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The social acceptability of aquaculture is linked to its perceived environmental impact, and this clearly poses a challenge to policy makers in deciding what weight to attach to such a concern within a governance framework for the industry. Using salmon farming in Scotland as a case study, we have developed a survey-based approach to evaluating public and stakeholder attitudes towards the environmental performance of aquaculture. The survey of the general public finds marked regional variations in attitudes towards salmon farming, while the results of the stakeholder survey raise issues over how far the preferences of particular interest groups are truly representative of the community as a whole.  相似文献   

India's Sundarbans region lies within the state of West Bengal and is part of the world's largest mangrove ecosystem. Low-intensity shrimp aquaculture is present, but the potential exists for more intensive development. We argue for avoiding environmental damage and social conflict by adopting appropriate policies now. In this study, we combine ecological simulations and a choice experiment to evaluate several policy scenarios. Such comparative evaluations combining different disciplinary tools are rare. While our ecological modelling supports severe restrictions on shrimp farming activities, local stakeholders prefer a more diverse strategy. Both models indicate that large-scale commercial shrimp aquaculture is least desirable.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):329-351
Concerns about marine protected area (MPA) ecological and social effectiveness have led to a growing interest in conducting management evaluations. The variety of stakeholder interests and needs calls into question the typical notion of MPA ‘success’ and suggests that managers need a practical set of techniques to measure performance and evaluate trade-offs. This study explores how success can be analyzed from the compilation of differing stakeholder viewpoints. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with stakeholders to explore the state of an Italian MPA, selection of performance indicators to evaluate the MPA, and whether it can be deemed a success according to those indicators. The results show that stakeholder groups hold significantly different preferences for biological, economic and socio-cultural performance indicators in judging MPA performance. The elicitation of stakeholder preferences here is an important first step in understanding the criteria through which stakeholders view MPA management.  相似文献   

We study an individual transferable quota system with imperfect enforcement. We apply a model of individual fisherman behavior to the red shrimp (Pleuroncodes monodon) fishery in central-southern Chile. Simulation results suggest that illegal fishing could generate a 21% increase in fishing effort, resulting in a 13% increase in catch and a 2% lower quota price in comparison with the results of a system that operates under perfect compliance. The results are sensitive to changes in the level of fish abundance, total allowable catch, and the design of enforcement to induce compliance.  相似文献   

This paper explores the seafood sector in Indonesia, using fish supply-demand modeling, with special focus on the growing role of aquaculture in the country's food portfolio. The paper describes six scenarios for future fish supply–demand dynamics and examines the role of aquaculture growth in fish supply in Indonesia. A business as usual scenario (BAU) assumed exogenous variables of our supply-demand model following historical trends. Five alternative scenarios explored the implications of stagnant capture fisheries; export-oriented growth of aquaculture; domestic-oriented aquaculture growth; slow growth of aquaculture sector; and disease outbreaks to key aquaculture species. The BAU scenario projected that fish supply and demand in Indonesia continues to increase over time and strong aquaculture growth is critical to meet increasing demand for fish. Stagnant capture fisheries resulted in increasing fish prices and decreasing fish consumption. Export-oriented aquaculture growth benefitted fish supply and exports, but also helped lower domestic prices and thus increase consumption. An emphasis on domestic aquaculture commodities increased fish supply, providing best domestic consumption outcomes and lower consumer prices. Slow aquaculture growth reduced fish supply and led to undesirable increases in domestic prices and decreasing domestic consumption as a consequence. Disease outbreaks in shrimp and carp aquaculture resulted in a short-term reduction in aquaculture output and increasing fish prices, lowering fish consumption.  相似文献   

Drawing on a case study in Germany, this contribution explores the practical application of offshore aquaculture within offshore wind farms in view of the different stakeholders involved. Using a transdisciplinary research approach, an understanding of the rationalities and interests among the different involved stakeholder groups was explored. Offshore wind energy is high on the political agenda in Germany. The vast spatial requirements however inherit potential user conflicts with competing, and under current legislation excluded users such as fishermen. Solutions for combining sustainable uses of the same ocean space have thus seen increasing interest within the research community in Germany and in Europe over the past years. This paper was inspired by and presents the outcomes of a stakeholder analysis and in particular a stakeholder workshop. Central focus was placed on academics and private as well as public stakeholders engaged in current research efforts of combining offshore wind farms and aquaculture in the German North Sea. The paper identifies the overall acceptance of such a multi-use scenario in society, opportunities and constraints as perceived by the stakeholders, and key research gaps. The results confirm the assumption that there is a clear need, and also willingness on behalf of the policy makers and the research community, to find sustainable, resource- and space-efficient solutions for combined ocean use.  相似文献   

崔东阳  金颖  吴桂敏  唐琳 《海洋科学》2019,43(12):118-123
开展养殖用海基准价格评估,有利于推动海域资源市场化配置,形成良性的养殖用海交易市场。本研究介绍了市场比较法的原理及适用范围,并基于养殖用海的特点,以深圳市开放式养殖用海为评估对象,运用市场比较法测算其海域基准价值,并分析各评估方法在养殖用海评估中的适用性和局限性。  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):411-427
Sundarbans mangrove of Bangladesh—a World Heritage Site has been providing a wide array of fisheries activities for a large number of coastal people. Over-fishing, particularly collecting Penaeus monodon postlarvae from mangrove and near-shore waters, due to increasing demand from shrimp farming, and over exploitation of plant and wildlife species are exerting increasing amount of stresses on the viability of this delicate ecosystem. A number of regulations have been enacted for the conservation of the resources and ecosystem, but yet to rigorously enforced. The initiative to institute a comprehensive fisheries management system by the recent Asian Development Bank supported “Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Project”, therefore, marks the beginning of a new era for sustainability of aquatic resources in the Sundarbans.  相似文献   

开展养殖用海基准价格评估,有利于推动海域资源市场化配置,形成良性的养殖用海交易市场。本研究介绍了市场比较法的原理及适用范围,并基于养殖用海的特点,以深圳市开放式养殖用海为评估对象,运用市场比较法测算其海域基准价值,并分析各评估方法在养殖用海评估中的适用性和局限性。  相似文献   

From 2009 to 2011, marine spatial planning (MSP) rapidly gained visibility in the United States as a promising ocean management tool. A few small-scale planning efforts were completed in state waters, and the Obama Administration proposed a framework for large-scale regional MSP throughout the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. During that same time period, the authors engaged a variety of U.S ocean stakeholders in a series of dialogs with several goals: to share information about what MSP is or could be, to hear stakeholder views and concerns about MSP, and to foster better understanding between those who depend on ocean resources for their livelihood and ocean conservation advocates. The stakeholder meetings were supplemented with several rounds of in-depth interviews and a survey. Despite some predictable areas of conflict, project participants agreed on a number of issues related to stakeholder engagement in MSP: all felt strongly that government planners need to engage outsiders earlier, more often, more meaningfully, and through an open and transparent process. Equally important, the project affirmed the value of bringing unlike parties together at the earliest opportunity to learn, talk, and listen to others with whom they rarely engage.  相似文献   

生物絮团技术在对虾养殖中的应用及展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
<正>对虾海水养殖业是中国乃至世界水产养殖业中的重要组成部分,来自世界粮农组织的统计数据显示,对虾海水养殖业在未来数年中仍将保持一个较高的增长速度[1]。随着人们对对虾产品需求量的进一步增加,中国作为世界上最大的对虾生产国以及出口国,对虾海水养殖规模在近年来也稳步扩大,这就使得对虾海水养殖与土地资源、水资源以及周围环境之间的矛盾日益突出。此外,自20世纪90年代暴发的对虾白斑病开始,多种病原和病因引起的虾病一直困扰着广大水产从业者,因此寻找一种新的  相似文献   

Litt等[1]1989年在心肌肌动蛋白的基因内扩增了一种2核苷酸重复并创造了"微卫"(microsatellite)这个名词.后来,Edward等[2]称微卫星为简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR).现在人们一般把微卫星定义为1~6 bp 基元组成的重复序列.  相似文献   

提出了在多源空间数据融合过程中出现不一致的问题;介绍了局部多项式插值方法的基本原理;通过该方法在海底沉积厚度模型构建中的成功应用,为基础数据的搜集和融合提供了新的思路.  相似文献   

Sediments from Eckernförde Bay, Germany, are characterized by an aggregate and channel microstructure, with channel dimensions about two orders of magnitude larger than interparticle distances within aggregates. Porosity within aggregates as determined by image analysis of transmission electron micrographs was about 12% less than bulk porosity. Illite and smectite formed the bulk of most aggregates, while numerous biogenic particles generally occurred outside or on the periphery of aggregates. Microfabric analysis provides insights into permeability and consolidometer behavior of this sediment, reveals characteristics not apparent from bulk analyses, and may have implications for geochemistry and physical behavior of the sediment.  相似文献   

Geological surveys of Australia’s marine territory have revealed significant potential for development of a marine resource industry. As onshore mineral deposits become harder to find, less accessible to their market and more challenging to extract, seafloor exploration and mining becomes an economically viable option. However, evidence from industry and environmental literature suggests that social acceptance will be important in determining the future of this industry in Australia. This paper reports on findings from research investigating the social viability of seafloor mining in Australia. A combination of interviews and focus groups were used to explore industry and community reactions to the possible development of seafloor mining in Australia. Although stakeholders’ reactions were variable, the majority of the participants were reluctant to see development of seafloor mining in Australia, primarily because of concerns about the industry’s potential environmental impact. All stakeholders sought further information about the benefits and costs associated with the industry suggesting that they did not yet have a fixed attitude towards the industry. Stakeholders favoured a precautionary approach towards the industry, supported by rigorous scientific analysis of the potential environmental impacts, transparent and socially responsive management processes and meaningful engagement with stakeholders.  相似文献   

This paper presents a general approach for the development of a ship weather routing algorithm for determining optimal route which is taken here as the minimum-time route. The optimization model is based on a form of Dijkstra's algorithm. The developed algorithm is versatile and is capable of considering nearly all realistic practical constraints that a ship faces during her voyage. The ‘weight’ functions and the routes are determined by considering both involuntary and voluntary speed reduction. The algorithm is investigated using various realistic wave data for the North Indian Ocean region obtained from a 3rd generation WAM model. Illustrative examples of minimum-time sea routes on Arabian Sea and Bay-of-Bengal have been determined and presented to demonstrate the capability of the algorithm in handling many practical constraints within its framework.  相似文献   

Using simultaneous sampling with a commercial-sized trawl, a zooplankton net, and a sediment trap, we evaluated the contribution of vertically migrating micronekton to vertical material transport (biological pump) at two stations (3°00′N, 146°00′E and 3°30′N, 145°20′E) in the western equatorial North Pacific. The gravitational sinking particulate organic carbon flux out of the euphotic zone was 54.8 mg C m−2 day−1. The downward active carbon flux by diel migrant mesozooplankton was 23.53 and 9.97 mg C m−2 day−1, and by micronekton 4.40 and 2.26mg C m−2 day−1 at the two stations. Assuming that the micronekton sampling efficiency of the trawl was 14%, we corrected the downward carbon flux due to micronekton respiration to 29.9 and 15.2mg C m−2 day−1, or 54.6 and 27.7% of the sinking particle flux at the two stations. The corrected micronekton gut fluxes were 1.53 and 0.97mg C m−2 day−1. The role of myctophid fish fecal matter as a possible food resource for deep-sea organisms, based on its fatty acid and amino acid analysis, is discussed.  相似文献   

Through the analysis of four case studies, this paper explores the relationship between stakeholder representatives and their constituencies of interest within the context of coastal partnerships in the United Kingdom. It was found that representatives who participate in partnerships have a variety of motivations, limited accountability and a poor record of information dissemination. It is concluded that there are very few formal assurances that representatives genuinely represent the views of their constituencies.  相似文献   

以五水合四氯化锡为原料,采用化学沉淀法制备了纳米SnO2光催化剂,采用电子显微镜和X光衍射仪对粉体的粒径、物象和形貌等进行了表征,对比分析了自制纳米SnO2对于养殖废水中氨氮的光催化降解情况。研究结果表明催化剂投加量、废水中氨氮初始质量浓度、溶液pH值和H2O2质量浓度均是影响氨氮催化氧化去除效果的重要因素。通过正交实验确定了SnO2光催化剂氧化的优化反应条件:SnO2投加量为1.2 g/L,氨氮初始质量浓度为40 mg/L,pH值为8.0,H2O2质量浓度为1.0 g/L,催化时间为2 h时,去除率可达72%。  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic factors in coastal wetland changes are widely discussed in wetland studies. Previous literatures have demonstrated that many factors may cause wetland change and argued that the global climate change and nutrient enrichment may become the most important ones in the next 50 years. Through field investigation, with the help of remote sensing technology and geographic information system, this research discusses the wetland change in Tianjin under the great pressure of rapid economic development, population growth, and sea-level rising. These findings include: (1) the wetland area expanded from 466.50 km2 to 658.38 km2 between 1987 and 1998, but it shrank to 550.5 km2 by the year of 2006. (2) The results show that the groundwater has not been contaminated while the surface water has been polluted. (3) The questionnaire survey shows that the social environment in some specific ways impedes the protection of natural reserve. In order to achieve the harmony between human and nature, feasible countermeasures on how to keep ecological balance should be immediately taken. Consequently, natural conservation and sustainable economic development will be realized.  相似文献   

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