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非均匀流中立管涡激振动模型预测分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中分析了非均匀流中,张紧式海洋立管的涡激振动,采用新的加速度耦合尾流振子模型作为预测细长海洋工程柔性结构的计算工具,将预测结果中的横向位移包络线及最大幅值与实验观测值、shear7软件计算值进行了对比,可以发现模型的计算结果与实验观测结果吻合得很好.  相似文献   

基于挪威海洋技术研究所 (MARINTEK) 和挪威科技大学 (NTNU) 共同研发的VIVANA模型,编制了一个基于频率响应法的海底悬跨管道涡激振动预报程序,其计算结果与VIVANA符合得较好.应用所编制的程序分析在不同流速条件下海底悬跨管道的涡激振动响应及响应频率的特征,对不同悬跨长度、不同截面特征、具有简单边界的海底悬跨管道涡激振动响应和响应频率进行了计算,给出位移和应力沿管跨的分布及响应频率的变化规律.  相似文献   

建立一种新的预报并列双圆柱涡激振动响应的经验性模型,根据特定间距比条件下旋涡脱落频率出现分支的现象,提出以两个具有不同固有频率的尾流振子来共同描述结构的近壁尾涡动力特性,同时两个振子均满足van der Pol方程,进而得到结构振子和流体振子的耦合方程组。使用该模型分别对中高质量比和低质量比的并列圆柱涡激振动问题进行数值计算,结果表明,结构的位移响应和最大振动幅值等变化规律与实验结果趋势一致,数值基本吻合。  相似文献   

预测圆柱涡激振动的尾流振子模型中,通常采用线性的耦合模型,例如位移或者速度、加速度耦合来表征结构对尾流的作用。三种线性模型在预测圆柱锁频阶段的动力特性时存在差异,而且适用范围也受质量比的限制。提出了考虑结构与尾流动力非线性耦合的模型,该模型基于加速度耦合并结合速度耦合进行修正,适用范围不受质量比的影响;与实验结果的对比表明该模型可以更合理地给出锁频区域以及结构位移响应和尾流升力。最后,利用新模型讨论了质量比对锁频阶段结构振动幅值、尾流升力及频率比的影响;结果表明,随着质量比的增大,结构锁频区域变窄,结构振幅和尾流升力幅值减小。  相似文献   

以海底细长柔性管跨结构为研究对象,分析了当管外流体流经管道时产生涡激振动的动力学特性及其相关影响参数。为了考察海底管跨的振动响应,将尾流振子模型与管跨的振动方程相结合,得到了流固耦合系统的振动响应分别由两个变量为管跨位移和尾流举升力的偏微分方程描述。使用van der Pol非线性振子模拟作用在管跨上的振动尾流,通过实例的计算与分析,确定几个重要参数对管跨振动响应的影响程度。  相似文献   

悬跨海底电缆作为细长柔性结构,在静力平衡状态下具有一定的垂度,在水流作用下的涡激振动特性与海底管线和海洋立管等结构也有很大的不同,其振动模态受垂跨比影响很大。通过物理模型试验开展了不同垂跨比下悬跨海缆的涡激振动和疲劳损伤特性研究。试验模型按照水弹性相似准则设计,试验中测量了不同流速下海缆模型产生涡激振动时的应变历时数据,采用模态分析法获得了模型涡激振动时的振动模态和振幅。分析了不同流速下海缆模型的振动模态、应变和疲劳损伤的变化和分布特征。试验结果表明:垂跨比显著影响了海缆的涡激振动模态和应变幅值大小。在本试验流速范围内,对一定长度的悬跨海缆模型,当垂跨比较大时,随着流速的增大,模型涡激振动的主响应振动依次出现反对称1阶和对称1阶模态;当垂跨比较小时,模型涡激振动的主响应模态依次出现反对称1阶和对称2阶模态。当涡激振动主响应模态为反对称1阶时,疲劳损伤最大值达到0. 1~0.7。  相似文献   

海底管道悬跨管段在波流联合作用下非常容易发生疲劳破坏.文中通过多项Galerkin方法对海底管跨的涡激振动方程进行求解,获得管跨系统的时域非线性动力响应,分析疲劳裂纹扩展模型MeEvily模型中各个参数对管道疲劳寿命的影响,在此基础上提出管道疲劳寿命预报方法.  相似文献   

基于柔性杆理论和尾流振子模型计算陡波形立管的涡激振动响应;综合使用S-N曲线法、雨流计数法、Palmgren-Miner线性累积疲劳理论对立管涡激振动导致的疲劳损伤进行计算分析.并以MATLAB为平台编写相应计算程序,将本文计算得到的静力分析结果、固有频率和疲劳损伤分别与专业海工计算软件O rcaFlex和已发表文献进...  相似文献   

采用流固耦合分析方法,对某海洋石油开采项目采用的子母管结构进行涡激振动特性研究,并与相同海缆在自由悬跨状态下振动特性进行比较。数值仿真结果显示,受母管影响,子母管中海缆由于涡街效应产生的升力振幅随时间变化不一致,而单根海缆升力幅值稳定;子母管中海缆产生的拖曳力高出单根海缆65%,振动幅值加大,并且沿整根海缆尾流中湍动能分布呈现随机性,导致水动力沿整根海缆分布不均匀。提取海缆升力与垂直水流方向振幅进行比较,发现涡激升力是导致垂直方向振动的主要原因。子母管中海缆在水流阻力和涡激升力共同作用下产生较大的位移和应变,应进一步调整夹具间距和剩余张力来减缓海缆疲劳损伤。  相似文献   

圆柱涡激振动研究进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
圆柱涡激振动广泛存在于机械工程、海洋工程等诸多领域,研究者们取得了许多研究成果,而系统综述圆柱涡激振动的论文距今已近10 a,因此,有必要对近10 a的研究进展进行系统分析。文中系统地总结了近10 a圆柱涡激振动研究成果,阐述了圆柱涡激振动的尾流模态和其对应的响应分支之间的因果关系,分析了影响圆柱涡激振动的关键因素(如质量比、阻尼比和雷诺数)对涡激振动响应的影响,介绍了圆柱涡激振动最大响应振幅的曲线拟合公式及其局限性,最后对圆柱涡激振动的研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

An experimental facility has been designed to study the transverse response of the vortex-induced vibration of a fully submerged horizontal cylinder under the influence of vertical harmonic oscillating motion. The study aims to analyze the vortex self-induced vibration (VSIV) phenomenon which occurs on steel catenary risers (SCR) connected to floating platforms in the deep offshore. These vibrations occur in the absence of a current due to the self-motion of the body caused by a source afar. The experiments were conducted in a tank at the LOC/COPPE/UFRJ (Laboratory of Waves and Current of COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). The amplitude and frequency of transverse motion are calculated for various Keulegan-Carpenter numbers and reduced velocities. Thanks to both the use of recent instrumentation and very low damping pneumatic bearing, the paper complements the pioneering work by Sumer and Fredsoe (1988) by exhibiting for the first time the trajectories of the VSIV motion. These are classified based on their different configurations such as oval-shape, eight-shape, etc. The Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tests are used to study the behavior of the flow around the cylinder during different trajectories of VSIV motion.  相似文献   

相干声纳条带测深系统采用船舷安装时,连接系统水下单元的钢管在水流作用下可能发生共振和频率锁定而剧烈振动,其下端的以换能器为主的系统水下单元也会随之摆动,使数据质量和测量精度受到影响。笔者通过分析在实际工作中遇到的问题发现:连接系统水下单元的钢管越长,钢管越容易在低流速条件下发生共振现象;换能器剧烈摆动会造成大量噪音信号;换能器摆动幅度较大时系统的安装校准会失效。本文通过解析计算得出了在现场操作中不同悬挂长度的钢管发生频率锁定时的控制流速以及换能器最大摆动幅度,认为实际工作中换能器距固定点在1.0m以内是可靠的,并对现场操作中如何减弱和避免涡激振动对系统精度的影响提出建议。  相似文献   

Numerical study about vortex-induced vibration(VIV) related to a flexible riser model in consideration of internal flow progressing inside has been performed.The main objective of this work is to investigate the coupled fluid-structure interaction(FSI) taking place between tensioned riser model,external shear current and upward-progressing internal flow(from ocean bottom to surface).A CAE technology behind the current research which combines structural software with the CFD technology has been proposed.According to the result from dynamic analysis,it has been found that the existence of upward-progressing internal flow does play an important role in determining the vibration mode(/dominant frequency),vibration intensity and the magnitude of instantaneous vibration amplitude,when the velocity ratio of internal flow against external current is relatively high.As a rule,the larger the velocity of internal flow is,the more it contributes to the dynamic vibration response of the flexible riser model.In addition,multi-modal vibration phenomenon has been widely observed,for asymmetric curvature along the riser span emerges in the case of external shear current being imposed.  相似文献   

The streamwise flow-induced vibration of a circular cylinder with symmetric vortex shedding in the first instability range is investigated, and a wake oscillator model for the dynamic response prediction is proposed. An approach is applied to calibrate the empirical parameters in the present model; the numerical and experimental results are compared to validate the proposed model. It can be found that the present prediction model is accurate and sufficiently simple to be easily applied in practice.  相似文献   

Small-scale heterogeneities like crossbedding hamper fluid flow and cause oil to be capillary trapped at the intersections of coarser to finer lamina. These effects are fairly well established, but less well established is the method to construct an adequate flow cell model containing critical hydraulic properties like bed-shape and -size, lamina-shape, -angle and boundaries. Nor is it trivial how to obtain those features from well and core. We therefore propose to systematically describe geometry and distribution of beds. To this end we make use of standard flow cell models that a priori contain all elements and boundaries of beds for a number of bedding types.  相似文献   

潮汐河口断面悬沙通量组分模式及其在长江口的应用   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
断面泥沙通量估算的误差主要来源于计算方法、测点布局等,通量模式应该建立在通量估算统计误差最小的原则基础之上.在断面网格设计中采用统计误差最小的等面积单元网格,在泥沙通量估算中采用泥沙组分浓度,在流速变量插值上垂向采用对数函数插值,横向采用第一边界三次方样条函数插值.这样建立的潮汐河口悬沙断面通量组分模式较以往的任何模式更完善,断面通量估算的误差最小.将该模式应用于长江河口南港断面悬沙通量估算及其输移机制分析,断面泥沙通量表现为大潮期大进大出、大出大于大进;小潮期小进小出、小出大于小进;主要输移机制是拉格朗日输移和潮泵.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of spit growth and barrier elongation adjacent to an inlet (of arbitrary width), supplied by sediment coming from longshore sediment transport, was developed based on the spit growth model proposed by Kraus (1999). The fundamental governing equation is the conservation equation for sand, where the width of the spit is assumed constant during growth. The portion of the longshore sediment transport feeding the spit has been estimated based on the ratio between the depth of the inlet channel and the depth of active longshore transport. Sediment transport from the channel due to the inlet flow, as well as other sinks of sand (e.g., dredging), are taken into account. Measured data on spit elongation at Fire Island Inlet, United States, and at Badreveln Spit, Sweden, were used to validate the model. The simulated results agree well with the measured data at both study sites, where spit growth at Fire Island was restricted by the inlet flow and the growth at Badreveln Spit was unrestricted. The model calculation for Fire Island Inlet indicates that the dredging to maintain channel navigation is the major reason for the stable period observed from 1954 to 1994 at the Fire Island barrier. The average annual net longshore transport rate at the eastern side of the Fire Island inlet obtained in this study was about 220,000 m3/yr, of which approximately 165,000 m3/yr (75% of the net longshore transport) is deposited in the inlet feeding the spit growth, whereas the remaining portion (25%) is bypassed downdrift through the ebb shoal complex.  相似文献   

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