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Overlying bottom water samples were collected in the Vistula River plume, southern Baltic Sea, (Poland) and analysed for dissolved and labile particulate (1 M HCl extractable) Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe and Ni, hydrological parameters being measured simultaneously. Particulate organic matter (POM), chlorophyll a and dissolved oxygen are key factors governing the chemical behaviour of the measured metal fractions. For the dissolved Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Ni two maxima, in the shallow and in the deeper part of the river plume, were found. In the shallow zone desorption from seaward fluxing metal-rich riverine particles account for markedly increased metal concentrations, as confirmed also by high particulate metal contents. For Pb, atmospheric inputs were also considered to have contributed to the elevated concentrations of dissolved Pb adjacent to the river mouth. In the deep zone desorption from detrital and/or resuspended particles by aerobic decomposition of organic material may be the main mechanism responsible for enrichment of particle-reactive metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) in the overyling bottom waters. The increased concentrations of dissolved Fe may have been due to reductive dissolution of Fe oxyhydroxides within the deep sediments by which dissolved Ni was released to the water. The distribution of Mn was related to dissolved oxygen concentrations, indicating that Mn is released to the water column under oxygen reduced conditions. However, Mn transfer to the dissolved phase from anoxic sediments in deeper part of the Vistula plume was hardly evidenced suggesting that benthic flux of Mn occurs under more severe reductive regime than is consistent with mobilization of Fe. Behaviour of Mn in a shallower part has been presumably affected by release from porewaters and by oxidization into less soluble species resulting in seasonal removal of this metal (e.g. in April) from the dissolved phase. The particulate fractions represented from about 6% (Ni) and 33% (Mn, Zn, Cu) to 80% (Fe) and 89% (Pb) of the total (labile particulate plus dissolved) concentrations. The affinity of the metals for particulate matter decreased in the following order: Pb > Fe > Zn > or = > Cu > Mn > Ni. Significant relationships between particulate Pb-Zn-Cu reflected the affinity of these metals for organic matter, and the significant relationship between Ni-Fe reflected the adsorption of Ni onto Fe-Mn oxyhydroxides. A comparison of metal concentrations with data from other similar areas revealed that the river plume is somewhat contaminated with Cu, Pb and Zn which is in agreement with previous findings on anthropogenic origin of these metals in the Polish zone of southern Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Equilibria calculations of high-temperature volcanic gases from lava lakes are carried out on the basis of best volcanic gas samples. The equilibrium gas composition at temperatures from 800° to 1400°K and pressures up to 25 kilobars (in ideal gas system) was calculated using the free energy minimization model as well as the Newton-Raphson methods. It is shown that the juvenile «magmatic gas » of basaltic magma consists of three components: H2O, SO2, CO2; the water vapor being about 60%. The increase of temperature under constant pressure results in the increase of the SO2 concentration and in the simultaneous decrease of H2S. Under the same conditions the ratios CO/CO2 and H2/H2O are found to increase. Methane cannot be a component of «magmatic gas» corresponding to the elemental composition of basaltic lava gases. The calculated values of \(P_{O_2 } \) are in good agreement with the experimental data obtained from direct measurements of \(P_{O_2 } \) in lava lakes and experiments with basaltic melts.  相似文献   

Light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL) represent one of the most serious problems in aquifers contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons liquids. To design an appropriate remediation strategy it is essential to understand the behavior of the plume. The aim of this paper is threefold: (1) to characterize the fluid distribution of an LNAPL plume detected in a volcanic low-conductivity aquifer (∼0.4 m/day from slug tests interpretation), (2) to simulate the recovery processes of the free-product contamination and (3) to evaluate the primary recovery efficiency of the following alternatives: skimming, dual-phase extraction, Bioslurping and multi-phase extraction wells. The API/Charbeneau analytical model was used to investigate the recovery feasibility based on the geological properties and hydrogeological conditions with a multi-phase (water, air, LNAPL) transport approach in the vadose zone. The modeling performed in this research, in terms of LNAPL distribution in the subsurface, show that oil saturation is 7% in the air–oil interface, with a maximum value of 70% in the capillary fringe. Equilibrium between water and LNAPL phases is reached at a depth of 1.80 m from the air–oil interface. On the other hand, the LNAPL recovery model results suggest a remarkable enhancement of the free-product recovery when simultaneous extra-phase extraction was simulated from wells, in addition to the LNAPL lens. Recovery efficiencies were 27%, 65%, 66% and 67% for skimming, dual-phase extraction, Bioslurping and multi-phase extraction, respectively. During a 3-year simulation, skimmer wells and multi-phase extraction showed the lowest and highest LNAPL recovery rates, with expected values from 207 to 163 and 2305 to 707 l-LNAPL/day, respectively. At a field level we are proposing a well distribution arrangement that alternates pairs of dual-phase well-Bioslurping well. This not only improves the recovery of the free-product plume, but also pumps the dissolve plume and enhances in situ biodegradation in the vadose zone. Thus, aquifer and soil remediation can be achieved at a shorter time. Rough calculations suggest that LNAPL can be recovered at an approximate cost of $6–$10/l.  相似文献   

The enrichment of some metals (Al, Mg, Na, K, Cu, Zn, Cd) in volcanic gases is measured by an emanation coefficient εx relating the amount of the element x in lavas and in aerosols.εx is determined in the volcanic emissions of Mount Etna (Sicily), with regard to that of210Pb. The accuracy of the results is limited by the geochemical behavior of common lead compared to that of210Pb. Concerning the most volatile species, it appears that practically all the volcanic aerosols are produced by evaporation followed by gas-to-particle conversion and the spattered fraction appears to be negligible.  相似文献   

We present a detailed petrographic study of Pele's hairs and tears sampled from Masaya volcano (Nicaragua). This study provides new observations of these little-known pyroclastic objects using both secondary electron images (SEI) and back scattering electron images (BSEI). Our work shows that Pele's tears can be associated with Pele's hairs after their formation: tears can be trapped on the walls and/or in the cavities of Pele's hairs. Moreover, chemical investigations of the Pele's hairs and tears highlight the presence of a chemical zonation. The edge of these tears and hairs show a siliceous enrichment, allowing us to quantify the interaction time of the silicate glass with acid gases in the volcanic plume. This study confirms the syneruptive and post eruptive volatile exsolution from Pele's hairs and tears.  相似文献   

The role of suspended particulate matter (SPM) as an important carrier of mercury (Hg) dispersed into the Gulf of Trieste and in the adjacent Grado lagoon (Northern Adriatic Sea) was studied during a high Isonzo River inflow and the resulting river plume formation. Despite the fact that extreme flood events are rare during the year, they account for most of the PHg influx (37-112 ngL(-1)) into the Gulf of Trieste. When the river plume is diverted to the SW under the influence of an E-NE wind, the tidal flux acts as a "transport belt" carrying the PHg, mostly inorganic, into the Grado lagoon. A preliminary estimation indicates that the amount of PHg entrapped in the lagoon basin following a tidal semi-cycle accounts for 1.4 kg/12h, which corresponds to about 49% of the total Hg carried by the tidal flow. These findings should be considered in future remediation strategies in the lagoon environment.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and movement of the sewage plume from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, was investigated in the ocean under the early summer ice. Samples of seawater were obtained via holes drilled through the ice and analysed for coliform bacteria. Ocean currents were also examined to determine their effect on the movement of the plume. High densities of coliform bacteria were found along the ca. 1 km shoreline of McMurdo Station and the plume extended 200–300 m seaward. The relocation of the outfall from a surface configuration to the subsurface (11 m deep) had little influence on the distribution of the plume that sometimes reached the seawater intake station, 400 m to the south. Ocean current measurements in the study area confirmed that, while the prevailing advection was to the north and away from the intake area, episodic reversals of flow at some current meter stations coincided with pulses of sewage that moved into the intake. These findings support the use of bacterial indicators as one means to map the distribution and movement of recent sewage contamination in cold (−1.8°C) seawater and provides evidence that the disposal and movement of domestic wastes in coastal polar environments deserves attention.  相似文献   

A portable multi-sensor system was developed to measure volcanic plumes in order to estimate the chemical composition and temperature of volcanic gases. The multi-sensor system consists of a humidity–temperature sensor, SO2 electrochemical sensor, CO2 IR analyzer, pump and flow control units, pressure sensor, data logger, and batteries; the whole system is light (∼5 kg) and small enough to carry in a medium-size backpack. Volcanic plume is a mixture of atmosphere and volcanic gas; therefore volcanic gas composition and temperature can be estimated by subtracting the atmospheric gas background from the plume data. In order to obtain the contrasting data of the plume and the atmosphere, measurements were repeated in and out of the plume. The multi-sensor technique was applied to measure the plume of Tarumae, Tokachi, and Meakan volcanoes, Hokkaido, Japan. Repeated measurements at each volcano gave a consistent composition with ±10–30% errors, depending on the stability of the background atmospheric conditions. Fumarolic gas samples were also collected at the Tokachi volcano by a conventional method, and we found a good agreement (the difference <10%) between the composition estimated by the multi-sensor technique and conventional method. Those results demonstrated that concentration ratios of major volcanic gas species (i.e., H2O, CO2, and SO2) and temperature can be estimated by the new technique without any complicated chemical analyses even for gases emitted from an inaccessible open vent. Estimation of a more detailed gas composition can be also achieved by the combination of alkaline filter techniques to measure Cl/F/S ratios in the plume and other sensors for H2S and H2.  相似文献   

Based on the study of Beijing PM10 bioreactivity with the newly developed plasmid DNA assay method, and analysis for trace elements of PM10, the cause of plasmid DNA damage by PM10 was investigated. The study showed that plasmid DNA oxidative damages by PM10 are of difference in different seasons at various areas. The concentrations of TM50 of PM10 in whole samples respectively collected at urban and comparison sites during winter were 900 μg mL?1 and 74 μg mL?1, while those in their corresponding soluble fractions were 540 μg mL?1 and 86 μg mL?1. In contrast, TM50 contents of PM10 from summer whole samples at urban areas and comparison sites were 116 μg mL?1 and 210 μg mL?1, whereas those in their soluble fractions were 180 μg mL?1 and 306 μg mL?1. The difference of bioreactivity of Beijing PM10 resulted from the variation of trace elements. The oxidative damage of plasmid DNA caused by Pb, Zn, As in PM10 (whole sample) was relatively strong. TM50 and Mn, V, Zn display stronger correlation in the soluble fraction. It implies that Zn could be the major trace element in Beijing PM10 which contributes to oxidative damage to plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

In the near pristine environment of a silled fjord on the west coast of Scotland samples were taken for the determination of dissolved and particulate trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Ni, Cd, Zn and Pb), together with nutrient and hydrographic data, during 19 surveys carried out over a year. An indication of the pristine nature of the environment are the low concentrations of dissolved silicon, phosphate and nitrate which are considerably lower than those of coastal waters which are subject to larger anthropogenic burdens. Distributions of dissolved Cu, Ni and Cd were found to broadly reflect conservative mixing of freshwater and seawater with both end members having similar concentrations. The concentration of dissolved Cu and Ni in seawater entering upper Loch Linnhe (Cu 0.28 μg l−1; Ni 0.26 μg l−1) was consistent with the 1:1 conservative mix of Irish Sea water and North Atlantic surface water predicted from radio-caesium tracer experiments (Mackay & Baxter, 1985). Atmospheric input of trace metals to upper Loch Linnhe appeared to be a relatively minor term in the mass balance relative to fluvial inputs. Values of distribution coefficients Kd were similar to those previously reported for the coastal environment. Iron showed the strongest affinity for the suspended sediments; with particulate percentages of the total load usually greater than 80%. Lead and Mn showed a similar strong affinity to the particle phase. For Cu, Ni and Zn the mass of the element in the dissolved phase was generally greater than that in the particulate fraction. Cadmium, was least associated with the particles, with typically greater than 90% existing in the dissolved phase.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks in Iran have been subdivided into three geographical groups: a belt extending from Maku district to Bazman, the Alborz Mountains, and East Iran. The average composition of the volcanic rocks is andesitic, although other rock types such as dacite, basalt and alkaline rocks have also been reported. In Iran, as elsewhere, the volcanics can be related to tectonic events (orogenic movements or laulting) and to the modern plate tectonics.  相似文献   

The role of hotter than ambient plume mantle in the formation of a rifted volcanic margin in the northern Arabian Sea is investigated using subsidence analysis of a drill site located on the seismically defined Somnath volcanic ridge. The ridge has experienced > 4 km of subsidence since 65 Ma and lies within oceanic lithosphere. We estimate crustal thickness to be 9.5–11.5 km. Curiously < 400 m of the thermal subsidence occurred prior to 37 Ma, when subsidence rates would normally be at a maximum. We reject the hypothesis that this was caused by increasing plume dynamic support after continental break-up because the size of the thermal anomalies required are unrealistic (> 600 °C), especially considering the rapid northward drift of India relative to the Deccan-Réunion hotspot. We suggest that this reflects very slow lithospheric growth, possibly caused by vigorous asthenospheric convection lasting > 28 m.y., and induced by the steep continent–ocean boundary. Post-rift slow subsidence is also recognized on volcanic margins in the NE Atlantic and SE Newfoundland and cannot be used as a unique indicator of plume mantle involvement in continental break-up.  相似文献   

Dissolved and particulate trace metals have been measured in the Southern Bight and the Rhine estuary in order to study the relative importance of precipitation and sedimentation processes as compared to mobilization processes in the estuary, and their impact on trace metal levels in the Southern Bight.  相似文献   

Fumarolic steam plumes and eruption clouds rise like convetive turbulent columns into the atmosphere. Formulae are presented here for estimating the heat power of plumes, the production rate of juvenile pyroclasts ejected during eruptions and the heat output of fumaroles. Their accuracy is tested using the well-studied examples of eruptions of Kamchatkan volcanoes.The Briggs (1969) formula may be used in observing the ascending part of a plume in crosswinds. The best results have been obtained using the CONCAWE formula which permits estimation of the heat power in crosswinds based on the axis height of a horizontal part of a maintained plume. Three connected equations have been suggested for a stable atmosphere and calm weather conditions. The first one, which is applicable for heights ranging from 100 m to 1 km, is the formula proposed by Morton et al. (1956). This equation changes for higher layers of the troposphere (1–10 km) and stratosphere (10–55 km).A classification scale was constructed allowing us to compare volcanic eruptions and fumarolic activity in terms of the intensity of their plumes.The described method is useful for volcano surveillance; it helps in the study of the energetics and mechanics of volcanic and magmatic processes.  相似文献   

The spatial/temporal variation information of atmospheric dynamic-chemical processes at observation site points of the "canopy" boundary of Beijing urban building ensemble and over urban area "surface", as well as the seasonal correlation structure of the gaseous and particulate states of urban atmospheric pollution (UAP) and its seasonal conversion feature at observation points are investigated, using the comprehensive observation data of the Beijing City Air Pollution Observation Experiment (BECAPEX) in winter and summer 2003 with a "point-surface" combined research approach. By using "one dimension spatial empirical orthogonal function (EOF)" principal component analysis (PCA) mode, the seasonal change of gaseous and particulate states of atmospheric aerosols and the association feature of pollutant species under the background of the complicated structure of urban boundary layer (UBL) are analyzed. The comprehensive analyses of the principal components of particle concentrations,gaseous pollutant species, and meteorological conditions reveal the seasonal changes of the complex constituent and structure features of the gaseous and particulate states of UAP to further trace the impact feature of urban aerosol pollution surface sources and the seasonal difference of the component structure of UAP. Research results suggest that in the temporal evolution of the gaseous and particulate states of winter/summer UAP, NOx, CO, and SO2 showed an "in-phase" evolution feature, however, O3 showed an "inverse-phase" relation with other species,all possessing distinctive dependent feature. On the whole, summer concentrations of gaseous pollutants CO, SO2, and NOx were obviously lower than winter ones, especially, the reduction in CO concentration was most distinctive, and ones in SO2 and NOx were next. However, the summer O3 concentration was more than twice winter one. Winter/summer differences in PM10and PM2.5 particle concentrations were relatively not obvious, which indicates that responses of PM10 and PM2.5 particle concentrations to the difference of winter/summer heating period emission sources are far less distinctive than those of NOx, SO2, and CO. The correlation feature of winter/summer gaseous and particulate states depicts that both PM10 and PM2.5 particles were significantly correlated with NOx, and their correlations with NOx are more significant than those with other pollutants. Through PCA, it is found that there was a distinctive difference in the principal component combination structure of winter/summer PM10 and PM2.5 particles: SO2 and NOx dominated in the principal component of winter PM10 and PM2.5 particles; while CO and NOx played the major role in the principal component of summer PM10 and PM2.5 particles. For winter/summer PM10 and PM2.5 particles, there might exist the gaseous and particulate states correlation structures of different "combinations" of such dependent pollutant species. Research results also uncover that the interaction processes of gaseous and particulate states were also related with the vertical structure of UBL, that is to say, the low value layer of UBL O3 concentration was associated with the collocation of atmospheric vertical structures of the low level inversion,inverse humidity, and small wind, which depicts summer boundary layer atmospheric character, i.e.the compound impact of the dependent factor "combination" of wind, temperature, and humidity elements and their collocation structure on the variations of different gaseous pollutant concentrations. Such a depth structure of the extremely low value of O3 concentration in the UBL accords with its "inverse-phase" relation with other gaseous pollutant species. The PCA of meteorological factors associated with PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations also reveals the sensitivity of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration to the combinatory feature of local meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Glacial meltwater and sediment at the source of the River Rhône have been analyzed to determine: 1. the partitioning of Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr. Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn between the water and particulate phase. 2. the particle size ranges which affect the dissolved trace metal ion composition of the meltwater and 3. the availability (potential release) of the ten trace metal ions from the sediment. Greater than 80% of the total Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn were found to be in operationally-defined (0.4 μm) dissolved forms. Fe and Al in the meltwater are primarily associated with particles in the size range 0.4–8 μm, while Cd. Cu, Mn, Ni and Zn occur with particles smaller than 0.1 μm. For the sediment, Cu, Ni and Pb were significantly present as exchangeable forms; only Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined as organicallybound forms.  相似文献   

Rubini  Soeria-Atmadja  Dardji  Noeradi 《Island Arc》2005,14(4):679-686
Abstract   The evolution of volcanism in Sumatra and Java during Tertiary and Quaternary time can be divided into three phases: (i) lava flows of the Early Tertiary event (43–33 Ma) consisting of island arc tholeiites; followed by (ii) eruption of tholeiitic pillow basalt at the beginning of the Late Tertiary (11 Ma); and succeeded by (iii) medium-K calc-alkaline magmatism in the Pliocene and Quaternary. The present available field data on the occurrence of Paleogene volcanic rocks and subsurface data in south Sumatra and northern west Java indicate a much larger area of distribution of the volcanic rocks than previously recognized. Because the eastward continuation of the northern west Java volcanic rocks had not been found, early investigators were inclined to assume that they continued to south Kalimantan. In contrast, the early Tertiary volcanic rocks that occupy the south coast of Java can be traced further east as far as Flores. The occurrence of Paleogene volcanics in south Sumatra and northern west Java can be interpreted as a Paleogene volcanic arc that was presumably related to the late Cretaceous–Paleogene trench parallel to Sumatra and west Java due to subduction of the Indian Plate toward the northeast (Meratus trend).  相似文献   

Based on the study of Beijing PM10 bioreactivity with the newly developed plasmid DNA assay method, and analysis for trace elements of PM10, the cause of plasmid DNA damage by PM10 was investigated. The study showed that plasmid DNA oxidative damages by PM10 are of difference in different seasons at various areas. The concentrations of TM50 of PM10 in whole samples respectively collected at urban and comparison sites during winter were 900 μg mL−1 and 74 μg mL−1, while those in their corresponding soluble fractions were 540 μg mL−1 and 86 μg mL−1. In contrast, TM50 contents of PM10 from summer whole samples at urban areas and comparison sites were 116 μg mL−1 and 210 μg mL−1, whereas those in their soluble fractions were 180 μg mL−1 and 306 μg mL−1. The difference of bioreactivity of Beijing PM10 resulted from the variation of trace elements. The oxidative damage of plasmid DNA caused by Pb, Zn, As in PM10 (whole sample) was relatively strong. TM50 and Mn, V, Zn display stronger correlation in the soluble fraction. It implies that Zn could be the major trace element in Beijing PM10 which contributes to oxidative damage to plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

There has been considerable agitation in recent months about heavy metal pollution in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary and on land around Bristol. Concentrations of zinc, cadmium and lead in water, sediments, seaweeds and shore animals are recorded from a number of sites on the southern shore of the estuary. Contamination is detectable ninety miles downstream of Avonmouth where the highest concentrations of these heavy metals are found.  相似文献   

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