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新疆北部中二叠统烃源岩有机质与沉积环境的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据地表剖面烃源岩地球化学分析资料,结合部分井下样品分析数据对新疆北部准噶尔、吐哈及伊犁盆地中二叠统碳酸盐岩类、泥岩类烃源岩的元素地球化学和有机地球化学特征进行了系统分析.研究认为烃源岩的轻稀土元素富集程度较高,重稀土元素相对较低,Ce/Ce*具有较明显的正异常,反映出烃源岩的沉积环境总体为还原环境.多项地球化学分析证实,沉积水体的元素地球化学特征及古盐度等环境条件与烃源岩有机相关系密切.研究结果表明,烃源岩的植烷优势主要是在还原条件的沉积环境下释放出大量的植烷所致,伽马腊烷、β-胡萝卜烷等生物标志化合物的检出表征诸盆地烃源岩沉积时具有一定的盐度条件.还原程度高的沉积相带是原始有机质沉积的良好场所,沉积有机质能及时沉积、保存,烃源岩大多有机质丰度高、类型好;反之,则明显变差.  相似文献   

The sedimentary environments are the intrinsic factor controlling the mechanical properties of clastic rocks. Examining the relationship between rock sedimentary environments and rock mechanical properties gives a better understanding of rock deformation and failure mechanisms. In this study, more than 55 samples in coal measures were taken from seven different lithologic formations in eastern China. Using the optical microscope the sedimentary characteristics, such as components of clastic rocks and sizes of clastic grains were quantitatively tested and analyzed. The corresponding mechanical parameters were tested using the servo-controlled testing system. Different lithologic attributes in the sedimentary rocks sampled different stress–strain behaviors and failure characteristics under different confining pressures, mainly due to different compositions and textures. Results demonstrate that clastic rocks have the linear best-fit for Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The elastic moduli in clastic rocks are highly dependent upon confining pressures, unlike hard rocks. The envelope lines of the mechanical properties versus the contents of quartz, detritus of the grain diameter of more than 0.03 mm, and grain size in clastic rocks are given. The compressive strength or elastic modulus and the grain diameter have a non-monotonic relation and demonstrate the “grain-diameter softening” effect.  相似文献   

Strata-bound sulfide deposits associated with clastic, marine sedimentary rocks, and not associated with volcanic rocks, display distributions of S34 values gradational between two extreme types: 1. a flat distribution ranging from S34 of seawater sulfate to values about 25 lower; and 2. a narrow distribution around value S34 (sulfide)=S34 (seawater sulfate) –50, and skewed to heavier values. S34 (seawater sulfate) is estimated from contemporaneous evaporites. There is a systematic relation between the type of S34 distribution and the type of depositional environment. Type 1 occurs in shallow marine or brackish-water environments; type 2 occurs characteristically in deep, euxinic basins. These distributions can be accounted for by a model involving bacterial reduction of seawater sulfate in systems which range from fully-closed batches of sulfate (type 1) to fully open systems in which fresh sulfate is introduced as reduction proceeds (type 2). The difference in the characteristic distributions requires that the magnitude of the sulfate-sulfide kinetic isotope effect on reduction be different in the two cases. This difference has already been suggested by the conflict between S34 data for modern marine sediments and laboratory experiments. The difference in isotope effects can be accounted for by Rees' (1973) model of steady-state sulfate reduction: low nutrient supply and undisturbed, stationary bacterial populations in the open system settings tend to generate larger fractionations.
Zusammenfassung Schichtgebundene Sulfid-Lagerstätten in Begleitung von klastischen, marinen Sedimentgesteinen ohne Beteiligung vulkanischer Gesteine zeigen kontinuierliche Verteilungen der S34-Werte zwischen zwei Extremtypen: 1. Eine flache Verteilung im Bereich von S34-Werten des Seewasser-Sulfats bis zu Werten, die etwa 25 niedriger liegen. 2. Eine eng begrenzte Verteilung um den S34 (Sulfid)-Wert=S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) –50 und asymmetrischer Verteilungskurve mit stärkerer Besetzung bei den schwereren Werten. Das S34 (Seewasser-Sulfat) wird von gleichaltrigen Evaporiten abgeleitet. Es besteht eine systematische Beziehung zwischen der Art der S34-Verteilung und dem Milieu des Ablagerungsraumes. Typ 1 tritt im marinen Flachwasser oder in brackischer Umgebung auf. Typ 2 ist charakteristisch für tiefe euxinische Becken. Diese Verteilungen können erklärt werden mit Hilfe eines Modells mit bakterieller Reduktion von Meerwasser-Sulfat in Systemen, die von völlig abgeschlossenen Sulfat-Mengen (Typ 1) bis zu völlig offenen Systemen reichen, in die bei fortschreitender Reduktion frisches Sulfat zugeführt wird (Typ 2). Der Unterschied in den charakteristischen Verteilungen setzt voraus, daß die Stärke der kinetischen Sulfat-Sulfid-Isotopen-Wirkung auf die Reduktion in beiden Fällen verschieden ist. Dieser Unterschied wurde bereits wegen der Widersprüche zwischen den verschiedenen S34-Werten heutiger mariner Sedimente und Laborexperimente vermutet. Der Unterschied in der Isotopen-Wirkung kann durch das Modell von Rees (1973) für kontinuierlich ablaufende Sulfat-Reduktion erklärt werden. Geringes Nahrungsangebot und ungestörte, gleichbleibende Bakterien-Populationen in offenen Systemen neigen zur Erzeugung stärkerer Fraktionierungen.

The second half of the Paleozoic was marked by amalgamation of large continental blocks. The collision between the Laurentia and Baltica continents in the Devonian culminated in the formation of Laurussia. This event was followed by accretion of the Siberian and Kazakhstan continental blocks after the closure of the Uralian marine basin in the terminal Carboniferous-initial Permian. These processes were responsible for the formation of the Pangea supercontinent at the end of the Permian Period. They were accompanied by climate changes reflected in the alternation of warming and cooling epochs. One of these cooling epochs was terminated by large-scale glaciation of Gondwana at the end of the Carboniferous Period. Nevertheless, the most significant process, which drastically changed the existing paleogeographic situation, was colonization of continents by plants and animals, and, thus, accumulation of coaliferous formations in them. The lacustrine and sea basins also accumulated humic and mixed humic/sapropel organic matter (OM) in addition to pure sapropelic sediments.  相似文献   

Steroids with unconventional side chains have increasingly been applied as diagnostic markers for geological source and age assessments. However, one of the most distinctive characteristics, the abnormal abundance of pregnane and homopregnane in ancient sediments and petroleum, remains unresolved. Higher pregnane and homopregnane, as well as C23–C26 20-n-alkylpregnanes, relative to the regular steranes were observed in samples collected from different petroleum basins in China. These included Precambrian marine carbonate-derived petroleum (NW Sichuan Basin), Lower Paleozoic marine marl derived crude oils (Tarim Basin), and Eocene hypersaline lacustrine carbonate source rocks and associated petroleum (Bohai Bay Basin). However, all of the samples have many common biomarker characteristics, such as pristane/phytane ratios < 1, low amounts of diasteranes and high C29/C30 hopane (∼0.6–1), C35/C34 hopane (mostly  1) and dibenzothiophene/phenanthrene (DBT/PHEN, mostly 0.5–1) ratios revealing a contribution from anoxic carbonate/marl source rocks deposited in restricted, clastic-starved settings. We suggest that 5α,l4β,l7β-pregnane and homopregnane, as well as their higher C23–C26 homologues, are geological products derived from steroids bound to the kerogen by a sulfurized side chain. Carbon or carbonate minerals are considered to be natural catalysts for this cracking reaction via preferential cleavage of the bond between C-20 and C-22. Similar distributions occur in the short chain analogues of 4-methylsterane, triaromatic steroid and methyltriaromatic steroid hydrocarbons, providing circumstantial evidence for this proposal. The ratio of pregnane and homopregnane to the total regular steranes and the ratio of C27 diasteranes to cholestanes can be sensitive indicators of sedimentary environments and facies. In general, high diasteranes and low pregnanes (with homologues) indicate an oxic water column or significant input of terrigenous organic matter in clay rich source rocks and some organic lean carbonate rocks. Low diasteranes with high pregnanes implies restricted, sulfur rich conditions, typical of anoxic carbonate source rocks. Furthermore, the two ratios may be useful to assess the variation of mineralogy and openness of source rock depositional settings.  相似文献   

对于北疆阿尔泰地区泥盆纪所处的大地构造环境,目前仍旧存在不同观点.前人基于阿尔泰南缘泥盆纪火山岩地球化学研究,分别提出了活动大陆边缘和被动大陆边缘裂谷等不同构造观点.阿尔泰造山带南缘的泥盆纪浅变质碎屑沉积岩地球化学研究表明,该套浅变质碎屑沉积岩原岩主要为泥质或砂质沉积岩.尽管不同岩性样品主量元素含量不同,但其化学蚀变指数(CIA)小于75,成分变异指数(ICY)接近或小于1.0,斜长石蚀变指数(PIA)平均70,说明其源区物质比较新鲜,成熟度相对较低,化学风化作用较弱.同样,不同岩性样品微量元素含量差别较大,但表生过程中不活泼的微量元素比值却比较一致,轻稀土(LREE)中度富集(LaN/YbN=2.88~9.90),重稀土(HREE)比较平坦,并伴有明显的Eu负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.45~0.89).绝大多数样品具有高的La/Sc(1~3)、La/Y(0.5~1)和Ti/Zr(10~35),以及较低的Sc/Cr(0.1~0.3)比值,类似于大陆岛弧相关环境碎屑沉积物.在La-Th-Sc和Th-Sc-Zr/10构造环境判别图解中,除一千枚岩样品外,其他所有样品均落入大陆岛弧区.以上地球化学特征明显不同于大洋岛弧和被动陆缘沉积物,说明该套浅变质碎屑沉积岩可能沉积于活动大陆边缘的大陆岛弧相关环境,为认识阿尔泰造山带泥盆纪岛弧增生构造演化过程提供了一个重要证据.  相似文献   

A number of basins in northwestern Thailand contain thick sequences of Cenozoic sedimentary rocks. Oil shales and coals are prominent lithologies within these sequences and occur together in some basins. Most of the sequences are, however, dominated by either oil shales or coals. The major oil shale deposit is in the Mae Sot Basin but oil shales also occur in the Ban Huay Dua, Mae Moh, Ban Pa Ka Li, Mae Teep, Ban Na Hong and Jae Hom Basins.Drilling and detailed mapping, in the Mae Sot Basin indicate thick sequences of oil shales and organic petrological studies show that they contain abundant lamalginite. Trace amounts of telalginite, liptodetrinite, bitumen/resinite and huminite/inertinite are also present in some of the rocks. The parts of the sequences rich in authigenic minerals are, in general, petrographically similar to Green River Formation lamosites. Where clay/silt-sized epiclastics are more abundant, similarities exist to Australian Tertiary lamosites. Vitrinite reflectance date from the oil shales and associated coals indicate a low level of maturity.Oil shales from the other basins are, petrographically similar to the Mae Sot lamosites, however some differences do exist. The Mae Sot and other lamosites were deposited in lacustrine environments that probably had highly variable water depths.  相似文献   

下扬子区下三叠统遗迹化石及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘泽均  王文彬 《地层学杂志》1990,14(3):203-208,T002
<正> 遗迹化石是地质时期各类生物在生活期间进行居住、运动、寻食、代谢和生殖等行为习性活动,在沉积物表面或其内部留下的各种痕迹。作为重要的生物标志,遗迹化石可用来判别和恢复古代沉积环境。近年来,笔者在下扬子区的宿松、贵池、泾县、宁国、宜兴等地(图1)的下三叠统,发现大量遗迹化石。本文从遗迹化石组合特征出发,讨论遗迹化石与沉积环境之间的关系。承杨式溥教授鉴定遗迹化石标本,在此深表谢忱。  相似文献   

贵州瓮安地区上震旦统碳同位素特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
周传明 《地层学杂志》1997,21(2):124-129
贵州瓮安磷矿上震旦统碳同位素组成显示,δ13C值在垂向地层序列中的变化有明显的规律性。陡山沱组底部白云岩δ13C为负值,向上碳同位素值发生显著正飘移,然后,除在陡山沱组中部δ13C值有所下降外,δ13C值基本上保持在+2‰左右,一直持续到灯影组。瓮安地区上震旦统碳同位素剖面表现出与湖北峡东及世界其它地区同期碳同位素剖面极大的相似性,显示它们反映了末元古代海水碳同位素值的长期变化趋势。  相似文献   

松辽盆地庆安地区白垩系泉头组碎屑沉积岩主要由砂岩、泥岩和粉砂岩类组成。通过对白垩系泉头组碎屑沉积岩岩石样品的岩石化学分析表明 :主元素化学分类结果主要为长石砂岩、页岩 ,少量岩屑砂岩和硬砂岩 ;稀土元素分布模式显示其明显富集轻稀土及Eu负异常 ,并与NASC和PAAS稀土分布模式相似 ;碎屑沉积岩与上地壳的微量元素含量比值曲线显示为平坦型 ,这说明沉积岩是在活动性较弱的构造背景下缓慢沉积 ,具有被动大陆边缘和活动大陆边缘沉积物的特点。松辽盆地庆安地区白垩系泉头组碎屑沉积岩物质来源于张广才岭海西期花岗岩 ,后者的物源来自于上地壳。  相似文献   

通过对青海共和—花石峡出露的三叠纪碎屑沉积岩系统的岩石学、地球化学与锆石U-Pb年龄的系统研究,揭示这些碎屑沉积岩主要为岩屑砂岩、长石砂岩,源区岩石是在岛弧构造环境与随后的碰撞过程中被抬升到地表后接受剥蚀的镁铁质及其变质深熔产物、古老基底物质及其深熔产物及花岗岩类。Nd亏损地幔模式年龄平均为1.75Ga,与祁连、柴达木、东昆仑基底平均的Nd亏损地幔模式年龄是一致的,均类似于扬子克拉通,说明它们具有共同的块体构造属性,均从冈瓦纳大陆裂解后拼合到欧亚大陆。碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄存在于400~500Ma、250~300Ma两个主要峰与次要的750~1000Ma新元古代峰,反映了祁连、柴达木、东昆仑古生代与早中生代及新元古代重要的构造岩浆作用期,还测得一些>1000Ma到2700Ma的反映祁连、柴达木、东昆仑基底形成年龄。锆石Hf同位素揭示源区地壳增生主要发生于1.7~2.5Ga、2.8~3.6Ga、1.0~1.7Ga三个年龄范围,大部分锆石可能是古老基底与新元古代增生地壳变质深熔混合产物,而晚古生代—早中生代的锆石含有更多的古生代增生地壳组分。西秦岭与共和盆地的三叠系在物源上并没有沟通,三叠纪时西秦岭相对于祁连、柴达木、东昆仑应处于相对较低的地形条件,但仍阻挡两个沉积盆地的贯通。  相似文献   

沉积盆地成岩作用系统及其时空属性   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14  
含油气盆地的勘探开发对认识沉积成岩作用和储层发育规律提出了很高的要求。然而,迄今为止沉积学家和石油工程师还很难如认识沉积过程及其结构那样认识盆地尺度或宏观尺度上成岩作用的时空分带。为此,本文探讨了成岩作用类型的时空属性和主控因素等理论问题,提出了成岩系统分级(类)的有关准则,试图以此探索成岩作用时空分布与演变研究的新思路。结合中国东、西部有关中-新生代沉积盆地实例分析,阐述了盆地域(尺度)、层序域、亚层序域、层内域等成岩作用系统的客观存在,并对盆地域、层序域成岩作用系统动力学研究的思路和方法作了进一步阐释。在盆地尺度上成岩作用的时空分布主要与盆地大地构造位置及其控制的温压场、物源、剥蚀-搬运气候背景、埋藏历史、水文体制叠置方式密切关联:层序域成岩作用系统的时空分异则主要取决于埋藏深度、层序结构与宏观物理-化学障、沉积体系(配置)、水文体制。研究认为,成岩系统的层次分析是认识不同类型沉积盆地成岩结构的重要基础,而对于确定的盆地类型而言,盆地尺度水文体制与流体-岩石相互作用研究是解析成岩作用时空属性的关键。成岩系统研究目前还面临许多关键问题亟待解决,如成岩系统及其边界奈件的划分;成岩作用系统关键要素及其制约机制的厘定;盆地尺度上精细构造演化和温压历史恢复;盆地流体属性和活动期次的准确鉴别;盆地尺度上成岩作用数值模拟和动力学过程研究。  相似文献   

During the Paleozoic, epochs with the relatively cold climate alternated with epochs marked by significant warming. Moreover, cooling epochs were characterized by the substantial sea level fall, while warming was accompanied by its rapid rise. In many basins located at margins of Laurentia, Baltica, and the North China continental block, such an alternation is reflected in the structure of sedimentary sequences and the lateral/vertical distribution of reservoirs, confining beds, and source rocks. Despite the fact that sediments with high concentrations of sapropelic OM accumulated in different periods, their distribution areas on continents and their margins became highly reduced during cold epochs, when these sediments filled mostly rift troughs and foreland basins. After the colonization of land by higher plant communities in the Carboniferous and Permian sediments deposited during cold epochs, the humic material became an important constituent of OM in the source rock sequences.  相似文献   

The cadmium contents of 11 shales, 11 sandstones, 7 limestones, 14 metamorphic rocks and 28 stream sediments, all from Pennsylvania, were determined by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. On the basis of these cadmium values and those in the literature, cadmium is found to be enriched in dark shales and soils, depleted in red shales, sandstones and limestones, and about the same in stream sediments as in most igneous and metamorphic rocks and the crust. In stream sediments, cadmium correlates most significantly with zinc, followed by carbon, weight loss on ignition, cobalt, readily extractable lead and manganese. Examination of the correlation plots and of an Eh-pH diagram indicates that the primary cause of cadmium enrichment in the sedimentary environment is the adsorption and/or complexation of cadmium with organic matter followed by the accumulation of organic debris in a reducing depositional environment.  相似文献   

Based on the tested data of pressure and vitrinite reflectance of some wells in sedimentary basins, abnormal high pressure is regarded as not the only factor to retard the increase of vitrinite reflectance (R o). Apart from the types of the organic matter, the physical environment (temperature and pressure) and chemical environment (fluid composition and inorganic elements) will result in the abnormal vitrinite reflectance values in the sedimentary basins. This paper tested trace elements and vitrinite reflectance data from the the abnormal high pressure and normal pressure strata profiles, respectively, and found that the acidic and lower salinity starta are favorable for the increase of R o. By discussing the corresponding relationship between the contents of some trace elements in the mudstone and the vitrinite reflectance values, the typical trace elements were found to suppress and/or catalyze the vitrinite reflectance of organic matter, while the elements of Ca, Mn, Sr, B, Ba and P may result in the retardation of R o. However, elements of Fe, Co, Zn, Ni and Rb may catalyze the organic matter maturation. This study is conductive to the organic maturation correction, oil and gas assessment and thermal history reconstruction by the paleothermometry. Translated from Acta Geologica Sinica, 2006, 80(11): 1760–1769 [译自: 地质学报]  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Ikorongo Group, which lies unconformably on the late Archaean Nyanzian Supergroup of the Tanzania Craton, is comprised of conglomerates, quartzites, shales, siltstones, red sandstones with rare flagstones and gritstones and is regionally subdivided into four litho-stratigraphic units namely the Makobo, Kinenge, Sumuji and Masati Formations.We report geochemical data for the mudrocks (i.e., shales and siltstones) from the Ikorongo basin in an attempt to constrain their provenance and source rock weathering. These mudrocks are compositionally similar to PAAS and PS indicating derivation from mixed mafic–felsic sources. However, the siltstones show depletion in the transition elements (Cr, Ni, Cu, Sc and V) and attest to a more felsic protolith than those for PAAS and PS. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA: 52–82) reveal a moderately weathered protolith for the mudrocks. The consistent REE patterns with LREE-enriched and HREE-depleted patterns ((La/Yb)CN = 7.3–38.3) coupled with negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.71 on average), which characteristics are similar to the average PAAS and PS, illustrate cratonic sources that formed by intra-crustal differentiation.Geochemical considerations and palaeocurrent indications suggest that the provenance of the Ikorongo Group include high-Mg basaltic-andesites, dacites, rhyolites and granitoids from the Neoarchaean Musoma-Mara Greenstone Belt to the north of the Ikorongo basin. Mass balance calculations suggest relative contributions of 47%, 42% and 11% from granitoids, high-magnesium basaltic-andesites and dacites, respectively to the detritus that formed the shales. Corresponding contributions to the siltstones detritus are 53%, 43% and 4%.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are the Nd isotopic compositions of the pre-Sinian and Sinian-Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Xiushui area,Jiangxi Province.Significant differences are noticed between them in their Nd isotopic dompositions.As for the pre-Sinian lightly metmorphozed sedimentary rocks,^143Nd/^144Nd=0.512000-0.512214,CNd(T)=-8.04-9.99,and TDM=18332426Ma are suggested for the Sinian-Cambrian sedimentary rocks .These differences would reflect the diversity of material source for the sedimentary rocks deposited before and after the Sinian period.Mantle material ap-pears to have been involved in the formation of the pre-Sinian sedimentary rocks while the post-Sinian sedimentary rocks are composed mainly of recycled detritus from the continental crust.  相似文献   

The distributions of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in modern and ancient limestones of various types were studied. Carbonate samples from modern sediments were collected in the Black and Barents Seas. Ancient carbonates were represented by Upper Jurassic (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian) limestones from the central part of the West Siberian basin. Carbonate samples include remains of modern and Upper Jurassic fauna, carbonate crust from sediments of the Black Sea, carbonate tube from sediments of the Barents Sea, and Upper Jurassic limestone from the carbonate layer found at top of Abalak, bottom of Bazhenov deposits in the central part of the West Siberian basin. According to the results of the isotope analysis and comparison with modern carbonates, Upper Jurassic limestones of the West Siberian basin belong to the group of methane-derived carbonates and precipitated as a result of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). Fractures in limestones are filled with secondary calcite.  相似文献   

This paper presents the establishment of an empirical HC model for estimating rock mass hydraulic conductivity of highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in Taiwan using high-resolution borehole acoustic televiewer and double packer hydraulic tests. Four geological parameters including rock quality designation (RQD), depth index (DI), gouge content designation (GCD), and lithology permeability index (LPI) were adopted for establishing the empirical HC model. To verify rationality of the proposed HC model, 22 in-situ hydraulic tests were carried out to measure the hydraulic conductivity of the highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in three boreholes at two different locations in Taiwan. Besides, the model verification using another borehole data with four additional in-situ hydraulic tests from similar clastic sedimentary rocks was also conducted to further verify the feasibility of the proposed empirical HC model. The field results indicated that the rock mass in the study area has a conductivity between the order of 10− 10 m/s and 10− 6 m/s at the depth between 34 m and 275 m below ground surface. Results demonstrate that the empirical HC model may provide a useful tool to predict hydraulic conductivity of the highly disturbed clastic sedimentary rocks in Taiwan based on measured HC-values.  相似文献   

烃源岩是油气生成的物质基础,白垩系烃源岩以29%的比例居全球各层系之首。通过古地磁与地理信息数据耦合,以及对所有白垩系烃源岩层位数据的统计和对比,恢复了白垩系烃源岩的分布特征,分析了其发育环境。结果表明:(1)白垩系烃源岩主要发育于阿普特阶—土伦阶(占白垩系烃源岩的52 63%)。(2)白垩系烃源岩主要发育于2种构造、沉积环境:陆表海环境(非典型被动陆缘)和裂谷环境。(3)白垩纪早期,烃源岩干酪根以Ⅰ型为主;白垩纪中期,烃源岩干酪根过渡为以Ⅱ型为主,Ⅰ型较少;白垩纪晚期,Ⅲ型干酪根烃源岩迅速增多。(4)白垩纪大陆裂解边缘出现富有机质沉积,上升流促进生物繁盛,高温、干旱的气候使陆表浅海区盐度较高,其还原环境有利于烃源岩的保存。  相似文献   

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