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Significant differential hydrocarbon enrichment occurs in depressions in a petroliferous basin. There are multiple depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin, and each depression as a relatively independent unit of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, contains significantly different hydrocarbon generation conditions and enrichment degree. On the basis of previous documents and a large number of statistical data, this work comparatively analyzed the differential hydrocarbon enrichment and its major controlling factors in depressions of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin have various hydrocarbon enrichment degrees, and can be categorized into four types, namely enormously oil-rich, oil-rich, oily and oil-poor depressions. In general, the enormously oil-rich and oil-rich depressions are distributed in the eastern part of the basin along the Tan–Lu and Lan–Liao faults, whereas depressions in the western part of the basin are poor in hydrocarbons. Moreover, the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons is also highly heterogeneous, with Pre-Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the northern and western depressions, Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the entire basin, and Neogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the off-shore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin. From early depressions in onshore areas to the late depressions in offshore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin, the source rocks and source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages gradually become younger and shallower, and the hydrocarbon resource abundance gradually increases. Hydrocarbon supplying condition is the key factor constraining the hydrocarbon enrichment for different depressions, while the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, sufficient hydrocarbons and the transportation capacity of faults control the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons. The main factors controlling hydrocarbon enrichment are different for different layers. The hydrocarbon supplying condition of source rocks is the key controlling factor, whereas the source-reservoir configuration, the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages, and the fault transportation are the main factors of hydrocarbon enrichment in the Paleogene, Paleogene and Neogene, respectively.  相似文献   

The late Paleozoic Fengcheng Formation shale (LPF shale) in the Junggar Basin, NW China, is the oldest alkaline source rock discovered in the world, providing a unique perspective with which to explore organic matter (OM) enrichment in alkaline lake environments. Combined with the organic carbon isotope profile and paleoenvironmental proxies, this study reveals that the LPF shale was deposited in an arid climate with high salinity and a strong reducing environment, accompanied by frequent volcanic activity. High TOC values are concentrated in two intervals with frequent fluctuations in OM types. A negative excursion due to changes in sedimentary OM source is found in the δ13Corg profile. The excursion corresponds to the OM enrichment interval and is accompanied by abnormally high values of Sr/Ba and Sr/Cu. This implies that the extreme arid climate has led to high salinity, resulting in strong reducibility and changes in paleontological assemblages, which in turn controlled the differential enrichment of OM. The Fengcheng Fm. high-quality source rocks are the result of the combined action of climatic events, volcanism, high-salinity water environment and superior hydrocarbon-generating organisms. The results provide new insights into the formation conditions of terrestrial alkaline high-quality source rocks and the factors controlling alkaline OM enrichment.  相似文献   

内蒙古二连盆地岩性油气富集因素分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
根据近年来在内蒙古二连盆地有关岩性油藏方面取得了很多勘探成果,通过对4个主力凹陷的岩性油气富集因素进行分析,认为形成岩性油气富集的3大主要因素是:(1)丰富的油源;(2)优质的砂岩体圈闭;(3)存在汇流通道。丰富的油源是油气富集的物质基础,二连盆地发育的2套有效烃源岩层系厚度大、分布面积广、资源规模大,与储集砂体之间具多种接触关系。优质的砂岩体圈闭具有圈闭规模大、发育有利的储集相类型和良好储集层的特点,这些是油气富集的关键因素。圈闭规模大表现为单一大规模砂岩体圈闭或多个小型圈闭叠合连片,扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲和湖底扇是有利的储集相类型,油气富集往往形成于良好的储集层中。此外,存在汇流通道是油气富集的重要因素,充足的油气通过指状砂体侧向汇流通道和断层垂向汇流通道运移,在优质的砂岩体圈闭中聚集成藏。  相似文献   

北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷油气运聚成藏特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李颂  杨小晏 《世界地质》2012,31(2):365-370
北部湾盆地涠西南凹陷是个断陷湖盆,在油气运聚体系中,断裂可以起到沟通烃源岩的作用,将烃源岩和储层连通在一起; 不整合面造成不同层系的接触与连通,从而为其附近发育的各种圈闭提供油气侧向运移的通道,并形成油气藏。涠西南凹陷已发现的油气分布特征总体上呈“断裂沟源、断脊运移、两面控藏、复式聚集、满凹含油”的油气分布格局,形成了一个“一源多储、复式聚集、连片含油”的油气聚集区。  相似文献   

南堡凹陷已发现的油气储量分布具不均衡性。平面上,石油主要分布在南堡1号、2号和高尚堡构造带,天然气主要分布在南堡1、2、5号构造带。纵向上,油气主要分布在源上组合,源内和源下组合的油气储量相对较少。依据油气成藏要素的综合分析,确定了南堡凹陷油气分布主控因素:(1)烃源岩控制了油气的分布范围,已发现的80%以上的油气藏分布在距排烃中心15 km以内;(2)有利的沉积相带控制了沉积砂体,进而控制了油气的分布层位,目前已发现的油气储量主要分布在三角洲、河流沉积体系内;(3)断裂一方面控制了圈闭的类型和空间展布,进而控制油气藏的规模和位置,另一方面,断层作为油气纵向运移的通道,控制了油气纵向运移距离,已发现的油气藏90%以上分布在断裂带附近。综合而言,南堡凹陷油气分布受烃源岩、沉积相和断裂的多重控制。  相似文献   

The Bohai Bay Basin contains many depressions with varying degrees of hydrocarbon enrichment associated with the geological structures of different depressions. This study discussed the relationship between the geological structures and hydrocarbon enrichment of the depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin. Based on the Paleogene strata distribution and the length to width ratio of different depressions, their geological structures are divided into three types in plan-view: open(length/width 2), narrow(length/width 4) and transitional types(length/width 2–4). In cross section, the geological structures can be divided into dustpan I, dustpan II and double-faulted types. Based on tectonic evolution and sedimentary characteristics, the depressions are classified into early-formed, inherited and late-formed categories. Generally, narrow depressions are mainly located in the northeast and southwest of the Bohai Bay Basin, while open depressions are dominantly distributed in the central area of the basin; late-formed depressions are mainly around the Bohai sea area, and early-formed depressions are mostly located in the periphery of the basin. Geological structures of the depressions control the formation of the source, reservoir and cap rocks as well as hydrocarbon accumulation setting, and further influence the pay zones and oil-bearing sequence. In detail, dustpan II and doublefaulted depressions mainly have A-type sags, which often possess better hydrocarbon generation conditions than dustpan I ones; hydrocarbons in open dustpan II depressions tend to accumulate in the central uplift areas or buried hill, while those in narrow dustpan I depressions always accumulate in gentle slope belts. The oil-bearing sequence for different evolutional depressions corresponds well with the sedimentary strata of the main development stages of depressions. In early-formed depressions, hydrocarbons are mainly enriched in deeply buried reservoirs, while in late-formed depressions hydrocarbons are abundant in the relatively shallow traps. In summary, most inherited and late-formed dustpan II depressions are enriched in hydrocarbons due to their extensive source rocks and good source–reservoir–seal assemblages, whereas dustpan I and early-formed depressions are relatively poor in hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

刘亚明 《地质与勘探》2012,48(3):637-644
[摘 要] 本文以油气成藏理论为指导,通过分析区块的构造、生储盖、圈闭和油气分布特征,总结出 区块的成藏主控因素,明确区块下一步的勘探方向。研究发现区块的油气成藏具有构造复杂、烃源岩优 越、储集层丰富、盖层良好和圈闭多样的特征。油气分布具有西油东气,西部下部地层( LTAF 和UTAF 组)为主,东部上部地层(Gumai 组)为主,下油上气的规律。分析认为区块的油气成藏主要受烃源岩、储 集层和断裂的控制。对于区块下一步的勘探,西部地区应以寻找剩余的断层相关圈闭为主;东部地区应 以寻找远离断层的背斜圈闭为主,同时岩性地层圈闭是重要的勘探对象。  相似文献   

涠西南凹陷主力烃源岩流沙港二段沉积时期,盆地处于欠补偿环境,其主要沉积物是中深湖相的暗色泥岩,地震上以亚平行、中—弱振幅、不连续的反射特征为主;流沙港组二段泥岩有机碳质量分数普遍大于1.5%,干酪根类型主要为Ⅰ和Ⅱ型,为优质生油岩。通过盆地模拟,得出涠西南凹陷流沙港组源岩生油量为114×108t,生气量为22.31×1011m3,累计生烃强度基本上大于5×106t/km2;平面上A洼生烃占41%,B洼生烃占54%,纵向上流沙港组二段生烃约占流沙港组生烃量的80%,为主要烃源贡献者;涠西南凹陷存在2期生油高峰期:涠洲组沉积时期及下洋—现今沉积时期。在综合考虑油气运聚单元划分结果、骨架砂体及断层展布与发育特征的基础上,指出了涠西南凹陷有利的油气运聚区。  相似文献   

在系统描述葡萄花油田北部鞍部地区构造特征和断裂体系的基础上,分析了烃源岩大量排烃期与构造形成时期的匹配关系、砂体分布、地层压力和断层封闭性对研究区成藏的控制作用。研究结果表明:烃源岩大量排烃期和构造形成时期良好匹配,地层压力低势区和在成藏时期断块边界断层侧向开启是成藏的有利条件,构造和砂体分布则是成藏的主要控制因素。研究区成藏条件较好,可作为有利扩边潜力区。  相似文献   

三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷石炭系主要发育两套烃源岩,分别为哈尔加乌组上段和哈尔加乌组下段,油气藏形成的源控作用十分明显。通过烃源岩和原油地球化学的分析以及油源对比,发现不同类型原油的形成与分布严格受控于对应源岩的分布范围。分析表明,马朗凹陷石炭系火山岩系油气成藏的主控因素是优质烃源岩、强充注油源断裂和有利火山岩相带的合理配置。根据烃源岩与储层的配置关系,石炭系油气藏的形成可以概括为两种模式:一种为风化壳型成藏模式,油气聚集在石炭系火山岩顶部受风化淋漓作用改造的优质储层中,其中的油气来自下部烃源岩,运移通道为与烃源岩相沟通的油源断裂;另一种模式为内幕型成藏模式,储层为流体溶蚀改造的储层,其中聚集的油气来自邻近火山喷发间歇期沉积的炭质泥岩。  相似文献   

Significant differential hydrocarbon enrichment occurs in depressions in a petroliferous basin.There are multiple depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin, and each depression as a relatively independent unit of hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation, contains significantly different hydrocarbon generation conditions and enrichment degree. On the basis of previous documents and a large number of statistical data, this work comparatively analyzed the differential hydrocarbon enrichment and its major controlling factors in depressions of the Bohai Bay Basin. The results show that depressions in the Bohai Bay Basin have various hydrocarbon enrichment degrees, and can be categorized into four types, namely enormously oil-rich, oil-rich, oily and oil-poor depressions. In general, the enormously oil-rich and oil-rich depressions are distributed in the eastern part of the basin along the Tan-Lu and Lan-Liao faults, whereas depressions in the western part of the basin are poor in hydrocarbons. Moreover, the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons is also highly heterogeneous, with Pre-Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the northern and western depressions, Paleogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the entire basin, and Neogene strata rich in hydrocarbons in the off-shore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin. From early depressions in onshore areas to the late depressions in offshore areas of the Bohai Bay Basin, the source rocks and source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages gradually become younger and shallower, and the hydrocarbon resource abundance gradually increases. Hydrocarbon supplying condition is the key factor constraining the hydrocarbon enrichment for different depressions,while the main source-reservoir-cap rock assemblage, sufficient hydrocarbons and the transportation capacity of faults control the vertical distribution of hydrocarbons. The main factors controlling hydrocarbon enrichment are different for different layers. The hydrocarbon supplying condition of source rocks is the key controlling factor, whereas the source-reservoir configuration, the main sourcereservoir-cap rock assemblages, and the fault transportation are the main factors of hydrocarbon enrichment in the Paleogene, Paleogene and Neogene, respectively.  相似文献   

为了综合确定伊通盆地莫里青断陷的主力烃源岩,深化油气成藏动力学过程研究,在烃源岩分布特征及有机质丰度、类型和成熟度分析的基础上,应用含油气盆地数值模拟技术,定量恢复了研究区主要烃源岩层系的生排烃史.研究表明,莫里青断陷主要发育始新统双阳组、奢岭组和永吉组3套烃源岩系,其中双阳组泥岩为主力烃源岩,具较高的有机质丰度、成熟度、生烃强度与排烃效率;以双阳组为烃源岩的油气系统应是该区油气勘探的主要目标.  相似文献   

滨里海盆地以下二叠统空谷阶盐岩为界,发育了极具特色的盐上和盐下2套成藏体系。为加深对区域成藏规律的认 识, 为进一步勘探提供参考,从区域构造沉积演化入手,利用最新钻井资料、地震剖面解释和构造编图,分析了盐上、盐 下层系的构造特征与油气成藏主控因素。结果表明,盐下古生界构造层以发育大型古隆起和斜坡带为特征,海西期风化淋 滤作用改善了碳酸盐岩储集层的储集性能,礁滩和岩溶控制着油气的富集。相比而言,盐上层系受空谷阶盐构造运动的影 响明显,可形成盐刺穿遮挡型、盐檐、地层尖灭型、砂岩透镜体等不同类型的圈闭,高效盐窗和盐边/断裂等运移通道是成 藏的关键,盐构造活动期与盐下烃源岩排烃高峰期相匹配是油气成藏的必要条件。  相似文献   

受多重构造作用影响,北部湾盆地乌石凹陷形成了复杂的内部构造,准确识别不同期次构造发育特征对于油气勘探具有重要意义。文中运用高精度三维地震、钻井等资料系统分析了乌石凹陷东区断裂类型、组合样式、形成演化规律及其动力学成因机制。分析结果表明:在太平洋板块、印度板块和欧亚板块间相互作用产生的伸展-走滑-弱挤压联合叠加区域应力影响下,乌石凹陷东区发育伸展、走滑和挤压3套断裂系统,并形成相应的13种平、剖面断裂组合样式;断裂形成演化共经历5个主要阶段:古新世伸展萌芽阶段、始新世伸展主活动阶段、早(中)渐新世走滑弱伸展阶段、晚渐新世走滑弱挤压阶段和新近纪以来的定型保留阶段。  相似文献   

The Cenozoic rift basins in eastern China show a clear temporal and spatial zonation and episodic tectonic evolution, which control their episodic hydrocarbon generation and zonal accumulation. In this paper, based on the study of depositional architecture, hydrocarbon migration system and dynamic evolution in the rift basins, combinations of hydrocarbon accumulation elements were analyzed using sequence stratigraphy. Hydrocarbon distribution in system tracts with different sequence orders was further studied. And we summarized stacking patterns and horizontal combination relationships for different types of reservoirs, such as lithological, tectonic-lithological, tectonic and stratigraphical reservoirs which can be observed from depression center to basin margin. The result reveals that various scales of pools exhibit significant distribution and evolution orderliness in different pool-forming units, i.e., depositional systems, plays and depressions. The regular distribution of various scales of pools is closely related to tectonic evolution and depositional filling in the rift basins. The result can be applied to the fine petroleum exploration in rift basins in eastern China. It will promote the scientific prediction and evaluation of reservoir types and their spatial distribution, lead to the active shifts of exploration targets in different zones, and thus support the stable progress of fine exploration in mature exploration areas.  相似文献   

苏丹穆格莱德盆地Fula凹陷油气富集特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用盆地构造解析理论和方法综合研究了穆格莱德盆地Fula凹陷油气藏的控制因素。该凹陷发育了Abu Gabra组优质烃源岩和3套生、储、盖组合,第1套为Abu Gabra组自生自储自盖;第2套为下生上储盖的大组合,即Abu Gabra组生、Bentiu组储和Darfur群盖;第3套组合为Abu Gabra组生,Darfur群储、盖。它们都是有利的勘探组合:断层控制油气运移和聚集,构造背景和砂体展布控制油气分布,区域盖层控制油气富集。凹陷中部构造带是油气主要聚集区,有良好的勘探前景。  相似文献   

The uncertainty surrounding the thermal regimes of the ultra-deep strata in the Tarim and Sichuan basins, China, is unfavorable for further hydrocarbon exploration. This study summarizes and contrasts the present-day and paleo heat flow, geothermal gradient and deep formation temperatures of the Tarim and Sichuan basins. The average heat flow of the Tarim and Sichuan basins are 42.5 ± 7.6 mW/m2 and 53.8 ± 7.6 mW/m2, respectively, reflecting the characteristics of ‘cold’ and ‘warm’ basins. The geothermal gradient with unified depths of 0–5,000 m, 0–6,000 m and 0–7,000 m in the Tarim Basin are 21.6 ± 2.9 °C/km, 20.5 ± 2.8 °C/km and 19.6 ± 2.8 °C/km, respectively, while the geothermal gradient with unified depths of 0–5,000 m, 0–6,000m and 0–7,000 m in the Sichuan Basin are 21.9 ± 2.3 °C/km, 22.1 ± 2.5 °C/km and 23.3 ± 2.4 °C/km, respectively. The differential change of the geothermal gradient between the Tarim and Sichuan basins with depth probably results from the rock thermal conductivity and heat production rate. The formation temperatures at depths of 6,000 m, 7,000 m, 8,000 m, 9,000 m and 10,000 m in the Tarim Basin are 80°C–190°C, 90°C–220°C, 100°C–230°C, 110°C–240°C and 120°C–250°C, respectively, while the formation temperatures at depths of 6,000 m, 7,000 m, 8,000 m and 9,000 m in the Sichuan Basin are 120°C–200°C, 140°C–210°C, 160°C–260°C and 180°C–280°C, respectively. The horizontal distribution pattern of the ultra-deep formation temperatures in the Tarim and Sichuan basins is mainly affected by the basement relief, fault activity and hydrothermal upwelling. The thermal modeling revealed that the paleo-heat flow in the interior of the Tarim Basin decreased since the early Cambrian with an early Permian abrupt peak, while that in the Sichuan Basin experienced three stages of steady state from Cambrian to early Permian, rapidly rising at the end of the early Permian and declining since the late Permian. The thermal regime of the Sichuan Basin was always higher than that of the Tarim Basin, which results in differential oil and gas generation and conservation in the ultra-deep ancient strata. This study not only promotes theoretical development in the exploration of ultra-deep geothermal fields, but also plays an important role in determining the maturation phase of the ultra-deep source rocks and the occurrence state of hydrocarbons in the Tarim and Sichuan basins.  相似文献   


奥陶系马家沟组是鄂尔多斯盆地下古生界的烃源岩层系之一,为了进一步认识马家沟组烃源岩的地球化学特征,本文以鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘典型剖面烃源岩样品为研究对象,利用GC-MS分析方法对研究样品的饱和烃馏分进行了分析。研究表明鄂尔多斯盆地西南缘马家沟组烃源岩岩性不同,其生物标志化合物分布特征也存在差异。根据生物标志化合物特征推断,马家沟组各类源岩的沉积环境为盐度较高的还原环境,灰岩沉积环境的氧化性略高于灰质泥岩;灰岩的有机质母质来源以低等水生生物和微生物为主,而灰质泥岩有高等植物来源的有机质混入,有机质的热演化程度均达到成熟阶段;马家沟组各类源岩有机质均经历过降解作用,且碳质泥岩中有机质遭受的降解作用要强于灰岩。  相似文献   

The sedimentary, paleogeomorphological and reservoir characteristics of the Jurassic Yan’an Formation in the southwestern Ordos Basin, northwestern China, were studied by means of casting thin sections, scanning electron microscopy, inclusion analysis and identification of low-amplitude structures. A model for reservoir formation is established, and the controlling effects of sedimentary facies, paleotopography, low-amplitude structures and formation water on oil reservoirs are revealed. There are significant differences in the sedimentary characteristics, structural morphology and paleowater characteristics between the reservoirs above the Yan 10 Member and those in the Yan 9 to Yan 7 Members. The Yan 10 Member contains fluvial sediments, whereas the Yan 9 to Yan 7 members contain delta-plain anastomosing-river deposits. The distribution of high-permeability reservoir is controlled by pre-Jurassic paleogeomorphology and sedimentary facies. Some of these facies exhibit high porosity and high permeability in a lowpermeability background. The main hydrocarbon accumulation period was the late Early Cretaceous, filling was continuous, and the charging strength altered from weak to strong and then from strong to weak. The Yan 10 reservoir is mainly controlled by the paleogeomorphology: hydrocarbons migrated upward at a high speed through the unconformity surface, and accumulated in the favorable traps formed by paleogeomorphic structural units, such as gentle slopes or channel island. Furthermore, groundwater alternation in these areas was relatively stagnant, providing good reservoir preservation conditions. The reservoirs in the Yan 9 and higher members are controlled by the sedimentary facies, lowamplitude structure and paleowater characteristics. Hydrocarbons migrated through the three-dimensional delivery system, influenced by favorable sedimentary facies and high-salinity groundwater, then accumulated in the favorable low-amplitude structural traps that formed during the hydrocarbon production period.  相似文献   

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