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An increase in the population of coastal counties and popularity of coastal beaches as tourism destinations create difficulties for management agencies responsible for providing public beach access. The objective of this paper is to determine non-resident visitors to South Carolina beaches economic value for public beach access. Visitors are willing to pay an extra $6.60 per day for additional beach access points and parking or an aggregate of $93 million. Visitors' economic value of public beach access allows decision-makers the ability to better compare management policies in their efforts to provide sufficient public beach access through a target effective strategy.  相似文献   

The decline of the world's fisheries and the inability of traditional management frameworks to maintain them, has led managers to adopt alternative management frameworks. The use of dedicated access privileges have often been shown to have varying popularity among factions within the commercial fishing industry and managers. Here, we examine commercial fishers' preference for alternative management frameworks in the context of a unique multispecies fisheries of the Florida Keys. By surveying commercial fishers, we find that that the size of operation plays no role in affecting fisher perception regarding dedicated access privileges. Furthermore, fishers who are organized are less likely to support dedicated access privilege frameworks. Overall, we do not find enough support in the fishing industry for the implementation of dedicated access privileges in the Florida Keys. These findings can provide inputs in developing effective management plans in the region.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present an approach that contributes to evaluate beach quality based on a combined analysis of beach occupancy and the perception of beach users. The study area is a major Mediterranean tourist destination in NE Spain. Six beaches that fulfilled different environmental and social criteria were assessed. Sampling took place during 2004 and 2005. An analysis of beach occupancy showed that highly accessible urban beaches suffer the most from overcrowding. A comparison of the two approaches (occupancy and perception) indicates that a higher sand availability increased user satisfaction, although not as much as might have been expected because other parameters are also highly relevant in evaluating beach quality from the perspective of beach user such as physical characteristics, landscape and facilities.  相似文献   

The social acceptability of aquaculture is linked to its perceived environmental impact, and this clearly poses a challenge to policy makers in deciding what weight to attach to such a concern within a governance framework for the industry. Using salmon farming in Scotland as a case study, we have developed a survey-based approach to evaluating public and stakeholder attitudes towards the environmental performance of aquaculture. The survey of the general public finds marked regional variations in attitudes towards salmon farming, while the results of the stakeholder survey raise issues over how far the preferences of particular interest groups are truly representative of the community as a whole.  相似文献   

Marine debris is the most conspicuous pollutant that makes beaches aesthetically unappealing to users. The perceptions and reactions of beach users to stranded litter were compared between second-home owners and users (SHOU) and non-recurrent tourists (T). A questionnaire was applied to obtain socio-economic characteristics; assessment of the overall beach quality and perception of beach litter pollution (perception); hypothetical scenarios of marine litter pollution and deterrence (reaction); and potential alternative destinations in the case of deterrence (economic effect). Questionnaires (n = 319) were applied at two Brazilian subtropical beaches, with different physiographical settings (Pontal do Sul, PS, estuarine beach; Ipanema, I, open-ocean beach). Beach users’ groups differed regarding daily expenses (T > SHOU), period of permanence per trip (SHOU > T) and trip frequency (SHOU > T). The open-ocean beach (I) was rated the worst regarding overall beach quality. Marine debris generation was mainly attributed to local “beach users”, in the open-ocean beach (I). “Marine” (or non-local) sources were four times more frequently cited in the estuarine beach (PS). Perception on actual litter pollution and litter deterrence scenarios, did not vary between beaches or groups. More than 85% of beachgoers would avoid a beach visit if a worst scenario (> 15items/m2) occurred and most users would choose a neighboring state beach destination. Stranded litter may potentially reduce local tourism income by 39.1%, representing losses of up to US$ 8.5 million per year. These figures are proxies to support the trade-off local authority's make between investments to prevent/remove beach litter and the potential reduction in income from a tourist destination change.  相似文献   

This paper is focussed on the derivation of a set of general scaling laws valid for both beach and dune erosion volumes based on scaling law analysis, existing and new experimental results. This latter experiments concern beach profile changes in three different laboratory flumes using identical wave conditions based on Froude scaling. The experiments with planar sloping beaches have been done at three scales: large-scale Hannover wave flume experiment (beach slope of 1 to 15), medium scale Barcelona wave flume experiment (beach slope of 1 to 15) and small-scale Delft wave flume experiments (beach slopes of 1 to 10, 15 and 20) using an identical wave train of irregular waves (single topped spectrum).  相似文献   

王玥  苏洁  明红霞  石岩  赵莎  关道明  樊景凤 《海洋学报》2015,37(12):123-128
为了解海水浴场中大肠杆菌耐药性状况及其耐药基因分布,以大连星海浴场近岸海水样品为研究对象,分离鉴定得到41株大肠杆菌,采用K-B药敏纸片法检测其对9种常用抗生素的耐药性,并对耐药菌株中的耐药基因进行检测。结果表明:41株受试大肠杆菌菌株对四环素的耐药率最高(46%),而对氨曲南的耐药率最低(5%),大肠杆菌的多重耐药率达到34%。采用PCR方法对41株分离菌株进行四环素耐药基因检测,结果显示,仅四环素耐药基因tetA和tetB被检出,其他4种类型四环素耐药基因未被检出。大肠杆菌基因组与质粒DNA中tetA的检出率分别为34%和29%;tetB的检出率分别为2%和12%。相关性分析结果表明大肠杆菌的四环素耐药表型与四环素耐药基因的阳性检出率显著相关。  相似文献   

Headland-bay beach (HBB) is one of the most prominent physiographic features on the oceanic margin of many countries in the world. Under the influence of a predominant swell, its curved periphery in natural environment may reach static equilibrium and remains stable without sediment supply from updrift and/or a riverain source within its own embayment. Coastal scientists and engineers have attempted to develop mathematical expressions to quantify this ideal bay shape since the 1940s. As the scenario with depleting sediment supply has become a common reality on many parts of the world coastline in more recent time, some coastal engineers have advocated a rational approach to mimicking the static bay shape found in nature in order to mitigate beach erosion as well as for coastal management. Nowadays, many useful applications have emerged since the publication of the parabolic bay shape equation (PBSE) developed for static equilibrium planform (SEP) in late 1980s. The advance in modern computer technologies and international collaboration has further facilitated the exchange of knowledge and applications of this static bay beach concept (SBBC).  相似文献   

据调查,福建沿海分布有143处主要滨海沙滩,其中已开发利用28处,可合理利用81处,需加强生态保护修复的有21处,被严重破坏已不适宜做海滩资源的有13处。本文在介绍福建滨海沙滩分布及其资源特点基础上,阐述了沿海各地海滩资源的保护与利用现状,分析了主要的资源环境问题及成因,提出了制度建设、资源管控、优化岸滩工程、污染治理、公众宣传、资金保障等有针对性的对策措施。  相似文献   

Backshore sediment samples from 22 beaches along the Antalya and Finike Gulfs have been studied for their grain size, chemical and heavy mineral composition. Data presented here suggest that well- to moderately-sorted (0.41 Φ–0.92 Φ) medium sand (1 Φ–2 Φ) represents dominant mean grain size in most beaches. In contrast, some beaches from the western part of the Gulf of Antalya (Göynük, Kemer-Kiriş and Beldibi) are composed of pebble- to boulder-size grained beaches which are located close to mouths of short and steep-gradient ephemeral rivers entering the sea from the Western Taurus Mountains. The heavy mineral assemblages are dominated by detrital opaque minerals (14–58% magnetite, chromite, and hematite), pyroxene (8–65% augite), amphibole (3–15% tremolite and actinolite), epidote (3–25%), garnet (2–9% pyrope and almandine) and micas (3–20 biotite, muscovite and chlorite). The very high concentrations of heavy minerals (up to 86% of bulk sediment) together with the significant concentrations of some elements found in beach sediments from the Gulf of Finike and western Gulf of Antalya (Fe: 18.40%; Cr: 10.00%; and Ti: 1.32%) are indicative of ultramafic origin, mainly derived from the ophiolitic rocks of the Antalya–Tekirova nappe on coastal hinterland.  相似文献   

近岸人工沙坝保滩促淤的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴建  拾兵  李智  刘德飞  范菲菲 《海洋通报》2012,31(2):176-180
借助正态波浪模型,对北戴河海滩某横断面有、无沙坝布置进行了3种水位的极限波高入射试验,测取了坝内外波高过程线及稳定后的断面地形。试验资料及理论分析显示:有无沙坝时沿岸流及波浪的挟沙能力之比与水下沙坝的波浪透射系数的平方成正比,按试验最大透射系数计算的挟沙能力亦可降50%左右,且有沙坝上涌带破波回流对岸滩的冲刷水深可以维持在平均海平面以下1 m内,说明人工沙坝的填筑很大程度促使水体挟带泥沙于掩护区域落淤有效的阻止了泥沙的离岸亏损。试验将为保滩促淤工程设计与实施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Grande Riviere beach, on the island of Trinidad, supports the largest nesting population of leatherback turtles in the Caribbean region. Throughout the nesting season, nests are naturally disturbed by newly nesting females, resulting in egg breakage and loss of some nest viability. This environment is ideal for the growth and proliferation of microorganisms. The range of bacterial flora present in beach sand and egg shells was examined, with emphasis on bacteria that may pose a threat to public and animal health. The extent to which the bacterial load and genera on the beach changed throughout the season was also assessed. Twenty‐five genera were identified, with Pseudomonas spp. found to be the most predominant environmental bacteria. Four genera identified possess zoonotic potential, while five additional genera are known to be of public and animal health significance. Distinct shifts in the density and distribution of bacteria were observed along the beach from early to peak nesting season. Shifts were seen across heavily traversed zones, thus highlighting the potential exposure threats posed to beach visitors and animals alike. Further studies aimed at speciating this population of bacteria, as well as isolating potential fungal pathogens may mitigate this threat. Identification of bacterial agents that are specifically pathogenic to leatherback turtles, turtle eggs, hatchlings and those who may interact with these animals will serve to enhance and guide efforts to better conserve this species and protect the health of all who visit this ecologically significant site.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the results of a multi-country survey about private stakeholders' contribution to coastal preservation. It was conducted in four coastal sites of Greece, Italy and France, in order to collect information about beach visitors' perception of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and their willingness to pay (WTP) for beach preservation, intended here as defence from erosion. In order to find out whether ICZM perception is a determinant of WTP, regression analysis is applied. Results show that in these sites respondents have a low level of information about the nature of ICZM, despite local authorities having implemented some ICZM strategies for preserving the coast. Nevertheless, those who are informed about ICZM have a higher probability of paying for beach preservation. This suggests to policymakers that promoting public awareness about ICZM may increase the probability of paying. Finally, some categories of visitors, such as women and young and middle-aged people, have a higher probability of paying than men and older people, thus suggesting a more sensitive attitude to beach preservation. Therefore, policy-makers should also pay attention to the categories of visitors less likely to pay.  相似文献   

The empirical bay shape model proposed by Hsu and Evans in 1989 for predicting the static planform of a pocket beach is expanded to enable the calculation of three-dimensional beach changes on a pocket beach with a seawall. The original formulation was developed on the basis of a second-order regression analysis. Unlike the one-line model of shoreline changes, the model of Hsu and Evans does not require repeated calculations of the wave field and shoreline position, because it was derived on the assumption of null sediment movement within a pocket beach in static equilibrium, hence without the need of applying the continuity condition of total sand volume in the calculation. The expanded model proposed by the present authors satisfies the total sand budget on a pocket beach, by taking into account the concept of depth change due to longshore sand transport. Model tests were carried out and the new model was further applied to the beach changes at Kemigawa on the northeast of Tokyo Bay in Chiba Prefecture, as well as at Oarai in Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. On both locations, seawall has been installed as countermeasures against beach erosion, where wave sheltering effect of the main breakwater and beach changes in front of the seawall has also been observed. With this expansion, the present model can be applied to predict the three-dimensional beach changes on a coast with seawall on a pocket beach.  相似文献   

The shape parameter helps determining the shape of equilibrium beach profile in terms of offshore distance and water depth. The shape parameter therefore, should represent the effect of all the environmental factors involved in beach profile formation, such as wave climate and sediment properties. However, all the previous studies carried out to define shape parameter only consider the effects of sediment characteristics in their definitions. The aim of this study is to add the effect of wave climate also in the definition of shape parameter. This is achieved by integrating wave energy dissipation rate per unit volume at the surf zone. The result yields equilibrium wave energy dissipation rate that leads to theoretical definition of equilibrium beach profiles involving the effects of both the grain size and the wave climate parameters. It is found that the sediment grain size and the incoming wave height affect the value of shape parameter; whereas, the effects of wave period can be neglected. By means of energy equation, it is also possible to observe in macro scale the strength of wave energy on beach profile for different grain sizes. The findings also bring about the possibility of defining shape parameter such that any two arbitrary beach profiles owning the same sediment grain sizes can have the opportunity to have different beach profile formations. Finally, by adding the effect of wave height in the definition of shape parameter the graphical representation of the parameter, previously given by Moore (1982) is improved herein.  相似文献   

This study explores the feasibility of implementing a sustainable funding mechanism for ocean and coastal management in Jamaica. Results show that tourists are more willing to pay for an “environmental tax” than a general “tourism development tax”. The study found that an environmental surcharge of US$2 per person could generate $3.4M per year for management with 0.2% rate of decline in tourist visitation. Negative impacts from the imposition of additional taxes on annual tourist visitation rates could be minimised by providing information on how the revenues from the tax will be allocated for management activities.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, significant regulatory changes related to Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis have occurred in the for-hire recreational charter boat fishing sector in Alaska. In addition to limited entry restrictions and adoption of a catch sharing plan that provides a formal means of determining allocation between the commercial and charter boat fishing sectors, more restrictive harvest regulations were placed on anglers fishing from charter boats. This article provides insights into how the value anglers place on charter boat fishing is affected by these regulations, principally bag and size limits. Such information is helpful in assessing the trade-offs in economic benefits associated with different regulatory tools used to manage angler harvest levels. Stated preference choice experiment data from a 2012 survey are analyzed using a panel rank-ordered mixed logit model to estimate the economic value, or willingness to pay (WTP), non-resident anglers place on saltwater charter boat fishing trips in Alaska and to assess how changes in characteristics of fishing trips, particularly harvest restrictions related to Pacific halibut, affect this value. The model specification accounts for a wide array of size and bag limit restrictions that have been recently implemented or are under consideration by Pacific halibut fishery managers. The results indicate that very strict harvest restrictions have the effect of driving WTP to zero, while allowing at least one (potentially) large fish to be caught is valuable to anglers. The results also suggest that WTP for fishing trips with bag limits that allow two or more fish to be harvested with no size restrictions on the first fish harvested are not statistically different from the value for trips for larger bag limits or for the case where all the fish in the limit can be any size. This suggests that fishery managers can restrict the size of the second fish in a two-fish bag limit and still maintain economic values for fishing trips.  相似文献   

Species richness is a measure that is fundamental to many studies in ecology, and it is particularly important on sandy beaches, where it underlies patterns described by the broadly accepted swash exclusion hypothesis. However, its estimation in practice is problematic. This has led ecologists in other fields to adopt extrapolative estimators of species richness, which project the total number of species present in a habitat by adjusting upward the number of species observed by an amount related to the number of rare species encountered in the samples. In so doing, the species richness can be estimated, with confidence intervals, at any level of sampling effort. Despite the availability and advantages of these methods, beach ecologists have continued to use the observed species richness as a point estimate of biodiversity for beaches. Here, we employ a Monte Carlo resampling approach over a range of routine transect designs used to sample sandy beaches, and evaluate the performance of seven non-parametric extrapolative estimators for species richness relative to that of the more conventionally used observed species richness. We find that the first-order Jackknife estimator (Jack 1) is the least biased, most accurate and most consistent across sites. Employing this estimator would allow accurate estimation of species richness on short (tens of metres) stretches of beach without exceeding the acceptable levels of sampling effort (4–5 m2). Spreading this effort evenly over three across-shore transects, each with a minimum of 13 equally spaced levels seems appropriately efficient. Although a greater number of research studies is required to ascertain the generality of these results beyond the beaches we sampled, we tentatively recommend the application of our results in biodiversity surveys on sandy beaches.  相似文献   

Coastal monitoring across a broad range of time-scales was recognized in the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as key to better understanding the likely impacts of climate change at the coast. A unique and historic coastal monitoring program undertaken at the Collaroy–Narrabeen embayment in south-eastern Australia comprises: 1) 30 years of monthly conventional (Emery method) surveys of five cross-shore profile lines; 2) three years of monthly three-dimensional surveys of the entire embayment using RTK-GPS mounted to an all-terrain vehicle (ATV); and 3) four years of hourly shoreline measurements using coastal imaging technology (ARGUS). This study evaluates the strengths and limitations of conventional, RTK-GPS and image-derived surveys for coastal monitoring at daily to decadal coastal time-scales. High-accuracy RTK-GPS was used to first assess the accuracy of the conventional and image-derived survey methods. The magnitude of daily to decadal coastal variability was then characterized by calculating the temporal semivariogram of the integrated survey dataset. With both measurement errors and the degree of beach variability quantified, the corresponding signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) of each survey method at different time-scales were determined. The value of the simple and cost-effective Emery method was verified by this analysis, with measurement error significantly smaller than the degree of overall beach variability (SNR = 8.4). The accuracy, speed and efficiency of ATV-mounted RTK-GPS meanwhile make it suitable for three-dimensional beach surveys. Image-derived surveys were found to be an effective means of remotely measuring the considerable degree of beach variability identified at time-scales of less than one month. These measurements however become indistinguishable from survey noise (i.e. SNR ≤ 1) when considering typical weekly (or smaller) variations at large distances from the cameras.  相似文献   

A combination of unit operations like gravity, magnetic, and electrostatic separation techniques were applied to separate strategic heavy minerals from bulk samples taken from two coastal stretches of Kappil-Varkala (KV) and Shanghumugham-Kovalam (SK) in Thiruvananthapuram, south Kerala, India. On processing the feed, the concentrate obtained contains 67.3% THM for KV and 65.15% THM for SK, out of which ilmenite predominantly exists with a yield of 45.55 and 43.6% in weight followed by other minerals like sillimanite, monazite, zircon, rutile, leucoxene, and garnet. Analysis indicates that judicious combination of unit operations like gravity, magnetic, and electrostatic separation techniques can efficiently recover heavy mineral species even from placers of smaller deposit.  相似文献   

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