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The Ninetyeast Ridge north of the equator in the eastern Indian Ocean is actively deforming as evidenced by seismicity and its eastward subduction below the Andaman Trench. Basement of the ridge is elevated nearly 2 km with respect to the Bengal Fan; seismic surveys demonstrate continuity of the ridge beneath sediment for 700 km north of 10° N where the ridge plunges below the Fan sediment. The ridge is characterised by a free-air gravity high of 50 mgal amplitude and 350 km wavelength, and along-strike continuity of 1500 km in a north-south direction, closely fringing (locally, even abutting) the Andaman arc-trench bipolar gravity field. Regression analysis between gravity and bathymetry indicates that the ridge gravity field cannot be explained solely by its elevation. The ridge gravity field becomes gradually subdued northwards where overlying Bengal Fan sediments have a smaller density contrast with the ridge material. Our gravity interpretation, partly constrained by seismic data, infers that the ridge overlies significant crustal mass anomalies consistent with the hot spot model for the ridge. The anomalous mass is less dense by about 0.27 g cm–3 than the surrounding oceanic upper mantle, and acts as a cushion for isostatic compensation of the ridge at the base of the crust. This cushion is up to 8 km thick and 400–600 km wide. Additional complexities are created by partial subduction of the ridge below the Andaman Trench that locally modifies the arc-trench gravity field.  相似文献   

Four uniformly spaced regional gravity traverses and the available seismic data across the western continental margin of India, starting from the western Indian shield extending into the deep oceanic areas of the eastern Arabian Sea, have been utilized to delineate the lithospheric structure. The seismically constrained gravity models along these four traverses suggest that the crustal structure below the northern part of the margin within the Deccan Volcanic Province (DVP) is significantly different from the margin outside the DVP. The lithosphere thickness, in general, varies from 110–120 km in the central and southern part of the margin to as much as 85–90 km below the Deccan Plateau and Cambay rift basin in the north. The Eastern basin is characterised by thinned rift stage continental crust which extends as far as Laxmi basin in the north and the Laccadive ridge in the south. At the ocean–continent transition (OCT), crustal density differences between the Laxmi ridge and the Laxmi basin are not sufficient to distinguish continental as against an oceanic crust through gravity modeling. However, 5-6 km thick oceanic crust below the Laxmi basin is a consistent gravity option. Significantly, the models indicate the presence of a high density layer of 3.0 g/cm3 in the lower crust in almost whole of the northern part of the region between the Laxmi ridge and the pericontinental northwest shield region in the DVP, and also below Laccadive ridge in the southern part. The Laxmi ridge is underlain by continental crust upto a depth of 11 km and a thick high density material (3.0 g/cm3) between 11–26 km. The Pratap ridge is indicated as a shallow basement high in the upper part of the crust formed during rifting. The 15 –17 km thick oceanic crust below Laccadive ridge is seen further thickened by high density underplated material down to Moho depths of 24–25 km which indicate formation of the ridge along Reunion hotspot trace.  相似文献   

Analysis of the multi-channel seismic reflection, magnetic and bathymetric data collected along a transect, 1110 km long parallel to 13° N latitude across the Bay of Bengal was made. The transect is from the continental shelf off Madras to the continental slope off Andaman Island in water depths of 525 m to 3350 m and across the Western Basin (bounded by foot of the continental slope of Madras and 85° E Ridge), the 85° E Ridge, the Central Basin (between the 85° E Ridge and the Ninetyeast Ridge), the Ninetyeast Ridge and the Sunda Arc. The study revealed eight seismic sequences, H1 to H8 of parallel continuous to discontinuous reflectors. Considering especially depth to the horizons, nature of reflection and on comparison with the published seismic reflection results of Currayet al. (1982), the early Eocene (P) and Miocene (M) unconformities and the base of the Quaternary sediments (Q) are identified on the seismic section. Marked changes in velocities also occur at their boundaries.In the Western Basin the acoustic basement deepening landward is inferred as a crystalline basement overlain by about 6.7 km of sediment. In the Central Basin possibly thicker sediments than in the Western Basin are estimated. The sediments in the Sunda Arc area are relatively thick and appears to have no distinct horizons. But the entire sedimentary section appears to be consisting of folded and possibly faulted layers.The comparatively broader wavelength magnetic anomalies of the Central Basin also indicate deeper depth of their origin. Very prominent double humped feature of the 85° E Ridge and broad basement swell of the Ninetyeast Ridge are buried under about 2.8 km thick sediments except over the prominent basement high near 92° E longitude. The positive structural relief of the buried 85° E Ridge in the area is reflected in magnetic signature of about 450 nT amplitude. Flexural bulge of the 85° E Ridge and subsidence of the Ninetyeast Ridge about 24 cm my–1 rate since early Eocene period have been inferred from the seismic sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Total magnetic intensity and bathymetric surveys were carried out in the northern Bay of Bengal between 6° to 11° 45 N latitudes and east of 84° to 93° 30 E longitudes. The hitherto known 85° E Ridge is characterised as a subsurface feature by a large amplitude, positive magnetic anomaly surrounded by Mesozoic crust. A newly identified NE to NNESSW trending magnetic anomaly between 7° N, 87° 30 E and 10° 30 N, 89–90° E may be one of the unidentified Mesozoic lineations in the northern Bay of Bengal. The Ninetyeast Ridge is not associated with any recognizable magnetic anomaly. The Sunda Trough to the east of the Ninetyeast Ridge is characterised by a positive magnetic anomaly. A combined interpretation, using Werner deconvolution and analytical signal methods, yields basement depths ~ 10 km below sea level. These depths are in agreement with the seismic results of Curray (1991).Deceased 24 December 1991  相似文献   

有效弹性厚度(Te)表示岩石圈抵抗变形的能力,其大小主要取决于岩石圈内部的温度结构和地壳物质组成。作为全球最长的海岭之一,东经九十度海岭(NER)来源与形成过程一直是国内外科学家研究的热点,然而受到该地区复杂构造活动的影响,研究者对海岭的形成过程仍缺乏清晰认识。本文从Te的角度出发,通过空间褶积方法计算了沿着NER不同位置处Te的空间分布特征。计算结果表明,整个海岭的Te主要在0~35 km之间变化,表现为北(8°N~1°N)高(平均值为20 km)、中(1°N~15°S)低(平均值在5 km以下)、南(15°S~30°S)高(平均值为30 km),变化趋势与凯尔盖朗热点的3期岩浆活动相对应。Te的变化反映了NER形成过程中东南印度洋脊与热点的相对位置的调整,说明NER是凯尔盖朗热点、印度洋板块扩张与东南印度洋洋中脊迁移三者共同作用的结果。最后,结合Te的结果与ROYER板块重构的结果,本文提出了NER形成过程的模式。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2006,225(1-4):265-278
The first seismic reflection data from the shallowest part of the submarine Lomonosov Ridge north of Arctic Canada and North Greenland comprise two parallel single channel lines (62 and 25 km long, offset 580 m) acquired from a 10 day camp on drifting sea ice. The top of southern Lomonosov Ridge is bevelled (550 m water depth) and only thin sediments (< 50 ms) cover acoustic basement. We suggest erosion of a former sediment drape over the ridge crest was either by a grounded marine ice sheet extending north from Ellesmere Island and/or deep draft icebergs. More than 1 km of sediments are present at the western entrance to the deep passage between southern Lomonosov Ridge and the Lincoln Sea continental margin. Here, the uppermost part (+ 0.3 s thick) of the section reflects increased sediment input during the Plio–Pleistocene. The underlying 0.7 s thick succession onlaps the slope of a subsiding Lomonosov Ridge. An unconformity at the base of the sedimentary section caps a series of NW–SE grabens and mark the end of tectonic extension and block faulting of an acoustic basement represented by older margin sediments possibly followed by minor block movements in a compressional regime. The unconformity may relate to termination of Late Cretaceous deformation between Lomonosov Ridge and Alpha Ridge or be equivalent to the Hauterivian break-up unconformity associated with the opening of the Amerasia Basin. A flexure in the stratigraphic succession above the unconformity is most likely related to differential compaction, although intraplate earthquakes do occur in the area.  相似文献   

Magnetic data collected in conjunction with a Sea Beam bathymetric survey of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Fracture Zone are used to constrain the spreading history of this area over the past 3 Ma. Two-dimensional forward modeling and inversion techniques are carried out, as well as a full three-dimensional inversion of the anomaly field along a 90-km-long section of the rift valley. Our results indicate that this portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, known as the MARK area, consists of two distinct spreading cells separated by a small, zero-offset transform or discordant zone near 23°10′ N, The youngest crust in the median valley is characterized by a series of distinct magnetization highs which coalesce to form two NNE-trending bands of high magnetization, one on the northern ridge segment which coincides with a large constructional volcanic ridge, and one along the southern ridge segment that is associated with a string of small axial volcanos. These two magnetization highs overlap between 23° N and 23°10° N forming a non-transform offset that may be a slow spreading ridge analogue of the small ridge axis discontinuities found on the East Pacific Rise. The crustal magnetizations in this overlap zone are generally low, although an anomalous, ESE-trending magnetization high of unknown origin is also present in this area. The present-day segmentation of spreading in the MARK area was inherited from an earlier ridge-transform-ridge geometry through a series of small (∼ 10 km) eastward ridge jumps. These small ridge jumps were caused by a relocation of the neovolcanic zone within the median valley and have resulted in an overall pattern of asymmetric spreading with faster rates to the west (14 mm yr−1) than to the east (11 mm yr−1). Although the detailed magnetic survey described in this paper extends out to only 3 Ma old crust, a regional compilation of magnetic data from this area by Schoutenet al. (1985) indicates that the relative positions and dimensions of the spreading cells, and the pattern of asymmetric spreading seen in the MARK area during the past 3 Ma, have characterized this part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for at least the past 36 Ma.  相似文献   

Wide-angle and multichannel seismic data collected on the Malpelo Ridge provide an image of the deep structure of the ridge and new insights on its emplacement and tectonic history. The crustal structure of the Malpelo Ridge shows a 14 km thick asymmetric crustal root with a smooth transition to the oceanic basin southeastward, whereas the transition is abrupt beneath its northwestern flank. Crustal thickening is mainly related to the thickening of the lower crust, which exhibits velocities from 6.5 to 7.4 km/s. The deep structure is consistent with emplacement at an active spreading axis under a hotspot like the present-day Galapagos Hotspot on the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Centre. Our results favour the hypothesis that the Malpelo Ridge was formerly a continuation of the Cocos Ridge, emplaced simultaneously with the Carnegie Ridge at the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Centre, from which it was separated and subsequently drifted southward relative to the Cocos Ridge due to differential motion along the dextral strike-slip Panama Fracture Zone. The steep faulted northern flank of the Malpelo Ridge and the counterpart steep and faulted southern flank of Regina Ridge are possibly related to a rifting phase that resulted in the Coiba Microplate’s separation from the Nazca Plate along the Sandra Rift.  相似文献   

Because of its importance to many Earth science analyses, it is worth assessing whether gravity modelling can be simplified depending on the intended purpose and required precision. While it is obvious that large-scale gravity studies should account for the sphericity of the Earth, each case should be examined on its own merits. Demonstrations are useful for providing estimates of the errors in much simpler 2D modelling. The example of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge serves to compare “large” 2D and spherical 3D models. My model extends horizontally ±2,000 km (±18°) from the model profile across and along the straight ridge axis (along a great circle) and to a depth of 82 km across the axis. 3D modelling would generally be considered obligatory, but this is not clearly necessary from this study. The density structure is highly idealised, the asthenospheric uplift or lithosphere thinning is simplified. The Bouguer anomaly is fitted by least-squares for the density contrast, and the 2D–3D difference of the results is taken as the error. A lithosphere–asthenosphere density contrast of 86.56 kg/m3 was computed for the 2D model, and 84.14 kg/m3 for the spherical model. The difference is small, in the order of 3%, well within all the other uncertainties. My study shows that despite the significant sphericity of the structure, 2D models are well suited for such ridge studies, or generally for models with a laterally extended layered structure, and that spherical modelling can be applied discriminately.  相似文献   

Naresh Kumar   《Marine Geology》1979,30(3-4):175-191
In the equatorial Atlantic the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises lie on opposing sides of the mid-ocean ridge and are equidistant from its axis. The northern and southern boundaries respectively, of the two rises are formed by the same fracture zones. The area of shallowest acoustic basement under the Ceará Rise coincides with the presence of a 1–2 km thick seismic layer (velocity: 3.5 km/sec) lying over the oceanic layer 2. This 3.5 km/sec layer is interpreted as a sequence of volcanics which began erupting about 80 m.y. ago when the sites of the two rises lay at the ridge axis. As the “abnormal” volcanic activity ceased, the breakup of this volcanic pile into two pieces has formed the Ceará and Sierra Leone rises.

In the South Atlantic, the northern and southern boundaries of the Rio Grande Rise are also formed by fracture zones and an approximately 1 km thick layer with a velocity of 3.5 km/sec exists also under this rise. The same fracture zones appear to bound the Walvis Ridge. Drilling data suggests that both the Rio Grande Rise and Walvis Ridge have subsided continuously since their creation. The igneous rocks recovered from both rises consist of alkalic basaltic suites typical of oceanic volcanic islands. The existing data favor a model in which “excessive” volcanism along the same segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge created both the South Atlantic aseismic rises between 100 and 80 m.y. ago. In both the examples, the northern and southern boundaries of the rises are formed by the same fracture zones which originally bounded the abnormally active segment of the ridge axis.  相似文献   

The morphological characteristics of the segmentation of the Central Indian Ridge (CIR) from the Indian Ocean Triple Junction (25°30S) to the Egeria Transform Fault system (20°30S) are analyzed. The compilation of Sea Beam data from R/VSonne cruises SO43 and SO52, and R/VCharcot cruises Rodriguez 1 and 2 provides an almost continuous bathymetric coverage of a 450-km-long section of the ridge axis. The bathymetric data are combined with a GLORIA side-scan sonar swath to visualize the fabric of the ridge and complement the coverage in some areas. This section of the CIR has a full spreading rate of about 50 mm yr–1, increasing slightly from north to south. The morphology of the CIR is generally similar to that of a slow-spreading center, despite an intermediate spreading rate at these latitudes. The axis is marked by an axial valley 5–35 km wide and 500–1800 m deep, sometimes exhibiting a 100–600 m-high neovolcanic ridge. It is offset by only one 40km offset transform fault (at 22°40S), and by nine second-order discontinuities, with offsets varying from 4 to 21 km, separating segments 28 to 85 km long. The bathymetry analysis and an empirical orthogonal function analysis performed on across-axis profiles reveal morphologic variations in the axis and the second-order discontinuities. The ridge axis deepens and the relief across the axial valley increases from north to south. The discontinuities observed south of 22°S all have morphologies similar to those of the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. North of 22°S, two discontinuities have map geometries that have not been observed previously on slow-spreading ridges. The axial valleys overlap, and their tips curve toward the adjacent segment. The overlap distance is 2 to 4 times greater than the offset. Based on these characteristics, these discontinuities resemble overlapping spreading centers (OSCs) described on the fast-spreading EPR. The evolution of one such discontinuity appears to decapitate a nearby segment, as observed for the evolution of some OSCs on the EPR. These morphological variations of the CIR axis may be explained by an increase in the crustal thickness in the north of the study area relative to the Triple Junction area. Variations in crustal thickness could be related to a broad bathymetric anomaly centered at 19°S, 65°E, which probably reflects the effect of the nearby Réunion hotspot, or an anomaly in the composition of the mantle beneath the ridge near 19°S. Other explanations for the morphological variations include the termination of the CIR at the Rodriguez Triple Junction or the kinematic evolution of the triple junction and its resultant lengthening of the CIR. These latter effects are more likely to account for the axial morphology near the Triple Junction than for the long-wavelength morphological variation.  相似文献   

《Marine and Petroleum Geology》2012,29(10):1932-1942
A dense seismic reflection survey with up to 250-m line-spacing has been conducted in a 15 × 15 km wide area offshore southwestern Taiwan where Bottom Simulating Reflector is highly concentrated and geochemical signals for the presence of gas hydrate are strong. A complex interplay between north–south trending thrust faults and northwest–southeast oblique ramps exists in this region, leading to the formation of 3 plunging anticlines arranged in a relay pattern. Landward in the slope basin, a north–south trending diapiric fold, accompanied by bright reflections and numerous diffractions on the seismic profiles, extends across the entire survey area. This fold is bounded to the west by a minor east-verging back-thrust and assumes a symmetric shape, except at the northern and southern edges of this area, where it actively overrides the anticlines along a west-verging thrust, forming a duplex structure. A clear BSR is observed along 67% of the acquired profiles. The BSR is almost continuous in the slope basin but poorly imaged near the crest of the anticlines. Local geothermal gradient values estimated from BSR sub-bottom depths are low along the western limb and crest of the anticlines ranging from 40 to 50 °C/km, increase toward 50–60 °C/km in the slope basin and 55–65 °C/km along the diapiric fold, and reach maximum values of 70 °C/km at the southern tip of the Good Weather Ridge. Furthermore, the local dips of BSR and sedimentary strata that crosscut the BSR at intersections of any 2 seismic profiles have been computed. The stratigraphic dips indicated a dominant east–west shortening in the study area, but strata near the crest of the plunging anticlines generally strike to southwest almost perpendicular to the direction of plate convergence. The intensity of the estimated bedding-guided fluid and gas flux into the hydrate stability zone is weaker than 2 in the slope basin and the south-central half of the diapiric fold, increases to 7 in the northern half of the diapiric fold and plunging anticlines, and reaches a maximum of 16 at the western frontal thrust system. Rapid sedimentation, active tectonics and fluid migration paths with significant dissolved gas content impact on the mechanism for BSR formation and gas hydrate accumulation. As we begin to integrate the results from these studies, we are able to outline the regional variations, and discuss the importance of structural controls in the mechanisms leading to the gas hydrate emplacements.  相似文献   

Submersible observations and photogeology document dramatic variations in the distribution of young volcanic rocks, faulting, fissuring, and hydrothermal activity along an 80 km-long segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane Transform (MARK Area). These variations define two spreading cells separated by a cell boundary zone or a small-offset transform zone. The northern spreading cell is characterized by a median ‘neovolcanic’ ridge which runs down the axis of the median valley floor for 40 km. This edifice is as much as 4 km wide and 600 m high and is composed of very lightly sedimented basalts inferred to be < 5000 years old. It is the largest single volcanic constructional feature discovered to date on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The active Snake Pit hydrothermal vent field is on the crest of this ridge and implies the presence of a magma chamber in the northern spreading cell. In contrast, the southern cell is characterized by small, individual volcanos similar in size to the central volcanos in the FAMOUS area. Two of the volcanos that were sampled appear to be composed of dominantly glassy basaltic rocks with very light sediment cover; whereas, other volcanos in this region appear to be older features. The boundary zone between the two spreading cells is intensely faulted and lacks young volcanic rocks. This area may also contain a small-offset ( < 8 km) transform zone. Magmatism in the northern cell has been episodic and tens of thousands of years have lapsed since the last major magmatic event there. In the southern cell, a more continuous style of volcanic accretion appears to be operative. The style of spreading in the southern cell may be much more typical for the Mid-Atlantic Ridge than that of the northern cell because the latter is adjacent to the 150 km-offset Kane Transform that may act as a thermal sink along the MAR. Such large transforms are not common on the MAR, therefore, lithosphere produced in a spreading cell influenced by a large transform may also be somewhat atypical.  相似文献   

The Carlsberg Ridge lies between the equator and the Owen fracture zone. It is the most prominent mid-ocean ridge segment of the western Indian Ocean, which contains a number of earthquake epicenters. Satellite altimetry can be used to infer subsurface geological structures analogous to gravity anomaly maps generated through ship-borne survey. In this study, free-air gravity and its 3D image have been generated over the Carlsberg Ridge using a very high resolution data base, as obtained from Geosat GM, ERS-1, Seasat and TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data. As observed in this study, the Carlsberg Ridge shows a slow spreading characteristic with a deep and wide graben (average width ∼15 km). The transform fault spacing confirms variable slow to intermediate characteristics with first and second order discontinuities. The isostatically compensated region of the Carlsberg Ridge could be demarcated with near zero contour values in the free-air gravity anomaly images over and along the Carlsberg Ridge axes and over most of the fracture zone patterns. Few profiles have been generated across the Carlsberg Ridge and the characteristics of slow/intermediate spreading ridge of various orders of discontinuity could be identified. It has also been observed in zero contour image as well as in the characteristics of valley patterns along the ridge from NW to SE that different spreading rates, from slow to intermediate, are occurring in different parts of the Carlsberg ridge. It maintains the morphology of a slow spreading ridge in the NW, where the wide and deep axial valley (∼1.5–3 km) also implies the pattern of a slow spreading ridge. However, a change in the morphology/depth of the axial valley from NW to SE indicates the nature of the Carlsberg Ridge as a slow to intermediate spreading ridge. For the prevailing security restrictions, lat./lon. coordinates have been omitted in few images.  相似文献   

The circulation pattern and volume transports in the eastern Weddell Gyre are estimated on the basis of hydrographic data collected by R.V. Polarstern between 1989 and 1996. In the northeastern edge of the Weddell Gyre, eastward-flowing water masses from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the Weddell Sea converge. Due to the strong effect of topographic constraints on ocean currents in the weakly stratified waters of high latitudes, the wedge-like structure of the Southwest Indian Ridge can cause the convergence. The increased shear leads to instabilities of the current at the eastern end of the ridge, which produce an intense mesoscale eddy field between 15° and 30°E. In the eddies, water from the Weddell cold regime and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current waters mix and form the water masses of the Weddell warm regime. These waters are advected southward and flow towards the westward southern rim current, which is driven by the Antarctic eastwind band. Hence, there is not a continous flow from the northern to the southern rim, but a decay of the mean flow in the northeast and a reformation in the south. Volume transports across the Greenwich Meridian, estimated on the basis of a combined CTD/ADCP data set, result in an eastward flow of 61 Sv in the northern rim current and a westward return flow of 66 Sv in the southern part of the gyre. The transport is about twice as high as previous estimates between Kapp Norvegia and the northern tip of the Antarctic Pensinsula, indicating a significant gyre circulation north of 70°S.  相似文献   

The LOMROG 2007 expedition targeted the previously unexplored southern part of the Lomonosov Ridge north of Greenland together with a section from the Morris Jesup Rise to Gakkel Ridge. The oceanographic data show that Canadian Basin Deep Water (CBDW) passes the Lomonosov Ridge in the area of the Intra Basin close to the North Pole and then continues along the ridge towards Greenland and further along its northernmost continental slope. The CBDW is clearly evident as a salinity maximum and oxygen minimum at a depth of about 2000 m. The cross-slope sections at the Amundsen Basin side of the Lomonosov Ridge and further south at the Morris Jesup Rise show a sharp frontal structure higher up in the water column between Makarov Basin water and Amundsen Basin water. The frontal structure continues upward into the Atlantic Water up to a depth of about 300 m. The observed water mass division at levels well above the ridge crest indicates a strong topographic steering of the flow and that different water masses tend to pass the ridge guided by ridge-crossing isobaths at local topographic heights and depressions. A rough scaling analysis shows that the extremely steep and sharply turning bathymetry of the Morris Jesup Rise may force the boundary current to separate and generate deep eddies.  相似文献   

Geoid data from Geosat and subsatellite basement depth profiles of the Kane Fracture Zone in the central North Atlantic were used to examine the correlation between the short-wavelength geoid (=25–100 km) and the uncompensated basement topography. The processing technique we apply allows the stacking of geoid profiles, although each repeat cycle has an unknown long-wavelength bias. We first formed the derivative of individual profiles, stacked up to 22 repeat cycles, and then integrated the average-slope profile to reconstruct the geoid height. The stacked, filtered geoid profiles have a noise level of about 7 mm in geoid height. The subsatellite basement topography was obtained from a recent compilation of structure contours on basement along the entire length of the Kane Fracture Zone. The ratio of geoid height to topography over the Kane Fracture Zone valley decreases from about 20–25 cm km-1 over young ocean crust to 5–0 cm km-1 over ocean crust older than 140 Ma. Both geoid and basement depth of profiles were projected perpendicular to the Kane Fracture Zone, resampled at equal intervals and then cross correlated. The cross correlation shows that the short-wavelength geoid height is well correlated with the basement topography. For 33 of the 37 examined pro-files, the horizontal mismatches are 10 km or less with an average mismatch of about 5 km. This correlation is quite good considering that the average width of the Kane Fracture Zone valley at median depth is 10–15 km. The remaining four profiles either cross the transverse ridge just east of the active Kane transform zone or overlie old crust of the M-anomaly sequence. The mismatch over the transverse ridge probably is related to a crustal density anomaly. The relatively poor correlation of geoid and basement depth in profiles of ocean crust older than 130–140 Ma reflects poor basement-depth control along subsatellite tracks.  相似文献   

The Wilkes fracture zone offsets the East Pacific Rise about 200 km right-laterally near 9°S. The bathymetric expression of the fracture zone ranges from a simple slope or step along its inactive extension to a 100 km wide zone of oblique structural features in the active portion. A low ridge 200 to 300 m high, 5 to 15 km wide and 185 km long is the dominant oblique structure; it trends 23° north of the main transform trend. A high-amplitude magnetic anomaly trends 097° along the southern part of the active portion and apparently marks the main transform direction. The structurally simple, inactive portions of the Wilkes fracture zone trend 105°. Plots of epicenter locations reveal two groupings of earthquakes, one along an 082° trend in the central part of the fracture zone, and a cluster near the southwestern fracture zone — spreading center intersection.Taken together the data suggest that some event, other than a shift in the Nazca-Pacific pole of rotation, occurred 0.9 m.y. ago to change the Wilkes fracture zone from a simple fault to a complex zone of shearing. Since that time the long oblique ridge, probably the surface expression of a Riedel shear, was formed. At present the entire 200 km long, 100 km wide region between the offset axes is seismically active, but transform motion may be largely confined to the southern margin of the active zone, coincident with the high-amplitude magnetic anomaly there.  相似文献   

The southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) is spreading at rates (34–38 mm yr−1) that fall within a transitional range between those which characterize slow and intermediate spreading center morphology. To further our understanding of crustal accretion at these transitional spreading rates, we have carried out analysis of magnetic anomaly data from two detailed SeaBeam surveys of the MAR between 25°–27°30′S and 31°–34°30′S. Within these areas, the MAR is subdivided into 9 ridge segments bounded by large- and short-offset discontinuities of the ridge axis. From two-dimensional Fourier inversions of the magnetic anomaly data we establish the history of spreading within each ridge segment for the past 5 my and the evolution of the bounding ridge-axis discontinuities. We see evidence for the initiation and diminishment of small-offset discontinuities, and for the transition of rigid large-offset transform faults to less stable short-offset features. Individual ridge segments display independent spreading histories in terms of both the sense and amount of asymmetric spreading within each which have given rise to changes through time in the lengths of bounding ridge-axis discontinuities. Over the past 3–5 my, the short-offset discontinuities within the area have lengthened/shortened by approximately the same amount (∼ 10 km). During this same time period, larger-offset transform faults have remained comparatively constant in length. A shift in plate motion at anomaly 3 time may have given rise to change in the length of short-offset second-order discontinuities. However, the pattern of lengthening/shortening short-offset discontinuities we see is not simply related to the geometry of the plate boundary in these regions which precludes a simply relationship between plate motion changes and response at the plate boundary. We document a case of rapid (minimum 60 mm yr−1) small-scale rift propagation, occurring between 2.5 and 1.8 my, associated with transition of the Moore transform fault to an oblique-trending ridge-axis discontinuity. Propagation across the Moore discontinuity and similar propagation within the 31°–34°30’S area may be associated with the reduced age contrast in lithosphere across second-order discontinuities. Total opening rates within our northern survey area decreased from anomaly 4′ to 2 time and rates within both areas have increased since the Jaramillo. Total opening rates measured for anomaly intervals differ along the plate boundary significantly, more than expected with changing distance to the pole of rotation. These differences imply a degree of short-term non-rigid plate behaviour which may be associated with ridge segments acting as independent spreading cells. Magnetic polarity transition widths from our inversion studies may be used to infer a zone of crustal accretion which is 3–6 km wide, within the inner floor of the rift valley. A systematic increase of transition width with age would be expected if deeper crustal sources dominate the magnetic signal in older crust but this is not observed. We present results from three-dimensional analysis of magnetic anomaly data which show magnetization highs located at the intersection of the MAR with both large- and short-offset discontinuities. Within the central anomaly the highs exceed 15 A m−1 compared with a background of approximately 8–10 A m−1 and they persist for at least 2.5 my. The highs may be caused by eruption of fractionated strongly magnetized basalts at ridge-axis discontinuities with both large and small offsets.  相似文献   

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