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Physical evidence for the drainage of glacial lakes remains relatively rare in depositional records, giving rise to much debate on the location of outlets and discharge pathways, as well as on the climate impact of the attendant meltwater forcing. Lake Ojibway developed following the withdrawal of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in northern Ontario and Quebec, Canada. The late‐stage evolution of this large ice‐dammed lake was influenced by the complex dynamics of the retreating ice margin, which highly complicates the identification of the termination of Lake Ojibway in glaciolacustrine sediment records. Here, we document the composition of sections of rhythmites that contain in their upper part an anomalously thick and whitish bed (10–15 cm) that is in turn overlain by ~1 m of faintly bedded rhythmites. Grain‐size analyses showed that the thick whitish bed consists primarily of fine to coarse silt (2–63 μm), contrasting with the lower and upper rhythmites that are largely dominated by clay (<2 μm). The detrital carbonate content of the thick silt bed is characterized by consistently high values (2.5 to 2.8%), whereas the bounding rhythmites show lower and highly variable values. Oxygen isotope measurements further show a marked change going from typical glacial meltwater values (~ ?29.6 to ?27.7‰; VSMOW) for the lower rhythmites and the silt bed to modern‐like meteoric values (?18.4 to ?14.6‰) for the uppermost rhythmites. These data suggest that this marker bed may be associated with a major drawdown event that possibly corresponds to the final drainage of Lake Ojibway. AMS radiocarbon dating of ostracods extracted from the drainage bed also documents an important hardwater effect within the Ojibway basin.  相似文献   

辽南晚前寒武纪地层层序问题的研讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张丕孚 《地层学杂志》1994,18(3):228-231
辽南晚前寒武纪地层层序问题的研讨张丕孚(地科院沈阳地矿所,辽宁沈阳,110032)关键词地层层序,叠接,标志层,晚前寒武纪,辽南地区长期沿用的辽南晚前寒武纪地层层序为永宁群(松树组、朵子山组、庙山组)、细河群(钓鱼台组、南芬组、桥头组)、五行山群(长...  相似文献   

淅川地层小区寒武系划分为水沟口组、岳家坪组和蜈蚣丫组。底部与震旦系平行不整合接触,顶部与奥陶系整合或平行不整合接触,顶、底界面特征为Ⅱ型界面。地层层序分析以剖面研究为基础,在详细测制地层剖面的基础上划分出了46个基本层序,分析基本层序在纵横向上的变化规律,进而分析地层结构、划分体系域以及地层层序。  相似文献   

渤海湾西岸天津平原南部静海区400m深CGZ5孔、大港区500m深TPZ1孔岩心的岩石地层、磁性地层、14C测年、微体古生物研究表明,2个钻孔底部分别进入到定年3.6Ma的高斯(Gauss)正极性带和定年4.5Ma的吉尔伯特(Gilbert)极性带上部;位于西侧沧县隆起的CGZ5孔2.58Ma古地磁M/G(松山/高斯,Matuyama/Gauss)极性带界线位于225m,位于东部黄骅坳陷西斜坡的TPZ1孔该界线位于208m;0.78Ma的B/M(布容/松山,Brunhes/Matuyama)极性带界线分别位于55m和68.6m。结合微体化石分析、3期海侵地层的确定以及岩石地层特征,可判断CGZ5孔和TPZ1孔上更新统底板分别位于55m 和63.4m。依据末次盛冰期低水位域潴育化黏土层位,确定全新统分别厚14.8m和16.5m。上述2孔之间的黄骅坳陷板桥主凹陷中CQJ4孔,B/M和M/G界线分别位于74m和340m。西部CGZ5孔显现整个中更新统缺失,东部TPZ1孔中更新统仅厚5.3m。推测这一地层间断可能是由于渤海海盆在中更新世初期发生快速断陷,在河流到海盆的高差加大的背景下,河流输送物大部流入海盆,海盆边缘的沧县隆起和相邻的滨海平原发生了过路作用。在“源到汇”古地理状况变迁过程中形成的东部大平原,中更新世的沉积动力学背景需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

吴林  管树巍  冯兴强  任荣  张春宇 《岩石学报》2020,36(11):3427-3441
塔里木盆地及周缘南华系、震旦系广泛发育,是揭示前寒武纪重大地质事件的重要地区之一,然而其研究程度低于华南、华北地区。早期认为塔里木盆地及周缘南华系、震旦系可划分为哈尔克山、柯坪、库鲁克塔格、铁克里克及塔克拉玛干等五个分区,由于各分区研究程度及资料之间的差异较大,且近期盆地内部钻井揭示越来越多,地层划分对比问题逐渐突出,传统分区方案面临诸多挑战。综合地质、地震等多学科资料认为,塔里木南华纪原型盆地基底、充填过程、分布统一具有南北分异的特征,区域地层格架剖面显示南华纪-震旦纪原型盆地分布于中央古隆起南北两侧,表现出北强南弱的不同地震反射特征。因此,本文以原型盆地中南、北分异的特征为原则进行地层分区,大致以现今中央隆起带南缘为界,分为北部地层分区和南部地层分区。北部可划分为东北部库鲁克塔格地层小区和西部阿克苏地层小区,其中阿克苏地层小区包括原方案中柯坪、塔克拉玛干北部、哈尔克山分区;南部初步划分出铁克里克地层小区,具体有待完善。震旦纪末期,受柯坪运动"大继承、小改造"的演化模式影响,北部地层分区广泛发育下寒武统烃源岩。因此,塔里木盆地及周缘新元古界分区新方案既符合南北不同的超大陆动力学背景,又控制下寒武统烃源岩分布,理论意义与勘探意义明显。  相似文献   

A clay-varve chronology based on 14 cross-correlated varve graphs from the Baltic Sea and a mean varve thickness curve has been constructed. This chronology is correlated with the Swedish Time Scale and covers the time span 11530 to 10250 varve years BP. Two cores have been analysed for grain size, chemistry, content of diatoms and changes in colour by digital colour analysis. The final drainage of the Baltic Ice Lake is dated to c . 10800 varve years BP and registered in the cores analysed as a decrease in the content of clay. This event can be correlated with atmospheric Δ14 C content and might have resulted in an increase in these values recorded between 11565 and 11545 years BP. The results of the correlation between the varve chronology from the Baltic Sea, the Greenland GRIP ice core and the atmospheric Δ14 C record indicate that c . 760 years are missing in the Swedish Time Scale in the part younger than c. 10250 varve years BP. A change in colour from a brownish to grey varved glacial clay recorded c . 10770 varve years BP is found to be the result of oxygen deficiency due to an increase in the rate of sedimentation in the early Preboreal. The first brackish influence is recorded c . 10540 varve years BP in the northwestern Baltic Sea and some 90 years later in the eastern Gotland Basin.  相似文献   

高明忠  谢和平  李洪  董建华 《岩土力学》2006,27(10):1791-1794
为了清楚地展现地下岩体结构,如裂隙、节理、层理、断层等不连续的结构面,在Visual Basic 6.0平台下对建立在OCX技术基础上的GIS(地理信息系统)功能组件MapObjects进行了集成二次开发,把三维数据结构边界表示法和三维栅格结构有机的结合,以三维栅格结构为主体,力求以最小的数据量表示更为真实的地下结构。改进后的三维栅格结构法实现了对区域平面地质图图层的放大、缩小、漫游以及地下剖面生成,并可以把生成剖面以多种格式输出以进行稳定性分析,成功应用该系统对四川省紫坪铺水利枢纽工程水库两岸重点库段进行了地质建模,有效地指导了该地区的滑坡治理和213国道的改线工程。  相似文献   

利用山前冲积平原岩土体间的电性差异,使用高密度电阻率测量系统,采用不同的装置,不同电极距对山前冲积平原地层进行岩土层界面的划分.比较不同装置的勘探效果,以及不同电极距的勘探效果,说明此种情况下使用哪种装置,哪种极距勘探效果更好.使用钻孔资料来证明视电阻率反演结果的正确性,通过反演结果校正钻孔资料可能存在的误差.这种相互验证的综合勘探方法,使最终的解释结果更贴合实际的地层分布.  相似文献   

The effects of low dissolved oxygen or hypoxia (<2 mg l?1) on macrobenthic infaunal community structure and composition in the lower Chesapeake Bay and its major tributaries, the Rappahannock, York, and James rivers are reported. Macrobenthic communities at hypoxia-affected stations were characterized by lower species diversity, lower biomass, a lower proportion of deep-dwelling biomass (deeper than 5 cm in the sediment), and changes in community composition. Higher dominance in density and biomass of opportunistic species (e.g., euryhaline annelids) and lower dominance of equilibrium species (e.g., long-lived bivalves and maldanid polychaetes) were observed at hypoxia-affected stations. Hypoxia-affected macrobenthic communities were found in the polyhaline deep western channel of the bay mainstem north of the Rappahannock River and in the mesohaline region of the lower Rappahannock River. No hypoxic effects on the infaunal macrobenthos were found in the York River, James River, or other deep-water channels of the lower Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

One of the steepest depositional coasts of western James Bay is found along the west shores of Akimiski Strait, north of the mouth of the Ekwan River. This shore receives considerable amounts of sediment during the spring break-up of the rivers. The sediments are stored on the steep narrow tidal flats and marshes, and in thinner (up to 80 cm) drapes on till-cored shoals that parallel and protect the coast. The low areas between the shoals and the mainland are swept and reworked by relatively powerful (2 m s?1) reversing currents due to flooding and ebbing of tides into the strait.A series of distinct environments and sedimentary facies develop on this western coast and its antecedent longshore shoal. The outer part of the shoal is characterized by tidal bedding, Macoma balthica burrows and considerable ice scour. The inner part of the shoal has winnowed sand, the greatest abundance of Macoma, and well-developed flaser bedding. The longshore tidal channel separating the shoal from the mainland has coarse sand lags in the shallower parts and silty sand in deeper protected areas. The steep tidal flats develop laminated silty sands locally saturated and slumping toward the channel. The high saturation of the sediments inhibits colonization of the flats by Macoma. The narrow marshes have characteristic vegetation zonation, with Puccinellia phryganodes colonizing the lower marsh. The sedimentary sequence of the marsh displays irregular, bioturbated laminated sequences of silt, silty sand and organic matter.  相似文献   

The hydrogeochemistry of the Lake Waco drainage basin,Texas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The origin of surface water chemistry in highly impacted drainage basins must be investigated on a drainage-basin scale if the causes of the pollution are to be elucidated. This study characterizes and deciphers the surface water chemistry of a nutrient polluted river system in central Texas. Four tributaries of the Lake Waco reservoir were chemically characterized temporally and spatially in order to gain a complete understanding of the nature and origin of dissolved solids being transported into the lake. Temporal chemical variations measured at the base of each of the drainage basins are repetitive and seasonal. The most periodic and well-defined variation is exhibited by nitrate concentrations although many of the other solutes show seasonal changes as well. These temporal chemical changes are controlled by seasonal precipitation. During rainy seasons, the shallow aquifer is recharged resulting in stream discharge that is high in nitrate, calcium, and bicarbonate. When the shallow flow system is depleted in the summer, stream waters are dominated by deeper groundwater and become rich in sodium. Spatial variations in the chemistry of South Bosque surface waters were characterized using the snapshot technique. The spatial distribution of nitrate in surface waters is controlled by fertilizer application to row crops and the location of a munitions factory. The concentrations of naturally derived solutes such as Ca+, Na+, Cl, and SO4–2are controlled by underlying lithologies.  相似文献   

传统的剖面图算法对地层尖灭、透镜体、地层缺失处理能力差,算法精度难以满足生产要求.针对该问题,笔者提出一种地层分布模型自匹配的地质剖面图构建算法.首先,构建了工程钻孔数据结构;然后,根据地层分布规律定义地层分布模式,并推导出各个模式下地层剖面线生长策略和规则,通过地层分布模型规则和匹配算法判断地层点的剖面线从属关系;最后,将剖面线点集连接成线,并进行标注与地图整饰.笔者算法克服了传统钻孔相邻连接造成的连续性差、一致性欠缺的缺点,能够对地质剖面的歼灭、透镜体、地层缺失现象有准确地处理.实验表明,采用本文算法所构建的地质剖面图能准确、高效地反映研究区域的地层分布,广泛适用于工程生产.  相似文献   

Overbank deposits in the Komissarovka River valley consist of alternating silt, clay silt, sand, and soils produced by lacustrine, alluvial, and aeolian deposition and by soil formation. Silt and sand layers in the lower part of the section correlate with the events of Early Holocene transgression and Middle Holocene regression of Lake Khanka. Deposition in the lowermost reaches of the Komissarovka River provides a faithful record of local Holocene landscapes controlled by level changes in Lake Khanka.  相似文献   

The refined Quaternary stratigraphic scale of the Cisuralian and Bashkortostan regions, approved by the Commission on the Quaternary System of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee in 2007, includes the Eopleistocene (with three superhorizons and seven horizons), Neopleistocene (with three superhorizons and 13 horizons), and Holocene (one horizon and three subhorizons). The first defined Holocene Agidel Horizon with three subhorizons, the Middle Neopleistocene Klimovka, and the Upper Neopleistocene Kushnarenkovo Horizon are correlated with the Shuvalov, Gorka, and Mikulino horizons, respectively. New names and reference sections are proposed for all the Eopleistocene units. Local formations are proposed for the horizons, whose stratotypes are located in the northern Fore-Urals. The Quaternary stratigraphic scale is correlated with similar scales of the Urals, the East European Platform, and the Lower Volga region. The scale takes into account all the available data derived from the analysis of original (sediments, faunal and floral remains), published, and archival materials, which make it possible to trace in detail the main Quaternary events that occurred in the Fore-Urals.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic and sedimentary history of the Celebes Sea Basin provides the basis for a tectonic model for its evolution which is consistent with new regional plate reconstructions. Cores drilled on Leg 124 of the Ocean Drilling Program (sites 767 and 770) form a stratigraphic record from the basement to the sea floor in just under 800 metres of sedimentary succession. The basement itself is basalt with a strong MORB affinity. Radiolaria in pelagic mudstones at the base of the succession indicate a late middle Eocene age. A very condensed pelagic sequence (90 m in 20 Ma) suggests a setting which was distal from sources of terrigenous clastics and volcaniclastics and below the CCD. These characteristics are similar to the West Philippine Sea Basin (drilled on DSDP Legs 31 and 59), which also has oceanic basement, dated at 44–42 Ma, and Paleogene pelagic strata. These data are therefore consistent with any plate reconstruction model which has these two basins forming as part of the same ocean basin.During the Miocene quartz-rich sandy turbidites were deposited in the Celebes Sea Basin. This influx of terrigenous clastics occurred for a brief period in middle to late Miocene times (c. 10 Ma). The nearest large continental landmass which could have acted as the source of this mature siliciclastic detritus was the island of Borneo, and the onset of this clastic supply may be related to uplift caused by collision events on the island. Cessation of terrigenous clastic supply to the basin centre occurred as southward subduction of the underlying oceanic crust beneath the northern arm of Sulawesi began. It is speculated that the development of a trench along the southern margin of the basin acted as a trap for detritus coming from Borneo, diverting material from the basin centre.  相似文献   

Bálint Zólyomi 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):237-241
Relying on several decades of research experience, ever more new methods and methodological approaches, the opportunities of the application of palynological analysis for shallow lake sediments are summarised. New findings — not yet appeared in international publications — are also mentioned and illustrated. Further tasks of research are outlined.  相似文献   

Paleozoic fossiliferous limestones from the Hudson Bay area were dispersed southeastward a total distance of 110 km in the Québec part of theJames Bay Lowlands during the surging Cochrane flow event of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. The dispersal by the surging ice appears comparable to non-surging ice dispersal events elsewhere in terms of the dispersal index and the half distance of transportation; however, the total distance of transportation of the limestone clasts and their relatively high abundance far away from their source suggest that part of the transport of the debris during the surge was englacial, with the load later deposited as a surface mantle, or that the flow of the surging ice was limited to rapid basal sliding, with little or no internal shear within the ice mass. The glacial transport characteristics of earlier non-surging flow events in the same area were determined using the Total Transport Distance (TTD) method of measurements. Based on an indirect measurement of the half distance of transportation, the Selbaie till is characterized by longer transport distance than the Matheson till, and the Nouveau-Québec till has the shortest transport distance of all the tills of the area.  相似文献   

综合分析青藏高原新近纪古气候研究的不同替代性指标,建立了高原新近纪重大气候事件的演变序列,探讨青藏高原隆升和全球重大气候事件的关系。青藏高原新近纪不同构造-地层区重大气候事件发生的时间与高原隆升事件基本吻合,说明高原隆升是青藏高原气候变化的主要因素,与全球气候变化事件既存在一致性,又存在差异性。早—中中新世青藏高原气候变化频繁,气候变冷期开始的年代早于全球约15Ma以来的降温期,说明早—中中新世高原隆升对全球变冷的贡献较大。晚中新世以来的气候事件与全球重要气候事件相吻合,说明青藏高原可能在晚中新世已经隆升到了一定高度,其对全球气候变化的影响较之前有所减弱。青藏高原气候变化除受到高原隆升影响外,亦受到全球气候变化的影响。  相似文献   

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