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A. J. Robson  C. Neal 《水文研究》1996,10(2):183-203
Ten years of detailed upland stream and bulk deposition water quality data from Plynlimon, mid-Wales, are examined for trend. A robust statistical test (the seasonal Kendall test) is applied and data are presented graphically. Smoothing techniques are used to highlight the patterns of change which underlie high data scatter. The graphs show long-term cycles within the data which violate the assumptions of common statistical tests for trend. These cycles relate to fluctuations in the weather patterns at Plynlimon. Even though the seasonal Kendall test is significant for some determinands, the evidence from the graphs suggests that many of these ‘trends’ are unlikely to continue. For solutes in rainfall, there is no convincing long-term trend. There is a possible increase in ammonium concentrations, which may indicate an increasing atmospheric source generated by farming activities, but this will require a longer data series for confirmation. Several trace metal concentrations increased significantly part way through the study period, but later returned to the original levels. The bulk precipitation sea salt input has been uneven over the 10-year sampling period, with the highest inputs occurring during the wetter winters. For solutes in streamwaters, there are clear trends in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), iodine and bromide, which increase over time and may be attributed to an increase in organic decomposition in the catchment. Previous studies in Wales have shown similar behaviour for colour, which is related to DOC, but the corresponding changes for bromide and iodine are new. For most other streamwater determinands, any changes are masked by the effects of year to year variations in the quality and quantity of rainfall. For example, zinc and chromium variations parallel the corresponding rainfall quantity variations. The effect of rainfall quality variation is marked for marine-derived elements such as chloride. For sulphate, streamwater variations are inverted relative to chloride. This suggests that dry deposition may vary with weather conditions: high when the wind direction is from the land and low when weather systems are predominantly frontal and laden with sea salts. Alternatively, high sea salt rainfall may be affecting absorption/solubility reactions in the soils. There are four main conclusions. Firstly, there is no indication of changing acid deposition inputs or changing acidity within the runoff, despite a decline in UK sulphur dioxide emissions. Secondly, streamwater DOC has shown an increase over time, but there is no clear corresponding decrease in pH as might be expected from acidification theory. Thirdly, there are cyclical variations in bulk precipitation inputs and in streamwater quality, which mean that trends cannot be established even with 10 years of data. Long-term cycles are likely to exist in other environmental data and extreme care is required for the interpretation of trend, especially if data sets are short. This aspect strongly supports the continuation of long-term monitoring programmes over several decades. Finally, the graphical application strongly enhances data analysis and should be considered an essential component of trend investigation.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) was established for the protection of surface waters (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters) and ground waters in the European Union. The main environmental objective is to achieve and maintain a good status for all waters by the target date of 2015. Models which are able to address the majority of environmental objectives are proposed within the WFD to inform the management changes required to meet current water policy goals. The use of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) catchment model is widespread throughout the world, especially to support river basin management as required by the WFD. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the use of the model by placing model performance in the Axe catchment, UK, in the context of international performance of the model. Within the constraints of the available data, SWAT represents hydrology, sediment and ortho‐phosphorus concentration well for this heterogeneous catchment, but the representation of daily nitrogen concentration dynamics is poor. Temporal aggregation of model outputs from daily to monthly improved the performance metrics for all the river outputs, including nitrate. Wider review of SWAT studies showed widespread reporting of monthly performance metrics within the SWAT studies, despite the model operating at a daily time step. Poor performance for nitrate identified in this current study may be a significant factor in the choice to not report daily results. This demonstrates the importance of ascertaining the reasons for the use of temporal aggregation in modelling studies.  相似文献   

In Germany, the gasoline additive methyl tert‐butyl ether (MTBE) is almost constantly detected in measurable concentrations in surface waters and is not significantly removed during riverbank filtration. The removal of MTBE from water has been the focus of many studies that mostly were performed at high concentration levels and centred in understanding the mechanisms of elimination. In order to assess the performance of conventional and advanced water treatment technologies for MTBE removal in the low concentration range further studies were undertaken. Laboratory experiments included aeration, granulated activated carbon (GAC) adsorption, ozonation and advanced oxidation processes (AOP). The results show that the removal of MTBE by conventional technologies is not easily achieved. MTBE is only removed by aeration at high expense. Ozonation at neutral pH values did not prove to be effective in eliminating MTBE at all. The use of ozone/H2O2 (AOP) may lead to a partly elimination of MTBE. However, the ozone/H2O2 concentrations required for a complete removal of MTBE from natural waters is much higher than the ozone levels applied nowadays in waterworks. MTBE is only poorly adsorbed on activated carbon, thus GAC filtration is not efficient in eliminating MTBE. A comparison with real‐life data from German waterworks reveals that if MTBE is detected in the raw water it is most often found in the corresponding drinking water as well due to the poor removal efficiency of conventional treatment steps.  相似文献   

Three hundred and twenty‐two samples of desalinated household water were collected from 99 sampling locations that covered 95% of Kuwaiti's residential areas. Seventy‐one brands of bottled water were collected from Kuwaiti markets. The water quality parameters that were studied included pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), F?, Cl?, Br?, , , , , , , , and the major macronutrients Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+. The analysis yielded a large range of results for most of these parameters, with differences in some cases exceeding 10‐fold. With a few exceptions, the results were found to comply with US‐EPA and WHO standards. Only the water in two brands of bottled water was acidic (pH < 6.5). The TDS was found to be higher than the US‐EPA regulated value in 4 and 3% of the household samples and bottled water brands, respectively. The fluoride levels were generally higher in bottled water than in household water. However, the household water that was produced by the Doha desalination plant and some of the European brands of bottled water were the best samples studied in terms of their quantity of Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ compared with the DRI values for those substances. EC and TDS were positively correlated with , , Na+, K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ for household water but only with Ca2+ and Mg2+ for bottled water.  相似文献   

The River Buyukmelen is located in the province of Duzce in northwest Turkey and its water basin is approximately 470 km2. The Aksu, Kucukmelen and Ugursuyu streams flow into the River Buyukmelen. It flows into the Black Sea with an output of 44 m3 s−1. The geological succession in the basin comprises limestone and dolomitic limestone of the Yılanlı formation, sandstone, clayey limestone and marls of the Akveren formation, clastics and volcano‐clastics of the Caycuma formation, and cover units comprised of river alluvium, lacutrine sediments and beach sands. The River Buyukmelen is expected to be a water source that can supply the drinking water needs of Istanbul until 2040; therefore, it is imperative that its water quality be preserved. The samples of rock, soil, stream water, suspended, bed and stream sediments and beach sand were collected from the Buyukmelen river basin. They were examined using mineralogical and geochemical methods. The chemical constituents most commonly found in the stream waters are Na+, Mg2+, SO2−4, Cl and HCO3 in the Guz stream water, Ca2+ in the Abaza stream water, and K+ in the Kuplu stream water. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO2−4, HCO3, Cl, As, Pb, Ni, Mn, Cr, Zn, Fe and U in the Kuplu and Guz stream waters were much higher than the world average values. The Dilaver, Gubi, Tepekoy, Maden, Celik and Abaza streams interact with sedimentary rocks, and the Kuplu and Guz streams interact with volcanic rocks. The amount of suspended sediment in the River Buyukmelen in December 2002 was 120 mg l−1. The suspended and bed sediments in the muddy stream waters are formed of quartz, calcite, plagioclase, clay (kaolinite, illite and smectite), muscovite and amphibole minerals. As, Co, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, Zn and U have all accumulated in the Buyukmelen river‐bed sediments. The muddy feature of the waters is related to the petrographic features of the rocks in the basin and their mineralogical compositions, as most of the sandstones and volcanic rocks (basalt, tuffite and agglomerate) are decomposed to a clay‐rich composition at the surface. Thus, the suspended sediment in stream waters increases by physical weathering of the rocks and water–rock interaction. Owing to the growing population and industrialization, water demand is increasing. The plan is to bring water from the River Buyukmelen to Istanbul's drinking‐water reservoirs. According to the Water Pollution Regulations, the River Buyukmelen belongs to quality class 1 based on Hg, Cd, Pb, As, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Se, Ba, Na+, Cl, and SO2−4; and to quality class 3 based on Fe concentration. The concentration of Fe in the River Buyukmelen exceeds the limit values permitted by the World Health Organization and the Turkish Standard. Because water from the River Buyukmelen will be used as drinking water, it will have an adverse effect on water quality and humans if not treated in advance. In addition, the inclusion of Mn and Zn in the Elmali drinking‐water reservoir of Istanbul and Fe in the River Buyukmelen water indicates natural inorganic contamination. Mn, Zn and Fe contents in the waters are related to geological origin. Moreover, the River Buyukmelen flow is very muddy in the rainy seasons and it is inevitable that this will pose problems during the purification process. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper contains an account of UN/EEC-sponsored research on water quality monitoring and assessments in the catchments areas of Europe's 10 transboundary rivers. In this context, water quality assessments established on the basis of monitoring data for Poland's rivers are discussed. Consideration is also given to the water quality assessment methods recommended by the EU Directives. The problem has been exemplified by the analysis of water quality variations in the transboundary river Odra in the time span of 1973–2003. For the years 1993–2003, the trends in water quality variations are calculated and the rates of variation are analysed. The points in time when the water quality will have attained the second class purity values are predicted, taking into account the requirements specified in Polish, Czech and German standards. Analysis of the trends in the variations of pollution parameters has revealed that the achievability of good water quality depends on the limit values adopted for the assessment.  相似文献   

The fate of the steroid hormones 17 β‐estradiol, estrone, estriol, 16 α‐hydroxyestrone, and β‐estradiol 17‐acetate, the hormone‐conjugates β‐estradiol 3‐sulfate and estrone 3‐sulfate, and the oral contraceptives 17 α‐ethinylestradiol and mestranol were studied during wastewater treatment as wastewater treatment plants are the major source contamination of urban surface waters with steroid hormones. The elimination efficiencies of three different concepts of WWTPs, i. e., activated sludge versus trickling filter, were compared over four weeks at different weather conditions. While larger WWTPs operating on activated sludge eliminated hormones more constantly than smaller WWTPs, heavy rainfall events led to a collapse of the elimination efficiency. By using trickling filter techniques for the treatment of wastewater an elimination of the steroid hormones could not be observed. Additionally, mass flows on a per person basis are compared. In the three experiments, which ran continuously for four weeks each, it turned out that the concentrations of ethinylestradiol and mestranol were below 6 ng/L in all samples. The inflow concentrations were 70 to 82 ng/L (estrone), 17 to 44 ng/L (estradiol), 61 to 130 ng/L (hydroxyestrone), 189 to 255 ng/L (estriol), 10 to 17 ng/L (estrone‐3‐sulfate) and about 28 ng/L (estradiol‐3‐ sulfate). While in the activated sludge treatment plants the elimination of estrone was 90 and 50%, respectively, estrone was formed from precursors in the trickling filter plant. A similar situation occurred for 17β‐estradiol, estrone 3‐sulfate, and estradiol 3‐sulfate. Hydroxyestrone was eliminated with similar efficiencies in all wastewater treatment plants (64 to 82%), as well as estriol (34 to 69%). Accordingly, the emissions of the wastewater treatment plants differed largely and were not attributed to the size of the respective plant, only.  相似文献   

The physico‐chemical characteristics and microbial composition of the final effluents of two municipal wastewater treatment plants in South Africa were assessed between July and September 2009. The impact of the treated final effluents on the receiving water bodies was also evaluated. The temperature across all sampling points ranged between 14 and 22°C, while pH varied from 6.9 to 7.6. High levels of turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and orthophosphate (PO4) were observed in many cases. Turbidity of the samples was in the range of 2.2–288.6 NTU. The concentrations (mg/L) of other physico‐chemical parameters are as follows: COD (9.33–289); ammonia (0.000340–45.4); nitrate (0.062–539); nitrite (0.021–22.6); PO4 (5.3–33.2). The microbial quality of the effluents discharged from the plants did not comply with the limits set by the South African guidelines with respect to pathogens such as Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia coli, total coliform, faecal coliform, enterococci, faecal streptococci, and viral particles for effluents intended for discharge into receiving watersheds. This study revealed an undesirable impact on the physico‐chemical and microbial qualities of the receiving water bodies as a result of the discharge of inadequately treated effluents from the wastewater treatment facilities. This poses a health risk to several rural communities which rely on the receiving water bodies primarily as their sources of domestic water and recreational purposes. There is therefore a need for the intervention of appropriate regulatory agencies in South Africa to ensure compliance of treatment facilities with wastewater effluent quality standards.  相似文献   

One way to reduce water consumption in urban areas is by using alternative sources of supply that can be provided by collecting rainwater and reusing wastewater for less restricted purposes. Thus, this study evaluated the characteristics of effluents produced by the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) of São Paulo International Airport (SPIA), Brazil, in order to reuse it in non‐potable situations. The results achieved, indicated high efficiency in the biological system utilized by SPIA. The removal rates is equal to or >90% for most of the parameters analyzed, among them, fluoride, salinity, nitrite, nitrate, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen, phosphorus, sedimentable solids, turbidity, conductivity, apparent color, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, fecal coliforms, and oils and greases. Despite the final effluents were good enough to be launched in the local streams, they shall be submitted to a complementary treatment in order to fit some quality parameters to be reused for specific demands (landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, vehicle washing, fire fighting, and dust control).  相似文献   

Partitioning of precipitation into evapotranspiration and runoff is controlled by climate and catchment characteristics. The degree of control exerted by these factors varies with the spatial and temporal scales of processes modeled. The Budyko framework or the “limits” concept was used to model water balance at four temporal scales (mean annual, annual, monthly and daily). The method represents a top-down approach to hydrologic modeling and is expected to achieve parsimony of model parameters. Daily precipitation, potential evapotranspiration, and streamflow from 265 catchments in Australia were used. On a mean annual basis, the index of dryness defined as the ratio of potential evapotranspiration to precipitation was confirmed to be a dominant factor in determining the water balance with one model parameter. Analysis of the data, however, suggested increased model complexity is necessary on finer time scale such as monthly. In response, the Budyko framework for mean annual water balance was extended to include additional factors and this resulted in a parsimonious lumped conceptual model on shorter-time scale. The model was calibrated and tested against measured streamflow at variable time scales and showed promising results. The strengths of the model are consistent water balance relationships across different time scales, and model parsimony and robustness. As result, the model has the potential to be used to predict streamflow for ungauged catchments.  相似文献   

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