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 Magnetic measurement of Fe3− x Si x O4 spinel solid solutions indicates that their Curie temperatures decrease gradually, but not linearly, from 851 to 12 K with increasing content of nonmagnetic ions Si4+. Magnetic hysteresis becomes more noticeable in solid solutions having a larger content of Fe2SiO4. Saturation magnetizations of Fe3− x Si x O4 samples increase up to x=0.357 and they are easily saturated in the field of H=0.1 T. However, magnetization of the sample of x=0.794 does not approach saturation even at high field of H=7.0 T and has a large coercive force. The Si4+ disordered distribution is confirmed to be tetr[Fe3+ 1− x + x t Si4+ x (1− t )] octa[Fe2+ 1+ x Fe3+ 1− x x t Si4+ x t ] O4 by the spin moment, which is consistent with site occupancy obtained from X-ray crystal structure refinement. Their molecular magnetizations would be expressed as M B={4(1+x)+10xtB as functions of composition parameter x and Si4+ ordering parameter t of the solid solution. The sample of x=0.794 is antiferromagnetic below the Néel temperature, mainly due to the octahedral cation interaction M OM O, while both M TM O and M OM O interactions induce a ferrimagnetic property. Concerning magnetic spin configuration, in the case of x>0.42, the lowest dɛ level becomes a singlet, resulting in no orbital angular momentum. Received: 20 April 2000 / Accepted: 11 September 2000  相似文献   

We investigated the dissolved major elements, $ {}^{87}{\text{Sr/}}{}^{86}{\text{Sr}},\;\delta {}^{34}{\text{S}}_{{\text{SO}}_{\text{4}} } ,\;{\text{and}}\;\delta {}^{18}{\text{O}}_{{\text{SO}}_{\text{4}} } $ composition of the Min Jiang, a headwater tributary of the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). A forward calculation method was applied to quantify the relative contribution to the dissolved load from rain, evaporite, carbonate, and silicate reservoirs. Input from carbonate weathering dominated the major element composition (58–93%) and that from silicate weathering ranged from 2 to 18% in unperturbed Min Jiang watersheds. Most samples were supersaturated with respect to calcite, and the CO2 partial pressures were similar to or up to ~5 times higher than atmospheric levels. The Sr concentrations in our samples were low (1.3–2.5 μM) with isotopic composition ranging from 0.7108 to 0.7127, suggesting some contribution from felsic silicates. The Si/(Na* + K) ratios ranged from 0.5 to 2.5, which indicate low to moderate silicate weathering intensity. The $ \delta {}^{34}{\text{S}}_{{\text{SO}}_{\text{4}} } \;{\text{and}}\;\delta {}^{18}{\text{O}}_{{\text{SO}}_{\text{4}} } $ for five select samples showed that the source of dissolved sulfate was combustion of locally consumed coal. The silicate weathering rates were 23–181 × 103 mol/km2/year, and the CO2 consumption rates were 31–246 × 103 mol/km2/year, which are moderate on a global basis. Upon testing various climatic and geomorphic factors for correlation with the CO2 consumption rate, the best correlation coefficients found were with water temperature (r 2 = 0.284, p = 0.009), water discharge (r 2 = 0.253, p = 0.014), and relief (r 2 = 0.230, p = 0.019).  相似文献   

We present a spectroscopic study of the iron \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge for several minerals and compounds to reveal information about the oxidation state and the local coordination of iron. We describe a novel approach to probe the iron \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge bulk sensitively using X-ray Raman scattering. Significant changes in the onset and shape of the Fe \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge were observed on ferrous and ferric model compounds with Fe in octahedral and tetrahedral coordination. Simulation of the spectra is possible using an atomic multiplet code, which potentially allows determination of, e.g., crystal-field parameters in a quantitative manner. A protocol is discussed for determination of the Fe oxidation state in compounds by linear combination of spectra of ferric and ferrous end members. The presented results demonstrate the capabilities of Fe \(\hbox{M}_{2/3}\)-edge spectroscopy by X-ray Raman scattering to extract information on the ratio of trivalent to total iron \(\hbox{Fe}^{3+}/\sum \hbox{Fe}\) and local coordination. As X-ray Raman scattering is performed with hard X-rays, this approach is suitable for in situ experiments at high pressure and temperature. It thus may provide indispensable information on oxidation state, electronic structure and local structure of materials that are important for physical and chemical processes of the deep Earth.  相似文献   

 The spinel solid solution was found to exist in the whole range between Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2SiO4 at over 10 GPa. The resistivity of Fe3− x Si x O4 (0.0<x<0.288) was measured in the temperature range of 80∼300 K by the AC impedance method. Electron hopping between Fe3+ and Fe2+ in the octahedral site of iron-rich phases gives a large electric conductivity at room temperature. The activation energy of the electron hopping becomes larger with increasing γ-Fe2SiO4 component. A nonlinear change in electric conductivity is not simply caused by the statistical probability of Fe3+–Fe2+ electron hopping with increasing the total Si content. This is probably because a large number of Si4+ ions occupies the octahedral site and the adjacent Fe2+ keeping the local electric neutrality around Si4+ makes a cluster, which generates a local deformation by Si substitution. The temperature dependence of the conductivity of solid solutions indicates the Verwey transition temperature, which decreases from 124(±2) K at x=0 (Fe3O4) to 102(±5) K at x=0.288, and the electric conductivity gap at the transition temperature decreases with Si4+ substitution. Received: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

Three Al-Cr exchange isotherms at 1,250°, 1,050°, and 796° between Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 spinel and (Al, Cr)2O3 corundum crystalline solutions have been studied experimentally at 25 kbar pressure. Starting from gels of suitable bulk compositions, close approach to equilibrium has been demonstrated in each case by time studies. Using the equation of state for (Al, Cr)2O3 crystalline solution (Chatterjee et al. 1982a) and assuming that the Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 can be treated in terms of the asymmetric Margules relation, the exchange isotherms were solved for Δ G *, and . The best constrained data set from the 1,250° C isotherm clearly shows that the latter two quantities do not overlap within three standard deviations, justifying the choice of asymmetric Margules relation for describing the excess mixing properties of Mg(Al, Cr)2O4 spinels. Based on these experiments, the following polybaric-polythermal equation of state can be formulated: , P expressed in bars, T in K, G m ex and W G,i Sp in joules/mol. Temperature-dependence of G m ex is best constrained in the range 796–1,250° C; extrapolation beyond that range would have to be done with caution. Such extrapolation to lower temperature shows tentatively that at 1 bar pressure the critical temperature, T c, of the spinel solvus is 427° C, with dTc/dP≈1.3 K/kbar. The critical composition, X c, is 0.42 , and changes barely with pressure. Substantial error in calculated phase diagrams will result if the significant positive deviation from ideality is ignored for Al-Cr mixing in such spinels.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of a new Near InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (NIRIS) which is capable of simultaneous measurements of OH(6-2) Meinel and \(\hbox {O}_{2}\)(0-1) atmospheric band nightglow emission intensities. In this spectrographic technique, rotational line ratios are obtained to derive temperatures corresponding to the emission altitudes of 87 and 94 km. NIRIS has been commissioned for continuous operation from optical aeronomy observatory, Gurushikhar, Mount Abu (\(24.6^{\circ }\hbox {N}\), \(72.8^{\circ }\hbox {E}\)) since January 2013. NIRIS uses a diffraction grating of 1200 lines \(\hbox {mm}^{-1}\) and 1024\(\times \)1024 pixels thermoelectrically cooled CCD camera and has a large field-of-view (FOV) of \(80^{\circ }\) along the slit orientation. The data analysis methodology adopted for the derivation of mesospheric temperatures is also described in detail. The observed NIRIS temperatures show good correspondence with satellite (SABER) derived temperatures and exhibit both tidal and gravity waves (GW) like features. From the time taken for phase propagation in the emission intensities between these two altitudes, vertical phase speed of gravity waves, \(c_{z}\), is calculated and along with the coherent GW time period ‘\(\tau \)’, the vertical wavelength, \(\lambda _{z}\), is obtained. Using large FOV observations from NIRIS, the meridional wavelengths, \(\lambda _{y}\), are also calculated. We have used one year of data to study the possible cause(s) for the occurrences of mesospheric temperature inversions (MTIs). From the statistics obtained for 234 nights, it appears that in situ chemical heating is mainly responsible for the observed MTIs than the vertical propagation of the waves. Thus, this paper describes a novel near infrared imaging spectrograph, its working principle, data analysis method for deriving OH and \(\hbox {O}_{2}\) emission intensities and the corresponding rotational temperatures at these altitudes, derivation of gravity wave parameters (\(\tau \), \(c_{z}\), \(\lambda _{z}\), and \(\lambda _{y})\), and results on the statistical study of MTIs that exist in the earth’s mesospheric altitudes.  相似文献   

The experimental distribution coefficient for Ni/ Fe exchange between olivine and monosulfide (KD3) is 35.6±1.1 at 1385° C, \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 8.87} ,f_{{\text{S}}_{\text{2}} } = 10^{ - 1.02} \) , and olivine of composition Fo96 to Fo92. These are the physicochemical conditions appropriate to hypothesized sulfur-saturated komatiite magma. The present experiments equilibrated natural olivine grains with sulfide-oxide liquid in the presence of a (Mg, Fe)-alumino-silicate melt. By a variety of different experimental procedures, K D3 is shown to be essentially constant at about 30 to 35 in the temperature range 900 to 1400° C, for olivine of composition Fo97 to FoO, monosulfide composition with up to 70 mol. % NiS, and a wide range of \(f_{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}} } \) and \(f_{{\text{S}}_{\text{2}} } \) .  相似文献   

Chromium as Cr3+ substitutes for octahedrally coordinated Alin upper-mantle minerals, thereby reducing the activity of Al2O3in the system and hence the concentration of Al2O3 in partialmelts. The effect of Cr2O3 on melt compositions multiply saturatedwith the spinel lherzolite phase assemblage has been quantifiedin the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Cr2O3at 1·1 GPa as a function of 100 Cr/(Cr + Al) in the spinel(Cr#sp). The decrease of Al2O3 in the melt with increasing Cr#spis accompanied by increasing MgO and SiO2, whereas CaO remainsalmost constant. Consequently, the CaO/Al2O3 ratio of the meltincreases with Cr#sp, and the melt becomes richer in normativediopside, hypersthene and quartz. The effect may explain certainmantle melts with unusually high CaO/Al2O3 ratios. The concentrationof Cr2O3 in the melt remains low even at high Cr#sp, which meansthat the strong effect of Cr2O3 on partial melting equilibriais not readily apparent from its concentration in the melt itself.The existence of a highly refractory major component such asCr2O3 nullifies simplified conclusions from the ‘inverseapproach’ in the experimental study of basalt petrogenesis,as there is insufficient information in the composition of thepartial melt to reconstruct the conditions of melting. KEY WORDS: basalt petrogenesis; partial melting; reversal experiment; spinel lherzolite; system CMAS–Cr2O3; CaO/Al2O3 of melt; effect of Cr2O3  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Emmonsit kristallisiert triklin, RaumgruppeP , Gitterkonstanten:a 0=7,90 Å,b 0=8,00 Å,c 0=7,62 Å, =96o44, =95o 0, =84o 28,Z=2. Der Strukturtyp wurde aus 3-dimensionalen photographischen Röntgendaten ermittelt. Die Eisenatome werden je von 6 Sauerstoffen verzerrt oktaedrisch koordiniert. Jedes Telluratom wird von 3 Sauerstoffen in einem Abstand <2,0 Å umgeben. Ein vierter Sauerstoff hat bezüglich dieser drei einen um etwa 25–35% größeren Abstand, so daß jedes Telluratom im weiteren Sinne eine (3+1)-Koordination aufweist.
The structure type of emmonsite, {Fe2[TeO3]3·H2O}·xxH2O (x=0–1)
Summary Emmonsite is triclinic with space groupP , and lattice constantsa 0=7.90 Å,b 0=8.00 Å,c 0=7.62 Å, =96o 44, =95o 0, =840 28,Z=2. The structure type is derived from 3-dimensional photographic X-ray data. The iron atoms are coordinated by six oxygens in the form of a distorted octahedron. Each tellurium atom is coordinated to 3 oxygens at a distance <2.0 Å. Compared with these 3 Te–O distance the distance of a fourth oxygen is only 25 to 35% greater; therefore each tellurium atom has a (3+1)-coordination of oxygens.

Mit 2 Abbildungen  相似文献   

The feasibility of geological carbon storage (GCS) sites depends on their capacity to retain safely \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\). While deep saline formations and depleted gas/oil reservoirs are good candidates to sequester \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\), gas/oil reservoirs typically have a limited storage capacity compared to ideal targets (\(\sim \) 1 Mt/year) considered for \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) disposal (Celia et al. in Water Resour Res 51(9):6846–6892, 2015. doi: 10.1002/2015WR017609). In this respect, deep saline aquifers are considered more appropriate formations for GCS, but present the disadvantage of having limited characterization data. In particular, information about the continuity of the overlying sealing formations (caprock) is often sparse if it exists at all. In this work, a study of \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) leakage is conducted for a candidate GCS site located in the Michigan Basin, whose sealing properties of the caprock are practically unknown. Quantification of uncertainty on \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) leakage from the storage formation is achieved through a Monte Carlo simulation approach, relying on the use of a computationally efficient semi-analytical leakage model based upon the solution derived by Nordbotten et al. (Environ Sci Technol 43(3):743–749, 2009), which assumes leakage occurs across “passive” wells intersecting caprock layers. A categorical indicator Kriging simulator is developed and implemented to represent the caprock sealing properties and model the permeability uncertainty. Binary fields of caprock permeability are generated and exhibit mostly low permeability, with sparsely-occurring local high permeability areas where brine and \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) may leak out of the storage formation. In addition, the feasibility of extending the use of the semi-analytical model to large-area leakage pathways is studied. This work advances a methodology for preliminary uncertainty quantification of \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) leakage at sites of GCS with little or no information on the sealing properties of the caprock. The implemented analysis shows that, for the considered site, \({\hbox {CO}_{2}}\) leakage may not be negligible even for relatively low (\(\sim \) 1%) probabilities of finding permeable inclusions in the caprock and highlights the importance of being able to characterize caprock sealing properties over large areas.  相似文献   

The magnetic behaviour and Curie temperatures (T C ) of spinelloids and spinels in the Fe3O4–Fe2SiO4 and Fe3O4–(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 systems have been determined from magnetic susceptibility (k) measurements in the temperature range –192 to 700 °C. Spinelloid II is ferrimagnetic at room temperature and the k measurements display a characteristic asymmetric hump before reaching a T C at 190 °C. Spinelloid V from the Mg-free system is paramagnetic at room temperature and hysteresis loops at various low temperatures indicate a ferri- to superparamagnetic transition before reaching the T C . The T C shows a non-linear variation with composition between –50 and –183 °C with decreasing magnetite component (X Fe3O4). The substitution of Mg in spinelloid V further decreases T C . Spinelloid III is paramagnetic over nearly the total temperature range. Ferrimagnetic models for spinelloid II and spinelloid V are proposed. The T C of Fe3O4–Fe2SiO4 spinel solid solutions gradually decrease with increasing Si content. Spinel is ferrimagnetic at least to a composition of X Fe3O4=0.20, constraining a ferrimagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition to occur at a composition of X Fe3O4<0.20. A contribution of the studied ferrimagnetic phases for crustal anomalies on the Earth can be excluded because they lose their magnetization at relatively low temperatures. However, their relevance for magnetic anomalies on other planets (Mars?), where these high-pressure Fe-rich minerals could survive their exhumation or were formed by impacts, has to be considered.  相似文献   

The compositions of multiply saturated partial melts are valuablefor the thermodynamic information that they contain, but aredifficult to determine experimentally because they exist onlyover a narrow temperature range at a given pressure. Here wetry a new approach for determining the composition of the partialmelt in equilibrium with olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxeneand spinel (Ol + Opx + Cpx + Sp + Melt) in the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2(CMAS) at 1·1 GPa: various amounts of K2O are added tothe system, and the resulting melt compositions and temperatureare extrapolated to zero K2O. The ‘sandwich’ experimentalmethod was used to minimize problems caused by quench modification,and Opx and Cpx were previously synthesized at conditions nearthose of the melting experiments to ensure they had appropriatecompositions. Results were then checked by reversal crystallizationexperiments. The results are in good agreement with previouswork, and establish the anhydrous solidus in CMAS to be at 1320± 10°C at 1·1 GPa. The effect of K2O is todepress the solidus by 5·8°C/wt %, while the meltcomposition becomes increasingly enriched in SiO2, being quartz-normativeabove 4 wt % K2O. Compared with Na2O, K2O has a stronger effectin depressing the solidus and modifying melt compositions. Theisobaric invariant point in the system CMAS–K2O at whichOl + Opx + Cpx + Sp + Melt is joined by sanidine (San) is at1240 ± 10°C. During the course of the study severalother isobaric invariant points were identified and their crystaland melt compositions determined in unreversed experiments:Opx + Cpx + Sp + An + Melt in the system CMAS at 1315 ±10°C; in CMAS–K2O, Opx + Cpx + Sp + An + San + Meltat 1230 ± 10°C and Opx + Sp + An + San + Sapph +Melt at 1230 ± 10°C, where An is anorthite and Sapphis sapphirine. Coexisting San plus An in three experiments helpdefine the An–San solvus at 1230–1250°C. KEY WORDS: feldspar solvus; igneous sapphirine; mantle solidus; partial melting; systems CMAS and CMAS–K2O  相似文献   

Boron is known to interact with a wide variety of protonated ligands(HL) creating complexes of the form B(OH)2L-.Investigation of the interaction of boric acid and bicarbonate in aqueoussolution can be interpreted in terms of the equilibrium $B(OH)_3^0 + HCO_3^ - \rightleftharpoons B(OH)_2 CO_3^ - + H_2 O$ The formation constant for this reaction at 25 °C and 0.7 molkg-1 ionic strength is $K_{BC} = \left[ {B(OH)_2 CO_3^ - } \right]\left[ {B(OH)_3^0 } \right]^{ - 1} \left[ {HCO_3^ - } \right]^{ - 1} = 2.6 \pm 1.7$ where brackets represent the total concentration of each indicatedspecies. This formation constant indicates that theB(OH)2 $CO_3^ - $ concentration inseawater at 25 °C is on the order of 2 μmol kg-1. Dueto the presence of B(OH)2 $CO_3^ - $ , theboric acid dissociation constant ( $K\prime _B $ ) in natural seawaterdiffers from $K\prime _B $ determined in the absence of bicarbonate byapproximately 0.5%. Similarly, the dissociation constants of carbonicacid and bicarbonate in natural seawater differ from dissociation constantsdetermined in the absence of boric acid by about 0.1%. Thesedifferences, although small, are systematic and exert observable influenceson equilibrium predictions relating CO2 fugacity, pH, totalcarbon and alkalinity in seawater.  相似文献   

Fe–Mg exchange is the most important solid solution involvedin partial melting of spinel lherzolite, and the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–FeO(CMASF) is ideally suited to explore this type of exchange duringmantle melting. Also, if primary mid-ocean ridge basalts arelargely generated in the spinel lherzolite stability field bynear-fractional fusion, then Na and other highly incompatibleelements will early on become depleted in the source, and themelting behaviour of mantle lherzolite should resemble the meltingbehaviour of simplified lherzolite in the CMASF system. We havedetermined the isobarically univariant melting relations ofthe lherzolite phase assemblage in the CMASF system in the 0·7–2·8GPa pressure range. Isobarically, for every 1 wt % increasein the FeO content of the melt in equilibrium with the lherzolitephase assemblage, the equilibrium temperature is lower by about3–5°C. Relative to the solidus of model lherzolitein the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 system, melt compositionsin the CMASF system are displaced slightly towards the alkalicside of the basalt tetrahedron. The transition on the solidusfrom spinel to plagioclase lherzolite has a positive Clapeyronslope with the spinel lherzolite assemblage on the high-temperatureside, and has an almost identical position in P–T spaceto the comparable transition in the CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–Na2O(CMASN) system. When the compositions of all phases are describedmathematically and used to model the generation of primary basalts,temperature and melt composition changes are small as percentmelting increases. More specifically, 10% melting takes placeover 1·5–2°C, melt compositions are relativelyinsensitive to the degree of melting and bulk composition, andequilibrium and near-fractional melting yield similar melt compositions.FeO and MgO are the oxides that exhibit the greatest changein the melt with degree of melting and bulk composition. Theamount of FeO decreases with increasing degree of melting, whereasthe amount of MgO increases. The coefficients for Fe–Mgexchange between the coexisting crystalline phases and melt,KdFe–Mgxl–liq, show a relatively simple and predictablebehaviour with pressure and temperature: the coefficients forolivine and spinel do not show significant dependence on temperature,whereas the coefficients for orthopyroxene and clinopyroxeneincrease with pressure and temperature. When melting of lherzoliteis modeled in the CMASF system, a strong linear correlationis observed between the mg-number of the lherzolite and themg-number of the near-solidus melts. Comparison with meltingin the CMASN system indicates that Na2O has a strong effecton lherzolite melting behaviour only at small degrees of melting. KEY WORDS: CMASF; lherzolite solidus; mantle melting  相似文献   

In a regional metamorphic terrain where six isograds have been mapped based on mineral reactions that are observed in metacarbonate rocks, the P-T conditions and fugacities of CO2 and H2O during metamorphism were quantified by calculations involving actual mineral compositions and experimental data. Pressure during metamorphism was near 3,500 bars. Metamorphic temperatures ranged from 380° C (biotite-chlorite isograd) to 520° C (diopside isograd). \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) / \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) in general is higher in metacarbonate rocks below the zoisite isograd than in those above the zoisite isograd. Calculated \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) are consistent with carbonate rocks above the zoisite isograd having equilibrated during metamorphism with a bulk supercritical fluid in which \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) = P total. Calculations indicate that below the zoisite isograd, however, \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) was less than Ptotal, and that this condition is not due to the presence of significant amounts of species other than CO2 and H2O in the system C-O-H-S. Calculated \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) /( \(P_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) + \(P_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) ) is low (0.06–0.32) above the zoisite isograd. The differences in conditions above and below the zoisite isograd may indicate that the formation of zoisite records the introduction of a bulk supercritical H2O-rich fluid into the metacarbonates. The results of the study indicate that \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) are constant on a thin section scale, but that gradients in \(f_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) and \(f_{{\text{H}}_{\text{2}} {\text{O}}}\) existed during metamorphism on both outcrop and regional scales.  相似文献   

The effects of small amounts of H2O (<4 wt % in the melt)on the multiply saturated partial melting of spinel lherzolitein the system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ±Na2O ± CO2 have been determined at 1·1 GPa inthe piston-cylinder apparatus. Electron microprobe analysisand Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to analysethe experimental products. The effects of H2O are to decreasethe melting temperature by 45°C per wt % H2O in the melt,to increase the Al2O3 of the melts, decrease MgO and CaO, andleave SiO2 approximately constant, with melts changing fromolivine- to quartz-normative. The effects of CO2 are insignificantat zero H2O, but become noticeable as H2O increases, tendingto counteract the H2O. The interaction between H2O and CO2 causesthe solubility of CO2 at vapour saturation to increase withincreasing H2O, for small amounts of H2O. Neglect of the influenceof CO2 in some previous studies on the hydrous partial meltingof natural peridotite may explain apparent inconsistencies betweenthe results. The effect of small amounts of H2O on multiplysaturated melt compositions at 1·1 GPa is similar tothat of K2O, i.e. increasing H2O or K2O leads to quartz-normativecompositions, but increasing Na2O produces an almost oppositetrend, towards nepheline-normative compositions. KEY WORDS: H2O; CO2; FTIR; hydrous partial melting; mantle melting; spinel lherzolite; system CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 ± H2O ± CO2 ± Na2O  相似文献   

The crystal structure and cation distributions in the spinels MgCr2O4, ZnCr2O4, Fe3O4 and a suite of ZnAl2O4 samples annealed at 900 to 1400° C and then rapidly quenched, have been determined by powder X-ray diffraction, using several different X-ray procedures and both conventional structure-factor refinement and whole-pattern (or Rietveld) refinement methods. The chromite spinels are expected from crystal chemical considerations to have an almost completely normal cation distribution (inversion parameter, x, equal to zero). In agreement with this expectation, three samples of MgCr2O4 annealed at 900, 1100 and 1300° C, and ZnCr2O4 were all found to have x=0 within two estimated standard deviations (esd), suggesting that the accuracy with which cation distributions in spinels may be determined by powder XRD is close to the estimated precision. Slightly better results are obtained assuming neutral-atom scattering curves rather than half-ionized or fully ionized, but the differences are small (within the esd). The results from the Rietveld refinements are similarly in good agreement with those using the conventional structure factor refinement approach (agreement within the combined esd's), although in detail the Rietveld procedure sometimes produces small systematic differences in refined parameters. The suite of ZnAl2O4 spinels show a smooth increase in x from 0.01 at 900° C to 0.05 at 1300° C, and this behaviour is well described by the simple thermodynamic model for disordering in spinels with αZn-Al=89 kJ/mol, assuming β=?20 kJ/mol. The oxygen positional parameters for Fe3O4 are similar to those from published single crystal studies, indicating that the powder method also yields accurate interatomic distances in spinels.  相似文献   

Optical absorption spectra (OAS) of synthetic single crystals of the solid solution spinel sensu stricto (s.s.)–magnesioferrite, Mg(Fe3+Al1???y)2O4 (0?y?≤ 0.3), have been measured between 12 500 and 28 500?cm?1. Chemical composition and Fe3+ site distribution have been measured by electron microprobe and Mössbauer spectroscopy, respectively. Ferric iron is ordered to the tetrahedral site for samples with small magnesioferrite component, and this ordering is shown to increase with magnesioferrite component. The optical absorption spectra show a strong increase in band intensities with Fe3+→Al substitution. Prominent and relatively sharp absorption bands are observed at 25 300 and 21 300?cm?1, while less intense bands occur at 22 350, 18 900, 17 900 and 15 100?cm?1. On the basis of band energies, band intensities and the compositional effect on band intensity, as well as structural considerations, we assign the observed bands to electronic transitions in IVFe3+VIFe3+clusters. A linear relationship (R 2= 0.99) between the αnet value of the absorption band at 21 300?cm?1 and [IVFe3+]?·?[VIFe3+] concentration product has been defined: αnet=2.2?+?15.8 [IVFe3+]?·?[VIFe3+]. Some of the samples have been heat-treated between 700 and 1000?°C to investigate the relation between Fe3+ ordering and absorption spectra. Increase of cation disorder with temperature is observed, which corresponds to a 4% reduction in the number of active clusters. Due to the high spatial resolution (??~?10?μm), the OAS technique may be used as a microprobe for determination of Fe3+ concentration or site partitioning. Potential applications of the technique include analysis of small crystals and of samples showing zonation with respect to total Fe3+ and/or ordering.  相似文献   

The high-pressure and temperature equation of state of majorite solid solution, Mj0.8Py0.2, was determined up to 23 GPa and 773 K with energy-dispersive synchrotron X-ray diffraction at high pressure and high temperature using the single- and double-stage configurations of the multianvil apparatuses, MAX80 and 90. The X-ray diffraction data of the majorite sample were analyzed using the WPPD (whole-powder-pattern decomposition) method to obtain the lattice parameters. A least-squares fitting using the third-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state yields the isothermal bulk modulus, K T0  = 156 GPa, its pressure derivative, K′ = 4.4(±0.3), and temperature derivative (∂K T /∂T) P = −1.9(±0.3)× 10−2 GPa/K, assuming that the thermal expansion coefficient is similar to that of pyrope-almandine solid solution. Received: 5 October 1998 / Revised, accepted: 24 June 1999  相似文献   

Experiments have been performed on the system MgO-SiO2-Cr-O at 0-2.88 GPa and 1100-1450℃,focusing on the stability of Cr^2 in olivine(O1),orthopyroxene(Opx) and spinel(Sp) and its partitioning between these phases.Analytical reagent grade chemicals,MgO,SiO2,Cr2O3.and Cr were used to make starting mixtures.Excess Cr(50%) was then added in these mixtures to ensure that the resultant phases were in equilibrium with the metal Cr.Flux of BaO B2O3(%) was added for facilitating experimental equilibrium and crystal growth.Cr was used as capsule material.All phases in the product were identified by X-ray and analyzed by electron microprobe,The contents of CrO in the different phases(O1,Opx and Sp)were calculated according to stoichiometry.The obtained results of calculation indicate that Cr^3 in Ol and Opx is negligible.The experimental results show;(a) with increasing temperature and decreasing pressure,Cr^2 solubility in Ol,Opx and Sp increases;(b) with in creasing temperature,the partitioning coefficient of Mg and Cr^2 between Ol and Opx decreases,that between Opx and Sp increases,and that between Ol and Sp remains almost unchanged;(c) the effect of pressure on all partitioning coefficients is negligible.  相似文献   

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