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利用高密度电阻率法进行断层破碎带探查的数值模拟方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确不同条件下断层破碎带的异常特征 ,提高高密度电阻率法 (HDR)的应用效果 ,该文在大量探测实例的基础上提出断层破碎带的地电模型 ;用有限元数值模拟的方式计算出不同地表电性层的情况下 ,高、低阻断层破碎带在不同电测的异常特征并确定最佳采集装置形式 ;并正演模拟倾斜断层的异常分布形态 ,给出为提高视电阻率断面对断层产状反映能力的数据处理方法  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - The results of studying the seismic regime using the load/unload response ratio (LURR) and self-developing processes (SDPs) are considered. For the five...  相似文献   

为了方便的存储和管理资源描述框架(RDF)数据,文中对利用Oracle空间网络数据模型存储RDF数据的方法做了改进.对改进前后得到的结果进行比较分析,并通过实验证明对基于Oracle空间网络模型存储RDF数据方法的改进不仅能够方便快捷的导入RDF,实现对RDF数据的有效管理,而且能够节省存储时间,提高了存储效率.  相似文献   

全站仪遥测目标三维坐标的新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩奎峰  孙东 《海洋测绘》2007,27(3):34-36
研究了利用全站仪悬高测量功能和前方交会来测定某些不能放置棱镜的目标点三维坐标的一种方法,并对所得到的结果进行误差分析,证明该方法测量精度满足工作要求.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - Possibilities of using radar polarimetry methods for identifying landslide zones are analyzed. The transformation of the dominant mechanism of signal...  相似文献   

Antonenkov  D. A.  Shchodro  A. E. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):1064-1071
Oceanology - The study of the structure of the water flow and bottom sediment transport processes is a relevant and important area of oceanological, hydraulic, and hydrological research. To carry...  相似文献   

海湾岸线是海湾变迁监测的重要对象。文章利用美国陆地资源卫星Landsat-5/TM、Landsat-7/ETM和中国环境减灾星HJ-1A、B/CCD遥感数据,对渤海湾1986-2014年近30年来的水域面积、岸线长度和岸线分形维数进行了解译测算。结果表明,渤海湾平均高潮位的水域面积呈现不断减小的趋势,其数值由1986年的(13 909.97±3.53)km~2减少至2014年的(12 641.99±11.50)km~2;岸线长度呈现先减小再增加的变化规律,其数值由1986年的(968.41±1.84)km减少至1998年的(642.43±2.59)km,再增加至2014年的(850.94±10.78)km;渤海湾岸线分形维数从1986年的1.110 2下降至2014年的1.064 9;同时分析发现养殖场建造、围填海和港口建设等海洋工程是渤海湾岸线变迁的主要驱动力因素;渤海湾岸线分形维数与天津市国内生产总值(GDP)的倒数变化呈现线性相关系数为0.95的高相关性。文章的测算和分析结果对海湾动力学研究、环境变迁评估和海湾开发管理具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - This paper presents new materials and summarizes existing ones on archeoseismology studies of stony walls conducted in the Alabash-Konurolyong...  相似文献   

Karabashev  G. S. 《Oceanology》2021,61(6):861-871
Oceanology - A method is proposed for visualizing the inconstancy of the phytopigment composition in the water layer of the formation of backscattered solar radiation recorded by the MODIS...  相似文献   

Dow在1977年提出的利用上下构造层镜质体反射率(Ro)差值来估算不整合面地层剥蚀厚度的方法,在国内仍有广泛的应用。使用镜质体反射率法,首次系统地恢复了渤海湾盆地惠民凹陷沙四段地层剥蚀厚度。沙四段地层剥蚀量介于100~400 m,平均剥蚀量为250 m,最大剥蚀区在鲁西隆起西北侧的斜坡边缘,最大剥蚀量近600 m,但范围较小,在凸起区则只有较小的剥蚀厚度。  相似文献   

Standard analyses with geographic information systems (GIS) and the publicly available GEODAS database were used to highlight bathymetric changes in the Lower Bay complex of New York Harbor. Dredging operations have deepened much of the Lower Bay complex. Approximately 6,580 hectares, or 20% of the bay bottom surveyed in 1934, was deeper in 1979/1982 than during 1934. Half of this deepening, 3,219 hectares or 10% of the bay bottom surveyed during 1934, was deeper by at least 2 m. Surveys conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of three borrow pits in the central part of the Lower Bay complex were used to examine sedimentation over a 16-year period from 1979 to 1995. Results were consistent with studies conducted during the 1970s and 1980s that show the pits function as sediment traps. Between 1979 and 1995, sediment accumulated at rates of 6 to 12 cm per year in many portions of the borrow pits.  相似文献   

Standard analyses with geographic information systems (GIS) and the publicly available GEODAS database were used to highlight bathymetric changes in the Lower Bay complex of New York Harbor. Dredging operations have deepened much of the Lower Bay complex. Approximately 6,580 hectares, or 20% of the bay bottom surveyed in 1934, was deeper in 1979/1982 than during 1934. Half of this deepening, 3,219 hectares or 10% of the bay bottom surveyed during 1934, was deeper by at least 2 m. Surveys conducted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers of three borrow pits in the central part of the Lower Bay complex were used to examine sedimentation over a 16-year period from 1979 to 1995. Results were consistent with studies conducted during the 1970s and 1980s that show the pits function as sediment traps. Between 1979 and 1995, sediment accumulated at rates of 6 to 12 cm per year in many portions of the borrow pits.  相似文献   

The possibility of using an optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) to determine the degree of short gravity-capillary wave damping by films of surface-active substances (SAS) is studied. Nonlinear mechanisms of optical surface imaging associated with a complex profile of sky brightness and long waves are analyzed. Using the model of free short gravity waves damping by the films, it is shown that the difference between the contrast of roughness and imaging in film-covered surface regions can be substantial and attributed to a variability of the damping degree within a specified wavelength range rather than to the wave-damping value. In addition, it is illustrated that Doppler shifts of the OSA space-time spectrum in regions covered with films can substantially increase due to nonlinear distortions of the surface images. This fact should be taken into account when obtaining additional information on the state of the surface and roughness based on the Doppler shift values.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the influence of the geological factors on the health of the population of the Altai Republic. A study of the geological and geophysical structure of the territory in question has revealed that, for some years before the earthquake, the health of the population was affected by a diverse set of geological characteristics and geophysical fields including mineral deposits, active faults, anomalies in geophysical fields, certain features of atmospheric gas and aerosol characteristics, and geochemical anomalies.  相似文献   

以秋茄(Kandelia candel L.Druce)幼苗为材料,在全日潮海区广西英罗湾开展为期5个月的野外梯度淹水胁迫实验。3座平台作为重复,每座设置8个梯度,相邻高程组间的高度相差10cm。实验5个月后测定幼苗的生长状况和一些生理指标。结果表明:秋茄幼苗的生长高度、节数、叶数和大根数这4个外部形态特征指标的最大值均出现在360cm高程组。生长高度、节数、叶数的曲线较为一致,幼苗大根数的略有不同,但总体上可看出太低的高程均不利于这4个指标的增长。叶面积对淹水胁迫的反应与叶数一致,但高程组之间的差异更大。叶绿素含量则表现长时间淹水胁迫促进含量增高。在任一高程组,秋茄幼苗各新生器官生物量分配均表现为:茎>根>叶。各新生器官及全株生物量的最大值出现在360cm高程组,它们的干重曲线表现比较一致。幼苗根系中的活性氧清除酶类活性均高于叶片。根系中SOD酶和POD酶的分布规律较为一致,都以360cm高程组的活性最高。叶片中SOD酶和POD酶的变化则相反,叶片SOD酶随高程增大而降低,POD酶则随高程增大而增大。根系中活性氧清除酶类活性的水平与幼苗全株生物量的关系均呈显著相关,叶片中的则无此相关性。360cm及以上高程组幼苗全部存活,较低高程组有部分死亡。综合本文实验结果,可初步判断北部湾沿海秋茄造林的滩涂高程不宜低于当地平均海平面。  相似文献   

利用常规测井资料识别砂岩储层大孔道方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对测井原理、水淹层解释、大孔道形成机理的研究,总结大孔道形成后在测井曲线上的响应特征,并利用层次分析原理对各个因素综合分析,提出1个准确合理的综合参数,最终实现人机交互式识别大孔道,称之为大孔道参数法。将其应用到大庆喇嘛甸油田大孔道判别中,取得令人满意的结果,正确率达80%以上。结果表明:大孔道参数法识别大孔道是行之有效的。  相似文献   

Calanus sinicus is a calanoid copepod widely distributed in coastal waters of China and Japan, and oversummering strategies may have major impacts on their population dynamics which in turn affect local marine food web structure. The abundance, stage composition, and sex composition of the planktonic copepod C. sinicus were studied from August to October 2002 in the southern Yellow Sea to understand how its population recovers from the over-summering state. Results showed that C. sinicus had low reproduction in August due to high temperature, except in waters near the Cheju Island with rich food and moderate bottom temperature, but the reproduction rates here decreased in September–October as food availability declined. When temperature dropped in September–October, C. sinicus actively propagated in coastal shallow waters. However, reproduction rates of C. sinicus individuals inhabiting the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass(YSCWM) remained low during the three months of the study. The percentage of C. sinicus females was high during the reproductive period, which suggests that the sex composition of adult C. sinicus may reflect whether or not the population is in the reproductive mode.Numerous fifth copepodite stage(CV) C. sinicus aggregated in the YSCWM in a suspended developmental stage during the three months of this study, and they potentially served as the parental individuals for population development when conditions became optimal for reproduction later in the year.  相似文献   

Changes in the limnological features of a typical meromictic lake, Lake Suigetsu, from 1926 to 1967 are summarized. Until 1934, the lake was stratified due to the balance between the flushing of fresh water and the intrusion of salt water through a canal by which the lake was connected to a coastal polyhaline lake. Total chloride content of the lake had been within the range of 100–230×103 tons and the thermal stratification had been well developed. In 1934, another channel was constructed, by which the lake was connected to another polyhaline coastal lake. This resulted in the influx of large quantities of salt water (maximum total chloride content of the lake: 790×103tons), and characteristics of stratification were altered. In the data after 1951, a two-layered system was re-established (total chloride content of the lake: 470–620×103tons), and distinct stratification began to appear.  相似文献   

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a practical parameter that is used to estimate the amount of organic pollutants in aqueous systems. It is generally used as a guideline to control the quality of waste treatment effluent globally and is a management tool to evaluate the total pollution load in the highly developed coastal regions of Korea. It is a preferred method because of the speed and simplicity of the analysis and because there are fewer instrumentation requirements. The Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) of the Republic of Korea developed a standard procedure for the measurement of COD. It has been revised several times, and the most recent revision was made in 2013 (MOF 2013–230). In this study, we modified the standard COD measurement procedure (MOF 2013–230), especially the sample digestion apparatus, to enhance analytical efficiency for a large sample number (batch), which is called a Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) modified MOF 2013–230. We examined uncertainty related to each experimental step and optimized laboratory conditions to reduce such uncertainties. The detection limit and estimated expanded uncertainty related to the KIOST modified MOF 2013–230 was 0.18 and 0.11 mg O2/L at a 95% confidence level (k = 2), respectively. This study also provides several tips to maintain consistent COD measurements in seawater using the alkaline potassium permanganate method.  相似文献   

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