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Blast damage control in jointed rock mass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Highly jointed rocks often cause problems associated with blast damage and the stability of the back and/or walls of the excavation. A field study was performed to understand the role played by the joint parameters in inducing blast damage. The field work included blasting of small scale models, drift rounds and monitoring of blast damage at several operating mines. The damage was assessed by blast vibration monitoring, half cast factor, overbreak measurement and visual inspection.

The effect of spacing, orientation, aperture, condition, filling material and wall strength of joints on blast damage is described. The interaction between the joint planes and explosive energy has been discussed and the overbreak control measures have been suggested.  相似文献   

Summary A criterion for determining normal stress levels of shear failure of rock masses is developed, then the shear resistance of the rock mass, based upon the geometric model of en-echelon jointed rock masses, can be evaluated for low normal stress levels or high normal stress levels respectively by using the method proposed in this paper. Finally, a procedure generating joint patterns which are described with individual joint geometry parameter or multi-joint geometry parameter is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Based on an extension to a model originally proposed by Zhang (1990), a method for estimating the shear strength of a jointed rock mass containing two joint sets is developed. Compared to the original method in which only a single en-echelon joint set was considered, the new method has the following advantages: (1) it allows a much more realistic joint pattern to be incorporated; (2) the effects of joint connectivity and intersection angle between joint sets on shear strength are included. Use of the new method is demonstrated by application to the calculation of the stability of slopes in jointed rock. The importance of joint connectivity, joint persistence and joint set intersection angle on slope stability, as predicted by the model, is revealed.  相似文献   

针对输电线路注浆锚杆基础特点,根据相似理论设计了节理化岩体注浆锚杆基础抗拔模型试验,模型设计中考虑了岩石弹性模量、浆体弹性模量、节理迹长、节理倾角、锚杆埋深5个因素的变化,选择5因素4水平的正交试验方法进行了模型试验研究。结果表明,岩石弹性模量对注浆锚杆基础抗拔力的影响最大,其次为锚杆埋深、节理倾角、浆体弹性模量、节理迹长。试验过程中以剪切破坏和开裂破坏为主,并以此分析了注浆锚杆的传力机制,得出浆体与锚杆和岩体之间的黏结强度是控制试验结果的主要因素,影响着锚杆的极限抗拔力和破坏状态,在施工过程中应注意质量控制。  相似文献   

节理岩体锚杆的综合变形分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张伟  刘泉声 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1067-1074
在总结国内外对节理岩体中锚杆加固机制的试验研究和理论探讨基础上,综合考虑锚杆的切向和轴向变形能力,建立节理锚固锚杆在剪切荷载作用下的变形模型,将节理锚固锚杆的变形区划分为弹性变形段和挤压破坏段,引入表征挤压破坏段长度的变量,对锚杆与岩体的相互作用机制进行理论分析,推导了剪切荷载与剪切位移和轴向荷载与轴向位移的关系。通过分析锚杆的屈服破坏形式,得到了确定挤压破坏段长度的方法。最后,通过算例分析了挤压破坏段长度与锚杆直径、岩体强度、锚固角度等参数的关系,得到了以下结论:(1)节理锚固锚杆抗剪作用的实质是锚杆调动岩体的抗压强度抵抗节理切向荷载。在抗压强度较高的硬岩中,挤压破坏段局限于节理面附近,锚杆影响范围小;而在抗压强度较低的软岩中,挤压破坏段较大,而且会产生较大的剪切变形,锚杆影响范围较大。(2)锚杆屈服破坏形式与岩质和锚杆直径有关。硬质岩体发生剪切屈服,而较软岩体中容易发生弯曲屈服;小直径锚杆一般直接剪切屈服,而大直径锚杆可能发生弯曲屈服。锚杆屈服破坏后出现塑性铰,挤压破坏段范围在节理一侧约为直径的1~2倍,继续增加剪切荷载,挤压破坏段长度不再增大。(3)随岩质的不同,锚杆锚固节理的最优锚固角变化较大。岩质较硬时,最优锚固角度较小,反之则较大。  相似文献   

为了研究白鹤滩水电站右岸地下厂房洞室群开挖期间的变形破坏问题,通过分析地下厂区工程地质特征、地应力实测资料和微震监测结果,利用通用离散元程序UDEC建立白鹤滩水电站地下厂房层状节理模型,计算得到了地下厂房开挖后的应力场、塑性区、位移场分布规律,揭示了围岩变形破坏区域。研究结果表明:围岩变形量增加速率与开挖强度具有密切关系;主厂房上游侧位移大于下游侧,损伤更严重,上游层状节理密度比下游大是造成上下游变形差异的主要原因。白鹤滩地下厂房变形机制的研究对其后续施工及其安全运营具有重要意义。  相似文献   

A 3D model of a jointed rock mass and its deformation properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Conclusion A geometric model of a jointed rock mass and some formulae of strain and deformation parametersE, G and were given. They may be useful for evaluating the deformation parameters of rock masses and classifying the rock mass quatitatively.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of numerical experiments using the synthetic rock mass (SRM) approach to quantify the behaviour of jointed rock masses. Field data from a massive sulphide rock mass, at the Brunswick mine, were used to develop a discrete fracture network (DFN). The constructed DFN model was subsequently subjected to random sampling whereby 40 cubic samples, of height to width ratio of two, and of varying widths (0.05 to 10 m) were isolated. The discrete fracture samples were linked to 3D bonded particle models to generate representative SRM models for each sample size. This approach simulated the jointed rock mass as an assembly of fractures embedded into the rock matrix. The SRM samples were submitted to uniaxial loading, and the complete stress–strain behaviour of each specimen was recorded. This approach provided a way to determine the complex constitutive behaviour of large‐scale rock mass samples. This is often difficult or not possible to achieve in the laboratory. The numerical experiments suggested that higher post‐peak modulus values were obtained for smaller samples and lower values for larger sample sizes. Furthermore, the observed deviation of the recorded post‐peak modulus values decreased with sample size. The ratio of residual strength of rock mass samples per uniaxial compressive strength intact increases moderately with sample size. Consequently, for the investigated massive sulphide rock mass, the pre‐peak and post‐peak representative elemental volume size was found to be the same (7 × 7 × 14 m). Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

爆破荷载作用下岩体振动特征的数值模拟   总被引:39,自引:2,他引:39  
根据福建牛头山水电站地基岩体爆破开挖监测,运用离散元方法模拟了节理岩体距爆源不同距离处质点的振动速度和频率的变化特征,由此确定岩体质点最大振动速度和振动主频随爆源距离的衰减规律,并得到了距爆源一定距离处质点最大振动速度和振动主频与爆破药量的关系。数值模拟与现场实测的结果表明,用离散元软件UDEC计算得到的岩体振动特征和衰减规律与现场监测结果是基本符合的,误差在工程应用的允许范围之内,因此UDEC用于对岩体动态响应的数值模拟是适合的。  相似文献   

秦楠  陈胜宏 《岩土力学》2012,33(4):1253-1259
利用复合单元技术,建立节理岩体喷锚支护的弹性模型。该模型可先不考虑节理、锚杆、喷层等细部结构,生成常规有限元网格,然后根据节理、锚杆、喷层的相关信息,形成复合单元网格信息。该模型可重点考虑锚杆和喷层在节理面上的局部化非线性变形与相互作用关系。算例研究验证了模型的合理性。该复合单元算法同时包含等效模拟和离散模拟的优点,有着较好的应用前景  相似文献   

Microplane damage model for jointed rock masses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents a new microplane constitutive model for the inelastic behavior of jointed rock masses that takes into account the mechanical behavior and geometric characteristics of cracks and joints. The basic idea is that the microplane modeling of rock masses under general triaxial loading, including compression, requires the isotropic rock matrix and the joints to be considered as two distinct phases coupled in parallel. A joint continuity factor is defined as a microplane damage variable to represent the stress‐carrying area fraction of the joint phase. Based on the assumption of parallel coupling between the rock joint and the rock matrix, the overall mechanical behavior of the rock is characterized by microplane constitutive laws for the rock matrix and for the rock joints, along with an evolution law for the microplane joint continuity factor. The inelastic response of the rock matrix and the rock joints is controlled on the microplane level by the stress–strain boundaries. Based on the arguments enunciated in developing the new microplane model M7 for concrete, the previously used volumetric–deviatoric splits of the elastic strains and of the tensile boundary are avoided. The boundaries are tensile normal, compressive normal, and shear. The numerical simulations demonstrate satisfactory fits of published triaxial test data on sandstone and on jointed plaster mortar, including quintessential features such as the strain softening and dilatancy under low confining pressure, as well as the brittle–ductile transition under higher confining pressure, and the decrease of jointed rock strength and Young's modulus with an increasing dip angle of the joint. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a joint deformation tensor (JD), which considers all of the joint's mechanical and geometrical parameters that affect the deformability of the rock mass. The method based on JD (JD method) and an elastic deformation anisotropy index (EDAI) are deduced for estimating the spatial anisotropy deformation of a jointed rock mass. The numerical modeling and in situ true triaxial compressive experiments well verified the effectiveness of the EDAI and JD method for the rock mass containing one joint set, orthogonal joint sets or the rock mass containing any types of joint network with unity stiffness ratio.  相似文献   

The representative elementary volume (REV) is the premise of the continuous-media method of analysis, and the investigation of the REVs of fractured rock masses is a fundamental area of rock mechanics research. The existence of an REV can be determined based on a variety of physical parameters. This paper presents an analysis of the REV from the view of blockiness, which is defined as the percentage of the volume of isolated blocks formed by fractures in the total rock volume. Seventy-seven types of fractured rock mass models were developed based on 7 classes of fracture persistence and 11 classes of spacing that are suggested by the International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) fracture classification. Rock blocks in each of the 77 types of fractured rock mass models were identified using GeneralBlock to determine the variation in blockiness with model domain sizes, which were changed from 2 to 20 times the fracture spacing. For each model domain size 9 random realizations were carried out to reduce the effects of randomness. The coefficient of variation (Cv) was then used to quantify the variability of the 9 random realizations. The fluctuation in blockiness with the variation in the scale of the model region was also investigated. In this way, the size of the REV in these models can be calculated using the average and the variance of the blockiness as indicators of the convergence. The blockiness of these fractured rock masses can be determined at the REV volume. The results indicate that of the 77 models, 76 REV sizes are between 2 and 20 times the fracture spacing. The fractured rock mass with a wide fracture spacing and very high persistence (WS2–VHP) has a REV size that exceeds 20 times the fracture spacing. Thus, the WS2–VHP model should be investigated further to validate this concept.  相似文献   

基于线弹性断裂力学裂隙面张开位移及剪切位移理论公式,考虑裂隙存在常法向和常切向刚度情况,研究了含单个裂隙岩体加载过程中由于裂隙存在而附加的弹性应变能。基于应变能等效方法并假设两种裂隙变形模型--非均匀变形模型和均匀变形模型,研究了二维非贯通裂隙岩体的等效杨氏模量和等效剪切模量解析表达式。研究结果表明,对于贯通裂隙规则分布情况,均匀变形模型得到的解析解与Amadei等的结果一致;对于非贯通裂隙正态分布情况,考虑裂隙相互作用的非均匀变形模型解明显低估裂隙岩体的等效杨氏模量和等效剪切模量,而考虑裂隙相互作用的均匀变形模型解与有限元数值解的偏差在10%以内。得到的解析表达式在一定条件下可以作为裂隙岩体等效弹性模量评价方法之一。  相似文献   

节理岩体蠕变特性研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
杨松林  张建民  黄启平 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1225-1228
在已知岩石和节理蠕变规律的前提下,推导了节理岩体蠕变模型的一般表达式。假定岩石体积变形和节理法向压缩变形为弹性变形,忽略节理的剪胀现象,认为只有岩石畸变和节理剪切滑移与时间有关,从而推导了含三组相交节理的岩体蠕变模型及其参数。根据反演出的岩石和节理蠕变模型,计算了含三组相交节理的岩体在单轴应力作用下一些节理参数对岩体单轴蠕变的影响。分析表明,节理间距、剪胀系数以及节理夹角都对岩体的单轴蠕变变形有明显影响。节理间距越大,剪胀系数越大,节理夹角越小,节理岩体的单轴蠕变柔量也就越小,岩体的蠕变变形也越小。  相似文献   

陈庆发  尹庭昌  高远 《岩土力学》2019,40(8):3181-3188
针对现有岩体结构均质区划分方法应用于地下矿山时存在细节辨识能力偏弱等问题,开展地下矿山岩体结构均质区三维精确划分方法研究。以广西铜坑矿锌多金属矿体3^#矿块为例,从岩体空间结构展布特性出发,构建由确定性与随机性结构面耦合的裂隙岩体三维模型;将岩体模型正交网格离散化,并选取模型网格子区的块体化程度值为均质区划分判据;利用K-means算法衡量不同数据源(网格)的相似性,结合误差平方和(SSE)度量聚类质量;最后重构三维岩体结构均质区,形成了一种地下矿山岩体结构均质区三维划分方法。研究成果表明:利用该方法能够从三维角度精确划分地下矿山岩体结构均质区,可为后续岩体质量评价及岩体离散元模拟的模型构建等工作提供有益参考。  相似文献   

对地质材料模型、石膏模型、砂浆模型、进行了模型试验,通过对模型试验得出的数据进行分析、拟合,得出初步的节理卸荷岩体的增量本构。针对其不足,从参数选择、物理意义等方面进一步进行修正得出一改进的增量本构关系,并在有限元分析程序ADINA中接入该本构关系,对清江隔河岩电站厂房高边坡三维模型进行有限元分析。  相似文献   

节理岩体应力波反演模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许年春  赵明阶  吴德伦 《岩土力学》2007,28(12):2705-2710
通过分析垂直节理面入射应力波的传播过程,得出节理界面产生的各次回波波形函数表达式,确定波源处的振动组合,从而建立以该振动信号分析为基础的反演节理特征的模型。该模型不仅能反演出节理的一些基本特征,包括:节理的位置、节理内充填物的波阻抗、品质因子、以及节理宽度与波速比值,而且还能反演出节理另一侧岩石的波阻抗,这一成果无疑将扩大应力波在节理岩体测试中的应用范围。  相似文献   

节理岩体几何结构非常复杂,研究其渗流特性对于指导含水岩层稳定性分析具有重要价值。应用离散裂隙网络模型DFN方法,基于VC++6.0软件平台,建立了平面渗流分析方法,分析了节理岩体不同几何分布情况下的渗透率张量特征,通过定义渗流定向性系数对岩体渗流的定向性特征进行了定量分析。结果表明:单组节理岩体渗流具有明显的各向异性特征,渗流定向性随着节理角度变化显著;节理随着节理贯通性增加,节理渗透率呈现对数增加趋势;两组节理情况下,各向异性特征随着节理组间夹角变化;两组节理岩体渗流特征研究中,正交分布下,岩体仍存在各向异性,但渗流定向性系数较低;当节理倾角服从正态分布时,随着节理倾角标准差增大,渗透率增加;两组节理夹角不同时,节理渗透主方向倾角随着夹角增大而相应增大,基本沿两组节理夹角方向的角平分线方向。  相似文献   

张瑞新  李泽荃  赵红泽 《岩土力学》2014,35(5):1399-1405
基于地下岩体受节理面的控制,节理面的几何和力学参数随机分布,从而导致岩体系统具有高度不确定性,提出以关键块体理论为基础,考虑节理几何和力学参数随机性的岩体开挖可靠度分析方法,并给出了块体稳定的总失效概率评价模型。以澳大利亚阿德莱德地区一铜矿地质条件为例,以节理面倾角、倾向、摩擦系数和黏聚力为随机变量,通过Monte Carlo模拟和概率图方法,进行了岩体可靠度和失效概率的计算。最后,采用条件概率的分析方法,计算了单面滑动块体的总失效概率。计算结果表明,块体沿单面滑动并且出现的概率为11.0%,总的失效概率为3.85%,超过一般岩体工程可允许的风险水平,认为该方法可以作为评价块体可靠性的依据。  相似文献   

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