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关岛地磁转换函数的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了1990 ̄1995年关岛地磁台1min值资料,得出转换函数Au的时间变化与关岛1993年8月大地震似乎有一定的关系,考虑到地磁转换函数的地方时效应,文中还对分析结果的可靠性作了一些评估。  相似文献   

地磁短周期转换函数在地震预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用琼中地磁台、肇庆地磁台2004—2006年的高精度数字化地磁观测资料,采用地磁短周期转换函数研究方法,系统地分析了琼中、肇庆地磁台周边地区在此期间的地磁异常和地震的对应关系。研究结果表明,在2004年9月17日阳江M_L 5.2地震前,琼中、肇庆地磁台的地磁短周期转换函数A、B,有比较明显的前兆异常。  相似文献   

TheanomalousreactionsofthegeomagnetichorizontalfieldtransferfunctionsbeforeTangshanearthquakeSHAOJINGGONG(龚绍京)HUARANCHEN(...  相似文献   

昆仑山口西8.1级地震前电离层与磁场短期异常对比研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
丁鉴海  索玉成  余素荣  肖武军 《地震》2004,24(1):104-111
利用中国电离层台站和地磁台网资料, 总结了8.1级地震前出现的电离层f0F2(F2层临界频率)异常以及地磁低点位移、 地磁日变化异常现象。 对比研究了电离层与磁场短期异常分布及特征, 结果显示: 磁场与电离层时空异常特征有较好的一致性。 2001年10月8日出现低点位移, 其突变分界线通过震中地区; 震前1.5个月之内震中及周围地区出现地磁日变化异常, 拉萨台电离层f0F2出现明显异常。  相似文献   

In this paper, the coefficients of Parkinson vectora, b and the in-phase partA r, Br and quadrature-phase partA i, Bi of transter functions are calculated by using two kinds of data processing methods, respectively. The results of both methods are close to each other. All these six parameters above are low in value, showing that the electric structure in Heze area is rather uniform. It seems that the anomalous changes appeared in both results, and the values of parameters decrease before and after Heze earthquake.  相似文献   

计算分析了上海地区佘山台1977年1月-1986年12月和崇明台1983年1月-1989年9月的地磁周期T=9-200min的复转换函数A的模│A│,总方差σz和帕金森林矢量或韦氏矢量,并将其在上海地区90-300KM范围内4次5-6级近震发生时的烨变化进行了研究。结果表明周期为15、20和35min的│A│和σz值在震前明显异常,帕金森矢量或韦氏矢量在震前指向震中,震后回到正常位置,在此基础上,  相似文献   

Changes in total geomagnetic field intensity, of 2–3 nT, were observed prior to the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu (Kobe) earthquake at the Amagase (AMG) site, located approximately 70 km from the epicenter. We examined whether the observed variations are local signals arising from the Earth's crust, or global variations that are unlikely to originate from the crust. To remove global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity data, we employed a regional geomagnetic field model. Using data recorded at five reference sites in Japan, we estimated global-scale variations in total geomagnetic intensity, and removed them from the observed total geomagnetic intensity at the AMG site. The reminder still showed variations during the period prior to the Kobe earthquake. In addition, these pre-seismic variations include two of the largest shifts recorded during the entire observation period at the AMG site, raising the possibility that these variations were indeed related to the earthquake. These variations cannot be interpreted as signals arising from the area close to the seismic source because of the large distance between the epicenter and the site. Therefore, our results raise the possibility that the physical state of the Earth's crust shows marked changes over a wide region in the lead-up to a seismic event.  相似文献   

Transfer functions represent the ratio in the frequency domain of one ground motion to another. Transfer functions are a convenient way by which the variation of earthquake ground motions from the free-field to the foundation level of a structure can be quantified for studies of kinematic soil–structure interaction. Aside from ordinary filtering and baseline correction, substantial signal processing occurs in the computation of transfer functions, including windowing (to extract the S-wave portion of the record) and smoothing (to reduce scatter that can obscure physically significant trends). Utilizing several signal processing techniques on a sample data set, we find that detailed features of the transfer function ordinates (i.e., frequency-to-frequency variations) can be affected by the degree of smoothing and by the window length (e.g., whole record versus S-window). However, the overall shape and magnitude of the transfer functions are relatively consistent. More important than signal processing details is the frequency bandwidth over which the results are considered valid, because significant portions of the spectrum can be dominated by stochastic processes with little physical meaning. We argue that transfer functions should be interpreted over those portions of the spectrum having minimal noise impact, as indicated by high coherence.  相似文献   

张旭  许力生 《地球物理学报》2015,58(6):1881-1890
以2015年4月26日MS7.1余震为经验格林函数事件,利用全国和全球的宽频带记录提取了2015年4月25日尼泊尔MS8.1地震的P波视震源时间函数和Rayleigh波视震源时间函数,并通过联合反演这些视震源时间函数获得了这次地震的时空破裂过程图像.无论是P波视震源时间函数还是Rayleigh波视震源时间函数都呈现出很强的方位依赖性,表明震源断层具有相当的尺度且破裂朝东南方向扩展.时空破裂过程图像清楚地证实了这一特征,并更清晰地显示,破裂几乎是纯粹的单侧破裂,从破裂起始点开始,沿断层面向东南方向扩展~100km,同时沿断层面向深部扩展~80km,形成~125°的破裂优势方向和~5.8m的最大位错.地震的破裂时间历史相对简单,呈非间断性扩展,持续时间约50s.  相似文献   

格尔木台地磁加卸载响应比与青新交界8.1级地震   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引言 早在1991年,尹祥础和尹灿提出了一种全新的地震预报思路和方法——加卸载响应比理论,并将其运用在测震学方面。宋治平等(1996)将其理论应用在地震活动性预测地震中,取得了良好效果。与此同时,很多地震预报专家将其理论应用在中国的地形变、地倾斜、地下水位和重力等参量中,也取得了很好的效果。曾小平等于1996年首先提出磁暴过程作为地磁场对太阳风的加卸载响应,研究磁暴场的暴时扰日变化Ds响应比值P(Z)的变化与中强地震的关系,取得了较好的检验效果。 在青藏高原这块强震多发地区,加卸载响应比理论在各学科各手段方面的应…  相似文献   

The paper contains data on the transfer functions of the electromagnetic field of the Earth and their changes with time.The results show that these changes are caused by the instability of parameters of the external sources of the geomagnetic field variations in high latitudes and by the changes in the physical properties of rocks and deep matter in the region of recordings of electromagnetic field components.A statement is made that under certain conditions the observations of changes in transfer functions of the electromagnetic field of the Earth can be used as long-term forerunners of earthquakes.  相似文献   

Time changes in transfer functions of short period geomagnetic variations in 28 years from 1960 through 1987 are studied, systemically and in detail in this paper. The results indicate that: (1) It is evident that seasonal and secular changes in the transfer functionsA at exist the Guangzhou Geomagnetic observatory. The characteristics for seasonal changes are large in summer and smaller in winter with main cycles of 12 and 6 months. The characteristic for secular change is a descend with a rate of 0.0025 per year. The seasonal and secular changes in transfer functionsB are not evident. (2) The direction of Parkinson vector at Guangzhou geomagnetic observatory is clearly affected by the ocean, and is associated with coastal effect. (3) The values of the transfer function A and B are related to geomagnetic activity ata=0.05. Secular change is not related to geomagnetic activity, maybe it is affected in a great measure by earth conductivity change. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica sinica,13, 480–488, 1991. This study is part supported by Chinese Joint Seismological Science Fundation.  相似文献   

分析研究了银川地磁台 1 995~ 1 996年周期从 T=9~ 2 0 0 min的地磁转换函数 A的模|A|,B的模 |B|,帕金森矢量 Cp,倾角 I以及方位角αp的变化 ,结果表明上述参量在 1 996年包头 6.4级地震前存在不同程度的异常 ,认为在地震预报中利用地磁转换函数是一种有希望的方法  相似文献   

地磁复转换函数在地震短临预测中的初步应用研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
采用"复转换函数"方法,应用地磁脉动信号,对天津静海地磁台地磁脉动资料,计算出各种周期的转换函数值,利用拉格朗日(Lagrange)乘数方法和单位矢量方法,推导出转换函数实部和虚部的误差估计公式,在复数最小二乘法中,采用稳健(robust)统计方法减少个别估计值的影响,分析地磁转换函数Au异常.初步结果表明:复转换函数信息更丰富,对地下电性介质的变化反应更全面、更精确,是值得深入研究的一种好的地震短临预报方法.  相似文献   

本文较详细地讨论了地磁转换函数的计算方法,介绍了复转换函数实部和虚部的误差公式.利用成都、 西昌和重庆3个地磁台2007年5月—2013年12月的地磁数字化资料,计算出转换函数A,B及帕金森矢量.结果表明,在2008年汶川MS8.0地震前后成都台存在可察觉的小鼓包,而西昌、 重庆两台则没有可察觉的异常.另外与20世纪80年代的结果比较,汶川地震前后成都台的b值和帕金森矢量的长度及方向都有明显的长期变化.  相似文献   

地磁转换函数在上海及邻近地区地震预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地磁转换函数的变化已被广泛用于中短期地震预报。本文利用佘山地震台1977 ̄1996年和崇明地震台1983 ̄1996年的地磁短周期资料处理所得的转换函数变化,监视跟踪上海及邻近地区地震活动。通过几次中强地震震例的总结,提出用地磁转换函数方法来预报上海及其邻近地区地震的一些判断。用此方法,曾较好地预报过1990年常熟5.1级地震和1996年长江口以东海中6.1级地震。  相似文献   

日本鹿屋台地磁转换函数的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈伯舫 《华南地震》2003,23(1):8-12
1996年10月19日本九州宫崎发生7.1级大地震,震中离鹿屋地磁台约90km。分析了鹿屋台1989~2001年分钟值资料。周期等于60min和41min的地磁转换函数Au在1993年至1998年初呈现下降趋势。年变率达0.01α^-1。此变化有可能与宫崎地震相关。另外,从震前数年Parkinson矢量转向特征推测,震源区的电导率似乎是变小的。  相似文献   

2001~2007年北京地区地磁变化分析与地震预测研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2001~2007年北京地区地磁测量工作,取得了大量可靠的资料。应用这些资料,分析了2001~2007年北京地区地磁变化,研究了震磁前兆信息,获得了有意义的震磁前兆,在北京地区的地震监测预报工作中具有积极作用,产生了一定实效。  相似文献   

StudyonelectricvariationsofmediainepicentralareabygeomagneticransferfunctionsXiao-PingZENG;(曾小苹)Yun-FangLINI;(林云芳)Zhong-JieZH...  相似文献   

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