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On 12 November 2006, 3 kg of sulfur hexafluoride were released in a 1.2 km long streak in the axial summit trough of the East Pacific Rise at 9°30′N to study how circulation and mixing affect larval dispersion. The first half of a tracer survey performed approximately 40 days after the injection found a small percentage of the tracer on the ridge axis between 9°30′N and 10°10′N, with the main concentration near 9°50′N, a site of many active hydrothermal vents. These observations provide evidence of larval connectivity between vent sites on the ridge. The latter half of the survey detected the primary patch of tracer west of the ridge and just south of the Lamont Seamounts, as a majority of the tracer had been transported off the ridge. However, by the end of the survey, the eastern edge of this patch was transported back to within 10 km of the ridge crest at 9°50′N by a reversal in the subinertial flow, suggesting another pathway for larvae between points along the ridge. Both the horizontal and vertical distributions of the tracer were complex and were likely heavily influenced by topography and vents in the area. Elevated tracer concentrations within the axial summit trough and an adjacent depression on the upper ridge flank suggest that tracers may be detained in such depressions. Correlated tracer/turbidity profiles provide direct evidence of entrainment of the tracer into vent plumes from 9°30′N to 10°N. A comparison of the vertical tracer inventory with neutral density vent-plume observations suggests that on the order of 10% of the tracer injected was entrained into vent plumes near the injection site. The results imply that effluent from diffuse hydrothermal sources and larvae of hydrothermal vent fauna can be entrained in significant quantities into plumes from discrete sources and dispersed in the neutrally buoyant plumes.  相似文献   

Full-depth conductivity-temperature-depth-oxygen profiler (CTDO2) data at low latitudes in the western North Pacific in winter 1999 were analyzed with water-mass analysis and geostrophic calculations. The result shows that the deep circulation carrying the Lower Circumpolar Water (LCPW) bifurcates into eastern and western branch currents after entering the Central Pacific Basin. LCPW colder than 0.98°C is carried by the eastern branch current, while warmer LCPW is carried mainly by the western branch current. The eastern branch current flows northward in the Central Pacific Basin, supplying water above 0.94°C through narrow gaps into an isolated deep valley in the Melanesian Basin, and then passes the Mid-Pacific Seamounts between 162°10′E and 170°10′E at 18°20′N, not only through the Wake Island Passage but also through the western passages. Except near bottom, dissolved oxygen of LCPW decreases greatly in the northern Central Pacific Basin, probably by mixing with the North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW). The western branch current flows northwestward over the lower Solomon Rise in the Melanesian Basin and proceeds westward between 10°40′N and 12°20′N at 150°E in the East Mariana Basin with volume transport of 4.1 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s−1). The current turns north, west of 150°E, and bifurcates around 14°N, south of the Magellan Seamounts, where dissolved oxygen decreases sharply by mixing with NPDW. Half of the current turns east, crosses 150°E at 14–15°N, and proceeds northward primarily between 152°E and 156°E at 18°20′N toward the Northwest Pacific Basin (2.1 Sv). The other half flows northward west of 150°E and passes 18°20′N just east of the Mariana Trench (2.2 Sv). It is reversed by a block of topography, proceeds southward along the Mariana Trench, then detours around the south end of the trench, and proceeds eastward along the Caroline Seamounts to the Solomon Rise, partly flowing into the West Mariana and East Caroline Basins. A deep western boundary current at 2000–3000 m depth above LCPW (10.0 Sv) closes to the coast than the deep circulation. The major part of it (8.5 Sv) turns cyclonic around the upper Solomon Rise from the Melanesian Basin and proceeds along the southern boundary of the East Caroline Basin. Nearly half of it proceeds northward in the western East Caroline Basin, joins the current from the east, then passes the northern channel, and mostly enters the West Caroline Basin (4.6 Sv), while another half enters this basin from the southern side (>3.8 Sv). The remaining western boundary current (1.5 Sv) flows over the middle and lower Solomon Rise, proceeds westward, then is divided by the Caroline Seamounts into southern (0.9 Sv) and northern (0.5 Sv) branches. The southern branch current joins that from the south in the East Caroline Basin, as noted above. The northern branch current proceeds along the Caroline Seamounts and enters the West Mariana Basin.  相似文献   

TheSnake Pit Hydrothermal Site lies on the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 23°22′ N latitude, about 30 km south of the Kane Transform Intersection. Active ‘black smoker’ vents and a surrounding field of hydrothermal sediment occur at the crest of a laterally extensive neovolcanic ridge. It is one of the first active hydrothermal vent fields to be found on a slow-spreading ridge axis and despite significant differences in its geologic setting from those of the East Pacific Rise, has many similarities to its fast-spreading counterparts. Although preliminary reports have documented many interesting aspects of these vents and their surroundings, new data collected from the manned submersible ALVIN and the deep-towed ANGUS camera system define the regional tectonic setting as well as the local geologic environment of this fascinating area. The Snake Pit vents are located on a local peak of a volcanic constructional ridge at a depth of 3450 m, 700–800 m deeper than vents known from the East Pacific Rise, Galapagos, or Juan de Fuca spreading centers. The vent field is at least 600 m long and up to 200 m wide and is covered by a thick blanket of greenish to yellow-orange hydrothermal sediment. Both active and extinct vents are perched along the crests of steep-sided sulfide mounds that reach heights of over 40 m. High-temperature (350° C) fluids are vented from black smoker chimneys and low-temperature (226° C) fluids seep from sulphide domes and subordinate anhydrite constructions. Water temperatures, flow rates, fluid chemistries, and mineralization are strikingly similar to vents of faster spreading ridge crests; however, a somewhat distinct fauna inhabit the area.  相似文献   

Earth’s fastest present seafloor spreading occurs along the East Pacific Rise near 31°–32° S. Two of the major hydrothermal plume areas discovered during a 1998 multidisciplinary geophysical/hydrothermal investigation of these mid-ocean ridge axes were explored during a 1999 Alvin expedition. Both occur in recently eruptive areas where shallow collapse structures mark the neovolcanic axis. The 31° S vent area occurs in a broad linear zone of collapses and fractures coalescing into an axial summit trough. The 32° S vent area has been volcanically repaved by a more recent eruption, with non-linear collapses that have not yet coalesced. Both sites occur in highly inflated areas, near local inflation peaks, which is the best segment-scale predictor of hydrothermal activity at these superfast spreading rates (150 mm/yr).  相似文献   

Near the Azores Triple Junction as the Azores Plateau is approached, the ridge axis becomes shallower; its depth decreases from ca. 2400 m in the Rainbow vent field (36°13′N) to ca. 850 m in the Menez Gwen vent field (37°35′N). In this area, extensive mussel beds of the mytilid Bathymodiolus azoricus dominate the hydrothermal vent fauna, along with populations of three shrimps (Rimicaris exoculata, Mirocaris fortunata and Chorocaris chacei). The main physical and chemical characteristics of the vent habitat were studied by discrete sampling, in situ analysis and sediment trap moorings. The vent fauna is distributed along a variable band where the vent fluids and seawater mix, with R. exoculata living in the most concentrated areas and Bathymodiolus azoricus in the most diluted zones. Various non-endemic species live at the border of the vent field. The variations observed in structure and composition of the communities along the depth gradient are most likely due to changes in vent fluid toxicity (metallic and sulphide content) and suspended mineral particles, which render the fluids harsher for species living there. The main faunal differences observed between Lucky Strike and Menez Gwen hydrothermal fields are due to an impoverishment in the hydrothermal endemic species and to the penetration of bathyal species. The comparison of the three studied vent fields suggests the existence of a succession of several biogeographic islands rather than a single province.  相似文献   

Species lists for vent fields on the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge (MAR) from 14°N to 38°N suggest that there is a northern (>27°N), shallow (<2000 m) fauna and a southern (<27°N), deeper (>3000 m) endemic vent fauna, but little is known about how community structure varies along the ridge axis. In this study, quantitative samples of macrofaunal invertebrates associated with mussels (Bathymodiolus puteoserpentis) were collected at Logatchev (14°45′N), the southern‐most explored vent field on the MAR. Community structure (including species composition, species richness, diversity, and relative species abundances) in mussel beds at Logatchev was compared with that of Snake Pit (23°22′N) and Lucky Strike (37°17′N) mussel beds. The most striking feature of the Logatchev mussel‐bed macrofaunal invertebrate community was the tremendous abundance (up to 2390 individuals per liter of mussel‐volume sampled) and biomass of the ophiuroid, Ophioctenella acies. Logatchev and Snake Pit mussel beds share >50% of their associated macrofaunal species; these two sites share only 20–25% of their macrofaunal species with Lucky Strike. Species–effort curves and univariate measures of diversity (H′, J′) do not support the claim that diversity of vent organisms on the MAR is highest at Logatchev, at least when one assesses this within a habitat type. Multivariate analysis readily differentiates the species‐abundance characteristics of Logatchev, Snake Pit, and Lucky Strike mussel‐bed macrofaunas. The relationship between sea‐floor spreading rate and diversity was explored through comparison of species richness in mussel‐bed habitats on slow‐spreading (MAR), fast‐spreading [northern East Pacific Rise (EPR)], and ultra‐fast‐spreading (southern EPR) mid‐ocean ridges. Species richness was greater in samples from the faster‐spreading ridge axes, where vents are more closely spaced but shorter lived, than on slow‐spreading centers, where vents are further apart but longer lived.  相似文献   

Larval dispersal is critical for the maintenance of species populations in patchy and ephemeral hydrothermal vent habitats. On fast‐spreading ridges, such as the East Pacific Rise, rates of habitat turnover are comparable to estimated lifespans of many of the inhabiting species. Traditionally, dispersal questions have been addressed with two very different approaches, larval studies and population genetics. Population genetic studies of vent‐endemic species have been informative for determining whether patterns of dispersal are suggestive of stepping stone or island models and estimating rates of gene flow (effective migrants per generation) over broad geographic ranges. However, these studies leave fundamental questions unanswered about the specific mechanisms by which larvae disperse and species maintain their populations and biogeographic ranges. With the goal of examining genetic structure and elucidating alternative larval dispersal mechanisms, we employed a genomic DNA fingerprinting technique, amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). To assess the potential utility of AFLPs, and genetic structure of the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila, genomic ‘fingerprints’ were recovered from 29 individuals from five vent fields spanning a distance of up to c. 5000 km along the East Pacific Rise. In contrast to previous population genetic studies that found little to no genetic structure using allozymes and mitochondrial DNA, genetic analyses of 630 polymorphic AFLP loci identified distinct subclades within R. pachyptila populations. Significant levels of differentiation were observed among populations from all vent regions as well as within each region. Discrete assemblages of tubeworms separated by as little as c. 400 m within a given vent region were genetically distinguishable and cohorts (based on size‐frequency distribution) within an aggregation were found to be most closely related. These results suggest that mechanisms of larval dispersal act to retain cohort fidelity in R. pachyptila.  相似文献   

The deep-circulation current in the North Pacific carries lower circumpolar deep water (LCDW), which is characterized by high dissolved oxygen and low echo intensity of reflected sound pulses. Using the characteristics of LCDW, we examined a branch current of the deep circulation passing through the Main Gap of the Emperor Seamounts Chain (ESC) by analyzing conductivity temperature depth profiler (CTD) data and data of velocity and echo intensity from a lowered acoustic Doppler current profiler (LADCP), which were obtained along 170°E immediately west of the ESC, along 180°W and 175°W over the northern slope of the Hess Rise, and along 165°W. The velocity and water characteristics showed that the eastern branch current of the deep circulation, which has penetrated into the Northwest Pacific Basin (NWPB) through Wake Island Passage, bifurcates around 30°N, 170°E in the NWPB into the westward main stream and a northward branch current, and that the latter current proceeds along the western side of the ESC and passes through the Main Gap of the ESC, flowing eastward. The current in the Main Gap at 170°E flows southeastward with eastward velocity cores around 4000 dbar and at depths greater than 4800 dbar centered at 5400 dbar. The current in the deeper core is stronger and reaches a maximum velocity of approximately 10 cm s?1. The eastward current in the Main Gap enters the Northeast Pacific Basin (NEPB) and flows eastward along the northern slope of the Hess Rise. As the current flows downstream, the characteristics of LCDW carried by the current are diluted gradually. To the east of the Hess Rise, the branch current joins another branch current of the deep circulation from the south carrying less-modified LCDW. As a result, LCDW carried from the Main Gap is renewed by mixing with the less-modified LCDW coming from the south. Carrying the mixed LCDW, the confluence flows eastward south of 37°N at 165°W toward the northeastern region of the NEPB, where the LCDW overturns and changes to North Pacific Deep Water (NPDW). NPDW is probably carried by the westward current in the upper deep layer north of 37°N at 165°W.  相似文献   

We investigated planktonic larval transport processes along an axially symmetric mid-ocean ridge with characteristics similar to that of the East Pacific Rise (EPR) segment at 9–10°N. The hydrodynamic basis for this study is a primitive equation model implemented in two dimensions (depth and across-ridge), forced at the open boundaries to provide suitably realistic simulation of currents observed on the EPR ridge crest from May to November 1999. Three-dimensional trajectories of numerical larvae are computed assuming homogeneity in currents in the along-ridge direction. Larval dispersal fluctuates significantly in time. Transport distance decreases systematically with height above the bottom where numerical larvae are less subject to strong currents along the flanks of the ridge. The probability that the simulated larvae will be located near the ridge crest at settlement depends strongly on their behavioral characteristics (vertical position in the water column during the larval stage) and the length of their precompetency period.  相似文献   

Direct velocity measurements undertaken using a nine-system mooring array (M1–M9) from 2004 to 2005 and two additional moorings (M7p and M8p) from 2003 to 2004 reveal the spatial and temporal properties of the deep-circulation currents southwest of the Shatsky Rise in the western North Pacific. The western branch of the deep-circulation current flowing northwestward (270–10° T) is detected almost exclusively at M2 (26°15′N), northeast of the Ogasawara Plateau. It has a width less than the 190 km distance between M1 (25°42′N) and M3 (26°48′N). The mean current speed near the bottom at M2 is 3.6±1.3 cm s?1. The eastern branch of the deep-circulation current is located at the southwestern slope of the Shatsky Rise, flowing northwestward mainly at M8 (30°48′N) on the lower part of the slope of the Shatsky Rise with a mean near-bottom speed of 5.3±1.4 cm s?1. The eastern branch often expands to M7 (30°19′N) at the foot of the rise with a mean near-bottom speed of 2.8±0.7 cm s?1 and to M9 (31°13′N) on the middle of the slope of the rise with a speed of 2.5±0.7 cm s?1 (nearly 4000 m depth); it infrequently expands furthermore to M6 (29°33′N). The width of the eastern branch is 201±70 km on average, exceeding that of the western branch. Temporal variations of the volume transports of the western and eastern branches consist of dominant variations with periods of 3 months and 1 month, varying between almost zero and significant amount; the 3-month-period variations are significantly coherent to each other with a phase lag of about 1 month for the western branch. The almost zero volume transport occurs at intervals of 2–4 months. In the eastern branch, volume transport increases with not only cross-sectional average current velocity but also current width. Because the current meters were too widely spaced to enable accurate estimates of volume transport, mean volume transport is overestimated by a factor of nearly two, yielding values of 4.1±1.2 and 9.8±1.8 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s?1) for the western and eastern branches, respectively. In addition, a northwestward current near the bottom at M4 (27°55′N) shows a marked variation in speed between 0 and 20 cm s?1 with a period of 45 days. This current may be part of a clockwise eddy around a seamount located immediately east of M4.  相似文献   

We conducted full-depth hydrographic observations between 8°50′ and 44°30′N at 165°W in 2003 and analyzed the data together with those from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment and the World Ocean Database, clarifying the water characteristics and deep circulation in the Central and Northeast Pacific Basins. The deep-water characteristics at depths greater than approximately 2000 dbar at 165°W differ among three regions demarcated by the Hawaiian Ridge at around 24°N and the Mendocino Fracture Zone at 37°N: the southern region (10–24°N), central region (24–37°N), and northern region (north of 37°N). Deep water at temperatures below 1.15 °C and depths greater than 4000 dbar is highly stratified in the southern region, weakly stratified in the central region, and largely uniform in the northern region. Among the three regions, near-bottom water immediately east of Clarion Passage in the southern region is coldest (θ<0.90 °C), most saline (S>34.70), highest in dissolved oxygen (O2>4.2 ml l?1), and lowest in silica (Si<135 μmol kg?1). These characteristics of the deep water reflect transport of Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) due to a branch current south of the Wake–Necker Ridge that is separated from the eastern branch current of the deep circulation immediately north of 10°N in the Central Pacific Basin. The branch current south of the Wake–Necker Ridge carries LCDW of θ<1.05 °C with a volume transport of 3.7 Sv (1 Sv=106 m3 s?1) into the Northeast Pacific Basin through Horizon and Clarion Passages, mainly through the latter (~3.1 Sv). A small amount of the LCDW flows northward at the western boundary of the Northeast Pacific Basin, joins the branch of deep circulation from the Main Gap of the Emperor Seamounts Chain, and forms an eastward current along the Mendocino Fracture Zone with volume transport of nearly 1 Sv. If this volume transport is typical, a major portion of the LCDW (~3 Sv) carried by the branch current south of the Wake–Necker and Hawaiian Ridges may spread in the southern part of the Northeast Pacific Basin. In the northern region at 165°W, silica maxima are found near the bottom and at 2200 dbar; the minimum between the double maxima occurs at a depth of approximately 4000 dbar (θ~1.15 °C). The geostrophic current north of 39°N in the upper deep layer between 1.15 and 2.2 °C, with reference to the 1.15 °C isotherm, has a westward volume transport of 1.6 Sv at 39–44°30′N, carrying silica-rich North Pacific Deep Water from the northeastern region of the Northeast Pacific Basin to the Northwest Pacific Basin.  相似文献   

Based on the mineralogy and composition of sediment cores from three locations along the East Pacific Rise, sediments from 12°58’ N are shown to contain about 34% metalliferous sediment (on a carbonate‐ and salt‐free basis) whereas those from 23°50’ S and 27°24’ S each contain about 73% metalliferous sediment. The latter two cores are situated near the West Rift of the Easter Microplate. The metalliferous contents of the sediments at 23°50’ S and 27°24’ S are among the highest recorded on the East Pacific Rise. The distribution of elements with depth in these cores indicates that the hydrothermal activity has lasted more than 100,000 years. These data suggest that the West Rift of the Easter Microplate is a highly prospective site for submarine hydrothermal minerals. This is in accord with the high rate of ocean spreading (15–16 cm/yr) and the complex processes of plate extension and rotation there.  相似文献   

The transfer of upper kilometer water from the Indian Ocean into the South Atlantic, the Agulhas leakage, is believed to be accomplished primarily through meso-scale eddy processes. There have been various studies investigating eddies of the “Cape Basin Cauldron” from specific data sets. The hydrographic data archive acquired during the last century within the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic provides additional insight into the distribution and water mass properties of the Cape Basin eddies. Eddies are identified by mid-thermocline isopycnal depth anomalies relative to the long-term mean. Positive depth anomalies (the reference isopycnal is deeper than the long-term mean isopycnal depth) mark the presence of anticyclonic eddies; negative anomalies mark cyclonic eddies. Numerous eddies are identified in the whole region; the larger isopycnal displacements are attributed to the energetic eddies characteristic of the Cape Basin and indicate that there is a 2:1 anticyclone/cyclone ratio. Smaller displacements of the less energetic features are almost equally split between anticyclones and cyclones (1.4:1 ratio). Potential temperature, salinity and oxygen relationships at thermocline and intermediate levels within each eddy reveal their likely origin. The eddy core water is not solely drawn from Indian Ocean: tropical and subtropical South Atlantic water are also present. Anticyclones and cyclones carrying Agulhas Water properties are identified throughout the Cape Basin. Anticyclones with Agulhas Water characteristics show a predominant northwest dispersal, whereas the cyclones are identified mainly along the western margin of the African continent, possibly related to their origin as shear eddies at the boundary between the Agulhas axis and Africa. Cyclones and anticyclones carrying pure South Atlantic origin water are identified south of 30°S and west of the Walvis Ridge. Tropical Atlantic water at depth is found for cyclones north of the Walvis Ridge, west of 10°E and for stations deeper than 4000 m, and a few anticyclones with the same characteristics are found south of the ridge.  相似文献   

The discovery of deep-sea hydrothermal vent fauna, kilometres deep in the oceans, is a great achievement of 20th-century marine biology. The deep-sea hydrothermal food web does not directly depend on the sun's energy. Vent communities rely primarily on trophic associations between chemoautotrophic bacteria and consumers. A small number of endemic taxa are adapted to the inhospitable vent environments that are distributed along ridge crests. Where these vent communities originated and how they dispersed are among the important questions ecologists must answer. Here, by statistical analysis of the most comprehensive database ever assembled about deep-sea hydrothermal fauna, we delineate six major hydrothermal provinces in the world ocean and identify seven possible dispersal pathways between adjacent provinces. Our model suggests that the East-Pacific Rise may have played a pivotal role as a centre of dispersal for the hydrothermal fauna. Our data-driven conclusion will have to be tested by phylogenetic studies and completed by surveys of less-explored fields.  相似文献   

The circulation pattern and volume transports in the eastern Weddell Gyre are estimated on the basis of hydrographic data collected by R.V. Polarstern between 1989 and 1996. In the northeastern edge of the Weddell Gyre, eastward-flowing water masses from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Weddell Sea converge. Due to the strong effect of topographic constraints on ocean currents in the weakly stratified waters of high latitudes, the wedge-like structure of the Southwest Indian Ridge can cause the convergence. The increased shear leads to instabilities of the current at the eastern end of the ridge, which produce an intense mesoscale eddy field between 15° and 30°E. In the eddies, water from the Weddell cold regime and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current waters mix and form the water masses of the Weddell warm regime. These waters are advected southward and flow towards the westward southern rim current, which is driven by the Antarctic eastwind band. Hence, there is not a continous flow from the northern to the southern rim, but a decay of the mean flow in the northeast and a reformation in the south. Volume transports across the Greenwich Meridian, estimated on the basis of a combined CTD/ADCP data set, result in an eastward flow of 61 Sv in the northern rim current and a westward return flow of 66 Sv in the southern part of the gyre. The transport is about twice as high as previous estimates between Kapp Norvegia and the northern tip of the Antarctic Pensinsula, indicating a significant gyre circulation north of 70°S.  相似文献   

To enable detailed investigations of early stage hydrothermal plume formation and abiotic and biotic plume processes we developed a new oceanographic tool. The Suspended Particulate Rosette sampling system has been designed to collect geochemical and microbial samples from the rising portion of deep-sea hydrothermal plumes. It can be deployed on a remotely operated vehicle for sampling rising plumes, on a wire-deployed water rosette for spatially discrete sampling of non-buoyant hydrothermal plumes, or on a fixed mooring in a hydrothermal vent field for time series sampling. It has performed successfully during both its first mooring deployment at the East Pacific Rise and its first remotely-operated vehicle deployments along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. It is currently capable of rapidly filtering 24 discrete large-water-volume samples (30–100 L per sample) for suspended particles during a single deployment (e.g. >90 L per sample at 4–7 L per minute through 1 μm pore diameter polycarbonate filters). The Suspended Particulate Rosette sampler has been designed with a long-term goal of seafloor observatory deployments, where it can be used to collect samples in response to tectonic or other events. It is compatible with in situ optical sensors, such as laser Raman or visible reflectance spectroscopy systems, enabling in situ particle analysis immediately after sample collection and before the particles alter or degrade.  相似文献   

In this paper we use a temperature and salinity based mixing model to assess the dilution of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) as it moves away from the Weddell Sea and into the Southwest Indian Ocean. By combining these results with CFC tracer measurements we have been able to make direct estimates of the large-scale translation rates of AABW in this region. We confirm that there is a major northward flow of AABW via a gap in the Southwest Indian Ridge at 30°E, and thence across the Agulhas Basin into the Mozambique Basin, with a translation rate from the Greenwich Meridian of 0.8–1.0 cm s−1 and a volume transport between the two basins of 1.5×106 m3 s−1. A second, smaller flow cuts the Del Cano Rise through the Prince Edward Fracture Zone but is indistinguishable from the general bottom waters once on the northern side of the rise. The third flow moves eastward along the southern flank of the Del Cano Rise to pass north of the Conrad Rise. This has bottom velocities of 0.7 cm s−1 and a volume transport of 1.6×106 m3 s−1. This water is probably the source of the AABW-rich Circumpolar Deep Water that flows through the gap to the west of Crozet Island, and which is traceable again at stations on the northern flanks of the ridge. Flow between the Conrad Rise and the Del Cano Rise is complicated by the influence of a fourth flow, the AABW that passes south of the former and thence into the Crozet Basin via the Crozet-Kerguelen Gap. We suggest that a portion of this flow loops into the channel between the Del Cano Rise and the Conrad Rise, modifying the bottom waters at the easternmost stations within this channel. We will go on in Part 2 of this paper to use these results to estimate the dissolution rates of silica in the SWINDEX area.  相似文献   

In situ measurements have been shown to be the most relevant means to characterise the chemical properties of the highly dynamic medium surrounding hydrothermal vent organisms. However, few instrumental devices can perform such measurements at great depth, and there is great need to extend the range of chemical parameters that can be determined in situ. To investigate the spatial and temporal variations of pH within the habitats of vent organisms, a deep-sea probe was developed and successfully tested during the HOPE’99 diving cruise (13°N, East Pacific Rise). In situ measurements allowed us to quantify the pH range over different biological communities, highlighting differences between the habitats, as well as micro-scale variations. As pH is expected to play a significant role in major biogeochemical processes occurring in the seawater/fluid-mixing zone, this probe should be of great utility for the study of interactions between vent communities and their environment.  相似文献   

崔伟  王伟  马毅  杨俊钢 《海洋学报》2017,39(2):16-28
本文利用22年的AVISO卫星高度计融合数据,基于WA涡旋自动识别方法对西北太平洋的中尺度涡进行了识别追踪,并统计分析了研究区域中尺度涡的空间分布特征、运动属性以及季节和年际变化。研究结果表明:22年间共追踪到生命周期超过30 d的气旋涡3 841个,反气旋涡2 836个,气旋涡数量多于反气旋涡。涡旋大部分向西移动,西向传播的涡旋分布在整个研究区域,而东向传播的涡旋则集中在黑潮及其延伸区。涡旋主要存在15°~30°N的纬度带间;分别而言,气旋涡主要分布在研究区域的北部和南部,而反气旋涡主要分布在副热带逆流区。30°~35°N之间的黑潮延伸区具有明显更高的涡动能和涡振幅,与同纬度区域相比这里的涡旋半径也较高。在季节和年际变化上,春季出现的中尺度涡最多,夏季最少;对涡旋的月生成数目与ENSO指数MEI比较发现,西北太平洋涡旋活动变化并不直接与ENSO现象相关。  相似文献   

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