presacral rod, wide divergence of long slender preacetabular process of the ilium from the middle line of the body, and the fourth trochanter located at the femoral mid-length.  相似文献   

根据中国浙江东阳上白垩统金华组发现的4个翼龙足迹,建立翼龙一新的遗迹种:东阳翼龙足迹。它具有以下特征:手迹的第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ指夹角为29°,第Ⅰ指和第Ⅱ指的夹角为52°;足迹的长与宽的比率为0.17,除了翼龙足迹外,在同一层位中还发现有蜥脚类、鸟脚类、兽脚类、帯蹼和不具蹼的鸟类足迹。这些足迹化石的发现,为研究该地区的古生态环境及以后动物的骨骼化石,尤其是翼龙骨骼化石提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

根据中国浙江东阳上白垩统金华组发现的4个翼龙足迹,建立翼龙一新的遗迹种:东阳翼龙足迹。它具有以下特征:手迹的第Ⅱ和第Ⅲ指夹角为29°,第Ⅰ指和第Ⅱ指的夹角为52°;足迹的长与宽的比率为0.17,除了翼龙足迹外,在同一层位中还发现有蜥脚类、鸟脚类、兽脚类、帯蹼和不具蹼的鸟类足迹。这些足迹化石的发现,为研究该地区的古生态环境及以后动物的骨骼化石,尤其是翼龙骨骼化石提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

基于在山东诸城臧家庄化石点上白垩统王氏群中采集的一个较完整的甲龙类的右侧肠骨(ZJZ-183),建立一甲龙类的新属种:诸城中国甲龙Sinankylosaurus zhuchengensis gen.et sp.nov.。其主要特征是:髋臼前突长度超过整个肠骨的长度的2/3,后部(远端)宽,向近端延伸的过程强烈收缩变窄,前端宽度与后端宽度差距较大。诸城中国甲龙的发现增加了诸城恐龙动物群中恐龙的多样性,与北美地区晚白垩世大型恐龙组合可对比,对研究晚白垩世恐龙动物群之间的相互关系具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

报道了河南省栾川县秋扒乡晚白垩世秋扒组发现的甲龙类化石。化石包括单枚牙齿、一几乎完整的背椎体、不完整的肋骨和坐骨。虽然化石材料少,难以确立属种,但是这是除中原龙产地外,中原地区发现的第二个甲龙类化石点。该化石的发现为研究甲龙类的迁徙及其古地理分布特点提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

浙江天台盆地蛋化石与恐龙的绝灭   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
综合报道了浙江天台盆地产出的蛋化石,其中包括新建立的龟鳖化石蛋科(新科)Tesmdoolithidae ram. nov.和天台蛋属(新属)Tiantaioolithus gen. nov.,以及5个新种:Dendroolithus shuangtangensis sp. nov.,Elongatoolithus chichengshanensis sp. nov,Elongatoolithus laijiaensis sp. nov,Spheroolithus jincunensis sp. nov,Tiantaioolithus jiangi sp. nov。这批蛋化石以赤城山组出现的类型最为丰富,有长形蛋、树枝蛋、圆形蛋、龟鳖类化石蛋等;赖家组蛋化石数量少,仅见长形蛋和圆形蛋类,其时代均为晚白垩世。推测天台蛋化石消失的原因是由于气候变冷,受精卵不能正常孵化所致。孵化率降低,生殖链打断,可能是引起恐龙绝灭的原因之一。  相似文献   

河源盆地晚白垩世东源组发现的霸王龙类牙齿化石估计长度大于10cm。从其大小和形态判断,应为霸王龙类的牙齿。牙齿保存部分稍微弯曲,中部横截面呈微弱的D形。牙齿的釉质非常薄,釉质脱落后暴露出的牙齿部分显示出明显的纵向条纹。牙齿的牙本质厚度在不同方向上变化较大,且牙本质具有明显的分层现象。该牙齿化石的发现,为以后在该地区晚白垩世地层中发现霸王龙类骨骼化石提供确凿的依据。  相似文献   

河源盆地晚白垩世东源组发现的霸王龙类牙齿化石估计长度大于10cm。从其大小和形态判断,应为霸王龙类的牙齿。牙齿保存部分稍微弯曲,中部横截面呈微弱的D形。牙齿的釉质非常薄,釉质脱落后暴露出的牙齿部分显示出明显的纵向条纹。牙齿的牙本质厚度在不同方向上变化较大,且牙本质具有明显的分层现象。该牙齿化石的发现,为以后在该地区晚白垩世地层中发现霸王龙类骨骼化石提供确凿的依据。  相似文献   

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