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The recent earthquake sequences of 2012 (northern Italy) and 2013 (Marche offshore) provided new, fundamental constraints to the active tectonic setting of the outer northern Apennines. In contrast to the Po Plain area, where the 2012 northern Italy earthquakes confirmed active frontal thrusting, the new focal mechanisms obtained in this study for the 2013 Marche offshore earthquakes indicate that only minor thrust fault reactivation occurs in the Adriatic domain, even for a theoretically favourably oriented maximum horizontal compression. Recent seismicity in this domain appears to be mainly controlled by transcurrent crustal faults dissecting the Apennine thrust belt. The along-strike stress field variation from the Po Plain to the Adriatic area has been quantitatively investigated by applying the multiple inverse method (MIM) to the analysis of the entire seismicity recorded from January 1976 to August 2014, from the top 12 km of the crust (fault plane solutions from 127 earthquakes with MW  4), allowing us to obtain a comprehensive picture of the state of stress over the outer zone of the fold and thrust belt. The present-day stress field has been defined for 39 cells of 1.5° × 1.5° surface area and 12 km depth. The obtained stress field maps point out that, although the entire outer northern Apennines belt is characterized by a sub-horizontal maximum compressive axis (σ1), the minimum compression (σ3) is sub-vertical only in the Po Plain area, becoming sub-horizontal in the Adriatic sector, thus confirming that the latter region is dominated by an active tectonic regime of strike-slip type.  相似文献   

The active geodynamic setting of the Northern Apennines is characterised by extension in the axial zone of the chain, and by a more complex tectonic behaviour in the frontal part of the belt. In the latter sector, moderate seismicity occurs, displaying compressional, strike-slip and extensional focal plane solutions with variably oriented P and T axes. For this area, a review of available geological and geophysical data has been integrated by the analysis of seismic reflection lines calibrated with deep well logs. This study confirms that, as already suggested by some previous workers, thrusting and related folding in the study area ceased in Early Pleistocene times. This feature is in contrast with the hypothesis of active thrusting related to a subducting lithospheric slab beneath the chain—an issue which is largely debated based on available geophysical information. Our analysis shows that the Northern Apennines are characterised by an active tectonic setting which is similar to that of the central and southern portions of the belt. These areas all display a Late Quaternary inactivity of the thrust front. NE–SW oriented extension (perpendicular to the strike of the orogen) is well established in their axial zones, whereas a less homogeneous stress field characterises their external sectors and the adjacent foreland. Within this framework, the seismotectonic behaviour of the Northern Apennines—and probably of the whole Italian peninsula between the Po Plain and the Southern Apennines (north of the Calabrian Arc)—may be interpreted as essentially controlled by two main processes. The first of them involves tectonic uplift, possibly related with slab detachment and associated unbending of the foreland plate. The second process consists of a present-day northwestward motion of the Adria block with respect to stable Europe.  相似文献   

The numerical block-model of the lithosphere dynamics is used to simulate seismicity in Italy and its surroundings, based on the available structural and geodynamics information. The purpose of the study is to understand which are the tectonic processes that control the main features of the observed seismicity and the kinematics of the region. The influence of the rheology of the fault systems is studied as well. The model we use differs from other modeling approaches in that it simulates earthquakes and hence it possibly relates to seismicity and geodynamics. The model provides an effective capability to include the set of documented constraints supplied by widely available earthquake catalogs. This is done by means of the comparison of the GR relation, of the focal mechanisms and of the space distribution for observed and computed seismicity. The region is modeled as a system of perfectly rigid blocks, separated by infinitely thin fault planes, in viscoelastic interaction between themselves and with the underlying medium. The movement of the boundary blocks and of the underlying medium determines the motion of the blocks. The synthetic seismicity obtained with the defined block-model is similar to the observed one for the most seismically active areas. A linear frequency-magnitude (FM) relation (Gutenberg-Richter law) is obtained for synthetic earthquakes; the slope (b-value) of the FM plot appears larger for the synthetic seismicity than for the observed one. Nevertheless, the b-value is essentially larger in northern and central Italy than that in southern Italy, both in the model and in the observations. The analysis of the source mechanisms of the synthetic earthquakes shows a good agreement with the observations. In the model normal faulting is typical for the Apennines, the eastern edge of Sicily and the Calabrian arc, while reverse faulting takes place at the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea, in the southern Alps and along the eastern edge of the Adria, along the Dinarides. The model correctly reproduces the extension zone along the Apennines and the contraction zone along the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea; the counter-clockwise rotation of the Adria is mimed. The resulting movements of the blocks are in overall agreement with GPS (Global Positioning System) observations. The results of the modeling experiments suggest that the main features of dynamics and seismicity in the central Mediterranean region cannot be satisfactorily explained as a consequence of Africa and Eurasia convergence only; the passive subduction in the Calabrian arc and the different rheology of faults are essential as well.  相似文献   

The Adriatic foreland of the Apennines comes ashore only in Apulia (easternmost Italy). Its southern part, our study area, lacks any structural analysis devoted to define its recent-to-active tectonics. Throughout the Quaternary, this region was affected by mild brittle deformation with rare faults, characterized by small displacement, and widespread extension joints, frequently organized in sets. Therefore, we conducted a quantitative and systematic analysis of the joint sets affecting Quaternary deposits, by applying an inversion technique ad hoc to infer the orientation and ratio of the principal stress axes, R = (σ2 ? σ3)/(σ1 ? σ3). Within a general extensional regime, we recognized three deformational events of regional significance. The oldest event, constrained to the early and middle part of the Middle Pleistocene, is characterized by variable direction of extension and R between 0.64 and 0.99. The penultimate event, dated late Middle Pleistocene, is characterized by an almost uniaxial tension, with a horizontal σ3 striking ~N43°E; R is high, between 0.85 and 0.99. The most recent event is characterized by the lowermost R values, that never exceed 0.47 and are frequently <0.30, indicating a sort of horizontal ‘radial’ extension. This event is not older than the Late Pleistocene and possibly reflects the active stress field still dominating the entire study area.  相似文献   

This volume builds on presentations made at two thematic sessions on “The Active Tectonics of the Circum-Adriatic Region” at the EGU 2007 and 2008 General Assemblies in Vienna. In both sessions, contributions were invited from workers incorporating structural, geophysical, seismological, remote sensing, geodetic and thermochronological methods to better understand the crustal evolution and ongoing development of one of Europe's most interesting tectonic regions. The Adriatic region occupies a central position within the geodynamic framework of the Central Mediterranean. It is surrounded by actively deforming belts of diverse character including transpressional, contractional, strike-slip and extensional domains, collectively defining the structurally complex and kinematically varied boundaries of the Adria plate. Because many countries occupy the circum-Adriatic region, international collaborative research into the tectonic activity and associated natural hazards of the region is relevant and important to European society. In this context, the papers presented in this volume provide important new data that bear on various aspects of the active tectonics of the circum-Adriatic region. These contributions typically draw on multidisciplinary structural, geophysical and geochronological datasets to draw new conclusions concerning the spatial and temporal evolution of Adria's bounding deformation zones, especially the southeastern and southern Italian regions and NE Adriatic region. In this overview, we provide a state-of-the-art summary of different aspects of present-day Adria geodynamics to provide a common background for the individual contributions that follow.  相似文献   

This work provides a structural analysis and a stratigraphic revision of the sedimentary successions of the Ligurian Accretionary Complex (LAC) cropping out in the southern Apennines along the boundary between Campania, Lucania and Calabria regions. Two fold and thrust sets characterize the progressive deformation related to the Early Miocene inclusion of these successions in the tectonic accretionary wedge. A third deformation stage, affecting also the Middle-Upper Miocene unconformable wedge-top basin deposits, is associated to the thrust front eastward migration. In this orogenic phase the Apennine thrust sheet pile, formed by LAC and Apennine Platform Units, tectonically covered the successions located in the westernmost sector of the Lagonegro-Molise Basin. Finally a Pliocene-Middle Pleistocene regional fold set deformed the whole orogenic prism as consequence of a thick-skinned tectonics expressed by means of deeply rooted thrusts in the buried Apulian Platform carbonates. Maghrebian Flysch Basin and LAC successions show a similar stratigraphy indicating continuity between paleogeographic basin domains, as well as between the Paleogene-Lower Miocene succession of Sicilide Unit and the corresponding deposits of Lagonegro-Molise Basin as consequence of drowning of the interposed Panormide Platform starting from the uppermost Cretaceous.  相似文献   

We argue that seismotectonic activity in the Central Mediterranean area and the Aegean–Balkan zone is driven by the NNE-ward motion of Africa and westward motion of Anatolia with respect to Eurasia. These boundary conditions can plausibly and coherently account for E–W shortening and roughly S–N extension in the Aegean domain, thrusting and uplift at the boundary between the Aegean–Balkan system and the Adriatic/Ionian domain (Hellenic trench, Cephalonia fault, Epirus, Albanides and Southern Dinarides), the kinematics of the Adria plate (a large block encompassing the Adriatic continental domain, the northern Ionian zone and Hyblean-Adventure block) and consequently, the complex pattern of deformation recognized at its boundaries. Furthermore, the fact that in our scheme Adria moves almost in connection with Africa is consistent with the lack of an active decoupling zone between Adria and Africa, an evidence that can hardly be reconciled with the kinematics so far proposed for these two plates. The reasons why we adopt an Africa–Eurasia relative motion different from that implied by the popular NUVEL-1 global solution are discussed in detail. Finally, we make some considerations about the possible implications of the presently available geodetic data on the long-term plate kinematics.  相似文献   

The strong earthquake (M = 7) that occurred in the Fucino basin (central Italy) on January 13, 1915 was followed by six earthquakes of M > 5.5 and several other shocks of M > 5 in the major seismic zones of the northern Apennines from 1916 to 1920. This seismicity pattern is consistent with the implications of the present tectonic setting in the study area, which suggests that strong decoupling earthquakes in the central Apennines cause a significant increase of tectonic load, and possibly of seismicity, in the northern Apennines. A numerical simulation, carried out by an elastic-viscous model, of the stress diffusion induced by the Fucino and successive largest earthquakes, shows that each of the above shocks occurred when the respective zone was reached by the highest values of the strain and strain rate perturbation triggered by the previous events. Furthermore, the computed strain regime at each earthquake site is consistent with the known faulting pattern. The results provide important insights into the physical mechanism that controls the interaction of seismic sources in the central and northern Apennines.  相似文献   

The inner Northern Apennines (western Tuscany and Tyrrhenian basin) is characterized by a relatively thin continental crust (∼20–25 km), high heat flow (>100 mW m−2), and the presence of relevant tectonic elision of stratigraphic sequences, a setting known as Serie Ridotta. These features are normally ascribed to an extensional deformation that affected the back-arc area above the subducting Adria plate since the Early-Middle Miocene (∼16 Ma). However, various geophysical studies image the continental crust to be currently affected by W-dipping thrust faults (and associated basement uplifts) that have not been obliterated by this claimed long-lasting extensional process. These observations raise the question whether the thrusts are older or younger than the continental extension. To address this question we have reprocessed and interpreted the deep seismic reflection profile CROP03/c that crosses the onshore hinterland sector, and investigated the structural setting of some of the Late Miocene-Pliocene hinterland basins (Cinigiano-Baccinello, Siena-Radicofani, Tafone, Albegna and Radicondoli basins) that are situated at the front or in-between the basement uplifts. The analysis of field structures and commercial seismic profiles has allowed the recognition that both substratum and basins’ infill have been intensely shortened. These findings and the architecture of the basins suggest that the latter developed under a contractional regime, which would have started around 8.5 Ma with the onset of the continental sedimentation. This compressive stress state followed an earlier phase of continental extension that presumably started at ∼16 Ma (with the blocking of the Corsica-Sardinia rotation), and thinned both the continental crust and sedimentary cover producing most of the Serie Ridotta. The main phases of basin shortening are bracketed between 7.5 and 3.5 Ma, and thus overlap with the increase in the exhumation rate of the metamorphic cores at ∼6–4 Ma determined through thermochronological data. We therefore propose a correlation between the basin deformation and the activity of the nearby basement thrusts, which would have thus shortened a previously thinned continental crust. This chronology of deformation may suggest a geodynamic model in which the back-arc and hinterland sector of the Northern Apennines was recompressed during Late Miocene-Early Pliocene times. This evolution may be explained through different speculative scenarios involving a blockage of the subduction process, which may vary between end members of complete slab detachment and stalled subduction.  相似文献   

We present the results of a study of the subsurface tectonic features of the Basso Molise, Western Gargano and Northern Capitanata regions (Southern Italy) aimed at the identification of the source of the disastrous 1627 Gargano earthquake. In the maximum-damage area of this earthquake we have recognised a normal fault, here called the Apricena Fault, which has been identified as the fault that caused the seismic event. The Apricena Fault, striking WNW-ESE and dipping towards SSW, extends in the subsurface for about 30 kilometres from Serracapriola to Santa Maria di Stignano cutting through the whole Quaternary sequence. Other important tectonic structures trending WNW-ESE recognized in the area belong to an inactive Pleistocene strike-slip-fault system that is linked to the Mattinata Fault and to its offshore continuation in the Gondola-Grifone structural high. The Mattinata Fault and the Gondola-Grifone High form a quite complex structural feature whose kinematic behaviour is still matter of debate in the regional geological literature. NW-SE structural features recognized in the area are extensional faults whose activity was probably related to the late flexure-hinge retreat of the Adria plate margin during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene eastward migration of the thrust belt-foredeep-foreland system.  相似文献   

We report a new model of the upper mantle structure beneath Italy obtained by means of P-wave teleseismic tomography. Besides the recent and remarkable development of the Italian Seismic Network, a high model resolution has been achieved improving the inversion method upon the ACH method used in previous investigations and picking high quality arrival times with the Multi-Channel Cross-Correlation technique. The finer details of our Vp model yield new insights into the heterogeneous structure of the Adria continental lithosphere involved in the collision between the Africa and Europe plates. A wide low Vp anomaly located in the northern Adria mantle, facing the Alpine high Vp slab, supports the idea that the Adria lithosphere has been hydrated and thinned during the Alpine subduction. We argue that this mantle softening may have played a key role in favoring the subsequent delamination of the Adria lithosphere in the northern Apennines. We hypothesize that delamination of continental lithosphere previously thinned in a back-arc setting may be considered a key process to favor subduction polarity reversal and recycling of continental material into the mantle circulation. Conversely, in the central-southern Apennines, the velocity structure is consistent with the existence of a deeper oceanic slab that flattens at the base of the upper mantle, in agreement with the widely accepted geodynamic evolution of the central Mediterranean by slab retreat and back-arc spreading. The oceanic slab is discontinuously detached from the surface plate, suggesting a different structure of the Adria lithosphere, which resists subduction instead of favoring delamination.  相似文献   

Summary The Airy stress function is used, via the Principle of Superposition and the series summation concept, to obtain stress states in a static, self-gravitating elastic beam subjected to boundary stresses. The boundary conditions investigated are more complicated than those previously published and include cases with sawtooth-, step-, and sinusoidally-shaped lower-boundary loads, with and without additional tectonic end leads. Potential shear fracture (fault) patterns derived from the calculated stress fields indicate co-existing (simultaneous) regions of lateral shortening and extension. Application of one of the cases to the study of the structural geometry of the Wind River Mountains of Wyoming yields a good fit and forms a possible explanation for the observed rotations and zones of shortening and extension.Paper derived from MA Thesis submitted to Rice University.  相似文献   

By inversion of fault slip data for Quaternary tectonic stress field and the analysis of crustal deformation after late Teriary, we explained the evolution of crustal dynamic about the north and east margin of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) plateau since Miocene. From middle or late Miocene to early Pleistocene, the tectonic stress field was featured by a maximum principal compression which was coming from the collision of India Plate perpendicular to the boundary of the plateau, and was basically of reverse faulting type. Since the late period of early Pleistocene, India Plate continued to push northward and the compressional deformation of the plateau interior increased continuously, meanwhile, NW-SE extension appeared on the east side of the plateau. This formed a favorable condition for the interior block of the plateau to slide towards east and southeast, causing the faults surrounding the plateau to change from thrust to strike-slip. The contemporary tectonic stress field was formed from the late period of early Pleistocene and continued to present. The direction of maximum principal compressional stress rotated clockwise with respect to the previous tectonic stress field, the stress field was mainly of strike-slip type.  相似文献   

Along the border of the Adriatic microplate, pre-Alpine granulite-facies rocks from the deepest crust are outcropping at only two places: in the Ivrea Zone of the Southern Alps and in Southern Calabria. In these two areas the main features of the present crustal structures, i.e. overlapping of large continental crustal and upper mantle segments, are interpreted as resulting from their Hercynian geodynamic evolutions.The tilted, nearly complete crustal sections in both areas display very similar lithological sequences and experienced a common geological evolution, as deduced from petrological and radiometric dates. At the end of Hercynian time (~295 m.y.), the Ivrea body and the lower crustal rocks of Southern Calabria were contemporaneously sheared off from the upper mantle and uplifted into intermediate crustal levels, where they slowly cooled during Mesozoic time. The tectonic uplift was accompanied by granitoid plutonism and andesitic to rhyolitic volcanism, which continued after the Hercynian uplift.Considering the presently similar crustal structures and the Upper Carboniferous and Permian geological evolutions along the whole Adriatic plate boundary, the Ivrea Zone and Southern Calabria are used to resolve the pre-Alpine history of the boundary zone between the Adriatic and the Central European block: the uplift of the lower crustal/upper mantle flakes of the Adriatic block was due to flat overthrusting of these flakes on the continental crust of “Central Europe”. The material of the Central European crust underthrust (subducted) thereby melted during the re-equilibration of the geotherms which had been disturbed by the subduction process; this led to an extensive calc-alkaline plutonism and volcanism of crustal origin along the Adria boundary. In this boundary region, the overlying uppermost crustal levels (“Schiefergebirgsstockwerk”) were synchronously folded (“Asturian phase”) in response to the overlapping of the deeper crustal levels. Subsequently to the orogeny, the mountain chain was eroded and molasse basins developed on the overthrust Adriatic crustal segment during the Lower Permian.In this model, the granulite-facies flakes of the Ivrea Zone and of Southern Calabria are interpreted as pre-Hercynian lower crustal segments which were thrust into the middle crust during the Hercynian orogeny, thus giving rise to wave velocity inversions in the crust. Further, it is proposed that similar geodynamic processes have played a role in the genesis of the Conrad discontinuity which is present in many parts of the Hercynian fold belt. But only in the Ivrea Zone and in Southern Calabria the crustal discontinuities formed in Hercynian time were uplifted to the surface as a result of Alpine reactivation of the Adriatic boundary zone and due to their special positions in the bends of the Alpine-Apennine-Maghrebide mountain system.According to the present knowledge of the Carboniferous paleogeography and of the orogenic evolution on both sides of the Adria sufure zone, this fault zone was located within the European continent. Its role during the Hercynian orogeny is discussed envisaging two possibilities: an A-subduction zone or a subfluence zone (in the sense of Behr and Weber).  相似文献   

The intermontane Ronda Basin, currently located in the Western Betics External Zones, started as an embayment of the Betic foreland basin during the Tortonian. We have characterized a post-Serravallian, basin-related deformation event that overprinted the former fold-and-thrust belt. Updated structural and kinematic maps allow us to identify NW–SE basinward-dipping normal faults at the southwestern and northeastern boundaries of the basin and NE–SW shortening structures (large-scale folds and reverse faults) affecting both the outcropping basement and partially the basin infill. In order to test the possible tectonic activity of these structures during the last 5 Ma, exhaustive geomorphologic analyses in the Ronda Basin area have been done. This included the qualitative study of relief and drainage network, together with the characterization of quantitative indices (SLk, Smf, Vf and HI). These results obtained from this analysis are coherent with structural data and suggest that the identified post-Serravallian structures were active up to at least 5 Ma. We also conclude that the Ronda Basin was generated by along strike segmentation of the relief in the Western Betics induced by NE–SW (arc-parallel) stretching accompanied with NW–SE shortening. In the NW basin boundary, the strain was partitioned into ENE–WSW dextral strike-slip faults and NE–SW shortening structures, which gave rise to a Messinian transpressive structural high that disconnected the former Ronda Basin from its parental foreland basin.  相似文献   

Introduction The Great North China, located at longitude 106E to 124E and latitude 31N to 42N, in-cludes three secondary active tectonic blocks, Ordos, Yanshan and North China plain (Figure 1). The geological tectonics of these three secondary blocks is much different from each other. As a stable block with high rigidity, the Ordos block is mostly surrounded by down-faulted basins with an inactive interior since Cenozoic, although the fault zones along its boundary are strongly active wi…  相似文献   

This study provides evidence for post-5 Ma shortening in the transition area between the Dinarides fold-and-thrust belt and the Pannonian Basin and reviews possible earthquake sources for the Banja Luka epicentral area (northern Bosnia and Herzegovina) where the strongest instrumentally recorded earthquake (ML 6.4) occurred on 27 October 1969. Geological, geomorphological and reflection seismic data provide evidence for a contractional reactivation of Late Palaeogene to Middle Miocene normal faults at slip rates below 0.1 mm/a. This reactivation postdates deposition of the youngest sediments in the Pannonian Basin of Pontian age (c. 5 Ma). Fault plane solutions for the main 1969 Banja Luka earthquake (ML 6.4) and its largest foreshock (ML 6.0) indicate reverse faulting along ESE–WNW-striking nodal planes and generally N–S trending pressure axes. The spatial distribution of epicentres and focal depths, analyses of the macroseismic field and fault-plane solutions for several smaller events suggest on-going shortening in the internal Dinarides. Seismic deformation of the upper crust is also associated with strike-slip faults, likely related to the NE–SW trending, sinistral Banja Luka fault. Possibly, this fault transfers contraction between adjacent segments of the Dinarides thrust system. The study area represents the seismically most active region of the Dinarides apart from the Adriatic Sea coast and the bend zone around Zagreb. We propose that on-going thrusting in the internal Dinarides thrust system takes up a portion of the current Adria–Europe convergence.  相似文献   

In the El Hamadieh region, part of the large intracontinental basalt plateau extending NW-SE from Syria to Jordan and Saudi-Arabia in the northern part of the Arabian Plate, young volcanic edifices formed by fissure eruptions have been investigated; all geometrical dimensions and parameters of the ridges have been measured, the field relationships documented, the data evaluated and the structural patterns analysed. Using the attitude of the fissures as palaeostress indicators, a stress-strain-model is introduced, showing the superimposition of stress fields. Magma was extruded at the intersection of two regional structures: the NE-SW-striking Amman-Hallabat fold belt and the NW-SE-trending Azraq-Sirhan graben. A first effusion with a relatively fluid magma took place in reactivated fold-related conjugated hk0-shear fractures with a compressional σ1-stress trending NW-SE. A second phase of fissure effusions produced a more viscous lava. These fissures represent (a) hk0-planes with an acute angle about the fold axis, and (b) planes of normal faults along the southwestern shoulder of the Azraq-Sirhan graben in the position of fold-related reactivated conjugated 0hl-shear planes.The geometrical relationships between the Amman-Hallabat folds, the Azraq-Sirham faults and the volcanic fissures indicate a rotation of the local stress field with the originally NW-SE-trending compressional σ1- and the NE-SW-trending, σ3-stress changing into a NE-SW-acting tensional σ1-stress.  相似文献   

基于观测应力场的大华北地区动力学机制探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
采用伪三维有限元方法, 利用观测应力场应力取向和应力状态作为主要约束, 对华北地区的构造应力场进行了数值模拟. 结果显示, 华北地区应力场主要受到来自太平洋板块和青藏高原挤压作用的控制. 太平洋板块的北西西向的挤压作用对这一地区, 尤其是华北平原地区构造应力场的影响更大. 同时, 上涌地幔沿盆地边缘法线方向的引张, 对这一地区的应力场的形成也起到一定的作用.   相似文献   

焉耆盆地北缘和静逆断裂-褶皱带第四纪变形   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
焉耆盆地是塔里木盆地东北缘天山山间的重要坳陷区,盆地北缘发育的和静逆断裂-褶皱带是一条现今活动强烈的逆断裂-褶皱带,对其第四纪以来缩短量和隆升量的计算有利于分析该区域的构造活动情况,对缩短速率和隆升速率的估计可以与天山造山带其他区域的活动速率进行横向对比,从而反映出焉耆盆地在天山晚新生代构造变形的作用。在深部资料不足的情况下,对背斜形态完整、构造样式简单的和静逆断裂-褶皱带,利用地表可获得的地层和断层产状,通过恢复褶皱几何形态,计算褶皱的缩短量、隆升量和断层滑动量,得到逆断裂-褶皱带早更新世晚期(1.8Ma)、中更新世(780ka)和晚更新世中期(80ka)以来的缩短量分别为1.79km、0.88km和26m,初步估计的缩短速率分别为0.99mm/a、1.13mm/a和0.33mm/a。显示和静逆断裂-褶皱带自开始形成以来构造活动强度并不一致。与地壳形变观测结果对比,作为南天山东段最主要的坳陷区,焉耆盆地吸收了这一区域(86°~88°E)的大部分地壳缩短,且主要表现为盆地北缘新生逆断裂-褶皱带的强烈变形。  相似文献   

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