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The striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, is an oceanic species that occasionally occurs in neritic habitats; in the Bay of Biscay it is abundant offshore and erratic in occurrence over the shelf. Given that prey assemblages differ widely among these habitats both in terms of taxonomic composition and of ecology, this would suggest that striped dolphins are able to shift from vertically migrating meso-pelagic prey to neritic or coastal prey types. We investigated the striped dolphin's dietary plasticity by examining the stomach contents of individuals stranded along the French Atlantic coast. 1109 prey items were identified belonging to 30 distinct taxa and their biomass was calculated. Fish accounted for 91% of the diet by number and 61% by mass; the rest was mostly cephalopods, crustaceans being present as trace. Specific composition included both oceanic (myctophid and sternoptychid fish; histioteuthid, gonatid and brachioteuthid cephalopods), neritic (gadids and anchovy; loliginid, sepiolid and sepiid cephalopods) and even coastal (atherinid fish) prey types, showing that these animals had changed their diet as they moved over the shelf.  相似文献   

Living Crassostrea gigas oysters of different ages and sizes were collected in three estuaries of Cantabria (Bay of Biscay, Spain): San Vicente de la Barquera Estuary, Santander Bay, and Marismas de Santoña Estuary. The main objective was to determine different shell responses to variable environmental parameters. A shell morphological study, based on three biometric indices, indicates that oysters of Santander Bay have two significant shell anomalies: abnormal thickening of the right valve and loss of vital cavity volume. These shell abnormalities are related with the presence in these waters of the chemical tributyltin. In the other two estuaries, the oysters show no detectable anomalies. Four shell microstructures have been distinguished: Regular Simple Prismatic, Regular Foliated, cone-Complex Cross Foliated, and Chalk. In Santander Bay oysters, the Chalk forms a “root-type” framework, whereas in the other two estuaries it forms a more compact microstructure. It is proposed that exposure to tributyltin has produced this modification. High-spatial-resolution geochemical transects have been carried out on the Regular Foliated microstructure in the umbo region in order to evaluate the distribution of Mg, Sr, and Na. The elements analysed exhibit clear cyclic variations in San Vicente de la Barquera Estuary and Marismas de Santoña Estuary oysters, related with seasonal periods, and characterised by broad maxima during months in which the waters are warmer and have higher salinity. These patterns are buffered in Santander Bay oysters. Our results demonstrate that biometric, microstructural, and high-resolution trace element studies in oyster shells can provide information about contaminants and seasonal variations in the estuarine environment.  相似文献   

From September to December 1995, three hydrographic surveys were carried out in the eastern Cantabrian Sea (Bay of Biscay). Changes in the water masses pattern were examined to study the variability and main energetic features in the area. At the beginning of December, an intense Poleward Current (PC), which had come from Portuguese slopes, entered the eastern Cantabrian Sea. This current was the most energetic event in this area in winter. The PC waters increased temperature by about 2 °C (subsurface layers) and salinity by 0.2 (surface layers) in the pattern of water masses in the eastern Cantabrian Sea in winter. The core current was approximately 10 km width and 120 m depth and the water transport, estimated from geostrophic current profiles, was of about 1.3 Sv.A well-defined wavelike front with two significant ridges in the western and eastern sampling area, was observed. The variability and meandering flow of the PC were driven by dominantly baroclinic instabilities, which are due to strong vertical velocity shear. In this synoptic-scale system, the potential vorticity advection, the differential vorticity advection, and the geopotential tendency have shown to be the cause of the ageostrophic motion and the main baroclinic disturbances.One important consequence of the entrance of the PC in the eastern Cantabrian Sea was the profound effect on the pattern of nutrients. The current-induced stratification pattern drives the distribution of nutrients in the different layers and the instabilities and meandering pattern of the PC was an important mechanism of fertilisation offshore.  相似文献   

Primary production (PP), calcification (CAL), bacterial production (BP) and dark community respiration (DCR) were measured along with a set of various biogeochemical variables, in early June 2006, at several stations at the shelf break of the northern Bay of Biscay. The cruise was carried out after the main spring diatom bloom that, based on the analysis of a time-series of remotely sensed chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), peaked in mid-April. Remotely sensed sea surface temperature (SST) indicated the occurrence of enhanced vertical mixing (due to internal tides) at the continental slope, while adjacent waters on the continental shelf were stratified, as confirmed by vertical profiles of temperature acquired during the cruise. The surface layer of the stratified water masses (on the continental shelf) was depleted of inorganic nutrients. Dissolved silicate (DSi) levels probably did not allow significant diatom development. We hypothesize that mixing at the continental slope allowed the injection of inorganic nutrients that triggered the blooming of mixed phytoplanktonic communities dominated by coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi) that were favoured with regards to diatoms due to the low DSi levels. Based on this conceptual frame, we used an indicator of vertical stratification to classify the different sampled stations, and to reconstruct the possible evolution of the bloom from the onset at the continental slope (triggered by vertical mixing) through its development as the water mass was advected on-shelf and stratified. We also established a carbon mass balance at each station by integrating in the photic layer PP, CAL and DCR. This allowed computation at each station of the contribution of PP, CAL and DCR to CO2 fluxes in the photic layer, and how they changed from one station to another along the sequence of bloom development (as traced by the stratification indicator). This also showed a shift from net autotrophy to net heterotrophy as the water mass aged (stratified), and suggested the importance of extracellular production of carbon to sustain the bacterial demand in the photic and aphotic layers.  相似文献   

于2010年7~11月对胶州湾夏、秋季浮游动物种类和丰度进行现场调查,并分析讨论了胶州湾夏、秋季浮游动物丰度的水平分布与环境因子(温度、盐度、水深、叶绿素a)和二甲基硫(DMS)、溶解态β-二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSPd)、颗粒态β-二甲基巯基丙酸内盐(DMSPp)的相关性。结果表明,胶州湾浮游动物丰度分布不均匀,8月湾内西部沿岸海域C1站位出现调查期间的动物丰度最大值(656.1ind/m3),最小值(1.492ind/m3)出现在10月胶州湾东北部的A2站位。浮游动物丰度具有明显的季节变化,秋季浮游动物丰度低于夏季浮游动物丰度。浮游动物丰度与盐度、叶绿素a含量、细菌生物量的相关性不明显,2010年10月浮游动物丰度与DMS呈显著正相关(P0.05),11月的浮游动物丰度与DMSPp呈显著正相关(P0.05),其它月份(7、8、9月)的浮游动物丰度与DMS、DMSPd、DMSPp浓度的相关性均不明显。由于浮游动物摄食活动对DMS释放的影响受多种因素的制约,因此浮游动物与DMS的相互作用需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

The sea surface temperature (SST) of the East China Sea (ECS) increased in the past decades,which may have a great impact on the ecosystem of the ECS,including the changes in plankton-population structure.In this paper,the changes in peaked abundance of Calanus sinicus in the Changjiang River (Yangtze River) Estuary were compared between 1959 and 2002,based on the data collected from the seasonally oceanographic cruises and those performed in spring of 2005.It was much higher in spring compared with that in other seasons both in 1959 and 2002.Furthermore,in spring 2005,the time for occurrence and decrease of the peaked C.sinicus abundance advanced about one month, accompanying the increase in the sea surface water temperature (SST).It peaked in June and decreased in July in 1959,however,in 2005,it peaked in May and attenuated sharply in early June.The earlier decrease of peaked C.sinicus abundance may further deteriorate the ecosystem in the Changjiang River Estuary and north nearshore of the ECS.  相似文献   

While numerous laboratory studies in the last decade have shown that diatoms can induce reproductive failure in copepods, field evidence for a negative diatom effect is equivocal. To unambiguously elucidate the effects diatoms have on copepod reproduction in situ, we undertook a study of the abundance, distribution, grazing rates, and reproductive success of Calanus pacificus in Dabob Bay, Washington, USA, during two spring bloom periods. We simultaneously measured the phytoplankton composition, abundance, and distribution. Here we present results for the reproductive success of C. pacificus using four measurements: egg production rate, clutch size, egg hatching success, and naupliar survival (to the first feeding stage). Egg production rate was positively correlated with chlorophyll a concentration, and egg hatching success and naupliar survival were usually greater than 80%. However, in February 2002 and 2003 – during blooms of diatoms of the genus Thalassiosira – either egg hatching success, naupliar survival, or both were significantly depressed compared to other times in spring and summer. These effects, combined with evidence that C. pacificus was grazing aldehyde-producing Thalassiosira at the time of their blooms, indicate that diatoms can negatively affect copepod reproduction in the field, albeit only under specific circumstances and for brief periods.  相似文献   

We tested and refined the Neutral Red staining method for separating live and dead copepods in natural samples. Live copepods were stained red whereas dead copepods remained unstained. The staining results were not affected by method of killing, time of death or staining time. Tow duration had no significant effect on the percent dead copepods collected. The Neutral Red staining method was applied to study the occurrence of dead copepods along the York River and the Hampton River in the lower Chesapeake Bay during June–July, 2005. The zooplankton community was dominated by copepods; on average 29% of the copepod population appeared dead. Recovery of percent dead copepods did not differ between horizontal tows and vertical tows, suggesting that dead copepods were homogenously distributed in the water column. No significant relationship was found between the percent dead copepods and surface water temperature, salinity, Secchi depth or chlorophyll concentration. In laboratory experiments, dead copepods were decomposed by ambient bacteria and the rate of decomposition was temperature-dependent. Combining field and laboratory results we estimated that the non-consumptive mortality (mortality not due to predation) of copepods in the lower Chesapeake Bay was 0.12 d−1 under steady-state condition, which is within the global average of copepod mortality rate.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that bivalve molluscs routinely ingest zooplankton. To elucidate further these observations, a 15-month study of zooplankton ingestion by farmed mussels was conducted using mussel long-lines in Bantry Bay, Ireland. Stomach content analysis of the mussels showed that there was evidence of zooplankton ingestion throughout the sampling period, but that highest mean numbers of zooplankters were ingested by mussels in the spring and summer months. Various zooplankton species were present in mussel stomachs. Harpacticoid copepods were found more often in stomach contents than calanoid copepods, probably due to their proximity to the bivalves' inhalent siphons. Barnacle cyprids featured in large numbers in stomach contents, but only for a period of 3 months which broadly corresponded with their pelagic phase. Sizes of ingested zooplankton ranged from 126 μm to 6 mm, but more of the smaller zooplankters (e.g. crustacean nauplii) were ingested. When lengths of ingested copepods were compared with those found in plankton net samples, it was found that the net-sampled copepods were significantly larger than those found in mussel stomachs, suggesting that mussels select for smaller categories within the zooplankton available to them. Soft bodied zooplankton was rarely found in mussel stomachs but their absence may be due to rapid digestion or they may have been destroyed in the preservation process. Ingestion of zooplankton by bivalves is discussed in the context of the impacts mussel farms have on resident zooplankton populations.  相似文献   

本研究依据2016年12月至2017年2月和2017年12月至2018年3月的每月上、中、下旬在大亚湾西部海域进行的5条拖网测线的中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)调查,以及2016年10—12月浮游植物光合色素的调查,分析了中国毛虾的种群动态变化及其对主要环境因子的响应.结果表明:中国毛虾总个体密度在L2和...  相似文献   

The colonization process by macrobenthic infauna after the completion of managed realignment on the fertile plain of Jaitzubia, along the Bidasoa estuary, is assessed here. The benthic invertebrate fauna was sampled annually for three years in the newly recovered intertidal areas. The results show a rapid colonization process. Six months after the completion of the restoration works, all the stations exhibited a large number of small opportunistic benthic species, as well as some large individuals of Hediste diversicolor, that dominated the biomass of the community. One year later, a new stage of development or succession towards the settlement of the Scrobicularia planaCerastoderma edule community was observed, showing a reduction of both abundance and species richness, and an increase in biomass, mainly due to the presence of individuals of S. plana (which were absent previously). The following year, a further reduction in the abundance and number of species was observed, as well as an increase in biomass, but on this occasion S. plana was the main contributor to community biomass. Evidence of the importance of passive or active dispersion in the adult stage of the species H. diversicolor and S. plana in the recovery process was also observed.  相似文献   

The distribution of Calanus finmarchicus was studied on a transect across the central Greenland Sea, and on five transects from the Eurasian shelves across the Atlantic Inflow in the Arctic Ocean. Stage composition was used as an indicator for successful growth; gonad maturity and egg production were taken as indicators for reproductive activity. On the Arctic Ocean transects, these parameters were measured simultaneously from the sibling species Calanus glacialis. Response of egg production rate to different temperatures at optimal food conditions was very similar between both species in the laboratory. C. finmarchicus was present at all stations studied, but young developmental stages were only present close to the regions of submergence of Atlantic water under the Polar water. This together with a decreasing abundance and biomass from west to east along the Atlantic Inflow in the Arctic Ocean and reproductive failure indicates that C. finmarchicus is expatriated in the Arctic Ocean. We hypothesize that the late availability of food in the Arctic Ocean, rather than low temperature per se, limits reproductive success. Better reproductive success in the very low temperature regions of the Return Atlantic Current and the marginal ice zone in the Greenland Sea supports this hypothesis. The possibility for a replacement of C. glacialis by C. finmarchicus and consequences for the ecosystem after increasing warming of the Arctic are discussed.  相似文献   

We applied genetic makers to identify Calanus species occurring in Sagami Bay, Japan, in order to investigate their vertical distribution in the upper 1000 m. First, interspecific genetic distances of three gene loci, mitochondrial small ribosomal RNA (srRNA), nuclear internal transcribed spacers 1 (ITS1) and 2 (ITS2), were estimated from morphologically distinguishable adult females of Calanus sinicus, Calanus jashnovi and Calanus pacificus that were collected from Sagami Bay, the Kuroshio Extension and the Oyashio region, respectively. The highest levels of interspecific genetic distance were observed in srRNA, followed by ITS1 and ITS2. The intraspecific genetic distances within C. sinicus were much lower than the interspecific genetic distances, indicating that DNA sequences in these loci are consistent with the morphological differences. This information was used as a criterion for species identification based on DNA sequence variation, and allowed us to identify the fifth copepodites (CVs) or younger stages of these species. Next, the vertical distribution of Calanus species was investigated in Sagami Bay in May 2006, on the basis of a stratified sampling in the upper 1000 m. By applying the genetic markers, 23 individuals comprising all copepodite stages were allocated into either C. sinicus or C. jashnovi, and the small- and large-sized CVs were identified as C. sinicus and C. jashnovi, respectively. The total abundance of C. sinicus was highest at 0-50 m and decreased with depth. On the contrary, CV individuals of C. sinicus were abundant not only in 0-50 m but also below 200 m with minimum occurrences in 150-200 m depth. C. jashnovi was much less abundant than C. sinicus and comprised of only CIV and CV which occurred in the upper 100 m and deeper than 50 m depths, respectively. The abundance of C. sinicus in the 1000-m water column of Sagami Bay was at a level comparable to that in shelf waters, suggesting the importance of off-shelf individuals in the biological production and organic transport in the respective areas.  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct former sea level we have developed a foraminifera-based transfer function using three models based on a modern dataset of 59 samples and 23 species obtained from four Basque marshes in Northern Spain. The relationship between observed and foraminifera-predicted elevation illustrated the strong performance of the transfer function (r2jack ranges from 0.74 to 0.81). These results indicated that precise reconstructions of former sea levels are possible (error ranges from 0.11 to 0.19 m). The transfer function was used to calibrate the foraminiferal assemblages collected from a 50 cm salt marsh core. We placed the foraminifera-based reconstructions into a temporal framework using 137Cs, Pb concentrations, and 210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates. The resulting relative sea-level curve is in good agreement with regional tide-gauge data. Both instrumental data and microfossil records suggest a rate of relative sea-level rise of approximately 2 mm yr− 1 for the 20th century.  相似文献   

The distribution and demography of Calanus finmarchicus, C. glacialis and C. hyperboreus were studied throughout their growth season on a basin scale in the Norwegian Sea using ordination techniques and generalized additive models. The distribution and demographic data were related to the seasonal development of the phytoplankton bloom and physical characteristics of water masses. The resulting quantified relationships were related to knowledge on life cycle and adaptations of Calanus species. C. finmarchicus was the numerically dominant Calanus species in Coastal, Atlantic and Arctic waters, showing strong association with both Atlantic and Arctic waters. C. hyperboreus and C. glacialis were associated with Arctic water; however, C. glacialis was occasionally observed in the Norwegian Sea and is probably an expatriate advected into the area from various origins. Demography indicated one generation per year of C. finmarchicus, a two-year life cycle of C. hyperboreus, and both one- and two-year life cycles for C. glacialis in the water masses where they were most abundant. For the examined Calanus species, young copepodites of the new generation seemed to be tuned to the phytoplankton bloom in their main water mass. The development of C. finmarchicus was delayed in Arctic water, and mis-match between feeding stages and the phytoplankton bloom may reduce survival and reproductive success of C. finmarchicus in Arctic water. Based on low abundances of C. hyperboreus CI–III in Atlantic water and main recruitment to CI prior to the phytoplankton bloom, we suggest that reproduction of C. hyperboreus in Atlantic water is not successful.  相似文献   

一株桑沟湾赤潮藻的分子鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
徐娜  逄少军  刘峰 《海洋科学》2012,36(4):13-18
2011年5月山东荣成桑沟湾近海海域暴发赤潮,其规模在桑沟湾历史上罕见,较严重地影响了该海域水产动物的人工养殖。本文作者分离得到了赤潮暴发过程中海水里的一株优势种,并对其核糖体18S RNA基因(18S rDNA)和转录单元内间隔区(ITS)进行了序列扩增和分析。依据这两种序列构建的系统进化树都显示这株藻与卡罗藻Karlodinium veneficum(=K.micrum)完全聚在一起,因此推断出其应为K.veneficum,是一种常见有害赤潮藻。本文是卡罗藻在桑沟湾海域暴发的首次报道。  相似文献   

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