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设有挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤适用于水深较大的海域,且具有较好的消浪效果。采用物理模型试验,探究具有双侧挡浪板结构的透空式防波堤透浪系数与反射系数的影响因素与规律,研究包括外侧与内侧挡浪板入水深度,水平板板宽,结构上部挡浪墙的高度与位置,水平板超高与波浪要素等因素。通过比较各家透浪系数的理论计算公式与实验结果,进行透浪系数的计算方法研究,给出修正Wiegel公式拟合双侧挡浪板透空式防波堤的透浪系数计算公式,供工程设计参考与进一步研究。  相似文献   

以RANS方程为控制方程,基于有限体积法,在动量方程中添加源项,建立了具有造波‐消波功能的数值波浪水槽。利用建立的源项造波数值波浪水槽,模拟了高桩挡板透空式防波堤在规则波作用下的消浪效果,完整地再现了堤前堤后的流态,分析了挡板相对入水深度对透浪系数的影响。在与试验值及拉帕公式对比后发现,数模计算结果与试验值较接近,拉帕公式偏大。研究了堤顶相对宽度、相对水深、相对波高对透浪系数的影响并提出修正公式,修正公式与计算值和试验值吻合较好。  相似文献   

为使防波堤同时具有良好的掩护效果和水体交换能力,提出了两种带有透浪通道的新型直立式防波堤。基于Fluent求解器建立了三维数值波浪水槽,通过与试验结果对比,验证了该数值水槽求解波浪与透空堤作用具有较高的精度。对两种防波堤在规则波作用下的透浪特性进行了研究,结果表明:透射系数K_t与透空率呈正线性相关,且可通过调整透浪通道间距,使相同透空率下K_t降低20%~30%。对同一结构,K_t随相对波长的增大而显著增大,但受相对波高的影响较小。在透空率大于0.16后,异型沉箱防波堤的消浪性能明显优于错位沉箱。基于数值计算结果,给出了以上两种透空堤波浪透射系数的经验公式。  相似文献   

具有挡浪设施的高桩码头是国内近年来采用的一种新型水工结构型式,具有防浪、透流、防止泥沙回淤和造价低等优点。根据Wiebel、Kriebel等人的理论分析,结合东营港扩建工程码头的尺度参数,对挡板的透浪系数Kt的计算进行了推导,并与物理模型试验及现行规范进行了比较与讨论。  相似文献   

多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤消浪特性试验研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
本文回顾了已有的关于透空式防波堤的波浪透射率的理论计算方法,分析了多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪机理。结合防波堤断面波浪试验,探讨多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤的消浪特性。研究结果表明多层挡板桩基透空式防波堤能够显著消减波浪,它的应用突破了透空式防波堤仅适用于小尺度风浪水域的经验。研究发现影响防波堤消浪效果的因素中,挡板的透空率和设置方式的影响最为显著。文中提出的减小波浪透射率的方法可供设计部门参考。  相似文献   

弧板式透空堤消浪性能影响因素数值研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弧板式透空堤是由弧型板组成的新型防波堤结构。为探讨其透射系数的影响因素,利用Fluent软件基于N-S方程构建了波浪与板式透空堤相互作用的数值模型,讨论了相对潜深、入射波周期、相对波高、相对板宽和结构型式对透射系数的影响。结果表明:弧板式透空堤的透射系数随着相对波高和入射波周期的增大而增大,在静水面附近透射系数最小,尤以静水面和略高于静水面时的消浪效果最佳;在相同波浪要素条件下,静水面及其上0.02 m和0.04 m位置处,弧板式透空堤的消浪效果明显优于平板式透空堤。  相似文献   

斜向和多向不规则波对直立堤平均越浪量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过三维波浪模型试验研究了斜向和多向不规则波对直立堤的越浪量。分别按平均越浪量和单波最大越浪量进行研究,探讨了平均越浪量随相对堤高、波浪方向、波浪方向分布宽度、波陡和相对水深等影响因素的变化规律,导得了斜向和多向不规则波作用于直立堤上的平均越浪量的计算公式。  相似文献   

扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对现行规范中缺少扭王字块体护面斜坡堤越浪量的计算方法,考虑波陡、相对水深、相对堤顶超高、相对坡肩宽度、相对胸墙高度和相对块体尺寸等影响因素,通过波浪水槽物模试验,运用多元回归方法,给出了扭王字块体斜坡堤越浪量中护面结构影响系数和平均越浪量的计算公式。与试验值和其它计算公式进行了验证对比,结果基本吻合,具有一致性的规律。研究成果丰富了规范内容,对斜坡堤工程设计具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

王键  孙大鹏  吴浩 《海洋工程》2018,36(4):138-146
采用黏性流体的连续性方程、雷诺时均N-S方程作为基本控制方程,RNG k-ε模型模拟湍流效应,VOF方法捕捉流体自由表面,结合主动吸收式造波理论,借助FLUENT软件建立二维不规则波数值水槽。在验证数值水槽造波性能的基础上,数值模拟带胸墙斜坡堤的越浪,并将数值计算的平均越浪量与已有物模试验值进行对比,两者趋势一致,吻合良好;表明该数值水槽模拟不规则波作用带胸墙斜坡堤越浪的准确性。针对带胸墙斜坡堤,藉此分析了堤顶超高、斜坡坡比、坡肩宽度及坡肩高度对其平均越浪量影响的规律性,研究成果对斜坡堤工程设计具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

王强  刘睿  梁丙臣 《海岸工程》2022,41(2):95-104
本文提出了一种倾斜挡浪板式桩基透空型防波堤,通过物理模型试验对规则波作用下防波堤的消浪性能进行了研究。试验中观测了桩基透空型防波堤迎浪侧和背浪侧波面的变化过程,探讨了不同入射波浪条件下防波堤挡浪板的开孔率ε和布置形式B对其消浪性能的影响,分析了防波堤的反射系数Kr、透射系数Kt以及波能耗散系数Kd随着相对波高H/D和相对堤宽W/L的变化关系,并从波浪能量分布的角度分析此种防波堤的消浪机理。研究结果表明,单层挡浪板的开孔率自30%降低至10%,平均透射系数可减小约24.3%,平均耗散系数可增长约12.8%;双层挡浪板防波堤的反射系数取决于前排挡浪板的开孔率,透射系数取决于挡浪板组合中的最小开孔率。  相似文献   

结合物理模型试验,分析斜坡坡度、波陡、相对水深、护面类型和破波参数等因素对堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数的影响规律。将常用的Van der Meer公式,Seelig公式,Postma公式和Davison公式计算值和实测值进行比较,并结合试验数据,基于有效波高和平均周期定义的Iribarren数,得出堆石防波堤不规则波浪反射系数经验公式。结果表明,该公式能较好地计算不规则波作用下块石和扭王块体护面堆石防波堤波浪反射系数。  相似文献   

本文采用非静压模型NHWAVE建立高精度三维波浪数值水槽,对多向聚焦波作用下透水和不透水潜堤消波特性进行数值模拟研究。通过计算结果与实验数据的对比,验证了该模型模拟多向聚焦波产生传播及多孔介质内流动的能力,进一步考虑了有效波高、水深、谱峰周期和传播角度等因素对潜堤消波特性的影响。结果表明:潜堤对多向聚焦波的最大波幅、最大水位、沿水深平均最大流速和波能均有显著消减作用,且透水潜堤因孔隙介质的存在消波性能更好。随着有效波高增大,堤顶处波浪破碎点前移,不透水潜堤消波性能受波高影响较大。水深越大,潜堤消波性能越低。透水潜堤对长周期波浪消减效果较差。传播角度越小,聚焦位置处波幅越大,波浪非线性作用越强。研究结果可为我们进一步保护沿海设施免受极端海洋环境的影响提供一定的参考  相似文献   

The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method. Numerical results of the present model are compared with the experimental data of different researchers. Numerical examples are given to examine the effect of rock fill on the reflection coefficient. The differences between regular and irregular waves are also investigated by means of theoretical and experimental results. It is found that the minimum reflection coefficient of irregular waves is larger than that of corresponding regular waves, but the contrary is the case for the maximum reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

The reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater with a rock-filled core is examined. The present mathematical model is developed by means of the matched eigenfunction method. Numerical results of the present model are compared with the experimental data of different researchers. Numerical examples are given to examine the effect of rock fill on the reflection coefficient. The differences between regular and irregular waves are also investigated by means of theoretical and experimental results. It is found that the minimum reflection coefficient of irregular waves is larger than that of corresponding regular waves, but the contrary is the case for the maximum reflection coefficient.  相似文献   

A series of regular and irregular wave experiments are conducted to study the reflective and transmitting performances of quarter circular breakwater (QCB) in comparison with those of semi-circular breakwater (SCB). Based on regular wave tests, the reflection and transmission characteristics of QCB are analyzed and a few influencing factors are investigated. Then, the wave energy dissipation as wave passing over the breakwater is discussed based on the hydraulic coefficients of QCB and SCB. In irregular wave experiments, the reflection coefficients of QCB and their spectrums are studied. Finally, the comparisons between the experimental results and numerical simulations for QCB under regular and irregular wave conditions are presented.  相似文献   

This study examines the reflection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater located on a step bed. The step bed is treated as an idealized rubble mound foundation. Based on the linear potential theory, an analytical solution is developed to calculate the reflection coefficient of the structure subjected to regular waves. The matched eigenfunction expansion method is used for the solution. The regular wave method is also extended to irregular waves using a linear transfer function. The calculated results obtained for limiting cases are exactly the same as corresponding results given by the previous researchers. The present predictions also agree well with experimental data in the published literatures. Numerical experiments are conducted to examine the variations of the reflection coefficient versus its main effect factors, and some interesting results are presented.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of the wave, seabed and structure interactions has attracted great attentions from coastal geotechnical engineers in recent years. Most previous investigations have based on individual approaches, which focused on either flow region or seabed domain. In this study, an integrated model (PORO-WSSI II), based on the Volume-Averaged/Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations and Biot's poro-elastic theory, is developed to investigate the mechanism of the wave-permeable structure-porous seabed interactions. The new model is verified with the previous experimental data. Based on the present model, parametric studies have been carried out to investigate the influences of wave, soil and structure parameters on the wave-induced pore pressure. Numerical results indicated: (i) longer wave period and larger wave height will obviously induce a higher magnitude of pore pressure at the leading edge of a breakwater; (ii) after a full wave-structure interaction, the magnitude of pore pressure below the lee side of a breakwater decreases with an increasing structure porosity while it varies dramatically with a change of structure height; and (iii) the seabed thickness, soil permeability and the degree of saturation can also significantly affect the dynamic soil behaviour.  相似文献   

This study examines the reffection of regular and irregular waves from a partially perforated caisson breakwater located on a step bed. The step bed is treated as an idealized rubble mound foundation. Based on the linear potential theory, an analytical solution is developed to calculate the reffection coefficient of the structure subjected to regular waves. The matched eigenfunction expansion method is used for the solution. The regular wave method is also extended to irregular waves using a linear transfer...  相似文献   

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