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We present very low-mass stellar models as computed using non-grey model atmospheres for selected assumptions about the stellar metallicities. The role of atmospheres is discussed and the models are compared with models based on the Eddington approximation, and with similar models that have appeared in the recent literature. Theoretical predictions concerning both the HR diagram location and the mass–luminosity relation are presented and discussed in terms of expectations in selected photometric bands. Comparison with available observational data concerning both galactic globular clusters and dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood reveals a satisfactory agreement together with the existence of some residual mismatches.  相似文献   

We present follow-up infrared photometry for a sample of low-mass and very low-mass stars in the Praesepe open cluster. Our sample is selected from two sources: (i) 90 stars selected from the Hambly et al. photometric and proper-motion survey of Praesepe; (ii) 17 stars selected from the CCD imaging survey presented by Pinfield et al. We investigate cluster membership using infrared colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams. We find 81 likely and two possible members in the Hambly et al. sample, in line with predictions. Contamination in the Pinfield et al. sample is higher, and we find nine probable cluster members. We investigate the non-grey models of Baraffe et al., which are found to be in good agreement with the data. Multiplicity in Praesepe is also examined, and we find the multiple star fraction to be 0.51 from analysis of the I , I − K diagram. We investigate individual object masses, and find that the faintest candidate cluster members have masses close to the substellar limit.  相似文献   

We compare high-resolution infrared observations of the CO 2–0 bands in the 2.297–2.310 μm region of M dwarfs and one L dwarf with theoretical expectations. We find a good match between the observational and synthetic spectra throughout the 2000–3500 K temperature regime investigated. None the less, for the 2500–3500 K temperature range, the temperatures that we derive from synthetic spectral fits are higher than expected from more empirical methods by several hundred kelvin. In order to reconcile our findings with the empirical temperature scale, it is necessary to invoke warming of the model atmosphere used to construct the synthetic spectra. We consider that the most likely reason for the back-warming is missing high-temperature opacity due to water vapour. We compare the water vapour opacity of the Partridge–Schwenke line list used for the model atmosphere with the output from a preliminary calculation by Barber & Tennyson. While the Partridge–Schwenke line list is a reasonable spectroscopic match for the new line list at 2000 K, by 4000 K it is missing around 25 per cent of the water vapour opacity. We thus consider that the offset between empirical and synthetic temperature scales is explained by the lack of hot water vapour used for computation of the synthetic spectra. For our coolest objects with temperatures below 2500 K, we find best fits when using synthetic spectra which include dust emission. Our spectra also allow us to constrain the rotational velocities of our sources, and these velocities are consistent with the broad trend of rotational velocities increasing from M to L.  相似文献   

The masses and temperatures of young low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in star-forming regions are not yet well established because of uncertainties in the age of individual objects and the spectral type–temperature scale appropriate for objects with ages of only a few Myr. Using multi-object optical spectroscopy, 45 low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in the Trapezium Cluster in Orion have been classified and 44 of these confirmed as bona fide cluster members. The spectral types obtained have been converted to effective temperatures using a temperature scale intermediate between those of dwarfs and giants, which is suitable for young pre-main-sequence objects. The objects have been placed on a Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram overlaid with theoretical isochrones. The low-mass stars and the higher mass substellar objects are found to be clustered around the 1 Myr isochrone, while many of the lower mass substellar objects are located well above this isochrone. An average age of 1 Myr is found for the majority of the objects. Assuming coevality of the sources and an average age of 1 Myr, the masses of the objects have been estimated and range from  0.018 to 0.44 M  . The spectra also allow an investigation of the surface gravity of the objects by measurement of the sodium doublet equivalent width. With one possible exception, all objects have low gravities, in line with young ages, and the Na indices for the Trapezium objects lie systematically below those of young stars and brown dwarfs in Chamaeleon, suggesting that the 820 nm Na index may provide a sensitive means of estimating ages in young clusters.  相似文献   

We present the results of a radial velocity (RV) survey of 14 brown dwarfs (BDs) and very low-mass (VLM) stars in the Upper Scorpius OB association (UScoOB) and three BD candidates in the ρ Ophiuchi dark cloud core. We obtained high-resolution echelle spectra at the Very Large Telescope using the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) at two different epochs for each object, and measured the shifts in their RVs to identify candidates for binary/multiple systems in the sample. The average time separation of the RV measurements is 21.6 d, and our survey is sensitive to the binaries with separation <0.1 au. We found that four out of 17 objects (or 24+16−13 per cent by fraction) show a significant RV change in 4–33 d time-scale, and are considered as binary/multiple 'candidates'. We found no double-lined spectroscopic binaries in our sample, based on the shape of cross-correlation curves. The RV dispersion of the objects in UScoOB is found to be very similar to that of the BD and VLM stars in Chamaeleon I (Cha I). We also found the distribution of the mean rotational velocities ( v   sin   i ) of the UScoOB objects is similar to that of the Cha I, but the dispersion of v   sin   i is much larger than that of the Cha I objects.  相似文献   

The discovery of isolated bodies of planetary mass has challenged the paradigm that planets form only as companions to stars. To determine whether 'isolated planets', brown dwarfs and stars can have a common origin, we have made deep submillimetre observations of part of the ρ Oph B star formation region. Spectroscopy of the 9-Jupiter-mass core Oph B-11 has revealed carbon monoxide line wings such as those of a protostar. Moreover, the estimated mass of outflowing gas lies on the force versus core-mass relation for protostars and protobrown dwarfs. This is evidence for a common process that can form any object between planetary and stellar masses in a molecular cloud. In a submillimetre continuum map, six compact cores in ρ Oph B were found to have masses presently below the deuterium-burning limit, extending the core mass function down to  0.01 M  with the approximate form  d N /d M ∝ M −3/2  . If these lowest-mass cores are not transient and can collapse under gravity, then isolated planets should be very common in ρ Oph in the future, as is the case in the Orion star formation region. In fact, the isolated planetary objects that may form from these cores would outnumber the massive planets that have been found as companions to stars.  相似文献   

We present high-resolution  ( R = 90 000)  mid-infrared spectra of M dwarfs. The mid-infrared region of the spectra of cool low-mass stars contains pure rotational water vapour transitions that may provide us with a new methodology in the determination of the effective temperatures for low-mass stars. We identify and assign water transitions in these spectra and determine how sensitive each pure rotational water transition is to small (25 K) changes in effective temperature. We find that, of the 36 confirmed and assigned pure rotational water transitions, at least 10 should be sensitive enough to be used as temperature indicators.  相似文献   

This paper extends our previous study of planet/brown dwarf accretion by giant stars to solar-mass stars located on the red giant branch. The model assumes that the planet is dissipated at the bottom of the convective envelope of the giant star. The evolution of the giant is then followed in detail. We analyse the effects of different accretion rates and different initial conditions. The computations indicate that the accretion process is accompanied by a substantial expansion of the star, and, in the case of high accretion rates, hot bottom burning can be activated. The possible observational signatures that accompany the engulfing of a planet are also extensively investigated. They include the ejection of a shell and a subsequent phase of IR emission, an increase in the 7Li surface abundance and a potential stellar metallicity enrichment, spin-up of the star because of the deposition of orbital angular momentum, the possible generation of magnetic fields and the related X-ray activity caused by the development of shear at the base of the convective envelope, and the effects on the morphology of the horizontal branch in globular clusters. We propose that the IR excess and high Li abundance observed in 4–8 per cent of the G and K giants originate from the accretion of a giant planet, a brown dwarf or a very low-mass star.  相似文献   

M-star spectra, at wavelengths beyond 1.35 μm, are dominated by water vapour, yet terrestrial water vapour makes it notoriously difficult to obtain accurate measurement from ground-based observations. We have used the short-wavelength spectrometer on the Infrared Space Observatory at four wavelength settings to cover the  2.5–3.0 μm  region for a range of M stars. The observations show a good match with previous ground-based observations and with synthetic spectra based on the Partridge & Schwenke line list, although not with the SCAN line list. We have used a least-squared minimization technique to systematically find best-fitting parameters for the sample of stars. The temperatures that we find indicate a relatively hot temperature scale for M dwarfs. We consider that this could be a consequence of problems with the Partridge & Schwenke line list which leads to synthetic spectra predicting water bands that are too strong for a given temperature. Such problems need to be solved in the next generation of water vapour line lists, which will extend the calculation of water vapour to higher energy levels with the good convergence necessary for reliable modelling of hot water vapour. Then water bands can assume their natural role as the primary tool for the spectroscopic analysis of M stars.  相似文献   

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