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In situ impedance spectroscopy in laboratory experiments at high pressure and temperature can provide crucial quantitative information on properties of rock materials at depth as well as on physical and chemical processes occurring in the deep Earth. We developed an experimental setup for in situ electrical impedance measurements in a piston-cylinder apparatus and applied it to study the kinetics of charge carriers and phase transformations in pyrophyllite and CaCO3 aggregates. From comparison with previous studies, we found that absolute values of electrical conductivity and pressure–temperature conditions for dehydration reactions in pyrophyllite and phase transformations in CaCO3 can be accurately determined using our setup. Dehydration of pyrophyllite significantly enhances the transport kinetics and the effect is more pronounced under undrained conditions than under drained conditions. When dehydroxylation and decomposition temperatures for pyrophyllite under undrained and drained conditions are combined, they appear independent of pressure rather than increasing with pressure as previously suggested. Electrical conductivity of CaCO3 varies with impurity content and grain size, and is most likely controlled by diffusion of oxygen along wet grain boundaries. When applied to the Earth, the results on pyrophyllite suggest that the increase in electrical conductivity in rocks that undergo dehydration should be taken into account in interpreting magnetotelluric surveys of regions with anomalously high conductivity found above subducting plates. The results on CaCO3 indicate that grain boundary transport controls the electrical conductivity in fine-grained calcite rocks; hence calcite mylonites may be detected using magnetotelluric methods. Order–disorder transformations, such as occurring in calcite, possibly affect the physical properties of rocks (e.g., rheology) by changing the kinetics of atomistic transport processes.  相似文献   

 Planewave pseudopotential calculations of supercell total energies were used as bases for first-principles calculations of the CaCO3–MgCO3 and CdCO3–MgCO3 phase diagrams. Calculated phase diagrams are in qualitative to semiquantitative agreement with experiment. Two unobserved phases, Cd3Mg (CO3)4 and CdMg3(CO3)4, are predicted. No new phases are predicted in the CaCO3–MgCO3 system, but a low-lying metastable Ca3Mg(CO3)4 state, analogous to the Cd3Mg(CO3)4 phase is predicted. All of the predicted lowest-lying metastable states, except for huntite CaMg3(CO3)4, have dolomite-related structures, i.e. they are layer structures in which A m B n cation layers lie perpendicular to the rhombohedral [111] vector. Received: 6 May 2002 / Accepted: 23 October 2002 Acknowledgements This work was partially supported by NSF contract DMR-0080766 and NIST.  相似文献   

The vibrational spectrum of calcite (CaCO3) is evaluated at an ab initio periodic quantum-mechanical level by using the CRYSTAL package. A localized basis set of Gaussian-type functions and the B3LYP hybrid Hamiltonian are adopted. The dynamical matrix is obtained by differentiating numerically the analytical first derivatives of the energy. The accuracy with respect to all computational parameters is documented. The calculated frequencies are compared with available IR and RAMAN data (16 and 5 peaks, respectively), the mean absolute error being less than 12 cm–1 (frequencies range from 100 to 1600 cm–1). Overall, the agreement with experiment is very satisfactory, and shows that simulation can produce at a relatively low cost the full spectra of crystalline compounds of mineralogical interest.  相似文献   

The present analysis adjusts previous estimates of global ocean CaCO3 production rates substantially upward, to 133 × 1012 mol yr?1 plankton production and 42 × 1012 mol yr?1 shelf benthos production. The plankton adjustment is consistent with recent satellite-based estimates; the benthos adjustment includes primarily an upward adjustment of CaCO3 production on so-called carbonate-poor sedimentary shelves and secondarily pays greater attention to high CaCO3 mass (calcimass) and turnover of shelf communities on temperate and polar shelves. Estimated CaCO3 sediment accumulation rates remain about the same as they have been for some years: ~20 × 1012 mol yr?1 on shelves and 11 × 1012 mol yr?1 in the deep ocean. The differences between production and accumulation of calcareous materials call for dissolution of ~22 × 1012 mol yr?1 (~50 %) of shelf benthonic carbonate production and 122 × 1012 mol yr?1 (>90 %) of planktonic production. Most CaCO3 production, whether planktonic or benthonic, is assumed to take place in water depths of <100 m, while most dissolution is assumed to occur below this depth. The molar ratio of CO2 release to CaCO3 precipitation (CO2↑/CaCO3↓) is <1.0 and varies with depth. This ratio, Ψ, is presently about 0.66 in surface seawater and 0.85 in ocean waters deeper than about 1000 m. The net flux of CO2 associated with CaCO3 reactions in the global ocean in late preindustrial time is estimated to be an apparent influx from the atmosphere to the ocean, of +7 × 1012 mol C yr?1, at a time scale of 102–103 years. The CaCO3-mediated influx of CO2 is approximately offset by CO2 release from organic C oxidation in the water column. Continuing ocean acidification will have effects on CaCO3 and organic C metabolic responses to the oceanic inorganic C cycle, although those responses remain poorly quantified.  相似文献   

During the production of hydrocarbons from subterranean reservoirs, scaling with calcium carbonate and barium sulfate causes flux decline and dangerous problems in production facilities. This work is intended to study the effect of calcium ions on the precipitation of barium sulfate (barite); then, the effect of the formed barite on calcium carbonate crystallization. The conductometric and pH methods were used to follow the progress of the precipitation reaction in aqueous medium. The obtained precipitates were characterized by FTIR, RAMAN, SEM, and XRD. It was shown that Ca2+ in the reaction media does not affect the microstructure of barite even for higher calcium–barium molar ratio. It influences the precipitation kinetics and the solubility of barite by the formation of CaSO4° ion pairing as a predominant role of complex formation (CaSO4) and the increase of the ionic strength. In Ca(HCO3)2-BaSO4-NaCl aqueous system, experiments have showed that added or formed barite in the reaction media accelerates calcite precipitation. No effect on the microstructure of heterogeneous formed calcite which remain calcite shape. However the presence of carbonate ions affects slightly the microstructure of barite.  相似文献   

High pressure in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction experiment of strontium orthophosphate Sr3(PO4)2 has been carried out to 20.0 GPa at room temperature using multianvil apparatus. Fitting a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the PV data yields a volume of V 0 = 498.0 ± 0.1 Å3, an isothermal bulk modulus of K T  = 89.5 ± 1.7 GPa, and first pressure derivative of K T ′ = 6.57 ± 0.34. If K T ′ is fixed at 4, K T is obtained as 104.4 ± 1.2 GPa. Analysis of axial compressible modulus shows that the a-axis (K a  = 79.6 ± 3.2 GPa) is more compressible than the c-axis (K c  = 116.4 ± 4.3 GPa). Based on the high pressure Raman spectroscopic results, the mode Grüneisen parameters are determined and the average mode Grüneisen parameter of PO4 vibrations of Sr3(PO4)2 is calculated to be 0.30(2).  相似文献   

KAlSi3O8 sanidine dissociates into a mixture of K2Si4O9 wadeite, Al2SiO5 kyanite and SiO2 coesite, which further recombine into KAlSi3O8 hollandite with increasing pressure. Enthalpies of KAlSi3O8 sanidine and hollandite, K2Si4O9 wadeite and Al2SiO5 kyanite were measured by high-temperature solution calorimetry. Using the data, enthalpies of transitions at 298 K were obtained as 65.1 ± 7.4 kJ mol–1 for sanidine wadeite + kyanite + coesite and 99.3 ± 3.6 kJ mol–1 for wadeite + kyanite + coesite hollandite. The isobaric heat capacity of KAlSi3O8 hollandite was measured at 160–700 K by differential scanning calorimetry, and was also calculated using the Kieffer model. Combination of both the results yielded a heat-capacity equation of KAlSi3O8 hollandite above 298 K as Cp=3.896 × 102–1.823 × 103T–0.5–1.293 × 107T–2+1.631 × 109T–3 (Cp in J mol–1 K–1, T in K). The equilibrium transition boundaries were calculated using these new data on the transition enthalpies and heat capacity. The calculated transition boundaries are in general agreement with the phase relations experimentally determined previously. The calculated boundary for wadeite + kyanite + coesite hollandite intersects with the coesite–stishovite transition boundary, resulting in a stability field of the assemblage of wadeite + kyanite + stishovite below about 1273 K at about 8 GPa. Some phase–equilibrium experiments in the present study confirmed that sanidine transforms directly to wadeite + kyanite + coesite at 1373 K at about 6.3 GPa, without an intervening stability field of KAlSiO4 kalsilite + coesite which was previously suggested. The transition boundaries in KAlSi3O8 determined in this study put some constraints on the stability range of KAlSi3O8 hollandite in the mantle and that of sanidine inclusions in kimberlitic diamonds.  相似文献   

 Phase transitions in MgAl2O4 spinel have been studied at pressures 22–38 GPa, and at temperatures up to 1600 °C, using a combination of synchrotron radiation and a multianvil apparatus with sintered diamond anvils. Spinel dissociated into a mixture of MgO plus Al2O3 at pressures to 25 GPa, while it transformed to the CaFe2O4 (calcium ferrite) structure at higher pressures via the metastably formed oxide mixture upon increasing temperature. Neither the e-phase nor the CaTi2O4-type MgAl2O4, which were reported in earlier studies using the diamond-anvil cell, were observed in the present pressure and temperature range. The zero-pressure bulk modulus of the calcium-ferrite-type MgAl2O4 was calculated as K=213 (3) GPa, which is significantly lower than that reported by Yutani et al. (1997), but is consistent with a more recent result by Funamori et al. (1998) and that estimated by an ab initio calculation by Catti (2001). Received: 2 April 2002 / Accepted: 29 July 2002 Acknowledgements The authors thank Y. Higo, Y. Sueda, T.␣Ueda, Y. Tanimoto, A. Fukuyama, K. Ochi, F. Kurio and T. Kawahara for help in the in situ X-ray observations at SPring-8 (No: 2000A0061-CD-np and 2000B0093-ND-np). We also thank W.␣Utsumi, J. Ando and O. Shimomura for advice and encouragement during this study, and N. Funamori and an anonymous reviwer for comments on the article. The present study is partly supported by the grant-in-aid for Scientific Research (A) of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sport and Culture of the Japanese government (no: 11694088).  相似文献   

We have calculated the compressional, vibrational, and thermodynamic properties of Ni3S2 heazlewoodite and the high-pressure orthorhombic phase (with Cmcm symmetry) using the generalized gradient approximation to the density functional theory in conjunction with the quasi-harmonic approximation. The predicted Raman frequencies of heazlewoodite are in good agreement with room-temperature measurements. The calculated thermodynamic properties of heazlewoodite at room conditions agree very well with experiments, but at high temperatures (especially above 500 K) the heat capacity data from experiments are significantly larger than the quasi-harmonic results, indicating that heazlewoodite is anharmonic. On the other hand, the obtained vibrational density of states of the orthorhombic phase at 20 GPa reveals a group of low-frequency vibrational modes which are absent in heazlewoodite. These low-frequency modes contribute substantially to thermal expansivity, heat capacity, entropy, and Grüneisen parameter of the orthorhombic phase. The calculated phase boundary between heazlewoodite and the orthorhombic phase is consistent with high-pressure experiments; the predicted transition pressure is 17.9 GPa at 300 K with a negative Clapeyron slope of −8.5 MPa/K.  相似文献   

CO2 is a greenhouse gas, whose emissions threaten the existence of human beings. Its inherently safe sequestration can be performed via CO2 mineralization, which is relatively slow under natural conditions. In this work, an energy-saving membrane electrolysis technique was proposed for accelerating the CO2 mineralization of wollastonite into SiO2 and CaCO3 products. The electrolysis process involved splitting NH4Cl into HCl and NH3·H2O via hydrogen oxidation and water reduction at the anode and cathode of the electrolytic system, respectively. In contrast to the chlor-alkali electrolysis, this method did not involve Cl? oxidation and the standard potential of the anode was reduced. Additionally, NH4Cl was used as the electrolyte instead of NaCl; as a result, the generation of NH3·H2O instead of NaOH occurred in the catholyte and the cathodic pH dramatically decreased, thus reducing the cathodic potential for hydrogen evolution. The observed changes led to a 73.5% decrease in the energy consumption. Moreover, after the process of CO2 mineralization was optimized, SiO2 with a specific surface area of 221.8 m2 g?1 and CaCO3 with a purity of 99.9% were obtained.  相似文献   

Literature data on chlorine and fluorine in apatite and biotite of different rocks correspond reasonably well with thermodynamic expectations, indicating that concentrations are related to primary or major crystallisation events. Petrographically similar leucogabbros in the Riwaka and Milford Sound areas, widely separated on opposite sides of the Alpine Fault, are characterised by similar fluorine and similar, unusually high, chlorine concentrations in their minerals and appear genetically equivalent.  相似文献   

We report the first study of electrical conductivities of silicate melts at very high pressures (up to 10 GPa) and temperatures (up to 2,173 K). Impedance spectroscopy was applied to dry and hydrous albite (NaAlSi3O8) glasses and liquids (with 0.02–5.7 wt% H2O) at 473–1,773 K and 0.9–1.8 GPa in a piston-cylinder apparatus, using a coaxial cylindrical setup. Measurements were also taken at 473–2,173 K and 6–10 GPa in two multianvil presses, using simple plate geometry. The electrical conductivity of albite melts is found to increase with temperature and water content but to decrease with pressure. However, at 6 GPa, conductivity increases rapidly with temperature above 1,773 K, so that at temperatures beyond 2,200 K, conductivity may actually increase with pressure. Moreover, the effect of water in enhancing conductivity appears to be more pronounced at 6 GPa than at 1.8 GPa. These observations suggest that smaller fractions of partial melt than previously assumed may be sufficient to explain anomalously high conductivities, such as in the asthenosphere. For dry melt at 1.8 GPa, the activation energy at T > 1,073 K is higher than that at T < 1,073 K, and the inflection point coincides with the rheological glass transition. Upon heating at 6–10 GPa, dry albite glass often shows a conductivity depression starting from ~1,173 K (due to crystallization), followed by rapid conductivity enhancement when temperature approaches the albite liquidus. For hydrous melts at 0.9–1.8 GPa, the activation energies for conductivity at ≥1,373 K are lower than those at <973 K, with a complex transition pattern in between. Electrical conductivity and previously reported Na diffusivity in albite melt are consistent with the Nernst–Einstein relation, suggesting the dominance of Na transport for electrical conduction in albite melts.  相似文献   

A new synchrotron X-ray diffraction study of chromium oxide Cr2O3 (eskolaite) with the corundum-type structure has been carried out in a Kawai-type multi-anvil apparatus to pressure of 15 GPa and temperatures of 1873 K. Fitting the Birch–Murnaghan equation of state (EoS) with the present data up to 15 GPa yielded: bulk modulus (K 0,T0), 206 ± 4 GPa; its pressure derivative K0,T , 4.4 ± 0.8; (?K 0,T /?T) = ?0.037 ± 0.006 GPa K?1; a = 2.98 ± 0.14 × 10?5 K?1 and b = 0.47 ± 0.28 × 10?8 K?2, where α 0,T  = a + bT is the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient. The thermal expansion of Cr2O3 was additionally measured at the high-temperature powder diffraction experiment at ambient pressure and α 0,T0 was determined to be 2.95 × 10?5 K?1. The results indicate that coefficient of the thermal expansion calculated from the EoS appeared to be high-precision because it is consistent with the data obtained at 1 atm. However, our results contradict α 0 value suggested by Rigby et al. (Brit Ceram Trans J 45:137–148, 1946) widely used in many physical and geological databases. Fitting the Mie–Grüneisen–Debye EoS with the present ambient and high-pressure data yielded the following parameters: K 0,T0 = 205 ± 3 GPa, K0,T  = 4.0, Grüneisen parameter (γ 0) = 1.42 ± 0.80, q = 1.82 ± 0.56. The thermoelastic parameters indicate that Cr2O3 undergoes near isotropic compression at room and high temperatures up to 15 GPa. Cr2O3 is shown to be stable in this pressure range and adopts the corundum-type structure. Using obtained thermoelastic parameters, we calculated the reaction boundary of knorringite formation from enstatite and eskolaite. The Clapeyron slope (with \({\text{d}}P/{\text{d}}T = - 0.014\) GPa/K) was found to be consistent with experimental data.  相似文献   

Density measurements on nine liquids in the CaCO3–Li2CO3–Na2CO3–K2CO3 quaternary system were performed at 1 bar between 555 and 969 °C using the double-bob Archimedean method. Our density data on the end-member alkali carbonate liquids are in excellent agreement with the NIST standards compiled by Janz (1992). The results were fitted to a volume equation that is linear in composition and temperature; this model recovers the measured volumes within experimental error (±0.18% on average, with a maximum residual of ±0.50%). Our results indicate that the density of the CaCO3 component in natrocarbonate liquids is 2.502 (±0.014) g/cm3 at 800 °C and 1 bar, which is within the range of silicate melts; its coefficient of thermal expansion is 1.8 (±0.5)×10–4 K–1 at 800 °C. Although the volumes of carbonate liquids mix linearly with respect to carbonate components, they do not mix linearly with silicate liquids. Our data are used with those in the literature to estimate the value of in alkaline silicate magmas (20 cm3/mol at 1400 °C and 20 kbar), where CO2 is dissolved as carbonate in close association with Ca. Our volume measurements are combined with sound speed data in the literature to derive the compressibility of the end-member liquids Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3. These results are combined with calorimetric data to calculate the fusion curves for Li2CO3, Na2CO3, and K2CO3 to 5 kbar; the calculations are in excellent agreement with experimental determinations of the respective melting reactions.Editorial responsibility: I Carmichael  相似文献   

We calculated the phase diagram of \(\hbox {AlPO}_{4}\) up to 15 GPa and 2,000 K and investigated the thermodynamic properties of the high-pressure phases. The investigated phases include the berlinite, moganite-like, \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4},\, P2_1/c\), and \(\hbox {CrVO}_{4}\) phases. The computational methods used include density functional theory, density functional perturbation theory, and the quasiharmonic approximation. The investigated thermodynamic properties include the thermal equation of state, isothermal bulk modulus, thermal expansivity, and heat capacity. With increasing pressure, the ambient phase berlinite transforms to the moganite-like phase, and then to the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) and \(P2_1/c\) phases, and further to the \(\hbox {CrVO}_{4}\) phase. The stability fields of the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) and \(P2_1/c\) phases are similar in pressure but different in temperature, as the \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\) phase is stable at low temperatures, whereas the \(P2_1/c\) phase is stable at high temperatures. All of the phase relationships agree well with those obtained by quench experiments, and they support the stabilities of the moganite-like, \(\hbox {AlVO}_{4}\), and \(P2_1/c\) phases, which were not observed in room-temperature compression experiments.  相似文献   

Stabilities of hexagonal new aluminous (NAL) phase and Ca-ferrite-type (CF) phase were investigated on the join NaAlSiO4-MgAl2O4 in a pressure range from 23 to 58 GPa at approximately constant temperature of 1,850 K, on the basis of in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements in a laser-heated diamond-anvil cell. The results show that NAL is formed as a single phase up to 34 GPa, NAL + CF between 34 and 43 GPa, and only CF at higher pressures in 40%NaAlSiO4-60%MgAl2O4 bulk composition. On the other hand, both NAL and CF coexist below 38 and 36 GPa, and only CF was obtained at higher pressures in 60%NaAlSiO4-40%MgAl2O4 and 20%NaAlSiO4-80%MgAl2O4 composition, respectively. These results indicate that NAL appears only up to 46 GPa at 1,850 K, and CF forms continuous solid solution at higher pressures on the join NaAlSiO4-MgAl2O4. NAL has limited stability in subducted mid-oceanic ridge basalt crust in the Earth’s lower mantle and undergoes a phase transition to CF in deeper levels.  相似文献   

The stability and the thermo-elastic behaviour of a natural londonite
[1a ( Cs0.36 K0.34 Rb0.15 Ca0.04 Na0.02 )S0.914e ( Al3.82 Li0.05 Fe0.02 )S3.894e ( Be3.82 B0.18 )S412h ( B10.97 Be1 Si0.01 )S11.98 O28] [^{{1a}} \left( {Cs_{{0.36}} K_{{0.34}} Rb_{{0.15}} Ca_{{0.04}} Na_{{0.02}} } \right)_{\Sigma 0.91}{}^{{4e}} \left( {Al_{{3.82}} Li_{{0.05}} Fe_{{0.02}} } \right)_{{\Sigma 3.89}}{}^{{4e}} \left( {Be_{{3.82}} B_{{0.18}} } \right)_{{\Sigma 4}}{}^{{12h}} \left( {B_{{10.97}} Be_{1} Si_{{0.01}} } \right)_{{\Sigma 11.98}} O_{{28}}]  相似文献   

The intra-crystalline cation partitioning over T- and M-sites in a synthetic Mg(Fe,Al)2O4 spinel sample has been determined as a function of temperature by Rietveld structure refinements from powder diffraction data, combining in situ high-temperature neutron powder diffraction (NPD; POLARIS diffractometer, at ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK), to determine the Mg and Al occupancy factors, with in situ high-temperature X-ray powder diffraction, to fix the Fe3+ distribution. The results obtained agree with a two-stage reaction, in which an initial exchange between Fe3+ and Mg, the former leaving and the latter entering tetrahedral sites, is successively followed by a rearrangement involving also Al. The measured cation distribution has then been compared and discussed with that calculated by the Maximum Configuration Entropy principle, for which only NPD patterns have been used. The cation partitioning has finally been interpreted in the light of the configuration model of O’Neill and Navrotsky.  相似文献   

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