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A progressive increase in mean ovary mass (standardized by the cube offish length) over time was observed in specified length classes of pilchard Sardinops ocellatus sampled from purse-seine catches off the west coast of South Africa. This, in earlier investigations, was considered to have been a density-dependent response following the collapse of the stock in the mid 1960s, and it appeared to result mainly from the increasing frequency of occurrence of pilchard entering the batch-spawning cycle, particularly among fish of 16–20 cm Lc . The possibility that the observed trend was an artifact of changing distribution of fishing or shifting seasonality of spawning relative to the three-month period of sample collection was rejected following analysis of variance on spatially disaggregated data and inspection of seasonal patterns in ovary mass. Other causes of the increase in mean ovary mass could have been density-dependence, declining age structure, changes in the environment and selection for early maturity under prolonged high rates of mortality. The data are critically examined to evaluate the likelihood of each of these explanations.  相似文献   

The distribution of tar balls over the Agulhas Bank during 1977 and 1978, although variable, was consistent with the oceanography of the region. Mesoscale patches of tar-ball concentrations appeared to move onto the Agulhas Bank from the south between 20 and 21°E, under the influence of prevailing winds and currents. Substantial concentrations were observed inshore and offshore in the region east of Cape Agulhas. Data of a hydrological and meteorological nature, on ship's drift and from drift cards have shown the existence of a zone of surface divergence extending southwards from Cape Agulhas. Surface water east of Cape Agulhas (20°E) tends to move slowly eastwards and northwards and water west of the same longitude has a predominantly westerly component. The surface currents east of Cape Agulhas would tend to move the tar balls, which accumulate in eddies in the area, on shore, whereas west of Cape Agulhas on-shore flow is less pronounced. The residence time of tar balls on the Agulhas Bank appears to be substantial, in the range 2—8 weeks. It is concluded that the beaches between Cape Agulhas and Mossel Bay are highly susceptible to pollution by oil and tar balls.  相似文献   

Aircraft observations were used to investigate contrasting weather conditions over the northern edge of the warm Agulhas Current south of George, South Africa, during June 1989. A sea surface temperature front of 7°C over 10 km was observed near 35°S, 23°E. Surface-sensible and latent heat fluxes increased by a factor of five on the warm side. A deepening of the moist unstable layer was indicated by increased equivalent potential temperatures over the warm side. Most significantly, convectively generated turbulence, as inferred from variances in air pressure, increased exponentially with sea surface temperature and surface layer winds doubled south of 35°S. The sea state, initially smooth over the continental shelf, became rough seawards of the northern edge of the Agulhas Current. Numerical model simulations were performed to assess air-sea interactions. Model-simulated thermodynamic variables responded in close agreement with observations, but the increase in cross-frontal winds was not fully resolved. The aircraft observations provide evidence that the Agulhas Current affects the large-scale pressure field and may enhance the rain-bearing capacity of transient weather systems.  相似文献   

A 12.7-year series of weekly absolute sea surface height (SSH) data in the region south of Africa is used for a statistical characterization of the location of the Agulhas Current retroflection and its variations at periods up to 2 years. The highest probability of presence of the retroflection point is at ~39.5°S/18–20°E. The longitudinal probability density is negatively skewed. A sharp eastward decrease at 22°E is related to detachments of the Agulhas Current from the continental slope at this longitude. The asymmetry in the central part of the distribution might reflect a westward increase of the zonal velocity of the retroflection point during its east–west pulsations. The western tail of the distribution reveals larger residence times of the retroflection at 14°E–15°E, possibly related to a slowing down of its westward motion by seamounts. While the averaged zonal velocity component of the retroflection point increases westward, its modulus exhibits an opposite trend, the result of southward velocity components more intense in the northeastern Agulhas Basin than farther west. These meridional motions likely reflect influences by cyclones adjacent to the Agulhas Current south of the Agulhas Bank, and farther west in the Cape Basin. In the latter area, variations of the meridional motions result in different positions of the westernmost retroflection patterns relative to the neighbouring seamounts, likely influencing the future behaviour of Agulhas rings shed at these locations. Agulhas ring formation at an average yearly rate of 5.8, similar to previous findings, was observed to occur west of ~19°E, in the western half of the retroflection probability domain. A well-defined seasonal signal of the retroflection longitude was found throughout the first 5 years of the time series, characterized by amplitudes of 1–1.3° of longitude, and western (eastern) extremes during austral summer (winter). This annual cycle was strongly phase shifted during and after the upstream retroflection event of 2000–2001.  相似文献   

目前东海陆架盆地的勘探形势良好,在新生界陆续发现多个油气田,但在盆地中生界尚未有大的勘探突破。为提高油气勘探效率,利用含油气系统的理论与方法对研究区白垩系油气成藏要素及成藏作用进行了分析,总结出了研究区油气成藏模式。结果表明:研究区白垩系烃源岩主要发育在基隆凹陷,岩性推测为海湾相暗色泥岩,有机质丰度高,类型好;储层主要为中―新生代砂岩,储集空间主要为原生孔隙和次生裂缝,白垩系砂岩整体为中孔中渗储层,新生界储集性能较好,并以始新统平湖组和渐新统花港组砂岩最为重要;中新生代盖层主要为泥岩,发育两套生储盖组合;受构造演化所控制,基隆凹陷可能经历了白垩纪晚期、古近纪、新近纪―至今3次生烃,其他地区只经历了后两次生烃;油气主要是通过优势输导砂体、不整合面、断裂和裂缝所组成的输导体系向周围圈闭运移;东海陆架东南部白垩系油气主要存在3种油气藏类型。本次研究结果可以为东海陆架盆地东南部白垩系的油气资源评估提供依据。  相似文献   

Electron microscopic study of Agulhas Bank phosphorites has revealed a large variety in their microstructures, including gel-like, fibrous, ultramicrogranular, ultramicrocrystallic and microcrystallic as well as microstructures of intermediate types. The crystallisation is mostly developed on carbonate-phosphate contacts and in free spaces between mineral grains and does not depend on absolute age of the phosphorite.  相似文献   

One hundred and twelve stations of CTDO2 and LADCP were collected in the Agulhas Current system as part of the Agulhas Undercurrent experiment (AUCE) in March 2003. Along an offshore section, at approximately 35.6°S and 27.3°E to the northwest of the tip of the Agulhas Plateau, an unusual feature was revealed between 2200 and 3500 m depth, imbedded in the northward moving NADW layer. An anomalously high salinity of 34.83, 0.03 saltier than the surrounding water, was observed. Maximums in the potential temperature and oxygen were also found, with isotherms dropping by about 250 m over 50 km and a doming of the oxygen layers. From the convex lens structure of the neutral surfaces, we conclude that we sampled an anticyclonic eddy of NADW. Since the LADCP data reveal deep velocities up to 20 cm s−1, yet no anticyclonic circulation, whereas the geostrophic velocity referenced to the bottom shows a weak anticyclonic circulation, we inferred that we sampled the outer edge of the eddy and not its core. From an analysis of the water properties within the eddy and a comparison with known properties in the SE Atlantic Ocean and SW Indian Ocean, we conclude that the eddy was formed in the Agulhas Retroflection region. We speculate that the eddy was the result of an instability in the NADW slope current, which flows from the SE Atlantic around the Agulhas Bank. A deeply penetrating Agulhas Ring spun up the deep waters, pinching off an eddy, which later detached from the slope current and was carried southward. Once offshore, it coupled with the surface Agulhas Return Current, whose meandering path advected the eddy northeastward and ejected it over the Agulhas Plateau.  相似文献   

Red Sea Intermediate Water (RSIW) has been shown to move down the Agulhas Current as distinct lenses. It has been assumed that this intermittency is the result of variable input. To clarify and quantify the nature of RSIW contributions from the source regions of the Agulhas Current observations at 15 hydrographic sections were examined using a multi-parameter analysis. In the northern Mozambique Channel RSIW is found to be layer-like, but with patches of distinctly different contributions. In the southern part of the channel the layer-like distribution disappears with RSIW mostly confined within anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies exhibiting varying maximum contributions ranging from 15–20% to 25–30% purity. Net transports across the channel ranged from ?0.45 to ?0.7 Sv. At the southern tip of Madagascar RSIW contributions exhibited similar purity variability ranging from 10–15% to 15–20%. The net southward transport of RSIW in the East Madagascar Current displayed an even greater variability due to changes in the flux of the undercurrent ranging from negligible to ?0.3 Sv. Indications therefore were that the transport of RSIW to the Agulhas Current occurs in both cyclones and anti-cyclones through the Mozambique Channel whilst from the East Madagascar Current it is mostly confined to anti-cyclones. This variability in the inflow was also reflected in the northern part of the Agulhas Current proper. The maximum contributions of RSIW range here from 10–15% to 20–25% purity and net transports from ?0.75 to ?1.39 Sv off Durban. As it was east of Madagascar RSIW was mostly confined to the slope.  相似文献   

The transfer of upper kilometer water from the Indian Ocean into the South Atlantic, the Agulhas leakage, is believed to be accomplished primarily through meso-scale eddy processes. There have been various studies investigating eddies of the “Cape Basin Cauldron” from specific data sets. The hydrographic data archive acquired during the last century within the Cape Basin region of the South Atlantic provides additional insight into the distribution and water mass properties of the Cape Basin eddies. Eddies are identified by mid-thermocline isopycnal depth anomalies relative to the long-term mean. Positive depth anomalies (the reference isopycnal is deeper than the long-term mean isopycnal depth) mark the presence of anticyclonic eddies; negative anomalies mark cyclonic eddies. Numerous eddies are identified in the whole region; the larger isopycnal displacements are attributed to the energetic eddies characteristic of the Cape Basin and indicate that there is a 2:1 anticyclone/cyclone ratio. Smaller displacements of the less energetic features are almost equally split between anticyclones and cyclones (1.4:1 ratio). Potential temperature, salinity and oxygen relationships at thermocline and intermediate levels within each eddy reveal their likely origin. The eddy core water is not solely drawn from Indian Ocean: tropical and subtropical South Atlantic water are also present. Anticyclones and cyclones carrying Agulhas Water properties are identified throughout the Cape Basin. Anticyclones with Agulhas Water characteristics show a predominant northwest dispersal, whereas the cyclones are identified mainly along the western margin of the African continent, possibly related to their origin as shear eddies at the boundary between the Agulhas axis and Africa. Cyclones and anticyclones carrying pure South Atlantic origin water are identified south of 30°S and west of the Walvis Ridge. Tropical Atlantic water at depth is found for cyclones north of the Walvis Ridge, west of 10°E and for stations deeper than 4000 m, and a few anticyclones with the same characteristics are found south of the ridge.  相似文献   

Red Sea Intermediate Water at the Agulhas Current termination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The inter-ocean exchange of water masses at the Agulhas Current termination comes about through the shedding of rings, and this process plays an important role in the global thermohaline circulation. Using several hydrographic sections collected during the ARC (Agulhas Retroflection Cruise), MARE (Mixing of Agulhas Rings Experiment) and WOCE (World Ocean Circulation Experiment), this investigation aims to establish the degree to which Red Sea Intermediate Water (RSIW) is involved in this exchange and at what level of purity. To this end a wide range of hydrographic parameters were used. Upstream from the Agulhas Current retroflection water with clear RSIW origin is shown to move downstream on both the landward and seaward sides of the Agulhas Current with the highest water sample purity or water-mass content exceeding 15%. The least mixed water was found close to the continental shelf. At the retroflection the RSIW purity shows considerable variability that ranges between 5% and 20%. This suggests that RSIW moves down the current in patches of considerably varying degrees of previous mixing. This pattern was also observed in a ring sampled during the ARC experiment. The MARE sections in turn indicate that at times RSIW may be entirely absent in the Agulhas Current. RSIW is therefore shown to travel down the current as discontinuous filaments, and this intermittency is reflected in its presence in Agulhas Rings. From the sections investigated it is therefore clear that any calculation of RSIW fluxes involved in inter-ocean exchange can only be done on the basis of event scales. RSIW not trapped in Agulhas Rings flows east with the Agulhas Return Current.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 33 Pliocene bulk sediment samples from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1085 in the Cape Basin, located offshore of western Africa in the Angola–Benguela Current system, for 17 major and trace elements, and interpreted their associations and temporal variations in the context of an allied data set of CaCO3, opal, and Corg. We base our interpretations on elemental ratios, accumulation rates, inter-element correlations, and several multi-element statistical techniques. On the basis of qualitative assessment of downhole changes in the distributions of P and Ba, utilized as proxies of export production, we conclude that highs in bulk and biogenic accumulation that occur at 3.2 Ma, 3.0 Ma, 2.4 Ma, and 2.25 Ma were caused by increases in export production as well as terrigenous flux, and record a greater sequestering of organic matter during these time periods. Studies of refractory elements and other indicator proxies (SiO2, Al2O3, TiO2, Fe2O3, MgO, V, Cr, Sr, and Zr) strongly suggest that the terrigenous component of the bulk sediment is composed of two compositional end-members, one being ‘basaltic’ in composition and the other similar to an ‘average shale’. The basaltic end-member comprises approximately 10–15% of the total bulk sediment and its presence is consistent with the local geology of source material in the drainage basin of the nearby Orange River. The increase in bulk accumulation at 2.4 Ma appears to reflect a greater relative increase in basaltic input than the relative increase in shale-type input. Although studies such as this cannot precisely identify the transport mechanisms of the different terrigenous components, these results are most consistent with variations in sea level (and associated changes in shelf geometry and fluvial input) being responsible for the changing depositional conditions along the Angolan Margin during this time period.  相似文献   

A regional study of the Veracruz Basin provided an excellent view of long-term deepwater sedimentation patterns from an evolving foreland-type basin. The regional seismic and well-log data set allows for an accurate reconstruction of slope and basin-floor depositional patterns, lithologic compositions, and paleogradients from a continuous succession of bathyal strata that span the Miocene to the lower Pliocene. Variations in Miocene and Pliocene deepwater reservoirs can be linked to prevailing slope characteristics. The Miocene basin had a high-gradient, tectonically generated slope, and the Pliocene basin had a low-gradient constructional slope. The Miocene basin owes its steep margin to the tectonic stacking of early Tertiary, Laramide-age thrust sheets. The Miocene margin shed a mixture of coarse elastic sediments (sands, gravels, and cobbles) and fines (silts and clays) that were transported into the deep basin via turbidity currents and debris flows. Channelized deposits dominate the Miocene slope, and reservoirs occur in long-lasting basement-confined canyons and shorter-lived shallower erosional gulleys. Thick and areally-extensive basin-floor fans exist outboard of the strongly channelized Miocene slope. Fan distribution is strongly controlled by synsedimentary contractional anticlines and synclines. In contrast, the latest Miocene to early Pliocene basin development was dominated by a strongly prograding wedge of shelf and slope deposits that was induced by volcanogenic uplift and increased sediment supply. During this phase, turbidite reservoirs are limited to narrow and sinuous deepwater channels that reside at the toe of the constructional clinoforms and areally limited, thinner basinal fans.  相似文献   

Eastern and central Agulhas Bank waters are characterized by strong, shallow thermoclines and well developed subsurface maxima of phytoplankton biomass. The thermoclines are advectively maintained and as such are dynamically stable, but they do exhibit short-term variations in absolute temperature gradients. There are corresponding variations in subsurface phytoplankton biomass maxima. The water-column phytoplankton production maxima are generally situated in the biomass maxima because these are sufficiently shallow to ensure adequate light. Self-shading becomes a limiting factor with the development of high phytoplankton biomasses. Western Agulhas Bank waters are characterized by deeper thermoclines and less intense subsurface maxima of phytoplankton biomass. Due to the depth of the thermoclines the biomass maxima are generally situated below the depth of the 1-per-cent surface light intensity and, consequently, phytoplankton production is limited. Possible mechanisms for the maintenance of these deep chlorophyll maxima are discussed.  相似文献   

Using a year-long moored array of current meters and well-sampled synoptic sections, we define the variability and mean structure and transport of the Agulhas current. Nineteen current meter records indicate that time scales for the temporal variability in the alongshore and offshore velocities are 10.2 and 5.4 days, respectively. Good vertical correlation exists between the alongshore or onshore velocity fluctuations, excluding the Agulhas Undercurrent. The lateral scale for the thermocline Agulhas current is about 60 km and the onshore velocity correlations are positive throughout the Agulhas Current system. Mean velocities from the array determine that the offshore edge of the Agulhas Current lies at 203 km and the penetration depth is 2200 m offshore of the Undercurrent. Hence, daily averaged velocity sections, determined by interpolation and extrapolation of current meter locations, for a 267-day period, from the surface to 2400 m depth and from the coast out to 203 km offshore encompass the main features of the Agulhas Current system. The Agulhas current is generally found close to the continental slope, within 31 km of the coast for 211 of 267 days. There are only five days when the core of the current is found offshore at 150 km. Total transport is always poleward, varying from −121 to −9 Sv, with maximum transport occurring when the core is 62 km from the coast. Average total transport for the 267 day period is −69.7 Sv; the standard deviation in daily transport values is 21.5 Sv; and the mean transport has an estimated standard error of 4.3 Sv. The Agulhas Undercurrent, which hugs the continental slope below the zero velocity isotach, has an average equatorward transport of 4.2 Sv, standard deviation of 2.9 Sv and an estimated standard error of 0.4 Sv. Transports from the moored array are in reasonable agreement with transport results from synoptic sections. Based on time series measurements at about 30° latitude in each ocean basin, the Agulhas Current is the largest western boundary current in the world ocean.  相似文献   

The size-related activities of important heterotrophs and autotrophs were compared at the surface and at the subsurface chlorophyll maximum (Chlmax) in Agulhas Bank waters. The netplankton fraction was dominated by Nitzschia spp. and ciliates, small (diameter c. 3μm) microflagellates being the most abundant nanoplankton group. Uptake ratios of ammonium to phosphate for the total microplankton community were different at the two depths. With reference to the Redfield ratio, it appears that at least 48 per cent of the nitrogen ration at the Chlmax was regenerated even though nitrate was in ample supply. These assimilation ratios also suggest a very large contribution from recycled nitrogen other than ammonium in surface waters. It is unlikely that phosphorus would ever become limiting, except perhaps at the primary production maximum. Microplankton uptake and regeneration of both ammonium and phosphorus were approximately in balance, indicating that variations in assimilation ratios were the result of heterotrophic excretory activity. The size-fractionation studies show that picoplankton were on average the single most important size class in nutrient assimilation. The netplankton size class was, in terms of regeneration, often the most active in the microplankton community especially within the Chlmax. Heterotrophic microflagellates and picoplankton supplied the bulk of ammonium and phosphorus at the surface. The importance of a particular size class to either ammonium or phosphorus uptake/excretion was quantified as a relative assimilation/regeneration index. These calculations demonstrate size-related differences in the relative importance of the microplanktonic groups to the immobilization and recycling of different nutrients.  相似文献   

High-resolution records of Ca and Sr were obtained from shipboard XRF analyses of bulk sediments in five gravity cores from the southern Cape Basin, South Atlantic Ocean. Sr/Ca ratios display regular glacial/interglacial variations of 14–40% and reveal a close correlation with the SPECMAP record, minimum Sr/Ca ratios appearing during glacial (18 O) maxima, distinct increases during periods of deglaciation, and highest ratios in interstadials. Shifts in carbonate-producing phytoplankton and/or zooplankton assemblages over glacial/interglacial cycles are suggested to be the main cause for the observed variations in Sr/Ca patterns. Quick assessment of the relationship between Sr/Ca ratios and the SPECMAP record made it possible to easily transfer an age model to the newly collected cores already during the cruise.  相似文献   

The Agulhas Bank, which forms the continental margin on the southern tip of Africa, consists of a thick Meso-Cainozoic sedimentary sequence (up to 6.2 km) resting on and behind pre-Mesozoic continental acoustic basement. The stratigraphy of this sequence is outlined and its history and facies variations mentioned where they are known. Refraction seismic velocity and bottom sample data indicate a basic three-fold subdivision of the Mesozoic sequence, which can be correlated with the onshore succession in the Algoa Basin. It is separated by a major hiatus from the Cainozoic sediments, which consist of a Palaeogene and Neogene sequence subdivided by another well-defined level of erosion. Various formations within the Cainozoic are defined and named. An outline of the bathymetry of the eastern Agulhas Bank is also given.  相似文献   

We performed a search for local coastal submarine springs of fresh water in the region from Cape Feolent to Cape Sarych (down to an isobath of 40m). Stable submarine springs of brackish water with the minimum salinity of 5.5‰ and the minimum total output of 30,000 m3/day were discovered only near the west wall of Cape Aiya. It is shown that brackish waters discharging from these springs spread over the sea surface in the form of a thin layer (up to 1 m in thickness) characterized by lower salinity, higher transparency, and an elevated content of silicic acid. We make a conjecture that the appearance of 2–3-m-thick layers of water with higher transparency and lower salinity at depths of 5–8 m is explained by the discharge of unknown bottom springs of underground fresh water. Translated by Peter V. Malyshev and Dmitry V. Malyshev  相似文献   

In this study, we test various parameters in deep-sea sediments (bulk sediment parameters and changes in microfossil abundances and preservation character) which are generally accepted as indicators of calcium carbonate dissolution. We investigate sediment material from station GeoB 1710-3 in the northern Cape Basin (eastern South Atlantic), 280 km away from the Namibian coast, well outside today’s coastal upwelling. As northern Benguela upwelling cells were displaced westward and periodically preceded the core location during the past 245 kyr (Volbers et al., submitted), GeoB 1710-3 sediments reflect these changes in upwelling productivity. Results of the most commonly used calcium carbonate dissolution proxies do not only monitor dissolution within these calcareous sediments but also reflect changes in upwelling intensity. Accordingly, these conventional proxy parameters misrepresent, to some extent, the extent of calcium carbonate dissolution. These results were verified by an independent dissolution proxy, the Globigerina bulloides dissolution index (BDX′) (Volbers and Henrich, submitted). The BDX′ is based on scanning electronic microscope ultrastructural investigation of planktonic foraminiferal tests and indicates persistent good carbonate preservation throughout the past 245 kyr, with the exception of one pronounced dissolution event at early oxygen isotopic stage (OIS) 6.

The early OIS 6 is characterized by calcium carbonate contents, sand contents, and planktonic foraminiferal concentrations all at their lowest levels for the last 245 kyr. At the same time, the ratio of radiolarian to planktonic foraminiferal abundances and the ratio of benthic to planktonic foraminiferal tests are strongly increased, as are the rain ratio, the fragmentation index, and the BDX′. The sedimentary calcite lysocline rose above the core position and GeoB 1710-3 sediments were heavily altered, as attested to by the unusual accumulation of pellets, aggregates, sponge spicules, radiolaria, benthic foraminifera, and planktonic foraminiferal assemblages.

Solely the early OIS 6 dissolution event altered the coarse fraction intensely, and is therefore reflected by all conventional calcium carbonate preservation proxies and the BDX′. We attribute the more than 1000 m rise of the sedimentary calcite lysocline to the combination of two processes: (a) a prominent change in the deep-water mass distribution within the South Atlantic and (b) intense degradation of organic material within the sediment (preserved as maximum total organic carbon content) creating microenvironments favorable for calcium carbonate dissolution.  相似文献   

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