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利用雷电监测预警网、多普勒雷达、区域自动站降水同步资料,对2009年7月6日发生在秦皇岛市的一次大面积致灾雷电、暴雨天气,进行了详细分析.结果表明:本次致灾雷电过程以负地闪为主,闪电出现频率最大为712次/h.闪电放电轨迹分布特征呈西北—东南分布,由北向南移动,闪电出现频率最大时,每小时降水量超过100 mm,闪电发生...  相似文献   

冰雹过程中闪电演变和雷达回波特征的综合分析   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
应用闪电定位网的资料和多普勒雷达资料,分析西北地区的降雹过程,详细讨论了2004年5月15日发生在兰州皋兰的一次降雹雷雨云的闪电演变、雷达回波特征和云特定参数之间的相互关系,对此雷雨云的闪电机制和电结构进行了分析推断。在皋兰产生降雹的个例分析表明,云中液态水含量是否出现高值区,是识别降雹开始的重要因子。在雷雨云移动路径上,总闪和云闪为线状分布,地闪集中分布在降雹区,云闪最多,地闪中绝大多数为负闪。综合计算降雹时段云参数分析表明,云中降水率和含水量对产生闪电相对敏感,推断这次雷雨云的电结构可能属于上正下负的偶极子型。  相似文献   

利用多普勒雷达资料、三维闪电监测网资料和MICAPS常规观测资料,对2017年4月5日发生在贵州中部一次多单体冰雹天气过程雷达回波演变与闪电特征进行了综合分析,结果表明:(1)在高空槽和低空切变线配合的有利天气背景下,对流单体相继在贵州西部生成并向东移动发展,造成下游大范围冰雹灾害。(2)冰雹云单体移动发展过程中表现不同的增长特性,偏北路径冰雹云单体属于"跃增型"增长,偏南路径冰雹云单体属于"递增型"增长。"递增型"雹云单体具有较长的孕育时间,其产生的冰雹直径及密度高于"跃增型"冰雹云单体。(3)地闪频次5 min变化在降雹之前出现"跃增"现象并伴随地闪峰值,地闪频次峰值时间提前于降雹时间平均为7.3 min。"跃增型"冰雹云单体与"递增型"冰雹云单体平均正闪比和负闪比相当,但"跃增型"冰雹云单体云闪比率(Z)远高于"递增型"单体,在闪电发生空间分布上没有差异性,均沿脉冲单体移动方向呈带状分布。(4)闪电发生空间分布与雹云回波移动位置基本一致,闪电逐时分布标识出冰雹云的发展移动方向,对冰雹云移动发展具有指示作用。  相似文献   

北京地区雷暴的雷达回波特征与闪电活动的相关关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
石玉恒  张义军  郑栋  孟青  姚雯  刘恒毅 《气象》2012,38(1):66-71
基于雷达资料以及SFAIR 3000闪电定位资料分析了北京地区14次雷暴过程,研究了闪电活动与雷暴的雷达回波反射率体积的相关性。结果表明:反射率体积与总闪频次有着较好的相关性,其中-15℃层以上超过30 dBz的反射率体积与总闪频次的相关系数为0.89,其指数拟合优度为0.83。北京地区雷暴的单个闪电表征回波体积(VPF)在闪电活动开始时期有较高的水平,但在闪电活动结束时期较小。VPF还可作为闪电活动消亡的指示因子。  相似文献   

雷达、闪电资料在典型雷暴单体中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用闪电定位资料和雷达回波资料进行分析,即从雷达产品的4个参数与地闪频数的关系进行相关分析,分析结果表明:(1)反射率因子的回波面积大小和强回波中心的移动与闪电发生的时间、地点有很好的一致性。(2)闪电发生前最大回波顶高有明显的增大,闪电发生的位置和最大回波顶高的位置有很好的对应关系。(3)地闪频数的变化与VIL(垂直累积液态含水量)最大值的变化并不完全对应,但VIL最大值下降到25 kg/m2以下时,可以考虑作为雷暴消散的一个因子。VIL大值区的移动以及VIL大值区面积的变化与地闪频数的整体变化是一致的。(4)雷达VWP产品的无数据区破坏的时间提前于闪电的发生和地闪频数的增长,其恢复滞后于闪电消失。  相似文献   

ENSO期间海洋性大陆典型地区闪电活动特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
林锦冰  马明  傅云飞 《气象学报》2013,71(1):109-120
利用星载闪电探测器(光学瞬变探测器(OTD)和闪电成像传感器(LIS))的观测资料,配合其他气象资料,对厄尔尼诺期间(1998年春季)和拉尼娜期间(1999年春季)海洋性大陆典型地区(11.25°S—3.75°N,96.25°—128.75°E)的闪电活动变化特征进行研究,分析了雷暴单体数目以及雷暴单体闪电率对闪电活动变化的影响,并通过对比厄尔尼诺年春季和拉尼娜年春季的大气环流形势、相对湿度、最大对流有效位能、对流风暴高度等气象要素,讨论闪电活动变化的原因。结果表明:(1)从ENSO期间雷暴单体密度和闪电密度的空间分布变化特征来看,厄尔尼诺年春季的闪电活动及雷暴活动均比拉尼娜年春季的多,并且,从闪电数目和雷暴单体数目的纬向平均、经向平均的年际变化可以发现在厄尔尼诺年春季闪电活动、雷暴活动有东伸南移的趋势。(2)在海洋性大陆典型地区,雷暴单体数目的变化是闪电数目变化的主要因子,而雷暴单体闪电率的变化是闪电数目变化的次要因子。(3)与1999年春季相比,1998年春季的副热带高压范围大、强度大;地面相对湿度大,高空相对湿度小,上下层湿度差异大,有利于对流发展;对流风暴高度较高,冰相粒子层厚度也较深厚,对流发展旺盛;最大对流有效位能大于300 J/kg的天数的空间分布极大值区域正好与闪电密度、雷暴单体密度的大值区域对应,雷电活动与对流有效位能值密切相关。  相似文献   

根据2007年8月13日汕头强雷暴天气的雷达资料和闪电定位资料,利用统计和对比分析的方法,分析闪电活动与雷达回波之间存在的关系。结果表明:强回波面积与闪电次数具有显著相关关系,闪电活动相对于强回波面积的变化有10 min的提前量;闪电发生的位置变化与强回波的移动密切相关,而速度回波更清晰地反映和预示雷达回波的移动趋势。基本速度图中的辐合区也是闪电活动频繁的区域,雷暴发生前40 min,风廓线图中出现断裂的双干区,随后该双干区自上而下迅速遭到破坏。双干区的出现和破坏是雷暴天气产生的先兆特征。  相似文献   

利用雷达、地闪定位系统、电场观测等资料,结合天气观测记录,分析了北京及周边地区一次强降水天气过程的雷暴及闪电活动特征.结果表明:当日在分析区域内主要两种不同类型的雷暴天气,其中北京西北山区的雷暴多是局地的强对流引起,并产生了大量的地闪,而西南平原地区的雷暴多是系统雷暴,产生的地闪较少.北京城区的雷暴过程是由市区附近发展...  相似文献   

利用粤港澳闪电定位系统、广州多普勒天气雷达和自动气象站等资料,分析了2017年6月2日发生在广州市中北部的一次强雷暴天气过程的地闪变化特征及闪电与雷达回波特征的关系.(1)本次强雷暴天气是华南一起典型的以西南急流和切变线为环流背景的强对流天气过程.在整个雷暴生命史中以负地闪为主,占69.3%;正闪在雷暴发展的初始和结束...  相似文献   

一次单体雷暴的地面电场演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
付伟基 《贵州气象》2006,30(6):13-16
该文利用地面电场资料、多普勒雷达、卫星观测以及常规天气资料,揭示单体雷暴对流系统的电场演变特征。通过对雷暴单体地面电场曲线演变特征的分析研究,结果表明这次单体雷暴的电荷分布为三极性结构,一般为上正下负,云底附近有一小正电荷区,为电场资料在单体雷暴天气分析预报中的应用积累了基础资料。  相似文献   

选取2018年夏季邵阳地区的17个雷暴单体和9个非雷暴单体,分析了单体30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz回波顶高及0℃、-10℃和-20℃层超过30 dBz、35 dBz和40 dBz的回波面积与闪电发生的关系,利用40 dBz回波顶高、-10℃层以上超过40 dBz的回波面积及其与单体总面积的百分比对该地区闪电...  相似文献   

Two downburst events from one thunderstorm are investigated, which occurred on 23 March 2001, in Germany's climatologic annual minimum of downburst activity. Observations by two Doppler radars are combined with hail reports, ground lightning detection and an aerial survey conducted after the event. The downburst-producing storm had formed at a synoptic convergence line within the warm sector of a cyclone. It had a remarkably high propagation speed of up to 31 m s− 1 corresponding to the mid-tropospheric flow. Thus, by superposition with the storm motion, even two weak downbursts were sufficient to cause the observed damage of F1 and F2 intensity, respectively. While in its late stages, the storm was dynamically characterized by lower- and mid-tropospheric divergence; at about the time of the first downburst, a mesocyclonic vortex signature was verified. Aside from mid-tropospheric dry air entrainment, a thermodynamic explanation for the triggering of the two downbursts by melting of small hail according to recent findings by Atlas et al. [Atlas, D., Ulbrich, C.W., Williams, C.R., 2004. Physical origin of a wet microburst: observations and theory. J. Atmos. Sci. 61, 1186–1196] appears probable. Despite the lack of warnings to the public, the storm's potential for hail and strong straight-line winds was detected by the German weather service radar software CONRAD more than a half hour before the downbursts occurred.  相似文献   

The lightning frequency model developed by Baker et al. [Baker, M.B., Christian, H.J., Latham, J., 1995. A computational study of the relationships linking lightning frequency and other thundercloud parameters, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 121, 1525–1548] has been refined and extended, in an effort to provide a more realistic framework from which to examine computationally the relationships that might exist between lightning frequency f (which is now being routinely measured from a satellite, using the NASA/MSFC Optical Transient Detector (OTD)) and a variety of cloud physical parameters. Specifically, superior or more comprehensive representations were utilised of: (1) glaciation via the Hallett–Mossop (H–M) process; (2) the updraught structure of the model cloud; (3) the liquid-water-content structure of the model cloud; (4) the role of the reversal temperature Trev in influencing lightning characteristics; (5) the critical breakdown field for lightning initiation; and (6) the electrical characteristics of the ice crystal anvil of the model cloud. Although our extended studies yielded some new insights into the problem, the basic pattern of relationships between f and the other parameters was very close to that reported by Baker et al. (1995). The more elaborate treatment of Trev restricted somewhat the range of conditions under which reverse-polarity lightning could be produced if the cloud glaciated via H–M, but confirmed the earlier conclusion that such lightning would not occur if the glaciation was of the Fletcher type. The computations yielded preliminary support for the hypothesis that satellite measurements of f might be used to determine values of the ice-content of cumulonimbus anvils: a parameter of climatological importance. The successful launch and continuing satisfactory functioning of the OTD [Christian, H.J., Goodman, S., 1992. Global observations of lightning from space, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Atmospheric Electricity, St. Petersburg, pp. 316–321; Christian, H.J., Blakesee, R.J., Goodman, S.J., 1992. Lightning imaging sensor (LIS) for the earth observing system. NASA Tech. Memorandum, 4350] make it possible—with a high degree of precision—to measure lightning location, occurrence time and frequency f over extensive areas of the Earth's surface. Measured global distributions of lightning and associated lightning stroke radiance demonstrate that: lightning activity is particularly pronounced over the tropics, much greater over land than over the oceans, and exhibits great seasonal variability; lightning radiance tends to be greater over the oceans, less when lightning activity is high, and greater in the Northern Hemisphere winter than summer.  相似文献   

根据湖北省雷电定位系统(Lightning Location System,LLS)2007年1月1日至2016年12月31日监测资料,采用数理统计方法,对湖泊和陆地区域的地闪频次、极性、地闪密度、雷电流幅值和波头陡度等雷电参数分布特征进行了对比研究。结果表明:湖泊与陆地的雷电参数时间变化趋势基本一致。近10 a闪电频次呈明显减少趋势,正地闪比例呈上升趋势;陆地比湖泊区域的闪电频次多,春夏季湖泊和陆地闪电频次差异明显,其中,夏季陆地闪电频次比湖泊多21.1%;湖泊和陆地闪电频次日变化大致呈单峰型,13-18时陆地闪电频次比湖泊多39.7%。湖泊地闪密度比陆地小,湖泊和陆地平均地闪密度分别为2.96次·(km-2·a-1)和3.47次·(km-2·a-1)。湖泊的平均雷电流幅值较陆地大;湖泊和陆地的平均雷电流波头陡度变化不大,相差一般在1 kA·(μs)-1以下。  相似文献   

During the summers of 2003 to 2006 sprites were observed over thunderstorms in France by cameras on mountain tops in Southern France. The observations were part of a larger coordinated effort, the EuroSprite campaigns, with data collected simultaneously from other sources including the French radar network for precipitation structure, Meteosat with images of cloud top temperature and the Météorage network for detection of cloud-to-ground (CG) flash activity. In this paper two storms are analyzed, each producing 27 sprite events. Both storms were identified as Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) with a trailing stratiform configuration (ST) and reaching a maximum cloud area of ~ 120,000 km2. Most of the sprites were produced while the stratiform area was clearly developed and during periods of substantial increase of rainfall in regions with radar reflectivity between 30 and 40 dBZ. The sprite-producing periods followed a maximum in the CG lightning activity and were characterized by a low CG flash rate with a high proportion of + CG flashes, typically around 50%. All sprites were associated with + CGs except one which was observed after a − CG as detected by the Météorage network. This − CG was estimated to have − 800 C km charge moment change. The peak current of sprite-producing + CG (SP + CG) flashes was twice the average value of + CGs and close to 60 kA with little variation between the periods of sprite activity. The SP + CG flashes were further characterized by short time intervals before a subsequent CG flash (median value < 0.5 s) and with clusters of several CG flashes which suggest that SP + CG flashes often are part of multi-CG flash processes. One case of a lightning process associated with a sprite consisted of 7 CG flashes.  相似文献   

Satellite-borne and ground-based devices for the detection of lightning offer the opportunity to explore relationships–on all significant scales up to global–between lightning frequency, f, and other thundercloud parameters. Calculations predict that f is proportional to the product of the downflux p of solid precipitation and the upward mass flux, I, of ice crystals. This prediction has received support from limited computational studies. The physical reasons for such a relationship are explained in terms of the paramount role of ice in the electrification of thunderstorms. Herein, this prediction is subjected to further, preliminary examination through analysis of lightning and dual-polarimetric radar data collected during the STERAO experiment conducted in Northern Colorado during the summer of 1996. The analysis has yielded some highly provisional support for this flux hypothesis. Computed trends of radar derived hydrometeor fractions of solid precipitation and small ice show correlation to the total lightning frequency and raise the possibility of determining values of p and/or I from lightning measurements.It is shown that the extent to which the observed correlations between f and both solid precipitation and small ice trends are or are not strong can provide an indication as to whether the lightning activity is limited by the available concentrations of precipitating or non-precipitating ice in the upper regions of the charging zone of the thundercloud, where most of the charge transfer occurs. It is demonstrated that the most accurate determinations of precipitation rate p from measurements of lighting frequency f are likely to be for conditions where the field-growth is limited by the availability of graupel pellets. It is shown that the simultaneous time variations of f and solid precipitation trends of the type obtained in the STERAO experiment could enable us to determine the nature of the dominant glaciation process operative in the thunderclouds studied.  相似文献   

利用热带测雨卫星(TRMM)携带的测雨雷达(PR)、闪电成像仪(LIS)和微波辐射计(TMI)的同步探测资料,选取1998-2008年登陆中国的46个热带气旋,分析了其不同强度阶段的闪电活动、雷达反射率和冰散射信号的分布特征,以及闪电的发生与雷达反射率和冰散射信号之间的关系.结果发现:强度较弱的热带气旋平均闪电次数相对较高;当强度达到强热带风暴阶段后,强度越强,闪电数量反而越少.热带气旋强度不同,闪电的空间分布也有差别,热带风暴、强台风和超强台风阶段眼壁区闪电密度最大,而其他阶段则在外雨带区密度最大.热带气旋大部分区域被层云和弱对流降水控制,0℃层以上雷达反射率迅速减小,冰散射信号也普遍较弱.虽然热带气旋的眼壁区对流活动最强.但相比于外面带却较不易发生闪电.在同等大小的雷达反射率下,闪电更易发生在台风和强热带风暴阶段,超强台风阶段发生闪电阈值最高.由于闪电的发生与软雹、冰晶和过冷水等微物理参量以及上升气流速度紧密相关,因此闪电资料可以提供关于热带气旋不同区域的微物理过程和动力过程信息.  相似文献   

Lightning and Doppler radar observations of a squall line system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A typical squall line with damaging wind and hailstones occurred on 28 April 2006 in Shandong Province, middle eastern China, and caused great economic loss. The characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning (CG) in the squall line were studied in detail by combining the data from the ground-based CG location network, two Doppler radars and the Lightning Imaging Sensor on the TRMM satellite. Results show that positive CG flashes accounted for 54.7% of the total CG flashes. During the initial developing stage, the CG flash rate was lower than 0.5fl min− 1 and most of the CG flashes were positive. It increased significantly, up to 4.5fl min− 1, along with the rapid development of the squall line, and the percentage of positive CG was more than 75% during this period. The CG flash rate began to decrease but the percentage of negative CG flash increased gradually and exceeded that of positive CG during the mature and dissipating stages. Positive CG flashes tended to occur on the right flank and negative ones on the left flank. Strong wind at the surface occurred in or near the regions with dense positive CG flashes. Almost all positive CG flashes occurred near the strong radar echo regions, in the front parts of the squall line. However, the negative CG flashes almost exclusively occurred in the regions with weak and uniform radar echoes. The total flash rate in the storm was very high, up to 136fl min− 1, and its ratio of intracloud flashes (IC) to CG flashes was 35:1. Dense positive CG flashes corresponded to updraft regions, they did not occur in the core of the updraft, but just behind and close to the main updraft instead. The rear inflow jet, between 3 and 6 km, played an important role in the formation of the bow echo and very strong wind at surface. The CG distribution features in the squall line were obviously different from that of an ordinary MCS. The charge structure could be roughly described as an inverted charge structure.  相似文献   

利用雷达回波三维拼图资料识别雷暴大风统计研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
应用雷达回波三维组网拼图数据、加密自动站和地面灾害大风资料,对2008—2012年京津冀地区20次区域性雷暴大风天气过程进行了统计。检验了基于模糊逻辑建立的利用回波强度识别大风的算法,分析了大风出现的位置。该大风识别算法确定了雷暴大风的6个雷达识别指标及其对应的权重系数和不同季节的隶属函数。检验分析块状回波、带状回波和片状回波3类大风过程的识别效果,结果表明:块状回波类大风是由孤立的强单体风暴引发的,风暴单体具有回波强、回波顶高、垂直积分液态水含量大和移动快等特点,雷暴大风多出现在风暴单体附近且二者移动路径一致;带状回波的长度远大于宽度,主要包含飑线和弓状回波,大风影响范围广且多位于带状回波的前沿一带;片状回波多指大面积层云回波中镶嵌着强回波单体块的混合回波,对应出现的雷暴大风多位于风暴单体的周边区域。3类回波识别到的可能出现大风区域与实测大风范围基本吻合,块状、带状和片状3种类型的雷暴大风命中率分别为96.2%、68.6%和45.3%,漏报率分别为3.8%、31.4%和54.7%。由于垂直积分液态水含量偏低和回波强度弱,片状雷暴大风识别漏报相对较多;空报原因除了与测站分布稀疏有很大关系外,也与识别算法本身有关。识别检验证明雷暴大风综合识别方法是合理可靠、切实可行的,可以为雷暴大风的短时临近预警业务和系统开发提供技术支撑,这一工作也为进一步预警大风出现的位置提供了基础。  相似文献   

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