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山区滑坡的稳定性一直是倍受关注的一个重要安全问题。本文讨论了滑坡位移传统监测方法的缺陷和新型的基于GPS的自动监测技术所具有的独特优势,介绍了适用于山区公路滑坡位移监测的高精度的GPS技术。实践表明,采用GPS技术进行山区滑坡的稳定性监测,具有可操作性更强、精度更高、不受气候条件约束以及高度自动化等优点,能够为预测边坡可能出现失稳破坏的部位和变形破坏时间提供更可靠的监测资料,因而GPS监测技术值得在山区滑坡的变形监测领域中推广使用。 相似文献
论地面垂直变形监测中应用GPS技术的可能性 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
用GPS技术传递高程基准时需要知道精确的大地水准面与椭球面之差。但在垂直变形的特定情况下,人们关心的是高程的变化而不是高程本身。提出在地面沉降监测中可用站坐标系下的U分量变化代替水准测量高差的变化。分析了这一方法的可能误差和大小。根据1995~1998年连续4年的GPS与精密水准笃比观测,验证了方法的实际精度,表明在地面沉降监测中有可能用GPS技术代替精密水准传递高程基准。 相似文献
在大坝变形监测统计模型研究的基础上,针对传统大坝变形监测回归模型存在的不足,将逐步回归模型与智能优化算法相结合,提出.了一种基于人工蜂群算法一逐步回归分析的大坝变形监控模型。该模型以逐步回归方法为基础,利用相关性分析、多重共线性分析等方法对观测数据进行处理,进而对大坝回归模型的荷载集变量进行筛选和评价,并将改进的人工蜂群算法引入回归模型分析,对荷载集系数进行优化和重新评估。人工蜂群算法是一种新型的群体智能优化方法,具有全局智能性搜索、鲁棒性强等优点,将其引入大坝安全监控建模领域,同时为改进人工蜂群算法的局部搜索性能,引入了单纯形操作算子。实例分析表明,与同类模型相比,所提出模型在一定程度上改善了拟合效果,达到了简化模型、提高拟合精度和增强模型预测能力的目的。 相似文献
新疆帕米尔东北侧地区现今地壳运动的GPS监测研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过加密帕米尔东北侧地区的GPS监测网并进行复测,结合周边地区的IGS站数据,计算得到了该地区40多个GPS点位运动速率,由此得到了该地区的现今地壳形变速率图及GPS基准站的时间序列。结果表明:各GPS站主要运动方向为北北西,基本上与天山褶皱带走向正交,即形成对天山的正向挤压。伽师附近及其西南区的运动形态与周邻测站有所不同,表明伽师地区的构造变形与近几年地震活动有某种关联。环塔里木盆地周边点在各区内的速率变化较小,方向也基本一致,说明塔里木盆地内部变形较小或基本不变形。 相似文献
在地震监测行业,由于GPS能提供准确的公众时间,授时精度高、性能稳定、维护管理方便等特点得到了普遍应用。但在水利枢纽工程的大坝强震监测中,要想对不同坝段的测点系统进行GPS统一授时,得到更高的时间精度,却存在一定困难。为此,本文重点介绍了如何解决坝体内离坝面较远测点进行GPS精确授时问题及其涉及到的技术要点,解决方案及实施方法,并简述了GPS时间信息的获取方式,对授时过程中产生延时误差的原因进行了详细分析。 相似文献
GPS monitoring of temporal deformation of the Xianshuihe fault 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Min Wang ZhengKang Shen WeiJun Gan Hua Liao TieMing Li JinWei Ren XueJun Qiao QingLiang Wang YongLin Yang Kato Teruyuki Peng Li 《中国科学D辑(英文版)》2008,51(9):1259-1266
Highly precise (σ ~1 mm) temporal deformation measurements are taken across the Xianshuihe fault from two pairs of continuous GPS stations straddling the fault. Baseline vector changes of the two pairs of stations show clearly the difference in deformation behavior between the Qianning and Daofu segments of the fault: the former deforms steadily, and the latter deforms with a strong transient component. The transient deformation across the Daofu segment is possibly related to its irregular geometry, where the fault splits into two branches, that is, the east and west branches. An attempt is made to interpret the baseline vector changes using a kinematic fault model composed of a brittle layer in the upper crust, a ductile layer in the lower crust, and a transition zone in between. The slip in the transition zone of the south segment of the Xianshuihe fault is steady. The slips in the transition zones of the north and Daofu segments of the Xianshuihe fault, however, are not steady, and the average slip rates there are higher than that of the south segment. The difference in deformation behavior is probably associated with the rheological properties of the fault interface, suggesting that the overall fault strength of the south segment is greater than those of the north and Daofu segments, corresponding to longer earthquake recurrence time. 相似文献
A syn-eruptive ground deformation episode measured by GPS,during the 2001 eruption on the upper southern flank of Mt Etna 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ground deformation occurring on the southern flank of Mt Etna volcano during the July–August 2001 eruption was monitored by GPS measurements along an E–W profile crossing the fissure system. This profile was measured eight times during the eruption, using the 'stop and go' semi-kinematic technique. Horizontal and vertical displacements between GPS surveys are reported for each station. The most significant event is a deformation episode occurring during the first week of the eruption, between 25–27 July. Displacements were measured on benchmarks close to the eruptive fissure and the tensile 1989 fracture. Data inversions for measured displacements were performed using the Okada model. The model shows the narrowing of the 2001 dyke accompanied by a dextral dislocation along an east-dipping fault, parallel to the 1989 fracture.Editorial responsibility: T. Druitt 相似文献
Based on the analysis of the 1993 and 1995 GPS data acquired from crust movement and deformation monitoring in thc Qinghai-Xizang
Plateau, the following preliminary conclusions could be drawn: the levelly moving rate and direction of the land massifs in
the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau tally with the viewpoint generally held by geologists and geophysicists irr recent years; the accuracy
of monitoring crust movement has reached the world advanced level; the result has provided valuable and reliable information
to the quantitative analysis of the modern crust movement and deformation in the plateau.
Project supported by the Nntional Natural Science Foundation of China. 相似文献
Introduction China is a country with many landslides and debris flows. These disasters bring out a large amount of losses of life and property. It is significant to predict landslide incident by monitoring the deformations of these landslides. At past, triangulation and trilateration are traditional tools, but it is very difficult for them to realize real-time monitoring, and it is more dangerous for obser- vation workers when the deformation becomes larger. Because of many advantages such as… 相似文献
Research on present crustal deformation in the southern Tianshan (Jiashi) region by GPS geodesy 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
IntroductionSinceaMs=6.9earthquakeoccurredinArtux,Xinjiang,ChinaonMarchl9,l996,7earth-quakeswithmagnitudeofMs>6werefollowedsuccessivelynearbyJiashi,southemnanshan.Thephenomenonthatagroupofstrongearthquakes(Jiashiearthquakeswann)concentratedwithinashorterperiodoflyearormoreisanunprecedentedeventsincetheinstrUmentalrecordofseis-micityinthecontinent,drawingconsiderableattentionofseismologists.TheJiashiearthquakeswarmhaPpenedonthenortheastemflankofthewestCmsyntaxofHimalayancollisionbeltwheret… 相似文献
本文介绍上海地区GPS综合应用网SCGAN在长江三角洲地区地形变的监测和研究中所取得的成果. 对监测到的长江三角洲地区振幅达5~6 mm的垂向季节性运动的地球物理机制进行较深入的分析和研究. 研究表明,通过对大气压、积雪和土壤湿度质量负载、非潮汐海洋质量负载、以及基岩的热胀冷缩等地球物理机制因素引起地壳垂向季节性变化的定量分析,可以较好地解释GPS的监测结果,对两者间存在的一些系统偏差做了定性分析. 而对上海市区4个GPS基准站监测到的振幅近10 mm的垂向季节性变化,在扣除地球物理因素后,剩余5 mm垂向季节性变化与上海近几年每年定期采、灌地下水引起的地下水水位的周期变化有关. 相似文献
以UNAVCO公布的阿拉斯加地区GPS 1 Hz和30 s采样观测数据为基础,采用双差定位方法分别对两种采样率的数据进行处理分析,获得2020年7月22日阿拉斯加MW7.8地震震时地表动态变形及同震三维形变场。结果显示,震中270 km范围内高频GPS震时波形明显,最大振幅达600 mm。根据各个GPS站的动态形变波形振幅及响应时间认为,其振幅和响应时间受地震的破裂传播方向和场地效应影响较大。静态同震位移矢量指向震中,同震位移大小基本符合随震中距离增大而减小的特征,除站点AC13外,其中距离震中最近站点的最大水平位移达26.7 cm。GPS测定的同震形变表明,2020年阿拉斯加地震是发生在阿拉斯加阿留申俯冲大断裂的一次逆冲型地震。 相似文献
GPS技术在监测地震与地壳运动中已经得到应用,北京市地震局在北京市2002年启动建设的全球卫星定位综合应用服务系统基础上,于2003年开始GPS形变监测工作系统的建设,这是一个小区域连续的高密度GPS形变监测工作系统,获取高精度的北京市GPS基准站地心三维坐标,为地震监测和地壳运动的科学研究提供良好的GPS数据素材。 相似文献