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烷基酚是一类由酚类化合物烷基化后产生的化合物,与其他非烃化合物相比,更易溶于水.文章通过不同温度(25℃、45℃和65℃)、 不同盐水浓度(4000 mg/L、6000 mg/L和8000 mg/L)和不同原油类型(X37、X45和X61)的三组油水分配实验,研究了烷基酚在油水两相间的分配特征,确定了烷基酚分配系数的变...  相似文献   

在海相蒸发岩矿床的地质-地球化学研究中,常应用盐类矿物中的微量元素来研究钾盐矿床的成因和成矿指示标志,Br、Rb就是其中很重要的2种微量元素。缺硫酸镁型钾盐矿床在成盐过程中会蒸发沉积形成氯化物型的盐类物质, Br、Rb按一定的规律分配到这些盐类物质中而不形成独立矿物。在盐类物质蒸发结晶过程中,Br、Rb在固_液相之间的分配主要受温度控制。文章通过Br和Rb的地球化学特征及微量元素分配的热力学分析,建立了Br、Rb在盐类矿物相中的分配系数与温度间的热力学函数模型:,并探讨了利用这些公式来计算出钾盐矿床结晶作用形成盐类物质时的古温度,这对研究钾盐矿床形成时的古环境、物质基础条件、物理化学条件等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Some of the problems of weighting characters and of eliminating correlational effects between characters are discussed. Many different weighting schemes can be proposed for similarity coefficients even when, as in Burnaby’s coefficient, it is decided to give high weight to matches between rare states. The rarity of a character state must be considered relative to the sampling scheme used to select the sampling units. Similarities between all pairs of units may be analyzed to suggest groups among the units. Groups having many correlated characters may be the most useful but are unlikely to be found by numerical methods which eliminate correlational effects.  相似文献   

This short communication discusses an algorithm suited for the generation of periodic microstructures of granular media. Its particular features are a user‐defined grain size distribution, a representative volume element which is intrinsically periodic ab initio and a user‐defined termination criterion, controlled by an increase of volume fraction. For low densities our particle packings resemble fluids or gases, while we aim to reach for rather dense particle packings, similar to granular solids. The generated microstructures can thus be readily incorporated into large multiscale simulations, e.g. on the integration point level of a finite element analysis of a particular sand or concrete. The individual grain size distribution of the granular medium is incorporated through the introduction of different growth rates governing the final particle size distribution. We briefly sketch the generation of the representative volume element within a serial event‐driven scheme and demonstrate how periodic boundary conditions are ensured throughout the representative volume element generation process. The potential of the suggested algorithm will be illustrated through the generation of two different periodic multi‐disperse microstructures. They are based on different given grain size distributions, one for a quartz sand with a low non‐uniformity index and one for concrete aggregates classified as A32 by the German standard norm DIN 1045 to have a rather large variation in grain size. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水流分配策略随下坡坡度变化的多流向算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新的多流向算法方法(MFD-fg),其基本思想是水流分配策略应在空间上随着与下坡坡度相关的地形参数而变,从而地形对水流分配的影响可以得到合理、有效的建模。比较分析表明,MFD-fg采用以最大下坡坡度的线性函数对水流分配进行加权,是较好的水流分配策略。应用实验表明,与目前具代表性的单流向算法与多流向算法相比,MFD-fg方法的结果可获得更合理的汇流面积。  相似文献   

基于三维数值模拟的深基坑隔断墙优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应宏伟  李涛  王文芳 《岩土力学》2012,33(1):220-226
作为一种保护邻近建筑物的措施,隔断墙已经开始在深基坑工程中应用,但目前对其有关参数的设计还缺乏理论指导。以某软土地区深大基坑实例为背景,利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS,建立三维有限元分析模型,土体采用修正剑桥模型,模拟开挖实际工况,深入分析了隔断墙各设计参数对保护基坑邻近建筑物效果的影响,邻近建筑物沉降计算值和实测值验证了隔断墙参数优化分析结果的合理性。研究结果表明:地表位移、建筑物的横向角变量和围护墙最大位移随着隔断墙深度的增加而逐渐减小,但建筑物横向角变量的减小幅度趋缓,隔断墙存在一合理深度;随着隔断墙的位置逐渐从基坑侧壁向邻近建筑物移动,隔断墙外侧地表横向和纵向沉降以及纵向不均匀沉降均减小,建筑物的横向角变量也明显减小。理论上,隔断墙越靠近邻近建筑物,保护建筑物的效果越好;隔断墙的平面设置范围对于邻近建筑的保护效果也有着明显的影响,一般情况下可以取邻近建筑物的范围作为隔墙的合理设置范围;隔断墙刚度对地表位移和建筑物角变量影响不大,实际工程中宜取中等刚度的隔断墙。  相似文献   

陈亚雄  张振南 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):443-447
节理岩体中富含结构面等不连续体,其中很多结构面之间具有一定黏结强度,在冲击荷载作用下会发生脱结(debond)行为,从而消耗岩体应变能。在该结构面之间的黏结性质在很大程度上决定着岩体的破坏行为,发生脱结后,结构面之间不再具有黏结强度,岩体的力学性能发生弱化。为了对该类结构面进行模拟,在改进的Xu-Needleman势函数基础上推导出结构面单元,并将其嵌入到单元劈裂法中,模拟结构面的开裂过程,当结构面完全脱结后结构面单元就转化为一般节理单元。相应地,在数值实现过程中只是将结构面单元替换为一般节理单元即可。该结构面单元与单元劈裂法相结合,能够有效地模拟节理岩体的破坏过程。  相似文献   

The sedimentary sequence discovered at archaeological excavations in ancient Theodosius Harbour at İstanbul contains the records of sea level, environmental changes and the cultural history of the region. The cobbles at the base of the sequence include archaeological remnants of Neolithic culture that settled in the area between 8.4 and 7.3 14C ka BP, and are located at 6 m below the present sea level. The sediments representing a coastal environment indicate that the area was used as a harbour from AD 4th to at least the 11th century and were filled by the sediments derived from Lykos Stream after 11th century.  相似文献   

矿产资源勘查实行区块登记制度。本文详细说明了区块的划分及编号办法,并对吉林省1:5万图幅安区块办法进行了划分及编号,这对更好地管理吉林省矿产资源勘查项目有重要意义。  相似文献   

马文涛  李宁  师俊平 《岩土力学》2012,33(12):3795-3800
针对线弹性断裂力学问题,提出扩展径向点插值无网格法(X-RPIM)。该方法基于单位分解思想,在传统径向点插值无网格法的位移模式中加入扩展项来描述裂纹两侧的不连续位移场和裂尖奇异场。由于其形函数具有Kronecker ? 函数性质,易于施加本质边界条件。详细描述了X-RPIM不连续位移模式的建立,支配方程的离散形式以及J积分计算混合模式裂纹的应力强度因子的实现过程,讨论了不同积分区域对应力强度因子的影响。数值算例分析证明了该方法在求解断裂问题时的可行性和有效性,同时说明扩展径向点插值无网格法在模拟裂纹扩展问题时具有良好的前景。  相似文献   

基于水流模拟本身就是模拟模型回归求真(即实体原型)过程的认识,从模拟模型和实体原型之间的相关关系出发,应用统计学中的线性回归分析方法,通过回归系数建立了模型与原型糙率系数之间的关系式,提出了二维浅水方程模拟中糙率确定的回归系数法。数值试验表明,该方法并不依赖于糙率系数的初值,具有稳定性好、收敛速度快的特点;对磨刀门水道水流的数值模拟应用显示,该方法能有效地改善模拟计算的精度,具有较好的适应能力,简便实用,为二维浅水流动模拟计算时率定糙率系数提供了一种有效途径。  相似文献   

黄栋良  万益宏 《江苏地质》2010,34(1):104-109
基于常德市单个矿山地质环境调查情况,以选取10个矿山为例,运用综合指数法对单个矿山质量进行评价,然后根据单个矿山评价结果质量中等和差的矿山采用灰局势评价方法进行矿山地质环境综合分区,依此得出全市矿山地质环境综合评价分区。  相似文献   

矿物—熔体间元素分配系数资料及主要变化规律   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
本文提供了不同成分的8大类主岩(偏铝质(超)基性岩、过碱性(超)基性岩、偏铝质中性岩、过碱性中性岩、偏铝质酸性岩、过碱性酸性岩、过铝质酸性岩、超酸性岩)中28个矿物(橄榄石、单斜辉石、斜方辉石、角闪石、黑云母、金云母、斜长石、钾长石、石英、磁铁矿、钛铁矿、石榴石、锆石、磷灰石、绿帘石、黄玉、榍石、堇青石、蓝方石、石榴石、霞石、白磷钙矿、镁铁钛矿、板钛矿、黄长石、钙钛矿、尖晶石、金红石)的69个化学元素(Li、Rb、Cs、K、Na、Ca、Sr、Ba、Mn、Fe、Mg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Co、Ni、Be、La、Ce、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb、Lu、Y、Sc、Cr、In、Ga、Al、B、Cd、Sb、Bi、U、Th、Zr、Hf、Si、Ti、Ge、Sn、Mo、Nb、Ta、W、V、P、F、Cl、S、N、O、C、As、Pu、Re、Os、He、Ne、Ar、Xe、Kr)和1个化学一价原子团OH的分配系数。综合分析对比表明,矿物、熔体的成分和结构是分配系数的最重要的控制因素。对前人未讨论过的矿物结构和熔体铝过饱和度这两个因素应引起重视。最后,本文分析了矿物-熔体间元素分配系数的研究现状、存在问题,指出了这一领域今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

姚美娟  陈建平  王翔  徐彬 《岩石学报》2016,32(1):119-126
撞击坑是月球表面广泛分布的重要构造形态,占据了月球表面的大部分面积。撞击坑的直径差别很大,从几微米到数百千米,其退化程度与形成年代具有密切关系。为了研究不同地质年代形成的撞击坑直径大小及其演化规律,需采用量化分级方法对大小不同的撞击坑进行定量分级和统计分析。本文在月表撞击坑数据库LU60645GT和Lunar_Impact_Crater_Database(2011)的基础上,结合数据库中撞击坑的直径、深度和年代信息,利用最优分割分级法对撞击坑直径进行定量化分级,并根据分级结果,综合分析撞击坑几何形态特征及其演化规律。研究结果表明,撞击坑形态特征的演化与年代有密切的关系。在相同级别、相同地体下,撞击坑形成的年代越早,其形态特征的精细结构退化程度越明显,只保留了大体的几何形状;而在不同级别、相同地体、相同年代下的撞击坑形态特征则由简单逐渐变为复杂,坑物质也逐渐变得复杂。  相似文献   

Matrix diffusion and sorption are among the key processes impacting the efficiency of natural attenuation in the subsurface. While these processes have been studied extensively in fractured media, limited information exists on the sorption nonlinearity. To address this shortfall, a numerical model has been developed that couples matrix diffusion and nonlinear sorption at the scale of a single fracture using the dual-porosity concept. The study is limited to a constant continuous-solute-source boundary condition. The influence of sorption intensities on dispersivity and macro-dispersion coefficient is investigated using a method of spatial moments. Results suggest that mixing of solutes is significantly lowered by nonlinear sorptive behavior, with respect to the mixing caused by matrix diffusion for linearly sorbing solutes. Also, the magnitude of time dependent dispersivity during the pre-asymptotic regime is lower for nonlinearly sorbing solutes with respect to the linearly sorbing solutes. Reduced mixing is also observed for nonlinearly sorbing solutes under combined mechanisms of matrix diffusion and decay.
Résumé Les phénomènes de diffusion et de sorption comptent parmi les processus clés qui influent sur l’atténuation naturelle en subsurface. Si ces processus ont été massivement étudiés en milieu fracturé, il existe en revanche peu d’informations sur la non-linéarité de la sorption. Afin de combler cette lacune, un modèle numérique a été développé ; il couple la diffusion dans la matrice et la sorption non-linéaire à l’échelle d’une fracture unitaire en utilisant le concept de double porosité. La seule condition aux limites fixée pour toute l’étude est une source de soluté constante et continue. L’influence de l’intensité de la sorption sur la dispersivité et sur le coefficient de macro-dispersion est étudié via une méthode utilisant les moments spatiaux. Les résultats suggèrent que les mélanges de solutés sont significativement réduits par les phénomènes de sorption non-linéaires, comparativement aux mélanges causés par la diffusion pour des solutés à sorption linéaire. C’est pourquoi la dispersivité, dépendante du temps, est plus faible pour les solutés à sorption non-linéaire que pour les solutés à sorption linéaire, lors du régime pré-asymptotique. Des mélanges réduits ont également été observés pour des solutés à sorption non-linéaire, sous les mécanismes combinés de diffusion dans la matrice et de dégradation.

Resumen La difusión intersticial y la adsorción se encuentran entre los procesos clave que impactan la eficiencia de la atenuación natural en el subsuelo. Mientras que estos procesos se han estudiado extensamente en medios fracturados existe información limitada acerca de la no linealidad de la adsorción. Para abordar esta situación se ha desarrollado un modelo numérico que acopla la difusión intersticial y la adsorción no lineal a la escala de una sola fractura usando el concepto de porosidad doble. El estudio se restringe a condiciones limitantes de fuente de soluto constante y continuo. Se investiga la influencia de las intensidades de adsorción sobre el coeficiente de dispersión-macro y dispersividad usando un método de momentos espaciales. Los resultados sugieren que la mezcla de solutos disminuye significativamente mediante comportamiento de adsorción no lineal, en relación con la mezcla causada por difusión intersticial para solutos con adsorción lineal. Se observa que la magnitud de la dispersividad dependiente del tiempo durante el régimen pre-asintótico es más baja para solutos con adsorción no lineales en relación a los solutos con adsorción lineal. También se observa mezcla reducida para solutos con adsorción no lineal bajo mecanismos combinados de difusión intersticial y desintegración.

Reconstructions of past seafloor age make it possible to quantify how plate tectonic forces,surface heat flow,ocean basin volume and global sea level have varied through geological time.However,past ocean basins that have now been subducted cannot be uniquely reconstructed,and a significant challenge is how to explore a wide range of possible reconstructions.Here,we investigate possible distributions of seafloor ages from the late Paleozoic to present using published full-plate reconstructions and a new,efficient seafloor age reconstruction workflow,all developed using the open-source software GPlates.We test alternative reconstruction models and examine the influence of assumed spreading rates within the Panthalassa Ocean on the reconstructed history of mean seafloor age,oceanic heat flow,and the contribution of ocean basin volume to global sea level.The reconstructions suggest variations in mean seafloor age of~15 Myr during the late Paleozoic,similar to the amplitude of variations previously proposed for the Cretaceous to present.Our reconstructed oceanic age-area distributions are broadly compatible with a scenario in which the long-period fluctuations in global sea level since the late Paleozoic are largely driven by changes in mean seafloor age.Previous suggestions of a constant rate of seafloor production through time can be modelled using our workflow,but require that oceanic plates in the Paleozoic move slower than continents based on current reconstructions of continental motion,which is difficult to reconcile with geodynamic studies.  相似文献   

Settling particles were collected from six stations at the Okinawa Trough and the East China Sea continental margin. Activities of U, Th, Pu isotopes and ^210Pb were determined for the particles to elucidate their transport processes. Surface sediment samples were also analyzed for their isotopes. There was a tendency for ^210Pb activities to increase almost linearly with depth from 72 m on the continental shelf edge to 1019 m in the Okinawa Trough. Increasing ^210Pb activities in settling particles with depth on the continental margin may be attributable to enhanced ^210Pb scavenging by particles and removal near the front. There also was a clear tendency for total mass fluxes and the radionuclide fluxes to increase with depth, with an especially large increase near the bottom. The ratio of the observed ^210Pb flux to the ^210Pb deficiency flux in the near-bottom traps ranged between 8.9 and 46. These high values show a strong ^210Pb excess which would be attributable to large advective import to the near-bottom and resuspended particles that have settled through the water column but have not been incorporated into the sediments. High variability of radionuclide fluxes occurred in very short time periods. Activities of ^238U, ^232Th, ^230Th, ^228Th, ^210Pb and ^239Pu+^240Pu in settling particles were significantly higher than those in the underlying surface sediments.  相似文献   

宋锦虎  缪林昌  高学伸  张瑞雪 《岩土力学》2016,37(12):3520-3528
土体在承载过程中渗透系数会发生变化,因此,在渗流作用下计算管片荷载需考虑土体渗透系数的变化。首先,根据土体渗透系数试验结果,给出了简化的分段孔隙比-渗透系数关系曲线。然后,建立了管片和土体的流-固耦合分析模型,包括渗流模型和力学模型;力学模型中土体分为弹性区和塑性区,其中弹性区根据孔隙比-渗透系数关系曲线进一步分区,从而考虑土体渗透系数变化的影响。最后,通过各分区半径取值将渗流和力学计算之间建立起联系,得到流-固耦合计算方法。计算结果为管片承载设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest for Li and B as geochemical tracers, especially for material transfer from subducting slabs to overlying peridotites, little is known about the behaviour of these two elements during partial melting of mantle sources. In particular, mineral/melt partition coefficients for B and to a lesser extent Li are still a matter of debate. In this work, we re-equilibrated a synthetic basalt doped with ~10 ppm B and ~6 ppm Li with an olivine powder from a spinel lherzolite xenolith at 1 GPa–1,330°C, and we analyzed Li and B in the run products by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). In our experiment, B behaved as a highly incompatible element with mineral/melt partition coefficients of the order of 10−2 (D ol/melt = 0.008 (0.004–0.013); D opx/melt = 0.024 (0.015–0.033); D cpx/melt = 0.041 (0.021–0.061)), and Li as a moderately incompatible element (D ol/melt = 0.427 (0.418–0.436); D opx/melt = 0.211 (0.167–0.256); D cpx/melt = 0.246 (0.229–0.264)). Our partition coefficients for Li are in good agreement with previous determinations. In the case of B, our partition coefficients are equal within error to those reported by Brenan et al. (1998) for all the mineral phases analyzed, but are lower than other coefficients from literature for some of the phases (up to 5 times for cpx). Our measurements complement the data set of Ds for modelling partial melting of the upper mantle and basalt generation, and confirm that, in this context, B is more incompatible than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

地下多洞室结构的中隔墙安全度区间计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江权  冯夏庭  揭秉辉  曾雄辉 《岩土力学》2010,31(6):1847-1852
针对地下工程中相邻洞室和隧道群的中隔墙稳定性问题,提出一种基于虚拟应力系数原理的多洞结构中隔墙安全度定量计算方法。该方法通过迭代搜索一个虚拟应力系数K,使得在K倍初始地应力下洞群中隔墙正好出现贯通性的等效塑性应变带,并由此确定中隔墙安全度的下限值。同时,分析不同虚拟应力作用下中隔墙等效塑性应变带两侧特征点的相对变形特征曲线,以相对变形曲线出现突变拐点时对应的虚拟应力系数作为中隔墙安全度的上限值,从而获得中隔墙的安全度区间。通过对一物理模型试验结果的验证分析和西南一大型水电地下洞群中隔墙安全度的计算表明,该方法可以合理地给出中隔墙的安全区间,可为地下多洞室或隧道群中隔墙的安全性定量评价和支护设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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