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地方感在遗产保护中的作用日益受到关注,但目前的研究多集中在个体地方感对遗产保护的作用,较少关注地方感形成的自然、社会环境因素及其影响。在借鉴国外相关研究的基础上,结合哈尼梯田人地关系的特征,从地方感、自然连接、社会连接、梯田保护态度4个维度构建结构方程模型,分析遗产地居民的地方感与另外3个维度的关系。结果表明:当地居民地方感与自然连接中人与自然的连通性、对自然的依恋,与社会连接中亲戚、邻里关系、社区活动组织具有显著的关系;居民地方感与梯田保护态度呈明显正相关;社区中的亲戚邻里关系以及活动组织对于梯田保护态度有直接的正向影响。研究结果进一步验证了地方感对人们的生态环境保护态度具有正向影响这一结论,支持了地方固有的自然、社会特性以及人们与之的连接程度在个人地方感的形成中具有重要作用这一假设。据此,提出应该以社区为基础单元,以重大节庆和祭祀活动为切入点,强化当地的传统社会组织模式和社会关系网络;保护传统的资源管理和分配制度,为梯田保护提供内在动力。  相似文献   

哈尼梯田文化景观及其保护研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
文化景观及其保护是当前的研究热点之一。本文对景观概念及其研究的演变 ,以及文化景观及其主要研究内容与进展进行了总结 ,并具体探讨了地处云南南部亚热带山地的哈尼梯田文化景观的概念、特征、结构和功能及其保护措施。  相似文献   

通过对哈尼梯田形成自然条件、生态特征以及旅游开发利用中利益分配带来的老百姓生存发展与地方经济发展矛盾的分析,探讨了旅游可能引发的对哈尼传统文化及其道德观念的冲击和影响。同时,分析了四素同构复合生态系统中森林植被破坏及植被恢复中树种单一、过分追求经济利益而忽视水源涵养功能的问题,揭示了开展旅游必须考虑哈尼梯田不仅是景观资源,更是物质生产生活资料,是当地老百姓世世代代生存发展的物质基础,其所产生的附带价值在没有对其增加实际投入的情况下,应该归梯田的主人所有这一基本属性。提出了建立和健全梯田入股的利益分配机制和梯田多种生态服务功能综合管理的对策,建议科学地保护恢复植被及其传统文化。  相似文献   

以元阳县攀枝花乡阿勐控村哈尼梯田灌溉制度为例,应用公共池塘资源管理理论,结合案例研究与文献研究,分析哈尼梯田灌溉水资源管理制度的特点及其可长期延续的原因。研究发现,哈尼梯田灌溉制度长期可持续的原因在于:(1)哈尼梯田灌溉系统与管理高度适应当地自然和社会环境;(2)通过沟长—(水利委员会)—用水农户的层级制管理组织,责任明确;(3)通过“木刻分水”的分配体系,建立了权利与责任对等的灌溉水资源分配制度,保障了灌溉系统运行所需的劳动力与资金投入;(4)沟长负责、全体参与的运行机制,实现了低成本但有效的监督与制裁体系,减少“搭便车”的行为。  相似文献   

聚落格局是乡村地理学研究的基础,也是人地地域系统的重要组成部分,更是目前地理学研究的热点之一。科学分析、揭示、刻画少数民族等脆弱地区的聚落格局,对合理、高效推进该区域新型城镇化道路建设,实现民族团结和繁荣,全面建成小康社会具有重要意义。而目前,对于少数民族、尤其是多民族共生区的聚落格局研究还不足。论文以中国西南少数民族聚居的哈尼梯田区为例,从聚落分布的空间位置特征、民族格局特征、区位环境特征及其主控因子等方面,刻画了哈尼梯田区哈尼、彝、壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣等7个民族的聚落格局特征。结果表明:① 在空间位置上,哈尼梯田区68%的聚落分布在区内西中部,主要以哈尼、彝、壮为主。② 在民族格局上,形成了以哈尼—彝混居的大格局,以壮、汉、苗、瑶、傣混居的小格局。③ 在区位环境上,7个民族在海拔、坡度、气温、降水量、与河流距离、聚落规模、耕地面积、与行政中心距离和粮食单产等区位环境特征上具有显著差异。④ 在主控因子上,壮、苗、瑶聚落分布的主控因子为经济、行政、旅游中心距离,贡献率分别为86.4%和75.3%、92.8%;彝族聚落布局的主控因子为气温(贡献率为52.0%);汉、哈尼、傣聚落布局的主控因子为降水量,贡献率分别为98.7%、52.2%、97.0%。⑤ 整体而言,哈尼梯田区聚落格局在垂直向上,形成了多民族共生的立体格局,在水平向上形成了多民族互嵌格局。研究可为少数民族地区新农村建设、聚落格局优化、精准扶贫、全面建设小康社会提供科学参考。  相似文献   

范晓君 《中国地名》2010,(11):31-32
沈阳铁西区是东北老工业基地的代表城区,工业遗产是工业文明的物质记忆和文化积淀,也是城市形象和地方感的浓缩。沈阳铁西区是老工业城市的典型代表城区,素有“东方鲁尔”之称,工业文化底蕴深厚,跨越了近百年的工业历史时期。本文将通过对沈阳铁西区工业遗产形成过程及文化内涵的梳理,探讨沈阳工业景观遗产化的过程,研究工业遗产的价值、保护和利用。  相似文献   

陶伟  蔡浩辉  廖健豪 《地理科学》2020,40(4):637-645
选取元阳哈尼梯田稻作系统为研究对象,基于粮食地理学的农产品生产-消费网络理论,通过深度访谈等方法分析多元主体在本土农业生产消费领域中的策略及行为,解读其中的社会建构现象。研究发现:农业生产领域中多元参与特征显著,优质稻种的人为筛选、种养品种的多样化以及土地流转的推广均为政府、村民和外来企业为实现各自利益而共同协商达成的策略,不同行动者共同利用与改造着农业生产的各种要素;农产品消费领域中,政府和企业逐步承担了农产品商品化的后续工序,国有资本完成农产品的收购、加工与包装,外来商业资本负责建构商品品牌,满足目标消费者的市场需求是他们的共同目标。  相似文献   

河南省工业遗产保护与再利用刍议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业遗产作为一种文化遗产形式,因其具备特殊的价值而逐渐引起社会更多的关注.河南省拥有许多有价值的工业遗产,但对工业遗产的保护与再利用工作刚刚起步.通过对工业遗产保护现状和再利用情况进行分析,河南省还存在着诸如对工业遗产缺乏科学认识、近现代工业遗产保护相对落后、工业遗产再利用程度较低等问题,需要在借鉴国内外工业遗产保护与再利用的先进经验的基础上,采取一系列措施以充分挖掘河南省有价值的工业遗产,使其得到有效保护和合理利用.  相似文献   

为探究哈尼梯田世界文化景观遗产地核心区滑坡灾害时空分布规律,以Google Earth 0.55 m分辨率的2005、2009、2015年3期遥感影像为基础,结合实地走访调查,建立滑坡数据库,在ArcGIS 10.2平台上计算滑坡点的最邻近指数、K函数曲线及密度分布。结果显示:1)哈尼梯田遗产核心区2005、2009、2015年的滑坡数量分别为184、337和285个,对应最邻近指数为0.556、0.603、0.628;最显著聚集的空间尺度为1 000 m,从聚集向离散分布转变的空间尺度阈值分别为2.9、3.9、3.6 km。2)3个年份滑坡点高密度区占比逐渐增加(2.3%→5.8%→8.3%),中密度区占比亦逐渐增大(15.7%→21.8%→27.9%),低密度区占比逐渐减小(82.0%→72.5%→66.8%)。3)需要重点防范滑坡灾害风险的区域为森林区的西段和东段,村寨区的多依树、硐浦、勐品、水卜龙等地,以及阿勐控河和碧猛河流域内的梯田区。综上,研究区2005-2015年滑坡空间格局发生了显著变化,随着人类活动对地表景观干预程度不断加大,滑坡灾害风险增加了更多的不确定性。  相似文献   

本文以云南红河哈尼梯田湿地公园为例,对湿地公园规划理念、功能区划、景区布局、资源保护等方面进行了探讨,以期实现公园保护与开发利用相协调,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

一定的自然环境孕育了与之相适应的民族文化,而民族文化又对自然环境具有改造作用。民族文化与自然环境的相互适应是文化与环境持续存在的原因。本文通过深入到处云南南部亚热带山地地区的元阳县哈尼族地区的调查,提出和分析了哈尼文化与自然环境相互适应的结果一哈尼梯田文化景观的特征,并探讨了哈尼文化与自然环境两者梯田景观的关系,证实了哈尼梯田文化景观是哈尼文化与自然环境协调发展的结果,具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

Transportation as a means to support industrial development can impact the economic development of important agricultural heritage sites. Because the central towns in mountainous areas have weak economic interactions with each other, an appropriate method is needed to evaluate their transportation accessibility. This paper takes the Honghe Hani Rice Terraced System (HHRTS) as a study area and develops a model to determine shortest time-distances from central towns in the study area to the nearest high-grade city as a way to evaluate transportation accessibility (TA). We then analyze the relationship between the accessibility of these towns and their economies. The study finds that the TA of the central towns in HHRTS is not good as a whole. More than 70% of the towns are more than 1 hour away from their nearest high-grade city. Of the four counties in the study area, Yuanyang County has the best traffic conditions, while Lvchun County has the worst traffic conditions. The central towns in the northern and middle regions have better TA than those in the west, southwest and east margin regions. The small-scale rural economy has little dependence on the transportation network, while secondary industries are obviously impacted by the transportation network. In the future, to support the integrated development of industries in HHRTS, traffic conditions in each town should be improved appropriately according to the industrial orientation of the town, but excessive investments to construct roads irrespective of eco-environmental impacts and economic benefits should be avoided. Especially in the case of ecologically vulnerable towns, the building high-grade roads should be banned.  相似文献   

Wild edible plants (WEPs) can provide a variety of provisioning services and cultural services but they are currently under-utilized. Understanding farmers’ perceptions of the collection and consumption of wild edible plant resources is essential for promoting local socio-ecological system resilience and local wild plant resource use. This paper uses the Q-method to investigate the main perspectives of farmers toward collecting and consuming wild edible plants in the Honghe Hani Terraces region of Yunnan Province. This analysis identified four main perspective types among the farmers, including market-driven, household user-driven, cultural service seekers, and tradition followers. It revealed the main factors that limit and facilitate farmers’ WEP collection and consumption, including limitations due to loss of traditional knowledge, and changes in socioeconomic conditions that negatively affect WEP collection and consumption; while, on the other hand, the demand for WEP-related cultural services and the presence of a strong culture slowed down changes in dietary structure, which in turn have maintained WEP collection and consumption. The Q-method can help in identifying the relationship between community residents and local wild plant resource use in rapidly transitioning areas and in identifying the barriers that affect the resilience of local socio-ecological systems.  相似文献   

With the continuous emergence of global development problems, the dynamic conservation and sustainable development of Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (IAHS) have been assigned greater importance. However, due to the complex structure, multi-component, dynamic, and open characteristics of IAHS, there are neglected problems which need to be solved in conservation practice, such as component element ambiguity, obscurity of the conservation redline, etc. This study defined the concept of key elements (KE) of IAHS, put forward a conceptual framework of KE identification, conducted empirical research by taking Honghe County of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System (HHRTS) as an example and analyzed the level of recognition motivations for different stakeholder groups. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) The KE of HHRTS are grain crops, rice species biodiversity, terrace construction and maintenance technique, Hani traditional festivals, Hani traditional foods, and virgin forest; 2) The reasons behind the KE priorities of farmers, businessmen and tourists were at the micro level, the reasons of officers were at the middle level and the reasons of researchers were at the macro level. The empirical study conducted in HHRTS showed that the proposed conceptual framework could identify KE of IAHS effectively, and provided a theoretical perspective for the structuring of and essential need for IAHS research. Moreover, the KE recognition levels of different stakeholder groups reflected their potential action strategies. We should focus on the coherence of policies and measures in both the microscale and macroscale to balance the diversified demands of stakeholders, and to stimulate their enthusiasm for participation in the conservation in order to improve the management level of IAHS sites.  相似文献   


The amount of packaging sent to landfill sites for disposal has gained increased prominence as an environmental issue in Canada as a result of the 1990 National Protocol on Packaging. Recognizing that a number of factors affect a corporation's decisions to modify its packaging, this study seeks to understand forces external to the firm that motivate companies to reduce their packaging waste. Firms in two sectors—soap and cleansing compounds and cosmetics and toiletries—were surveyed by mail questionnaires and personal interviews. Government policies, consumer preferences, and retailer demands were among the external pressures found to affect packaging decision making. Access to external sources of information from suppliers, subcontractors, producer services, and industrial associations was also found to play a role in a firm's decision to modify packaging. In some instances, the impact of external factors was related to differences in the internal characteristics of firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations arrived at from the data analysis.  相似文献   

The amount of packaging sent to landfill sites for disposal has gained increased prominence as an environmental issue in Canada as a result of the 1990 National Protocol on Packaging. Recognizing that a number of factors affect a corporation's decisions to modify its packaging, this study seeks to understand forces external to the firm that motivate companies to reduce their packaging waste. Firms in two sectors—soap and cleansing compounds and cosmetics and toiletries—were surveyed by mail questionnaires and personal interviews. Government policies, consumer preferences, and retailer demands were among the external pressures found to affect packaging decision making. Access to external sources of information from suppliers, subcontractors, producer services, and industrial associations was also found to play a role in a firm's decision to modify packaging. In some instances, the impact of external factors was related to differences in the internal characteristics of firms. The paper concludes with policy recommendations arrived at from the data analysis.  相似文献   

针对台湾海峡东岸台湾北部的海岸阶地进行调查研究,并与西岸福建东北部的海岸阶地进行分析比较;着重阐述台湾西北部4个海岸区域阶地的特性(阶序、分布、高度、崖差、构成等)及其变动情况(阶地抬升、变窄、延伸等);通过推断形成年代、测算隆升速率等,探讨研究区域的海岸线变化与构造升降运动,结果发现:台湾岛的海阶变化不仅受到海平面变动的影响,尚受到区域性地壳隆升的控制;福建沿海地区受蓬莱造山运动的影响极小,海岸阶地的形成主要是受到数次海平面变化的影响;福建沿海的隆升速率由北向南逐渐减少,总体上低于海峡东岸台湾岛的隆升率(平均2 mm/a).该研究印证了:相对于台湾岛地区,福建沿海地区的地壳活动相对稳定,其海阶发育可能仅受到海平面变动的影响.  相似文献   

基于上海市2006—2018年电竞企业的数据,综合运用核密度估计、最邻近指数、Kriging空间插值分析等方法,探讨上海市电竞产业的空间演化过程及影响因素。结果表明:1)电竞产业可以划分为2006—2010年的起步阶段,2010—2014年的快速发展阶段,2014—2018年的爆发增长阶段;2)电竞产业在空间分布上由双核心聚集发展为多核心聚集,具有整体上中心聚集、同时向外扩展的特征,南北方向是企业扩展的主要方向;3)高资本电竞企业主要向软件园区和高等院校聚集,呈现出4个高资本热区,这些热区未来更有机会出现更具竞争力的电子竞技企业;4)政府政策规划对电竞产业的区位选择具有导向作用,高质量人力资源、经济发展水平、周边电竞市场环境、交通便捷性是企业聚集的基础力量;与传统产业相比,由于电子竞技产业具有体育性的竞技特征,其竞技水平和赛事举办也会对产业发展产生重大影响。  相似文献   

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