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《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(7-8):979-1003
This paper presents paleoecological analyses of 48 fossil arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii) middens (nests and caches) recovered from ice-rich loess sediments in the Klondike region of west-central Yukon Territory. AMS radiocarbon dates and stratigraphic association of middens with Dawson tephra (∼25 300 14C yr BP), indicate these paleoecological data reflect the onset of glacial conditions of early Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and terminal MIS 3 (∼24 000–29 450 14C yr BP). Plant macrofossils include at least 60 plant taxa, including diverse graminoids (Poa, Elymus trachycaulus, Kobresia myosuroides), steppe forbs (Penstemon gormanii, Anemone patens var. multifida, Plantago cf. canescens), tundra forbs (Draba spp., Bistorta vivipara), dwarf shrubs (Salix cf. arctica, S. cf. polaris), sage (Artemisia frigida) and rare trees (Picea mariana). Many of these taxa identified in the middens represent the first recorded fossils for these plants in Eastern Beringia and add to our knowledge of the floristic composition of Pleistocene vegetation and biogeography in this region. Fossil beetles include typical members of the Eastern Beringian steppe–tundra fauna (Lepidophorus lineaticollis and Connatichela artemisiae) and others suggesting predominantly dry, open habitats. Cache forage selection is suggested by some plant taxa which were particularly frequent and abundant in the middens (Bistorta vivipara, Kobresia myosuroides, Ranunculus spp., Potentilla, Erysimum cf. cheiranthoides, Poa, Carex and Draba). Factors such as proximity of vegetation to burrows and abundance of fruits and seeds per plant were probably important in cache selection. Glacial conditions enabled arctic ground squirrels to form widespread and dense populations in regions such as the Klondike in which they are rare or absent at present. This fossil midden record supports previous hypotheses that suggest arctic ground squirrels evolved in and are well-adapted to the open, steppe–tundra vegetation, loessal soils and glacial climates of the mammoth-steppe biome.  相似文献   

A new species of ground squirrel, Citellus (Citellus) tologoicus, is described from the middle Eopleistocene of Mount Tologoy, West Transbaykalia, and its relationships discussed. --C. E. Ray.  相似文献   

The New Siberian Islands archipelago is one of the few research objects accessible for direct study on the eastern Arctic shelf. There are several models that have different interpretations of the Paleozoic tectonic history and the structural affinity of the New Siberian Islands terrane. Some infer a direct relationship with the passive continental margin of the Siberian paleocontinent. Others connect it with the marginal basins of Baltica and Laurentia, or the Chukotka-Alaska microplate. Our paleomagnetic investigation led us to create an apparent polar wander path for the early Paleozoic interval of geological history. Based on it we can conclude that the New Siberian Islands terrane could not have been a part of these continental plates. This study considers the possible tectonic scenarios of the Paleozoic history of the Earth, presents and discusses the corresponding global reconstructions describing the paleogeography and probable mutual kinematics of the terranes of the Eastern Arctic.  相似文献   

Stages in evolution of the Early Jurassic to Aalenian foraminifers and ostracodes are established based on the analyzed diversity dynamics of respective microfauna associations. Evolution of foraminifers is divided in two, the Hettangian-initial early Toarcian and the late early Toarcian-Aalenian stages, while the identical first stage in evolution of ostracodes has been followed by the late early Toarcian-Callovian stage. During the Jurassic, periodic migrations of foraminiferal and ostracod genera and species, which were interrelated with large transgressions and climatic changes, took place in the initial late and mid-late Pliensbachian, initial early Toarcian, and the late Toarcian-early Aalenian. Being isolated to the maximum extent in the second half of the late Aalenian, the Arctic basin lost connections with seas of northwestern Europe. The Early Jurassic to Aalenian biogeography of the Arctic basin is established based on the results of cluster analysis (group average link method, Jaccard coefficient, presence or absence of foraminifers and ostracodes genera) with due account for preceding and subsequent formation history of microbenthos structure in biochores. The distinguished biochores are ranked as realms and provinces of foraminifers and ostracodes. As is established, contours of the realms and provinces populated by different groups of microbenthos did not coincide and changed with time. Ecotones between the realms (e.g., the North Sea province) changed their localitization to be a part of the Arctic or Boreal Atlantic realms in different epochs. The Early-Middle Jurassic sedimentary successions of the Arctic basins reveal several levels of sharp taxonomic changes in composition of microbenthos under influence of the first-order abiotic factors.  相似文献   

Lake development at Sokli, northern Finland, is traced through the analysis of diatoms and other siliceous micro-fossils in a 2-meter thick minerogenic, laminated clay-silt deposit dated to the early part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3. Fluctuating water levels and changes in lake extent depicted by the siliceous micro-fossil record, together with lithology, suggest that an important part of the sediment sequence was deposited in a glacial lake. The proxy-based glacial lake evolution is tested using a Digital Elevation Model and geomorphologic evidence including eskers dated to the early MIS 3 Tulppio Interstadial at Sokli. Despite the apparent ice-dammed nature of the lake, the sediment is relatively rich in fossils and there are limited signs of re-deposition of older fossil material. The siliceous micro-fossil record together with data from other proxies previously analysed in the same sediment samples provides a coherent picture of past environmental changes around the Sokli site. This is most probably due to the sheltered position of the coring-site in a lake embayment. Quantitative climate reconstructions based on the diatom record show mean July air temperatures as high as present-day values at Sokli, and the temperature ranges indicated by the diatom record are in agreement with temperature reconstructions based on chironomids. The position of Sokli in the northeastern portion of the central area of the Scandinavian glaciations and the northern retreat pattern implies that an important part of eastern Fennoscandia was deglaciated during the early MIS 3 warming event.  相似文献   

The Gervais Formation of northwestern Minnesota is the oldest known Quaternary stratigraphic unit in the Red River Valley. Wood from the fossiliferous silt and peat member is > 46,900 yr old. The age of the unit is uncertain but may be early Wisconsinan. A well-preserved beetle assemblage consisting of extant species is described from the fossiliferous horizon. Presently, most of the species are widely distributed and occur in Minnesota. The remainder have restricted northern distributions. Included in this group is the weevil Vitavitus thulius, known only from two localities in Northwest Territories. The sedimentary environment indicated by the beetles was a small lake, rich in aquatic and semi-aquatic vegetation. The margins were characterized by open areas and spruce woodland. Species with arctic-alpine distributions indicate a cold environment, but whether it was regional or local in extent could not be determined. If regional, a climate similar to that of the tundra-forest transition zone is postulated with mean July temperatures in the range 11° to 14°C. If the cold environment was restricted, however, the climate may have been similar to that of the Lake Superior region with a mean July temperature of 17°C.  相似文献   

Only fragmentary biostratigraphical interstadial data exist from northern European high latitudes. The palaeoenvironmental interpretations for the early part of the Last Glaciation in northern Fennoscandia are mainly based on palynological evidence that suggests open birch woodland and a sub-arctic climate. Plant macrofossils from the Sokli sediment sequence in Finnish Lapland provide different evidence of interstadial climate conditions. The assemblage includes several species that currently have considerably more southern distribution ranges. This indicates that ca 100,000 years ago summer temperatures were warmer than today. The mean minimum July temperature may have been as high as 16 °C and the effective temperature sum may have been 1000 in day-degree units (d.d.), the modern values being 13 °C and 650 d.d., respectively. The contemporary astronomical forcing mechanisms may have resulted in a weaker north–south temperature gradient and a longer growing period, creating more favourable climate conditions compared with today.  相似文献   

A deeply buried horizon containing mint‐condition flint artefacts was discovered in 2006 during archaeological investigations in advance of major roadworks near Dartford, Kent, in southeast England. The context of the artefacts and the freshness of their condition suggest this horizon represents a buried occupation surface. Optically stimulated luminescence dating places this horizon in the period Marine Isotope Stage 5d–5b, early in the British Devensian glaciation. This paper describes details of the artefacts, their context and dates, and outlines how this apparent occupation fits in with the wider pattern of Neanderthal settlement in Britain and northwest Europe in the later Pleistocene. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Massive ice incorporating till beds and scattered erratic clasts exposed in a bimodal thaw slide displayed an association with the surrounding fluvioglacial and flow-till facies indicative of a consanguineous relationship. The massive ice cores a low ridge interpreted as a recessional moraine feature paralleling the Last Glacial Maximum advance limit. Both ice and sand wedges penetrate the massive ice and their tops are truncated by a thaw unconformity overlain by a diamicton. In a permafrost environment, relict glacial ice can persist for many millennia, and the timing of the thaw is largely determined by the vagaries of erosional processes. The age of related kettle landforms can display considerable diachronism.  相似文献   

Wood rat (Neotoma) deposits preserved in dry rock shelters have radiocarbon ages extending from close to the present to >40,000 BP, thus providing elaborate samples of changing vegetation during the climatic shifts of the late Pleistocene and Holocene. The established record extends geographically from Oregon and Wyoming (at 45°N) south to Baja California, Sonora, and to Tehuacan (at 18°N) in southern Mexico. Several hundred ancient middens have been uncovered, and over 130 have been radiocarbon-dated.There are about 20 extant species of Neotoma with a combined range extending from the Yukon and New England to Nicaragua and Florida. Hence, a wider application for the method seems likely, wherever dry caves favor preservation. The acquisitive rats accumulate an incredibly detailed inventory of the local flora and fauna within a small home range, measured at about 100 m or less in radius. The biomass spectrum of a modern wood rat deposit was compared with associated pollen spectra and source vegetation. The most dominant arborescent species, as determined by a quantitative study of the local vegetation, were proportionately represented in the midden, but not in the pollen rain. Less dominant species were variable in proportionality.A novel approach to the comparative ecological physiology of long-dead plants has been demonstrated with macrofossils from ancient wood rat deposits. The ratio of the stable isotopes of carbon (13C/12C) is more altered from the atmospheric proportion during CO2 fixation by C3 plants than it is by the different (PEP) carboxylating enzyme of heliophile or xerophytic, C4 or CAM plants. Mass spectrometry of the carbon of macrofossils enables the distinction to be made in the past.The desiccated, allelochemic urine, or amberat, indurates and preserves the middens by cementing the loose debris of macrofossils into a tough, coherent mass of surprising strength and rigidity, that adheres tenaciously to rock surfaces. Water softens the most indurated middens by dissolving the crystallized urine, causing them to dislodge and to fall apart; it also removes the osmotic and allelochemic deterrent to decay by fungi, or to consumption by termites, crickets, or other decomposing herbivores. A secure position in a dry rock shelter is therefore essential to preservation of the macrofossils for time periods on the order of 104 years. Attrition with time is seen in the frequency distribution of radiocarbon dates obtained on 132 Neotoma middens. The distribution is skewed toward the end of the Wisconsin glacial and the Holocene, and there is a decline in frequency with age. Cave erosion, including destructive rockfalls and new crevices that admit seepage and cause deterioration and dislodgement of the middens, is probably the main factor in the progressive attrition with increasing age.  相似文献   

A complex of glacial landforms on northeastern Victoria Island records diverse flows within the waning late Wisconsinan Laurentide Ice Sheet over an area now divided by marine straits. Resolution of this ice flow pattern shows that dominant streamlined landforms were built by three radically different ice flows between 11,000 and 9000 BP. Subsequent to the glacial maximum, the marine-based ice front retreated at least 300 km to reach northeast Victoria Island by 10,400 BP. Disequilibration at the rapidly retreating margin induced minor surges on western Storkerson Peninsula (Flow 1). Next, a readvance into Hadley Bay transported 10,300 BP shells, while a major ice stream over eastern Storkerson Peninsula (Flow 2) remoulded till into a drumlin field several hundred kilometres long and at least 80 km wide until flow ceased prior to 9600 BP. The ice stream surged into Parry Channel, covering 20,000 km2 with the Viscount Melville Sound Ice Shelf. Finally, Flow 2 drumlins on the northwest shore of M'Clintock Channel were cross-cut c . 9300 BP by advance of the grounded margin of a buoyant glacier (Flow 3), possibly an analogue of Flow 2 displaced farther south.  相似文献   


基于对中国第七次北极考察在西北冰洋获得的ARC7-LIC岩芯上部1 m(加拿大海盆近阿尔法脊一侧)自MIS 8期(约300 ka)以来的粘土矿物和全样Sr-Nd-Pb同位素的分析,判断北冰洋中心沉积物源的变化及其所反映的冰盖和表层洋流的演化。结果显示:在MIS 8、MIS5.4、MIS5.1、MIS3期中期冰筏事件以及末次冰消期,北美劳伦冰盖生长规模较大,研究区域的沉积被北美物源主导;相对地,MIS 6、MIS4期的沉积由西伯利亚物源-穿极流模式主导,反映了欧亚大陆冰盖的大规模发育。同时,研究区域在MIS 7、MIS5期的间冰期/间冰阶的沉积也与MIS 3、MIS1期的沉积有所区别。MIS 7、MIS5期的间冰期/间冰阶表现为西伯利亚物源以及穿极流控制下的沉积,而MIS 3期和全新世则表现为北美物源以及波弗特环流作用下的沉积特征,这一差异说明中-晚第四纪间冰阶段北冰洋表层洋流的位置在晚更新世前后发生了变迁。


Botanical analyses of fossil and modern arctic ground squirrel (Urocitellus parryii) caches and nests have been used to reconstruct the past vegetation from some parts of Beringia, but such archives are understudied in Alaska. Five modern and four fossil samples from arctic ground squirrel caches and nests provide information on late Pleistocene vegetation in Eastern Beringia. Modern arctic ground squirrel caches from Alaska's arctic tundra were dominated by willow and grass leaves and grass seeds and bearberries, which were widespread in the local vegetation as confirmed by vegetation surveys. Late Pleistocene caches from Interior Alaska were primarily composed of steppe and dry tundra graminoid and herb seeds. Graminoid cuticle analysis of fossil leaves identified Calamagrostis canadensis, Koeleria sp. and Carex albonigra as being common in the fossil samples. Stable carbon isotopes analysis of these graminoid specimens indicated that plants using the C3 photosynthetic pathways were present and functioning with medium to high water-use efficiency. Fossil plant taxa and environments from ground squirrel caches in Alaska are similar to other macrofossil assemblages from the Yukon Territory, which supports the existence of a widespread mammoth steppe ecosystem type in Eastern Beringia that persisted throughout much of the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Korago  E. A.  Kovaleva  G. N.  Schekoldin  R. A.  Il’in  V. F.  Gusev  E. A.  Krylov  A. A.  Gorbunov  D. A. 《Geotectonics》2022,56(2):123-156
Geotectonics - Our study considers the structure and tectonics of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, located in the west Russian Arctic and part of the Eurasian Arctic: (i) the age of the Pre-Paleozoic...  相似文献   

《Quaternary Science Reviews》2007,26(17-18):2090-2112
The geomorphology and morphostratigraphy of numerous worldwide sites reveal the relative movements of sea level during the peak of the Last Interglaciation (Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5e, assumed average duration between 130±2 and 119±2 ka). Because sea level was higher than present, deposits are emergent, exposed, and widespread on many stable coastlines. Correlation with MIS 5e is facilitated by similar morphostratigraphic relationships, a low degree of diagenesis, uranium–thorium (U/Th) ages, and a global set of amino-acid racemization (AAR) data. This study integrates information from a large number of sites from tectonically stable areas including Bermuda, Bahamas, and Western Australia, and some that have experienced minor uplift (∼2.5 m/100 ka), including selected sites from the Mediterranean and Hawaii. Significant fluctuations during the highstand are evident at many MIS 5e sites, revealed from morphological, stratigraphic, and sedimentological evidence. Rounded and flat-topped curves derived only from reef tracts are incomplete and not representative of the entire interglacial story. Despite predictions of much different sea-level histories in Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Western Australia due to glacio- and hydro-isostatic effects, the rocks from these sites reveal a nearly identical record during the Last Interglaciation.The Last Interglacial highstand is characterized by several defined sea-level intervals (SLIs) that include: (SLI#1) post-glacial (MIS 6/5e Termination II) rise to above present before 130 ka; (SLI#2) stability at +2 to +3 m for the initial several thousand years (∼130 to ∼125 ka) during which fringing reefs were established and terrace morphology was imprinted along the coastlines; (SLI#3) a brief fall to near or below present around 125 ka; (SLI#4) a secondary rise to and through ∼+3–4 m (∼124 to ∼122 ka); followed by (SLI#5) a brief period of instability (∼120 ka) characterized by a rapid rise to between +6 to +9 m during which multiple notches and benches were developed; and (SLI#6) an apparently rapid descent of sea level into MIS 5d after 119 ka. U/Th ages are used to confirm the Last Interglacial age of the deposits, but unfortunately, in only two cases was it possible to corroborate the highstand subdivisions using radiometric ages.Sea levels above or at present were relatively stable during much of early MIS 5e and the last 6–7 ka of MIS 1, encouraging a comparison between them. The geological evidence suggests that significant oceanographic and climatic changes occurred thereafter, midway through, and continuing through the end of MIS 5e. Fluctuating sea levels and a catastrophic termination of MIS 5e are linked to the instability of grounded and marine-based ice sheets, with the Greenland (GIS) and West Antarctic (WAIS) ice sheets being the most likely contributors. Late MIS 5e ice volume changes were accompanied by oceanographic reorganization and global ecological shifts, and provide one ominous scenario for a greenhouse world.  相似文献   

We present a multi‐proxy reconstruction from a well‐preserved vegetation surface (ca. 32 000 14C a BP) from the Fox Permafrost tunnel near Fairbanks, Alaska. A thick litter layer of plant material on the vegetation surface is consistent with the vegetation lacking evidence of disturbance. Plant macrofossils and graminoid cuticle analysis show the presence of a graminoid assemblage consistent with phytolith data. The pollen data indicate that trees were not local to the site and that Artemisia sp. was present in the region. The insect and bryophyte reconstructions are consistent with the vascular plant reconstruction, indicating the site was at least periodically wet. δ13C values from the graminoids present show a large range encompassing both the wet and dry range displayed by modern graminoids in Alaska. Sequential δ13C analyses conducted along the length of leaves attached to the vegetation surface indicate a seasonal shift towards relatively higher water use efficiency. The lower water use efficiency earlier in the growing season may have stemmed from the use of winter season meltwater by plants at the site – a scenario consistent with the site's cryostratigraphy. Our multi‐proxy reconstruction contributes to the limited palaeoecological data available for graminoid‐dominated vegetation present in Eastern Beringia and particularly the interior of Alaska during the mid‐Wisconsinan interstadial. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, a new organic geochemical paleothermometer based on the relative abundance of long chain alkyl 1,13- and 1,15-diols, the so-called long chain diol index (LDI), was proposed. Because of its novelty, the proxy has not been reported for sediments older than 43 ka. We therefore determined the LDI for 14 sediment samples from the early Pleistocene between 2.49 and 2.41 Ma, comprising Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 98 to 95, and converted the values to sea surface temperature (SST) estimates to test whether the LDI could be applied or not to the early Quaternary. We show that the long chain diols can be preserved in marine sediments from the early Pleistocene, although at our study site this is limited to periods of increased biomarker accumulation (glacials). Although the results are based on a limited time interval and number of samples, the similarity between LDI-based SST and alkenone-based SST from the same samples suggests that the LDI proxy may have potential for studies covering the entire Quaternary.  相似文献   

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