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The Medina Wrenth in the central Mediterranean is a transform fault connecting the plate collision in northwest Africa and northern Sicily with that occurring at the Aegean plate boundary, south of Greece. The more than 800 km long crescent-shaped wrench zone is currently seismically quiet but exhibits major deformation since 5 Ma within a belt 30–100 km wide. It forms the southern boundary of two microplates moving eastward with respect to Africa and Europe. A simple plate rotation model constrained by recent paleomagnetic data indicates that a continental Iblean microplate and a hybrid continental/oceanic Ionian microplate, separated along the Malta Escarpment, have rotated anticlockwise by 11° and 12°, respectively, around poles in southern Italy. These rotations involved some 100 km of dextral eastward movement relative to Africa of the Ionian Basin north of the Medina Wrench since 5 Ma. Combining the published 26° clockwise rotation of the Peloponnesus and northwest half of the Aegean with the 12° anticlockwise rotation of the Ionian microplate results in (a) a 99% agreement between the length of the seismic Benioff Zone beneath Greece and the total convergence of the microplates, and (b) an average rate of convergence across the Aegean plate boundary southwest of the Peloponnesus of 6.6 ± 1cm a−1 since the Miocene. Relative motion between microplates in a collision zone thus may be as much as 6 times faster than convergence between the major plates which spawned them, and they can be considered rigid to the first order over the time span involved.  相似文献   

The highly heterogeneous strain field indicated by neotectonic and seismological data in the central-eastern Mediterranean region has been reproduced, at a first approximation, by finite element modelling, of a 2D elastic thin plate. The zone considered is modelled as a mosaic of poorly deformable zones decoupled by highly deformable belts, simulating the major tectonic structures indicated by geological and geophysical evidence. The deformation of the model is obtained by imposing kinematic boundary conditions, representative of the motion of Africa and eastern Anatolia relative to Eurasia. Experiments carried out with different boundary conditions and model parameterisations have provided information on the sensitivity of the model and some insights into the geodynamic behavior of the study area. The deformation pattern of the central Mediterranean area is strongly conditioned by the mechanical properties assumed in the border zones between the Aegean and Adriatic systems. The match of the complex strain pattern observed in the western Anatolian–Aegean–Balkan zones is significantly favoured if high rigidity is assigned to the inner part of this structural system. A motion of Africa with respect to Eurasia compatible with an Eulerian pole located offshore Portugal best accounts for the observed strains in the central Mediterranean region. The match of the strongly heterogeneous strain field observed in the study area can hardly be achieved by simplified models not including major tectonic features and lateral heterogeneity of mechanical properties. The kinematic field resulting from the model configuration which best simulates the observed strain field presents some differences with respect to geodetic measurements in the Aegean–Western Anatolian area, where the computed velocities are systematically lower than the geodetic ones. It is suggested that the most plausible explanation of such differences is related to the fact that the present deformation pattern, inferred from geodetic data, may be different from the middle–long term one, inferred from seismological and geological data.  相似文献   

The numerical block-model of the lithosphere dynamics is used to simulate seismicity in Italy and its surroundings, based on the available structural and geodynamics information. The purpose of the study is to understand which are the tectonic processes that control the main features of the observed seismicity and the kinematics of the region. The influence of the rheology of the fault systems is studied as well. The model we use differs from other modeling approaches in that it simulates earthquakes and hence it possibly relates to seismicity and geodynamics. The model provides an effective capability to include the set of documented constraints supplied by widely available earthquake catalogs. This is done by means of the comparison of the GR relation, of the focal mechanisms and of the space distribution for observed and computed seismicity. The region is modeled as a system of perfectly rigid blocks, separated by infinitely thin fault planes, in viscoelastic interaction between themselves and with the underlying medium. The movement of the boundary blocks and of the underlying medium determines the motion of the blocks. The synthetic seismicity obtained with the defined block-model is similar to the observed one for the most seismically active areas. A linear frequency-magnitude (FM) relation (Gutenberg-Richter law) is obtained for synthetic earthquakes; the slope (b-value) of the FM plot appears larger for the synthetic seismicity than for the observed one. Nevertheless, the b-value is essentially larger in northern and central Italy than that in southern Italy, both in the model and in the observations. The analysis of the source mechanisms of the synthetic earthquakes shows a good agreement with the observations. In the model normal faulting is typical for the Apennines, the eastern edge of Sicily and the Calabrian arc, while reverse faulting takes place at the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea, in the southern Alps and along the eastern edge of the Adria, along the Dinarides. The model correctly reproduces the extension zone along the Apennines and the contraction zone along the northwestern boundary of the Adriatic Sea; the counter-clockwise rotation of the Adria is mimed. The resulting movements of the blocks are in overall agreement with GPS (Global Positioning System) observations. The results of the modeling experiments suggest that the main features of dynamics and seismicity in the central Mediterranean region cannot be satisfactorily explained as a consequence of Africa and Eurasia convergence only; the passive subduction in the Calabrian arc and the different rheology of faults are essential as well.  相似文献   

Along the border of the Adriatic microplate, pre-Alpine granulite-facies rocks from the deepest crust are outcropping at only two places: in the Ivrea Zone of the Southern Alps and in Southern Calabria. In these two areas the main features of the present crustal structures, i.e. overlapping of large continental crustal and upper mantle segments, are interpreted as resulting from their Hercynian geodynamic evolutions.The tilted, nearly complete crustal sections in both areas display very similar lithological sequences and experienced a common geological evolution, as deduced from petrological and radiometric dates. At the end of Hercynian time (~295 m.y.), the Ivrea body and the lower crustal rocks of Southern Calabria were contemporaneously sheared off from the upper mantle and uplifted into intermediate crustal levels, where they slowly cooled during Mesozoic time. The tectonic uplift was accompanied by granitoid plutonism and andesitic to rhyolitic volcanism, which continued after the Hercynian uplift.Considering the presently similar crustal structures and the Upper Carboniferous and Permian geological evolutions along the whole Adriatic plate boundary, the Ivrea Zone and Southern Calabria are used to resolve the pre-Alpine history of the boundary zone between the Adriatic and the Central European block: the uplift of the lower crustal/upper mantle flakes of the Adriatic block was due to flat overthrusting of these flakes on the continental crust of “Central Europe”. The material of the Central European crust underthrust (subducted) thereby melted during the re-equilibration of the geotherms which had been disturbed by the subduction process; this led to an extensive calc-alkaline plutonism and volcanism of crustal origin along the Adria boundary. In this boundary region, the overlying uppermost crustal levels (“Schiefergebirgsstockwerk”) were synchronously folded (“Asturian phase”) in response to the overlapping of the deeper crustal levels. Subsequently to the orogeny, the mountain chain was eroded and molasse basins developed on the overthrust Adriatic crustal segment during the Lower Permian.In this model, the granulite-facies flakes of the Ivrea Zone and of Southern Calabria are interpreted as pre-Hercynian lower crustal segments which were thrust into the middle crust during the Hercynian orogeny, thus giving rise to wave velocity inversions in the crust. Further, it is proposed that similar geodynamic processes have played a role in the genesis of the Conrad discontinuity which is present in many parts of the Hercynian fold belt. But only in the Ivrea Zone and in Southern Calabria the crustal discontinuities formed in Hercynian time were uplifted to the surface as a result of Alpine reactivation of the Adriatic boundary zone and due to their special positions in the bends of the Alpine-Apennine-Maghrebide mountain system.According to the present knowledge of the Carboniferous paleogeography and of the orogenic evolution on both sides of the Adria sufure zone, this fault zone was located within the European continent. Its role during the Hercynian orogeny is discussed envisaging two possibilities: an A-subduction zone or a subfluence zone (in the sense of Behr and Weber).  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of seismicity patterns in the Italian and Balkan regions (both related to the dynamics of the Adriatic Plate) has revealed a noticeable correlation between the time patterns of seismic energy release in the Calabrian Arc (southern Italy) and in the northernmost Aegean region. The systematic occurrence of damaging earthquakes in the Calabrian Arc within a few years after the most intense seismic periods in the North Aegean zone may be useful for middle-term earthquake prediction.  相似文献   

We present GPS observations in Morocco and adjacent areas of Spain from 15 continuous (CGPS) and 31 survey-mode (SGPS) sites extending from the stable part of the Nubian plate to central Spain. We determine a robust velocity field for the W Mediterranean that we use to constrain models for the Iberia-Nubia plate boundary. South of the High Atlas Mountain system, GPS motions are consistent with Nubia plate motions from prior geodetic studies. We constrain shortening in the Atlas system to <1.5 mm/yr, 95% confidence level. North of the Atlas Mountains, the GPS velocities indicate Nubia motion with respect to Eurasia, but also a component of motion normal to the direction of Nubia-Eurasia motion, consisting of southward translation of the Rif Mountains in N Morocco at rates exceeding 5 mm/yr. This southward motion appears to be directly related to Miocene opening of the Alboran Sea. The Betic Mountain system north of the Alboran Sea is characterized by WNW motion with respect to Eurasia at ~1–2 mm/yr, paralleling Nubia-Eurasia relative motion. In addition, sites located in the Betics north of the southerly moving Rif Mountains also indicate a component of southerly motion with respect to Eurasia. We interpret this as indicating that deformation associated with Nubia-Eurasia plate motion extends into the southern Betics, but also that the Betic system may be affected by the same processes that are causing southward motion of the Rif Mountains south of the Alboran Sea. Kinematic modeling indicates that plate boundary geometries that include a boundary through the Straits of Gibraltar are most compatible with the component of motion in the direction of relative plate motion, but that two additional blocks (Alboran-Rif block, Betic Mountain block), independent of both Nubia and Eurasia are needed to account for the motions of the Rif and Betic Mountains normal to the direction of relative plate motion. We speculate that the southward motions of the Alboran-Rif and Betic blocks may be related to mantle flow, possibly induced by southward rollback of the subducted Nubian plate beneath the Alboran Sea and Rif Mountains.  相似文献   

The region of the Aegean Sea and the surrounding areas in the Eastern Mediterranean lies on the boundary zone between the Eurasian and the African plates. It is a zone of widespread extensive deformation and, therefore, reveals a high level of seismicity.Three-dimensional velocity structure, beneath the crust and upper mantle of the region between 33.0°N–43.0°N and 18.0°E–30.6°E, is determined.The data used are arrival times ofP-waves from 166 earthquakes, recorded at 62 seismological stations. In total, 3973 residual data are inverted.The resultant structure reveals a remarkable contrast of velocity. In the top crustal layer, low velocities are dominant in Western Turkey and on the Greek mainland, while a high velocity zone is dominant in the Ionian Sea and in the southern Aegean Sea.In the upper mantle, high velocity zones dominate along the Hellenic arc, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the subducting African plate and in the northern part of the region, corresponding to the margin of Eurasian plate.A low velocity zone is dominant in the Aegean Sea region, where large-scale extension and volcanic activity are predominant, associated with the subduction of the African plate.  相似文献   

The region located between the Carpathian–Balkan and Aegean arcs, the Moesian Platform and Bulgarian Rhodope, is generally assumed to have been stably attached to the East European craton during the Cenozoic evolution of these arcs. The kinematic evolution of this region is, however, poorly constrained by paleomagnetic analysis. In this paper we provide new paleomagnetic data (800 volcanic and sedimentary samples from 12 localities) showing no significant post-Eocene rotation of the Moesian platform and Rhodope with respect to Eurasia, therefore confirming the stability of this region. We compare this result to a provided review of paleomagnetic data from the South Carpathians (Tisza block) and the Aegean region. The Tisza block underwent 68.4 ± 16.7° of middle Miocene ( 15–10 Ma) clockwise rotation with respect to the Moesian Platform, in line with previous rotation estimates based on structural geology. The stability of the Moesian platform during middle Miocene eastward emplacement of the Tisza block into the Carpathian back-arc supports dextral shear along the Southern Carpathians recorded by 13–6 Ma clockwise strike-slip related rotations in foreland deposits. The new reference direction for the Moesian platform and Rhodope allows accurate quantification of the rotation difference with the west Aegean domain at 38.0 ± 7.2° occurring between 15 and 8 Ma. To accommodate this rotation, we propose that the pivot point of the west-Aegean rotation was located approximately in the middle of the rotating domain rather than at the northern tip as previously proposed. This new scenario predicts less extension southeast of the pivot point, in good agreement with estimates from Aegean structural geology. Northwest of the pivot point, the model requires contraction or extrusion that can be accommodated by the coeval motion of the Tisza Block around the northwestern edge of the Moesian platform.  相似文献   

In this work we use the thin-shell approximation to model the neotectonics of the western part of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary, extending from the Mid-Atlantic ridge to Tell Atlas (northern Algeria). Models assume a nonlinear rheology and include laterally variable heat flow, elevation, and crust and lithospheric mantle thickness. Including the Mid-Atlantic ridge permits us to evaluate the effects of ridge push and to analyse the influence of the North America motion on the area of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary. Ridge push forces were included in a self-consistent manner and have been shown to exert negligible effects in the neotectonics of the Iberian Peninsula and northwestern Africa. Different models were computed with systematic variation of the fault friction coefficient. Model quality was scored by comparing predictions of anelastic strain rates, vertically integrated stresses and velocity fields to data on seismic strain rate computed from earthquake magnitude, most compressive horizontal principal stress direction, and seafloor spreading rates on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The best model scores were obtained with fault friction coefficients as low as 0.06–0.1. The velocity boundary condition representing spreading on the Mid-Atlantic ridge is shown to produce concentrated deformation along the ridge and to have negligible effect in the interior of the plates. However, this condition is shown to be necessary to properly reproduce the observed directions of maximum horizontal compression on the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The maximum fault slip rates predicted by the model are obtained along the Mid-Atlantic ridge, Terceira ridge and Tell Atlas front. Relatively high slip rates are also obtained in the area between the Gloria fault and the Gulf of Cadiz. We infer from our modelling a significant long-term seismic hazard for the Gloria fault, and interpret the absence of seismicity on this fault as possibly due to transient elastic strain accumulation. The present study has also permitted better understanding of the geometry of the Africa–Eurasia plate boundary from the Azores triple junction to the Algerian Basin. The different deformational styles seem to be related to the different types of lithosphere, oceanic or continental, in contact at the plate boundary.  相似文献   

Fault plane solutions for earthquakes in the central Hellenic arc are analysed to determine the deformation and stress regimes in the Hellenic subduction zone in the vicinity of Crete. Fault mechanisms for earthquakes recorded by various networks or contained in global catalogues are collected. In addition, 34 fault plane solutions are determined for events recorded by our own local temporary network on central Crete in 2000–2001. The entire data set of 264 source mechanisms is examined for types of faulting and spatial clustering of mechanisms. Eight regions with significantly varying characteristic types of faulting are identified of which the upper (Aegean) plate includes four. Three regions contain interplate seismicity along the Hellenic arc from west to east and all events below are identified to occur within the subducting African lithosphere. We perform stress tensor inversion to each of the subsets in order to determine the stress field. Results indicate a uniform N-NNE direction of relative plate motion between the Ionian Sea and Rhodes resulting in orthogonal convergence in the western forearc and oblique (40–50) subduction in the eastern forearc. There, the plate boundary migrates towards the SE resulting in left-lateral strike-slip faulting that extends to onshore Eastern Crete. N110E trending normal faulting in the Aegean plate at this part is in accordance with this model. Along-arc extension is observed on Western Crete. Fault plane solutions for earthquakes within the dipping African lithosphere indicate that slab pull is the dominant force within the subduction process and responsible for the roll-back of the Hellenic subduction zone.  相似文献   

We review the relative motion of India and Asia for the last 100 million years and present a revised reconstruction for the India–Antarctica–Africa–North America–Eurasia plate circuit based on published motion histories. Deformation of these continental masses during this time introduces uncertainties, as does error in oceanic isochron age and location. Neglecting these factors, the data ipso facto allow the inference that the motion of India relative to Eurasia was distinctly episodic. Although motion is likely to have varied more smoothly than these results would allow, the geological record also suggests a sequence of distinct episodes, at about the same times. Hence we suggest that no single event should be regarded as the collision of India with Asia. The deceleration of the Indian plate commencing at ∼65 Ma is matched by an equally significant prior acceleration and this aspect must be taken into account in geodynamic scenarios proposed to explain the collision of India with Asia.  相似文献   

The western Hellenic arc has been commonly considered as a largely aseismic subduction zone, from the comparison of a small rate of shortening derived from the seismic moment release, with a large rate of convergence inferred from geology. Complete seismic coupling would instead be expected from models that consider a control by plate tectonic forces, because of the trenchward velocity of the Hellenic–Aegean upper plate now confirmed with GPS measurements. In the region of the Ionian Islands, a subduction interplate boundary has been recently imaged and its seismogenic downdip width suggested to be moderate, from reflection seismic profiling and local earthquake tomography. In the appropriate model for such an earthquake source region, which considers a single interplate fault and takes into account these features, the moderate seismic moment release is found consistent with complete seismic coupling of this subduction. The shallow downdip limit of the seismogenic zone can be interpreted as due to the interplate boundary being overlain there by the ductile deeper crust of the orogenically thickened Hellenides.  相似文献   

—?Source parameters for thirteen earthquakes in the SE Adriatic region have been determined using P and SH body-waveform inversion. The results of this modeling are combined with eleven other earthquakes with M?≥?5 whose focal mechanisms have been determined mainly by waveform modeling. The results confirm that movement on mainly low-angle reverse faults causes the deformation in coastal southern Yugoslavia through Albania up to the Lefkada Island in NW Greece. This zone of thrusting has a NW–SE trend (N34°W), follows the coastline, and dips towards the continent. The slip vectors of these events trend at ~N229° along the Dalmatian coasts, to ~N247° along Albania and NW Greece. The deformation is attributed to the continental collision between the Adriatic block to the west and Eurasia to the east. Along the mountain line in eastern Albania (Albanides Mts.) and in NW Greece (Hellenides Mts.), E–W extension is occurring. The E–W extension associated with the orogenic belt could be attributed to a variety of models such as: gravity, internal deformation of the thrust wedge, a probable down bulge of the dense lithosphere of the Adriatic block beneath the Eurasian lithospheric plate in combination with the compressional stresses applied along the collision belt.  相似文献   

The northwestwards-directed Eocene propagation of the Western Alpine orogen is linked with (1) compressional structures in the basement and the Mesozoic sedimentary cover of the European foreland, well preserved in the External Zone (or Dauphiné Zone) of the Western Alps and (2) tectono-sedimentary features associated with the displacement of the early Tertiary foreland basin. Three major shortening episodes are identified: a pre-Priabonian deformation D1 (N-S shortening), supposedly linked with the Pyrenean-Provence orogeny, and two Alpine shortening events D2 (N- to NW-directed) and D3 (W-directed). The change from D2 to D3, which occurred during early Oligocene time in the Dauphiné zone, is demonstrated by a high obliquity between the trends of the D3 folds and thrusts, which follow the arcuate orogen, and of the D2 structures which are crosscut by them. This change is also recorded in the evolution of the Alpine foreland basins: the flexural basin propagating NW-wards from Eocene to earliest Oligocene shows thin-skinned compressional deformation, with syn-depositional basin-floor tilting and submarine removal of the basin infill above active structures. Locally, a steep submarine slope scar is overlain by kilometric-scale blocks slided NW-wards from the orogenic wedge. The deformations of the basin floor and the associated sedimentary and erosional features are kinematically consistent with D2 in the Dauphiné foreland. Since ∼32 Ma, the previously subsiding areas were uplifted and the syntectonic sedimentation shifted westwards. Simultaneously, the paleo-accretionary prism, which developed during the previous, continental subduction stage, was rapidly exhumed during the Oligocene collision stage due to westward indentation by the Adriatic lithosphere, which likely enhanced the relief and erosion rate. The proposed palinspastic restoration takes into account this two-stage evolution, with important northward transport of the distal passive margin fragments (Briançonnais) involved in the accretionnary prism before the formation of the western arc, which now crosscuts the westward termination of the ancient orogen. By early Oligocene, the Ivrea body indentation, which was kinematically linked with the Insubric line activation, initiated the westward escape and the curvature of the arc was progressively acquired, as recorded by southward increasing counter-clockwise rotations in the internal nappes. We propose that the present N-S trend of the Ivrea lithospheric mantle indenter which appears roughly rectilinear at ∼15 km depth could be a relict of the western transform boundary of Adria during its northward Eocene drift. The renewed Oligocene Alpine kinematics and the related change in the mode of accomodation of Africa–Europe convergence can be correlated with deep lithospheric causes, i.e. partial detachment of the Tethyan slab and/or a change in motion of the Adria plate, and was enhanced by the E-directed rollback of the eastern Ligurian oceanic domain and the incipient Ligurian rifting.  相似文献   

We examine the structural characteristics and the tectonic evolution of some key areas along the thrust front of the Lucania sector of the Southern Apennines, which also represents the southwestern boundary of the Adria Plate. The results of our study have allowed the identification of a complex tectonic history manifested by the presence of structural elements compatible with different stress fields. Particularly, during the Pleistocene the area experienced a transition from a compressional setting, characterised by NE-ENE shortening, to a post-Middle Pleistocene strike-slip/extensional phase controlled by NE-ENE-directed lateral extension associated with a horizontal NW-NNW-trending σ1 axis. Roughly coaxial transitional stress fields apparently accompanied the progression between these two main regimes. This major change in tectonic setting can be framed into the fragmentation processes of the Adriatic Plate. We propose that the Mid-Adriatic Ridge, a WNW-ESE-trending belt of inverted Mesozoic grabens underwater the Adriatic Sea, has increasingly accommodated the NNW-directed Africa-Adria convergence giving the way to the Africa shortening to propagate into the Lucania Apennines. Furthermore, the comparison with GPS data suggests the existence of an important deep-seated tectonic boundary beneath the Apennines. This element is expected to focus seismicity and may represent an important discontinuity fragmenting Adria.  相似文献   

Seismicity along the Azores-Gibraltar region and global plate kinematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismicity along the western part of the Eurasia–Nubia plate boundary displays very complex patterns. The average motion is transtensional in the Azores, dextral along the Gloria transform zone and convergent between the SW Portuguese Atlantic margin and the Ibero-Maghrebian zone. To constrain the factors controlling the seismicity, we provide a new seismotectonic synthesis using several earthquakes. We show that the study area can be divided into six different regions, with each characterised by a coherent seismicity pattern. The total seismic moment tensor and the average slip velocities are provided for each region. To determine the spatial distribution of the seismicity, we computed the slip vector for each earthquake based on its focal mechanism and compared it to the relative velocity between the Eurasian and Nubian plates, deduced from global kinematic models. Despite local departures in the Alboran Sea and near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, we found a good correlation between these two independent vector sets. Quantitatively, the slip velocities display a linear, non-affine correlation with the norms of the relative kinematic velocities. The norms of the slip velocities also seem to depend on the tectonic regime and on the morphology of the plate boundary.  相似文献   

—Geodetic measurements of crustal deformation over large areas deforming at slow rates (<5 mm/yr over more than 1000 km), such as the Western Mediterranean and Western Europe, are still a challenge because (1) these rates are close to the current resolution of the geodetic techniques, (2) inaccuracies in the reference frame implementation may be on the same order as the tectonic velocities. We present a new velocity field for Western Europe and the Western Mediterranean derived from a rigorous combination of (1) a selection of sites from the ITRF2000 solution, (2) a subset of sites from the European Permanent GPS Network solution, (3) a solution of the French national geodetic permanent GPS network (RGP), and (4) a solution of a permanent GPS network in the western Alps (REGAL). The resulting velocity field describes horizontal crustal motion at 64 sites in Western Europe with an accuracy on the order of 1 mm/yr or better. Its analysis shows that Central Europe behaves rigidly at a 0.4 mm/yr level and can therefore be used to define a stable Europe reference frame. In that reference frame, we find that most of Europe, including areas west of the Rhine graben, the Iberian peninsula, the Ligurian basin and the Corsica-Sardinian block behaves rigidly at a 0.5 mm/yr level. In a second step, we map recently published geodetic results in the reference frame previously defined. Geodetic data confirm a counterclockwise rotation of the Adriatic microplate with respect to stable Europe, that appears to control the strain pattern along its boundaries. Active deformation in the Alps, Apennines, and Dinarides is probably driven by the independent motion of the Adriatic plate rather than by the Africa-Eurasia convergence. The analysis of a global GPS solution and recently published new estimates for the African plate kinematics indicate that the Africa-Eurasia plate motion may be significantly different from the NUVEL1A values. In particular, geodetic solutions show that the convergence rate between Africa and stable Europe may be 30–60% slower than the NUVEL1A prediction and rotated 10–30° counterclockwise in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

张东宁  许忠淮 《地震》1999,19(1):26-32
以现代构造应力场和地壳运动的观测结果为约束条件,利用有限元方法计算了中国大陆地壳应变能密度年变化率,三维有限元模型采用粘弹性本构关系,包含了中国大陆主要活动断裂带,在青藏高原考虑了因高海拔地势蓄集的附加重力势能和地壳山根浮力作用。  相似文献   

The Algarve province is located a few hundred kilometres north of the crossing of the E–W Eurasia–Africa plate boundary in an area of diffuse seismicity and broad deformation. It is characterised by a moderate seismicity, with some important historical and instrumental earthquakes causing loss of lives and significant material damages. The area is affected not only by plate boundary earthquakes but also by moderate to large events generated by local sources. The assessment of onshore local sources is, therefore, of vital importance for an evaluation of the regional seismic hazard. This paper discusses the application of geophysical data to the study of the Carcavai fault zone, an outcropping structure more than 20?km long which is seen to deform sediments of the Plio-Quaternary age. The location of some sectors of the fault zone, as well as the vertical offsets of the structure, are still to be confirmed. In order to estimate these and to study the geometry of the fault zone at depth, geophysical data were acquired together with new geological data. Where the location of the fault was less certain, EM and seismic reflection profiles with coarse spatial sampling were carried out. After the detailed location of the fault zone, seismic reflection profiles with a more dense spatial resolution were acquired. The integrated interpretation of the geological and geophysical data confirmed the presence of a large fault zone. The total fault length is still unknown as its extension offshore is still being studied. Together with estimated values of the throw obtained, this data set has improved understanding the seismic hazard in the area by providing more refined estimates of co-seismic rupture, maximum expected earthquake and return periods.  相似文献   

The 1975 May 26 earthquake, of magnitude Ms = 7.9, occurred in the North Atlantic close to the Azores Archipelago. Its epicentre, as given by US Geological Survey, was 17.5° W, 35.9° N, 200 km south of the Gloria Fault. Several authors determined the focal mechanism as a dextral strike-slip event with no significant dip-slip component, compatible with the relative motion between Eurasia and Nubia plates but away from the presumed plate boundary. The 1975 earthquake generated a tsunami of small amplitude, recorded at the Portuguese tide-gauge network, in Spain and Northern Africa. The peculiar location of the earthquake and tsunami source and the generation of a noticeable tsunami were already discussed by several authors, but up to now, no direct modelling of the tsunami generation and propagation was made to judge the set of source solutions obtained by seismological analysis. In this paper, we present tsunami simulations, backward ray tracing and forward non-linear shallow water simulations using data from Iberia and Azores and Northern Africa. We show that a good fit between observed data and synthetic waveforms can be obtained with a focal mechanism with no significant dip-slip component, favouring its interpretation as almost pure dextral strike-slip event located in an old fracture zone south of Gloria Fault.  相似文献   

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