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Large-scale fluctuations in global climate and resulting changes in ecology had a profound effect on human evolution and dispersal. Though hominin remains are scarce, studies focussing on the more abundant records of fossil land mammal communities can contribute greatly to our knowledge of the palaeoenvironmental circumstances that influenced and directed the global spread of hominins. To produce a comprehensive and accurate account of the evolution of western Palaearctic habitat diversity between 2.6 and 0.4 Ma BP, information generated from large mammal communities from 221 key sites has been included in this study.The palaeoecological conditions of the western Palaearctic during the Early and early Middle Pleistocene were principally controlled by the following key factors: (1) a widespread trend of temperature decrease, (2) the periodicity of the global temperature record, (3) the intensity of single climatic stages, (4) the temporal pattern of climatic variation, (5) geographical position, and (6) the distribution of continental water resources. A general picture of the evolution of western Palaearctic habitat diversity saw the replacement of extensive forested terrain by an alternating sequence of varied savannah-like and forested habitats during the 2.6–1.8 Ma span, as well as an alternation between different types of predominantly open habitats between 1.8 and 1.2 Ma. Both of these processes were governed by 41 ka temperature periodicity. During the 1.2–0.9 Ma time span, irregular climatic fluctuations were more common and habitat variability increased. The subsequent 0.9–0.4 Ma interval, a period controlled by 100 ka periodicity, was by comparison more stable, with longer climatic cycles alternating between open and forested landscapes. During the entire Early and early Middle Pleistocene, assemblages of large mammal communities reveal a distinct trend of decreasing continentality between Eastern and South-Eastern Europe on the one hand, and South-Western and North-Western Europe on the other. This trend was due to the effect of the Atlantic Ocean, while in Southern Europe the relatively low continentality was balanced by influences from the Mediterranean Sea.When plotted against evidence of hominin occurrence, the data on western Palaearctic habitat diversity inferred from large mammal communities indicate clear environmental stimuli for the earliest human dispersal in Europe. These are: (1) a wide range of habitats, implying a high diversity of resources; (2) mild climates with low seasonality, implying a lack of strong environmental fluctuations. Around 1.8 Ma at the latest, hominins of African origin entered the western Palaearctic for the first time, taking advantage of the diversity of habitats and resources, particularly along large river systems. Their subsequent westward spread between 1.7 and 1.3 Ma was restricted to Mediterranean-influenced areas, which offered a high variability of habitats and relatively low seasonality. The increase in environmental diversity, which occurred from 1.2 Ma onwards, opened up South-Eastern and Eastern Europe for hominin occupation. According to the available records, North-Western and Central Europe were initially colonized during late Early to early Middle Pleistocene interglacials, when these regions experienced periods of low seasonality and considerable habitat diversity.  相似文献   

A brief review of the evidences for a Late Glacial cooling episode in Fuego-Patagonia and of the arguments used to suggest or reject the existence of a Younger Dryas Chronozone is presented. From this review it becomes clear that harsher climatic conditions were characteristic of at least several centuries during Late Glacial times. However, the timing and magnitude of that episode is difficult to establish due to scale and sampling problems resulting from the use of data obtained by different disciplines. This review is followed by a discussion of the implications of this deterioration for human occupation, which was in the process of initial installation in selected regions of Fuego-Patagonia.  相似文献   

We propose a population model for Middle Pleistocene Europe that is based on demographic “sources” and “sinks”. The former were a small number of “core” or populations in glacial refugia in southern Europe from which hominins expanded northwards in interstadial and interglacial periods; occupation outside glacial refugia would have been restricted to warm or temperate periods, and populations at the northern limit of the Middle Pleistocene range would have been “sink” populations in that they depended upon recruitment from source populations further south. Southwest Asia would also have been a likely source of immigrant, source populations. We argue as an alternative to an “ebb and flow” model in which groups retreated to refugia when conditions worsened that local extinction outside refugia would have been frequent. In extreme situations, Europe may have been a population “sink” (i.e. unpopulated) that was replenished from source populations in Southwest Asia. We suggest that this pattern of repeated colonisation and extinction may help explain the morphological variability of European Middle Pleistocene hominins, particularly Homo heidelbergensis and its apparent non-lineal evolution towards Homo neanderthalensis.  相似文献   

Subduction is the main driving force of plate tectonics controlling the physiography of the Earth. The northward subduction of the Sinai plate was interrupted during the Early Pleistocene when the Eratosthenes Seamount began to collide with the Cyprian arc. A series of synchronous structural deformations was triggered across the entire eastern Mediterranean, and local topography was drastically accentuation along the Levantine corridor – one of the main pathways of hominin dispersal out of Africa. However, the choice of this preferred pathway and timing of dispersal has not been resolved. Though causes for dispersal out of Africa are in debate, we show that the transition from subduction to collision in the eastern Mediterranean set the route.  相似文献   

The dispersal of the genus Homo occurred against a background of continuous environmental change. Here, dispersals of large mammals through the Levantine Corridor and into Western Europe and Java are studied and compared to existing records of climatic change and dispersals of early humans and lithic industry.The first human dispersal (with Oldowan lithic industry) out of Africa, around or shortly before 1.8 Ma may have been triggered by biological evolution and increased social organisation, rather than environmental change. After that event, increasing aridity led to decreased faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia and may have isolated the human populations of Africa and Africa. Southern (Java) and Eastern Asia (China) also seem to have been isolated. Human dispersal into Western Europe may have been limited by closed environments in Central Europe until about 1.2 Ma ago, when faunal dispersal into Europe suggests the cyclic spread of open environments to the west. Acheulean technology originated in Africa, some 1.6–1.5 Ma ago, but its dispersal into Eurasia may have been obstructed by an arid Southwest Asia, until broadly about 0.9 Ma ago, when faunal exchange suggests that the area became temporarily less dry. By 0.6–0.5 Ma ago it reached Europe.  相似文献   

A new approach is proposed to obtain quantitative temperature reconstructions from Early and Middle Pleistocene pollen and megafloral records. Utilizing the indicator species concept pioneered by Iversen (1944, Geologiska Föreningen Förhandlingar Stockholm 66, 463–483), the new methodology overcomes the problem of non-analogue plant communities by only taking into account the presence/absence of taxa rather than their relative abundances. Based on the present day thermal tolerances of the taxa from a fossil assemblage, the temperature interval in which all taxa from this assemblage can coexist is determined. A databank containing the climate tolerances of 85 taxa from European pollen records was established. To increase the temperature resolution of the method, procedures were developed to assess the most likely intervals for the actual temperatures within the calculated common thermospheres and the routine evaluation of the mean temperatures of the warmest and coldest months (MTW and MTC). After calibrating the approach on modern assemblages, it was applied to Tiglian and Holsteinian pollen sequences from Lieth (northern Germany) and Lac du Bourget (northern French Alps). For both records the method yields detailed temperature reconstructions of temperate and cold episodes. During the coldest episode of the Lieth section, the MTC may have been as low as −16°C. Corresponding MTW values range from 14.5 to 21°C, thus testifying to a strong continentality at that time. During the warmest period reconstructed for the Lieth section, the MTC was similar to the value as measured in the area today (1.5°C), whereas the MTW was probably higher than at present (20.1°C). For the coldest interval from the Lac du Bourget pollen sequence, the reconstructed MTC values reach a minimum of −15°C. Corresponding MTW values range from 15 to 22°C, again implying a strong continentality. For the warmest period our approach yields MTC values between −2 and 2°C and MTW values between 16.5 and 22°C. For both records, the resolution for the MTW and MTC reaches 1.5 and 2.5°C, respectively.  相似文献   

Large areas in western China were wetlands or less arid between 40 and 30 ka, corresponding to the “Greatest Lake Period” on the adjacent Tibetan Plateau. During the last glacial maximum, some of these western Chinese deserts again experienced wetter conditions; however, at the same time the sandy lands in the eastern Chinese desert belt experienced an activation of aeolian dunes. While interpretations of the mid-Holocene environment in the deserts of China are controversial, it is quite likely that it was more humid not only in the eastern areas influenced by monsoon climate systems but also in the western deserts where moisture is currently associated with westerlies. Evaluation of lacustrine records in the lakes recharged by dryland rivers and the complex interactions of these systems, as well as other paleoenvironmental proxies such as the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio, should be interpreted with greater caution. Facing the highlighted uncertainties in our understanding of climate changes in Chinese deserts, it is hoped that this special issue will improve our knowledge considerably.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of the Pleistocene mammal assemblages of Eastern Europe have been carried out for more than a century, and they elucidated evolutionary changes and ascertained chronological sequence of the faunas. The available evidence on fossil mammals from Eastern Europe allows differentiation of 7 complexes of large mammals. These complexes represent 15 assemblages and their phases distinguished for small mammals. The appearance of new taxa of different rank provides the basis for identification of the principal stages in mammal evolution. Multi-disciplinary studies of fossil mammal localities have made it possible to correlate theriological data with the main events of the Pleistocene (such as glacials and interglacials) by comparison between geological, geochronological and palaeontological data.Interglacial and periglacial mammal faunas of different age have been defined on the basis of their structural characteristics and geographical distribution. Two types of mammal assemblages are recognised: zonal interglacial and periglacial assemblages specific to glacial periods. In the first type, each zonal assemblage is dominated by a single ecological group of mammals. A distinctive feature of the second type is the co-existence of animals belonging to different ecological groups and inhabiting different natural environments.  相似文献   

Significant changes in moisture have occurred in the subtropical Andes over the last 20,000 years as evidenced by shorelines of high lake stands and extensive glacial moraines. Lakes with sediment records that reflect these moisture changes are present in some valleys where headwalls are below the snowline elevation reached during the latest Pleistocene glacial culmination (14,000–12,000 BP). One such lake, Laguna Kollpa Kkota, which is located on the western slope of the eastern cordillera in Bolivia, has basal radiocarbon dates of about 20,000 BP. The snowline reconstruction for this site confirms earlier work in the region that suggests late Pleistocene snowline depression was less than 500 m, or half the amount generally considered for low-latitude regions during the last glacial maximum. The sediment stratigraphy from Laguna Kollpa Kkota indicates that sediment accumulation and organic carbon deposition increased significantly from 14,000 to 12,600 BP. This increase in sedimentation may have resulted from greater inwash to the lake and higher productivity In the lake itself as a result of higher lake levels. These changes could reflect the postulated late Pleistocene increase in precipitation that led to the formation of Lago Tauca on the Altiplano and to glacial advances in the surrounding cordillera.  相似文献   

东昆仑山区更新世植被与环境变化的孢粉学证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆仑山垭口羌塘组和三岔河组的孢粉分析表明,羌塘高原的干旱环境在早更新世时已经确立,孢粉反映的古气候以干湿变化为主,冷暖变化不明显,可能与青藏高原隆起有关,在2~1.8 Ma BP,羌塘高原的古植被是以麻黄、藜科、蒿等为主的荒漠或草原荒漠植被,1.8~1.3 Ma BP气候变得比较温和稍湿,古植被演变成草原植被,在1~0.68 Ma BP,本区在构造抬升和冰期气候控制之下植被极不发育,0.68~0.65 Ma BP可能为一小间冰段,古植被为蒿、藜科、麻黄和众多草本植物组成的草原植被,羌塘组和三岔河组缺失650~350 ka BP的沉积,可能仍为荒漠植被,倒数第二次间冰期时期,在三岔河组的沟谷里可能生长着云、冷杉组成的暗针叶林、随的,古气温明显变干,针叶林消失,60 ka BP之后,气候进一步变干,古植被又演变成荒漠植被。  相似文献   

Grain-size analyses, coupled with end-member modelling, have been performed on the terrigenous fraction of two Leg 184 Ocean Drilling Program sites (1144 and 1146) from the South China Sea. The grain-size distributions over the last 1.8 Ma enable a new interpretation of their connections to sea-level variations and East Asian monsoon strength. Previous investigations in this area have associated grain-size variability with enhanced eolian input during glacial stages. End-member modelling downgrades the importance of this eolian contribution and indicates that the sediments can be described as a mixture of three end-members: fluvial mud inputs, shelf reworking and river mouth migration. Grain-size variations in the Pleistocene section of the cores indicate a multiple-stage evolution: (i) from 1.8 to 1.25 Ma, the downcore grain-size variations are low but show a correspondence between monsoon rainfall intensity and the fine grain-sized fluvial inputs; no link with sea-level variations is noticeable; (ii) from 1.25 to 0.9 Ma, there is an increase (decrease) in the intermediate (fine) end-member (∼ 100 kyr cycle) that is associated with the onset of a stronger summer monsoon and modest shelf reworking; (iii) from 0.9 to 0 Ma the grain-size record is dominated by global sea-level variations; each glacial stage is associated with extensive shelf reworking and conveyance of coarse particles to the basin.  相似文献   

The dating of the Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) eruption to 37,000 cal yr B.P. draws attention to the coincidence of this volcanic catastrophe and the suite of coeval, Late Pleistocene biocultural changes that occurred within and outside the Mediterranean region. These included the Middle to Upper Paleolithic cultural transition and the supposed change from Neanderthal to “modern” Homo sapiens anatomy, a subject of sustained debate. No less than 150 km3 of magma were extruded in the CI eruption, the signal of which can be detected in Greenland ice cores. As widespread discontinuities in archaeological sequences are observed at or following the CI event, a significant interference with ongoing human processes in Mediterranean Europe is hypothesized.  相似文献   

The Early Jurassic period was characterized by extreme environmental changes, as reflected by major global carbon isotope anomalies and abrupt changes in oxygen isotope and elemental records of marine organisms. Available data suggest an overall warm Early Jurassic climate interrupted by periods of severe cooling, with a climatic optimum during the early Toarcian. Available geochemical studies, however, have mainly focused on the northern margin of the Tethys Ocean, so that the palaeogeographic extent of these environmental perturbations, latitudinal palaeotemperature gradients and climate belt boundaries remain poorly constrained. Here we report the first stable isotope records of brachiopod shells (δ13C and δ18O values) from the Upper Sinemurian-Middle Toarcian interval in the southern margin of the Tethys Ocean (northwest Algeria). These data were used to better constrain the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the North Gondwana margin during the Early Jurassic, which likely played an important role on supra-regional climate. The diagenetic history of the analysed brachiopod shells was monitored using scanning electron microscopy, and elemental (manganese and strontium) compositions. The brachiopod δ13C and δ18O data show very similar trends as those reported for various Tethyan regions, and record negative carbon and oxygen isotope excursions near the SinemurianPliensbachian and PliensbachianToarcian transitions and during the Toarcian oceanic anoxic event (T-OAE). Despite these similarities, the carbon and oxygen isotope records are systematically offset towards more positive δ13C values (average +0.5‰) and more negative δ18O values (−1.0‰) compared to those obtained from sites of higher palaeolatitudes in the northern Tethyan margin. These offsets suggest a spatial heterogeneity in the stable isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Early Jurassic Ocean and a marked latitudinal temperature gradient between the southern and northern margins of the Tethys.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene radiolarian assemblages were examined in two cores (V24-58 and RC11-209) from the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, using Nigrini's 1970 method of recurrent group analysis. The radiolarian “climatic index” curves obtained by this analysis were in close agreement with fluctuations in carbonate levels established previously for the same cores. This correspondence suggests that equatorial radiolarian assemblages changed significantly in response to Pleistocene climatic oscillations. The radiolarian “climatic indices” of the two cores showed close agreement with each other. Our data indicate that equatorial radiolarian assemblages may prove useful for regional correlations between cores, and for paleoclimatic interpretations.  相似文献   

The paper summarises materials on the mammal remains in northeastern Europe, dated by radiocarbon. Altogether, 23 local faunas of small mammals and 47 local faunas of large mammals were analysed. Multidimensional statistical analysis shows a strong correlation between changes in small mammal fauna composition and climate changes throughout time. The correlations with the spatial gradients, however, are less pronounced. The faunas are classified into three groups: (1) faunas of Holocene age; (2) Late Pleistocene ‘stadial’ assemblages; and (3) Late Pleistocene ‘interstadial’ assemblages. In some cases, changes in species abundance are better understood in terms of biotic interrelations rather than of climatic effects. The most pronounced change in small mammal fauna composition and structure occurred at the Preboreal/Boreal boundary, and a less conspicuous alteration took place at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. The most noticeable transformation in the large mammal fauna composition is dated to the early Holocene. Less significant changes are observed at the Middle Weichselian/LGM transition and at the LGM/Lateglacial transition. It is safely concluded that variations in the faunas of small and large mammals recorded in NE Europe during the last 35 000 years occurred synchronously and unidirectionally.  相似文献   

Early and Middle Pleistocene landscapes of eastern England   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper reviews the pattern of climate and environmental change in eastern England over the period of the Early and Middle Pleistocene, focussing especially upon northern East Anglia. Particular attention is given to the climate and tectonics that have brought about these changes and the distinctive geology, topography and biology that has developed. Throughout, an attempt is made to describe the new models that have been proposed for the Early and Middle Pleistocene of eastern England, and explain the reasons for these changes. The Early Pleistocene experienced relatively high insulation and relatively low magnitude climatic change and is represented primarily by non-climatically forced processes in the form of tidal current- and wave-activity which formed shallow marine deposits. It is possible to recognise a tectonic control in the distribution of deposits of this age because the surface processes do not have the power to remove this signature. The early Middle Pleistocene was dominated by higher magnitude climatic change involving, occasionally, climatic extremes that ranged from permafrost to mediterranean. The landscape at this time was dominated by the behaviour of major rivers (Thames, Bytham, Ancaster) and extensive coastal activity. In the latter part of the early Middle Pleistocene and the Late Middle Pleistocene the climate experienced major changes which resulted in periods of lowland glaciation and short intervals when the climate was warmer than the present. Details of tectonic activity are difficult to identify because they are removed by powerful surface processes, but it is possible to infer uplift focussed on the major interfluves of central England and subsidence in the North Seas basin. In the areas of glaciation the landscape changed radically from an organised terrain dominated by large rivers and extensive shallow coastal zones to complex, with small valleys, disrupted drainage and often discontinuous river, slope and coastal deposits. Likewise the switching off of the North Sea Delta and the opening of the Strait of Dover, separating Britain from continental Europe can be attributed to the onset of lowland glaciation. The case is made that eastern England was glaciated four times during the Middle Pleistocene: during MIS 16, 12, 10 and 6, and attention is given to recent evidence contradicting this model. Over the period of the Middle Pleistocene there is evidence for high biomass production occurring over short intervals coinciding with the climatic optima of MIS 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, and 7c, 7a and during most of these warmer periods, extending back to c. 750 ka (MIS 19/17), there is evidence in the region for the brief appearance of humans.  相似文献   

Early Pleistocene vegetation in upland southeastern Australia included diverse rainforests and sclerophyll forests, which alternated on precessional timescales. The nature and timing of transitions between these biomes, and the role of fire in maintaining or driving transitions between them, are uncertain. Here we present a high‐resolution pollen record from Stony Creek Basin, a small Early Pleistocene palaeolake in southeastern Australia. The pollen record documents a pattern of vegetation change, over ca. 10 ka at ca. 1590–1600 ka, between sclerophyll forests, dominated by Eucalyptus, Callitris (Cupressaceae) or Casuarinaceae, and rainforests dominated by either angiosperms or conifers of the family Podocarpaceae. Transitions between these biomes typically occurred within ca. 1–2 ka. The associated charcoal record suggests that greatest biomass combustion occurred when local vegetation was dominated by Eucalyptus, and the least biomass combustion occurred when local vegetation was dominated by Podocarpaceae. However, local fires burnt in both sclerophyll and angiosperm‐dominated rainforest vegetation, at least once every several centuries. Fire was very rare (less than about one fire per millennium) only when the local vegetation was rainforest dominated by Podocarpaceae. This suggests that fire was an irregular presence in both sclerophyll‐ and angiosperm‐dominated rainforest biomes during the late Neogene, though was largely absent in Podocarpaceae‐dominated rainforests. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An isotope-geochronological study of young magmatism in the central part of the Greater Caucasus (Kazbek neovolcanic area) on the territory of Russia and Georgia has been carried out. It was proved for the first time that, in the Early Pleistocene, there was a separate impulse of magmatic activity in this area. The area of endogenic activity for the period identified was contoured on the basis of the integrated isotope-geochronological, petrological-geochemical, and geological data. It has been shown that the Early Pleistocene volcanism inherits the area of Neogene volcanism in the Kazbek region and, therefore, presents the final impulse of the second (Pliocene) stage of the Late Cenozoic magmatism. Thus, Early Pleistocene volcanism was not a precursor of Late Quaternary magmatism as the latter has other spatial patterns of the location of volcanic centers.  相似文献   

This paper links research questions in Quaternary geology with those in Palaeolithic archaeology. A detailed geological reconstruction of The Netherlands' south‐west offshore area provides a stratigraphical context for archaeological and palaeontological finds. Progressive environmental developments have left a strong imprint on the area's Palaeolithic record. We highlight aspects of landscape evolution and related taphonomical changes, visualized in maps for critical periods of the Pleistocene in the wider southern North Sea region. The Middle Pleistocene record is divided into two palaeogeographical stages: the pre‐Anglian/Elsterian stage, during which a wide land bridge existed between England and Belgium even during marine highstands; and the Anglian/Elsterian to Saalian interglacial, with a narrower land bridge, lowered by proglacial erosion but not yet fully eroded. The Late Pleistocene landscape was very different, with the land bridge fully dissected by an axial Rhine–Thames valley, eroded deep enough to fully connect the English Channel and the North Sea during periods of highstand. This tripartite staging implies great differences in (i) possible migration routes of herds of herbivores as well as hominins preying upon them, (ii) the erosion base of axial and tributary rivers causing an increase in the availability of flint raw materials and (iii) conditions for loess accumulation in northern France and Belgium and the resulting preservation of Middle Palaeolithic sites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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