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Inhalt Eine mit zweidimensionalen Fouriermethoden durchgeführte Strukturverfeinerung bestätigt die vonH. Heritsch (1940) für Libethenit bestimmte Struktur. Von der daraus resultierenden kristallchemischen Formel Cu[4+2] Cu[5] (OH) [PO4] ist sowohl die Strukturanalogie mit Andalusit und Adamin als auch die zu gleichen Teilen auftretende Sechser- und Fünferkoordination des zweiwertigen Kupfers in Libethenit abzulesen.

Mit 2 Textabbildungen  相似文献   

Infrared and Raman spectra of the basic copper salts malachite, Cu2(OH)2CO3, and brochantite, Cu4(OH)6SO4, as well as of deuterated and 13C substituted samples are presented and discussed in terms of group theory and the hydrogen bonds present. The main results are that (i) the hydrogen donor strengths of the OH? ions are strongly increased due to the very great synergetic effect of the copper ions, (ii) the acceptor strengths of the H-bond acceptor groups (SO4 2-, CO3 2-, and OH? ions) are significantly modified by the linkage and coordination of the acceptor atoms — this complicates true assignment of the OH bands observed to the two and six different OH? ions present in malachite and brochantite, respectively -, and (iii) the Cu — O stretching modes at 430–590 cm?1 and 420–520 cm?1 for malachite and brochantite, respectively, exhibit strong, partially covalent Cu — O bonding.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of Ca5(PO4)2SiO4 (silico-carnotite) has been determined from 3358 x-ray diffraction data collected by a counter method and has been refined toR w =0.038,R=0.045, in space group Pnma. The unit cell parameters area=6.737 (1) Å,b=15.508 (2) Å andc=10.132 (1) Å at 24°C;Z=4. The observed density is 3.06 and the calculated density is 3.03 g · cm–3. The crystal contains about 2.5% V2O5 as an impurity. The bond lengths within the tetrahedral anions suggest that substitution or disorder of PO4 3–, SiO4 4– and possibly VO4 3– occurs among the anion sites. The structure has some relationship to that of Ca5(PO4)3OH, the predominant inorganic phase in the human body, but suggests that the Ca5(PO4)3OH type structure may not be stable without some of the OH positions being filled. Ca5(PO4)2SiO4 is more closely related to K3Na(SO4)2 (glaserite) if it is considered that there are systematic cation vacancies in Ca5(PO4)2SiO4.This type of structure is consistent with the view that cation vacancies in the glaserite-type structure account for solid solutions between Ca2SiO4 and Ca3(PO4)2 and between Ca3(PO4)2 and CaNaPO4.
Die Kristallstruktur vonCa 5(PO 4)2 SiO 4 (Silicocarnotit)
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur von Ca5(PO4)2SiO4 (Silicocarnotit) wurde aus 3358 Röntgendiffraktometer-Daten bestimmt und in Raumgruppe Pnma aufR w =0,038,R=0,045 verfeinert. Die Gitterkonstanten (bei 24° C) sind:a=6,737 (1) Å,b=15,508 (2) Å undc=10,132 (1) Å,Z=4; Dobs.=3,06 g · cm–3, Dexp.=3,03 g · cm–3. Der Kristall enthält etwa 2,5% V2O5 als Verunreinigung. Die Bindungslängen in den tetraedrischen Anionen legen nahe, daß unter den Anionenplätzen gegenseitige Vertretung oder Unordnung von PO4 3–, SiO4 4– und möglicherweise VO4 3– auftritt. Die Struktur zeigt einige Verwandtschaft zu der von Ca5(PO4)3OH, der wichtigsten anorganischen Substanz im menschlichen Körper, weist aber darauf hin, daß eine Struktur vom Ca5(PO4)3OH-Typ ohne Besetzung eines Teiles der OH-Position nicht stabil ist. Ca5(PO4)2SiO4 zeigt engere Beziehungen zu K3Na(SO4)2 (Glaserit), wenn man berücksichtigt, daß in Ca5(PO4)3SiO4 systematische Kationen-Leerstellen sind. Dieser Strukturtyp ist mit derAuffassung in Übereinstimmung, daß Kationenleerstellen für die festen Lösungen zwischen Ca2SiO4 und Ca3(PO4)2 und zwischen Ca3(PO4)2 und CaNaPO4 verantwortlich sind.

With 9 Figures  相似文献   

Compressibilities and high-pressure crystal structures have been determined by X-ray methods at several pressures for phenakite and bertrandite. Phenakite (hexagonal, space group R \(\bar 3\) ) has nearly isotropic compressibility with β=1.60±0.03×10?4 kbar?1 and β=1.45±0.07×10?4 kbar?1. The bulk modulus and its pressure derivative, based on a second-order Birch-Murnaghan equation of state, are 2.01±0.08 Mbar and 2±4, respectively. Bertrandite (orthorhombic, space group Cmc21) has anisotropic compression, with β a =3.61±0.08, β b =5.78±0.13 and β c =3.19±0.01 (all ×10?4 kbar?1). The bulk modulus and its pressure derivative are calculated to be 0.70±0.03 Mbar and 5.3±1.5, respectively. Both minerals are composed of frameworks of beryllium and silicon tetrahedra, all of which have tetrahedral bulk moduli of approximately 2 Mbar. The significant differences in linear compressibilities of the two structures are a consequence of different degrees of T-O-T bending.  相似文献   

Summary Based on a X-ray structure analysis it was proved that the mineral schmiederite contains both selenite and selenate groups [a = 9.922(3)Å,b = 5.712(2)Å,c = 9.396(3)Å, = 101.96(3)°, space group P21/m,Z = 2 {Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4)},R w = 0.055 for 1131 reflections up to sin / = 0.65 Å–1]. The crystal structure is closely related to that of linarite [a = 9.701(2) Å,b = 5.650(2) Å,c= 4.690(2)Å, = 102.65(2)°, space group P21/m,Z = 2 {PbCu(OH)2(SO4)},R w = 0.034 for 1991 reflections up to sin / = 1.0 Å–1].The Pb atom in linarite and the Pb(1) atom in schmiederite have each three Pb-O bonds < 2.45 Å with trigonal pyramidal arranged ligands; the Pb(2) atom in schmiederite has only one such near O atom. The Cu atoms are approximately square planar coordinated by hydroxil groups. In addition two further O atoms complete the coordination figure to a strongly distorted octahedron. All the anion groups have the usual geometry.
Kristallstruktur und chemische Formel von Schmiederit, Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4), mit einem Vergleich zu Linarit, PbCu(OH)2(SO4)
Zusammenfassung Basierend auf einer Röntgen-Strukturuntersuchung konnte das Vorliegen von Selenit-und Selenatgruppen im Mineral Schmiederit belegt werden [a=9,922(3) Å,b = 5,712(2) Å,c = 9,396(3) Å, = 101,96(3)°, Raumgruppe P21/m,Z=2 {Pb2Cu2(OH)4(SeO3)(SeO4)},R w = 0,055 für 1131 Reflexe bis sin /, = 0,65 Å–1]. Die Kristallstruktur weist enge Beziehungen zu jener des Linarits auf [a = 9,701(2) Å,b = 5,650(2) Å,c = 4,690(2) Å, = 102,65(2)°, Raumgruppe P21/m,Z=2 {PbCu(OH)2(SO4)},R w = 0,034 für 1991 Reflexe bis sin / = 1,0 Å–1].Das Pb-Atom im Linarit sowie das Pb(1)-Atom im Schmiederit haben jeweils drei Pb-O-Bindungen <,45 Å, wobei die Liganden trigonal pyramidal angeordnet sind; das Pb(2)-Atom im Schmiederit hat hingegen nur ein derart nahes O-Atom. Die Cu-Atome sind etwa quatratisch planar von Hydroxilgruppen koordiniert; zwei weitere O-Atome ergänzen die Koordinationsfigur zur einem stark verzerrten Oktaeder. Die Aniongruppen haben die üblichen Dimensionen.

Shock-recovery experiments have been carried out on andalusite single crystals of gem quality in a pressure range from 300 up to 575 kbar. Infrared spectroscopic investigations indicate a progressive shock-induced transformation of andalusite into short-range-ordered Al2O3 and SiO2 phases within a pressure interval from ~360 to ~575 kbar. Exposure to dynamic pressures of about 575 kbar results in andalusite breaking down into incoherently crystallized γ-Al2O3, well-crystallized α-Al2O3 and X-ray amorphous SiO2. The shock disproportionation of andalusite is presumed to take place in three separate stages of reaction. The comparison of shock-induced reactions with results from static experiments on kyanite indicates significant differences in the transformation pressures and in the mechanism of the high pressure decomposition.  相似文献   

 The structure and bonding in azurite are investigated on the basis of accurate single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Both spherical IAM and pseudoatom models have been used in the refinements. The deformation electron density: dynamic (IAM) and static (pseudoatom) are mapped for the CO3 group and for Cu(1) and Cu(2) squares in different sections. The carbonate group in azurite, not constrained to have trigonal symmetry, exhibits peaks in both static and dynamic maps which result from σ-bonds between C–sp2 hybrid orbitals and O–p orbitals with some delocalisation of density in the dynamic map because of the thermal motion of oxygens. For the analysis of crystal fields and for the multipole calculations, coordinate systems on the Cu-atoms have been chosen as for a Jahn-Teller octahedron, but with the normal to the square as the z-axis instead of the absent apical oxygens. In both Cu squares there are peaks which result from single Cu–O σ-bonds. Most remarkable is the preferential occupation of the non-bonding 3d orbitals of Cu-atoms being above and below the Cu-squares. The centre of these peaks for the Cu(1)-atom makes an angle with the c-axis ∼53° in the ac plane. This direction corresponds to the maximum magnetic susceptibility at ambient temperature. The real atomic charges of Cu-atoms in azurite determined from multipoles are close to Cu+1. The occupancies of the 3d atomic orbitals show that non-bonding orbitals in both Cu-atoms are most populated, in contrast to bonding orbitals, as is typical for the Jahn-Teller octahedron. The absence of apical oxygens makes this effect even more pronounced. It is suggested that the antiferromagnetic structure below 1.4 K will be collinear and commensurate with b′=2b. Received: 8 September 2000 / Accepted: 6 March 2001  相似文献   

The magnetic behaviour and Curie temperatures (T C ) of spinelloids and spinels in the Fe3O4–Fe2SiO4 and Fe3O4–(Mg,Fe)2SiO4 systems have been determined from magnetic susceptibility (k) measurements in the temperature range –192 to 700 °C. Spinelloid II is ferrimagnetic at room temperature and the k measurements display a characteristic asymmetric hump before reaching a T C at 190 °C. Spinelloid V from the Mg-free system is paramagnetic at room temperature and hysteresis loops at various low temperatures indicate a ferri- to superparamagnetic transition before reaching the T C . The T C shows a non-linear variation with composition between –50 and –183 °C with decreasing magnetite component (X Fe3O4). The substitution of Mg in spinelloid V further decreases T C . Spinelloid III is paramagnetic over nearly the total temperature range. Ferrimagnetic models for spinelloid II and spinelloid V are proposed. The T C of Fe3O4–Fe2SiO4 spinel solid solutions gradually decrease with increasing Si content. Spinel is ferrimagnetic at least to a composition of X Fe3O4=0.20, constraining a ferrimagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition to occur at a composition of X Fe3O4<0.20. A contribution of the studied ferrimagnetic phases for crustal anomalies on the Earth can be excluded because they lose their magnetization at relatively low temperatures. However, their relevance for magnetic anomalies on other planets (Mars?), where these high-pressure Fe-rich minerals could survive their exhumation or were formed by impacts, has to be considered.  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of arsentsumebite, ideally, Pb2Cu[(As, S)O4]2(OH), monoclinic, space group P21/m, a = 7.804(8), b = 5.890(6), c = 8.964(8) ?, β = 112.29(6)°, V = 381.2 ?3, Z = 2, dcalc. = 6.481 has been refined to R = 0.053 for 898 unique reflections with I> 2σ(I). Arsentsumebite belongs to the brackebuschite group of lead minerals with the general formula Pb2 Me(XO4)2(Z) where Me = Cu2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+; X = S, Cr, V, As, P; Z = OH, H2O. Members of this group include tsumebite, Pb2Cu(SO4)(PO4)(OH), vauquelinite, Pb2Cu(CrO4)(PO4)(OH), brackebuschite, Pb2 (Mn, Fe)(VO4)2(OH), arsenbracke buschite, Pb2(Fe, Zn)(AsO4)2(OH, H2O), fornacite, Pb2Cu(AsO4)(CrO4)(OH), and feinglosite, Pb2(Zn, Fe)[(As, S)O4]2(H2O). Arsentsumebite and all other group members contain M = MT chains where M = M means edge-sharing between MO6 octahedra and MT represents corner sharing between octahedra and XO4 tetrahedra. A structural relationship exists to tsumcorite, Pb(Zn, Fe)2(AsO4)2 (OH, H2O)2 and tsumcorite-group minerals Me(1)Me(2)2(XO4)2(OH, H2O)2. Received June 24, 2000; revised version accepted February 8, 2001  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Johannits wurde anhand eines verzwillingten Kristalls von Joachimsthal, Böhmen, mit dreidimensionalen Röntgendaten bestimmt und für 2005 unabhängige Reflexe aufR=0,039 verfeinert. Johannit kristallisiert triklin, RaumgruppeP1, mita=8,903 (2),b=9,499 (2),c=6,812 (2) Å, =109,87 (1) =112,01 (1), =100,40 (1)° undV=469,9 Å3. Chemische Formel und Zellinhalt lauten Cu(UO2)2(OH)2(SO4)2·8H2O, das ist um zwei H2O-Moleküle mehr als bisher angenommen. In der Struktur sind pentagonal dipyramidale (UO2)(OH)2O3-Polyeder paarweise über eine von zwei OH-Gruppen gebildete Kante zu Doppelpolyedern und diese wiederum durch SO4-Gruppen zu (UO2)2(OH)2(SO4)2-Schichten parallel (100) verknüpft. Die Schichten sind parallel über gestreckte Cu(H2O)4O2-Oktaeder und Wassermoleküle miteinander verbunden. Folgende Bindungslängen wurden gefunden: U–O=1,78 Å (2x) und 2,34–2,39 Å (5x); Cu–O=1,97 Å (4x) und 2,40 Å (2x); =1,47 Å; O–O in Wasserstoffbrücken 2,71–2,91 Å (8x) und 3,30 Å.
The crystal structure of johannite, Cu(UO2)2(OH)2(SO4)2·8H2O
Summary The crystal structure of johannite has been determined from threedimensional X-ray data measured on a twinned crystal from Joachimsthal, Böhmen, and has been refined toR=0.039 for 2005 independent reflections. Johannite crystallizes triclinic, space groupP1, witha=8.903 (2),b=9.499 (2),c=6.812 (2) Å, =109.87(1), =112.01(1), =100.40 (1)° andV=469.9 Å3. Chemical formula and cell content are Cu(UO2)2(OH)2(SO4)2·8H2O, by two H2O molecules more than previously assumed. Pairs of pentagonal dipyramidal (UO2) (OH)2O3 polyhedra form double polyhedra by edgesharing via two OH groups. The double polyhedra are linked by the SO4 tetrahedra to form layers (UO2)2(OH)2(SO4)2 parallel zu (100). These layers are interconnected parallel toa by elongated Cu(H2O)4O2 octahedra and water molecules. Following bond lengths have been observed: U–O=1.78 Å (2x) and 2.34–2.39 Å (5x); Cu–O=1.97 Å (4x) and 2.40 Å (2x); =1.47 Å; O–O for hydrogen bonds 2.71–2.91 Å (8x) and 3.30 Å.

Mit 2 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Mn3+-bearing piemontites and orthozoisites, Ca2(Al3-pMn3+ p)-(Si2O7/SiO4/O/OH), have been synthesized on the join Cz (p = 0.0)-Pm (p = 3.0) of the system CaO-Al2O3-(MnO·MnO2)-SiO2-H2O atP = 15 kb,T= 800 °C, and \(f_{O_2 } \) of the Mn2O3/MnO2 buffer. Pure Al-Mn3+-piemontites were obtained with 0.5≦p≦1.75, whereas atp=0.25 Mn3+-bearing orthozoisite (thulite) formed as single phase product. The limit of piemontite solid solubility is found near p=1.9 at the above conditions. Withp>1.9, the maximum piemontite coexisted with a new high pressure phase CMS-X1, a Ca-bearing braunite (Mn 0.2 2+ Ca0.8)Mn 6 3+ O8(SiO4), and quartz. Al-Mn3+-piemontite lattice constants (LC),b 0,c 0,V 0, increase with increasingp:

K2Mn2(SO4)3 orders magnetically at TN= 1.75 K. One of the orthorhombic cell edges of the low temperature Langbeinite structure becomes doubled in the magnetically ordered state. The antiferromagnetic spin structure found is characterized by weak or vanishing molecular fields due to nearest neighbours. There are no indications of magnetic order down to 1.45 K in the isomorphic compound K2Co2 (SO4)3.  相似文献   

Summary The structure of freedite, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5, [a = 13.578(2),b = 20.099(3),c = 7.465(1)Å; = 105.73(1)°; space group C2/m; Z = 4] was determined by direct methods and Fourier summations. The refinement of the atomic coordinates and thermal parameters-the metal atoms anisotropic, the remaining atoms isotropic-yielded anR value of 0.086 (R w = 0.061). The five crystallographically independent Pb atoms are each surrounded by three resp. four O atoms and four Cl atoms. The novel feature of this structure are formal [(AsO3)2(CuCl)2(AsO3)2] groups, in which the Cu atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated to two Cl and two As atoms [Cu-Cl = 2.43(8)Å2 × , Cu-As = 2.32(1)Å2 ×]. The mineral is considered to contain Cu(I) and As(III) atoms linked together by covalent Cu-As bonds. The formal groups mentioned are bound to the Pb atoms via Cl and O atoms.
Die Struktur des Freedits, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5
Zusammenfassung Die Struktur des Freedits, Pb8Cu(AsO3)2O3Cl5, [a = 13,578(2),b = 20,099(3),c = 7,465(1)Å; = 105,73(1); Raumgruppe C2/m;Z = 4] wurde anhand direkter Methoden und Fouriersummationen bestimmt. Die Verfeinerung der Ortskoordinaten und der Temperaturparameter - Metallatome anisotrop, übrige Atome isotrop -ergab einenR-Wert von 0,086 (R w = 0,061). Die fünf kristallographisch verschiedenen Pb-Atome werden von drei bzw. vier O-Atomen sowie jeweils vier Cl-Atomen umgeben. Ein neues Bauprinzip dieser Struktur sind formale [(AsO3)2(CuCl)2(AsO3)2]-Gruppen, in denen die Cu-Atome durch zwei Cl- und zwei As-Atome tetraedrisch umgeben sind [Cu-Cl= 2,43(8)Å2 ×, Cu-As = 2,32(1)Å2 x]. Es wird angenommen, daß in diesem Mineral Cu(I)- und As(III)-Atome vorliegen, die über kovalente Bindungen verknüpft sind. Diese formalen Gruppen sind über die Cl- und O-Atome an die Pb Atome gebunden.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   

Summary The crystal structure of sigloite, Fe3 [(H2O)3OH] [Al2(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2]- 2 H2O, triclinic, a 5.190 (2), b 10.419 (4), c 7.033 (3) Å, 105.00 (3), 111.31(3), 70.87 (3)°, V 330.5 (2) Å3, Z = 1, space group P , has been refined to anR index of 5.3% using 1713 observed (I > 2.5 1) reflections collected with graphite-monochromated MoK X-rays. Sigloite is isostructural with the laueite-group minerals. Corner-linked [A15] chains (: unspecified ligand) are cross-linked by (PO4) tetrahedra to form a mixed corner-linked tetrahedral-octahedral sheet of composition [A12(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2]2-. These sheets are linked by (Fe3+O2(OH, H2O)4) octahedra and two (H2O) groups that participate in a hydrogen-bonding network. Sigloite is the oxidized equivalent of paravauxite, Fe2+(H2O)4[Al2(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2]-2 H2O, and detailed comparison of the two structures shows that the oxidation mechanism involves loss of hydrogen from one of the (H2O) groups coordinating the Fe3+, and positional disorder of both the Fe3+ and (OH) and (H2O) ligands.
Siggloit: Der Oxidationsmechanismus in (M 2 3 + (PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2]2- Strukturen
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur von Sigloit, Fe3+ [(H2O)3OH] [Al2(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2].2 H2O, triklin, a 5,190 (2), b 10,419 (4), c 7,033 (3) Å, 105,00 (3), 111,31 (3), 70,87 (3)°, V 330,5 (2) Å3,Z = 1, Raumgruppe P , wurdefür 1713 beobachtete Reflexe (I > 2,5 I), die mit MoKa-Röntgenstrahlung (Graphit-Monochromator) gesammelt wurden, auf einen R-Wert von 5,3% verfeinert. Sigloit ist isotyp mit den Mineralen deer Laueit-Gruppe. Über Ecken verknüpfte [A15]-Ketten (: nicht spezifizierter Ligand) werden über (P04)-Tetraeder zu ebenfalls über Ecken verknüpfte Tetraeder-OktaederSchichten der Zusammensetzung [A12(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2]2- verbunden. Diese Schichten werden über (Fe3+O2(OH, H2O)4)-Oktaeder und zwei (H2O)-Gruppen, die amWasserstoffbrücken-Netzwerk beteiligt sind, verbunden. Sigloit ist das oxidierte Analogon zu Paravauxit, Fe2+(H2O)4[A12(PO4)2(OH)2(H2O)2] - 2 H2O; ein detaillierter Vergleich dieser beiden Strukturen zeigt, daß der Oxidationsmechanismus sowohl den Verlust eines Wasserstoffatoms (H2O)-Gruppe, welche ein Fe3+-Atom koordiniert, als auch eine Fehlordnung der Punktlagen von Fe3+ und von den (OH) und (H2O) Liganden bedingt.

Classical atomistic simulation techniques have been used to investigate the energies of hydrogen defects in Mg2SiO4 and Mg2GeO4 spinels. Ringwoodite (γ-Mg2SiO4) is considered to be the most abundant mineral in the lower part of the transition zone and can incorporate large amounts of water in the form of hydroxyls, whereas the germanate spinel (γ-Mg2GeO4) corresponds to a low-pressure structural analogue for ringwoodite. The calculated defect energies indicate that the most favourable mechanisms for hydrogen incorporation are coupled either with the reduction of ferric iron or with the creation of tetrahedral vacancies. Hydrogen will go preferentially into tetrahedral vacancies, eventually leading to the formation of the hydrogarnet defect, before associating with other negatively charged point defects. The presence of isolated hydroxyls is not expected. The same trend is observed for germanate, and thus γ-Mg2GeO4 could be used as a low-pressure analogue for ringwoodite in studies of water-related defects and their effect on physical properties.  相似文献   

An EPR and SQUID magnetometry study of Cu2FeSnS4 (stannite) and Cu2ZnSnS4 (kesterite) has been performed in order to gain a deeper insight into the crystal chemistry of these minerals, in which the mixed character of bonds lends uncertainty to the determination of the metal valence states. EPR investigations were performed down to almost liquid nitrogen temperature on both natural and synthetic samples of stannite and kesterite. The interpretation of their parameters (g- and T-tensors) was refined by computer simulation. The main feature of all the spectra is the unstructured signal centered at about 0.310 T due to the presence of Cu(II). The absence of structure in the signal is due to spin-spin exchange interaction between Cu(II) and Fe(II), pointing to a diluted distribution of Cu(II). The temperature dependence of the Cu(II) signal can be related to a topological variation of the first-neighbors coordination. The SQUID measurements, while allowing a more precise interpretation of the EPR data, led to a full characterization of magnetic behavior of stannite and kesterite down to liquid helium temperature, evidencing antiferromagnetic interactions between the Fe(II) ions in all samples but in synthetic kesterite. From the EPR and SQUID experimental data no evidence was provided for the existence of two different structures for stannite and kesterite. Received: 2 August 1999 / Accepted: 7 January 2000  相似文献   

Based on a detailed mineral-chemical investigation of apatite from a series of carbonatites and associated silicate volcanic rocks of the Kaiserstuhl tertiary alkaline volcanic centre, evidence for a new substitution mechanism was found within the hydroxyapatite group, yielding the following simplified formula: (Ca, Sr, LREE)10(SiO4)x(CO3)x(PO4)6–2x(OH, F)2 with 03 2– and SiO 4 4– for PO 4 3– ; however, excess charge may be subsequently adjusted by CO3OH3– partly accompanied by the REE in the Ca site.  相似文献   

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