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农业文化遗产具有重要的社会经济价值和生态系统服务功能,不过相应的数字化保护探索还相对缺乏。本文就农业文化遗产数字化保护的意义、内涵、主要内容与关键技术等开展探讨:① 数字化可以丰富农业文化遗产的保护途径,为相关部门的决策提供依据,有助于促进公众对农业文化遗产的认知;② 农业文化遗产数字化保护的主体内容包括粮食与生计安全、农业生物多样性、地方和传统知识体系、文化与信仰和社会组织、景观与美学特征;③ 农业文化遗产数字化保护的关键技术包括多粒度时空数据对象分析与处理、云计算与服务、大数据分析和人工智能等。研究表明,农业文化遗产数字化保护是一项复杂的系统工程,需要加强对建设目标、标准以及示范性应用等的研究,同时处理好保护与发展的辩证关系,并明确其地位与功能。  相似文献   

As an effective livelihood approach to alleviate poverty without rural population migration, ethnic tourism has become the primary choice of economic development in ethnic areas worldwide in addition to traditional livelihood approaches. This article applies the theories of livelihood to study the community evolution driven by tourism livelihood and examine three mountainous tourism communities in different stages of tourist area life cycle. Drawing on the methods of GIS spatial analysis, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires, this article proposes a sustainable livelihood framework for ethnic tourism to explore the evolution of ethnic tourism communities by identifying changes in livelihood assets (natural, financial, social, cultural and human capitals) in the process of tourism development. The results show that the development of ethnic tourism has led to changes in the increase of building land, and the diversification of land use functions with a trend of shifting from meeting local villagers' living needs to satisfying tourists, income composition and uneven distribution of tourism income spatially. Ethnic tourism also led to the deterioration of traditional social management structure, collapse of neighboring relationship, the over- commercialization and staged authenticity of ethnic culture, as well as the gradual vanish of agricultural knowledge with a trend of increasing modern business knowledge and higher education. In addition, these changes, involving livelihood assets from natural, economic, human, social and cultural aspects are interrelated and interactive, which form new evolution characters of ethnic community. This study reveals the conflicts over livelihood approaches which have formed new vulnerabilities to impact on sustainable evolution of ethnic communities. This research provides implications for achieving the sustainable development of ethnic communities with the driving force of tourism livelihood.  相似文献   

Community plays an important role in the preservation of agricultural heritage system (AHS). Recently, many AHS have been valorized as interesting resources for rural tourism. The expectations are that tourism development (TD) can be supportive for the conservation of AHS while creating benefits for local communities. In this study, two mountainous pilot villages (Longxian and Xiaohuang) in a global conservation project for traditional agricutural systems - Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) were selected to identify the relationship between AHS conservation and TD. The study undertook in-depth interviews, and questionnaires of village residents and informal discussions with local villagers. A t-test and a linear regression model were implemented to explore the comparative dimensions of the two communities with different geographical location, economic situation, and stage of TD. The research found some similarities and differences in the two mountainous communities during AHS conservation and TD. Firstly, AHS are preservaed well in both villages unconsiously, while the residents in Xiaohuang value more highly the heritage elements than the respondents in Longxian, and the villagers in Xiaohuang are more worried about their heritage system; Secondly, both villages expect lots of benefits from TD and they clearly perceive more positive than negative impact from tourism and thus approve TD, while the hugedifferent perception on transportation and accessibility in the two villages reflects the bottleneck of TD in Xiaohuang village. At the same time, the respondents from Xiaohuang perceive more positive and fewer negative impact from tourism than the respondents from Longxian. Thirdly, the respondents in the two villages all show positive attitudes towards participation in tourism mostly motivated by the high income expectation. The main factors to determine the community perception in two villages were also analyzed based on the data process. A location-based coneeputal framework of AHS conservation in partnership with TD at community scale is proposed at the end of the paper. The dynamics of tourism development, that could enhance a better understanding of the complex relationship between conservation objectives and tourism development are discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, mountain regions are attracting great attention to Indian tourists in general and foreign tourists in particular. The potential mountain resources for promoting green tourism are enormous in the form of natural and cultural heritage such as biosphere reserves, flora and fauna, lakes and rivers and traditional rural resources. In order to utilise tourism industry market, uncontrolled numbers of tourists and related haphazard infrastructural facilities in the vulnerable mountain regions pose serious environmental implications. The ecological pressures are threatening land, water and wild life resources through direct and indirect environmental impacts together with generation of solid and liquid wastes, so green tourism is emerging as an important task in order to develop new relationship between communities, government agencies and private sectors. The strategy focuses on ecological understanding, environmental protection and ecodevelopment. The major attributes of the green tourism include environmental conservation and education and distribution of income to local people based on strong partnership. Various knowledge systems go a long way for achieving the goals of the green tourism, which creates awareness about the value of environmental resources. Mountains have ecological, recreational, educational and scientific values, which need to be utilised in sustainable way. Various tourist activities andfacilities need to be diversified in order to achieve multiple benefits including scientific field excursion, recreation in natural and cultural areas, community festivals and sport tourisms. Green tourism considers tourism development as an integral part of a national and regional development. The paper discusses the social, economic and environmental dimensions of the green tourism with particular reference to village tourism development programme taking empirical evidences from the Himalaya. Such programme also minimises biophysical and human vulnerability and risks in mountain regions. The environmental consciousness campaign and introduction of code through multi- purpose Tourist Resource Centres are gaining currency in above context.  相似文献   

~~STUDY OF RURAL TOURISM IN TURPAN ,CHINA@KEYIM Parhad$Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, P. R. China; The Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, P. R. ChinaBRAMWELL B, LANE B,…  相似文献   

Architectural heritage comprises one of the most important elements of mountain settlements in Greece. It holds high cultural value, represents the tangible continuation of the past and forms the unique character and identity of each mountain region. Yet, controversy regarding funding for its preservation often arises. In this paper, we used two Contingent Valuation surveys to estimate the social benefit deriving from protecting the traditional architecture in the mountainous village of Sirako and, through it, to examine perceptions and attitudes of local residents and visitors. Research findings revealed a strong social will in favor of the good’s protection followed by high percentages of positive willingness to pay (WTP). However, WTP is significantly higher among residents. Cultural heritage value, of the good, appears to prevail, along with the environmental one. However, both residents and visitors pointed out that local heritage, if well-preserved, will boost tourism development. Residents appeared to better recognize the true level of architectural decay, expressed higher apprehension for its protection and were willing to pay higher amount of money. Tourists, on the other side, expressed high satisfaction for their visit, appreciated the beauty and serenity emerging from local built and natural environment and spent several days visiting the surrounding area. The longer they stayed and got familiar with the village, the more willing they were to contribute to local heritage’s protection. Percentages reflecting indifference for protecting architecture were extremely low. Yet, they were higher among tourists. Traditional architecture is considered as public good; an opinion resulting in an important percentage of visitors stating that national government should provide the necessary funding. In addition, the architecture appears to hold a high level of topicality. Those descending from Sirako or emotionally connected to it, of both social groups, turned out to be more concerned about the good and with a stronger sense of responsibility for it. Use-value of the good holds high economic value, as well, while higher percentages of zero WTP appeared among non-users. Research findings revealed social attitudes and perceptions on what constitutes architectural heritage, in its cultural and economic frame. If taken under consideration, they may form useful drivers for local, heritage-based, sustainable development.  相似文献   

Sustainable world heritage management represents an approach for managing the resources of a property by integrating environmental, economic, and social issues. It aims to provide sustainable benefits for future generations, while protect the property and minimize the possible adverse social, economic and environmental impacts. Indicators of sustainable development, which summarize information for decision-making, are invaluable to learn the efficiency and effectiveness of property management. Scientists in many fields devised several conceptual models of environmental statistics and indicators, of which, DPSIR (Driving forces – Pressure – State – Impact – Response) is thought to be the best available one in identifying and developing indicators of sustainable development. Based on the DPSIR conceptual model and indicator selection criteria, the present paper proposed a methodology framework for selecting indicators to assess the sustainable development of a natural heritage site. The proposed framework included a multi-level hierarchical structure for various indicators and indexes, a modified DPSIR frame to identify key issues in property management and a set of indicators for evaluating the sustainability in Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries.  相似文献   

沂蒙山国家地质公园地质旅游资源丰富,独有的岱崮地貌群景观以及长江以北最大地下峡谷的喀斯特地貌景观,且从超基性金伯利岩到酸性花岗岩的岩石地貌类型丰富。同时,地质公园旅游种类众多,且地质旅游资源较为集中,适合开展地质旅游。通过介绍沂蒙山国家地质公园概况和主要地质遗迹景区,并运用了综合评价法对沂蒙山国家地质公园主要地质遗迹地质旅游资源进行评估,评估结果显示主要地质遗迹景区的地形与地质资源较为独特,地质遗迹景观较为丰富,但文化资源方面未引起足够重视;景区的相关设施与交通建设尚可,但相对不完善,有待提高。目前沂蒙山国家地质公园开发适度,但保护的力度有所欠缺,应坚持开发与保护并重原则;地质科普教育工作没有得到有效宣传,应更加突出科普教育意义,体现地质遗迹的科学价值。通过地质旅游资源评估,对该区域的地质旅游资源进行重新的认识,激发游客和学者对沂蒙山国家地质公园的热情,实现地质遗迹价值,推动景区的地质旅游发展。  相似文献   

为了查清济阳县生态地质环境质量,对水、土壤、矿山环境质量、无公害农产品环境质量进行了现状调查,并对生态地质环境质量进行了综合评价。为济阳县社会经济发展规划、农业经济调整、环境保护、国土资源管理等领域提供依据,配合济南城市北跨发展为政府的宏观决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The concept of benefaction, as shaped in the pre-industrial society, has been altered and replaced by the modern term of sponsoring. The verbal transformation emerges from a deep cultural shift. Focusing on the dipole of benefactionsponsoring, we examine the cultural transition from the traditional communities of long duration to the modern societies of consumption, taking the Greek mountainous regions as an example. We investigate the cultural shift that generates the metastasis from the communities of benefaction to the modern brandplaces that consume their own cultural heritage,mainly, at the altar of the tourism industry. Modern society has adopted the concept of sponsoring, for the grace of which, culture has to prove evidence of economic value, in order to survive. In the extremely competitive frame of the free-market economy,mountain regions appear vulnerable. The selling and buying of their culture are tempting and attractive under a constantly shrinking welfare-state and narrowing development opportunities. It depends on local and national society to rediscover and regenerate those social mechanisms able to create culture or let the modern consumption-oriented forces prevail. However, authentic principles of benefaction may form an alternative perspective for social reorganization.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism, as an integral part of sustainable development, emerged as a logical outcome of preventing the uncontrolled and excessive use of tourism resources and attractions. This study analyzes whether mountain tourism development in Serbia can be sustainable and feasible in the long term. Given the heterogeneity of mountains in Serbia in terms of tourism development, the subject of this research is the achieved level of sustainable tourism development in mountains in the most developed and most visited region in Serbia-?umadija and Western Serbia: Zlatibor, Kopaonik, Tara, Zlatar, Mokra Gora and Go?. The sustainable tourism development level was analyzed by using five groups of the EU's comparative indicators: economic, social, cultural, environmental and tourist satisfaction indicators. The results showed that the development of tourism in the examined mountains is not fully aligned with sustainable development. The tourist satisfaction indicator has the most acceptable values, which is a good basis for further harmonization of tourism development on the principles of sustainability. Economic indicators, especially the ratio of overnight stays and accommodation capacities, show the most unacceptable values, which indicate the need for implementing changes in the process of tourism development in the coming period. The analysis of sustainable tourism in mountain areas in ?umadija and the Western Serbia undoubtfully points out that it is necessary to significantly change the current tourism product portfolio, which implies harmonizing mountain tourism development with global trends. Certainly, a comparative analysis that looks at the degree of sustainability of mountain tourism in some countries of the Alpine region, such as Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, contributes to this. The more intensive development of tourism throughout the year would significantly improve indicators of sustainable tourism in all analyzed mountain areas of ?umadija and Western Serbia. This would improve the value of economic indicators, which are marked as the most unsustainable. The development of tourism in the summer season, especially recreational and adventure tourism, would improve the social and cultural component of sustainable tourism. Environmental dimension of sustainable tourism would be enhanced by the development of ecotourism. By connecting spatially close mountains(Zlatibor, Zlatar, Tara and Mokra Gora) into a unique and integrated tourism destination, synergistic effects would be achieved resulting in international recognition and making the region of ?umadija and Western Serbia competitive on the European market.  相似文献   

Tourism development surely has social, economic and environmental impacts on tourist destinations.The study on resorts residents‘ attitudes can help understand the nature of tourism development and the extent to which it may influence on tourist destinations. By now, researches on residents‘ perception and attitudes are plenteous in the international circle and achievements are great, yet few are found in developing countries. As a most representative cultural tourist destination, World Cultural Heritage-Xidi and Hong villages in Yi County of Anhui Province, are drawing the attention of both tourists and academic circles. This article, taking Xidi and Hong villages as examples, seeks to analyze ancient village residents‘ attitudes towards tourism impacts and then tries further to explore the connection between tourism development and residents‘ attitudes. Both qualitative and quantitative surveys are applied in the exploratory investigation into local residents‘ attitudes of tourism impacts. Based on abundant face-to-face interviews with the local households, tourism enterprises concerned, local government and tourists from July to August of 2002, we are able to have a better understanding of local residents‘ attitudes to community life, and perception of tourism impacts on society, economy and environment. By this we can promote domestic study on resorts residents‘ attitudes, and provide some theoretical grounds for establishing tourism development planning and perfect community participation system at tourist destinations.  相似文献   

Using social exchange theory, this study investigated residents’ attitudes toward the preliminary stage of tourism development in nature reserves in Wuyishan National Nature Reserve of China, and the socio-economic and negative effects of residents’ attitude toward the tourist industry. Results of the questionnaire survey indicated that local people perceived they could benefit from the economic activities related to tourism, and were supportive of the conservation of natural resources and local culture, sustainable community development, and community participation in ecotourism planning and management. This study also revealed that the variables of age, gender, education level, household income, family size, non-farm work arrangements, and the distance to tourism attractions, have significant association with respondents’ attitudes toward ecotourism development, or negative impacts of the tourist industry. Respondents who are male, or have a higher household income, are more supportive of tourism development inside the reserve. Younger and more highly educated community members are more likely to support learning more about natural and cultural resources and landscapes. Respondents who have a higher household income, or live far from the village center, are more concerned about the negative environmental impacts of tourism development.  相似文献   

Human beings have had a tremendous impact on natural ecosystems and are now the principal power to change the biosphere.It is logical that we should pay close attention to the interaction between human systems and environ-mental systems.Taking Minqin bsin ,Gansu Province,as a case,this paper focuses on the evolution of regional physic-cal environments and the cultural systems by which people maintain their relationships with those environments.This pa-per presents the conceptural framework for the man-land system.Expecting to accelerate the regional sustainable develop-ment,it also analyses the evolutionary mechanism of regional man-land system.On the basis of reviewing and analyzing the evolution of man-land system in Minqin basin,the paper also brings forward an adujusting mode for the studied area, which consists of three aspects:to build up a concept that economic growth must harmonize with environmental qualityˊs and land productivityˊs improvement;to make a whole planning and management in the drainage area;and to push for-ward the technique of water-saving irrigation and establish water-saving agricultural system. Itˊs meaningful for resource exploitation and sustainable development of Chinese northwestern arid area,which is represented by Minqin basin,by under-standing what great changes the basin has experienced is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time standing what great changes the basin has experienced and is experiencing at the global background,and studying its time order and territorial structure ,the systemˊs character and law of evolution,trend and the regulating ways to improve man-land relationship.  相似文献   

Mountain areas are often rich in ecological diversity and recreational opportunities. Mountain tourism is thought to be an effective and important means for maintaining and expanding rural economies and, thus, improving the living conditions of rural societies. As mountain tourism service research is a professional field with several disciplines involved, a multi-disciplinary management pIatform is needed and it facilitates participation in sustainable mountain development by diverse stakeholders. With the source regions of the Yangtze and the Yellow River as a case study, this paper presents a conceptual framework for an adaptation management of mountain tourism services according to technical, policy, social and economic dimensions. The framework is based on a vulnerability assessment of mountain ecosystems, and can serve as a reference for the development of tourism service in other mountain areas.  相似文献   

Yong Tang 《山地科学学报》2016,13(9):1688-1700
This study investigates the contrasting sceneries of community-based tourism after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and focuses on the potentials of tourism in transformations towards green economies. How are tourism and environment linked in a sustainable relationship? And how can potentials of community-based tourism be directed in transformations towards green economies? A qualitative research design is used to examine contrasting sceneries and specific green elements of community-based tourism in a Qiang people's fortress village in Mao County, Sichuan Province, West China and further discuss how tourism can be compatible with human wellbeing through demonstrating a commitment to sustainable development. The study argues that potential economic, social and environmental costs of tourism need to be considered when evaluating the loss of community benefits toward sustainability. The green elements suggest the potential of community-based tourism in transformations towards green economies, involving green agricultural, green building, and green energy, green governance, green service and green consumption. This study will contribute to the debate about the relationship between tourism and environment sustainability in the green economies, as well as the critique of what can be learned for community development from green tourism in mountainous regions after the inevitable natural disasters.  相似文献   

该文依据国土资源部制订的地质遗迹分类标准,从地质遗迹的科学价值、美学价值、科普教育价值、地学旅游价值等方面出发,选取了科学价值、稀有性、典型性、观赏性、经济社会价值、环境优美性、保存程度、可保护性、通达性、安全性等10个评价因子,对济宁市现有124处地质遗迹点进行了定性和定量综合评价,确定了国家级地质遗迹点7处、省级地质遗迹点54处、省以下级地质遗迹点63处,提出了开展地质遗迹资源详细调查、加大地质遗迹资源保护力度、探索建立地学知识科普基地、积极开拓地学知识旅游市场4条地质遗迹保护和开发利用的有效建议,为当地地质遗迹资源管理、保护与开发工作提供了重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

地方高校图书馆建设"非遗"资料库资源便捷,意义重大。学校领导应当充分重视并投入一定的人、财、物,馆内应当围绕当地"非遗"状况展开具体建设,逐步开辟、充实与完善文献库、实物库与数据库。同理,广东海洋大学应当依托社会渠道与校内优势,在图书馆尽快建立与充实粤西"非遗"资料库,促进本校文科的健康发展。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Ecological shelter construction (ESC) in the upper reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River has been an important component of Development Program of West- ern China. In recent years, most of the literatures dis- cussing the meanings and goals of ESC have been fo- cused on the macro-level, and the scholars have concep- tualized it as a comprehensive strategy to promote the sustainable development of regional economy, society and environment, in which forestry's construc…  相似文献   

Free economic zone (FEZ) has a long history and plays a more and more important role in the world economy. Most studies, however, focused on the theoretical analysis of benefit and cost as well as the economic role of FEZ in the less developed countries and little attention has been paid to the evolution of FEZ. This paper will improve the above-mentioned studies and put forward the structural and spatial evolutionary model of FEZ by analyzing the development of objectives, preferential policy, governance structure, industrial sectors and location of FEZs based on the international economic and political development. FEZs develop towards: 1) more comprehensive and macro objectives, 2) more industry-oriented and multi-preferential policies, 3) more cross-national and combination zones with administrative areas, 4) more technology-intensive and multi-industries, 5) more flexible location and larger spatial dimensions, 6) more rapid evolution and typologies, and 7) more economic integration to the host economy. Biography: MENG Guang-wen (1960–), male, a native of Tianjin of China, Ph.D., specialized in regional planning and policy, environmental planning, tourist planning and management. E-mail: gwmeng98@hotmail.com  相似文献   

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