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Kersty Hobson 《Area》2006,38(3):292-300
Human geographers' research into lay responses to burgeoning environmental issues has highlighted their mediated and contingent constitution. Situated within the discipline's cultural turn, this work has challenged prevailing informational and cognitive approaches to sustainability. In doing so, however, potentially informative concepts and findings from environmental psychology have been sidelined. In this paper I attempt a modest allying of the two sub-disciplines, outlining their differences and similarities, and arguing that environmental psychology can triangulate with human geography, as well as challenge tendencies within human geography literatures to simplify the 'psychological' subject.  相似文献   


G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924), founding president of Clark University, was a leader in the child study movement and a significant figure in psychology and education in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Hall had pronounced opinions on many educational subjects, including the teaching of geography. His criticisms and program for the reform of school geography were based on a mix of European ideas of heimatkunde or “home geography,” developmental or “genetic” psychology, and his work in the child study and nature study movements. This article traces Hall's involvement with geographic pedagogy from the 1880s through World War I, including his sponsorship of the first American Ph.D. dissertation in the teaching of geography, completed at Clark in 1906.  相似文献   

If human‐environment geography is central to the discipline, then human‐environment courses should be a sizable segment of the undergraduate curriculum. Undergraduate educational offerings are inadequate, however, meaning that geography departments are shortchanging their majors, missing opportunities to attract and inform the general student body, and failing to meet the needs of future K–12 educators. Unless geography provides satisfactory human‐environment education, it will likely have much less impact on twenty‐first‐century environmental science.  相似文献   

The discipline of geography needs a more clearly defined academic purpose if it is to retain and enhance its position as an essential university subject. The discipline lacks the intellectual coherence it once achieved on the basis of environmental determinism. Geographers could re-establish a coherent intellectual foundation for geography by adopting a historical-intellectual mode of enquiry focusing on human thought and ideas and re-emphasizing the central importance of the human-environment relationship as the foundation of the discipline. An understanding of human activity in the environment in relation to ideas could provide a clearer focus for the discipline of geography and give it a stronger intellectual identity.  相似文献   

王铮  翟石艳 《地理科学进展》2013,32(10):1444-1453
本文探讨了正在发展中的计算机实验人文地理学的基本理论建构,并提出将其作为地理学的一种方法论进行发展。首先对实验人文地理学的概念范畴、实验原则、技术路线进行界定,其中实验原则包括价值诱导原则、响应博弈原则、实验可控原则、结论统计原则、地理逼近原则、实验封装原则等。然后基于实验人文地理学的研究框架,以城市居民居住区位选择为例,展开实证研究,其初步结论为:① 在居住区位选择过程中,城市居住空间结构的差异并未对被试者的选择产生显著影响;② 在两种典型城市空间结构下,被试者均表现出对居住区周边交通和学校因素最为关注;③ 房价因素对被试者居住区位选择的影响并不明显,并没有引发被试者向某一特定区域集聚的现象。案例研究证实了在GIS 和计算机技术构建的地理结构环境中,以实验内容为前制度框架,通过可控制的实验环境,可以有效地模拟人类决策行为,进而研究人地关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An appropriate conceptual leap can be made from human geography to physical geography by applying space‐time continuum modeling to zoogeomorphology—the alteration of the landscape by animals. Drawing on the work of Torsten Hägerstrand, we propose a space‐time continuum model of grizzly bears, a geomorphic agent. Through both data‐driven and conceptual applications, the model traces where and when grizzly bears are likely to wield a geomorphic impact. The model further demonstrates that geographers have much to gain by merging concepts from human and physical geography.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(1):330-338

Learning place geography, the location of cities, nations, regions, major physical features, etc., is an important part of school geography. This investigation builds on research findings from educational psychology to address questions about effective ways to teach place geography. The study assesses the pedagogical effectiveness of several instructional strategies featuring keyword mnemonics and the attention-enhancing devices of repeated test-like practice and cooperative learning. The results of the research show a significant difference in place geography learning between mnemonic and non-mnemonic treatment groups. Geographic educators should continue to research cognitive strategies to determine their effect in learning place geography, particularly in the long-term effects of using keyword mnemonics alone and keyword mnemonics in combination with repeated test-like practice.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the state of higher education human geography in contemporary Malaysia in relation to four main challenges: defending the unity of identity of higher education geography as a coherent and distinct discipline; ensuring the institutional survival of geography in higher education; enhancing the visibility of geographers as public intellectuals; and fostering the internationalization of human geography in Malaysia. It also suggests possible measures in responding to these. Moreover, while sharing the problems of developing higher education human geography experienced in other countries, Malaysia suffers most from national education policies that place lesser importance on the teaching of geography in schools, that stipulate a non‐English (Malay) medium of instruction, and that have been late in espousing an outward looking research university concept. In summing up the prevailing conditions as depicting a mixed bag of benign contentment, hard‐nosed pragmatism and continuing frustrations, it is uncertain whether recent policy changes to advance research environments in public universities can appreciably alleviate the fourfold challenges mentioned above.  相似文献   

(Re)theorising population geography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"Population geography has become separated from other branches of human geography by not engaging strongly with recent debates in social theory. The reasons for this partly lie in the wealth of data that population geographers have available to them concerning their major interest--demographic events....A case is made here for population geographers to consider in particular three areas of social theoretic debate--social construction theories, realist ideas on extensive and intensive research, and the politics of position. Suggestions are made as to what a (re)theorised population geography might look like."  相似文献   

This paper attempts to open up discussion about interconnectionsbetween psychotherapeutic practice and human geography. I offer brief “here and now” observations to introduce the importance of personal experience and interpersonal relationships. I then construct an autobiographical narrative to elaborate the themes of separation and connection. This frames my preliminary explorations of tensions and convergences between ideas flowing from psychotherapeutic practice and human geography. I conclude by stressing limits to knowledge.  相似文献   

“范式”一词于20世纪70年代由库恩基于科学哲学提出,并逐渐为科学界接受。同时,各学科学者借用库恩的“范式”概念和“研究程序”思想而构建出本学科的研究范式。因此,使得各学科间的研究范式既具有相对独立性又存在联系性。地理学也因此形成自己的研究范式。中国近现代地理学作为世界地理学的重要组成部分,深受其思想与方法的影响。因此,系统地认识20世纪初叶以来我国地理学研究范式的发展历程十分必要。采用“历史”与“逻辑”统一的原则对地理学研究范式的含义与意义及我国地理学研究范式历史的认识进行研究得出:中国地理学经历了区域因果关系范式到空间范式的继承与转变;我国近现代地理学范式的发展始终是“显范式”(冠予“范式”一词的研究方法)与“潜范式”(未冠予“范式”一词的研究方法)并存发展的;我国人文地理学研究范式与应用多以“显范式”为主,自然地理学多以“潜范式”为主;所有地理学研究范式都遵循地理学空间思想指导;未来地理学研究范式将朝向定量化、技术化、空间化、社会性和文化性方向及格局、过程、机制及模拟发展,朝向科学第四范式迈进。  相似文献   

朱季文  倪绍祥  蒋长瑜 《地理研究》2012,31(7):1163-1172
李春芬(1912~1996)是我国著名的老一代地理学家,从事地理学研究和教学近60年,为我国地理学尤其是区域地理学的发展作出了重大贡献。其学术思想的最精辟之处,是关于地理环境结构的整体性和差异性、"共性"与"个性"的科学论述,并成功地将其应用于相关研究和教学工作。本文论述了李春芬学术思想的形成背景、基本内容、科学价值及现实意义。李春芬的学术思想和创新见解,对于深化资源环境规划与管理、区域可持续发展等研究与实践有重要的现实指导意义,并对拓展和深化地理学的人地关系研究有重要推动作用。  相似文献   

吴传钧先生是中外著名的杰出地理学家,曾荣任两届(1988~1996)国际地理联合会副主席,现连任中国地理学会理事长。在80华诞之际,同时发表《人地关系与经济布局》、《现代经济地理学》和《中国经济地理》三部巨著,突出显现先生学术风采。先生的学术思想极其活跃,达到炉火纯青之境,不愧为当代中国地理学的大师。对于复兴人文地理学,先生发挥着关键性作用,建立了历史功勋。本文扼要地介绍先生的人地关系与经济布局的理论创新以及在地理学、尤其是人文地理学(含经济地理学、农业地理学、土地利用学、资源综合考察、国土整治与国土规划)和国际地理学术交流领域的杰出贡献。  相似文献   

试论中西古典地理学思想渊源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
鞠继武 《地理研究》1992,11(1):5-14
地理环境、生产活动及哲学思想,是我国先秦时期和古希腊时期的古典地理学思想发轫的主要渊源。由于先秦和古希腊在地理环境,生产活动及哲学思想上的差异,因而双方古典地理学的发展,异多于同,各具特色。  相似文献   

Abstract:  This paper discusses Georges Canguilhem (1904–95), a French historian of science and medicine, tracing themes in his work of normality, pathology and the situated bases of medical decision-making. His conception of the normal and the pathological prompts reconsideration of the move from medical to health geography, suggesting value in a 'return' to the former. His ideas embrace openness to vitalism, a focus on the processes of life that anticipates recent attempts to engage with 'lively' (post-human) geographies. His dialogue between vitalism and humanism, with reference to the 'felt' unwellness of the sick person, signals a path towards a vitally human medical geography.  相似文献   

郭文 《地理研究》2020,39(3):508-526
近年来,西方社会文化地理学新范式在中国地理学界受到“热捧”,但也有学者对此存有分歧、质疑、困惑和焦虑,认为新范式“缺少地理味”“跑偏了”。在梳理西方人文地理学派思想及其范式演变的基础上,对新范式的出场背景、基本议题和内涵及意义进行了剖析。研究认为:① 西方社会文化地理学新范式倡导的“人之主观意念”“理论转向”“空间间性关联”“伦理道德及本体生成”,既是对以计量革命为特征的实证主义和空间科学,以及伯克利学派“文化超有机体”的反思,也是对第二次世界大战以来日益凸显的增长全球化和全球本土化,引致的复杂社会空间和文化认知的新阐释。② 在研究视角和对象上,新范式倡导“人之主观意念”,并确立“人”在地理学中的位置和对“地”的人文主义说明;通过社会文化等“理论转向”滤镜,预见社会空间的可能性,以及社会文化的意义和价值;通过“空间间性关联”滤镜,引导人们对多种空间,尤其是空间关系的关注;通过“伦理道德及本体生成”滤镜,强化社会文化地理的道德实践和人性提升,重构人与自我、人与社会、人与自然环境的和谐共生;③ 新范式用一种独特的方式,阐释地理环境和人类活动空间进程和交织的社会经济及文化发生动因,是人类对社会文化和自然环境实践认知演变中的一次重大变革,代表一种新的地理学哲学观和思维观。④ 中国学术界对新范式之所以存在不同声音,原因之一是研究者对新旧人文地理学范式的哲学认知缺乏深度对话,另一原因是学术界针对新范式的理论阐释不足。未来社会文化地理学的中国学派,需要主动拥抱并吸收西方前沿理论的合理内容,在此基础上参与建构新的学科范式,积极回应反映时代中国和世界的重大问题。  相似文献   

Material Geographies and Postcolonialism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While postcolonial studies have inspired new ideas, a new language and a new theoretical inflection for a wide range of teaching and research in human geography, there have been few sustained discussions about what might constitute a postcolonial geography. This paper attempts to deal with this absence by exploring the possibilities of material geographies of postcolonialism. It suggests that geographers are particularly well placed to respond to criticisms of postcolonialism as remaining overwhelmingly textual, cultural and/or historical in focus by contributing towards a productive engagement between postcolonialism and the material realities of global inequalities, and towards a revivified political and ethical project. It explores how particular tactics might inform postcolonial methodologies within geography and makes some tentative suggestions on what a postcolonial political praxis might look like.  相似文献   

Towards a GeoEd Research Agenda: Observations of a Concerned Professional   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This Focus section concerns Geographic Education as a PhD specialty. As an introduction, and to establish a theme, the present paper advocates that GeoEd research should move towards a more central position in human geography and social science, and contribute broadly to geographic knowledge. This involves expanding the GeoEd focus well beyond K-12 classroom concerns. The argument involves setting out dimensions of a GeoEd research agenda, describing the observable GeoEd research agenda, and articulating a vision of what GeoEd research in the future might encapsulate. The central message is that, as a PhD specialty, Geographic Education must be solid social science, embody the most current concepts and ideas, and at its best, may not be distinguishable from research in other aspects of human geography.  相似文献   

Concern abounds over what is a never ending sequence of paradigm shifts within human geography. One result is the marginalisation of previous work. Considerable concern has been expressed among those working with geographical information systems (GIS) over the relationship of this area of work to human geography. Behind much of this turmoil is the ascendancy of post‐modernism, an approach with which many human geographers are unable to actively engage in debate. At a time when the other social sciences are incorporating space into their research, human geography and GIS are parting company with the two facing very different futures.  相似文献   

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