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Seismic Velocities and Anisotropy of the Lower Continental Crust: A Review   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
—Seismic anisotropy is often neglected in seismic studies of the earth’s crust. Since anisotropy is a common property of many typically deep crustal rocks, its potential contribution to solving questions of the deep crust is evaluated. The anisotropic seismic velocities obtained from laboratory measurements can be verified by computations based on the elastic constants and on numerical data pertaining to the texture of rock-forming minerals. For typical lower crustal rocks the influence of layering is significantly less important than the influence of rock texture. Surprisingly, most natural lower crustal rocks show a hexagonal type of anisotropy. Maximum anisotropy is observed for rocks with a high content of aligned mica. It seems possible to distinguish between layered intrusives and metasediments on the basis of in situ measurements of anisotropy, which can thus be used to validate different scenarios of crustal evolution.  相似文献   

The lower crust is generally considered to be an aseismic, weak zone where fluid distribution might be governed by textural equilibrium geometries. Saline fluids below the transition from brittle to ductile rheology have been advanced as a joint explanation for deep crustal conductivity and seismic reflectivity, the depth of onset of both phenomena being apparently bounded by isotherms in the 300–450 °C temperature range. Some petrologists, meanwhile, contest that the deep crust should be devoid of extensive fluid networks. This review exposes some geophysical exceptions to the statistical norm suggested by global geophysical data compilations and presents counter-arguments that the lower crust in places may be both dry and strong, that fluids if at all present at such depths may not necessarily be connected and that fluid mobility in the lower crust may be more limited and heterogeneous than commonly assumed.Laboratory data on crustal rocks implies that the transition from brittle to ductile rheology actually occurs over a much broader range of temperatures than 300–450 °C, and the apparent association of deep crustal conductive horizons with a temperature field of 300–450 °C may be interpretable in terms of formation temperatures of graphite, rather than fluids and brittle-ductile transition rheology.High vP/vS ratios from a 6 km thick, seismically layered zone below the Weardale granite, NE England can be explained by underplated mafic material. They are unlikely to be explained by fluids in an area where deep crustal conductance has been shown to be relatively low, unless conventional assumptions regarding deep crustal fluid distribution are inadequate or false.Perusal of the literature reveals that lower crustal seismicity is less seldom than generally appreciated. Interpretation of earthquakes nucleating at lower crustal depths is ambiguous, but in some tectonic regimes may indicate preservation of brittle rheology to the Moho and a lower crust that is predominantly mafic and dry.A better understanding of lower crustal deformation mechanisms and history may provide better insight into deep crustal conductivity mechanisms. Recent rock mechanical experiments suggest that permeability (and thus fluid connectivity) may be decreased by ductile shearing, whereas ductile shearing may aid graphitisation at lower crustal temperatures. If the lower crust in some regions is strong, this may explain the apparent preservation of both extant- and palaeostress orientations in interpretations involving electrical anisotropy.  相似文献   

Freshly cored samples from a microprofile (7011–7013m in depth) of the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB) were taken to measure the complex electrical conductivity (1 kHz up to 1 MHz), porosity, BET-surface, permeability and density. The porosity ranged about 1 vol%, while the permeability k varied from 16.05 µD to > 0.01 µD for in-situ pressure conditions. The permeability decreased about 2 orders in magnitude up to pressures of 200 MPa. Conductivity was measured in the same pressure range on 1 M NaCl saturated samples. Thin sections and SEM analysis revealed an enrichment of carbon and ilmenite (about 1 vol%) on inner cleavage cracks of mica, thus causing an unusual high (ranging from 4.2 × 10-3 S/m to 67 × 10-3 S/m) being orders of magnitude higher than normally measured on such types of rocks (about 300 × 10-6 S/m). An inverse pressure dependence of was detected on some of the samples. Electronic conduction was confirmed by least-squares-fits of model data to the frequency dispersion of the conductivity and by measuring the time dependence of the volume conductivity and its frequency dispersion. Thus the dominating role of the reconnected network of carbon and ilmenite on the enhanced volume conductivity was proved. An increase of the conductivity due to hydrofracturing by high pore fluid pressures plays a less important role.  相似文献   

Scales of Heterogeneities in the Continental Crust and Upper Mantle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
—A seismological characterization of crust and upper mantle can refer to large-scale averages of seismic velocities or to fluctuations of elastic parameters. Large is understood here relative to the wavelength used to probe the earth.¶In this paper we try to characterize crust and upper mantle by the fluctuations in media properties rather than by their average velocities. As such it becomes evident that different scales of heterogeneities prevail in different layers of crust and mantle. Although we cannot provide final models and an explanation of why these different scales exist, we believe that scales of inhomogeneities carry significant information regarding the tectonic processes that have affected the lower crust, the lithospheric and the sublithospheric upper mantle.¶We focus on four different types of small-scale inhomogeneities (1) the characteristics of the lower crust, (2) velocity fluctuations in the uppermost mantle, (3) scattering in the lowermost lithosphere and on (4) heterogeneities in the mantle transition zone.  相似文献   

河北廊坊-天津大港剖面地壳上地幔电性结构特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在河北廊坊-天津大港一线部署了110 km的MT勘探剖面,通过资料远参考与Robust估算处理及反演解释,对剖面的构造维数及构造方向做了分析;揭示了冀中坳陷、沧县隆起、黄骅坳陷三个不同构造单元及边界接触关系;对地壳、上地幔电性构造层进行了划分和分析。MT成果显示岩石圈体现为纵向分层、横向分块的特征;沧东及大城断裂是区内重要的深大断裂,控制了隆起两侧坳陷的沉积和形成;断裂深部对应上地幔高导层的局部隆起,两侧存在中下地壳高导层的错动。  相似文献   

用石英(或花岗岩)和橄榄岩分别代表大陆地壳和上地幔,得到的大陆岩石圈强度轮廓存在多个塑性流变层,类似于"三明治"结构.这种强度模式已经被广泛接受,并成为研究大陆岩石圈动力学不可缺少的手段.例如,采用石英和花岗岩的流变实验结果估计的中上地壳流变结构,与发生在中上地壳的地震及其余震深度分布规律具有很好的对应关系,表明根据实验结果估计的这种流变结构基本反映了大陆中上地壳的真实情况.然而,地壳成分分析表明,对地壳岩石变形机制起制约作用的主要矿物由上地壳、中地壳的石英(或石英-长石组合)、长石(或长石-角闪石组合)转变为下地壳的辉石(或长石-辉石组合).因此,石英(花岗岩)流变不能完全代表大陆地壳的流变特征.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recent geophysical literature addressing the estimation of saturated hydraulic conductivity (K) from static low frequency electrical measurements (electrical resistivity, induced polarization (IP) and spectral induced polarization (SIP)). In the first part of this paper, research describing how petrophysical relations between electrical properties and effective (i.e. controlling fluid transport) properties of (a) the interconnected pore volumes and interconnected pore surfaces, have been exploited to estimate K at both the core and field scale is reviewed. We start with electrical resistivity measurements, which are shown to be inherently limited in K estimation as, although resistivity is sensitive to both pore volume and pore surface area properties, the two contributions cannot be separated. Efforts to utilize the unique sensitivity of IP and SIP measurements to physical parameters that describe the interconnected pore surface area are subsequently introduced and the incorporation of such data into electrical based Kozeny–Carman type models of K estimation is reviewed. In the second part of this review, efforts to invert geophysical datasets for spatial patterns of K variability (e.g. aquifer geometries) at the field-scale are considered. Inversions, based on the conversion of an image of a geophysical property to a hydrological property assuming a valid petrophysical relationship, as well as joint/constrained inversion methods, whereby multiple geophysical and hydrological data are inverted simultaneously, are briefly covered. This review demonstrates that there currently exists an opportunity to link, (1) the petrophysics relating low frequency electrical measurements to effective hydraulic properties, with (2) the joint inversion strategies developed in recent years, in order to obtain more meaningful estimates of spatial patterns of K variability than previously reported.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth - Abstract—In this paper, we review the results of the deep electromagnetic soundings carried out on the Archaean blocks of the Kola Peninsula over the...  相似文献   

The Ordos block is a stable tectonic unit since the Cenozoic. Whether low-resistivity layers exist in the middle and lower crust of this kind block is an open question. This work attempts to reveal the entire crustal structure of the block based on interpretation of magnetotelluric data collected along the profile across this region. The result shows that a layered structure characterizes the crust of the Ordos block, with a low-resistivity layer at depth of about 20km, presumably associated with fluids there. In contrast, in the areas of active tectonics on the east and west of the block, there are no such layered electric structures in the crust, and the low-resistivity zones may be related to the decollement zones (or ductile shear zones) in the crust. The difference in electric structure of crust between the Ordos Block and neighboring areas is of significance to analyze the movement and deformation of varied blocks in the continent.  相似文献   

—The genesis of the laminated lower crust has been attributed to extensional processes leading to structural and textural ordering. This implies that the lower crust might be anisotropic. Laboratory measurements of lower crustal rock samples and xenolithes show evidence of anisotropy in these rocks due to oriented structure.¶In this paper we investigate the seismic shear-wave response of realistic anisotropic lower crustal models using the anisotropic reflectivity method. Our models are based on representative petrophysical data obtained from exposed lower crustal sections in Calabria (South Italy), Val Strona and Val Sesia (Ivrea Zone, Northern Italy). The models consist of stacks of anisotropic layers characterized by quantified elastic tensors derived from representative rock samples which provide alternating high and low velocity layers.¶The seismic signature of the data is comparable to seismic observations of in situ lower crust. For the models based on the Calabria and Val Strona sequences shear-wave splitting occurs for the Moho reflection at offsets beyond 70 km with travel-time delays up to 300 and 500 ms, respectively. The leading shear wave is predominantly horizontally polarized and followed by a predominantly vertically polarized shear wave. Contrastingly, the Val Sesia model shows no clear evidence of birefringence. Isotropic versus anisotropic modelling demonstrates that the shear-wave splitting is clearly related to the intrinsic anisotropy of the lower crustal rocks for the Val Strona sequence. No evidence of birefringence caused by thin layering is found.  相似文献   

中国华北地区壳内低速高导层(体)成因模式的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高平 《中国地震》1997,13(3):223-231
依据高温高压下华北地区地壳主要岩石的物理性质-波速,电性测定的结果,提出了华北地区低速高导层可能的成因模式以及不同模式的适应范围。认为;碳酸盐岩在深部一定温度,压力和氧逸度条件下碳的析出会导致高导层体的出现;深部韧性剪切带组成矿物的定向排列,可使岩石的波速,电生产生各向异性行为,导致低速高导层的产生;绿片岩相和角闪岩相石中含水矿物的脱水作用会导致上,中地壳岩石物理力学性质的突变,这可能是该地区低速  相似文献   

Since its launch in March 2002, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has provided a global mapping of the time-variations of the Earth’s gravity field. Tiny variations of gravity from monthly to decadal time scales are mainly due to redistributions of water mass inside the surface fluid envelops of our planet (i.e., atmosphere, ocean and water storage on continents). In this article, we present a review of the major contributions of GRACE satellite gravimetry in global and regional hydrology. To date, many studies have focused on the ability of GRACE to detect, for the very first time, the time-variations of continental water storage (including surface waters, soil moisture, groundwater, as well as snow pack at high latitudes) at the unprecedented resolution of ~400–500 km. As no global complete network of surface hydrological observations exists, the advances of satellite gravimetry to monitor terrestrial water storage are significant and unique for determining changes in total water storage and water balance closure at regional and continental scales.  相似文献   

地震观测是了解地球内部物理状态的直接手段,通过一些弹性参数可以推测地球内部的物质构成,而相应的物质构成对分析大陆地壳演化的过程具有重要意义。泊松比是推测地球内部物质构成的有效参数之一,接收函数方法分离出的Ps转换波为获取泊松比提供了一条行之有效的便捷途径。  相似文献   

Current knowledge concerning the lower ionosphere (D- and E-region) is reviewed with an emphasis on new aspects of empirical results. Starting with an overview of experimental techniques and corresponding data bases, both regarding charged as well as the most relevant neutral constituents of this altitude range, the ionospheric variability is discussed both concerning regular (e.g. diurnal and seasonal) as well as irregular variations (e.g. driven by the variability of nitric oxide). We then turn to ‘new players’ in the lower ionosphere, i.e. charged aerosol particles such as mesospheric ice particles in noctilucent clouds or polar mesospheric summer echoes and meteor smoke particles originating from ablated meteoric matter. These species have received considerable attention in recent years, in part because it is speculated that observations of their properties might be useful for the detection of climate change signals. The available experimental data base regarding these species is reviewed and we show that there is now compelling evidence for the ubiquitous presence of these very heavy charge carriers throughout the lower ionosphere. While many fundamental details regarding these charged species are not yet completely understood, this emphasizes that charged aerosol particles may not be neglected in a comprehensive treatment of the lower ionospheric charge balance and related phenomena. Finally, we close with suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that the general trend of P-wave and S-wave sonic log velocities and resistivity with depth in the pilot hole of the KTB site Germany, can be explained by the progressive closure of the compliant porosity with increasingly effective pressure. We introduce a quantity θc characterizing the stress sensitivity of the mentioned properties. An analysis of the downhole measurements showed that estimates of the quantitiy θc for seismic velocities and electrical formation factor of the in situ formation coincide. Moreover, this quantity is 3.5 to 4.5 times larger than the averaged stress sensitivity obtained from core samples. We conclude that the hypothesis mentioned above is consistent with both data sets. Moreover, since θc corresponds approximately to the inverse of the effective crack aspect ratio, larger in situ estimates of θc might reflect the influence of fractures and faults on the stress sensitivity of the crystalline formation in contrast to the stress sensitivity of the nearly intact core samples. Finally, because the stress sensitivity is directly related to the elastic nonlinearity we conclude that the elastic nonlinearity (i.e., deviation from linear stress-strain relationship i.e., Hooke's law) of the KTB rocks is significantly larger in situ than in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric sounding data obtalned recently in Manas earthquake area were processed. Inthe result, curves of apparent resistivity, impedance Phase, skewness and optimum rotationangle versus period and the real magnetic induction vectors were obtained. Then the data ofall measuring points were interpreted by 2D automatic inversion. The result indicates thatalong the sounding profile the shallow crust can be divided into 5 segments and the deep crustcan be divided into 3 segments, with faults or deep-seated fault zones as the contactboundaries between them. The sedimentary cover along the profile extents down to depthabout 12 km in maximum and a low-resistivity body exists in the crust in southern section ofthe profile. The interpretation results are well consistent with geological and othergeophysical data. The Manas M7. 7 earthquake occurred near a contact zone where theelectrical structure of the crust sharply changes.  相似文献   

Laboratory Electrical Conductivity Measurement of Mantle Minerals   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Electrical conductivity structures of the Earth’s mantle estimated from the magnetotelluric and geomagnetic deep sounding methods generally show increase of conductivity from 10−4–10−2 to 100 S/m with increasing depth to the top of the lower mantle. Although conductivity does not vary significantly in the lower mantle, the possible existence of a highly conductive layer has been proposed at the base of the lower mantle from geophysical modeling. The electrical properties of mantle rocks are controlled by thermodynamic parameters such as pressure, temperature and chemistry of the main constituent minerals. Laboratory electrical conductivity measurements of mantle minerals have been conducted under high pressure and high temperature conditions using solid medium high-pressure apparatus. To distinguish several charge transport mechanisms in mantle minerals, it is necessary to measure the electrical conductivity in a wider temperature range. Although the correspondence of data has not been yet established between each laboratory, an outline tendency of electrical conductivity of the mantle minerals is almost the same. Most of mineral phases forming the Earth’s mantle exhibit semiconductive behavior. Dominant conduction mechanism is small polaron conduction (electron hole hopping between ferrous and ferric iron), if these minerals contain iron. The phase transition olivine to high-pressure phases enhances the conductivity due to structural changes. As a result, electrical conductivity increases in order of olivine, wadsleyite and ringwoodite along the adiabat geotherm. The phase transition to post-spinel at the 660 km discontinuity further can enhance the conductivity. In the lower mantle, the conductivity once might decrease in the middle of the lower mantle due to the iron spin transition and then abruptly increase at the condition of the D″ layer. The impurities in the mantle minerals strongly control the formation, number and mobility of charge carriers. Hydrogen in nominally anhydrous minerals such as olivine and high-pressure polymorphs can enhance the conductivity by the proton conduction. However, proton conduction has lower activation enthalpy compared with small polaron conduction, a contribution of proton conduction becomes smaller at high temperatures, corresponding to the mantle condition. Rather high iron content in mantle minerals largely enhances the conductivity of the mantle. This review focuses on a compilation of fairly new advances in experimental laboratory work together with their explanation.  相似文献   

Noninvasive geophysical estimation of soil moisture has potential to improve understanding of flow in the unsaturated zone for problems involving agricultural management, aquifer recharge, and optimization of landfill design and operations. In principle, several geophysical techniques (e.g., electrical resistivity, electromagnetic induction, and nuclear magnetic resonance) offer insight into soil moisture, but data‐analysis tools are needed to “translate” geophysical results into estimates of soil moisture, consistent with (1) the uncertainty of this translation and (2) direct measurements of moisture. Although geostatistical frameworks exist for this purpose, straightforward and user‐friendly tools are required to fully capitalize on the potential of geophysical information for soil‐moisture estimation. Here, we present MoisturEC, a simple R program with a graphical user interface to convert measurements or images of electrical conductivity (EC) to soil moisture. Input includes EC values, point moisture estimates, and definition of either Archie parameters (based on experimental or literature values) or empirical data of moisture vs. EC. The program produces two‐ and three‐dimensional images of moisture based on available EC and direct measurements of moisture, interpolating between measurement locations using a Tikhonov regularization approach.  相似文献   

Magnetotelluric (MT) data can image the electrical resistivity of the entire lithospheric column and are therefore one of the most important data sources for understanding the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere. However, interpretations of MT data from stable lithosphere are often ambiguous. Recent results from mineral physics studies show that, from the mid-crust to the base of the lithosphere, temperature and the hydrogen content of nominally anhydrous minerals are the two most important controls on electrical conductivity. Graphite films on mineral grain boundaries also enhance conductivity but are stable only to the uppermost mantle. The thermal profile of most stable lithosphere can be well constrained, so the two important unknowns that can affect the conductivity of a lithospheric section are hydrogen content and graphite films. The presence of both of these factors is controlled by the geological history of the lithosphere. Hydrogen in nominally anhydrous minerals behaves as an incompatible element and is preferentially removed during melting or high-temperature tectonothermal events. Grain-boundary graphite films are only stable to ~900 °C so they are also destroyed by high-temperature events. Conversely, tectonic events that enrich the lithosphere in incompatible elements, such as interaction with fluids from a subducting slab or a plume, can introduce both hydrogen and carbon into the lithosphere and therefore increase its electrical conductivity. Case studies of MT results from central Australia and the Slave Craton in Canada suggest that electrical conductivity can act as a proxy for the level of enrichment in incompatible elements of the lithosphere.  相似文献   

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