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会泽铅锌矿床位于扬子地块西南缘的川滇黔铅锌成矿域中部,由矿山厂和麒麟厂2个矿段组成,具有规模大(Pb+Zn金属量超过500万t)、品位高(Pb+Zn质量分数超过25%)等特征。矿山厂矿段主要由1号矿体构成,矿石类型以氧化矿为主,已探明的Pb+Zn金属量超过100万t。变异函数模拟是反映区域化变量空间变化规律的有效手段之一。通过对矿山厂矿段1号矿体Pb、Zn元素的变异函数模拟,发现二者在走向、倾向和垂向上具有不同的基台值和变程,且数据规律显示矿体具有层控特征,这与地质特征相吻合;另外模拟还显示二者在倾向上具有较好的连续性。通过变程值的计算,当勘探网度设计为65 m×145 m时,即可达到较好的储量控制。   相似文献   

文章论述了隐伏矿床的定义和分类 ,介绍国内外寻找隐伏矿床的理论和方法 ,提出综合预测和找矿途径 ,提高找矿效率 ,以满足国家建设对矿产资源日益增长的需要。  相似文献   

矿政管理、矿山日常生产对三维建模在资源储量管理方面的应用需求日趋提升。主流的剖面法建模精度受限于已有地质资料精度,本文选取胶东地区上庄金矿①1矿体作为研究对象,基于国产3DMine软件,以钻孔建模为主、剖面建模为辅的方法构建了三维实体模型,采用距离幂次反比法对块体模型进行赋值,系统介绍了“数据处理—3D实体模型构建—信息提取—块体模型赋值”的建模全流程,该工作方法能够有效提高建模精度。矿体资源储量估算结果与传统的地质块段法估算结果相比,误差3.18%,同时不同的约束条件和块体属性筛选功能,能够快速便捷地实现矿体资源储量分割、实时更新和矿化空间分布规律研究,满足资源储量管理需求,为矿政管理、矿山日常生产对三维建模在资源储量管理方面的应用提供了支撑。  相似文献   

本区位于大兴安岭中段的东南坡,地理坐标东经120°12’00″-120°19’30″,北纬46°35’30″~46°38’00″,主要经历了华力西期,燕山期构造运动。  相似文献   

铜绿山-铜山是鄂东南地区典型的矽卡岩型铜铁金矿床。针对该矿床深部找矿需求,以科学成矿预测理论为指导,对成矿地质条件及深部找矿潜力进行了综合分析。利用Surpac三维建模软件进行三维可视化研究,构建三维地质体实体模型、三维地球化学模型及三维地球物理模型。对有利的找矿信息进行提取,选择侵入接触面缓冲、蚀变缓冲、F1因子和重磁同源异常4种预测要素,并选用证据权的方法进行综合成矿预测,构建了三维综合信息预测模型,应用该模型圈定了3处找矿靶区,将铜绿山-铜山铜铁金矿床的预测评价研究拓展到三维空间,为周边同类型矿床的深部找矿预测工作提供了参考。  相似文献   

通过对太行山南段平顺铁矿矿区构造特征及岩浆岩的动力学分析研究,认为第一岩浆岩带属于被动侵位机制,岩体内部成矿潜力较大;第二岩浆岩带为主动侵位机制,背斜核部及岩体与围岩的接触部位为有利成矿区。同时根据岩石、矿石的稀土元素、微量元素、Pb同位素特征及矿体与岩体的关系,认为晚期闪长岩是主要的成矿母岩,但早期基性—超基性岩间接为铁矿的形成提供了一定的物质来源;矿体的形态明显受到接触面及周边构造形态的控制,呈不规则板状、透镜状、分枝状、羽状分布。最后运用矿体成矿规律、磁异常、电法异常等找矿预测方法,在研究区内圈出了龙降沟岩体南缘、双井、东郊3个找矿预测区。  相似文献   

针对地质断层三维建模及可视化领域中现有技术存在的模拟断层局限性、插值困境等问题,本文提出了断层表达式方法建模方法。首先,以地质断层构造的形成机制为理论依据,分析构造断层表达式所需要运算对象和算子,构建表达式规则,并运用上下文无关文法对表达式规则进行形式化描述;然后,对断层原始勘探数据进行规范化,形成构建断层表达式所需要的断层二维数据表,从中提取构建断层表达式的运算对象集合和算子集合,形成断层表达式;最后,对断层表达式进行计算,形成断层地质体抽象模型,并结合相关勘探数据运用相关算法及图形库等工具进行三维地质建模及可视化。实验以包含多条断层的达连河地质体数据为基础进行实验验证,建模结果与真实地质情况符合。实验结果表明,断层表达式建模方法解决了现有技术的局限性问题,避免了对地层断裂区域的插值运算,从而解决了插值困境等问题。  相似文献   

针对传统地质露头三维建模技术存在设备昂贵、过程复杂等问题,提出一种基于消费级无人机的重建方案,并开展了精度评定实验和项目应用。利用消费级无人机开展地质露头三维建模易于操作、成本低,三维模型纹理精细度高,能够真实反映研究对象的表面状况,可在模型上精确量测距离和方向,在降低了野外工作量的同时,提高了地质露头传统野外量测精度,为地质露头野外踏勘提供了一种新的技术手段。  相似文献   

文章介绍广西某金矿区已探明的主要矿段上的两条典型剖面,进行土壤地球化学剖面测量、地电化学测量、土壤中金属活动态测定以及元素垂向分带研究等新方法技术的试验研究,结合矿区的地质条件、含矿地层、控矿构造及矿体的地质特征,对该矿区地下深部含矿性进行评价,探索寻找该类型金矿体的有效勘查地球化学方法与技术.  相似文献   

通过对河北省遵化市龙湾铁矿的成矿地质背景、矿体特征等的综合分析及研究,认为铁矿体主要位于太古界迁西群马兰峪组(Arm),矿床成因类型认为是伴随太古代海底火山喷发沉积的硅铁质建造经变质作用形成的沉积变质铁矿.工业类型为需选磁性铁矿石.对铁矿成因及围岩特征等找矿标志的研究,为该区找寻同类型铁矿具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

柳塘岭铅锌矿是在锰矿开采的基础上发现的、深埋于地下隐伏矿床,位于南岭纬向构造带东段北缘与耒阳—临武经向构造带中段之复合部位的复式向斜中,铅锌矿体产于石炭系上统(C1s)的不整合面之上,受石炭系上统浅变质细碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩控制,具有典型的喷流沉积型特征。  相似文献   

在总结分析现有复杂断层及倒转褶皱3维建模方法的基础上,提出一种基于广义三棱柱(GTP)的3维交互建模方法(岩柱体分区RPBP建模法)。文中定义了岩柱体、界限三角形两个重要概念,RPBP法可以通过构建断层界限三角形,将复杂断层系转化为多个简单断层系,然后采用构建简单断层系模型的方法来实现复杂断层系的3维建模;而对于倒转褶皱,RPBP法则通过构建褶皱轴界限三角形避免数据局部重复和冲突,使GTP建模过程得以顺利进行。实验表明,该方法能便捷可靠地实现含多断层相互切割、倒转褶皱等复杂地质体的真3维建模。  相似文献   

研究旅游景点语义交互及交互作用模式,对根据游客需求优化旅游格局有重要意义。现有语义交互挖掘方法忽略了文本中包含人感知信息的上下文词汇;此外,缺少以景点交互为单位分析交互作用模式的研究。为此,本文提出了一个景点间细粒度语义交互作用挖掘和模式分析框架。首先抽取文本中景点交互的语境;然后利用TF-IDF关键词抽取和语义网络分析方法,从讨论焦点和语义结构角度挖掘景点间细粒度的语义交互作用;最后结合Spearman秩相关系数、Graph Kernel图相似度度量方法和网络分析方法,分析语义交互作用模式。以云南省2018年游记数据进行实例分析,结果表明:① 利用本文提出的框架可以挖掘和分析各个景点间细粒度的语义交互作用,辅助有关部门结合游客意见提升旅游体验;可以分析语义交互作用模式,发现优化旅游格局的关键路线片段;② 苍山-洱海应着重提升自然风光体验;而大理古城-洱海应考虑改善游客对品牌旅游资源关注不足的问题;③ 云南省单核心集聚型、单核心辐射型、多区域合作型景点语义交互模式共存,呈现出点轴渐进扩散特征。可利用中介中心性较高且跨区域的景点交互,推动其他2种模式向多区域合作型转化,推进全域旅游战略实施。本文研究可为旅游路线推荐以及平衡旅游格局提供参考。  相似文献   

分形理论为精细研究地质体的复杂性结构提供了新的视角,已有研究表明元素含量在地球化学场中的分布具有分形或多重分形特征。应用元素“含量-面积”分形模型定量描述了西藏班戈地区8种微量元素的分形特征,其中W表现为低富集连续多重分形模式,其他7种元素表现为高浓集连续多重分形模式;应用“含量-面积”双对数分维数D值并结合地质背景分析认为区内Au、Sn两元素有一定的成矿潜力;与矽卡岩有关的Cu、Mo、Pb、Zn、Ag等多金属均有较好的成矿潜力,其中Cu元素的成矿潜力最大、Mo、Pb、Ag等元素成矿潜力较好、Zn元素成矿潜力相对较差;区内W元素的成矿潜力不大。   相似文献   

In order to make assessment on urbanization coordination, we developed a comprehensive model by integrating entropy weight method(EWM), coupling degree model(CDM), coupling coordination degree model(CCDM), multi-index grading method(MIGM) and Remote Sensing Geographic Information System(RS GIS) technology. Then we applied this integrated model to a case study in Jiangxi Province, China. Our study finds that: 1) EWM, CDM and CCDM can evaluate the temporal dynamic of urbanization. Urbanization process of Jiangxi Province can be divided into three periods, the stable development period(1990–2001), the accelerated development period(2002–2009) and the rapid development period(2010–2015). Coordinated development of urbanization in Jiangxi Province can be divided into two phases, an increasingly coordinated phase(1990–2003) and an increasingly incongruous phase(2003–2015). The state transition was due to low development rate of population urbanization. 2) RS GIS technology is an effective tool for detecting urban growth. Urban construction land area of Jiangxi Province increased from 615.8 km~2 in 1990 to 2896.8 km~2 in2015, and the per capita urban construction land area(PCUCLA) reached 122.9 m~2, with the maximum value of 343 m~2 in Gongqingcheng City. 3) MIGM and RS GIS technology can analyze spatial difference of urbanization. There is a significant spatial difference in socioeconomic development at county scale, with the maximum value six times the minimum value for both PCUCLA and per capita GDP in 2015. Population urbanization lag and excessive land use are the main reasons for uncoordinated urbanization. There were 15 counties with a lag in demographic urbanization and 33 counties where PCUCLA exceeded the national standard in 2015, among which 20 exceeded the national standard of PCUCLA by 50%(≥165 m~2). Since there are significant spatio-temporal differences in urbanization, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive assessment to facilitate differential urbanization strategy making.  相似文献   

With rapid urban development in China in the last two decades, the three-dimensional(3D) characteristic has been the main feature of urban morphology. However, the vast majority of researches of urban growth have focused on the planar area(two-dimensional(2D)) expansion. Few studies have been conducted from a 3D perspective. In this paper, the 3D urban expansion of the Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China from 2003 to 2012 was evaluated based on Geographical Information System(GIS) tools and high-resolution remote sensing images. Four indices, namely weighted average height of buildings, volume of buildings, 3D expansion intensity and 3D fractal dimension are used to quantify the 3D urban expansion. The weighted average height of buildings and the volume of buildings are used to illustrate the temporal change of the 3D urban morphology, while the other two indices are used to calculate the expansion intensity and the fractal dimension of the 3D urban morphology. The results show that the spatial distribution of the high-rise buildings in Yangzhou has significantly spread and the utilization of the 3D space of Yangzhou has become more efficient and intensive. The methods proposed in this paper laid a foundation for a wide range of study of 3D urban morphology changes.  相似文献   

本文利用3D-GIS的方法,结合遥感卫星数据,建立矿区时间序列的DEM模型,通过可视化技术,地形模型构建、矿山地貌特征分析、剖面分析、量化计算、侵蚀类型分析,研究了矿山环境的特点和主要问题。并以大连市区及周边区域作为研究区域,对1970年到2005年的侵蚀与堆积进行了计算,以及侵蚀的分类。结果表明, 不同的侵蚀类型对矿山环境带来不同影响,因此,对矿山的整治应采取针对性的措施,才能达到防治保护的效果。试验认为,利用3D-GIS的可视化分析是进行矿山环境调查,制定矿山环境恢复治理措施的有效方法。  相似文献   

Ethnic mountain settlements are living heritage of varied vernacular cultures. The preservation of both the built form and the intangible socio-cultural associations with them are global concern in process of urbanization, and in the notion of sustainable development. However, there is a lack of multi-dimensional and cross-cultural quantitative research in settlement morphology, making it difficult to guide practice effectively. Therefore, this study focuses on exploring an automatic or semi-automatic quantification and classification method for the morphological identity of ethnic mountain settlements. We introduce and combine 3-D morphological indicators with existing 2-D indicators to build and test three different sets of indication systems for semi-automatic classification for the settlements' ethnic attribute basing on spatial morphology. Taking the Miao, Dong, and Tunpu(Han) ethnic settlements in Guizhou province, southwest China as research samples, we applied factor analysis and hierarchical clustering methods to compare the classification accuracy under the three systems using data from topographic map, field investigation map, satellite imageries, and ethnography or local chronicle. The results showed that, the 3-D indication system has succeeded in semi-automatic quantification and classification of settlement morphology and ethnic identity by greatly increasing the classification accuracy to 96.30%, which is a huge improvement compared with the basic 2-D indication system(42.59%) and the advanced 2-D indication system(61.11%). The settlement samples are further divided into two sub-types with significant morphological differences in each major ethnic category under the 3-D indication system. We then discussed the potential improvement and future large-scale application of this method with the help of machine learning and other smart techniques. We hope to provide a comprehensive quantitative perspective and a more scientific reference for the future preservation and sustainable development of the massive and diverse vernacular heritages across the world.  相似文献   

The decisions made by agricultural households to adjust to climate change(CC)in Iran are not well known.This study is intended to investigate the influence of perceptions and socioeconomic,institutional features on farmers’adaptation decisions about CC,which constitute the hypothetical statements of the study.We undertook a survey of 200 farm householders from 31 villages of Ilam Province,situated in the western Iran,as randomly selected.The result discloses that the proposed discriminant model matches the dataset well,with a strong effect size of partial eta-squared(η2=0.38).The analysis further signals that adapters are younger and more welleducated than non-adapters.Adapters are also knowledgeable about CC risks and institutional policy barriers.The adapters have subsidiary work,better access to credit,and have good contacts with expansion agents and specialists.The paper concludes that government authorities should provide farmers with the enriched capabilities and competencies enabling them to adapt to CC.  相似文献   

隐爆角砾岩是与矿体有着密切的关系,寻找次火山岩型矿床的重要找矿标志。云南省罗茨-武定地区的各地层与隐爆角砾岩具有明显的物性差异,为了查明工区内的控矿构造与隐爆角砾岩的情况,开展了1∶1万高精度磁法、大功率激电中梯剖面和瞬变电磁测量工作。对获取的ΔT磁测数据进行了化极和上延等处理,圈定出5个磁异常体和4条断裂,确定M1磁异常为有利矿致异常。在M1磁异常处先开展大功率激电剖面测量,大致圈定了异常的位置;然后开展瞬变电磁测深工作,查明了隐爆角砾岩与断裂构造的产状、延伸,并对地层进行了详细的分层。结合地质资料、瞬变电磁测深的成果资料,建立了综合地质一地球物理模型,用GMS3.0软件对磁测剖面数据进行了2.5D的人机联合反演,拟合出矿体的形态特征,得出了异常体的相对深度、宽度和厚度,为成矿预测提供了有利的地球物理依据。   相似文献   

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