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本文对莱州湾、渤海湾、渤海中央盆地的海洋底质沉积环境进行了研宄,通过对17柱沉积物岩芯样品中Fe,Al,Mn,Ti的测定和分析,论述了四元素在底质表层沉积物中及在岩芯沉积物中的含量和分布规律,用数理统计的方法分析了渤海中央盆地Fe,Al,Mn,Ti的丰度值,为渤海环境背景值及环境背景历史的研究提供了重要参数。  相似文献   

通过对辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面声学地层与典型钻孔沉积地层的对比分析,揭示了研究区晚第四纪MIS5以来的地层层序。辽东湾高分辨率浅地层剖面自下而上划定的6个声学地层单元(SU5、SU4、SU3、SU2、SU12、SU11)与钻孔岩芯划分的6个沉积地层单元(DU5、DU4、DU3、DU2、DU12、DU11)具有良好的对应关系。分别与MIS4期、MIS2期低海面时期的沉积间断密切相关的两个层序界面R5、R3,将辽东湾识别出的地层单元自下而上划分为3个层序(SQ3、SQ2、SQ1)。其中SQ3仅识别出上部的海侵体系域与高水位体系域,对应MIS5期海平面相对较高时期的滨浅海相沉积(DU5);SQ2自下而上由低水位体系域(MIS...  相似文献   

High-resolution shallow seismic-reflection profiles obtained from the western Mersin Bay have revealed the existence of the two distinct depositional sequences (C and B) lying on a narrow and relatively steeply-sloping continental shelf which mainly receives its sediments from the ephemeral rivers. The upper Holocene sedimentary sequence (C) is characterized by stratified (simple to complex) to chaotic reflection configurations produced by the development of a prograding wedge of terrigenous sediment. Particular occurrences of slope- and front-fill facies and the lack of a sharp boundary, which has, however, been observed on the western shelf of this bay, between the Early Holocene and latest Pleistocene deposits are related to possible movement of underlying deposits due to local gravity mass movements or synsedimentary tectonics due to adjustment of the underlying evaporites in adjacent basin. The maximum thickness of the topmost sequence C is associated with the Tarsus–Seyhan delta, which lies to the northeast of the area and is prograding along the shelf. Other variations in thickness (5–40 m) of this topmost sequence are related to the variable sediment discharge along the coast, and the distance from the coast. It is at a maximum (40 m) in the nearshore area just west of the Lamas river mouth and at a minimum (5–15 m) in the offshore area.

The lower depositional pre-Holocene sequence (B) is characterized by continuous to wavy reflection configurations and how some cyclicity, suggesting coarse, heterogeneous sediments deposited under high energy conditions (fan-deltas) of Plio-Pleistocene age.

The combined interpretation of seismic reflection profiles with the available bore-hole data reveals the existence of a widespread Miocene acoustic basement (A) off the Susanoğlu–Tırtar coasts and Karapınar–Gilindirez rivers mouths. Unusual features in some profiles suggest the escape of coastal freshwater into the accumulating sediment.  相似文献   

记述了1998年5月莱州湾中采得的东方(Takifugu)标本中的2尾个体,其形态特征介于红鳍东方(Takifugurubripes)和假睛东方(Takifugupseudommus)之间,经比较分析认定其为该两近缘种的天然杂交种  相似文献   

文章对采自莱州湾南岸的钻孔沉积物样品进行了粒度测试和分析。样品平均粒径介于3.3-6.8?,以极细砂和粗粉砂为主,含有少量的粘土质;分选较差;偏度表现为正偏和极正偏;沉积物粒度表现为正态、正态—尖锐和尖锐,少数表现为平坦和极尖锐。粒度象指示了历史时期持续高的初始沉积水动能和多种沉积环境的变化,粒度参数散点图反映了多种动能影响了沉积物的沉积改造,综合判别分析对沉积环境的限定,得到了莱州湾南岸沉积物受到河水径流、潮流、波浪等共同作用形成。沉积物总体反映了莱州湾南岸长时期处于河流相和三角洲相的沉积环境,少数较细的粒度表现可能与研究区的多期海侵过程相对应。  相似文献   

渤海莱州湾表层沉积物中金属元素分布及环境质量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用X-射线荧光光谱仪、等离子质谱仪或原子荧光光度计测定了莱州湾表层沉积物中金属元素的含量,探讨了它们的分布特征、来源及污染程度,结果表明,沉积物中铜、锌、铅、镉、砷、镍、铬、钴、钒、钪、铁、锰的含量由近岸向湾内递减,莱州湾北部海域的含量大于南部的。银含量高的沉积物主要分布在莱州湾中部偏西南的环流中心区。沉积物中砷和镍含量超过ERL值,潜在生态风险较高。富集系数和主成分分析显示,沉积物中铁、铜、锌、镉、砷、铬、镍、钴、锰、钒和钪为无富集,砷为轻度富集,铅和银为中度富集。铁、铜、锌、镉、铬、镍、钴、锰、钒、砷和钪主要来源于自然源,铅既有岩石和土壤风化产物硅酸盐矿物等自然源的贡献,又受到了人为活动的影响,银主要受人为活动的影响。聚类分析表明,可把莱州湾沉积物分为4类,其中黄河口西北缘沉积物中砷和镍污染生态风险最高,其次是莱州湾中部和北部。  相似文献   

李琰  于洪军  易亮  苏乔  胡克  徐兴永  王建 《海洋科学》2014,38(5):107-113
对采自莱州湾南岸的钻孔沉积物样品进行了粒度测试和分析。样品平均粒径介于3.3Φ~6.8Φ,以极细砂和粗粉砂为主,含有少量的黏土质;分选较差;偏度表现为正偏和极正偏;沉积物粒度表现为正态、正态-尖锐和尖锐,少数表现为平坦和极尖锐。粒度象图指示了历史时期持续高的初始沉积水动能和多种沉积环境的变化,粒度参数散点图反映了多种动能影响了沉积物的沉积改造,综合判别分析对沉积环境的限定,得到了莱州湾南岸沉积物受到河水径流、潮流、波浪等共同作用形成。沉积物总体反映了莱州湾南岸长时期处于河流相和三角洲相的沉积环境,少数较细的粒度表现可能与研究区的多期海侵过程相对应。结果表明了粒度的综合分析对渤海南部的沉积环境有良好的辨识,是判断沉积环境的重要指标。  相似文献   

徐东桂 《海岸工程》2009,28(4):89-94
以高含沙量著称于世的黄河,在促进华北平原形成的同时,也在蚕食着渤海。仅千年时间,淤埋渤海造陆1万km^2。进入海洋世纪的当今世界,海洋国土更加显得弥足珍贵。渤海是我国唯一的内海,经济、交通和战略意义重大。黄河下游历来游荡于天津、上海之间,现行流路也只有144a的历史。因此,改道黄河,重新引导泥沙输入黄海;既保护渤海,又在不影响领海的前提下,扩大我国国土面积。不失为两利无害的千年万年大计。  相似文献   

渤海自由生活海洋线虫两个新种(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
渤海自由生活海洋线虫两个新种,海异齿线虫Parodontophora marina n.sp.(嘴刺目、轴线虫科)和异毛联体线虫Paracomesoma heterosetosum n.sp.(色矛目、联体线虫科);前者来自渤海莱州湾的DA_2和DA_4站,水深分别为20和16m;后者来自大连夏家河子砂质滩中潮带。新种海异齿线虫与日本海齿线虫(P.marisjaponici Platonova,1971)十分相似,但新种有规则排列的颈刚毛(雄性和雌性的颈刚毛排列式均为(3D—2V)2,排泄细胞大且排泄孔开口于口腔中部的腹部表面。新种异毛联体线虫的雄性交接器为本属相对最长者,为肛径的7倍,化感器之后成对的颈刚毛以及de Man比值明显地高于本属所有的种。本文提供了包括这两个新种在内的两个属双歧式检索表。模式标本保存在青岛海洋大学海洋生物系。  相似文献   

The palaeochannel evolution in the study region is divided into four stages by such methods as 14C dating. Sea water intrusion through palaeochannels has been studied as a focal point. Palaeochannels are the main passageways through which the sea water intrudes at a higher speed, through many means and in a changeable dynamic state.  相似文献   

在南黄海太阳沙西侧潮流脊槽海域进行了密集网格的高分辨率浅地震勘探,测线间距主要为120 m和200 m。沉积物穿透厚度最大约80~90 m,划分为2个地震层序(SQ1和SQ2),细分为5个亚层(U1~U5)。位于下部的层序1(U1)为晚更新世陆相沉积,上部的层序2(U2~U5)以全新世海相沉积为主。根据地震相特征研究了各亚层的沉积环境,从晚更新世晚期以来,研究区经历了三角洲辫状河流—河流刻蚀—古河道充填—河口滨海—三角洲滨浅海—现代潮流脊槽的沉积环境演变过程。在早全新世中期,研究区发育了一条窄河口型潮流沙脊,并随海平面的快速上升而被掩埋。现代潮流沙脊形成于末次高海面后,与古潮流沙脊没有继承关系,与晚更新世古地形也没有关系,受控于潮流系统。  相似文献   

The Adare Trough, located 100 km NE of Cape Adare, Antarctica, is the extinct third arm of a Tertiary spreading ridge that separated East from West Antarctica. We use seismic reflection data, tied to DSDP Site 274, to link our seismic stratigraphic interpretation to changes in ocean-bottom currents, Ross Sea ice cover, and regional tectonics through time. Two extended unconformities are observed in the seismic profiles. We suggest that the earliest hiatus (early Oligocene to Mid-Miocene) is related to low sediment supply from the adjacent Ross Shelf, comprised of small, isolated basins. The later hiatus (mid-Miocene to late Miocene) is likely caused by strong bottom currents sourced from the open-marine Ross Sea due to increased Antarctic glaciation induced by mid-Miocene cooling (from Mi-3). Further global cooling during the Pliocene, causing changes in global ocean circulation patterns, correlates with Adare Basin sediments and indicate the continuing but weakened influence of bottom currents. The contourite/turbidite pattern present in the Adare Trough seismic data is consistent with the 3-phase contourite growth system proposed for the Weddell Sea and Antarctic Peninsula. Multibeam bathymetry and seismic reflection profiles show ubiquitous volcanic cones and intrusions throughout the Adare Basin that we interpret to have formed from the Oligocene to the present. Seismic reflection profiles reveal trans-tensional/strike-slip faults that indicate oblique extension dominated Adare Trough tectonics at 32–15 Ma. Observed volcanism patterns and anomalously shallow basement depth in the Adare Trough area are most likely caused by mantle upwelling, an explanation supported by mantle density reconstructions, which show anomalously hot mantle beneath the Adare Trough area forming in the Late Tertiary.  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic of the Outer Moray Firth Basin can be divided into two main stratigraphic units — the Piper and Kimmeridge Clay Formations. In each of these formations five major sedimentary facies can be recognized. The Piper Formation, of late Oxfordian to early Kimmeridgian age, comprises very fine to coarse-grained sandstones and minor mudstone of clastic shelf to shoreline origin. Large scale upward-coarsening sequences are well developed in some areas, particularly in the reservoir sands of the Tartan oilfield, and are interpreted as regressive, possibly deltaic deposits. The unconformably overlying Kimmeridge Clay Formation ranges in age from late Oxfordian through Volgian to Ryazanian. The formation is predominantly argillaceous, but also contains locally thick accumulations of sandstone deposited by gravity flow processes. The Claymore Sandstone Member is proposed as a new name for these sandstones in the region of the Claymore oilfield, where they form the major reservoir. Sands of the Piper Formation were derived mainly from the south-west, although some input from the north may also have occurred. Deposition may have extended further eastwards than the present erosional limit of the sands. Thick sand sequences in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation are probably restricted to the margins of the Witch Ground Graben, where contemporaneous faulting occurred.  相似文献   

The living coccolithophores(LCs) are an important class of calcified taxa of phytoplankton functional groups,and major producers of marine biogenic inorganic carbon,playing an important role in the marine carbon cycle.In this study,we report the two-demensional abundance,composition of LCs and its correlation with the environmental parameters in spring and autumn,in order to understand the ecological role of LCs in the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea.In spring,totally 9 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification.The dominant species were Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa oceanica,Helicosphaera carteri,and Calcidiscus leptoporus.The abundance of coccosphores and coccoliths ranged 0–7.72cells/m L,and 0–216.09 coccoliths/m L,with the average values of 0.21 cells/m L,and 11.36 coccoliths/m L,respectively.The Emiliania huxleyi distribution was similar to Gephyrocapsa oceanica.The highest abundance of coccoliths was observed in the east of Shandong Peninsula in northern Yellow Sea,whereas Helicosphaera carteri distributed more widely.Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica were the two predominant species in LCs with higher abundances.The distribution of LCs was similar to that of coccoliths.In autumn,14 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified with dominant species as Emiliania huxleyi,Gephyrocapsa oceanica,Helicosphaera carteri,Calcidiscus leptoporus and Oolithotus fragilis.The abundance of coccosphores and coccoliths ranged 0–24.69 cells/m L,and 0–507.15 coccoliths/m L,with the average values of 1.47 cells/m L,and55.89 coccoliths/m L,respectively.The highest abundance of coccoliths was located in Qingdao coastal waters and south of the survey area.The distribution of LCs was similar to the coccoliths; in addition,LCs presented large abundance in the east of the central Yellow Sea area.  相似文献   

连云港海域废黄河水下三角洲北翼的沉积特征与空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦亚超  顾兆峰 《海洋学报》2019,41(11):101-116
基于连云港海域浅地层剖面资料解释和16个站位柱状岩心的剖面观察、粒度分析、微体化石鉴定、有孔虫和腹足类纹沼螺的AMS 14C年龄,分析废黄河水下三角洲北翼的沉积结构、厚度和沉积物组成,划分沉积单元及其分布范围;识别海侵沉积区的沉积相,认识其沉积环境特征。结果表明,水下三角洲沉积体可分为三角洲前缘和前三角洲两个沉积单元,两者沿连云港海岸线呈并置关系。三角洲前缘位于埒子口至新淮河口外,为一NNE向进积、NW向倾斜的扇形楔状体,可识别出灌河叶瓣及其以东的叶瓣两个沉积中心。该沉积单元以砂质沉积为主,两个叶瓣之间的分流间湾分布有泥和砂质泥。前三角洲位于三角洲前缘西北侧,大致从埒子口外侧沿海岸带向海州湾展布。该单元为泥质沉积,厚度较薄,其北部的两个柱状岩心所揭示的沉积厚度分别为1.8 m和1.5 m。水下三角洲以北,海侵沙席分布广泛,厚度通常在20 cm左右。其分布在本区具有普遍性,只是在连云港海域被黄河泥沙所覆盖,由此也构成了废黄河水下三角洲的底界面。该界面具有侵蚀残留地貌特征。海侵沙席之下为晚更新世MIS 3阶段中早期的海陆过渡相沉积。沉积物多由黄色粉砂或砂质粉砂组成,含有较丰富的有孔虫、介形虫等,可见淡水纹沼螺。  相似文献   

在POM的基础上,建立一个σ坐标系下三维斜压预报模式,利用经过资料同化处理的周平均卫星遥感海面温度资料,考虑海底地形、外海出入流、海面风应力等因素的影响,较好的模拟了冬季渤、黄、东海环流的情况。  相似文献   

通过对莱州湾南岸Lz908孔下部47m沉积物的粒度分析,揭示了该地区沉积物的粒度特征:平均粒径介于3.2Φ~7.4Φ,大部分为黏土质粉砂,少部分为砂质粉砂,亦含有少量粉砂质砂;分选系数介于1.1~2.5,分选较差;偏度绝大多数介于0.7~2.4,表现为正偏和极正偏;峰度介于1.9~3.4,表现为平坦和正态。通过粒级组成、粒度象特征、粒度结构散点图等的综合分析,表明:钻孔下部沉积物与上部沉积物相比,指示了相对低能稳定的水动力环境;莱州湾南岸地区在早-中更新统处于浅湖相与深湖相交替存在的沉积环境。因此,本文认为对渤海莱州湾南岸地区沉积物粒度特征的研究可以有效的判断沉积环境,提取古环境信息,是沉积环境的重要替代指标。  相似文献   

黄河口现代海洋沉积高分辨率地震地层学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用地震地层学的知识,结合KDG2和S3钻孔资料,对2002年得到的现代黄河口地区的浅地层地震剖面进行了分析解释,共划分出中更新世以来11个地震地层单元,对每个地震地层单元进行了地震相的有关描述,对剖面上出现的地质现象给予了合理推测和详细分析,并结合相邻的钻孔资料,与全球冰期进行对比,构筑了黄河口地区晚第四纪以来地层的沉积模式。  相似文献   

莱州湾西部海域枯水期富营养化程度的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据 2004 年 5 月份的调查资料,选择透明度、盐度、活性磷酸盐、溶解无机氮、硅酸盐、叶绿素 a、浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物作为评价因子,利用层次分析法确定了各因子的层次关系和权重,建立了以营养盐和富营养化致害因素、直接效应、间接效应三方面指标为基础的综合评价指数模型,对莱州湾海域的营养水平进行了评价.各站点最终评价结果表明:莱州湾海域磷酸盐、无机氮超标严重,整体已表现出富营养化,其中黄河口和小清河口附近富营养化较为明显,这主要是受到陆源排污和海水养殖的影响.  相似文献   

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