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钢管混凝土叠合边框内藏钢桁架剪力墙振动台试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了4个钢管混凝土叠合边框剪力墙模型的模拟地震振动台试验,包括:1个高宽比为1.6的钢管混凝土叠合边框剪力墙,1个高宽比为1.6的钢管混凝土叠合边框内藏钢桁架剪力墙,1个高宽比为3.0的为钢管混凝土叠合边框剪力墙,1个高宽比为3.0的钢管混凝土叠合边框内藏钢桁架剪力墙。试验中输入Taft地震波,测试了各试件在不同峰值加速度下的时程地震反应及其动力特性,分析了剪力墙损伤过程及破坏特征。研究表明,钢管混凝土叠合边框内藏钢桁架剪力墙比普通钢管混凝土叠合柱边框剪力墙承载力高、刚度退化慢、延性好、抗震耗能能力强。  相似文献   

提出了带竖向构造钢筋再生混凝土砖砌体结构,进行了2个两层再生混凝土砖砌体房屋结构1/2缩尺模型的模拟地震振动台试验研究,2个结构模型的墙体厚度均为120 mm,一层设有门洞和窗洞,二层设有窗洞。2个模型中,1个为带竖向构造钢筋再生混凝土砖砌体房屋,1个为普通无竖向构造钢筋再生混凝土砖砌体房屋。试验中输入El Centro地震动,测试分析了台面加速度反应、一层和二层顶板加速度反应、结构层间位移反应以及各阶段结构损伤与破坏特征等。研究表明:带竖向构造钢筋再生混凝土砖砌体房屋比普通再生混凝土砖砌体房屋的破坏程度轻,墙体裂缝位置相对错动小,抗震性能显著提高;带竖向构造钢筋再生混凝土砖砌体房屋可用于地震区村镇建筑。  相似文献   

宿迁市建设大厦消能减震设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宿迁市建设大厦,21层,框架-抗震墙结构,按Ⅷ度(0.3g)进行抗震设防;由于建筑部分楼层层间位移超过《规范》要求,因此在部分楼层增设消能支撑,通过提高结构的附加阻尼比来降低结构的位移反应。整体结构的非线性时程分析结果表明,在框架-抗震墙结构中增设消能支撑,可以较为经济地控制结构薄弱层的位移,提高结构的抗震安全储备。本文可为高烈度区类似工程的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper describes shaking table tests of three eight-story building models: all are masonry structures in the upper stories, with or without frame-shear walls of one- or two- stories at the bottom. The test results of damage characteristics and seismic responses are provided and compared. Then, nonlinear response analyses are conducted to examine the reliability of the dynamic analysis. Finally, many nonlinear response analyses are performed and it is concluded that for relatively hard sites under a certain lateral stiffness ratio (i.e., the ratio of the stiffness of the lowest upper masonry story to that of the frame- shear wall story), the masonry structure with one-story frame-shear wall at the bottom performs better than a structure built entirely of masonry, and a masonry structure with frame-shear wall of two stories performs better than with one-story frame- shear wall. In relatively soft soil conditions, all three structures have similar performane. In addition, some suggestions that could be helpful for design of masonry structures with ground story of frame-shear wall structure in seismic intensity region VII, such as the appropriate lateral stiffness ratio, shear force increase factor of the frame-shear wall story, and permissible maximum height of the building, are proposed.  相似文献   

不同再生骨料掺量的中高剪力墙振动台试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究再生混凝土剪力墙的动力性能,进行了3个1/3缩尺的不同再生骨料取代率的中高剪力墙模型的模拟地震振动台试验,其中1个为普通混凝土剪力墙、1个为再生粗骨料混凝土剪力墙、1个为全再生骨料混凝土剪力墙。试验过程经历了剪力墙弹性、开裂和破坏阶段,实测并比较分析了各剪力墙在不同阶段的动力特性、动力反应及破坏形态。试验结果表明:再生粗骨料混凝土中高剪力墙具有和普通混凝土剪力墙相近的抗震性能,其墙体开裂时台面加速度输入降低9.7%,其弹塑性位移角达到1/120时台面加速度输入降低5.8%,经合理设计,可用于建筑结构。  相似文献   

This paper reports a study for the seismic performance of one large‐scaled (1/15) model of 30‐story steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐concrete core wall mixed structure. The study was implemented by both shaking table tests, in which the similarity ratio for lateral and gravitational accelerations was kept to 1:1, and numerical nonlinear dynamic analysis. The test observations presented herein include story displacement, interstory drift, natural vibration periods, and final failure mode. The numerical analysis was performed to simulate the shaking table test procedure, and the numerically obtained responses were verified by the test results. On the basis of the numerical results, the progressions of structural stiffness, base shear, and overturning moment were investigated, and the distributions of base shear and overturning moment between frame and core wall were also discussed. The test demonstrates the seismic performance of the steel‐reinforced concrete frame‐core wall mixed structure and reveals the potential overturning failure mode for high rise structures. The nonlinear analysis results indicate that the peripheral frames could take more shear forces after core wall damaged under severe earthquakes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文用墙单元将剪力墙中断的框架-剪力墙结构离散,利用传递矩阵技术探讨此不规则框架-剪力墙结构的地震反应,四阶Runge-Kutta法用来求解用正则坐标写出的对应于第j个振型的运动方程.将得到的3个不同剪力墙高度的钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙模型结构的固有频率、最大位移反应和基底剪力与振动台的试验结果进行对比,说明本数值方法是正确的、有效的.最后得出了并不是对所有的框架-剪力墙结构都需把其剪力墙延伸到整个结构高度的结论以及用墙单元和传递矩阵技术求解能有效地减少计算单元、取得同样精度的计算结果.  相似文献   

某全钢结构地震模拟振动台试验和理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对体型不规则的全钢结构建筑进行了地震模拟振动台试验研究和理论分析,这种结构体系是由内椭球塔与外框筒连接而成的特殊结构体系。地震模拟试验结果表明这种结构体系仍然以主振型为主,内椭球塔与外框筒连接方式能够满足设计要求。文末采用SAP2000程序对结构模型进行三维受力分析,沿最不利加振方向的理论分析结果与振动台试验结果显示该结构在设计地震作用下,具有足够的安全性。  相似文献   

框剪结构抗震剪力墙数量的优化准则证明   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
将框剪结构连续化,按振型组合法证明了同时满足规范允许顶点侧移和层间侧移角的最少抗震剪力墙数量为最优剪力墙量,相应的设计为最优设计。  相似文献   

This paper describes shaking table tests of three eight-story building models: all are masonry structures in the upper stories, with or without frame-shear walls of one- or two- stories at the bottom. The test results of damage characteristics and seismic responses are provided and compared. Then, nonlinear response analyses are conducted to examine the reliability of the dynamic analysis. Finally, many nonlinear response analyses are performed and it is concluded that for relatively hard sites under a certain lateral stiffness ratio (I.e., the ratio of the stiffness of the lowest upper masonry story to that of the frame-shear wall story), the masonry structure with one-story frame-shear wall at the bottom performs better than a structure built entirely of masonry, and a masonry structure with frame-shear wall of two stories performs better than with one-story frame-shear wall. In relatively soft soil conditions, all three structures have similar performane. In addition, some suggestions that could be helpful for design ofmasomy structures with ground story of frame-shear wall structure in seismic intensity region VII, such as the appropriate lateral stiffness ratio, shear force increase factor of the frame-shear wall story, and permissible maximum height of the building, are proposed.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了一幢安装了粘滞阻尼器的复杂体型高层方钢管混凝土框架结构的1/15缩尺模型的模拟地震振动台试验结果;在此基础上,建立了梁、柱构件的多弹簧模型并组建了整体结构的计算分析模型,运用此计算模型首先对试验模型结构进行了动力弹塑性时程分析,计算结果和试验结果吻合较好,验证了计算模型的正确性;最后,以同样方法对原型结构进行了计算分析,并结合试验结果研究探讨了此结构的抗震性能和阻尼器的消能减震效果。结果表明:该结构未出现明显的薄弱层,能够满足规范的抗震设防要求,阻尼器发挥了一定的消能减震效果,进一步提高了结构的抗震性能。  相似文献   

某超高层钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒结构因指标超限在设计中采用了耗能减震技术,为了检验该减震结构的抗震性能,制作了1/35的缩尺模型,通过在钢管混凝土框架设置阻尼器或不设置阻尼器,进行模拟地震振动台对比试验,研究了模型结构的动力特性和不同烈度地震作用下的加速度、位移和应变响应。研究结果表明:地震作用下,该钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒减震结构与钢管混凝土框架-混凝土核心筒结构相比,位移、加速度和应变响应均有一定程度的降低;罕遇地震作用下,通过设置耗能减震构件,层间位移角最大值从超过规范要求的1/84减低至满足规范要求的1/130,表明该减震结构具有更优良的抗震性能。  相似文献   

半刚性连接钢管混凝土框架剪力墙结构的动力特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
将钢管混凝土框架剪力墙结构作为连续弹性无限自由度结构,建立自由振动方程,分析了半刚性连接对结构自振周期和频率的影响,推导出半刚性连接框剪结构自振周期系数的计算公式。使用通用有限元程序ANSYS进行结构的模态分析,有限元分析结果和公式计算结果吻合良好。结果表明,半刚性连接使得结构自振周期增大,半刚性连接对高阶振型自振周期的影响很小。提出了地震区钢管混凝土框剪结构体系的设计建议,可供工程设计人员参考使用。  相似文献   

结构-地基动力相互作用体系振动台模型试验研究   总被引:61,自引:20,他引:61  
本文设计实现了结构-地基动力相互作用体系的振动台试验,通过试验研究了动力相互作用体系的地震动反应的主要规律,由于动力相互作用的影响,软土地基中相互作用体系的频率远小于刚性地基上不考虑结构-地基相互作用的结构频率,而阻尼比例则远大于结构材料阻尼比,软上地基对地震动走滤波和隔震作用,由于上部结构的振动反馈,基底地震动与自由场地震动不相同,上部结构柱顶加速度反应主要由基础转动引起的摆动分量组成,平均分量次之,而弹性变形分量很小,桩身应变幅值呈桩顶大,桩尖小的倒三角形分布,桩上接触压力幅值呈桩顶小,桩尖大的三角形分布,试验表明,结构-地基动力相互作用对体系地震反应的影响是很是显著的,本试验为验证理论与计算分析的研究成果,改进或提出合理的计算模型和分析方法,提出了丰富的试验数据,为进一步研究奠定的基础。  相似文献   

液化地基自由场振动台模型试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进行了液化场地自由场振动台试验,试验采用柔性容器以减小边界影响,采用上覆黏土层的饱和砂土作为模型土。试验中再现了液化场地土的震害现象。得出的主要规律有:随着振次的增加,地基的频率迅速降低,阻尼比迅速增大;砂土对地震动起滤波作用;土体的加速度峰值反应在高度上呈"K"形分布;当最初加速度峰值到达前,砂土层中的孔压比存在负值;震后土中振动孔隙水压力不一定随振动的停止而立即开始消散,在短期内可能继续增长。  相似文献   

本文通过对一幢中高层住宅在不同水准地震作用下进行的弹性计算和弹塑性动力时程分析,研究了钢筋混凝土异形柱框架-剪力墙结构的动力特性和抗震能力。结果显示该结构整体抗侧刚度大,抗震性能较好。进入塑性阶段后,塑性铰分布合理,满足了结构延性设计的要求。  相似文献   

A shaking table testing program was undertaken with the main objective of providing basic information for the calibration of analytical models, and procedures for determining seismic response of typical stone masonry temples of the 16–18th centuries stone masonry construction in Mexico. A typical colonial temple was chosen as a prototype. A model at a 1:8 geometric scale was built with the same materials and techniques as the prototype, and was subjected to horizontal and vertical motions of increasing intensities. The maximum applied intensity corresponded to a base shear force of about 58 of the total building weight. Vertical component of the base motion significantly affected the response and increased the damage of the model. Damage patterns were similar to those observed in actual temples. Damping coefficients of the response ranged from 7 for undamaged state, reached about 14 for severe damage. The main features of the measured response were compared with those computed using a nonlinear, finite element model; for the latter, a constitutive law developed for plain concrete was adopted for reproducing cracking and crushing of the irregular stone masonry. Observed damage patterns as well as measured response could be reproduced with reasonable accuracy by the analytical simulation, except for some local vibrations, as those at the top of the bell towers. It can be concluded that the simple constitutive law adopted for the simulation was able to reproduce the experimental response with reasonable level of accuracy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from shaking table tests of a one-tenth-scale reinforced concrete (RC) building model. The test model is a protype of a building that was seriously damaged during the 1985 Mexico earthquake. The input ground excitation used during the test was from the records obtained near the site of the prototype building during the 1985 and 1995 Mexico earthquakes. The tests showed that the damage pattern of the test model agreed well with that of the prototype building. Analytical prediction of earthquake response has been conducted for the prototype building using a sophisticated 3-D frame model. The input motion used for the dynamic analysis was the shaking table test measurements with similarity transformation. The comparison of the analytical results and the shaking table test results indicates that the response of the RC building to minor and the moderate earthquakes can be predicated well. However, there is difference between the predication and the actual response to the major earthquake.  相似文献   

为研究不同贮料状态下钢筋混凝土柱承式立筒群仓结构的动力特性及其在地震作用下的动力响应规律,对缩尺比例为1:25的3×3组合柱承式立筒群仓结构模型进行了振动台试验。试验结果表明:柱承式筒仓结构具有"上刚下柔"的特性,使其加速度响应和整体变形均沿高度呈折线型,折点在刚度突变的柱顶和仓壁连接部位;贮料状态对立筒群仓结构动力特性的影响较大,随着贮料质量的增加,群仓模型加速度响应、位移响应的弯折效应均更加明显,边仓和角仓的加速度响应均逐渐增大;贮料及其与仓体间相互作用对耗能的贡献随着台面加载等级的增加而逐渐加大。  相似文献   

本文设计实现了分层土-基础-高层框架结构相互作用体系的振动台模型试验,再现了地震动激励下上部结构和基础的震害现象和砂质粉土的液化现象。通过试验,研究了相互作用体系地震动反应的主要规律:由于动力相互作用的影响,软土地基中相互作用体系的频率小于不考虑结构-地基相互作用的结构频率,而阻尼比则大于结构材料阻尼比;体系的振型曲线与刚性地基上结构的振型曲线明显不同,基础处存在平动和转动。土层传递振动的放大或减振作用与土层性质、激励大小等因素有关,砂土层一般起放大作用,砂质粉土层一般起减振隔振作用;由于土体的隔震作用,上部结构接受的振动能量较小,各层反应均较小。上部结构顶层加速度反应组成取决于基础转动刚度、平动刚度和上部结构刚度的相对大小。  相似文献   

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