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The geochemistry and isotope systematics of Archean greenstone belts provide important constraints on the origin of the volcanic rocks and tectonic models for the evolution of Archean cratons. The Kam Group is a approximately 10-km-thick pile of submarine, tholeiitic mafic, and subordinate felsic volcanic rocks erupted between 2712 and 2701 Ma that forms the bulk of the Yellowknife greenstone belt in the dominantly granite-metasedimentary Slave Province. Mafic rocks range from Normal-mid-ocean range basalt-like basalts to slightly light-rare-earth-element-enriched (LREE-enriched) but Nb-depleted basaltic andesites and andesites, whereas dacitic to rhyodacitic felsic rocks are strongly LREE-enriched and highly depleted in Nb. The varepsilonTNd range from +5 to -3 in the mafic to intermediate rocks and from 0 to -5.5 in the felsic rocks. The varepsilonTNd decreases with increasing La/Sm, SiO2 and decreasing Nb/La, suggesting that as the mafic magmas evolved they were contaminated by older basement rocks. Gneissic granitoids >2.9 Ga in age, found at the base of the Kam Group, have varepsilonTNd between -6 and -9 and are excellent candidates for the contaminant. The geochemical and isotopic data, combined with the submarine eruptive setting and field evidence for existing continental basement, support a continental margin rift model for the Kam Group. Similar geochemical-isotopic studies are required on other Slave greenstone belts in order to test evolutionary models for the Slave Province.  相似文献   

The Archean Yellowknife Supergroup (Slave Structural Province. Canada) is composed of a thick sequence of supracrustal rocks, which differs from most Archean greenstone belts in that it contains a large proportion ( ~ 80%) of sedimentary rocks. Felsic volcanics of the Banting Formation are characterized by HREE depletion without Eu-anomalies, indicating an origin by small degrees of partial melting of a mafic source, with minor garnet in the residua. Granitic rocks include synkinematic granites [HREE-depleted; low (87Sr86Sr)I], post-kinematic granites [negative Eu-anomalies, high (87Sr86Sr)I] and granitic gneisses with REE patterns similar to the post-kinematic granites. Sedimentary rocks (turbidites) of the Burwash and Walsh Formations have similar chemical compositions and were derived from 20% mafic-intermediate volcanics, 55% felsic volcanics and 25% granitic rocks. Jackson Lake Formation lithic wackes can be divided into two groups with Group A derived from 50% mafic-intermediate volcanics and 50% felsic volcanics and Group B, characterized by HREE depletion, derived almost exclusively from felsic volcanics.REE patterns of Yellowknife sedimentary rocks are similar to other Archean sedimentary REE patterns, although they have higher LaNYbN. These patterns differ significantly from typical post-Archean sedimentary REE patterns, supporting the idea that Archean exposed crust had a different composition than the present day exposed crust.  相似文献   

Meta-graywacke and meta-argillite of Archean age near Yellowknife contain biotite, cordierite, gedrite and sillimanite isograds towards the Sparrow Lake granite pluton. The chemistry of biotite, cordierite, gedrite and garnet in rocks that up-grade from the cordierite isograd indicate a small range of chemical composition, particularly with reference to Mg, Fe and Mn. The analyses show further that among the coexisting ferromagnesian minerals Fe/Fe+ Mg ratio decreases in the sequence: garnet, gedrite, biotite, cordierite while Mn/Fe+Mg+Mn ratio decreases in the sequence garnet, gedrite, cordierite, biotite. The same order is also observed in the distribution diagrams. The regular distribution of Mg, Fe and Mn among the coexisting phases demonstrate that chemical equilibrium was attained and preserved in these Archean rocks. Mg-Fe distribution between cordierite and biotite appears to be dependent on the temperature of crystallization or metamorphic grade.  相似文献   

Prosperous granite (Rb-Sr 2520±25 Ma) occurs as several plutons (1–380 km2 outcrop area) in a thick succession of metamorphosed greywacke-mudstone of the Yellowknife Supergroup. The average mineral content of the Sparrow pluton (in vol.%) is quartz (32), plagioclase (31), K-feldspar (24), muscovite (9), biotite (3), and apatite (<1). Average trace-element concentrations (in ppm) are Li (140), Be (4), B (28), Zn (47), Rb (250), Sr (76), Zr (75) and Ba (360). The central portion of the pluton is slightly richer in K, Sr, and Ba than the margin. Li is concentrated in mica (Li in biotite/Li in muscovite=4.7), and Be and B in muscovite and plagioclase. Countless pegmatite dikes occur in the Sparrow pluton and in schist-hornfels to the east; the outer limit is marked by the cordierite isograd, 9 km from the granite contact. Dikes vary greatly in size (1 km to a few cm in length), in mineral content (quartz, albite, K-feldspar, muscovite, tourmaline, beryl, spodumene), in major element composition (especially the NaK ratio), and in trace-element content (Li 18–5000 ppm, Be 5–260 ppm, B 20–150 ppm). Compared with Prosperous granite, the pegmatite bodies are richer in P and Rb, and poorer in Ti, Fe, Mg, Zr, and Ba. Dikes rich in tourmaline, beryl, and spodumene occur in overlapping zones situated progressively farther from the centre of the Sparrow pluton. The composition of tourmaline is related to host rock; the highest concentrations of Fe and Zn occur in crystals from pegmetite and the highest concentrations of Mg and V occur in crystals from tourmalinized schist, while those from granite and quartz veins occupy on intermediate position. Complex compositional zoning is present in some tourmaline crystals in pegmatite. Estimates of temperature (500°–600° C) and pressure (2–4 kb) of granite emplacement, based on the distribution of andalusite and sillimanite in the contact rocks, suggest that the final stage of granite emplacement occurred at sub-solidus conditions. A vaportransport model is proposed to explain the widespread distribution of the pegmatite dikes and their extreme compositional variability. Some of the pegmatite constituents, including Li, Be, and B, were possibly derived from Yellowknife graywacke and mudstone.  相似文献   

RAMSAY  C. R. 《Journal of Petrology》1973,14(3):467-488
Archaean meta-sediments near Yellowknife, Canada, exhibit alow-pressure facies series and broad metamorphic zonation rounda central pluton. Meta-pelites and meta-greywackes from thebiotite zone have been studied using analyses of 59 mineralsand 14 rocks. Mineral compositions were controlled by both host-rockcomposition and metamorphic grade. Increased grade commonly imposed on the minerals a progressivecompositional maturation. This involved progressive compositionalchange (especially in meta-greywacke biotites) and/or narrowingof compositional range (particularly in muscovites). Specificeffects of increased grade are as follows. Biotites in meta-greywackesexhibit increased Mg/Fe and Na/K but decreased (Na+K) content.Biotites in meta-pelites change little except for increasedAlIV/Si. The muscovites display decreasing maximum Si contents,increased AlVI at the expense of Fe and Mg, and increased Na/K.The chlorites show only a slight general increase in Mg/Fe. Bulk compositional control is manifested in various ways. Insome instances minerals from subtly different rock types areperceptibly distinct; in others the pro-grade maturation trendsof minerals in these rock types are different. Thus Si is moreabundant in meta-greywacke biotites than in meta-pelite biotitesand (Na+Ba+K) content of muscovites is greater in meta-greywackes. The observed features are used to deduce mechanisms of controlby grade and bulk composition and to discuss general circumstancesunder which they operate.  相似文献   

A garnet population in Yellowknife schist, Canada   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Abstract Data are presented on a garnet population in a specimen of garnet-biotite-plagioclase-quartz schist from the cordierite zone of an Archaean thermal dome in the Southern Slave Province of the Canadian Shield. Garnet crystals are bounded by planar dodecahedral faces and by trapezohedral faces which on the 10-μm scale are corrugated. Crystal distribution, as revealed by dissection of a small cubic volume of rock, is random. The size distribution is normal, with a mean diameter of 0.81 mm and a standard deviation of 0.32 mm. In the largest crystal of the population (mean radius 0.83 mm), [Mn] = 100 Mn/(Fe + Mg + Mn + Ca) decreases from 14.5 at the centre to 7.5 and then increases in the outer margin to 8.5; [Fe] increases continuously from 67 at the centre to 77 at the surface; [Mg] increases from 12.5 to 13.5 and then falls sharply to 11; [Ca] remains unchanged at 4.0 and then drops to 3.3. Progressively smaller crystals have progressively lower [Mn] and higher [Fe] concentrations at their centres, while all crystals have the same margin composition. Growth vectors extending from given concentration contours to crystal surfaces are of equal length regardless of the size of the crystal in which the vector is located. A garnet-forming model is presented in which reaction was initiated by a rise in temperature. Nucleation sites were randomly selected. The nucleation rate increased with time and then declined. Crystal faces advanced at a constant linear rate, which implies an increase in volume proportional to surface area. Initially, the composition of garnet deposited on crystal surfaces was determined by van Laar equations of equilibrium, which demanded the withdrawal of Mn and Fe from within chlorite crystals. This transfer reaction was then accompanied by an ion exchange reaction which moved Mn and Fe to garnet surfaces from biotite, in exchange for Mg. The exchange reaction provides an explanation for the high overall concentration of Mn and Fe in garnet and for the observed Mn and Mg reversals in the margins of crystals. The increase of garnet volume in the garnet population is found to be parabolic, i.e. Vαα5.  相似文献   

Data on mineral compositions, modal proportions and textural relations are used to deduce the biotite-forming reaction in Archaean meta-greywackes and meta-pelites of a low-pressure facies series. Biotite originated by reaction of chlorite, muscovite and ilmenite, producing rutile, K-feldspar and quartz as subordinate reaction products. Chlorite composition did not change as the reaction progressed but muscovite became depleted in K and (Mg+Fe+Mn) while gaining a little Ti. The composition of biotite produced in the meta-pelites is to some extent dependent on how much biotite was formed.  相似文献   

Numerous pegmatite dikes occur in the Sparrow pluton (muscovite-biotite granite) and in the adjacent cordierite-zone schist-hornfels of the Yellowknife Supergroup. Where pegmatite dikes cut granite, the adjacent granite is enriched in muscovite and apatite, and depleted in K-feldspar. Mass transfer calculations, based on rock, mineral, and modal analyses, indicate that H, P, and locally B, Ti, Fe, and Ca were added, and K, Sr, Ba, and locally Na were removed (hydrogen metasomatism). In one alteration zone (8 cm wide) the calculated change (in terms of mols/gram of unaltered granite) is, 600 K-feldspar+24 biotite+190 plagioclase +[770 H+36 P+3 Ti+13 Fe+13 Ca] 400 muscovite+1100 quartz +11 apatite+[240 Na+260 K]. Where pegmatite dikes cut schist-hornfels (biotite-plagioclase-quartz), the adjacent rock is, in places, enriched in tourmaline, apatite, and quartz, and depleted in biotite and plagioclase. These alteration zones are variable in width; most are less than 20 cm wide. Mass transfer calculations, based on rock, mineral, and modal analyses, indicate that B, P, Zn, and locally Ca, Fe, and Al were added, and that Na, K, Fe, Rb, Sr, Ba, and locally Mg and Si were removed (boron metasomatism). In one zone, 2 cm wide, the calculated reaction (in units of mols/gram of unaltered schist) is, 730 biotite+1530 plagioclase +[1080 B+600 H+430 P+360 Ca] 480 tourmaline+480 quartz+115 apatite +[3630 Si+870 Na+590 K+110 Fe]. Changes in the volume fraction of muscovite, K-feldspar, tourmaline, and biotite, relative to distance from pegmatite, are progressive, and in most alteration zones may be expressed by use of an error-function equation. Some tourmaline zones are more complex. Zone formation is considered in terms of a steady-state reaction model in which grainboundary diffusion is the transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Petrographic analyses were carried out on thin coals and coaly sediments from the Lower Carboniferous Mattson Formation at Clausen Creek and Jackfish Gap-Yohin Ridge in the northern part of the Liard Basin, northern Canada. The composition and optical characteristics indicate that the coals are high-volatile bituminous B, predominantly sapropelic (canneloid) and accumulated subaquatically.The coals are dominantly composed of inertinite-rich and exinite-rich durities with subsidiary inertites and clarodurites; vitrite is minor and liptite is rare. The inertinite-rich microlithotypes are dominated by semifusinite, but micrinite, semimacrinite and ?resino-inertinites are abundant. Sporinite, comprising megaspores, crassispores, tenuispores and miospores, is the dominant liptinite maceral with subsidiary cutinite and minor alginite. Except for pyrite, mineral matter is minimal.Three populations of telocollinite are observed: a low-reflectance variety (I), commonly associated with micrinite (as vitrinertite), displays weak brown fluorescence and a reflectance some 0.4-0.5% lower than type II; type II is non-fluorescing telocollinite, with intermediate reflectance (0.67-0.74% Rom), it occurs as vitrite and is also associated with micrinite; and a higher-reflectance telocollinite (III), having no fluorescence or association with micrinite, has variable reflectance (0.74-0.8% Rom) implying higher oxidation or gelification levels.The abundance of semimacrinite, macrinite and ?resino-inertinites in inertites and durites (I) suggests that much of the peat accumulated subaquatically. Furthermore, fluorescing vitrinite and an abundance of micrinite (derived by oxidation or coalification of bituminite), suggest that the coal accumulated under anaerobic conditions. The predominance of semifusinite in humic laminae and micrinite in sapropelic layers suggests extensive surface or near-surface oxidation of the peat. Oxidised sporinites suggest that they were wind-borne.Depositional environment is interpreted as marginal marine, perhaps in shallow lakes in the middle to upper delta plain. Peat accumulations probably began subaquatically at the oxygen-hydrogen sulphide interface, but periodic subaerial exposure and natural oxidation gave rise to the high inertinite coals. Upper Mattson coals are interbedded with algal laminites and probably accumulated in a lagoonal setting.  相似文献   

Lacustrine sediments, submerged tailings, and their pore waters have been collected at several sites in Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake, Canada, in order to investigate the biogeochemical controls on the remobilization of As from mining-impacted materials under different depositional conditions. Radiometric dating confirms that a mid-core enrichment of Pb, Zn, Cu and Sb corresponds to the opening of a large Au mine 60 a ago. This was evident even in a relatively remote site. Arsenic was enriched at mid-core, coincident with mining activity, but clearly exhibited post-depositional mobility, migrating upwards towards the sediment water interface (SWI) as well as down-core. Deep-water (15 m) Yellowknife Bay sediments that contain buried mine waste are suboxic, relatively organic-rich and abundant in microbes with As in pore waters and sediments reaching 585 μg/L and 1310 mg/kg, respectively. Late summer pore waters show equal proportions of As(III) and As(V) (16–415 μg/L) whereas late winter pore waters are dominated by As(III) (284–947 μg/L). This can be explained by As(III) desorption mechanisms associated with the conversion of FeS to FeS2 and the reduction of As(V) to As(III) through the oxidation of dissolved sulfide, both microbially-mediated processes. Processes affecting As cycling involve the attenuating efficiency of the oxic zone at the SWI, sediment redox heterogeneity and the reductive dissolution of Fe(hydr)oxides by labile organic matter, temporarily and spatially variable.  相似文献   

Metasediments from two contrasting types of Archean high-grade terrains are interpreted as being derived from distinct tectonic settings. The Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Canada, represents the deep roots of a typical greenstone belt, whereas the Limpopo Province, southern Africa and Western Gneiss Terrain, Australia, mainly consist of shelf sediments deposited on a granitic basement and then buried to the depths required for granulite fades metamorphism. Upper amphibolite to granulite fades paragneisses from the Kapuskasing Structural Zone have REE patterns similar to those of greenstone belt sediments, except where partial melting has occurred, forming restites with Eu enrichment and melts with Eu depletion. Except in this latter instance, metamorphism has not affected the primary REE patterns. REE patterns in Archean upper amphibolite to granulite facies metasediments from the central Limpopo Province and Western Gneiss Terrain show wide differences, ranging from patterns which resemble those in post-Archean terrigenous sediments, to typical Archean sedimentary rock patterns. The diversity in REE patterns for these shallow shelf metasediments is interpreted as resulting from derivation from local provenances. Samples with “post-Archean” patterns, displaying Eu depletion, are interpreted as being derived from K-rich granitic plutons which were portions of small, stable early Archean terrains, precursors of the widespread late Archean-Proterozoic episode of major cratonic development.  相似文献   

N.B.W Harris  S Jayaram 《Lithos》1982,15(2):89-98
Mineral compositions from cordierite-bearing metasedimentary enclaves adjacent to the Closepet granite in the Bangalore region of the South Indian Craton indicate peak metamorphism in the range 4.5–5.0 kb, 690–730°C. PH2O is found to decrease towards the south and those assemblages which lie south of the charnockite line are formed under conditions of PH2O < 0.3 Ptotal. 250 km north Bangalore, andalusite-bearing assemblages from the northern margin of the Closepet granite indicate peak metamorphic conditions in the range 2.6–3.8 kb, 520–620°C. The inferred piezotacrmic array is strongly convex towards the temperature axis and may represent a transient geotherm in the upper crust related to the emplacement of the Closepet granite or to volatile activity along the margins of the granite.  相似文献   

加拿大马更些冻土区天然气水合物试生产进展与展望   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
马更些(Mackenzie)冻土区位于加拿大西北地区,是世界上最著名的天然气水合物产地之一,也是加拿大最重要的含油气盆地之一。在Mallik地区已相继钻探了L 38、2L 38、3L 38、4L 38和5L 38共5个钻孔,并进行了地质、地球物理、地球化学、微生物学和试生产等方面的多学科多方法研究,是目前全球天然气水合物研究程度最高、资料最丰富的地区。“Mallik 2002”项目开展了天然气水合物的短期试生产,共对6个水合物层位进行了降压法试生产并在其中的4个层位取得了成功,同时利用注入约80℃的热流体进行了5天多的加热法试生产,共生产出468 m3的天然气。“Mallik 2002”项目的成功实施是天然气水合物开发利用史上的里程碑,为将来的长期试生产和最终开发利用奠定了基础。随着开发利用研究的不断深入,天然气水合物这一规模巨大的潜在能源有可能在不久的将来为人类社会所用。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(5):607-620
Molecular and isotopic analyses of core gas samples from 3 permafrost research core holes (92GSCTAGLU, 92GSCKUMAK, 92GSCUNIPKAT; sample core depths ranging from 0.36 to 413.82 m) in the Mackenzie Delta of the Northwest Territories of Canada reveal the presence of hydrocarbon gases from both microbial and thermogenic sources. Analyses of most headspace and blended gas samples from the ice-bonded permafrost portion of the core holes yielded C1/(C2+C3) hydrocarbon gas ratios and CH4–C isotopic compositions (δ13C CH4) indicative of microbially sourced CH4 gas. However, near the base of ice-bonded permafrost and into the underlying non-frozen stratigraphic section, an increase in ethane (C2) concentrations, decreases in C1/(C2+C3) hydrocarbon gas ratios, and CH4–C isotopic (δ13C CH4) data indicate the presence of hydrocarbon gases derived from a thermogenic source. The thermogenic gas below permafrost in the Mackenzie Delta likely migrated from deeper hydrocarbon accumulations and/or directly from thermally mature hydrocarbon source rocks.  相似文献   

Thirteen landslides (retrogressive thaw flows) were investigated to study the behavior of thaw retrogression in permafrost in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada. Those landslides are all in fine-grained ice-rich permafrost soils. Such landslides usually start from small-scale slope failures followed by retrogressive thaw flows when ice-rich permafrost soils are exposed to the atmosphere. The landslides were marked with survey stakes to measure their retreat rates for the thawing season of 2007. Two correlations are presented: one is between scarp wall height and retreat rate; another is between overall slope angle and retreat rate. It was found that thaw flow retrogression rate increases with increase in scarp wall height and slope angle up to a certain limit. It was also confirmed that thaw flow retrogression is not influenced by slope orientation.  相似文献   

The Archean metamorphic rocks of the Superior province of the Canadian Shield occur in lithologically defined belts or subprovinces. The tectonically more stable interiors of belts possess consistent primary components of magnetic remanence. In the case of the Quetico belt, these stable directions are tightly grouped about 005°/55° with some minor dispersion and most were acquired during the cooling that followed syntectonic recrystallisation.

This study examines the directions of primary remanence components for rocks along the margins of the Quetico belt, within 4 km of the strongly deformed vertical, ENE-trending boundaries. The boundaries are known to have experienced dextral transpression involving penetrative single-phase deformation which out-lasted metamorphism. Within a few kilometres of the belt boundaries, the primary remanence components are re-distributed along a vertical ENE-trending, great-circle girdle which is nearly parallel to the plane of transpressive shear and regional schistosity. It is suggested that the effects of transpression have mechanically deflected the components of primary remanence toward this plane.  相似文献   

The particulate organic matter in < 63 µm surface sediments from the Mackenzie River and its main tributaries was studied using Rock-Eval pyrolysis and organic petrology. The organic matter in the sediments is dominated by refractory residual organic carbon (RC) of mainly terrigenous nature, as indicated by abundant inertinite, vitrinite, and type III kerogen. Sediments from the tributaries contained significantly more algal-derived organic matter than from the main channel of the river, highlighting the importance of low-energy system dynamics in the tributaries, which allows modest algal production, more accumulation, and better preservation of autochthonous organic matter. This is particularly true for tributaries fed by lacustrine systems, which showed the highest S1 and S2 fractions, and consequently higher total particulate organic carbon (POC) in the basin. Organic petrology of the sediment samples confirms abundant liptinitic materials (i.e., fat-rich structured algae, spores and pollen, cuticles, and resins). Forest fire and coal deposits are also confirmed to contribute to the basin. Assuming that suspended and fine surfacial sediments have a similar OC composition, the Mackenzie River is estimated to deliver a total POC flux of 1.1 Mt C/yr to its delta, of which 85% is residual carbon with liptinitic OC (S1 + S2) and S3 accounting for another 9% and 6%, respectively.  相似文献   

We report Li isotopic compositions, for river waters and suspended sediments, of about 40 rivers sampled within the Mackenzie River Basin in northwestern Canada. The aim of this study is to characterize the behaviour of Li and its isotopes during weathering at the scale of a large mixed lithology basin. The Mackenzie River waters display systematically heavier Li isotopic compositions relative to source rocks and suspended sediments. The range in δ7Li is larger in dissolved load (from +9.3‰ to +29.0‰) compared to suspended sediments (from −1.7‰ to +3.2‰), which are not significantly different from δ7Li values in bedrocks. Our study shows that dissolved Li is essentially derived from the weathering of silicates and that its isotopic composition in the dissolved load is inversely correlated with its relative mobility when compared to Na. The highest enrichment of 7Li in the dissolved load is reported when Li is not or poorly incorporated in secondary phases after its release into solution by mineral dissolution. This counterintuitive observation is interpreted by the mixing of water types derived from two different weathering regimes producing different Li isotopic compositions within the Mackenzie River Basin. The incipient weathering regime characterizing the Rocky Mountains and the Shield areas produces 7Li enrichment in the fluid phase that is most simply explained by the precipitation of oxyhydroxide phases fractionating Li isotopes. The second weathering regime is found in the lowland area and produces the lower δ7Li waters (but still enriched in 7Li compared to bedrocks) and the most Li-depleted waters (compared to Na). Fractionation factors suggest that the incorporation of Li in clay minerals is the mechanism that explains the isotopic composition of the lowland rivers. The correlation of boron and lithium concentrations found in the dissolved load of the Mackenzie Rivers suggests that precipitation of clay minerals is favoured by the relatively high residence time of water in groundwater. In the Shield and Rocky Mountains, Li isotopes suggest that clay minerals are not forming and that secondary minerals with stronger affinity for 7Li appear.Although the weathering mechanisms operating in the Mackenzie Basin need to be characterized more precisely, the Li isotope data reported here clearly show the control of Li isotopes by the weathering intensity. The spatial diversity of weathering regimes, resulting from a complex combination of factors such as topography, geology, climate and hydrology explains, in fine, the spatial distribution of Li isotopic ratios in the large drainage basin of the Mackenzie River. There is no simple relationship between Li isotopic composition and chemical denudation fluxes in the Mackenzie River Basin.  相似文献   

A logistic regression model is developed within the framework of a Geographic Information System (GIS) to map landslide hazards in a mountainous environment. A case study is conducted in the mountainous southern Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories, Canada. To determine the factors influencing landslides, data layers of geology, surface materials, land cover, and topography were analyzed by logistic regression analysis, and the results are used for landslide hazard mapping. In this study, bedrock, surface materials, slope, and difference between surface aspect and dip direction of the sedimentary rock were found to be the most important factors affecting landslide occurrence. The influence on landslides by interactions among geologic and geomorphic conditions is also analyzed, and used to develop a logistic regression model for landslide hazard mapping. The comparison of the results from the model including the interaction terms and the model not including the interaction terms indicate that interactions among the variables were found to be significant for predicting future landslide probability and locating high hazard areas. The results from this study demonstrate that the use of a logistic regression model within a GIS framework is useful and suitable for landslide hazard mapping in large mountainous geographic areas such as the southern Mackenzie Valley.  相似文献   

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