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深水锚是深水系泊系统的核心组成,随着新概念和新技术在深水系泊领域的不断涌现和发展,深水锚在海床中的动力行为变得更为复杂,这给既有的分析方法带来极大的挑战。将深水锚的复杂动力行为视为拔出、旋转、嵌入三种典型行为的组合,分别给出明确定义并建立力学模型。提出最小力准则以确定锚的拔出、嵌入方向和旋转中心,该准则同时可作为拔出、旋转、嵌入行为是否发生的判定条件,从而建立起可以描述深水锚在海床中复杂动力行为的分析模型。为检验所提出的分析模型,将其应用于预测拖曳锚在海床中的嵌入运动轨迹,并与已有分析方法和离心机试验结果进行对比,验证了该分析模型的有效性。  相似文献   


This paper presents an improved plasticity force-resultant model for anchors deeply embedded in clays, developed from large deformation finite element analyses. The current available force-resultant models for anchors are mainly developed from small strain finite element analysis while experimental approach has not been used due to technical challenges. The advantage of large deformation finite element analysis is that it provides much more data points to fit the yield surface than small strain finite element analysis, in addition to avoiding excess mesh distortion problems. Furthermore, the flow rule or normality can be effectively checked in the large deformation finite element analysis and further used to improve the fitting quality. After validated against retrospective simulations, the better performance of the developed plasticity force-resultant model is demonstrated by comparing with available experimental observations from centrifuge test.  相似文献   

Attributed to good performance in the seabed, drag anchors are adopted as an effective anchoring solution in deepwater mooring systems. This type of anchors is drag installed, companying with comprehensive behaviors during movement of the anchor in the seabed, which make the anchor trajectory and therefore the final embedment position difficult to be predicted. On the basis of the mechanical model and analytical procedure, an analytical method is proposed for exploring comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in both clay and sand. The anchor behaviors are classified as keying, pulling out and diving. The bearing capacity and the trajectory of the anchor can be predicted through the combination of the three behaviors. By comparing analytical predictions with experimental data and other predictions, the efficiency and veracity of the theoretical model are validated. A parametric study is also performed to investigate the effects of different parameters, and to further understand the comprehensive anchor behaviors in the seabed. The present work provides an efficient theoretical tool for analyzing comprehensive behaviors of drag anchors in either clayey or sandy seabed.  相似文献   

The suction caisson (or called suction anchor) which is considered as a relatively new type of foundation of offshore structures, has been extensively studied and applied for offshore wind turbines and oil platforms. The installation of the suction caisson is of great importance in the design and construction because it can bring about several issues and further influence the performance of holding capacity in safety service. In this paper, large deformation finite element (FE) analyses are performed to model the installation of suction caisson (SC) by suction and jacking in normally consolidated clay. The penetration of the suction caisson is modeled using an axisymmetric FE approach with the help of the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation which can satisfactorily solve the large deformation problem. The undrained shear strength of the clay and elastic modulus are varied with depth of soil through the subroutine VUFIELD. The numerical results allow quantification of the penetration resistance and its dependence on the installation method. The centrifuge test and theoretical solution are used for the FE model validation. After the validation, the penetration resistance, the soil plug heave, and the caisson wall friction have been examined through the FE model. Based on the numerical results, it is shown that the ALE technique can simulate the entire suction caisson penetration without mesh distortion problem. The installation method can play an important role on the penetration resistance, namely, the suction installation reduces the penetration resistance significantly compared to the purely jacked installation. With a further study on the suction case, it is found that as the final applied suction pressure increases, the soil plug heave increases, while the penetration resistance reduces with increase of the final suction pressure. The effect of the friction of internal caisson walls has been also investigated and a conclusion is drawn that internal wall friction has a significant contribution to the penetration resistance and it can be implicitly represented by varying coefficient of internal wall friction. As for the penetration resistance, both jacked and suction installation have great dependency on the internal wall friction.  相似文献   

海底管线上波浪力的大涡模拟及三步有限元数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用三步有限元法结合大涡模拟方法(LES)离散非定常不可压流动的Navier-Stokes方程,模拟了波浪场中海底管线周围流场及其受力情况,并把数值模拟的结果与物理实验的实测结果进行了比较,两者符合较好。为了检验三维效应的影响,同时进行了二维和三维流场的数值模拟。  相似文献   

Based on the integral equation transformed from three dimensional Laplace equation and by the adoption of the division manner of sub- region boundary element method, the numerical computations of the velocity potential of each sub-region are given considering the continuity conditions of potential and normal derivatives at the interface of sub-regions. Therefore, computation of wave deformation in offshore flow field is realized. The present numerical model provides a good solution for the application of boundary element method to the calculation of wave deformation in large areas.  相似文献   

Most previous investigations for the wave-induced soil response have only considered the quasi-static soil behavior under linear wave loading. However, it is expected that the dynamic soil behavior and wave non-linearity will play an important role in the evaluation of wave-induced seabed response. In this paper, we include dynamic soil behavior and wave non-linearity into new analytical models. Based on the analytical solution derived, the effects of wave non-linearity on the wave-induced seabed response with dynamic soil behavior are examined. Numerical results demonstrate the significant effects of wave non-linearity and dynamic soil behavior on the wave-induced effective stresses. The applicable range of dynamic and quasi-static approximations is also clarified for engineering practice.  相似文献   

食物网结构特征和能量流动的研究,对于维持海洋生态系统结构和功能的稳定具有重要意义,有助于深入理解海洋生态系统的复杂过程。本研究基于2019−2021年在江苏近海北部海域开展的季节性渔业资源底拖网调查数据,通过构建基于蒙特卡罗马尔科夫链算法的逆线性模型(Linear Inverse Models using a Monte Carlo Method Coupled with Markov Chain, LIM-MCMC),结合生态网络分析(Ecological Network Analysis,ENA)的方法,分析了该海域生态系统状态和食物网能量流动特征,旨在为江苏近海北部海域食物网营养动力学研究提供参考依据。结果表明,该海域生态系统共包含299条能量流动路径,能量流动分布整体呈典型的金字塔结构,各功能群呼吸消耗和流入有机碎屑的能量保持同步性。通过与其他海域比较发现,江苏近海北部海域生态系统的连接指数(Connectance,C)和系统杂食指数(System Omnivory Index,SOI)分别为0.40和0.22,处于较高水平,表明该生态系统不同营养级间的营养联系较为紧密,食物网结构相对复杂,能够在较大程度上抵御外界扰动。总初级生产力/总呼吸(Total Primary Production/Total Respiration,TPP/TR)和Finn’s循环指数(Finn’s Cycling Index,FCI)分别为1.05和5.76%,表明该生态系统对能量利用效率较高。此外,约束效率(Constraint Efficiency,CE)、发展程度(Extent of Development,AC)、协同效应指数(Synergism Index,b/c)和主导间接效应(Dominance Indirect Effects,i/d)也表明该生态系统具有较高的系统发展程度、再生潜力和系统发展空间。本研究将有助于为江苏近海北部海域生态系统的修复和渔业资源的可持续利用提供理论基础,为实施基于生态系统的渔业管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长江口潮间带九段沙浅滩潮水沟形态分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
吴晓东  高抒 《海洋学报》2012,34(6):126-132
潮水沟演化是潮滩滩面对环境动力和生物过程的适应,分析潮水沟的形态特征有助于反推解读滩面的响应机制。借助于滩面水位高程计算模型和参数统计分析,提出九段沙上沙滩面潮水沟存在集中和分散两种发育模式。与分散模式相比,集中模式的水动力条件更强,潮沟数量更少,等级更高,规模更大。在研究区内,单支潮水沟的汇水形式彼此不同,但两种模式的总体汇水形式相近,潮水沟均以显著线性关系随汇水面积增大而扩展,最后两侧滩面产生同等的沟化程度。  相似文献   

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