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A catalogue of possible landslide initial failure mechanisms, taking into account the geological setting and the geometry of the slope, the joint structure, the habitus of the rock blocks, as well as the mechanical behaviour of the rocks and of the rock mass (deformation and strength parameters), is presented. Its aim is to give geologists as well as engineers the opportunity to compare phenomena in the field and phenomena belonging to particular mechanisms and to find the mechanism occurring. The presented catalogue of initial landslide mechanisms only comprises the mechanisms having a clearly defined mechanical model that can be divided into empirical relations and into mechanical models, as well as an overview of run out models, which can be divided into empirical relations and into mechanical models.  相似文献   

When the slope is in critical limit equilibrium(LE) state, the strength parameters have different contribution to each other on maintaining slope stability. That is to say that the strength parameters are not simultaneously reduced. Hence, the LE stress method is established to analyze the slope stability by employing the double strengthreduction(DSR) technique in this work. For calculation model of slope stability under the DSR technique, the general nonlinear Mohr–Coulomb(M–C) criterion is used to describe the shear failure of slope. Meanwhile, the average and polar diameter methods via the DSR technique are both adopted to calculate the comprehensive factor of safety(FOS) of slope. To extend the application of the polar diameter method, the original method is improved in the proposed method. After comparison and analysis on some slope examples, the proposed method's feasibility is verified. Thereafter, the stability charts of slope suitable for engineering application are drawn. Moreover, the studies show that:(1) the average method yields similar results as that of the polardiameter method;(2) compared with the traditional uniform strength-reduction(USR) technique, the slope stability obtained using the DSR techniquetends to be more unsafe; and(3) for a slope in the critical LE state, the strength parameter φ, i.e., internal friction angle, has greater contribution on the slope stability than the strength parameters c, i.e., cohesion.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 induced a huge number of landslides. The distribution and volume of the landslides are very important for assessing risks and understanding the landslide - debris flow - barrier lake - bursts flood disaster chain. The number and the area of landslides in a wide region can be easily obtained by remote sensing technique, while the volume is relatively difficult to obtain because it requires some detailed geometric information of slope failure surface and sub-surface. Different empirical models for estimating landslide volume were discussed based on the data of 107 landslides in the earthquake-stricken area. The volume data of these landslides were collected by field survey. Their areas were obtained by interpreting remote sensing images while their apparent friction coefficients and height were extracted from the images unifying DEM (digital elevation model). By analyzing the relationships between the volume and the area, apparent friction coefficients, and the height, two models were established, one for the adaptation of a magnitude scale landslide events in a wide range of region, another for the adaptation in a small scope. The correlation coefficients (R2) are 0.7977 and 0.8913, respectively. The results estimated by the two models agree well with the measurement data.  相似文献   

Yuan  Liming  Tian  Fenglin  Xu  Suqin  Zhou  Chun  Chen  Jie 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2021,39(6):2153-2166
Journal of Oceanology and Limnology - The Kuroshio Extension (KE) is one of the most eddy-energetic regions in the global ocean. However, most mesoscale eddy studies in the region are focused on...  相似文献   

Earthquake-induced potential landslides are commonly estimated using landslide susceptibility maps. Nevertheless, the fault location is not identified and the ground motion caused by it is unavailable in the map. Thus, potential coseismic landslides for a specific fault motion-induced earthquake could not be predicted using the map. It is meaningful to incorporate the fault location and ground motion characteristics into the landslide predication model. A new method for a specific fault motion-induced coseismic landslide prediction model using GIS (Geographic Information System) is proposed herein. Location of mountain ridges, slope gradients over 45 o , PVGA (Peak Vertical Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.15 g, and PHGA (Peak Horizontal Ground Accelerations) exceeded 0.25 g of slope units were representing locations that initiated landslides during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan. These coseismic landslide characteristics were used to identify areas where landslides occurred during Meishan fault motion-induced strong ground motions in Chiayi County in Taiwan. The strong ground motion (over 8 Gal in the database, 1 Gal = 0.01 m/s 2 , and 1 g = 981 Gal) characteristics were evaluated by the fault length, site distance to the fault, and topography, and their attenuation relations are presented in GIS. The results of the analysis show that coseismic landslide areas could be identified promptly using GIS. The earthquake intensity and focus depth have visible effects on ground motion. The shallower the focus depth, the larger the magnitude increase of the landslides. The GIS-based landslide predication method is valuable combining the geomorphic characteristics and ground motion attenuation relationships for a potential region landslide hazard assessment and in disaster mitigation planning.  相似文献   

通过对凤凰山东北麓工程地质特征的分析.指出该区存在的不良地质问题有滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡等,并对各滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡的变形破坏特征进行了分析,最后运用斜坡(滑坡)稳定性计算中常用的瑞典法、毕肖普法和剩余推力法对其进行了稳定性验算,为凤凰山东北麓后期的治理设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于安全控制的网络服务计费系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以系统化的观点提出了将传统网络计费管理与网络安全控制有机结合,在网络计费系统中整合网络服务、安全认证、流量控制、计费等功能,使其功能扩展,性能提高,并具备很好的可操作性和实用性。  相似文献   

往复压缩机振动信号具有复杂的多源冲击特性,表现较强的非平稳性,传统的时频分析方法难以提取有效的故障特征.以傅氏变换为基础的传统频率概念和以希尔伯特变换为基础的瞬时频率概念存在固有缺陷,提出一种广义局部频率的概念,并结合自适应峰值分解方法,实现信号时频分布的构造途径;与HHT时频分析方法进行仿真对比,并应用到往复压缩机振动信号故障特征提取.结果表明,基于自适应峰值分解的广义局部频率方法有效揭示往复压缩机不同故障的多源冲击振动信号时频特征,为往复压缩机故障诊断提供一种新的手段.  相似文献   

Changing rainfall and its impact on landslides in Sri Lanka   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Introduction Landslides, floods and droughts are the most destructive type of natural disasters that often occur in Sri Lanka causing severe negative effects on livelihood of the people and the national economy. Landslides and floods with their rapid onsetting feature are the natural hazards that cause significant number of deaths, severe damages of properties and infrastructure, disruption of livelihood, disruption of services. Essential relief works, setback to livelihood and need of repair…  相似文献   

Recent and paleo-submarine landslides are widely distributed within strata in deep-water areas along continental slopes, uplifts, and carbonate platforms on the north continental margin of the South China Sea (SCS). In this paper, high-resolution 3D seismic data and multibeam data based on seismic sedimentology and geomorphology are employed to assist in identifying submarine landslides. In addition, deposition models are proposed that are based on specific geological structures and features, and which illustrate the local stress field over entire submarine landslides in deep-water areas of the SCS. The SCS is one of the largest fluvial sediment sinks in enclosed or semi-enclosed marginal seas worldwide. It therefore provides a set of preconditions for the formation of submarine landslides, including rapid sediment accumulation, formation of gas hydrates, and fluid overpressure. A new concept involving temporal and spatial analyses is tested to construct a relationship between submarine landslides and different time scale trigger mechanisms, and three mechanisms are discussed in the context of spatial scale and temporal frequency: evolution of slope gradient and overpressure, global environmental changes, and tectonic events. Submarine landslides that are triggered by tectonic events are the largest but occur less frequently, while submarine landslides triggered by the combination of slope gradient and over-pressure evolution are the smallest but most frequently occurring events. In summary, analysis shows that the formation of submarine landslides is a complex process involving the operation of different factors on various time scales.  相似文献   

为对油田注水管网摩阻因数进行反演求解,将注水管网节点部分未知压力设为随机参数,建立注水管网管道摩阻因数反演的一类随机优化模型———期望值模型;给出利用随机模拟技术和遗传算法求解期望值优化模型的数值方法.通过对理想注水管网进行反演求解,验证模型的合理性和算法的可行性.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a horizontal displacement-based approach to determine the potential slip surface of the slope. Firstly, a group of in-situ inclinometers with an appropriate spacing in the horizontal direction is located in the model slope. The equation of horizontal displacement with time for each in-situ inclinometer is fitted during the whole simulation process. Furthermore, the intersection of each inclinometer with potential slip surface is determined by using an optimization model. The slip surface can be obtained by using least square fitting method. Finally, the feasibility and accuracy of the method are validated by a series of numerical simulations. It is noted that the optimization model taking the maximum value of displacement increment gradient as an objective has higher accuracy when compared with other optimization models. This method employed in this study provides a preliminary approach to determine the real-time slope stability based on displacement, which can also be measured by using conventional instruments on site.  相似文献   

一种基于卷积的正弦波频率稳定度测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了通过离散卷积实现对频率稳定度的测量,介绍了该方法的原理和实现过程,并且与通用的硬件频率测量仪器进行比较,结果表明,与仪器测量频率稳定度的方法相比,此方法灵活简单,测量精度和仪器测量结果一致性较好.  相似文献   

A framework is proposed to characterize and forecast the displacement trends of slow-moving landslides, defined as the reactivation stage of phenomena in rocks or fine-grained soils, with movements localized along one or several existing shear surfaces. The framework is developed based on a thorough analysis of the scientific literature and with reference to significant reported case studies for which a consistent dataset of continuous displacement measurements is available. Three distinct trends of movement are defined to characterize the kinematic behavior of the active stages of slow-moving landslides in a velocity-time plot: a linear trend-type I, which is appropriate for stationary phenomena; a convex shaped trend-type II, which is associated with rapid increases in pore water pressure due to rainfall, followed by a slow decrease in the groundwater level with time; and a concave shaped trend-type III, which denotes a non-stationary process related to the presence of new boundary conditions such as those associated with the development of a newly formed local slip surface that connects with the main existing slip surface. Within the proposed framework, a model is developed to forecast future displacements for active stages of trend-type II based on displacement measurements at the beginning of the stage. The proposed model is validated by application to two case studies.  相似文献   

针对工业大气多因子复合作用的污染物连续地面浓度分布和评价问题,提出了一种基于GIS的地面浓度场模拟和综合评价的新方法,该方法将大气污染物扩散高斯模式和大气质量综合污染指数评价模型在GIS中有机集成,实现了污染物分布空间信息的显示和分析。通过将此方法应用于某一化工厂污染源不同气象条件下污染扩散分析计算,结果表明此种方法简单实用,特别是对多污染因子复合作用的综合评价模型具有任意空间分辨精度,可以满足不同分级需求。  相似文献   

In the multi-wave and multi-component seismic exploration,shear-wave will be split into fast wave and slow wave,when it propagates in anisotropic media. Then the authors can predict polarization direction and density of crack and detect the development status of cracks underground according to shear-wave splitting phenomenon. The technology plays an important role and shows great potential in crack reservoir detection. In this study,the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm based on shrinkage factor is combined with the Pearson correlation coefficient method to obtain the fracture azimuth angle and density. The experimental results show that the modified method can improve the convergence rate,accuracy,anti-noise performance and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the research works on landscape at fine scales using high-resolution images are uncommon.This research is based on the analysis of the combination of remote sensing data (1KONOS imagery acquired in 2002 and historical aerial photo taken in 1942). In the paper, the ecotopes in Qiujiadou and Xishao villages in Yixing City of Jiangsu Province in 1942 and 2002 were compared and landscape changes as well as the causes of the considerable changes were analyzed. It was found that the ecotope changes were at greater level in some aspects such as water surface and perennial vegetation coverage etc. This study at fine scale is globally significant for the rural areas, especially for the subsistence agricultural land, which occupies larger percentage in the earth. And it analyzes the structure of landscape based on a new landscape classification system--stratifications method.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁法应用于矿产资源、环境工程等领域.目前主流的瞬变电磁三维正演模拟方法包括积分方程法、有限差分法、有限体积法和有限元法.随着观测环境的复杂化以及探测精度要求的提高,有必要研究瞬变电磁法高精度三维模拟计算,以便推动数据处理解释方法的进步.本文系统介绍了瞬变电磁三维正演计算研究进展,分析了准静态差分方程的构建和发射源...  相似文献   

Due to the extremely high magnitude, long duration, and the complicated geo-environment in the disaster area, the great 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake not only produced a huge number of landslides and rockfalls, but also involved complicated dynamic processes. These processes are quite different from the characteristics of landslides and rockfalls under general gravitational force, and presently human knowledge is very poor in this field. In order to describe the special dynamic processes, some terms such as shattering-cracking, shattering-sliding, shattering-falls and ejection are defined in this paper. Combined with slope structures, a mechanism classification system of strong earthquake-triggered landslide and rockfall is suggested, which is divided into 5 categories and 14 types. This paper also analyzes the basic characteristics, dynamic processes and geo-mechanics conceptual models of some typologies, especial the type of shattering-sliding for most large-scales landsides. This paper initially reveals the formation mechanism, geo-mechanics models and dynamic features of landslides and rockfalls triggered by the great Wenchuan Earthquake.  相似文献   

The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008 induced hundreds of large-scale landslides. This paper systematically analyzes 112 large-scale landslides (surface area > 50000 m2), which were identified by interpretation of remote sensing imagery and field investigations. The analysis suggests that the distribution of large-scale landslides is affected by the following four factors: (a) distance effect: 80% of studied large-scale landslides are located within a distance of 5 km from the seismic faults. The farther the distance to the faults, the lower the number of large-scale landslides; (b) locked segment effect: the large-scale landslides are mainly located in five concentration zones closely related with the crossing, staggering and transfer sections between one seismic fault section and the next one, as well as the end of the NE fault section. The zone with the highest concentration was the Hongbai-Chaping segment, where a great number of large-scale landslides including the two largest landslides were located. The second highest concentration of large-scale landslides was observed in the Nanba-Donghekou segment at the end of NE fault, where the Donghekou landslide and the Woqian landslide occurred; (c) Hanging wall effect: about 70% of the large-scale landslides occurred on the hanging wall of the seismic faults; and (d) direction effect: in valleys perpendicular to the seismic faults, the density of large-scale landslides on the slopes facing the seismic wave is obviously higher than that on the slopes dipping in the same direction as the direction of propagation of the seismic wave. Meanwhile, it is found that the sliding and moving directions of large-scale landslides are related to the staggering direction of the faults in each section. In Qingchuan County where the main fault activity was horizontal twisting and staggering, a considerable number of landslides showed the feature of sliding and moving in NE direction which coincides with the staggering direction of the seismic faults.  相似文献   

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