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Erosion rates in residual limestone soils in a humid climate were measured for 10 years at one site, and for 4 years at another site, using erosion pins. Erosion pins were placed in gully floors and on convex divides between adjacent gullies, on abandoned land where vegetation had been removed. We measured an average erosion rate of 20 mm yr?1 over 10 years at one site and only 5 mm yr?1 over 4 years at another site where chert gravel was common on the surface. The 10-year average erosion rate of divides (26 mm yr?1) was significantly greater than the average erosion rate of gullies (14 mm yr?1), suggesting control by different processes, some of which may be seasonal. In winter, it was observed that frost action produced a thin layer of loose soil on the surface of divides. In summer, a hardpan developed on divides, as the soil loosened by winter frosts was transported to gullies, likely by rainsplash or dry ravel. The diffusive processes of frost action, rainsplash, and dry ravel appear to shape the convex divides in this study. Down-cutting of gullies requires channelized flow produced by intense rainfall, which is more common in summer for this location.  相似文献   

Ireneusz Malik   《Geomorphology》2008,93(3-4):421-436
Small gullies occur in forested gully systems on the undulating loess plateau in southern Poland. The old gully hillslopes are mainly covered with 200-year old beech trees in contrast with the surface of the summit plateau, which is cultivated agricultural land. Beech roots are exposed in the gullies through erosion. Wood vessels in the root tree rings divide into early wood and late wood and, after the roots are exposed, start to make fewer vessels. These anatomical changes in root tree rings allow us to date erosion episodes.Small gullies form in a different manner on the valley floor and on hillslopes. In valley bottoms, erosion features are often formed at some distance from one another, and in time small gullies combine to form a single, longer one. Depending on local conditions, such as the hillslope profile, hillslopes may exhibit headward erosion or may be eroded downwards. Hilllope gullies may be transformed into side valleys as a result of gradual widening and deepening.Dating the exposure of roots indicates that small gullies had already formed in the valley system by 1949. Intensive gully erosion was recorded between 1984 and 2002, during intense precipitation in 1984 and, of particular note, during the extraordinary flood of 1997 which affected all of Central Europe. The mean rate of small gully erosion in the old gully system studied is 0.63 m/year. On hillslopes the mean gully erosion rate is 0.21–0.52 m/year, and on the valley bottoms 0.18–1.98 m/year. High bottom erosion rates resulted from the emergence of long gullies during the erosion episodes in 1984 and 1997. Sheet flow in valley floors intensifies at times of heavy rainfall which causes long gullies to form.Taking into account the fact that conditions favoured erosion, the rate at which the old gullies under forest were transformed should be considered slow. New side gullies form slowly within the valley and it appears that if erosion progressed at the rate observed, new side valleys would take a few hundred years to form.  相似文献   

In grazed semiarid ecosystems, considerable spatial variability in soil infiltration exists as a result of vegetation and soil patchiness. Despite widespread recognition that important interactions and feedbacks occur between vegetation, runoff and erosion, currently there is only limited quantitative information on the control mechanisms that lead to differences in infiltration from different vegetation types. In this paper, we determine (i) the relationship between vegetation and soil surface characteristics and (ii) the soil infiltration rate by using rainfall simulations on runoff plots (0.60 × 1.67 m) in three plant communities of northeastern Patagonia: grass (GS), degraded grass with scattered shrubs (DGS), and degraded shrub steppes (DSS). Our results clearly indicate that vegetation and soil infiltration are closely coupled. Total infiltration was significantly higher in the GS (69.6 mm) compared with the DGS and DSS (42.9 and 28.5 mm, respectively). In the GS, soil infiltration rate declined more slowly than the others communities, reaching a terminal infiltration rate significantly greater (57.7 mm) than those of DGS and DSS (25.7 and 12.9 mm, respectively). The high rate of water losses via overland-flow may limit the possibilities for grass seedling emergence and establishment and favor the persistent dominance of shrubs.  相似文献   

Soil redistribution studies are important, especially in water supply catchments, because the rate at which denudation is occurring has implications for offsite water quality. However, the extent to which soil is redistributed within the landscape can be difficult to determine. This challenge can be overcome using fallout caesium-137 (137Cs). This paper describes the rates of soil loss and remobilisation in two sub-catchments within the Sydney Basin region, namely Kembla and Kentish Creeks, which drain to the Cordeaux reservoir. The total inventories of 137Cs in catchment soils were determined, a 137Cs-regression equation and a theoretical diffusion and migration model were used to established relationships between 137Cs inventories and the rates of soil loss. These relationships revealed relatively low occurrence of soil loss in Kentish Creek, but two slopes in the Kembla Creek sub-catchment had losses that appear to be moderate. However, there was no clear evidence to suggest whether slopes in upper and lower reaches of catchments had specific patterns of soil remobilisation. Qualitative categorisation of the slope elements using a 137Cs-sediment hillslope model can be a useful sentinel for land users and decision makers even if absolute rates of soil loss or gain are not certain. The findings suggest that sediments mobilised in the study sub-catchments are not likely to impact significantly on the water quality in the Cordeaux reservoir.  相似文献   

Preserving soils is a major challenge in ensuring sustainable agriculture for the future. Soil erosion by water is a critical issue in the Mediterranean regions and usually occurs when high-erosive precipitation is in temporal association with poor vegetation cover and density. Modelling soil erosion risks over large spatial scales suffers from the scarcity of accurate information on land cover, rainfall erosivity and their intra-annual dynamics. We estimated the soil erosion risk on arable land in a Mediterranean area (Grosseto Province, southern Tuscany, Italy) and investigated its potential reduction as a response to the change in intra-annual distribution of land cover due to the increase of perennial forage crops. A GIS-based (R)USLE model was employed and a scenario analysis was performed by setting criteria for raising the performance of perennial forage crops. Statistical data on agricultural crops provided an insight into current intra-annual land cover dynamics. Rainfall erosivity was computed on the basis of 22-year hourly precipitation data. The model was used to: i) quantify the potential soil losses of arable land in the study area, ii) identify those areas highly affected by erosion risks iii) explore the potential for soil conservation of perennial crops, thereby enabling appropriate preventive measures to be identified. The erosion rates, averaged over an area of about 140’000 ha, are estimated to 33.42 Mg ha−1 y−1. More than 59% of the study area was subjected to soil losses higher than 11 Mg ha−1 y−1 (from moderate to severe erosion) and the highest rates are estimated for steep inland areas. Arable land with severe soil erosion rates (higher than 33 Mg ha−1 y−1) represent about 35% of the whole study area. The risk of soil loss by water erosion in the study area is estimated to be reduced on average by 36% if perennial crops are increased in terms of 35% of the total arable land. The soil erosion data produced compared well with the published local and regional data. This study thus provides useful preliminary information for landscape planning authorities and can be used as a decision support tool in quantifying the implications of management policies.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water (WSE) has become a relevant issue at the Mediterranean level. In particular, natural conditions and human impact have made the Calabria (southern Italy) particularly prone to intense WSE. The purpose of this investigation is to identify areas highly affected by WSE in Calabria by comparing the scenarios obtained by assuming control and preventive measures and actions, as well as actual conditions generated by forest fires, also in the presence of conditions of maximum rainfall erosion.Geographic Information System techniques have been adopted to treat data of reasonable spatial resolution obtained at a regional scale for application to the RUSLE model. This work is based on the comparison of such data with a basic scenario that has been defined by the present situation (present scenario). In this scenario: (i) R has been assessed by means of an experimental relation adjusted to Calabria on the basis of 5-min observations; (ii) K has been drawn from the soil map of Calabria including 160 soilscapes; (iii) LS has been estimated according to the RUSLE2 model by using (among other subfactors) a 40-m square cell DTM; (iv) C has been derived by processing the data inferred from the project Corine Land Cover, whose legend includes 35 different land uses on three levels; and (v) P has been hypothesized as equal to 1.For the remaining three hypothesized scenarios, the RUSLE factors have been adjusted according to experimental data and to data in the literature. In particular, forest areas subject to fire have been randomly generated as far as fire location, extension, structure, and intensity are concerned.The values obtained by the application of the RUSLE model have emphasized that land management by means of measures and actions for reducing WSE causes a notable reduction of the erosive rate decreasing from ~30 to 12.3 Mg ha− 1 y− 1. On the other hand, variations induced by hypothetical wildfires in forests on 10% of the regional territory bring WSE over the whole region to values varying from 30 to 116 Mg ha− 1 y− 1.This study can be offered to territorial planning authorities as an evaluation instrument as it highlights the merits and limitations of some territorial management actions. In fact, in Calabria no observations exist concerning the implications of these actions.  相似文献   

Documenting the history of catchment deforestation using paleolimnological data involves understanding both the timing and magnitude of change in the input of erosional products to the downstream lake. These products include both physically-eroded soil and the byproducts of burning, primarily charcoal, which arise from both intentional and climatically-induced changes in fire frequency. As a part of the Lake Tanganyika Biodiversity Projects special study on sedimentation, we have investigated the sedimentological composition of seven dated cores from six deltas or delta complexes along the east coast of Lake Tanganyika: the Lubulungu River delta, the Kabesi River delta, the Nyasanga/Kahama River delta, and the Mwamgongo River delta in Tanzania, and the Nyamusenyi River delta and Karonge/Kirasa River delta in Burundi. Changes in sediment mass accumulation rates, composition, and charcoal flux in the littoral and sublittoral zones of the lake that can be linked to watershed disturbance factors in the deltas were examined. Total organic carbon accumulation rates, in particular, are strongly linked to higher sediment mass accumulation from terrestrial sources, and show striking mid-20th century increases at disturbed watershed deltas that may indicate a connection between increased watershed erosion and increased nearshore productivity. However, changes in sedimentation patterns are not solely correlated with the 20th century period of increasing human population in the basin. Fire activity, as recorded by charcoal accumulation rates, was also elevated during arid intervals of the 13th–early 19th centuries. Some differences between northern and southern sedimentation histories appear to be correlated with different histories of human population in central Tanzania in contrast with northern Tanzania and Burundi.  相似文献   

H S Goldie 《Area》2005,37(4):433-442
The re-interpretation of surface karst landforms in Northern England has led to a re-examination of well-known erratic-pedestal sites that were the origin for karst denudation rates applied extensively, on the supposition that erratics protect underlying limestone from rainwater solution. Height of the pedestal has been used to calculate long-term solutional-lowering, as much as 50 cm in 15 ka (33.3 mm/ka) from UK sites. The sites include Norber and Scar Close, Yorkshire, UK. This paper shows that the sites have been misinterpreted, in particular at Norber where the erratics lie on a pre-existing structurally stepped surface. Norber and several other sites also experience much mechanical weathering, in relatively weak, well-fractured limestones, a process which must be distinguished from solution. Sites in strong, less-fractured limestones demonstrate lower rates, which are sounder indications of land surface lowering. Some pedestals have been confirmed as partly resulting from solutional weathering in surrounding soil and vegetation. Re-evaluation reduces solution rates to 3–13 cm in 15 ka. Applying such rates has profound implications for understanding limestone landscapes, challenging orthodox views.  相似文献   

Geomorphological research has played an important role in the development and implementation of soil erosion assessment tools. Because policy and management approaches include the use of soil erosion assessment tools, soil erosion research directly affects the public in terms of providing information on natural hazards and human impacts, and also as the basis for regulatory policy on land management. For example, soil loss calculations and geomorphological expertise are used to support soil conservation planning, both through agricultural legislation that defines maximum tolerable soil loss rates, and through federal and local legislation that requires soil erosion controls on many construction sites.To be useful for decision makers, soil erosion models must have simple data requirements, must consider spatial and temporal variability in hydrological and soil erosion processes, and must be applicable to a variety of regions with minimum calibration. The growing use of erosion models and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in local to regional scale soil and water conservation raises concerns about how models are used. This has prompted interest in methods to assess how models function at management scales and with the types of data that are commonly available to users. A case study of a GIS-based soil erosion assessment tool using the process-based Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) shows that using commonly available data rather than research grade data can have (predictably) a significant impact on model results. If model results are then used in management decisions, it is critical to assess whether the scale and direction of variation in results will affect management and policy decisions. Geomorphologists provide unique perspectives on soil erosion and can continue to affect policy through soil erosion research. This research should focus on fundamental processes, but equally important is continued development and evaluation of models that are matched to real world data availability, geomorphic settings, and information needs.  相似文献   

Rates of sheet and rill erosion in Germany — A meta-analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K. Auerswald  P. Fiener  R. Dikau   《Geomorphology》2009,111(3-4):182-193
Knowledge of erosion rates under real conditions is of great concern regarding sustainability of landuse and off-site effects on water bodies and settlements. Experimentally derived rates of sheet and rill erosion are often biased by experimental settings, which deviate considerably from typical landuse, by short measuring periods and by small spatial extensions, which do not account for the pronounced spatio-temporal variability of erosion events. We compiled data from 27 studies covering 1076 plot years to account for this variability. Modelling was used to correct for deficiencies in the experimental settings, which overrepresented arable land and used steeper and shorter slopes as well as higher erosivity than typically found in reality. For example, the average slope gradient was 5.9° for all arable plot experiments while it is only 2.6° on total arable land in Germany. The expected soil loss by sheet and rill erosion in Germany after taking real slopes, landuse and erosivity into account averaged 2.7 t ha− 1 yr− 1. Annual crops contributed the largest proportion (90%) but hops despite its negligible contribution to landuse (0.06%) still contribute 1.0% due to its extraordinary rapid erosion, which was even faster than the measured bare fallow soil loss standardized to otherwise identical conditions. Bare fallow soil loss, which is often used as baseline, was 80 t ha− 1 yr− 1 when standardized to 5.1° slope gradient, 200 m flow path length, and average German erosivity.  相似文献   

This research assessed the soil erosion threat in the Congo Nile Ridge Region of Rwanda. The study forecasted erosion by applying the Revised Universal Soil Erosion (RUSLE) with five factors (rainfall, soil, topography, cover management, and support practices) and spatial data. About 85.5% of the area under investigation was predisposed to erosion with unsustainable average soil loss rates of > 1 t/ha/yr. The outcomes of the research highlighted that the average rate of estimated soil loss in the region prone to erosion was > 63.62 t/ha/yr, resulting in an overall annual predicted soil loss of approximately 44 × 106 t in 2016. All of the districts studied have steep slope gradients (30.4%–36.1%) and high annual rainfall totals (1199–1484 mm/yr), except Rubavu district. More than 88.8% of croplands had unsustainable average soil loss rates of > 1 t/ha/yr. The analysis indicated that both terracing and strip cropping have the potential to reduce rates of soil loss in the farmland, by 64.4% and 10.4%, respectively. The results of this study will serve as a baseline for soil erosion mitigation and land-use planning in the study area and Rwanda at large.  相似文献   

风力侵蚀对无定河流域产沙作用定量分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
师长兴 《地理研究》2006,25(2):285-293
本文利用无定河的水文泥沙观测日值资料和该流域内及周围气象站气象观测月值资料,通过流域的水沙关系与各年风蚀气候因子,估计了风力作用对无定河流域产沙的贡献量。结果揭示出:在风沙区,由于水力的搬运作用仍然决定了流域输沙量的大小,所以风力作用产生的输沙模数很小,在总输沙量中只占约1/4;风力作用增加输沙量比例最大的地区是穿过风沙区和丘陵沟壑区交界区,既有活跃的风沙活动又有强烈的黄土水蚀,风力和水力形成强耦合侵蚀搬运作用的干流上游,占输沙量的1/3以上;位于靠近风沙区并有片沙分布的黄土丘陵沟壑区的流域,风蚀产沙占流域输沙量的比例约为1/10;在黄土丘陵沟壑区,相对强烈的水力侵蚀,风力作用对产沙影响较小。整个无定河流域风力作用产生的输沙量包括入河风沙、降尘以及风力与水力的耦合侵蚀搬运作用可能增加的泥沙,接近流域总输沙量的1/6。  相似文献   

An existing dataset of area-specific sediment yield (SSY) for 60 catchments in Spain that was retrieved from sediment deposition rates in reservoirs [Avendaño Salas, C., Sanz Montero, E., Rayán, C., Gómez Montaña, 1997. Sediment yield at Spanish reservoirs and its relationship with the drainage basin area. In: Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of Large Dams, Florence, 1997. ICOLD (International Committee on Large Dams), pp. 863–874] reveals that catchment area alone explains only 17% of the variability in SSY. In this study, an attempt to explain the remaining variability in SSY was made using a quantitative and a semiqualitative approach for 22 catchments. During a field survey, the 22 selected catchments were characterised by topography, vegetation cover, lithology, shape and the presence of gullies in the broad vicinity of the reservoir. This information was used to develop a factorial scoring index model that provides a fairly accurate and reliable prediction of SSY. A classical multiple regression model using climatic, topographic and land use properties derived from regional datasets could not explain as much variance as the qualitative index model, nor did it appear to be as reliable. The same conclusion could be drawn when using the CORINE soil erosion risk map of southern Europe. The low prediction capability of the multiple regression models and the CORINE soil erosion risk map could be attributed mainly to the fact that these methods do not incorporate gully erosion and that the land cover data are not a good representation of soil cover. Both variables have been shown to be of great importance during the field surveys. Future assessments of SSY could be quickly and efficiently made using the proposed factorial scoring index model. In comparison with other models, which demand more data, the index model offers an alternative prediction tool.  相似文献   

We established sediment geochronologies for cores from eight deltaic areas in Lake Tanganyika (the Lubulungu, Kabesi, Halembe, Malagarasi, Nyasanga/Kahama, Mwamgongo, Nyamusenyi, and Karonge/Kirasa River deltas), recording a range of watershed disturbance histories from the eastern margin of this African rift valley lake. Cores from currently disturbed sites on the central Tanzanian coast display remarkably uniform and low rates of sediment accumulation from the 18th century until the early 1960s, when a synchronous and dramatic rise in rates occurs. Through this same time interval sedimentation rates offshore from undisturbed Tanzanian watersheds either remain unchanged or decline. Further north, at disturbed sites along the northern Tanzania and Burundi coasts, the pattern of sedimentation rate increase is more complex. Although a mid-late 20th century increase is also evident in these sites, indications of earlier periods of increasing sediment erosion, dating from the mid-late 19th century, are also evident. Synchronous changes in sediment accumulation rates dating from the early 1960s may be the result of exceptionally wet years triggering an increase in the discharge of previously eroded and unconsolidated alluvium and stream/beach terrace deposits, previously accumulated in the deltas and stream valleys of impacted watersheds. Sedimentation rate impacts of deforestation on lake ecosystems are likely modulated by short-term climatic forcing events, which can impact the specific timing and location of sediment discharge to lakes.  相似文献   

The response of erosion and sediment export to past land-use change has been studied in four agricultural areas of Europe. Three of these areas were subject to land abandonment or de-intensification and one to intensification of land-use practices. Erosion and sediment yield were modeled using the WaTEM/SEDEM model, which combines the RUSLE equation with a sediment routing algorithm. Spatial relationships between the RUSLE C-factor (i.e. land-use) and other erosion and sediment export-determining factors (slope, soil erodibility and distance to rivers) were investigated, as these account for non-linearity in the response of erosion and sediment export to land-use change.Erosion and sediment export have decreased enormously in the de-intensified areas, but slightly increased in the intensively cultivated area. The spatial pattern of land-use change in relation to other erosion and sediment export-determining factors appears to have a large impact on the response of soil erosion and sediment export to land-use change. That the drivers of abandonment of arable land and erosion coincide indicates that de-intensification leads to a more favourable landscape pattern with respect to reduction of erosion and sediment export. This mechanism applies not only within the study areas, but also among the European study areas where the process of intensification of some areas and de-intensification of others might result in an overall decrease of erosion and sediment yield through time.  相似文献   

区域土壤侵蚀演化风险分析——以泾河流域为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李勋贵  魏霞 《地理研究》2011,30(8):1361-1369
土壤侵蚀演化风险是在一定的空间范围内土壤侵蚀风险的时间变化关系,是发生土壤侵蚀可能性的动态演变过程,其对于评价不同时空尺度水土保持措施的合理性及其效益意义重大。以位于黄土高原中部的泾河流域为例,基于1986年、1995年和2000年的三期土地利用类型空间数据,利用GIS技术和信息熵理论,结合美国通用土壤流失方程(Uni...  相似文献   

Although in the last decades gully erosion has been a thriving research field, few studies have specifically addressed the contribution and location of sidewall erosion processes in gullies. In this paper, sidewall erosion in some large gullies in a Mediterranean area (Anoia-Penedès, NE Spain) is mapped and assessed for two time intervals (1975–1995 and 1995–2002), using detailed digital elevation models derived from aerial photographs at a scale of 1:5000 to 1:7000. Logistic regression analysis is applied to compute the probability of occurrence of gully sidewall erosion from terrain variables. The results confirm the complex nature of sidewall processes, whose intensity is most probably related to rainfall characteristics. Prolonged wet soil conditions in the period 1995–2002, together with the large and high-intensity rainfall of an extreme event occurred on 10th June 2000, help to explain the different sediment production rates: 16±0.4 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 1975–1995 and 83±6.3 Mg ha−1 year−1 in 1995–2002. The logistic regression analysis revealed that gully-wall slope angle was the main factor controlling gully sidewall failure. In gully walls with high slope angles, tension crack development is the main process promoting wall collapse. The application of the logistic regression model showed a high overall accuracy (87%) but over 50% of commission and omission errors for the class of interest (sidewall erosion), in agreement with the variance explained by the model.  相似文献   

Soil erosion is a major threat to sustainable agriculture. Evaluating regional erosion risk is increasingly needed by national and in-ternational environmental agencies. This study elaborates a model (using spatial principal component analysis [SPCA]) method for the evaluation of soil erosion risk in a representative area of dry-hot valley (Yuanmou County) at a scale of 1:100,000 using a spatial database and GIS. The model contains seven factors: elevation, slope, annual precipitation, land use, vegetation, soil, and population density. The evaluation results show that five grades of soil erosion risk: very low, low, medium, high, and very high. These are divided in the study area, and a soil erosion risk evaluation map is created. The model may be applicable to other areas of China because it utilizes spatial data that are generally available.  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀模型是定量研究土壤侵蚀的有效工具,探讨土壤侵蚀模型研究中的有关问题对于土壤侵蚀模型的发展及相关研究具有重要意义。从模型的过程模拟、模型时空尺度变异、模型验证和不确定性几方面对模型研究现状及局限进行了归纳和分析,认为:不同过程的模拟及其模拟方法的不同导致了各具特色的土壤侵蚀模型的出现;大多水蚀模型是对不同时空尺度上的水流及相应侵蚀过程进行模拟预测,在不同的时空尺度上,不同的侵蚀过程占主导地位;现实过程和现象的复杂性、观测方法和手段的限制以及模型的自身的局限性是导致土壤侵蚀模型预测的不确定性的主要原因;与GIS结合的强预测力、低数据要求的模型是土壤侵蚀模型发展的趋势。  相似文献   

基于RS、GPS和GIS(3S技术)的集成提出了USLE 6大因子的算法,在建立的专题地理信息数据库基础上,运用USLE对深圳市茜坑水库流域的土壤侵蚀强度进行预测和估算.结果表明:整个流域90.5%的区域土壤流失强度为中度以下,强度侵蚀以上的区域虽然仅占整个流域面积的9.5%,但是年土壤侵蚀量达到了整个流域土壤侵蚀量的49.4%.流域土壤侵蚀强度和植被覆盖情况明显相关,茜坑水库流域的东北山区部分是整个流域的严重侵蚀区.研究证明:在3S技术集成支持下,采用USLE对流域的土壤流失强度进行预测和估算的方法具有直观、方便、快捷的优点,成果能充分满足小流域水土保持工作的需要.  相似文献   

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