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热带气旋(TC)预报特别是强度预报是当今大气科学研究和业务预报的重点、难点问题,TC环流内部的对流系统对气旋的结构和强度变化有着十分重要的影响。利用FY-2C/2E黑体亮温(TBB)资料和NCEP分析资料,研究了2005-2012年西北太平洋热带气旋外雨带区的对流非对称分布特征,及其与环境风垂直切变和TC移动的关系。分析发现,整层风垂直切变的方向与TBB一波非对称大值区关于方位角的分布有很好的对应关系。在弱整层风垂直切变条件下(< 5 m/s),TC移动引起的非对称摩擦效应会使对流易出现在移动方向的右前象限。在中强整层风垂直切变条件下(>5 m/s),风切变成为影响对流非对称分布的主要因子,TC外螺旋雨带区的对流集中于顺风切方向及其左侧,对流偏离顺切变左侧的程度一方面受到TC内逆时针环流的影响,另一方面与风垂直切变的强度有关:对于发展阶段的TC,当风垂直切变增强时,一波非对称分布更加显著,切变越强,TC强度越大,外雨带区的对流越偏离顺风切左侧;对于消亡阶段的TC,风垂直切变的影响作用并不明显。  相似文献   

环境风速垂直切变对西北太平洋热带气旋强度变化的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2000—2006年中国气象局《热带气旋年鉴》和NCEP再分析日资料,对环境风垂直切变对西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度变化的影响进行统计分析。首先比较了不同高度层之间、不同水平区域平均的全风速垂直切变和纬向风速垂直切变对TC强度变化的影响,结果表明,全风速切变对TC强度变化的抑制作用显著大于纬向风速垂直切变;以200~800 km的圆环区域平均计算的风速垂直切变与TC强度变化的负相关最显著;中高层的风速垂直切变与TC强度变化的相关优于中低层。其次,全风速切变大于8 m/s后抑制TC增强,且这种抑制作用存在6~60 h的滞后。全风速垂直切变大时,滞后时间较短:当全风速切变为8~9 m/s(9~10 m/s)时,TC强度在未来60(48) h开始减弱;当全风速切变大于10 m/s时,TC在6 h内开始减弱。最后,利用偏最小二乘回归建立TC强度变化的预报模型PLS-STIPSV。结果表明,加入风速垂直切变因子后对TC强度预报有所改进,并通过分析标准化回归系数进一步证实了上述的统计结果。   相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋强度与环境气流切变关系的气候分析   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和JTwC(美国关岛联合台风警报中心)资料,对1974~2004年5~10月西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)强度和环境风垂直切变进行了趋势特征、振荡周期和空间结构分析.结果表明:西北太平洋热带风暴强度以上TC的最大风速和环境风垂直切变在时间上有相反的变化趋势,弱的环境风垂直切变有利于TC强度的增大;前12 h的环境风垂直切变对TC强度的发展影响最大.环境风垂直切变在两北太平洋TC最强的年份表现为环境风切变值小,TC发生密集;最弱的年份表现为环境风切变值大,TC发生稀疏.  相似文献   

热带气旋内部非对称积云对流对其移动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈蓉  谭锐志  林元弼 《大气科学》1996,20(2):195-201
在一个简单的两层板对称CISK模式中,我们考虑了热带气旋内部非对称积云对流的作用,并由此推导出热带气旋移动的动力学速度公式。利用SPECTRUM-90这套热带气旋试验资料,本文着重分析了热带气旋内部非对称积云对流对其运动的影响,以探索热带气旋移动与引导气流偏差的可能机理。计算结果表明,考虑积云对流非对称作用产生的动力学速度确能明显改善热带气旋的路径预报效果,尤其对于一些疑难路径,这种改善作用更突出。因此,CISK理论不仅是热带气旋发展和维持的重要机制,而且对热带气旋移动的影响也不可忽视。  相似文献   

应用中国《台风年鉴》资料、欧洲中心40年月平均再分析资料和NOAA的逐月海温资料,研究了西北太平洋(5°—30°N,110°E—180°)风速垂直切变异常对热带气旋(TC)活动年际变化的影响。研究发现,西北太平洋所有TC、风暴以上级别的TC(TSTY,即达到热带风暴级别及以上的所有TC)和所有台风(WTY,包括台风、强台风和超强台风)年频数与西北太平洋风速垂直切变都显著负相关。西北太平洋风速垂直切变大小对生成源地在南海(5°—30°N,110°—120°E)TC和西北太平洋西部海域(5°—30°N,120°—150°E)TC的影响较小,而对西北太平洋东部海域(5°—30°N,150°E—180°)生成的TC影响最大:即西北太平洋风速垂直切变负异常年,有利于西北太平洋东部海域TC生成发展,使得负异常年较正异常年TC频数偏多和源地平均位置偏东;并且风速垂直切变的变化对TC频数和生成源地影响的显著性,随着TC强度的增加而增加。对TSTY生成环境场的进一步分析表明,西北太平洋风速垂直切变偏小年,季风槽偏强位置偏东,它的东端位于宽阔的太平洋洋面,与弱风速垂直切变区相配合,暖的海温加上低层强烈的正涡度和强烈辐合,且相应的高层有强的气流辐散区,这些环境场都有利于TSTY在主要源地尤其是西北太平洋东部海域生成,这是风速垂直切变偏小年TSTY偏多和生成源地偏东的重要原因。  相似文献   

利用1980-2009年美国联合台风警报中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center,JTWC)整编的热带气旋(tropical cyclone,TC)最佳路径资料,定义西北太平洋TC 24 h强度变化达到总体样本96%累积概率的变化值,即35 kn作为TC快速增强的阈值。根据NCEP/NCAR资料将200~850 hPa之间 TC所处的环境纬向风切变(wind shear,WS)划分为东风切变(east wind shear,EWS)和西风切变(west wind shear,WWS)。对比了EWS和WWS环境下快速增强热带气旋(rapid intensification tropical cyclones,RITC)的统计和大尺度环境合成场特征,结果表明,近70%的TC快速增强发生在东风切变环境下。TC快速增强概率最高的月份在9月,初始强度区间为[65,75) kn。大的EWS下,850 hPa有来自南海地区的西南气流为RITC输送充沛水汽,500 hPa、200 hPa高压势力强但脊线位置偏北,RITC流出层温度低于-79 ℃,垂直结构上底层的辐合与高层的辐散也相对较强。大WWS下,850 hPa的水汽主要为来自西北太平洋的东南气流,500 hPa副热带高压断裂为几个分散的中心,200 hPa辐散相对较弱,RITC合成位置位于副热带高压西北侧的西风气流,流出层温度约-76 ℃。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋强度变化的若干特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
使用NOAA海表温度资料、ECMWF再分析资料和JTWC台风最佳路径数据,对1984—2013年30年西北太平洋热带区域(100 °E~180 °,0~60 °N)内热带气旋(TC)的强度变化特征及其与环境风垂直切变(VWS)、海表温度(SST)、最大风速半径(RMW)的关系作了统计分析,尤其关注TC强度突变。结果表明:(1)在研究区域内,TC样本中35.2%强度稳定,52.8%强度变化缓慢,仅12.0%强度突变,约92.7%的迅速加强TC样本发生在其台风及以上强度等级;(2)2000年以来,TC强度稳定样本减少,强度迅速变化样本增多。5月和9—10月是TC强度突变的高频期;(3)超过12 m/s的环境VWS下TC迅速加强较少,且只有台风及以上强度TC才能在大于12 m/s的VWS下迅速加强;(4)TC加强和迅速加强主要在28.5~30.0 ℃的SST洋面上发生,在较低SST下仍迅速加强的TC强度等级较高;(5)TC样本的RMW多小于100 km,其中强度突变TC RMW峰值区在20~40 km;(6)加强TC的RMW的24 h变化一般减小,减弱TC的RMW则增大;其中强度突变TC尤其明显,超强台风发生迅速加强时,RMW减小的比率达84.6%,但仍有15.4%比率的RMW增大。  相似文献   

西北太平洋热带气旋潜在生成指数的改进   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
热带气旋潜在生成指数(GPI,Genesis Potential Index)是热带气旋生成可能性大小的空间分布函数,利用大尺度环境场可以应用于热带气旋活动的季节预报,并且可以评估全球气候变化对热带气旋活动的影响。但是目前的GPI基本都是针对全球热带气旋活动构建的,没有考虑到热带气旋不同活动地区及其内部的差异。本研究考虑到南海和西北太平洋热带气旋生成的不同特点,分别构建了适用于南海(5~25°N,100~120°E)和西北太平洋(5~40°N,120~180°E)的热带气旋GPI。改进后的GPI对南海和西北太平洋区域热带气旋生成具有较好的模拟能力,不仅能很好地模拟南海和西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数空间分布的气候特征(相似系数为0.67),而且能够较好地模拟热带气旋生成在年际时间尺度上的空间分布特征。  相似文献   

环境风垂直切变与个例TC整个生命史中强度的关系   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
选取2006年3个典型的TC个例(碧利斯、珍珠和桑美),分别作为强热带风暴、强台风和超强台风的代表,分析在TC整个生命史中环境风垂直切变与其强度变化的关系。结果表明:在典型个例TC中,弱的环境风垂直切变有利于TC的发展;强的环境风垂直切变阻碍TC的发展;并且环境风垂直切变对TC强度的影响存在着一定的时间滞后。  相似文献   

王佳琪  李英 《大气科学》2019,43(6):1329-1343
利用中国气象局上海台风研究所(CMA/STI)整编的热带气旋最佳路径资料、美国飓风联合警报中心(JTWC)最佳路径资料、美国国家海洋与大气管理局(NOAA)的全球多平台热带气旋风场资料(MTCSWA)和CMORPH降水资料、日本卫星云顶黑体辐射温度(TBB)资料等,分析1987~2016年30年间西北太平洋228个变性热带气旋(ETTC)的活动规律、风与降水分布及其演变特征。结果表明:(1)ETTC年均7.6个,除1~2月,各月均有分布,峰值在9月。约90.4%的ETTC变性位置在30°N以北,仅约9.6%在30°N以南较低纬度,且多发生于春夏和秋冬交替季节。(2)TC(热带气旋)变性通常发生在其转向后,半数以上移速加快,大多数中心气压升高或维持,仅10.5%降低。(3)变性过程中ETTC近中心最大风速减小,最大风速半径增大,内核趋于松散。其34节风圈半径北侧明显大于南侧,风场结构非对称性增强。(4)ETTC强风和强降水呈显著非对称性分布,其强风区主要出现在ETTC中心东侧,即路径右后方;强降水区主要出现在北侧,且变性后在东北象限向外扩张。(5)较强的环境水平风垂直切变(VWS)是影响ETTC风及降水分布的重要因子。强降水主要出现在顺风切方向及其左侧,强风(去除TC移速时)出现在切变左侧。  相似文献   

为了进一步了解热带气旋(TC)尺度变化与其结构的相关关系,本文基于多平台热带气旋表面风场资料,通过相关分析得出西北太平洋上TC的24 h尺度变化率(SCR)与其尺度,强度以及强度变化率(ICR)的相关系数分别为-0.43,-0.12,0.25.其中SCR-ICR的相关关系主要受不同发展阶段的影响,在TC均达到/均未达到...  相似文献   

Effects of vertical wind shear on convective development during the landfall of tropical storm Bilis (2006) are investigated with a pair of sensitivity experiments using a two-dimensional cloud-resolving model. The validated simulation data from Wang et al. [Wang, D., Li, X., Tao, W.-K., Liu, Y., Zhou, H., 2009: Torrential rainfall processes associated with a landfall of severe tropical storm Bilis (2006): A two-dimensional cloud-resolving modeling study. Atmos. Res., 91, 94–104.] are used as the control experiment. The difference between the control and sensitivity experiments is that vertically varying zonal winds in the control experiment are replaced by their mass-weighted means in the sensitivity experiment. The imposed vertical velocity with ascending motion in the upper troposphere and descending motion in the lower troposphere is responsible for dominant stratiform rainfall on 15 July. The vertical wind shear does not have important impacts on development of stratiform rainfall. One day later, imposed upward motion extends to the lower troposphere. The inclusion of negative vertical wind shear produces well-organized convection and strong convective rainfall because it causes kinetic energy transfer from large-scale forcing to perturbation circulations.  相似文献   

台风作为一种灾害性天气,其破坏性大小与自身强度有很大的关系.因此,本项研究利用NCEP-NCAR和MERRA再分析数据,考查了北大西洋,西北太平洋,东北太平洋台风强度峰值与对流层温度的关系.台风强度峰值与大气温度的相关系数,以及极大和极小台风强度峰值下大气温度的差值,共同显示:北大西洋台风强度峰值受到对流层顶低温和对流...  相似文献   

Summary A series of numerical experiments on an f plane are conducted using the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model, version 3 (MM5) to investigate how environmental vertical wind shear affects the motion, structure, and intensity of a tropical cyclone. The results show that a tropical cyclone has a motion component perpendicular to the vertical shear vector, first to the right of the shear and then to the left. An initially axisymmetric, upright tropical cyclone vortex develops a downshear tilt and wavenumber-one asymmetry when embedded in environmental vertical wind shear. In both small-moderate shears, a storm weakens slightly compared to that in a quiescent environment. The circulation centers between 300 hPa and the surface varies from 20 km to over 80 km. The secondary circulation becomes quite asymmetric about the surface cyclone center. As a result, convection on the upshear-right quadrant diminishes, limiting the upward heat transport in the eyewall and thus lowering the warm core and leading to a weakening of the storm. In strong vertical shear (above 12 m s−1), the vertical tilt exceeds 160 km in 48 h of simulation and the secondary circulation on the upshear side is completely destroyed with low-level outflow. The axisymmetric component of eyewall convection weakens remarkably and becomes much less penetrative. As a result, the warm core becomes weak and appears at lower levels and the storm weakens rapidly accordingly. This up-down weakening mechanism discussed in this study is different from those previously discussed. It emphasizes the penetrative role of eyewall convection in transporting heat from the ocean to the mid-upper troposphere, maintaining the warm core structure of the tropical cyclone. The vertical shear is found negative to eyewall penetrative convection.  相似文献   

Tropical Cyclone (TC) tracks over the western North Pacific (WNP) during 1949–2007, obtained from China Meteorological Administration/Shanghai Typhoon institute, are classified into three track types. These types are the main pathways by which TCs influence the coast of East Asia. The relationships between local sea surface temperature (SST) in WNP and TC tracks are revealed. Results show that the local SST plays an important role in TC tracks, though the relationships between local SST and the frequencies ...  相似文献   

Using the daily average of the NCEP/DOE AMIP-II reanalysis data from 1979 to 2005 and the characteristics of monsoon troughs in the western North Pacific,we established an intensity index and a location index to describe the activity of the monsoon troughs in three different regions and their impacts on tropical cyclones generated therein(MTTCs).The behavior of the monsoon troughs was analyzed.The following conclusions are obtained:(1)The established monsoon trough intensity index has a positive correlation to the location index,indicating that stronger monsoon trough intensity corresponds to more northward location.(2)Monsoon trough intensity exhibits significant interannual variation,with obvious periods of 4–5 years prior to 1994 and 2–3 years afterwards.(3)The affecting factors on monsoon trough intensity are different with areas.The preceding SST anomaly results in anomalous atmospheric circulation, leading to the anomaly of monsoon trough intensity in different areas.(4)The frequency of cyclogenesis and location anomalies of the MTTC are closely related to the intensity and location of the monsoon trough. Most of the anomalously less MTTC years coincide with the years with a weak general monsoon trough and weak regional monsoon troughs.The anomalously more MTTC years are associated with both a strong general monsoon trough and a weak general monsoon trough combined with a strong one over the South China Sea,though with a larger probability for the latter.(5)The interseasonal variation of the intensity of monsoon troughs provides favorable conditions for TC generation and development.The monsoon trough is in the active periods of both quasi-biweekly 10 to 20 day and 30 to 60 day oscillations,which is favorable for MTTC occurrence.  相似文献   

On the basis of observations and results from the combination of a statistical formation model and a trajectory model, the inter-decadal shift of prevailing TC tracks in the western North Pacific (WNP) are examined. The contributions of the changes in large-scale steering flows and tropical cyclone (TC) formation locations to the observed inter-decadal shift are investigated and their relative importance is determined. This study focuses on two periods, 1965–1986 (ID1) and 1987–2010 (ID2), which are determined based on the abrupt change of the annual category 4 and 5 TC frequency derived from the Bayesian change-point detection analysis. It is found that the models can well simulate the primary features of prevailing TC tracks on the inter-decadal timescale. From ID1 to ID2, a significant decrease in the frequency of TC occurrences is observed over the central South China Sea and well simulated by the models. Areas with a remarkable increase in the TC frequency, which extends from the Philippine Sea to the eastern coast of China and in the west of the WNP basin, are also reasonably simulated. Above changes in the prevailing TC tracks are attributed to (1) intensified cyclonic circulation centered over the western part of China and (2) more westward-southward expansion and intensification of the subtropical high over the WNP. Further analysis reveals that the inter-decadal shift in prevailing TC tracks is mainly resulted from the combined effects of changes in large-scale steering flows and TC formation locations. Although both contribute to the inter-decadal shift in the prevailing TC tracks, changes in large-scale steering flows play a more important role compared to changes in TC formation locations.  相似文献   

The paper examines different impacts of eastern Pacific warm/cold (EPW/EPC) and central Pacific warm/cold (CPW/CPC) events on tropical cyclones (TCs) in the western North Pacific (WNP) by considering the early season of April–June (AMJ), the peak season of July–September (JAS) and the late season of October–December (OND). During AMJ, EPW (EPC) is associated with a significant increase of the TC genesis number in the southeastern (southwestern) sub-region of the WNP, but no class of El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events shows a significant change in the TC lifetime and intensity. During JAS, EPW corresponds to an increase (decrease) of the TC genesis number in the southeastern (northwestern) sub-region, but CPW shows no significant change. EPC increases the TC genesis in the northwestern and northeastern sub-regions and decreases the genesis in the southwestern sub-region, whereas CPC suppresses the genesis in the southeastern sub-region. Both the lifetime and intensity of TCs are increased in EPW, but only a shortened lifetime is seen for CPC. During OND, EPW reduces the TC genesis in the southwestern and northwestern sub-regions, whereas CPW enhances the genesis in the southeastern sub-region. Over the South China Sea, CPW and CPC show a significant decrease and increase of the TC genesis, respectively. The TC lifetime is significantly longer in both EPW and CPW and shorter in EPC, and TCs tend to be more (less) intense in EPW (CPC). All of these variations are consistent with the development of ENSO-related SST anomalies during different seasons and are supported by distributions of the genesis potential index—a combination of large-scale oceanic and atmospheric factors that affect TC activity. TCs in the WNP mainly take the straight westward, northwestward and recurving tracks. During AMJ of EPW years, the TC steering flow patterns favor the recurving track and suppress the straight westward and northwestward tracks. During JAS, EPW is associated with the steering flows that are unfavorable for TCs to move northwestward or westward, whereas CPW favors the northwestward track and suppresses the straight westward track. The steering flow patterns during OND are similar to those during JAS, except that EPC may increase the possibility of the northwestward track.  相似文献   

The present paper uses an atmospheric general circulation model to explore large-scale atmospheric response to various El Niño-Southern Oscillation events associated with tropical cyclone (TC) activity in the western North Pacific. The simulated response is basically consistent with and confirms the observed results. For eastern Pacific warm (EPW) event, anomalously wet ascent occurs over the tropical central/eastern Pacific and dry descent is over the western Pacific. This Walker circulation is associated with anomalous low-level convergence, reduced vertical wind shear (VWS), and enhanced genesis potential index (GPI) in the southeast sub-region. These are consistent with the observed increase of the TC formation in the southeast sub-region but decrease in the northwest sub-region during July–September (JAS) and the increase in the southwest and northwest sub-regions during October–December (OND). In addition, the strong westerly anomalies of the TC steering flow prevail in the East Asian coast, suppressing the TC northwestward or westward tracks. For eastern Pacific cold (EPC) event, all of the simulated variables show almost a mirror image of EPW. For central Pacific warm event, the anomalous Walker circulation shifts westward because of the westward shift of the maximum SST anomaly forcing. The anomalous subsidence associated with the western branch of the Walker circulation during OND shifts northward to the South China Seas, resulting in a decrease of the TC genesis there. The TC steering flow patterns during JAS are favorable for TCs to make landfall over Japan and Korea. Compared with EPC, the descending motion in the central/eastern Pacific is much stronger for central Pacific cold (CPC) event, accompanied by more enhanced VWS and reduced GPI in the southeast sub-region. Therefore, CPC provides a more adverse environment to the TC formation there during JAS and OND, consistent with the observed decrease of TC formation there. Moreover, the easterly anomalies of the TC steering flow dominate the tropics during JAS, enhancing TC activity in the east coast of China. Additionally, the convection over the western Pacific moves to the South China Sea during OND, favoring the TC genesis there.  相似文献   

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