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The winter distributions of mesopelagic fishes, crustaceans, and cephalopods across the Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand are shown to reflect the hydrological changes associated with convergence of Subtropical and Subantarctic Surface Waters. Samples collected in the upper 400 m in each of these water masses and in mixed water over the Chatham Rise contained members of faunal associations apparently characteristic for each area. The area of strongest hydrological change was characterised, at least for fishes and crustaceans, by a considerable decrease in species richness. Use of cluster analysis confirmed the clear correpondence between geographic species associations and water masses.  相似文献   

The Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Hydrographic data from the region of the Subtropical Convergence east of New Zealand between 177°E and 179°E show that in spring the convergence occurs near the Chatham Rise. North of the Chatham Rise the structure is fairly regular with isolines of temperature and salinity sloping upwards towards the south. To the south of the Chatham Rise the structure is more complex with an apparent intrusion of Subtropical Water into the Sub‐antarctic Water below depths of about 150 m.  相似文献   

Current observations taken at depths between 630 and 830 m from the west coast South Island continental slope exhibit one‐ to four‐weekly periodicities superimposed on the semi‐diurnal tide. These variable flows at 630 m and otter large, longer‐timescale events have a significart onshore/offshore component of flow which leads to a similar transport of alongshore momentum and heat.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are research hotspots of the carbon cycle in coastal zones because large amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide is fixed by salt marshes vegetation and stored in its biomass and soil. Dissolved organic carbon(DOC) in submarine groundwater(well water and pore water) in salt marshes plays an important role in advective exchange between the salt marshes and coastal waters. However, the molecular characteristics of DOC in salt marsh groundwater are poorly understood because of the comple...  相似文献   

Aspects of sea-bed structure and benthic-macroinvertebrate species composition, distribution, richness and diversity in coastal waters off eastern Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, are reported. In contrast to the sole historical account of sea-bed community structure from this same region, no widely distributed assemblages of species are recognised throughout it; no two sites share the exact same complement of species; and almost all sites are less than 80% similar in their taxonomic composition, most considerably so. Species richness and diversity are reported to vary with substratum type and depth, and spatially; species occurring within muds are the least diverse and species rich, followed by those of muddy gravels, and then gravels; many taxa prove common to the three substratum types; and dominance of taxa is recognised to decrease with an increase in substratum complexity, from muds to gravels, and species richness. With the exception of invasive marine species, apparent changes in the composition of assemblages throughout this region over the eight-decade period that data span are considered artefacts of the way in which such assemblages were historically defined. We recommend historical accounts of sea-bed community distributions throughout Hauraki Gulf be interpreted with caution, especially when attempting to use such schematic depictions to determine whether changes have occurred in assemblage composition.  相似文献   

Harmonic tidal constants, calculated from sea surface elevation observations at Jackson Bay on the West Coast of the South Island, are consistent with available semi‐diurnal and diurnal tidal phase distributions. Current observations taken over a 111 day period at mid‐depth in 1505 m of water on the southern flank of the Challenger Plateau and over a 240 day period in 1430 m of water on the South Island western coast continental slope, are subject to tidal analysis. At both sites there is a component of energy flux directed across the isobaths and only at the northern site for the M2 tide is the phase consistent with a dominant progressive barotropic tide. The successive 30 day harmonic constants at the southern continental slope site exhibit a trend in the M2 tidal ellipse speed and ellipticity suggesting the presence of a regular internal tide. Superposition of ‘internal tidal’ and barotropic tidal flows, as prescribed from progressive‐ and standing‐wave elevations, to fit the observations indicates that the ‘internal tide’ is probably associated with the first baroclinic mode. At the current‐meter depths the speeds of the ‘internal tide’ for the M2 tide are about the same as the barotropic speeds, whereas, the S2 ‘internal tide’ speeds are larger than those of the barotropic tide. The consistency of the trend in ellipse parameters lends support to the theoretical progressive trapped barotropic tidal flows being a good approximation to the actual barotropic tide. Some support for the hypothesis that the S2 tide on the West Coast of New Zealand has a substantial standing wave contribution is given by the northern observations, where the ratio of the S2: M2 internal tidal ellipse current amplitudes are substantially larger than the ratio of the elevations, the internal tide being generated by across‐isobath flows.  相似文献   

Polychaete assemblages are described from replicate box‐core samples collected in summer 1983 at 18 stations on the continental shelf and upper slope (28–943 m) off the west coast of the South Island, New Zealand, south‐eastern Tasman Sea (c. 41–43°S, 169–172°E). Three main station groupings were identified by multivariate analysis: (1) inner shelf sandy stations characterised by Prionospio australiensis, Aricidea (Acesta) sp., Magelona cf. dakini, Paraprionospio aff. pinnata, Aglaophamus sp., Heteromastus filiformis, and Magelona sp.; (2) middle to outer shelf muddy stations characterised by Levinsenia cf. gracilis, Prionospio australiensis, Paraprionospio coora, Aglaophamus verrilli, and Auchenoplax mesos; and (3) upper slope sandy mud or mud stations characterised by Prionospio ehlersi. A combination of water depth and sediment clay content provided the best correlation with the biotic pattern. Spionidae was the most abundant family (49% of polychaete individuals), which may reflect the scope for opportunistic species in a shelf environment characterised by a high input of terrigenous sediment and episodic upwelling.  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity surveys were carried out in the Tasman Sea in winter (August 1973) and summer (February‐March 1974). In both surveys the presence of the Westland Current was indicated by the distribution of surface water properties; in summer it was associated with a subsurface salinity maximum. The current extended further northwards in summer than in winter. In summer, an east‐going geostrophic flow at about latitude 35°S separated on approaching New Zealand; part of the flow passed north around the North Island and part moved slowly eastwards in the deeper off‐shore water to at least latitude 38°S. The West Auckland Current was apparent in the winter, but not in the summer. To the west of Cape Reinga, relatively low values of surface temperature and salinity are probably associated with upwelling between Cape Reinga and the Three Kings Islands. Upwelling was observed along the coast between Kaipara and Manukau Harbour.  相似文献   

Bathymetric and thermometric surveys of Lake Manapouri show that the greatest depth is 444 m and that the major portion of the lake occupies depths greater than 150 m. Stratification has developed by January, remains until June, and is followed by near isothermal conditions in late winter. The water temperature below 200 m is between 7.77° and 8.0°c throughout the year. The surface water temperature varies between 16.25°c in January‐March, and 8.0°c in August‐September. Tritium values suggest mixing has taken place to at least 400 m. Coarse sediments taken in 431 m indicate that the deep floor of the lake is not completely dominated by muddy sediments.  相似文献   

The chemistry and mineralogy of the sediments of Lakes Rotoroa and Rotoiti, South Island, New Zealand (41° 51 S, 172° 38 E and 41° 50 S, 172° 50 E respectively) , were studied. In general, the cation exchange properties, element concentrations, and mineral compositions of the sediments show little variation between samples from each lake. However, some nutrient concentrations, notably exchangeable calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and total nitrogen and sulphur, are higher in sediments from weed beds than in sediments underlying deeper water; iron and manganese concentrations tend to show the opposite trend. Concentrations of exchangeable calcium and total nitrogen, sulphur, manganese, and iron generally decrease down the sediment profiles from the sediment/water interface. Differences between lakes, notably higher concentrations of illite and of the elements potassium, aluminium, titanium, and zirconium, and lower concentrations of calcium in the sediments of Lake Rotoiti than in those from Lake Rotoroa, are probably due mainly to the different geological settings rather than to differences in the diagenetic processes operating within the lakes. Mineralogical analyses indicate that the lake sediments are derived mainly from the valleys of the major inflow rivers rather than from the slopes at the sides of each lake.  相似文献   

Systematic water sampling for characterization of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the coastal South Atlantic Bight, was conducted as part of the long term Coastal Ocean Research and Monitoring Program (CORMP). Water samples were collected during a 3.5 year period, from October 2001 until March 2005, in the vicinity of the Cape Fear River (CFR) outlet and in adjacent Onslow Bay (OB). During this study there were two divergent hydrological and meteorological conditions in the CFR drainage area: a severe drought in 2002, followed by the very wet year of 2003. CDOM was characterized optically by the absorption coefficient at 350 nm, the spectral slope coefficient (S), and by Excitation Emission Matrix (EEM) fluorescence. Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) was used to assess CDOM composition from EEM spectra and six components were identified: three terrestrial humic-like components, one marine humic-like component and two protein-like components. Terrestrial humic-like components contributed most to dissolved organic matter (DOM) fluorescence in the low salinity plume of the CFR. The contribution of terrestrial humic-like components to DOM fluorescence in OB was much smaller than in the CFR plume area. Protein-like components contributed significantly to DOM fluorescence in the coastal ocean of OB and they dominated DOM fluorescence in the Gulf Stream waters. Hydrological conditions during the observation period significantly impacted both concentration and composition of CDOM found in the estuary and coastal ocean. In the CFR plume, there was an order of magnitude difference in CDOM absorption and fluorescence intensity between samples collected during the drought compared to the wet period. During the drought, CDOM in the CFR plume was composed of equal proportions of terrestrial humic-like components (ca. 60% of the total fluorescence intensity) with a significant contribution of proteinaceous substances (ca. 20% of the total fluorescence). During high river flow, CDOM was composed mostly of humic substances (nearly 75% of total fluorescence) with minor contributions by proteinaceous substances. The impact of changes in fresh water discharge patterns on CDOM concentration and composition was also observed in OB, though to a lesser degree.  相似文献   

In May and June 1974 seven naturally made, stranded redds of quinnat salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytsha (Walbaum) were excavated. Ova numbers per redd varied from 2295 to 6510 and per egg pocket from 99 to 1608. Egg pocket depths varied from 18 cm to 43 cm. The ova were found to be healthy.  相似文献   

李琼  郑建  王法明 《海洋科学》2016,40(10):143-150
为研究南太平洋副热带偶极子的局地气候效应,利用Hadley中心的海温数据集Had ISST以及NCEP-NCAR的大气再分析数据,分析了南太平洋副热带偶极子(South Pacific Subtropical Dipole,SPSD)对南太平洋辐合带(South Pacific Convergence Zone,SPCZ)的影响,并探讨了相应的物理过程。研究结果显示,南太平洋副热带偶极子事件线性独立于ENSO(El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation)事件,有明显的季节锁相,于12~2月达到峰值并显著影响SPCZ降水带的位置。其中,正偶极子事件(简称"正事件")期间偶极子东北极区域(暖海温)水汽辐合上升,降水增多;而在偶极子西南极区域(冷海温)水汽辐散下沉,降水减少,因此SPCZ降水带偏北。负偶极子事件(简称"负事件")则相反,东北极降水减少的同时西南极降水增多,从而SPCZ降水带偏南。本研究关于SPSD与SPCZ关系的分析,将有助于更好地理解南太平洋的年际气候变异和海气相互作用。  相似文献   

Records are presented of sightings of 6 cetacean species (15 common dolphins, Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, over 5000 dusky dolphins, Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Gray), approximately 74 bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu), 8 sperm whales, Physeter catodon Linnaeus, 6 southern humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae lalandi (Fischer), and 36 southern pilot whales. Globi‐cephala melaena edwardii (Smith)) from m.v. Lloret Lopez II between 8 January and 2 April 1970. A large school of dusky dolphins was observed south of Solander Island. Monthly water temperatures in the summer of 1970 were high and in January ranged from 15.4°c (9.2 km west of Fiordland) and 21.6°c (55 km west of Cape Farewell), in February from 16.2°c (Fiordland) and 20.4°c (Cape Farewell), and in March from 16.0°c (Fiordland) and 20.5°c (Cape Farewell).  相似文献   

Trolling surveys showed that albacore tuna are about equally abundant in subtropical and Subtropical Convergence Zone surface waters off the south‐east coast of New Zealand. Few albacore were located in Subantarctic Surface Water, indicating that the Subtropical Convergence Zone is the southern limit for albacore in this area.  相似文献   

There are recognised benefits to managing fisheries by individual transferable quotas (ITQs), but ITQs may increase incentives to discard fish.  相似文献   

In January 1982, sediment microbial N transformations and inorganic N fluxes across the sediment/water interface were studied at nine sites off the South Island West Coast, New Zealand. The sediments showed a great variety in physical, chemical and biological properties. The sediment organic matter had a molar CN ratio of 5.9–10.9, and the total NP ratio was 1.2–4.0. The denitrification capacity in the top 7.5 cm of sediment was 0.1–77.2 mmol N m?2 day?1 and generally declined with increasing sediment depth. The in situ denitrification rate was 0.02–1.84 mmol N m?2 day?1 and highest activities were generally found in surface sediments and at 6–7.5 cm depth. Denitrification accounted for 82–100% of total nitrate reduction. Net N mineralization was indirectly estimated at 0.6–2.4 mmol N m?2 day?1, and the experimental determination of this N transformation gave 0.6–3.2 mmol N m?2 day?1. Denitrification accounted for 3–75% of net N mineralization. The diffusive flux of ammonium and nitrate across the sediment/water interface was 0.1–0.7 and 0.1–0.6 mmol N m?2 day?1, respectively.  相似文献   


Bacterial numbers and production were measured in the upper water column in the winter and spring of 1993 in five water masses surrounding the South Island of New Zealand. Average bacterial numbers and production were found to be higher in spring (8.5 × 105 cells ml?1 and 0.20 mg m3 h?1, respectively) than winter (5.5 × 105 cells ml?1 and 0.05 mg C m3 h?1 respectively). Bacterial production was strongly correlated with chlorophyll a and primary production (P < 0.001) in spring but not in winter. Spring bacterial production and at 10 m depth averaged across 28 stations was 23% of primary production, and with a growth efficency of 40%, may have consumed up to 57% of primary production. Bacterial biomass was greater than phytoplankton biomass for 75% of the 10 m depth comparisons during winter sampling and 44% during the spring sampling. The bacterial biomass was found to represent 24.6–33.5% of the nitrogen in particulate organic matter (<200 μm) supporting the concept that in New Zealand oceanic water masses bacteria are of significant biogeochemical importance.  相似文献   

Thermogenic organic matter dissolved in the abyssal ocean   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Formation and decay of thermogenic organic matter are important processes in the geological carbon cycle, but little is known about the fate of combustion-derived and petrogenic compounds in the ocean. We explored the molecular structure of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) for thermogenic signatures in different water masses of the Southern Ocean. Ultrahigh-resolution mass spectrometry via the Fourier transform-ion cyclotron resonance technique (FT-ICR-MS) revealed the presence of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) dissolved in the abyssal ocean. More than 200 different PAHs were discerned, most of them consisting of seven condensed rings with varying numbers of carboxyl, hydroxyl, and aliphatic functional groups. These unambiguously thermogenic compounds were homogenously distributed in the deep sea, but depleted at the sea surface. Based on the structural information alone, petrogenic and pyrogenic compounds cannot be distinguished. Surface depletion of the PAHs and first estimates for their turnover rate (> 1.2 · 1012 mol C per year) point toward a primarily petrogenic source, possibly deep-sea hydrothermal vents, which is thus far speculative because the fluxes of combustion-derived and petrogenic matter to the ocean are not well constrained. We estimate that > 2.4% of DOM are thermogenic compounds, and their global inventory in the oceans is > 1.4 · 1015 mol C, significantly impacting global biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   


The tetrasporophytic ‘Trailliella’ stage of the red algal genus Bonnemaisonia is reported for the first time from the Southern Hemisphere. Here we describe a bloom of the tetrasporophyte of B. hamifera from the mouth of the Waikouaiti River, Karitāne, South Island, where it occurred as thousands of free-floating tufts up to 1?cm wide in shallow water, accumulated in windrows on sand banks and beaches, and in the water column at depths of 10–12?m on the adjacent open coast. Gametophytic stages have not yet been found in New Zealand. The material collected to date is strictly vegetative, and reproduction occurs via fragmentation. The identity of the New Zealand samples as B. hamifera was confirmed by both morphology and rbcL sequencing. The abundance and floating dispersal of B. hamifera suggests that it is invasive and will become widely distributed in New Zealand.  相似文献   

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