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Islands are often considered to be a priority for conservation, because of their relatively high levels of biodiversity and their vulnerability to a range of natural and anthropogenic threats. However, the capacity of islands to conserve and manage biodiversity may depend upon their governance structures. Many island states are affiliated to other countries through an ‘overseas territory’ status, which may provide them with access to resources and support mechanisms, but which may also influence the capacity for local-scale management of environmental issues. The United Kingdom has 12 island Overseas Territories (UKOTs), most of which support biodiversity of high conservation concern. This study investigates perceptions of current and future threats to marine ecosystems and constraints to environmental protection on the six Caribbean UKOTs, through semi-structured interviews with officials from UK and UKOT government departments and non-governmental organisations. Coastal development, pollution and over-fishing were perceived as threats of most concern for the next decade, but climate change was perceived as by far the greatest future threat to the islands' marine ecosystems. However, a series of common institutional limitations that currently constrain mitigation and conservation efforts were also identified, including insufficient personnel and financial support, a lack of long-term, sustainable projects for persistent environmental problems and inadequate environmental legislation. These findings highlight the need for regional cooperation and capacity-building throughout the Caribbean and a more concerted approach to an UKOT environmental management by the UK and UKOTs' governments.  相似文献   

The use of marine organisms as monitors of pollution assumes that the processes involved in sequestration provide a response which is proportional to the concentration of the pollutant in the environment. This assumption is considered in relation to the known cellular properties of the systems involved. Studies on the kinetics of uptake of certain metals in estuarine conditions have included the possibility that they can occur in non-polar, lipid-soluble forms which may penetrate cell membranes very rapidly. It is concluded that the uptake of these metals is governed by firstorder kinetics and that many of the assumptions undertaken during biological monitoring programmes are, in fact, valid as a first approximation.Many heavy metals of interest to environmentalists are retained within the tissues by reactive ligands. These may be inducible, metabolized and excreted, and it is the ‘turnover’ and availability of these ligands which may ultimately determine the final concentration of the metal in the animal. Models and experimental studies of these activities indicate that the ligands are either non-specific in nature and capable of binding a wide variety of metals or are very specific for particular metals. The former ligands may contribute to a general system of detoxification whilst the latter appear to be integrated into precise metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

北极快速变化的生态环境响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北冰洋由于其特殊的地理位置,成为全球变化响应最为敏感的地区。本文聚焦北极海冰变化幅度最大的西北冰洋,从营养盐、叶绿素、浮游植物群落和沉积碳埋藏等变化来讨论海洋生态环境对北极快速变化的响应。尽管太平洋北向流和北极周边河流输入加强可以增加西北冰洋上层营养盐储库,但由于夏季硅藻旺发向沉积物迁出大量生源元素,使得上层营养盐相对亏损,部分海域存在显著的氮限制和硅限制。随海冰减退,尽管夏末海盆区浮游植物呈现小型化趋势,但西北冰洋总体上浮游植物现存量和初级生产力呈现增高的趋势;伴随叶绿素极大层下移、北扩,以硅藻为代表的生物泵过程得以更高效的运转。在沉积物埋藏的有机碳中,除原先北冰洋生态系统占据重要比份的冰藻外,硅藻等藻类的有机碳埋藏也逐渐增加。西北冰洋海洋初级生产力的增加不仅促进了生物泵的运转和碳的埋藏,而且给海洋生态系统提供了更多的食物来源。北极海域目前已成为全球碳源汇格局变化最大、海洋生态系统改变最显著的地区之一。  相似文献   

Informing the management of coastal marine habitats at broad spatial scales is difficult because of the costs associated with collecting and analyzing ecological data at that scale. Spatially explicit assessments of the risk to coastal marine habitats from cumulative threats provide an alternative approach by identifying sites that are exposed to multiple anthropogenic threats at broad scales. In this study, qualitative measures of vulnerability were combined with geospatial data to evaluate the risk to coastal seagrasses at the scale of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) region (∼26,000 km2) of Queensland, Australia. The risk assessment outputs identified agricultural, urban and industrial runoff, and urban and port developments as the major anthropogenic activities threatening coastal seagrasses. ‘Hot spots’ with multiple threat exposure were all in industrial port locations and the southern two-thirds of the GBR. There is a distinct discontinuity in threat exposure along the GBR coast with 98% of seagrass meadows in the northern third exposed to only low levels of anthropogenic risk. The clustering of threat exposure is discussed in terms of coastal management policy. The approach outlined in this study provides management agencies a method of achieving maximum return for minimal investment in data collection at broad spatial scales by identifying sites where management intervention would be best targeted.  相似文献   


The sinking of the MV Rena on Astrolabe Reef (Otaiti) in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, resulted in the release of oil and ship debris, including dangerous goods carried as cargo. Two key questions of concern to the public and environmental managers were posed immediately: what was the impact of the Rena oil spill and how long would it take for the marine environment to recover? The research that began immediately after the ship grounded provided answers, as documented in this special issue.  相似文献   

The functional groups of planktonic protist communities and their responses to the changes of environmental conditions were investigated in a semi-enclosed shrimp-farming pond in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China,during a six-month study period (a complete shrimp-culture cycle) from May to October 2002.The results reveal that: (1) the protist communities represented five trophic and functional groups of the species identified,about 60% were photoautotrophs,20% algivores,12% bacterivores,5% raptors and about 3% non-selectives;(2) the photoautotrophs,algivores and bacterivores were the primary contributors to the changes in the protist communities in short temporal scales,the succession of dominance typically being bacterivores→photoautotrophs→algivores,with the raptors dominating the protist communities in a single sample (early June);(3) the photoautotrophs and non-selectives were the primary contributors to the peak of protist abundance in early October whereas the photoautotrophs,bacterivores,raptors and non-selectives mainly gave rise to two bimodal peaks of biomass in July and October respectively;(4) five functional groups of protist communities represented significant correlations with water nutrients (i.e.,NH 3-N,NO 3-N,and PO 4 ),either alone or in combination with temperature,of which algivores and raptors were strongly correlated with phosphate and the concentration of Chl a,while bacterivores were strongly related to nitrogen and the concentration of bacteria.These findings confirm that planktonic protists are potentially useful bioindicators of water quality in the semi-enclosed mariculture system.  相似文献   

Over the next several decades, arctic marine mammals will face threats from six areas of human influence: climate change, environmental contaminants, offshore oil and gas activities, shipping, hunting, and commercial fisheries. This paper reviews these factors, the nature and magnitude of the threats they pose, current scientific understanding and management of those threats, and the potential for effective conservation action. Climate change, offshore oil and gas activities, and commercial fisheries likely pose the greatest threats. Addressing the combined effects of all six factors, however, will be particularly difficult but essential to prevent declines beyond those that have already occurred.  相似文献   

G. Najafian   《Ocean Engineering》2007,34(17-18):2289-2299
Offshore structures are exposed to random wave loading in the ocean environment and hence the probability distribution of their response to wave loading is a minimum requirement for efficient probabilistic analysis of these structures. Due to nonlinearity of Morison wave loading and also due to intermittency of wave loading on members in the splash zone, the response is often non-Gaussian. Part I of this paper was devoted to the development and validation of a new probability model for drag-only responses (i.e. responses due to the drag component of Morison wave loading). This part is devoted to the development and validation of new probability models for both inertia-only and total responses.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2006,53(1):65-79
Submerged coastal structures are widely perceived to be capable of providing beach protection, without the adverse impacts (including loss of beach amenity and aesthetic considerations) often associated with more conventional structures such as revetments and groynes. In addition, there is growing interest in the concept that the layout and cross-section of submerged coastal protection structures can be optimised to also enhance local surfing conditions. However, as submerged structures have only rarely been adopted for beach protection, the shoreline response to these structures is not well understood at present. Therefore, this review of the available published literature was undertaken with the aim of investigating the environmental and structural parameters governing shoreline response to submerged structures, gleaned from the results of field, laboratory and numerical studies undertaken to date.The review reveals that, contrary to expectations, a majority of the submerged structures constructed to date have resulted in shoreline erosion in their lee. Furthermore, the key environmental and structural parameters governing the mode (i.e. erosion or accretion) and the magnitude (i.e. size of salient) of shoreline response to submerged structures are yet to be identified. Although submerged coastal structures offer the potential for low aesthetic impact incorporating multi-function design, until the response of the adjacent shoreline to submerged structures is better resolved, their use is likely to remain relatively limited.  相似文献   

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a type of persistent organic pollutant (POP) that continues to pose a significant environmental threat to humans and wildlife. Recent scientific evidence shows that very high PCB concentrations are still major causes of contemporary declines in European cetacean populations, and potentially other marine apex predators globally. Currently, controls on PCBs are insufficient, on their own, to fully protect human health or to conserve wildlife. Although the Stockholm Convention provides a global framework to address PCBs, there appears to be a systemic shortfall of many parties of the Convention to provide sufficient prioritisation and resources for effective implementation. A 2015 United Nations Environment Programme assessment estimates that the vast majority of PCB-contaminated equipment and materials, around 14 million tonnes, still requires elimination. At present rates of PCB elimination or mitigation, many countries, including some European countries, will not achieve the 2025 and 2028 targets of the Stockholm Convention. It is imperative that the Conference of the Parties for the Stockholm Convention conclude article 17 negotiations on a compliance mechanism for the Convention as soon as possible. To help mobilise global efforts towards eliminating the threat from PCBs, an enforceable, effective and robust compliance mechanism should be established, along with capacity building support for developing countries. In Europe, renewed action is needed to reduce PCB contamination, in order to prevent some killer whale (Orcinus orca) and other dolphin populations from continuing to slowly decline, potentially towards extinction.  相似文献   

《Oceanologica Acta》1998,21(6):951-964
In an attempt to synthesize conceptual and experimental information on the behaviour of enteric bacteria in seawater, a mathematical model has been developed. This model is based on changes in intracellular metabolisable components depending on physiological responses of the cell when subjected to nutrient starvation, salinity stress and solar radiation. Following a strategy which takes into account short- and mid-term physiological adaptation and reversal processes, the cells can develop in different states: culturable (B1), viable and definitively nonculturable (B2), and reversibly dormant (B3) cells. Model parameters were deduced either from original microcosm experiments, from literature data or calibration procedures. Validation of the model was performed through specific data on the patterns of change in culturable cell abundances when Escherichia coli populations were subjected to separate or simultaneous experimental stresses. It was shown that model simulations fit these data satisfactorily. Simulation results clearly show the effectiveness of the antistress response and the importance of dormancy which confers higher resistance properties. The model also makes it possible to test the effect of the different stresses, and the role of pre-adaptation with regard to the dynamics of the different cellular states.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the relationships between temporal species succession of planktonic protists and physical-chemical parameters in semi-enclosed mariculture waters, species distributions in response to environmental stress were investigated in a shrimp-farming pond near Qingdao, China during a complete shrimp-culture cycle (May to October 2002). A clear temporal succession in species distribution was found over the complete farming cycle. For example, before the introduction of the shrimp larvae there was low-variability of species distribution in the protist communities whereas during the stages immediately after, there was higher variability in species composition. Multiple linear/logistic regression analyses demonstrate that 12 protist taxa (e.g., Gyrodinium spirale, Teleaulax acuta, Prorocentrum spp. and Mesodinium pupula) were related to the nutrients, in particular ammonia and phosphates, alone or in combination with water temperature. These results suggest that temporal variations in species distribution of planktonic protist communities might be used in assessing water quality of semi-enclosed mariculture waters.  相似文献   

Coral reefs have experienced a global decline due to overfishing, pollution, and warming oceans that are becoming increasingly acidic. To help halt and reverse this decline, interventions should be aimed at those threats reef experts and managers identify as most severe. The survey included responses from 170 managers, representing organizations from 50 countries and territories, and found that respondents generally agreed on the two major threats: overfishing and coastal development. However, resource allocation did not match this consensus on major threats. In particular, while overfishing receives much attention, coastal development and its attendant pollution are largely neglected and underfunded. These results call for a re-examination of how resources are allocated in coral reef conservation, with more attention given to aligning how money is spent with what are perceived to be the primary threats.  相似文献   

There is increasing concern over the consequences of environmental change for people and communities that depend on already fragile marine resources, given the mounting evidence of sustained over-exploitation and climate change impacts on marine systems. In order to explore the potential social resilience of marine-dependent livelihoods to environmental change, interviews with fishers and marine-based tourism operators in the Caribbean island of Anguilla were undertaken, to identify the impacts of hurricane events on marine livelihoods, the perceptions of resource-users and their potential adaptability to future change. For both sectors of resource-users, there is evidence that they have diversified livelihoods to achieve financial security, which may provide resilience to future climate related impacts or resource variability. In addition, specific behavioural changes that have been developed following previous hurricane events, e.g. removal of fish pots during hurricane months, or bringing boats to shore, indicate fishers' flexibility to changing conditions. However, strong personal and cultural attachment to occupations, particularly among fishers, may hinder resilience. Additionally, the reliance of all of these marine resource-users on the climate-dependent tourism industry may undermine their capacity to cope with future environmental change. Many of these problems are common throughout the Caribbean, as thousands of marine-dependent livelihoods are vulnerable to marine degradation and climate change impacts. Urgent attention is therefore required to support the development of adaptive, sustainable management of marine resources that may enhance resilience to environmental change.  相似文献   

台湾海峡生态系统对海洋环境年际变动的响应分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
通过比较1985~2001年的海表温度与其间收集的现场营养盐、浮游植物和浮游动物丰度及群落结构变动信号,以及1971~1998年的中上层鱼类渔获量变动信息,发现了台湾海峡生态系统对物理环境年际变动产生的响应迹象.1997 年夏季台湾海峡处于偏冷状态,南部近岸上升流强度减弱;1997年冬季正值一个较强的暖事件发展到顶峰,北上入侵暖水强度增强、浙闽沿岸冷水强度减弱.导致这两个时期营养盐分布特征改变,发生了一系列从浮游植物到浮游动物,从生物量到群落结构的异常响应,暖水性中上层鱼类渔获量则似乎呈现出El Niño年偏高的趋势.根据有限的辅助证据推测,El Niño很可能不是控制台湾海峡海洋环境年际变动的强信号,而台湾海峡的气候海洋生态长期低频变动可能更多地受到东亚季风中国边缘海系统的控制.  相似文献   

We have developed polyclonal and, recently, monoclonal antibodies against the aromatic hydrocarbon-inducible P450 1A1 form purified from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). A simple, indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on these antibodies has been developed in our laboratory and tested in numerous experiments with both field-collected and laboratory-exposed fish of different species. The exposure situations studied to date include complex mixtures such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins and water-soluble oil fractions, as well as defined compounds such as CB congeners, TCDD, and pesticides. Factors affecting the induction response, including sexual maturation and dietary factors, have also been investigated. The ELISA technique generally shows good correlation with contaminant exposure and catalytic measurements, but has also given new and important information in certain cases where catalytic measurements failed to reveal effects.  相似文献   

叶绿素荧光技术在微藻环境胁迫研究中的应用现状及前景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
叶绿素荧光分析技术是一种以光合作用理论为基础、利用体内叶绿素作为天然探针、研究和探测植物光合生理状况及各种外界因子对其细微影响的新型植物活体测定和诊断技术,具有快速、灵敏、对细胞  相似文献   

The Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) survey was conceived from the outset as a programme of applied research designed to assist the fishing industry. Its survival and continuing vigour after 70 years is a testament to its utility, which has been achieved in spite of great changes in our understanding of the marine environment and in our concerns over how to manage it. The CPR has been superseded in several respects by other technologies, such as acoustics and remote sensing, but it continues to provide unrivalled seasonal and geographic information about a wide range of zooplankton and phytoplankton taxa. The value of this coverage increases with time and provides the basis for placing recent observations into the context of long-term, large-scale variability and thus suggesting what the causes are likely to be. Information from the CPR is used extensively in judging environmental impacts and producing quality status reports (QSR); it has shown the distributions of fish stocks, which had not previously been exploited; it has pointed to the extent of ungrazed phytoplankton production in the North Atlantic, which was a vital element in establishing the importance of carbon sequestration by phytoplankton.The CPR continues to be the principal source of large-scale, long-term information about the plankton ecosystem of the North Atlantic. It has recently provided extensive information about the biodiversity of the plankton and about the distribution of introduced species. It serves as a valuable example for the design of future monitoring of the marine environment and it has been essential to the design and implementation of most North Atlantic plankton research.  相似文献   

本研究依据2016年12月至2017年2月和2017年12月至2018年3月的每月上、中、下旬在大亚湾西部海域进行的5条拖网测线的中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)调查,以及2016年10—12月浮游植物光合色素的调查,分析了中国毛虾的种群动态变化及其对主要环境因子的响应.结果表明:中国毛虾总个体密度在L2和...  相似文献   

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