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柴达木盆地北缘古近纪—新近纪古地理演化*   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
根据野外露头剖面和岩心观察,钻、录井及测井曲线以及地震等资料,研究了柴达木盆地北缘古近系—新近系的沉积相类型和沉积特征,结果表明该区主要发育冲积扇、扇三角洲、辫状河、辫状河三角洲及湖泊等沉积相类型。柴达木盆地北缘的沉积时空展布受盆地基底的构造格架及阿尔金山斜坡带生长逆冲断裂系、北缘逆冲断层和古隆起的联合作用,沉积体系具有多样性。冷湖地区受逆冲断层作用,发育了冲积扇—扇三角洲—湖泊沉积体系;马海—南八仙地区则受逆冲断层和古隆起的双重控制,发育冲积扇—辫状河—辫状河三角洲—湖泊沉积体系。在沉积相分析的基础上对古地理演化进行了系统分析,为下一步的油气勘探工作提供可靠的地质资料。  相似文献   

Uplift of the Tibetan Plateau during the late Cainozoic resulted in a thick apron of molassic sediments along the northern piedmonts of the Kunlun and Altyn Mountains in the southern Tarim Basin. Early Neogene sediments are characterised by sandstone, siltstone and red mudstone, representing floodplain to distal alluvial fan environments. The Early Pliocene Artux Formation consists of medium-grained sandstone and sandy mudstone with thin layers of fine pebbly gritstone. The Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene Xiyu Formation is dominated by pebble to boulder conglomerate typical of alluvial fan debris flow deposits. Sedimentological investigation, together with grain size and chemical analyses of siltstone bands intercalated with sandstone and conglomerate in the Xiyu and Artux Formations, point to an aeolian origin, suggesting desertic conditions in the Tarim Basin by the Early Pliocene. The onset of aeolian sedimentation in the southern Tarim Basin coincided with uplift of the northern Tibetan Plateau inferred from the lithofacies change from fine-grained mudstone and sandstone to coarse clasts. Tibetan Plateau uplift resulted in the shift of sedimentary environments northwards into the southern Tarim Basin, and could well have triggered the onset of full aridity in the Taklimakan region as a whole.  相似文献   

We examined mammal occurrence and variability through the Late Pleistocene vertebrate fossil deposit of Grant Hall in Victoria Fossil Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia. To determine long‐term patterns of change, we compared the composition and relative abundance trends of the assemblage with a nearby Middle Pleistocene deposit in Cathedral Cave. Total species richness did not change through the Grant Hall sequence, dated from 93 ± 8 to 70 ± 5 ka. However, species relative abundances varied between ecologically divergent species, and in some cases between species that demonstrate similar environmental preferences. For some species this variation is comparable to that recorded in Cathedral Cave. Of those showing similar trends between the two deposits, the forest inhabitant, Pseudomys fumeus, recorded an 8.6% decline through Grant Hall, coincident with a 9.7% increase in the dry heath/mallee dweller Pseudomys apodemoides. These patterns indicate that climatic transition from relatively warm, moist to cooler, drier conditions impacted some species in similar ways through climatic cycles of the past. However, the majority of the fauna demonstrated complex responses that are individual and variable through time. Statistical tests of species trends from the Grant Hall assemblage caution that large fossil samples are required to validate patterns observed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Saline groundwater and drainage effluent from irrigation are commonly stored in some 200 natural and artificial saline-water disposal basins throughout the Murray-Darling Basin of Australia. Their impact on underlying aquifers and the River Murray, one of Australia's major water supplies, is of serious concern. In one such scheme, saline groundwater is pumped into Lake Mourquong, a natural groundwater discharge complex. The disposal basin is hydrodynamically restricted by low-permeability lacustrine clays, but there are vulnerable areas in the southeast where the clay is apparently missing. The extent of vertical and lateral leakage of basin brines and the processes controlling their migration are examined using (1) analyses of chloride and stable isotopes of water (2H/1H and 18O/16O) to infer mixing between regional groundwater and lake water, and (2) the variable-density groundwater flow and solute-transport code SUTRA. Hydrochemical results indicate that evaporated disposal water has moved at least 100 m in an easterly direction and that there is negligible movement of brines in a southerly direction towards the River Murray. The model is used to consider various management scenarios. Salt-load movement to the River Murray was highest in a "worst-case" scenario with irrigation employed between the basin and the River Murray. Present-day operating conditions lead to little, if any, direct movement of brine from the basin into the river. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The margin of the Foz do Amazonas Basin saw a shift from predominantly carbonate to siliciclastic sedimentation in the early late Miocene. By this time, the Amazon shelf had also been incised by a canyon that allowed direct influx of sediment to the basin floor, thus confirming that the palaeo‐Amazon fan had already initiated by that time (9.5–8.3 Ma). Above this interval, during a prolonged lowstand, Messinian third‐order sequences are preserved only in the incised‐valley fills of the canyon with no equivalent strata on the shelf. Third‐ and fourth‐order sequences younger than Messinian are preserved on the shelf after sea‐level rise above the shelf by the early Pliocene. Sequences younger than 3.8 Ma often show fourth‐order cyclicity with an average duration of 400 ka (larger scale eccentricity cycles) often preserved in high‐sedimentation‐rate areas of river deltas. Mass wasting and transportation of slope sediments to the basin began to play an important role in sediment dispersal at least as far back as the mid‐Pliocene, after rapid progradation had produced steeper slopes more prone to failure.  相似文献   

以大地构造相研究为主导,以《中国沉积大地构造图(1∶2 500 000)》编图为研究平台,对洋板块地层类型进行了初步划分,简述了中国新元古代以来洋板块地层分布及其构造演化规律。本文阐述了北方的古亚洲洋的洋陆转换从西往东具穿时现象,西部主要在早、晚石炭世之间,东部主要在中、晚二叠世之间;宽坪-佛子岭混杂岩带是华北与扬子之间大洋消亡的产物;中央造山带从北部的祁连-阿尔金到南部的昆仑-秦岭,洋陆转换从北向南依次完成:西昆仑北-阿尔金-祁连-祁曼塔格为晚奥陶世末,西昆仑南-东昆仑-秦岭为早三叠世末;青藏高原中部的龙木错-双湖、班公湖-怒江、昌宁-孟连蛇绿混杂岩带一起构成了原-古特提斯大洋连续演化、分阶段增生至最终消亡的对接带,洋壳持续时代自寒武纪-早白垩世;江绍-郴州-钦防混杂岩带是扬子陆块与华夏增生造山系之间华南洋最终消亡的对接带,主碰撞期是晚奥陶世-早志留世。  相似文献   

The Tyrell catchment lies on the western margin of the Riverine Province in the south-central Murray Basin, one of Australia’s most important groundwater resources. Groundwater from the shallow, unconfined Pliocene Sands aquifer and the underlying Renmark Group aquifer is saline (total dissolved solids up to 150,000 mg/L) and is Na-Cl-Mg type. There is no systematic change in salinity along hydraulic gradients implying that the aquifers are hydraulically connected and mixing during vertical flow is important. Stable isotopes (18O+2H) and Cl/Br ratios indicate that groundwater is entirely of meteoric origin and salts in this system have largely been derived by evapotranspiration of rainfall with only minor halite dissolution, rock weathering (mainly feldspar dissolution), and ion exchange between Na and Mg on clays. Similarity in chemistry of all groundwater in the catchment implies relative consistency in processes over time, independent of any climatic variation. Groundwater in both the Pliocene Sands and Renmark Group aquifers yield ages of up to 25 ka. The Tyrrell Catchment is arid to semi-arid and has low topography. This has resulted in relatively low recharge rates and hydraulic gradients that have resulted in long groundwater residence times.  相似文献   

渤海湾盆地临清坳陷晚古生代古地理特征*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
运用沉积学、地层学、板块构造学等学科理论,分析了临清坳陷晚古生代沉积特征,采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法进行岩相古地理编图,总结出其盆地演化特征。研究结果表明:临清坳陷晚古生代沉积类型主要包括障壁—潟湖沉积、潮坪沉积、碳酸盐岩台地沉积、河控浅水三角洲沉积及曲流河—湖泊沉积。编制5张岩相古地理图,分析发现:本溪期以潮坪相和碳酸盐岩台地相沉积为主;太原期以碳酸盐岩台地相、障壁—潟湖相以及潮坪相沉积为主;山西期以河控浅水三角洲相沉积为主;下石盒子期主要是曲流河道和泛滥平原沉积为主;上石盒子期主要以曲流河与湖泊沉积为主。研究区盆地演化可以划分为3个阶段:第1阶段为晚石炭世至早二叠的本溪期与太原期,主要是陆表海充填沉积阶段;第2阶段为过渡环境沉积充填阶段,即二叠世山西期;第3阶段为陆相环境沉积阶段,包括上石盒子和下石盒子期。  相似文献   

林雨  王俊  罗亮东  李德亮  熊璨  肖明  张赛柯  方瑞泽  杨代峰 《地质论评》2024,70(2):2024020018-2024020018
重庆黔江正阳盆地位于川东南—湘鄂西隔槽式褶皱带中,发育上白垩统正阳组,其1段为冲、洪积相砾岩,2段为河、湖相砂岩、粉砂岩,含丰富的恐龙化石。该盆地是燕山运动在川东南—湘鄂西隔槽式褶皱带中形成的典型山间盆地,研究该盆地的构造—沉积演化对探讨晚白垩世渝东南构造演化具有重要意义,但目前针对该盆地的研究较少。本研究通过测量和分析正阳组中的沉积、构造特征,探讨了盆地的控盆断裂、古水流方向、沉积物来源以及构造演化史。对正阳组古流向恢复的研究表明,其物源主要来自西侧。燕山期,北西—南东向的区域挤压作用在川东南地区形成了广泛分布的节理系及逆冲断层,这些断层随着挤压应力的持续将各滑脱层连通,岩层在断坡附近堆叠,背斜扩展,逐渐形成隔槽式褶皱。燕山末期,渝东南地区在局部拉张的构造背景下发育了正断层——“阿蓬江断裂”,其控制了正阳盆地的形成,并形成“东断西超、东低西高”的古地理格局,西侧地质体为盆地提供物源,沉积了正阳组。此后,局部挤压使得该地区抬升,遭受剥蚀,南侧抬升剥蚀较北侧明显。  相似文献   

毛凤军  刘若涵  刘邦 《地学前缘》2016,23(3):186-197
Termit盆地及其周缘是中西非裂谷中典型的中、新生代裂谷盆地,也是中石油海外最具潜力的风险勘探区,但由于多期构造运动的复杂性,研究区晚白垩世的古地理演化缺乏系统的分析研究。本文将Termit盆地及其周缘作为研究区域,在构造演化的基础上利用地球化学、地层学及地球物理等手段进一步分析了研究区的古沉积环境、古气候及古物源,最终明确了晚白垩世的古沉积演化。研究认为,晚白垩世早期的森诺曼阶(Cenomanian)研究区开始发生海侵,三冬阶(Santonian)时期达到最大海侵范围,之后开始逐渐海退的过程。马斯特里赫特阶(Maastrichtian)时期的区域构造挤压事件使盆地形态发生改变,该构造事件最终以区域不整合结束。地球化学资料、岩性资料以及地震资料综合表明,森诺曼阶(Cenomanian)-三冬阶(Santonian)时期研究区处于偏还原的浅海陆架沉积,属典型的热带气候,接受来自北东向的物源供给;至坎潘阶(Campanian)-马斯特里赫特阶(Maastrichtian)时期,伴随着海平面的下降,研究区由海相沉积逐渐转变为海陆过渡相沉积,且物源主要来自于北东及南西两个方向。本次研究明确了Termit盆地及其周缘在晚白垩世的古沉积演化过程,这为进一步明确研究区的沉积体系及砂体的预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the Neogene tectonic evolution of the Tunisia offshore Gulf of Hammamet basin. Based on seismic and well data, this basin was created during the Miocene and is currently trending NE–SW. During the Neogene, the study area was affected by geodynamic interactions controlled simultaneously by convergence of the Eurasia and Africa plates and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. These interactions generated compressive and extensional regimes which led to a variety of structures and basin inversions.The middle Miocene extensional regime created horst and graben structures (e.g. the Halk El Menzel graben). The two major compressive phases of the Tortonian and post Villafranchian age created different structures such as Ain Zaghouan and Fushia structures and the Jriba trough, and led to the reactivation of the old normal faults as reverse faults. During the Plio-Pleistocene and the Quaternary times, the Gulf of Hammamet was affected by an extensional regime related to the Siculo-Tunisian rift, which led to the development in the area of several sedimentary basins and new normal fault patterns.The Gulf of Hammamet shows several basins ranging in age from the Tortonian to the Quaternary, which display different structural and stratigraphic histories. Two main groups of sedimentary basins have been recognized. The first group has Tortonian–Messinian sedimentary fill, while the second group is largely dominated by Plio-Quaternary sediments. The shortening during the Tortonian and post Villafranchian times has led to the tectonic inversion of these basins. This shortening could be correlated to the Europe–Africa collision.Despite the large number of hydrocarbon discoveries, the Gulf of Hammamet remains under-explored, in particular at deeper levels. This study aims to guide future exploration and to highlight some new play concepts.  相似文献   

Pollen analysis of two radiocarbon-dated cores provides a history of Wyrie Swamp and the surrounding vegetation, and the result compares with other palynological data from southeastern South Australia. Eucalypt (Eucalyptus) forest or woodland with a scrub understory was the major element before about 50,000 years BP, between ca. 40,000 and 30,000 BP, and after ca. 11,000 BP. More open woodland prevailed between ca. 50,000 and 40,000 BP, and between ca. 26,000 and 11,000 BP. Casuarina stricta, common on sand dunes, migrated to the area about 10,500 years ago and remained as a dominant species until the time of European settlement at about 1840 ad. Postglacial expansion of this species implies that the climate since 10,500 years ago has been warmer than in the preceding period. It probably was drier during the period from 50,000 to 10,500 BP than in the Holocene. The driest period was from 26,000 to 11,000 BP, perhaps corresponding to the time of the last glaciation in Australia. The site is archaeologically important, as a number of wood and stone artifacts that date between 10,200 and 8000 BP have been recovered from the swamp sediments.  相似文献   

阿尔金山位于青藏高原北部边缘,在高原隆升和演化过程中扮演着重要的角色。但是,关于它的新生代隆升历史现今仍存在较大的争议。阿尔金山北麓若羌凹陷新生代接受来自山脉的剥蚀物质。因此,凹陷内的沉积特征记录了阿尔金山新生代隆升的重要信息。本文利用石油钻井编录资料及地震剖面,通过对盆地区新生代各个地层之间的接触关系、沉积相组合和沉积速率变化进行研究,结果显示阿尔金山34Ma以来的隆升分为两阶段:第一阶段为34~20.4Ma,持续低速隆升;第二阶段为16Ma至现今,急剧快速隆升。结合前人研究成果,认为渐新世—早中新世,阿尔金断裂作为一个局限在中、下地壳的韧性剪切带造成阿尔金山一带产生大范围的地表隆起,控制了山脉在第一阶段的持续低速隆升;中中新世以来,阿尔金断裂大规模左行走滑,青藏高原北缘主要通过地壳缩短的形式释放应力,控制了山脉在第二阶段的急剧快速隆升。  相似文献   

The Ordovician palaeogeography of southeastern Australia was an east‐facing mafic volcanic island arc separated from the Gondwanan continent by a marginal sea, probably floored by oceanic crust. By mid‐Silurian the palaeogeography had changed to an almost wholly ensialic configuration, with meridional horsts and grabens east of the Wagga Metamorphic Belt and widespread silicic magmatism. By extending a previously postulated match between the modern Andaman Basin and parts of southeastern Australia in the Late Ordovician, the transition from the Late Ordovician to Late Silurian palaeogeography can be explained. The entire Ordovician and Silurian interval can be understood in terms of a relatively simple and constant plate geometry involving southeastern Australia in regional dextral shear.  相似文献   

西昆仑-塔西南坳陷晚古生代以来的沉积构造演化   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
方爱民  马建英  王世刚  赵越  胡健民 《岩石学报》2009,25(12):3396-3406
自柯克亚深层油气勘探取得突破以来,塔西南坳陷一直受到各类地质学家的广泛关注,有关该盆地的形成和演化历史及其油气资源评价近年来更是成为人们的研究热点.本文在总结前人资料的基础上,探讨塔西南和西昆仑地区自晚古生代以来所经历的构造及沉积格架的演变过程,对塔西南坳陷性质及其演化阶段划分所存在的争议进行了归纳,分析了塔西南-西昆仑这一盆山体系形成和演化中的构造变形和沉积记录.总体来说,根据现有沉积和构造变形资料,中生代之前西昆仑和塔西南坳陷分别处于同一构造背景下的不同沉积单元;二者之间盆山体系的形成主要自晚侏罗世-早白垩世,中-上新世是造盆造山作用机制发生重大转折的时期,或者说早更新世末的构造运动基本上奠定了西昆仑.塔里木盆地南缘现今的盆-山构造格架.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is to understand a dramatic avulsion event on the Tisza River. During the Late Pleistocene the river course switched by about 80 km from the east to west of the Great Hungarian Plain (GHP) through the Záhony bend to its present meander belt. The aim of this study is to date this Záhony avulsion: based upon radiocarbon and pollen samples from six cores in the Polgár study area, situated in the west of the GHP at the middle course of the Tisza River. In addition, a grain size composition and heavy mineral analysis has been performed. The results of these analyses reveal a sequence of paleochannels and have been plotted on a high-resolution digital elevation model, illustrating the paleochannel form and age relationships.

The study suggests that the age of this major avulsion event is significantly older than it was previously supposed. Instead of 10 to 11 ka it is, according to our new data, 16–18 ka, and definitely predates the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The river cut into the previous, contiguous surface and formed at least one climatic terrace, then drifted gradually westward as a response to a tilt or the differential subsidence of tectonic origin.  相似文献   

中国东南部中、新生代盆地特征与构造演化   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
中国东南部中、新生代盆地与花岗岩构成了复杂的盆岭镶嵌体系--华南盆岭构造.根据盆地的几何学、运动学、动力学与构造演化特征,将研究区中、新生代盆地划分为类前陆盆地、裂谷盆地和断陷盆地三大类型.对晚三叠世以来各个时代盆地的规模、产状、边界、岩石组合、指相矿物、沉积构造进行了分析.不同时代盆地的特征和重点区段盆区岩层的节理测量-统计结果表明,晚三叠世以来研究区的盆-岭格局至少经历过4期地球动力学演化.该盆-岭体系具有密切的时空和成因联系,二者时间相近,空间相伴,成因相关.研究表明,永定-龙南-始兴是一个中侏罗世陆内裂谷带,武夷山是晚中生代的古地理与气候分隔带,赣江带是晚中生代的火山岩界线.  相似文献   

Multi-element geochemistry and mineralogy are used to characterize the chemical composition, degree of paleo-weathering, provenance and tectonic settings of the Neogene sedimentary rocks of Borneo Basin of east Malaysia. Sedimentary rocks are classified as extremely weathered sandstones (i.e. wacke, arkose, litharenite, Fe-sandstone and quartz arenite). Wacke, arkose, litharenite and Fe-sandstone are characterized by post-depositional K-metasomatism and zircon enrichment through sediment recycling. Geochemical characteristics suggest a mixed-nature provenance for the sandstones and the variable tectonic settings possibly mirror the complexity of the basin. Enriched Cr in quartz arenite and Fe-sandstone are related to the contribution from ophiolite or fractionation of Cr-bearing minerals.  相似文献   

Studies of the Murray River have revealed that its ancestral river system is the result of three separate phases of river activity, each consisting of a degradational and aggradational sub‐phase. To illustrate the relations, certain sections of the rivers were mapped in detail revealing characteristic terrace levels for the various phases. The regional pattern shows that immediately upstream from the Cadell Fault, and for a distance of 100 miles (160 km.) downstream, tectonically induced topographical changes have separated the individual ancestral rivers representative of each phase. Elsewhere, the three rivers are superimposed and follow the same general course. This pattern of separation by diversion also applies to the present rivers so that, in the diverted sector of the river system, old floodplains occur which were deserted by the present river. Initial water logging and salting problems were restricted to these deserted floodplains where they occur in the Irrigation Districts. A relative chronology of Quaternary events has been drawn up.  相似文献   

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