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Successful modeling of hydro-environmental processes widely relies on quantity and quality of accessible data, and noisy data can affect the modeling performance. On the other hand in training phase of any Artificial Intelligence (AI) based model, each training data set is usually a limited sample of possible patterns of the process and hence, might not show the behavior of whole population. Accordingly, in the present paper, wavelet-based denoising method was used to smooth hydrological time series. Thereafter, small normally distributed noises with the mean of zero and various standard deviations were generated and added to the smooth time series to form different denoised-jittered data sets. Finally, the obtained pre-processed data were imposed into Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) models for daily runoff-sediment modeling of the Minnesota River. To evaluate the modeling performance, the outcomes were compared with results of multi linear regression (MLR) and Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. The comparison showed that the proposed data processing approach which serves both denoising and jittering techniques could enhance the performance of ANN and ANFIS based runoff-sediment modeling of the case study up to 34% and 25% in the verification phase, respectively.  相似文献   

On May 12, 2008, an earthquake of 8.0 magnitude on the Richter scale and its numerous aftershocks devastatingly hit Wenchuan County and its nearby region along the Longman Mountains in Sichuan Province, China. The heavy ruined area was up to 30,000 km2 and 13% of its land surface was denuded by the extremely terrible quakes. The mountain collapses, landslides and debris flows induced by the earthquake not only scared the landscape at the immense scale, but also poured 1.66-billion-m3 sediment combined with offscourings and rubble into the Yangtze River and its breaches. This amount of sediments is 3 times more than the normal amount discharged into the Yangtze River, and will significantly increase sediment transportation of rivers and decrease storage capacities of reservoirs downstream. The dramatic increase in sediment load will imperil the engineering safety and impact the operation of the giant Three-Gorge Hydro-power Station if no proper prevention measures are taken.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment transport in streams is an effective indicator of soil erosion at the watershed scale. This process was studied using the data obtained from two continuous monitoring stations installed in Italian watersheds, the Rio Cordon and Torrente Carapelle. The catchments have substantially different climatic, morphological and land use characteristics. The Rio Cordon, a small Alpine watershed, has been monitored since 1986, while in the Torrente Carapelle, a medium-size Mediterranean watershed, the monitoring station has provided data since 2007. Several flood events with suspended sediment transport were isolated in the two catchments, excluding those determined by snowmelt in the Rio Cordon as this process does not affect the Carapelle watershed. Analysis of the events showed different behavior in terms of hysteresis loop trends between water discharge (m3 s-1) and suspended sediment concentration (g l-1) values, as the Rio Cordon confirms clockwise relationships most frequently, while counter-clockwise trends represent the majority of cases for the Carapelle Torrent. The different behavior of the two watersheds was further analyzed by evaluating relationships between the main hydrological parameters related to suspended sediment transport. Runoff controls the total sediment budget in both catchments. In contrast, it was noted that the runoff process does not interfere in the magnitude of the suspended sediment transport in the Rio Cordon catchment, while variations due to the larger size of the catchment area characterize the events in the Carapelle watershed. Lastly, a flow peak threshold that determines the advance or delay of the hydrograph peak with respect to the sedigraph peak was established for the Carapelle Torrent, while it was not reported in the Rio Cordon.  相似文献   

It is important to have a reasonable estimation of sediment transport rate with respect to its significant role in the planning and management of water resources projects. The complicate nature of sediment transport in gravel-bed rivers causes inaccuracies of empirical formulas in the prediction of this phenomenon. Artificial intelligences as alternative approaches can provide solutions to such complex problems. The present study aimed at investigating the capability of kernel-based approaches in predicting total sediment loads and identification of influential parameters of total sediment transport. For this purpose, Gaussian process regression(GPR), Support vector machine(SVM) and kernel extreme learning machine(KELM) are applied to enhance the prediction level of total sediment loads in 19 mountain gravel-bed streams and rivers located in the United States. Several parameters based on two scenarios are investigated and consecutive predicted results are compared with some well-known formulas. Scenario 1 considers only hydraulic characteristics and on the other side, the second scenario was formed using hydraulic and sediment properties. The obtained results reveal that using the parameters of hydraulic conditions asinputs gives a good estimation of total sediment loads. Furthermore, it was revealed that KELM method with input parameters of Froude number(), ratio of average velocity((1) to shear velocity(*) and shields number( ) yields a correlation coefficient(R) of 0.951, a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE) of 0.903 and root mean squared error(RMSE) of 0.021 and indicates superior results compared with other methods. Performing sensitivity analysis showed that the ratio of average velocity to shear flow velocity and the Froude number are the most effective parameters in predicting total sediment loads of gravel-bed rivers.  相似文献   

Tributaries are one of the most important factors contributing to variability in the downstream evolution of bed sediment grain size. The primary aim of this work is to evaluate the response of the bed sediment texture in the recipient channel induced by ten tributaries of the ?erná Ostravice stream and find reach-scale and catchment-scale parameters that would be able to predict this response. The research was based on collecting information on the grain size distributions at sites adjacent to confluence zones. A significant change in sediment texture occurred in the vicinity of five confluences. Considering the other factors contributing to grain size variability(e.g., local channel geometry, lithology, and lateral sediment sources), it was assumed that only four of them were associated with a sufficient bedload influx to alter the sediment calibre below the junction. Moreover, a significant morphological effect in the form of a large confluence bar was observed in one case. These tributaries had several common features:(i) they had a larger relative catchment area than that of nonsignificant tributaries;(ii) they were characterized by different bed grain sizes, with some exceptions; and(iii) they had a higher unit stream power close to the confluence in relation to that of the mainstream. These characteristics were represented by the proposed relative parameters, including the relative unit stream power and bed material texture, which allowed the best classification of significant and nonsignificant tributaries. In their simplified form, the parameters described the transport capacity and grain size distribution, which were generally considered to be primary factors responsible for a redefinition of the sediment texture in the recipient channel. However, it should be noted that these results are subject to some degree of uncertainty due to the relatively small sample size of only 10 tributaries.  相似文献   

The study on sediment production and its relationship with climatic and hydrological factors in watershed is a major environment issue of concern in the international community. Based on the observational records covering the period from 1954 to 1999, the characteristics of precipitation changing over the Dasha River Watershed in Anhui Province and its relation to sediment yield were studied using tendency analysis and correlation analysis.Results showed that the precipitation of the Dasha River Watershed has high variability. In those 46 years, 34% of spring rainfall, 58% of summer rainfall and 30% of annual rainfall will be considered anomaly. The gray correlation analysis shows that sediment discharge correlates most closely with the frequency of the rainstorm with a daily precipitation above 100mm, secondly with the frequency of the rainstorm with a daily precipitation of 50-100mm, and thirdly with the number of rainy days. Their correlation coefficients are 0.98,0.90 and 0.85 respectively. In addition,the paper suggests the major countermeasures and methods for controlling of soil and water losses in this area.  相似文献   

The transport mechanism and settlement characteristics of suspended sediments are analyzed in this article on the basis of measured data. Results indicate that the concentration and flux of suspended sediments decrease sharply from Hangzhou Bay to the offshore area. Suspended sediment transport is mainly controlled by advection transport and gravitational circulation transport. The settling velocity of suspended sediments gradually decreases from Hangzhou Bay to the offshore area. The settlement of suspended sediments mainly takes place during the turning phase of the tidal currents.  相似文献   

Sediment cores (~40–100 cm) were collected at 12 locations in the western Bohai Bay, the Haihe River estuary, the Yongding River estuary and the Tianjin Harbor, China, during 24–26 July 2007, and analyzed for 7Be and 210Pb activities. Due to localized hydrodynamic patterns and frequent disturbance from dredging activities, steady-state sedimentation features were not observed in this study. As demonstrated in the 7Be and 210Pb profiles, the temporal and spatial variations of these radionuclides support a non-steady state depositional environment in the study area. By comparing 7Be and 210Pb inventories in the sediments with those of the atmospheric source, we found that: 1) sediments dredged from the Tianjin Harbor or eroded from nearby estuarine and coastal areas are retained in the western Bohai Bay for relatively short intervals (several months), as reflected in the relatively high 7Be inventories in the western Bohai Bay; 2) over the long-term (years to decades), 210Pb inventories in the sediments imply that there is a net on-shore transport of sediments, and the sediments are mass-balanced in the entire study area. Overall, our results suggest that the sediments are retained in the estuaries and the western Bohai Bay despite local variability in sediment dynamics and disturbance due to human activities.  相似文献   

Based on the data from gauging stations,the changes in water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe (Yellow)River were analyzed by using the empirical mode decomposition(EMD)method.The results show that the periodic oscillation of water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River occurs at the interannual,decadal,and multi-decadal scales,caused by the periodic oscillations of precipitation,and El Nio/Southern Oscillation(ENSO)affects water discharge by influencing precipitation distribution and contributes to periodic varations in precipitation and water discharge at interannual timescale.The water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River have decreased since the 1960s under the influence of precipitation and huamn activities,and human activities attribute more than precipitation to the reduction in the water discharge and sediment load,furthermore,water abstraction and water-soil conservation practices are the main causes of the decrease in water discharge and sediment load,respectively.The reduction in sediment load has directly impacted on the lower reaches of the Huanghe River and the river delta, causing considerable erosion of the river channel in the lower reaches since the 1970s along with River Delta changing siltation into erosion around 2000.  相似文献   

Sediment cores (∼40–100 cm) were collected at 12 locations in the western Bohai Bay, the Haihe River estuary, the Yongding River estuary and the Tianjin Harbor, China, during 24–26 July 2007, and analyzed for 7Be and 210Pb activities. Due to localized hydrodynamic patterns and frequent disturbance from dredging activities, steady-state sedimentation features were not observed in this study. As demonstrated in the 7Be and 210Pb profiles, the temporal and spatial variations of these radionuclides support a non-steady state depositional environment in the study area. By comparing 7Be and 210Pb inventories in the sediments with those of the atmospheric source, we found that: 1) sediments dredged from the Tianjin Harbor or eroded from nearby estuarine and coastal areas are retained in the western Bohai Bay for relatively short intervals (several months), as reflected in the relatively high 7Be inventories in the western Bohai Bay; 2) over the long-term (years to decades), 210Pb inventories in the sediments imply that there is a net on-shore transport of sediments, and the sediments are mass-balanced in the entire study area. Overall, our results suggest that the sediments are retained in the estuaries and the western Bohai Bay despite local variability in sediment dynamics and disturbance due to human activities.  相似文献   

Annual discharge and annual suspended sediment loads of Beipei Hydrological Station of the Jialing River catchment were analyzed to describe the trend of Jialing River over the last five decades (1956-2006). These loads were also analyzed to ascertain the influential factors associated with its variation with the help of Kendall's Tau-b correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results indicated that the Jialing River annual discharge showed no significant trend at >95% confidence level while the an...  相似文献   

The Jinsha River Basin is an important basin for hydropower in China and it is also the main runoff and sediment source area for the Yangtze River,which greatly influence the runoff and sediment in the Three Gorges Reservoir.This study aims to characterize the spatial distribution,inter-annual variation of runoff and sediment load in the Jinsha River Basin,and to analyze the contribution of rainfall and human activities to the runoff and sediment load changes.The monitoring data on runoff,sediment load and precipitation were collected from 11hydrological stations in the Jinsha River Basin from1966 to 2016.The data observed at the outlet of the basin showed that 71.4%of the runoff is from the upper reaches of the Jinsha River Basin and the Yalong River,while 63.3%of the sediment is from the lower reaches(excluding the Yalong River).There is no significant increase in runoff on temporal scale in the Jinsha River Basin,while it has an abrupt change in runoff in both upstream and midstream in 1985,and an abrupt change in downstream in 1980 and2013.The sediment load demonstrated a significantincreasing trend in the upstream,no significant reducing trend in the midstream,but significant reducing trend in the downstream.The sediment load in upstream showed abrupt change in 1987,in midstream in 1978 and 2014,in downstream in 2012.Rainfall dominated runoff variation,contributing more than 59.0%of the total variation,while human activity,including reservoirs construction,the implementation of soil and water conservation projects,is the major factor to sediment load variation,contributing more than 87.0%of the total variation.  相似文献   

The present paper aims at modeling suspended sediment load (SSL) using heuristic data driven methodologies, e.g. Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) in three successive hydrometric stations of Housatonic River in U.S. The simulations were carried out through local and cross-station data management scenarios to investigate the interrelations between the SSL values of upstream/downstream stations. The available scenarios were applied to predict SSL values using GEP to obtain the best models. Then, the best models were predicted by SVM approach and the obtained results were compared with those of GEP. The comparison of the results revealed that the SVM technique is more capable than the GEP for modeling the SSL through the both local and cross-station data management strategies. Besides, local application seems to be better than cross-station application for modeling SSL. Nevertheless, the cross-station application demonstrated to be a valid methodology for simulating SSL, which would be of interest for the stations with lack of observational data. Also, the prediction capability of conventional Sediment Rating Curve (SRC) method was compared with those of GEP and SVM techniques. The obtained results revealed the superiority of GEP and SVM-based models over the traditional SRC technique in the studied stations.  相似文献   

Sediment transport in estuarine systems has been of increasing interest for scientists during the past few decades. However, the mechanisms for sediment redistribution remain unclear. We characterized in detail sediment transport in the Xiaoqing River estuary using the mathematical Weibull function to partitiongrain-size components of surface sediments in the southwestern Laizhou Bay, Northeast China. Four partitioned components: finer than 4, 4.6–12.5, 23.4–63.3, and 67.1–132.6 μm were interpreted in terms of hydrodynamic conditions. During sediment transport, silt grains were suspended and moved seaward from three depositional centers, whereas fine-grained sands moved generally landward. Overall, sediments are transported clockwise in a generally NNE direction near shore and then turn eastward offshore. The mathematical partitioning method showed a great potential for future estuarine environmental studies.  相似文献   

Suspended sediment concentrations in the Middle Yangtze River(MYR) reduced greatly after the Three Gorges Project operation, causing the composition of bed material to coarsen continuously.However, little is known about the non-equilibrium transport of graded suspended sediment owing to different bed material compositions(BMCs) along the MYR, and it is necessary to determine the magnitude of recovery factor. Using the Markov stochastic process in conjunction with the hiding-exposure effect of no...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSubeiShoalandtheChangjiangRiverestuarineareainthewestoftheHuanghaiandEastChinaSeasisoneofthemarginalseasintheworld ,wheresuspendedmatterisextremelyhigh .Here ,notonlyistheretheTaiwanWarmCurrentoneoftheKuroshio’sbranchesintheEastChinaSea,butalsotheHuanghaiCoastalCurrent,andChangjiangDilutedWater.Sothestrongmixingbetweenthecoastalandoffshorewaterscomplicatessuspendedmatterdistributioninthisarea.HowthesuspendedmatterdischargedfromtheChangjiangRiverandtheabandonedHuan…  相似文献   

Clay minerals of surface sediments in the South China Sea (SCS) are analyzed with X-ray diffraction, and their transport is explored with a grain size trend analysis (GSTA) model. Results show that clay mineral types in various sedimentary environments have different sediment sources and transport routes. Sediments in the northern SCS (north of 20°N) between the southwest of Taiwan Island and the outer mouth of the Pearl River have high contents of illite and chlorite, which are derived mainly from sediments on Taiwan Island and/or the Yangtze River. Sediments from the Pearl River are characterized by high kaolinite and low smectite content, and most are distributed in the area between the mouth of the Pearl River and northeast of Hainan Island and transported vertically from the continental shelf to the slope. Characterized by high illite content, sediments from Kalimantan Island are transported toward the Nansha Trough. Sediments from Luzon Island are related with volcanic materials, and are transported westwards according to smectite distribution. On the Sunda Shelf, sediments from the Mekong River are transported southeast in the north while sediments from the Indonesian islands are transported northward in the south. Ascertaining surface sediment sources and their transport routes will not only improve understanding of modern transportation and depositional processes, but also aid paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic analysis of the SCS.  相似文献   

Clay minerals of surface sediments in the South China Sea (SCS) are analyzed with X-ray diffraction, and their transport is explored with a grain size trend analysis (GSTA) model. Results show that clay mineral types in various sedimentary environments have different sediment sources and transport routes. Sediments in the northern SCS (north of 20°N) between the southwest of Taiwan Island and the outer mouth of the Pearl River have high contents of illite and chlorite, which are derived mainly from sediments on Taiwan Island and/or the Yangtze River. Sediments from the Pearl River are characterized by high kaolinite and low smectite content, and most are distributed in the area between the mouth of the Pearl River and northeast of Hainan Island and transported vertically from the continental shelf to the slope. Characterized by high illite content, sediments from Kalimantan Island are transported toward the Nansha Trough. Sediments from Luzon Island are related with volcanic materials, and are transported westwards according to smectite distribution. On the Sunda Shelf, sediments from the Mekong River are transported southeast in the north while sediments from the Indonesian islands are transported northward in the south. Ascertaining surface sediment sources and their transport routes will not only improve understanding of modern transportation and depositional processes, but also aid paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic analysis of the SCS.  相似文献   

Erosion of geological units and sediment load in rivers can be considered as the serious problems in recent decades.Increasing sediment loads generate major hazards for water resources development,particularly in terms of loss of reservoir storage due to sedimentation and siltation of water distribution systems.In this paper,the performance of four sediment rating curve (SRC) development methods was evaluated for the Shirin Darreh River(SDR) basin (1750 km2),located in North Khorasan Province,Iran.Data of flow discharge (Q) and suspended sediment flux (SSF)(Q-SSF pairs,N=957)and daily flow discharge,recorded by the Regional Water Company of North Khorasan (RWCNK) at the Qaleh-Barbar (QB) gauging site during 1989-2018were used.The flow discharge classification method performed best by meeting the desired criteria of most statistical indices,including normalized root mean square error (NRMSE),mean bias error (MBE),mean absolute error (MAE),index of agreement (d),and coefficient of determination (R~2).Based on the optimized method,the rate of suspended sediment transportation at the study site was estimated about2.7×10~6 ton year~(-1).Erodibility of the exposed formations in the study area was estimated based on a factorial scoring model (FSM).Three indices,focused on the outcrop and erodibility,were calculated for the geological units at sub-basin and total scales.Marl deposits are the most extensive geological unit in the three sub-basins and the maximum formation outcrop ratio (FOR) and participation in erosion (PCE)were obtained for these rocks at total scale.In fact,marl unit can be regarded as the main source to supply the suspended sediments in the study basin.  相似文献   

Rainfall resource is very important to the development of society and economy,especially to eastern Jianghuai watershed which is now facing serious challenge of water shortage.Based on the observational records covering the period from 1957 to 1999,the characteristics of precipitation changing over eastern JiangHuai watershed and its connection to sediment discharge in Chibe River valley were studied using tendency analysis and correlation analysis.Results show that the rainfall in this area had a declining tendency in Spring at a rate of -21.2mm/10a,annual and Summer precipitation was increasing at the rate of 10.6mm/10a and 14.8mm/10a.The gray correlation analysis shows that sediment discharge correlated most closely with runoffs and the frequency of the rainstorm with a daily precipitation of 50-100mm,on the second place,with the number of rainy days.In addition,the paper suggests the major countermeasures and methods for controlling of soil and water losses in this area.  相似文献   

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