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Acta Geotechnica - Fracture initiation, propagation, merging and branching in rocks are considerably complicated and commonly exhibit a great variety of patterns. How to characterize and capture... 相似文献
A phenomenological failure criterion for brittle rock 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Summary A phenomenological model is developed to represent failure in intact media as a consequence of shear-band formation. A stepped arrangement of connected flaws is assumed to be distributed within a planar shear-band inclined with respect to the applied deviatoric stresses. The flaws within the shear-band isolate a series of wedges that transmit tractions across the pre-failure zone. Gross stress transmission is controlled by static equilibrium with spatial stress inhomogeneity modulated through the distribution of flaws in the continuum adjacent to the shear-band. Under increased confinement, flaw closure beyond the shear-band results in a more homogeneous transmission of normal tractions across the failure plane. This stress dependent transition is based on physical arguments, related to mean flaw closure, to yield a distribution coefficient,W, that is controlled by macroscopic flaw rigidity,B. The model is able to replicate the power law dependency of ultimate strength with confining stress that is commonly observed. The model is specifically calibrated against experimental data for Daye marble. The phenomenological coefficients describing the failure process appear as material constants. 相似文献
A computational formulation of discrete simulations of damage and failure in brittle rocks using mathematical programming methods is proposed. The variational formulations are developed in two and three dimensions. These formulations naturally lead to second-order cone programs and can conveniently be solved using off-the-shelf mathematical programming solvers. Pure static formulations are derived so that no artificial damping parameters are required. The rock is represented by rigid blocks, with interfaces between blocks modelled by zero-thickness springs based on the rigid-body–spring network method. A modified Mohr–Coulomb failure criterion is proposed to model the failure of the interfaces. When the interface’ strength limits are reached, a microscopic crack forms and its strength is irreversibly lost. The microscopic elastic properties of the springs are related to the observed elastic behaviour of rocks with the developed empirical equations. The program is first validated with three simple tests. Then, numerical uniaxial and biaxial compression tests and the Brazilian tests are conducted. Furthermore, the proposed approach is employed to study the rock crack propagation and coalescence using cracked Brazilian disc test. The results are in good agreements with reported experimental data, which shows its potential in modelling mechanical behaviour of brittle rocks. 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - We propose a tensile failure criterion for transversely isotropic rocks that distinguishes tensile fracturing mechanisms either through the anisotropic rock matrix or along the... 相似文献
S. P. Singh 《Geotechnical and Geological Engineering》1989,7(3):257-266
Conclusions The application of mechanical methods for rapid excavation requires more detailed and precise knowledge of the site, but there is no single parameter which can provide a comprehensive measure for the selection and performance of a tunnel boring machine.The machinability index proposed in this paper is based on four different parameters which influence the performance of a tunnelling machine and are widely accepted by the engineers and geologists. In order to develop a comprehensive measure regarding the borability of rocks,in situ conditions must be evaluated. The machinability index coupled with thein situ information would facilitate judicious decisions regarding the application and selection of tunnel boring machines.The geological conditions and rock characteristics cannot be controlled but their knowledge can prevent costly mistakes in equipment selection and assist in identifying alternative excavation systems, therefore a thorough site investigation can substantially reduce the economic and technical risks associated with tunnelling and mine development. 相似文献
Acta Geotechnica - This paper captures the frequently encountered strain localization of brittle rocks in laboratory compression experiments under moderate confining pressures generally ranging... 相似文献
Kiyoo Mogi 《Tectonophysics》1974,21(3):273-285
The observed microfracturing before faulting in rocks provides a basis for a physical model for the internal friction and the cohesive stress of the Coulomb criterion. Based on recent experimental results in the literature, the applicability of the Coulomb criterion is reexamined. The pressure dependence of strength of brittle rocks can be predicted approximately by the Coulomb criterion using measured values of sliding friction, except for a low-pressure region for certain rocks and near the brittle-ductile transition pressure. Deviation at low pressure seems to be explained either by the effect of cracked state or by different fracture mechanisms at low confining pressures, and deviation near the transition pressure is attributed to the increase of local yielding or fracturing before faulting. 相似文献
Rock fracture under upper crustal conditions is driven not only by applied stresses, but also by time-dependent, chemically activated subcritical cracking processes. These subcritical processes are of great importance for the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of rocks over geological timescales. A macroscopic manifestation of time-dependency in the brittle field is the observation that rocks can deform and fail at constant applied stresses, a phenomenon known as brittle creep. Here, we review the available experimental evidence for brittle creep in crustal rocks, and the various models developed to explain the observations. Laboratory experiments have shown that brittle creep occurs in all major rock types, and that creep strain rates are extremely sensitive to the environmental conditions: differential stress, confining pressure, temperature and pore fluid composition. Even small changes in any of these parameters produce order of magnitude changes in creep strain rates (and times-to-failure). Three main classes of brittle creep model have been proposed to explain these observations: phenomenological, statistical, and micromechanical. Statistical and micromechanical models explain qualitatively how the increasing influence of microcrack interactions and/or the increasing accumulated damage produces the observed evolution of macroscopic deformation during brittle creep. However, no current model can predict quantitatively all of the observed features of brittle creep. Experimental data are limited by the timescale over which experiments are realistically feasible. Clearly, an extension of the range of available laboratory data to lower strain rates, and the development of new modelling approaches are needed to further improve our current understanding of time-dependent brittle deformation in rocks. 相似文献
岩土材料广泛存在于自然界中,在重力沉积作用下表现出明显的横观各向同性。为了更好地研究横观各向同性材料的破坏机制,基于Christensen提出的破坏准则应与弹性应变能函数相协调的思想,推导了横观各向同性材料的弹性应变能,通过应变能的分解和整理,分析了应变能中各项所表示的物理意义,确定了级数展开的基,从而使得应变能函数和材料破坏准则在形式上具有一致性,最终提出了一个适用于脆性横观各向同性材料的破坏准则。该准则由5项能够与弹性应变能相协调的部分组成,仅包含5个独立且物理力学意义清晰的参数。基于常规试验给出了5个独立参数的确定方案。通过与Tsai-Wu准则及已发表的多组试验数据的对比,验证了准则的正确性。 相似文献
将闭合裂纹表面的有效剪应力引入裂尖应力强度因子的计算,获得了无限大板和有限宽板含中心闭合裂纹在不同裂纹长度、倾角以及摩擦系数下裂纹尖端的应力强度因子值。引入等径向剪应力线 这一概念,建立了闭合裂纹断裂的有效剪应力准则:(1)岩板内闭合裂纹将沿着等 线上双剪应力的和最小的方向扩展;(2)裂纹尖端的应力强度因子KⅡ达到材料的临界值KⅡC,裂纹将开始扩展。该准则成功预测了闭合裂纹的临界起裂角 ,与各种经典复合型断裂准则计算Ⅱ型裂纹起裂角比较,结果较为接近。将其应用于闭合裂纹的断裂判定是安全的。 相似文献
Chunlin Li 《国际地质力学数值与分析法杂志》1995,19(5):331-344
A micromechanics model for stress–strain behaviour of brittle rocks has been developed. Microcracking is the mechanism of the non-linear deformation behaviour for brittle rocks in the pre-peak stage. The non-linear behaviour in this stage is simulated by considering the local axial splitting of microcracks. The relationships between the compressive stresses, the growth of microcracks, and the fracture-induced deformation are analytically established. In the post-peak stage the shear faulting predominates the process of deformation, which is simulated by a damage model. This micromechanics model is helpful in understanding the failure process in brittle rocks. The model can be used to simulate the complete stress–strain behaviour of rock. The model simulations are consistent with experimental results. 相似文献
Vadim V. Silberschmidt Vladimir G. Silberschmidt 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1996,85(1):103-109
Development of defects in brittle rocks is analysed in terms of continuous damage mechanics with an emphasis on a shear damage evolution. Necessity to account for an effect of stochastic action leads to an introduction of kinetic relations for damage accumlation in a form of stochastic differential equations. Numerical algorithms for their solution for three types of noise are proposed. Results of simulation are compared with analytical solutions for a determiistic case (absence of stochastic action). Effect of various types of noise on damage accumulation and on time-to-fracture distributions is investigated. The study is limited to the case of temporal stochasticity; ways for unification of approach and schemes with spatial randomness are discussed. 相似文献
借鉴经典元件组合模型的建模思路,将含分数阶微积分的软体元件与弹簧元件串联,结合一个幂函数黏塑性体,提出一种新的四元件非线性黏弹塑性流变模型,并给出该模型的本构方程和蠕变方程,得到在不同应力条件下的蠕变曲线。可以发现,岩石稳定蠕变阶段的非线性渐变过程和加速蠕变阶段蠕变速率的快慢程度可通过调整蠕变参数进行有效地模拟。在较低应力水平时,模型能够有效地刻画岩石的初始蠕变和稳定蠕变;当应力水平超过岩石的长期强度时,能够反映加速蠕变特性。利用该模型对试验数据拟合的结果表明,含有软体元件和幂函数黏塑性体的非线性流变模型能够有效地描述岩石的蠕变特性,减少组合模型中的元件个数和参数数量。 相似文献
《International Geology Review》2012,54(7):761-764
Statistical entropy of a multicomponent material (mechanical) system, such as sediments or rocks, particularly the relative entropy, is shown to be an easily calculable, simple and meaningful index of heterogeneity of the system, well suited for diagrammatic representations and for stratigraphic and/or lithological mapping. – V. P. Sokoloff. 相似文献
SummaryAnalogy Between Indentation and Blasting Tests on Brittle Rocks This paper presents a common mechanism of breaking quasi-brittle rocks either by drilling and blasting or by indentation. Only minor modifications, to account for the prevailing boundary conditions pertaining to either one of these cutting processes, are required.Rock breakage by drilling and blasting or by indentation is based on the formation of a heterogeneous stress field due to the application of concentrated loads either by the indentor or by the detonation of the explosives. Rock behavior varies according to the stress level generated into the material. In the high stress zone it is plastic or pseudoplastic. In low stress region, failure is of the brittle extension type.In indentation the formation of a confined plastic zone is essential before chipping. However, for blasting plasticity is not necessary to occur prior to chipping because the high pressure gases that are generated from the explosion are usually quite sufficient — under suitable conditions — to create failure by extension cracking.Energy consumed in these rock cutting processes is a function of the relative amount of fines produced and their size distribution (or degree of fineness). Further improvements in rock breakage efficiency can be achieved by the proper choice of the important parameters for the specific techniques.The above analogy can be extended to other well known rock testing and breakage techniques.
With 9 Figures 相似文献
ZusammenfassungAnalogie zwischen Eindruck- und Sprengversuchen bei sprödem Gestein Dieser Bericht befaßt sich mit einem verbreiteten Verfahren zum Brechen von quasi-sprödem Gestein durch Bohren und Sprengen oder durch Eindrücken einer Spitze. Es sind nur geringe Veränderungen nötig, um die wichtigsten Randbedingungen des jeweiligen Bruchverfahrens zu berücksichtigen.Das Brechen von Fels durch Bohren und Sprengen oder durch Eindruckbeanspruchung beruht auf der Erzeugung eines inhomogenen Spannungsfeldes durch Aufbringung konzentrierter Lasten mittels einer Eindruckspitze oder einer Sprengung. Das Verhalten des Gesteins wird von der Spannungsintensität bestimmt. In Bereichen hoher Spannung ist es plastisch oder pseudoplastisch. In Zonen niedriger Spannung erhält man Dehnungssprödbrüche. Bei der Eindruckbeanspruchung ist die Ausbildung eines begrenzten plastischen Bereichs vor der Bruchauslösung ausschlaggebend. Dagegen ist für Sprengung plastisches Verhalten nicht notwendig, da die bei der Explosion entstandenen Gase unter hohem Druck bei vergleichbaren Voraussetzungen gewöhnlich völlig ausreichen, Zerstörung durch Dehnungsbruch herbeizuführen.Die für solche Felsbruchverfahren benötigte Energie ist eine Funktion des gewünschten relativen Feingutanteils und dessen Größenverteilung (oder Feinheitsgrad). Die Effektivität von Felsbruchverfahren kann durch richtige Wahl der wichtigen Parameter für die jeweilige Technik gesteigert werden.Die oben beschriebene Analogie kann auf andere bekannte Test- und Bruchverfahren übertragen werden.
RésuméAnalogie entre poinçonnement et foudroyage des roches fragiles Cet article traite du mécanisme de rupture observé lors du poinçonnement et du foudroyage de roches du type fragile. Des modifications d'importance secondaire sont à apporter à ce mécanisme pour tenir compte des conditions aux limites propre à chacun de ce deux éssais.La rupture des roches dans des éssais est due à l'existence d'un champ de contraintes hétérogène résultant du poinçonnement or de la détonation des explosifs. Le comportement rhéologique des roches varie selon l'intensité des contraintes. A la zone comprimée, elle est du type plastique ou pseudoplastique. Par contre, dans la zone tendue, la rupture est du type fragile par extension.Dans la poinçonnement, la formation de la plasticité confinée sous le poinçon précède l'écaillage. Alors qu'en foudroyage la mise en plasticité autour du trou n'est, à priori, pas nécessaire, la forte préssion du gaz après la détonation pourrait — sour certains conditions — suffire pour rompre la roche autour de la charge d'explosif.La dépense énergétique dans le phénomène de rupture dépend de la taille des fines et de leur pourcentage dans les produits de rupture. Le choix approprié des paramètres importants du processus de coup résulte en une amélioration du son rendement.Enfin, l'analogie décrite ici pourrait être étendue à certains techniques d'éssai et de coupe de roches fragiles caractérisés par un champ de contraintes hétérogène.
With 9 Figures 相似文献