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The irregular wave experiment on the stability of the Grate Plate was carried out in the lightof the wind wave spectrum recently advanced by Prof.Wen Shengchang.The stability formulas of GP un-der the action of irregular waves were procured.Comparisons between the formulas obtained and those ofGP under regular waves advanced by the first author in 1993 showed a coincident result.  相似文献   

Through hydraulic model experiment and site investigation, this paper has derived a calculation formula of dry-laid stone armour layer thickness of rubble mound breakwaters for fishery harbours. The influences of the friction force between stone blocks and the variations of wave length or period and water depth are considered in the formula. The calculated results of several existing structures are in good agreement with field data. This formula is more practical than those ever published both at home and abroad, and has been adoptted by the technical standards of aquatic projects published by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It is applicable for the calculation of dry-laid stone armour layer of breakwater for small- or medium-size harbours.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new kind of armour block - hexagon multihole block on sloping breakwater. It has great characteristics such as good interlocking, strong resistance against waves and saving concrete. Through the hydraulic model test, the mechanism of stability of the block has been proved and the relations between stability and wave height, wave period, water depth, slope, laying method, porosity and cushion have been found. The effect of weight on steadiness have also been discovered. Finally, the method of design and some formulas are given.  相似文献   

通过三维模型试验 ,研究了在斜向波作用下 ,扭工字块体、钩连块体、四脚空心方块和抛填块石等 4种块体在斜向波浪作用下的稳定性 ,给出了实用计算方法。  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionTheslopingbreakwateriswidelyusedintheprotectionofcoastalstructures ,withrubblemoundtoebermbuiltatthefootofthewave attackingslope .Thefunctionofarubblemoundtoestructureis ,inadditiontodecreasingthequantityofmainarmorstoneused ,toprovidestaticsupporttothemainarmorlayer,avoidingtherollingdownofmainarmorstonesandprotectingtheapronstonesfromero sion .TheweightoftoebermstonesisdecidedaccordingtotheCodeofBreakwaterDesignandBuildingformulatedbytheMinistryofCommunicationsofChina .When…  相似文献   

护面是海堤和护岸的重要结构,直接抵御波浪作用,可采用人工块体、块石等,种类繁多。采用紧密排列方块石作为护面结构是一种景观性较好的型式,依据方块石厚度不同能抵御不同大小的波浪作用。干砌条石及干砌块石护面曾有一些规范给出过计算方法,但现行规范没有相关内容可供设计参考,已有计算方法的理论分析还存在不足。当波浪与斜坡堤相互作用时,方块石护面出现位移或脱落可能发生在波浪回落最低阶段、波浪破碎打击阶段及破后爬高水流作用阶段,通过研究得到了不同阶段波浪对方块石护面作用力的计算方法。在波浪回落最低阶段,考虑了护面及其下方垫层渗透性影响,通过理论分析建立了低渗透护面浮托压强计算模型,采用物模试验将计算结果与试验测量值进行了对比分析,结果表明总体趋势符合,量值接近;在波浪破碎冲击阶段,基于射流冲击作用原理,提出了波浪在斜坡面破碎冲击压强计算方法,通过试验分析了波浪破碎水深波高比与破波相似参数的关系,利用浅水波理论计算了波浪破碎冲击水流流速;在爬高水流作用阶段,提出了水流引起的方块石护面垂直浮托力及水平拖曳力的计算方法,通过试验结果拟合了浮托力系数和拖曳力系数,验证了水流作用下护面的受力特征。最后,针对方块...  相似文献   

波浪对斜坡堤护面结构的冲刷破坏作用受诸多因素的影响,如波浪要素、水深条件、坡面角度、护面块体型式等。在进行某项有关斜坡堤护面块体的课题研究中发现,当防波堤断面结构确定后,护面人工块体的稳定性主要取决于波高及波周期的变化。在进行这方面内容设计计算中,通常波高的取值都能给予足够的重视,但波周期对护面块体稳定性的影响容易被忽视。本研究通过物理模型试验,针对波浪周期对斜坡堤护面块体稳定性的影响进行了总结分析,为防波堤设计提供参考。  相似文献   

近年来,军队和地方港口建设中,在一些水深达20 m的水域,选择了造价相对较高、但安全性和耐久性较好的斜坡式结构防波堤。但在确定护面块体稳定重量时却发现,按照相关规范计算的重量值偏小,不能满足安全性的要求。结合某船厂防波堤的断面物模试验,对大水深的斜坡堤护面块体的稳定性进行了初步分析,发现在该试验中块体的临界重量为8.15 t。并提出在计算块体稳定重量时应考虑水深的影响,适当降低块体稳定系数的取值。  相似文献   

郄禄文  Byung  Ho  CHOI 《中国海洋工程》2010,24(1):29-40
In the present study,the reliability design of semicircular breakwater is based on the verification of the rules defined by standard specifications,where partial coefficients are introduced to ensure safety.The reliability of the semicircular breakwaters has been analyzed by using the Hasofer-Lind method to determine the reliability index of structure that has correlated loads,utilizing the long-term observed wave data at a given place.The relation curve between reliability index and safety factor in the traditional design method,as well as the relationships between reliability index and partial coefficients,have been obtained.This paper proposes values of partial coefficients for the design expression of semicircular breakwaters in the cases of anti-sliding and anti-overturning.  相似文献   

- In this paper, some problems in the design of the breakwater for Dayaowan port area are described including the optimal selection of the layout plan of the breakwater; the selection of structural type of the breakwater, the concrete block type for bank protection, the reversed L-shape parapet; the elevation of the parapet; the stability test of the whole revetment; as well as wave absorbing effects of the perforated  相似文献   

A Probabilistic Method for Motion Analysis of Caisson Breakwaters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
1 .IntroductionInrecent years ,especiallyfrom1994 when aninternational conference on breakwater design washeldinJapan,muchresearchonthe dynamic analysis of caisson breakwaters has been done ,and manyimportant progresses have been made .Oumeraci and Korten…  相似文献   

In this study,an advanced probabilistic neural network(APNN)method is proposed to reflect the global probability density function(PDF)by summing up the heterogeneous local PDF which is automatically determined in the individual standard deviation of variables.The APNN is applied to predict the stability number of armor blocks of breakwaters using the experimental data of van der Meer,and the estimated results of the APNN are compared with those of an empirical formula and a previous artificial neural network(ANN)model.The APNN shows better results in predicting the stability number of armor blocks of breakwater and it provided the promising probabilistic viewpoints by using the individual standard deviation in a variable.  相似文献   

基于海浪谱的沉箱式防波堤动力分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海浪谱JONSWAP谱生成随机波浪,并结合改进的波浪力时程模型生成一个连续的、持续时间相对较长的随机波浪力作用过程。假设五十年设计基准期内防波堤每年遭受一次风暴,利用波浪谱随机生成五十次风暴波浪作用过程,对防波堤五十年设计基准期的响应过程进行一次随机模拟,以此作为一个样本。经过对大量随机模拟产生的样本进行统计分析,实现对防波堤整个设计基准期内的安全度进行概率评估。最后,通过算例对该方法的应用进行了演示。  相似文献   

Based on historical wind fields in the Bohai Sea,a sequence of annual extremal wave heightsis produced with numerical wave models for deep-water and shallow water.The design wave heights withdifferent return periods for the nearest deep-water point and for the shallow water point are estimated onthe basis of P-Ⅲ type,Weibull distribution,and Gumbel distribution;and the corresponding values for theshallow water point are also estimated based on the HISWA model with the input of design wave heightsfor the nearest deep-water point.Comparisons between design wave heights for the shallow water point es-timated on the basis of both distribution functions are HISWA model show that the results from differentdistribution functions scatter considerably,and influenced strongly by return periods;however,the resultsfrom the HISWA model are convergent,that is,the influence of the design wave heights estimated with dif-ferent distribution functions for deep water is weakened,and the estimated values decrease for long  相似文献   

一种超短基线定位系统阵型的改进方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
超短基线随着作用距离增加,其定位误差也增大.为了满足远距离作业需要,提高超短基线远距离的定位精度,文中提出通过改进超短基线基阵阵型的方法来提高定位精度,但同时会带来相位模糊的问题,因此进一步提出一种利用双脉冲信号相位抗模糊的方法以保证在改进的阵型条件下能够正确地定位.仿真和实验结果证明通过阵型改进后的超短基线系统定位精度得到了很大的提高.  相似文献   

A design method of reinforced concrete (R. C.) offshore platforms with nonlinear finite element analysis is proposed. According to the method, a computer program is developed. In this program nonlinear constitutive relationships and strength criteria of concrete and steel bars are included, and the progressive cracking and crushing of the concrete are taken into account. Based on the stress distribution obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis, the amount of reinforcement in the control sections can be computed and adjusted automatically by the program to satisfy the requirement of the design. The amount of reinforcement required in the control sections, which are obtained with the nonlinear finite element analysis, is agreeable to that obtained in the experiment. This shows that the design method of R. C. offshore platform with the nonlinear finite element method proposed by the authors is reliable for practical use.  相似文献   

The homotopy method is utilized in the present inverse hull design problem to minimize the wave-making coefficient of a 1300 TEU container ship with a bulbous bow. Moreover, in order to improve the computational efficiency of the algorithm, a properly smooth function is employed to update the homotopy parameter during iteration. Numerical results show that the homotopy method has been successfully applied in the inverse design of the ship hull. This method has an advantage of high performance on convergence and it is credible and valuable for engineering practice.  相似文献   

The basis, process and results of the demonstration of the main dimensions of a 75000t floating production and storage vessel are discussed in this paper. A simple but reliable orthogonal design method is applied in the main dimension optimization. The ideas of gradual approximation and feedback from various aspects are put into effect. During the demonstration, in order to make the model tally with the actual situation, the draft design is closely related to the computational analysis, so that the demonstration model can be verified at any time; the handling of the overall system is closely related to the research of each item, which is beneficial not only to the mastery of various regularities, but also to the balance of decisions. Finally, according to the computational results and the regularities obtained from analysis, the main dimensions are determined.  相似文献   

依据环境水文地质条件、污染源的状况和酚、氰化物对地下水长期污染状况,综合临淄地区现场资料对酚、氰化物的污染特性及迁移机理作初步研究。研究表明,淄河沿岸区和冲沟内砂砾石分布区是酚、氰化物进入地下水的主要通道,大气降水是促进酚、氰化物解吸迁移的主要因素。虽然目前研究区域内已无含酚、氰化物的污水直接排放,但吸附于较厚细颗粒包气带土层中的酚、氰化物还将在较长时间内存在并缓慢进入地下水中,其含量将会随时间的推移而呈减少趋势。  相似文献   

海底沙波的迁移对海底基础工程具有潜在危害,成为人们日益关注的热点。目前对海底沙波迁移过程的研究缺乏原位长期观测数据的支撑,设计一种海底沙波迁移过程的原位观测装置,通过水压差与高程差变化的对应关系来确定沙波的形态变化和迁移过程。并且在室内波浪水槽中对装置观测的可行性和观测结果的准确性进行验证,同时在仰口湾潮滩进行现场观测应用。该装置室内试验测量计算得到沙波表面高度变化5.9 cm,而观测得到沙波表面高度实际变化5.5 cm,两者吻合程度很好。试验结果表明,这套海底沙波迁移过程原位观测装置能对沙波外部形态变化进行测量且准确度较高,为海底沙波迁移的观测提供了新方法。  相似文献   

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